We Are Living In A Cartoon

I heard this on Limbaugh's show on Friday....

Millenials would prefer to live under a Socialist government and 7% would like a fully Communist one.

Nearly 45 percent of millennials polled said that they would prefer to live in a socialist country compared to the 42 percent who said they preferred a capitalist one. Another 7 percent said that the preferred living in a communist country above all. The findings show that the percentage of millennials who prefer socialism over capitalism if a full 10 points higher than that of the general population.

Why don’t they haul their sorry @$$es to Red China, North Korea or Cuba. There’s also San F@9sissyco.. that’s their kinda town & their brand of people!
Culture War First, Race War Later
Sorry, no RAHOWA for you.

  • November 5, 2017

    Hundreds of country music fans get shot down and shitlibs shrug or use the occasion to talk about guns and evil White men. (…) They were all probably Trump supporters anyways, right?

    I love fantasizing about RAHOWA as much as the next goy. But for me, that’s all it is, a funny fantasy, more a meme than any concrete vision of what lies in the future.

    I wait with anticipation for the Culture War instead, because all indicators are that that’s what we’re barreling towards.

    It seems obvious to me that the biggest problem we face is our own people. And we know who they are – they’re White too. They live in the nice White upscale parts of town. Chances are you grew up among them, work with them, have to keep your mouth shut and your smile fixed when you’re around them as well.

    You know these people as well as I do!

    Their class, their social environment, and their entire internal memeplex is shitlib to the core. And they hate you for being the wrong kind of White with more intensity than a random Indian immigrant working at the Best Buy ever will.

    And the feeling is mutual if I’m honest with myself.

    If there is a war to come, then it will be BadWhite vs GoodWhites. And it will be framed in terms of a war for “values”. More specifically, it will be to decide which values will dominate society going forward. Our values or there’s. Our culture of self-affirmation or theirs of self-critique.

    Sure, there’s the massive elephant in the room which is the teeming mass of non-White immigrants in our country. But they don’t care.

    And I’ll even say that they don’t actually like them any more than we do. They just love mass Third World immigration because it hurts the wrong kind of Whites, namely the ones that used to work in factories, drive trucks or work with their hands. That’s all these non-White minorities are to them anyways – a weapon to be used against their less well-off peers.

    They get the talented high-IQ mulatto to invite to brunch, while the BadWhites get Jamal and Tyrone selling crack on their neighborhood street corner.

    Both groups get their Diversity, but one group suffers more than the other. Both groups get balkanized, ever so slowly. And the non-Whites watch on, not even sure what Whitey is so worked up about.

    Hundreds of country music fans get shot down and shitlibs shrug or use the occasion to talk about guns and evil White men. For them, it’s not exactly a great cause for mourning. They were all probably Trump supporters anyways, right?

    And I can’t say that I felt much when a bike lane in New York city got culturally enriched a week ago by a truck of peace.

    That’s just how balkanization works.

    They heard “country music” and shrugged. I heard “New York” and “bike lane” and returned the favor.

    And I wouldn’t be surprised to see this cold conflict go hot. Not like blood in the streets or anything fantastical like that. But shooting a congressman here, a music concert there, or attacking a Trump event here and there.

    That’s not too fantastical because as you well know, all of these things happened. Anti-White Whites have already done all these things and do you really think they’ve run out of steam yet?

    To be quite honest, I think they’re just getting started.

    I just wonder what will happen when a BadWhite finally shoots back.

  • https://altright.com/2017/11/05/culture-war-first-race-war-later/
The “government” of Scotland has the unmitigated gall to apologize to sicko s0d0mites for past “discriminatory” laws. My Mama told me (long ago) ‘never apologize for doing the right thing’. What these gutless Globalist pukes should be apologizing for is 1) allowing untermenschen invasion onto their soil & 2) bowing down & embracing cultural Marxism! :mad:

I think this headline ( coupled with the fact that it beat a 26 year incumbent Republican) epitomizes ‘we are living in a cartoon’. It’s jawdropping how fast degeneracy has snowballed since the supreme courts landmark (sic) decision on gay marriage (the day I consider the leftists declared victory on the first part of their plan and they quickly moved to trannies and pedos with beastiality necrophilia etc soon to follow

Danica Roem of Virginia to be first openly transgender person elected, seated in a U.S. statehouse
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It looks like everything swung to the left in the elections. All I can do is shake my head and realize rational thought no longer exists. Virginia is poisoned by the northern part - the D.C. Suburbs where all the wealth resides - a bunch of carpet baggers from all over the country move to the D.C. Area to suck off the govt. tit.

The same is now happening in North Carolina and other parts of the "Sun Belt". Idiotic "liberals" move down there for better jobs, lower cost of living and bring with them the ideology that made them leave there liberal New England utopias because the states are not business friendly, the tax rates are terrible etc. So they just spread their commie marxist faux liberalism.
I would bet dollars to doughnuts that the vast majority of the American women are really descended biologically and culturally from the Puritans.
The Puritans came to this country intent on setting up the perfect Christian society. They were dour, joyless, self-disciplined, strict with their kids and firmly convinced that they were infected by original sin.
They dropped the Christianity but never stopped fixating on that perfect society or that belief that they were infected by original sin. By the mid-19th century they fanned out westwards from New England bringing their values and discipline with them, and a hundred years later that Christian belief in original sin was transmuted into the secular leftist belief that whiteness was their original sin, and that obsession with the perfect Christian society had been transformed into an obsession with the perfect socialist society.
Puritanism 6.0
Our Culture of Rape

by Charles Hugh Smith

These are the poisoned fruits of a neofeudal system in which power, wealth and political influence are concentrated in the apex of the wealth-power pyramid.

Stripped of pretense, ours is a culture of rape. Apologists for the system that spawned this culture of rape claim that this violence is the work of a few scattered sociopaths. The apologists are wrong: The system generates a culture of rape.

The engine of our culture of rape is the elevation of the entitled-insider class to untouchability:
they are above the law, and more equal than others in their freedom to impose every sick sociopathology known to humanity on the powerless peasants imprisoned in our noxious neofeudal system.

For the true sickness of our society and culture is measured not in the vile crimes of our entitled-insider class: it's measured by the armies of enablers, protectors, enforcers and apologists who protect the entitled-insider class from exposure and justice. After 25 years of blatant abuse of power and crimes that have yet to enter the court docket, 25 years during which the cream of the American media purposefully ignored his blatant abuses of power, the moldering putrid remains of American journalism has finally emerged from its fetid nests, trembling in the unaccustomed brightness of day, to "report," 25 years too late to save his innumerable victims, Harvey Weinstein's Army of Spies (New Yorker).

You know how incestuous and cowardly our entitled-insider class is, and how they operate: for 25 long years, editors in the self-glorifying citadels of American journalism killed every story that would have exposed Mr. Weinstein's actions to the world.

The same can be said of all the other predators hiding beneath the cloak of secrecy that protects the entitled-insider class from exposure.

Voracious predators like Bill Clinton mastered the fine art of forcing consensuality on their innumerable victims, considering the act of forced sex as little more than a standard perquisite of power, much like having the hotel door opened by servants.

The armies of spies, informers, PR flacks, security guards, attorneys, thugs, sycophants and handlers didn't just enable predatory exploitation of the peasantry: they actively recruited victims and set them up, just as powerless maids were trapped in the chambers of lords in feudal times.

The truly sick reality of our culture of rape is that nobody involved reckoned they were doing anything wrong. The sociopathological predators reckoned they were simply exercising their droit du seigneur, their right to take any woman they desired as a privilege of belonging to the entitled-insider class.

Every single individual in the vast armies of spies, informers, PR flacks, security guards, attorneys, thugs, sycophants and handlers were simply doing their job,
doing what they were told to avoid reprimand or being fired. In other words, every one of these individuals was a good German, pulling the trigger, defending predators from justice, protecting the most vile, sick abusers of power from exposure and attacking any victim who dared speak the truth, because, well, they were paid to do so.

Were there no other jobs in America other than protecting evil predators from exposure and justice? Or did these good Germans secretly revel in their proximity to power, much like the SS reveled in their proximity to Nazi power? All you good Germans who served your overlords so well: please don't deny the thrill of being close to sociopathological power. Or were you just too afraid of losing your own pretty perquisites?

These are the poisoned fruits of a neofeudal system in which power, wealth and political influence are concentrated in the apex of the wealth-power pyramid, a system so corrupted that predators don't just get off scot-free, they are celebrated as wunnerful guys because their abuses of power are so well hidden, their victims so well marginalized and their PR flacks so relentless in painting over the rotting flesh of their corruption.
While tens of thousands of men and women rot away in America's teeming Drug War gulag, the exploiters and predators of our entitled-insider class are free to ruin and rape. It's time we stop making excuses for the predators of our entitled-insider class, stop accepting the cover provided by the worm-ridden decaying corpse of our corporate media, and stop the armies of Good German executioners who have bludgeoned every attempt to expose the truth of our pervasive culture of rape, exploitation and pillage.

Our abject servitude is now exposed. We are peasants and debt-serfs imprisoned in a deeply corrupt and oppressive neofeudal society. Will we ever tire of worshiping our predatory entitled-insider class exploiters?

I would bet dollars to doughnuts that the vast majority of the American women are really descended biologically and culturally from the Puritans.
The Puritans came to this country intent on setting up the perfect Christian society. They were dour, joyless, self-disciplined, strict with their kids and firmly convinced that they were infected by original sin.
They dropped the Christianity but never stopped fixating on that perfect society or that belief that they were infected by original sin. By the mid-19th century they fanned out westwards from New England bringing their values and discipline with them, and a hundred years later that Christian belief in original sin was transmuted into the secular leftist belief that whiteness was their original sin, and that obsession with the perfect Christian society had been transformed into an obsession with the perfect socialist society.
Puritanism 6.0

You'd lose that bet and end up with doughnuts. (Biologically, many of us are descendants of the Puritans but we'd be better off if we were their "children" in the "belief" sense of things).

No Bible-believing Christian, male or female, has that mindset, nor have they "transmuted" into that worldview . No true Christian has those Leftist values nor do they want a Leftist (anti-Christian) "utopia". Leftist Socialism is the enemy of all Christians and all Whites. American women have been infected mainly by the Jewish-controlled mass media, Feminism (Jewish created), and Leftist (Bolshevik/Jewish-duped) University Professors in their satanic seminary learning institutions of all levels of academia. The dumb twit American women of today are obsessed with themselves and their own myopic, self-serving, deceitful desires in most part because of said reasons.
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Culture War First, Race War Later
Sorry, no RAHOWA for you.

  • November 5, 2017

    Hundreds of country music fans get shot down and shitlibs shrug or use the occasion to talk about guns and evil White men. (…) They were all probably Trump supporters anyways, right?

    I love fantasizing about RAHOWA as much as the next goy. But for me, that’s all it is, a funny fantasy, more a meme than any concrete vision of what lies in the future.

    I wait with anticipation for the Culture War instead, because all indicators are that that’s what we’re barreling towards.

    It seems obvious to me that the biggest problem we face is our own people. And we know who they are – they’re White too. They live in the nice White upscale parts of town. Chances are you grew up among them, work with them, have to keep your mouth shut and your smile fixed when you’re around them as well.

    You know these people as well as I do!

    Their class, their social environment, and their entire internal memeplex is shitlib to the core. And they hate you for being the wrong kind of White with more intensity than a random Indian immigrant working at the Best Buy ever will.

    And the feeling is mutual if I’m honest with myself.

    If there is a war to come, then it will be BadWhite vs GoodWhites. And it will be framed in terms of a war for “values”. More specifically, it will be to decide which values will dominate society going forward. Our values or there’s. Our culture of self-affirmation or theirs of self-critique.

    Sure, there’s the massive elephant in the room which is the teeming mass of non-White immigrants in our country. But they don’t care.

    And I’ll even say that they don’t actually like them any more than we do. They just love mass Third World immigration because it hurts the wrong kind of Whites, namely the ones that used to work in factories, drive trucks or work with their hands. That’s all these non-White minorities are to them anyways – a weapon to be used against their less well-off peers.

    They get the talented high-IQ mulatto to invite to brunch, while the BadWhites get Jamal and Tyrone selling crack on their neighborhood street corner.

    Both groups get their Diversity, but one group suffers more than the other. Both groups get balkanized, ever so slowly. And the non-Whites watch on, not even sure what Whitey is so worked up about.

    Hundreds of country music fans get shot down and shitlibs shrug or use the occasion to talk about guns and evil White men. For them, it’s not exactly a great cause for mourning. They were all probably Trump supporters anyways, right?

    And I can’t say that I felt much when a bike lane in New York city got culturally enriched a week ago by a truck of peace.

    That’s just how balkanization works.

    They heard “country music” and shrugged. I heard “New York” and “bike lane” and returned the favor.

    And I wouldn’t be surprised to see this cold conflict go hot. Not like blood in the streets or anything fantastical like that. But shooting a congressman here, a music concert there, or attacking a Trump event here and there.

    That’s not too fantastical because as you well know, all of these things happened. Anti-White Whites have already done all these things and do you really think they’ve run out of steam yet?

    To be quite honest, I think they’re just getting started.

    I just wonder what will happen when a BadWhite finally shoots back.

  • https://altright.com/2017/11/05/culture-war-first-race-war-later/
November 3rd 2017 marked the 38th anniversary of the last time that bad ass whites shot back with bad intentions at Greensboro, N.C.
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November 3rd 2017 marked the 38th anniversary of the last time that bad ass whites shot back with bad intentions at Greensboro, N.C.

That’s the way the White man used to handle commie vermin (& other assorted riffraff).
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Unscrolling the Narrative

by Daniel Barge

The establishment is increasingly baffled at the way people are thinking. They can’t understand why all their old mind control techniques no longer work.

Dammit! Time to make another scary documentary about the the threat that the Alt-Right pose to society. Just gotta get the right mix – a few shots of LARPy kids wearing spooky masks with ominous music and a “just like you or me,” well-spoken non-White to point and sputter, and things should be back on track, shouldn’t they?

Erm…not quite.

You see the documentary I am referring to is this one, made by ITV, where they try to conflate actual civil nationalists like Anne Marie Waters with a so-called banned “terrorist” group National Action.

National Action, BTW is a terrorist group that didn’t do any actual terrorism, but which merely LARPed it up as Nazis a bit when the Daily Stormer was still pushing that kind of trolling (I believe this site was the leader in realising how limiting that tactic ultimately proved to be.)

One of the ITV reporters involved in the documentary also spent several months undercover, infiltrating nationalist and civic nationalist groups to secretly record the things their members say in private. Shockingly these were incredibly similar to the things they say openly and publicly, so obviously money well spent there.

But the establishment and its propaganda organs have a bigger problem. First of all, despite all the scare-evoking trappings in the doc, the thing that is being presented is not in itself actually scary. In fact, I’m sure that the idea of White people starting to organise a bit is actually quite reassuring for most people, all except the most brainwashed and self-loathing Whites.

But more than this, this documentary didn’t come at me through the large, fully controlled IngSoc screen in my living room. Because there isn’t one.

That may have been the intention, and that may have been the reality back in the days of the gatekeeper media, but this is not how people today encounter this documentary. I encountered it, in excerpt form in a social media feed that – unfortunately for ITV – placed it next to videos like this one showing a thuggish, hate-filled, racist Black-on-White attack.

[Go to the article to see this gruesome video, I'm unable to embed it here for some reason, or go to the url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=49&v=L7z-jRj_lQs]

A charming juxtaposition!

All I had to do to see the absurdity of the “scary Alt-Right” documentary was to scroll down a little.

Yeh, I should be really, really worried about a few well-mannered, non-violent Whites realising the need for implicit or explicit identity politics, while remaining totally unconcerned about brutal, racist-inspired sheboon attacks on tiny White girls for no reason other than savagery and the hatred that is spewed on White people 24-7 by the “White Guilt Industrial Complex.”

Videos like this are commonplace and virtually all show the same thing: Black people making an “eloquent” case not to be left within striking distance of White people.

Thanks to the changing way that people consume media through the internet, this is the kind of ironic juxtaposition that the establishment’s propaganda is increasingly facing.

Propaganda only works as a total monopoly. Even a partial monopoly, as exists today, is ineffective, because it simply increases the “viral value” of those nuggets of truth that are not suppressed. Videos like this beat-down of an unfortunate White girl go viral for no other reason than that they are not being shown in their proper place, the main news programs.

The medium is the message and the message the medium is increasingly presenting us with is that very little in the multicultural paradise works, including its propaganda.

Christian teacher in Oxfordshire, England suspended for "misgendering" student, investigation found.

The maths teacher apologised when "corrected" by the pupil, and thought no more about the incident until six weeks later, according to the Mail on Sunday, when he was called to the head’s office and told he was suspended from teaching while the Oxfordshire school investigates a "transgender complaint" made against him.

Mr Sutcliffe is to appear at a formal disciplinary hearing this week to face misconduct charges, after a week-long investigation found him guilty of "misgendering" the teenager, "demonstrating discriminatory behaviours" and having "contravene[d] the school’s equality policy".

England is finished.

I don't think you can have a more pure form of cultural Marxism than this. Karl Marx must've broken out a big smile while serving his eternal time in hell.
American Freedom News