We Are Living In A Cartoon

The official logo for Canada's 150th birthday on July 1st looks like a rainbow coalition representation of the maple leaf. Pitiful. Was watching Jeopardy and Alex Trebeck was sporting a jersey of it while urging Americans and Canadians to jointly celebrate their upcoming independence days.

Sigh. So pathetic. The country should officially be renamed to Cuckada and the very bottom should read R.I.P. 2017, instead of 1867-2017.
I always thought Trebek was an in the closet type but he is married. As much as I have loved watching Jeopardy over the years and its staying power I have always hated how Trebek chastises contestants when they get an answer wrong. To be honest, the one I like is the funniest one is when an Indian American ( legal ) immigrant is playing and he missed a question where the answer was " Calcutta ". Trebek jumps in " ohhhh, man it must hurt to miss that one ". Funny as hell but I still thinks he puts from the ruff so to speak which is maybe one of the reasons he supports this new flag.
Atlanta intersection closes as rainbow crosswalks installed for YEAR ROUND. They were there temporarily, just for the duration of an "LGBTQ Pride" event, but now they decided to put them in PERMANENTLY.
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Doesn't that mean people will be stepping on the rainbow? Somehow, I don't think they thought their brilliant plan all the way through.
Doesn't that mean people will be stepping on the rainbow? Somehow, I don't think they thought their brilliant plan all the way through.

The reprobate sodomite scourge hijacked the rainbow (a symbol from God to Noah), the word "gay" & the word "rights". None of these legitimately apply to these vile, deviant sickos.
The reprobate sodomite scourge hijacked the rainbow (a symbol from God to Noah), the word "gay" & the word "rights". None of these legitimately apply to these vile, deviant sickos.

I was just going to say about the same thing. Degenerate sex perverts stole a unique and valuable word from the English language, "gay"... and now what, they think rainbows belong to them too!?
Since this is being used as a general news thread,thought I'd put this here instead of starting a new thread:

Census 2016: Milestone passed as Australia becomes more Asian than European

Second-generation Australians will soon be in a minority.
The census shows Australia reached a "tipping point" in 2016 where only slightly more than half its residents had two Australian-born parents.

The long-term low of 50.7 per cent is a step down from 54 per cent in 2011 and 57 per cent in 2006.
More than a quarter of Australia's population was born overseas in 2016 (26.3 per cent, up from 24.6 per cent) and for the first time most of the overseas-born came from Asia rather than Europe.

China, India, the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia now account for more foreign-born residents than the traditional birthplaces of England, New Zealand and mainland Europe.
Two point two per cent of the population had been born in China in 2016, up from 1.5 per cent in 2011.

Asian immigrants are typically much younger than European immigrants, meaning that the switch to Asian immigrants is helping slow down the ageing of the population.



So basically Australia now receives more 'migrants' from Asia than from Europe,with most of them being Chinese.Its tough to come to a conclusion as to who is our #2 enemy after the jew.Which among the following groups is most likely to contribute most to our extinction?

The blacks who will outright try to kill you and your children,or Chinks who will slowly displace you from your very own society and buy every available piece of real-estate or Arabs who want to convert your underage kids after they are done raping them,or drug-peddling,thieving Spics whose birth-rate puts that of Arabs to shame?

Call me deluded,but Indians,Filipinos etc. seem like they'll all fall in line or leave if enough of them are given a good 'ol beating in public.Come to think of it,Australians had the Muslims on a leash for a good few years after Cronulla,and something similar happened in Netherlands where Muslims/Indonesians suddenly became as close to 'model minorities' as they can ever get,after a few of them were stabbed in the streets for acting like they owned the place.

Ignoring the earlier question posed by me,it looks like a week will be all we need to get our countries sorted once we deal with The Jewish Question.But who will bell the jew?

In the meantime,Australia one of the whitest countries left,is being invaded on a large-scale by Chinks,while we twiddle our thumbs in front of our keyboards.
First the globalists took away the jobs and futures of working class White Americans. Now they're well on the way to doing the same to the White upper middle class. I've been reporting on this in The Nationalist Times but overall there is still very little awareness of what's taking place.

Weimerica First: You’re Fired, Whitey!
Indians are waging a STEM war on Whites through the H-1B visa scam.


Dickey Spencer really needs an editor and a couple of good writers for his site.Too few citations and some outright mis-information,for example:

Where do you think those Cloud storage servers really are located? Definitely not in Kansas.

I'm pretty sure that it isn't in India either,where the cooling cost for those servers would run into millions per datacenter annually,due to the tropical heat.Plus,there is something called encryption,and it is foolproof.

That means that some guy in White Afghanistan

Just WTF?White Afghanistan?

But this is the important point:

Trump ought to know that Indians are the highest paid ethnic group in the U.S.A

I think jews see them as the perfect courtiers and errand boys for them.The average IQ of Indians is indeed 85 as stated in the article,but the ones in The West seem to be the best of the bunch(and that says a lot),and they can get work done,unlike say,******* or spics.

East Asians may do better on IQ tests,but I guess the jews know something about Indians that we don't.I mean you don't get to be the Highest paid ethnic group in JewSA of all places without the chosen ones' blessings.....right?

Anyway,well spotted Don.This sub-forum has little discussion on Indians,Chinks etc.(and jews too,but I guess that's just my opinion) and spends too much time on dindus and freaks of all sorts.Probably,its the primarily-american constitution of the posters which tends to be reason for that.And maybe the high percentage of Christian posters has something to do with the part in the parenthesis.But yeah,good to see other 'problems' get some attention.Thanks Don.
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I've mentioned before how my city is being inundated with Indians and Chinese. Considering that Pittsburgh has successfully recreated itself from the industrial blast furnace of the U.S. to an IT and medical hub which is churning out Indian and Chinese doctors and IT specialists by the zillions, it ought to be a wakeup call that upper middle class Whites are now methodically being replaced and marginalized just as happened earlier to working class Whites.

Indians may have low IQs on average but the upper 10% or 20% are intelligent. And in a country with over a billion people, that means potentially 100 to 200 million Indians to be dispersed to Western countries, and most are eager to immigrate. Same with China; there are tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions who will immigrate to Australia, New Zealand, the U.S., Canada, and Europe if given the opportunity.

Blacks and "hispanics" are the underclass replacements for Whites; Indians and Chinese are to finish the job at the higher end of the economic scale. And of course automation, which is never questioned by the media or government, is also a big part of the equation and is increasing by leaps and bounds every year.

The Jewish and White 1%ers believe they will thrive no matter how few Whites are left; there are no arguments that will persuade them otherwise, that's obvious in the way they never relent, only push their agenda forward with demonic intensity.
Verminous traitor "professor" (of BS) at Fairfield University keeps up best efforts to toxicate the (feeble) millinial mind(s). The Bolshevik harridan spews the bogus narrative of "the problem of Whiteness". The only "problem" of Whites is (too often) a deficiency of racial pride & testicular fortitude! :mad:

...This sub-forum has little discussion on Indians,Chinks etc.(and jews too,but I guess that's just my opinion) and spends too much time on dindus and freaks of all sorts...

Philosopher -

I’ve certainly raised the subject of Asians and the manifold dangers they pose on numerous occasions in various threads.

Chinese and Indians are rapidly displacing Whites in Australian cities, particularly Sydney and Melbourne. The significance of an Asian preponderance within the major urban centres runs far deeper than the simple demographic number crunch.

Cities are the seats of political and commercial power. They are home to a nation’s most prestigious, influential and emblematic cultural institutions. Cities have always been the beneficiaries of the highest proportion of government spending and consequently boast the most advanced infrastructure in any country.

When Whites are forced out of the conurbations which they have built from nothing over the course of centuries they are relinquishing the fruits of the labour and tax dollars of countless generations. They are fleeing. They are accepting ignominious economic, demographic, and cultural defeat. They just haven’t realised it yet.

Viewed within the context of the electoral system, the consequences of the ever-growing Asian presence in Sydney and Melbourne are enough to freeze a perceptive person’s blood.

The majority of electorates in each state are located within its capital city - which is where most of the Asian populations are heavily concentrated. Asian voters therefore wield disproportionately high influence within metropolitan seats. Non-White “immigrants” are pouring into the capital cities at a frighteningly unprecedented rate. The constant inflow of Chinese and Indian money (any guesses as to who is funding these almost supernaturally cashed up “investors”…) has rapidly inflated the property market to dizzyingly insane levels which makes purchasing a home exceedingly difficult for young Australians. As a result, Whites are increasingly excluded from the likes of Sydney and Melbourne and have to look further afield for comparatively (enormous emphasis on “comparatively”…) “affordable” real estate.

Earlier this week, a Chinese “buyer” purchased a property in Brisbane for $7 million in cash on the spot:


This gives you an idea of how the Chinese are silently appropriating Australia. Who needs wars of conquest when one can simply buy out a nation piece by piece?

If current demographic trends of mass Asian migration into capital cities coupled with property-price-precipitated “White flight” continue - which they will - Asians shall soon collectively wield far more potential power at the ballot box than the White majority, which is more evenly spread throughout the states. The remarkable leverage of Chinese, Indian, and Arab lobby groups within major cities is therefore self-explanatory…

The link below displays three maps depicting the results of last year’s federal election in my home state of New South Wales:


Compare the number of divisions in the “regional” areas of the first two pages with those of the greater Sydney conurbation on page three. To save you the trouble of counting, the first page shows 13, the second shows 9, while the third page outlining greater Sydney shows 25.

The numerical imbalance between seats in the capital city and the so-called “regional” areas is far more pronounced in Victoria, which is Australia’s second most populous state behind New South Wales:


Once again, I’ll do the counting for you: 21 of the 37 Victorian federal seats are located in Melbourne.

Welcome to Australia, mate...
Americans Have A Winner Mentality That Destroys Their Society
We need to stop being so individualistic.

There’s an odd show that a fellow CrimeThinker recommended to me. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes that can be interpreted through a very nuanced red-pill perspective. In it, you have two brothers. One loves his brother and tries to do everything to make his brother proud of him. That’s Jimmy. The other, Chuck, loves his career and his company and doesn’t care for his brother at all.

There is this unreciprocated relationship between the two of them, and I can’t help but see in the prim and proper older brother everything that is wrong with America. The law-worshiping, cold and socially correct brother is the American ideal incarnate. (If this were really realistic, the other brother would probably turn out to be a half-Italian with no actual blood relation.)

But why write about this?

Well, after a sort of pump-up Fourth of July article, I immediately felt guilty. I felt like I was faking it. A lot of fluff and very little substance was in the article, but my heart wasn’t in it. Hell, I totally forgot that it was the 4th until I opened my computer midway through the day, so I overcompensated. I decided to write an article that came off as pro-American.

But now that that’s done and there’s no holiday to celebrate, I can organize my thoughts around a topic that I’ve been developing for some time.

There is one thing that I hate the most about Americans and that is how they are always at each other’s throats.

They love to win. To see themselves as winners, and by extension, everyone else as losers. In that same vein, they love euphemisms and of all peoples I’ve met (except maybe Swedes) seem the most averse to reality. I could go on to say that they’re lazy and spoiled or that they’re fat and their women are completely out of control. I could complain about how they take pride in not knowing anything, in being completely ignorant, in being slobs and turning every single vice into a celebration of Freedumb.

But these are all criticisms that all sides have lobbed at the American lumpenproletariat before.

No, my problem with America is how dog eat dog it is. How “fellow Whites” will go out of their way to pull you down, just so that they can scramble up over you. They’ll side with minorities to do it to you as well. It’s not right, and it’s not healthy. This lack of solidarity steadily chips away at the fabric of society.

You see this a lot when you travel. See, White peoples are very different, and for a movement that talks a lot about White identity, we do very little self-reflection.

There is this belief that we are perfect the way that we are, and that all our problems can be blamed on external forces and external tribes. While there is more than enough evidence to prove that there are indeed hostile groups within our societies that blend in and want to corrupt us, do us harm and eventually destroy us, that’s not all that’s at work here.

Americans need to take a long hard look at themselves.

Most White Americans feel alienated from one another in ways that other groups of people, even other groups of White people cannot fathom.

Americans are a strange people because in many ways they are not a people at all. They are an anti-people. I believe part of this stems from the American experience compared to the European experience. Europe was racked by many absolutely devastating wars. Everyone was hurt, and from mutual suffering, a shared consciousness grew. People understood that bad things could happen in life that could hurt everyone. You could die one day from a bombing raid through no fault of their own. You weren’t a loser because you died in a war. You weren’t a loser if you wanted socialized medicine to take care of you in case of misfortune. You weren’t a loser if you were a factory worker who considered himself working class and wasn’t ashamed to agitate for his class interests instead of LARPing as the Monopoly Man.

And it is all about money, let’s not kid ourselves. It’s about membership in some club, about getting in while others are left out. It’s about competition, not cooperation. Capitalism, not community. It’s about cutting your opponent down, instead of working on yourself. About dressing a certain way, from a certain brand, with a certain logo to push away those that don’t. They’re not on the inside of the velvet rope. They’re not winners like you.

This translates into the political climate as well. There is a quote about Americans that I recently discovered:

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”

Mass immigration only hurts the poor, dumb, unskilled laborers of this country. The losers. You’re not a loser, are you? No? Then you should keep your mouth shut about immigration, about lower wages. Only dirty Commies (or I guess Nazis) care about stuff like that.

Why do Americans care about the inheritance tax? Few of them will be multi-millionaires, but to admit that to themselves, they have to admit that they aren’t millionaires. They aren’t winners…they didn’t pull on their bootstraps hard enough, maybe. Hell, they might not even be middle-class, but working class…

No, no, better to take up the rich man’s cause and pretend that they might one day make it.

Americans lurv Winners, that’s why they elected Trump. Trump appealed to their wounded pride and their desire to be in the winner’s circle again. He framed himself as the choice for Winners, and his opponents as the Loser candidates. Winner winner, chicken dinner, that’s what Americans wanted to hear…

But maybe it’s time for some tough love instead.

Americans need to rediscover their sense of community again. And not in that phony, “let’s have a bake sale to raise X awareness” way. They need to start thinking of the Jones’ next door as in the same boat as they are, not as competitors. People who talk about the poor as if they are subhuman need to be shown the door, even if they are in the Alt-Right. Americans need to start seeing each other as comrades, fellow citizens, maybe even racial brothers in the future.

Suffering might help. Suffering helps close the ranks, helps build an identity. Just ask people from the American South.

We need to start acting like the minorities that come here. They help each other out, always. They get their cousins jobs. They help each other bid on contracts. They aren’t at each other’s throats. It’s them, their brother, their cousin against the world. We need to become a lot more like them if we are to make it through what is to come. Less individualistic, and more community-thinking.

Seriously, if you’ve ever been friends with an immigrant, you know exactly what I mean. They have something now that Americans are missing. And it is one of the reasons that so many Americans decide to “go tribal”.

How many White boys dip into Anime and totally lose themselves in Japanese culture?

What about White boys that start wearing chains and acting Black?

How many Hipsters with Maori tattoos and tribal piercings do you now see in the big cities?

What about White hippy chicks LARPing as Hindus?

Ever notice how SWPLs pretend they’re European?

We need to become warmer again, more open to friends and less concerned about keeping up appearances. Less worried about how we look in society’s mirror. Less worried about the rules and more concerned about our family, our friends, and our comrades.

Less like Chuck and a lot more like Jimmy.

There is no escaping Jewish degeneracy anymore

Writing for a "teen" magazine this degenerate describes herself as a writer, feminist, and "dick whisperer" in her bio


Disgusting toxic vermin. Trying their d@mned best to poison the minds of White youths.
I was watching the cable channel “A&E” the other day and saw a revolting commercial the show “Born This Way,” a program where young people with down syndrome are exploited for ratings. In the preview, three of the white handicapped girls from the show (which I’ve never seen, aside from previews) are reading questions from viewers.

One girl reads the following question: “Who would you rather go on a date with…Tim Tebow or Tyler Perry?”

The one girl answers: “I would say Tyler Perry because he’s a fine, chocolate man!”


That's right, in Weimar-America, even white girls with down syndrome yearn to engage in miscegenation activities. By the way, that girl is 23-year old Megan Bomgaars...


Tyler Perry is an ultra-annoying, black-supremacist, 47-year old cross-dresser. Nevertheless, she wants to date "Madea" over Tim Tebow. Good grief, we are indeed "living in a cartoon"...


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What Really Happened To The U.S. Citizen Killed In Zakynthos? (Lesson: Men Protect Their Women)
Markos Jul 11, 2017 Leave a comment

Many have already heard the news, but many have not. If you have, you probably heard the story from the Corporate Media.

But, I’ve come across another story of what may have (and probably did) actually happened in the bar.

From CBS News:

Bakari Henderson was killed after a fight broke out early Friday on the Greek island of Zakynthos. According to a friend who was with Henderson in Greece, it started after Henderson and another friend set down their drinks at the other end of a table where two men were sitting. He says the two men grabbed the beers, smashed them on the table, and brandished the shattered bottles as weapons.

The friend says local media reports that the attack was sparked by an attempt to take a photo with a waitress are untrue.

Police say at least 10 people followed Henderson out of the bar, including the bouncer and another employee. They are accused of beating Henderson and leaving him unconscious in the street.

Eight people have been arrested and are now facing voluntary manslaughter charges. The suspects, including the bouncer and bar employee, covered their heads as they made their way into court.

One of their attorneys argued there was no intent to kill Henderson, who Greek police say died from severe head injuries after the beating.

“I couldn’t believe it,” said Astrid Von Ehren-McCray, a family friend. “And I’m trying to compose myself, but I couldn’t believe it.”

This is a picture of Bakari Henderson. I’m starting to notice a pattern of the images the Corporate Media decides to use in regards to these types of cases

This Story Makes No Sense
Anyone who has ever been to bar knows that this story makes no sense at all. It was 3 a.m. and most assuredly the U.S. citizen Bakari Henderson and his friends were heavily intoxicated (Americans in general get heavily intoxicated when they visit Europe). But apparently they didn’t do anything wrong and it’s all the fault of everyone else.

So let me get this straight: Henderson and a friend put their glasses on the wrong table, and the 2 men sitting there not only broke the bottles, but then brandished them as weapons?

We are supposed to believe nothing lead up to this; that no other exchange happened, or Henderson and his friend didn’t do anything else?

So from one ridiculous story we get another: for no reason at all except that Henderson and his friend put their beer bottles on the wrong table, they were not only threatened with broken glass bottles, but then chased out of the bar by at least 10 people?

Notice how the news story says the friends say that the “reports of the photo of the waitress are untrue”. Of course they would say that, but you know what? That story makes a lot more sense than the one the Corporate Media is trying to push.

For those of you that haven’t heard it, here is a rundown of the story:

This Henderson guy and his crew of American tourists get into this bar in Zakinthos. They get drunk and try hitting on the waitress (she is a Serb btw). Henderson grabs her and tries to take a selfie with her.

She pushes him away and he starts trying to force her to take that selfie all the while calling her insults. There are 6 Serbs in this bar (They are from 18-25 years old) The Serbs pile in to protect the waitress, Henderson and his crew start insulting them (for being Serbs and on those lines)

Things get heated and the bar’s security steps in (He is also a Serb) The security guy tries to tell them to leave and after approaching Henderson and his crew he gets punched by Henderson
The Serbs join the fight instantly, the bar man (who is a Greek) also joins the fight.

One of the Serbs breaks a glass ashtray and uses it as a weapon The American crew runs away and leaves Henderson alone

Henderson tries to run away but is beaten to death just outside of the bar The Security and bar man get arrested soon after
The Serbs give themselves in to the police later on during the night (they returned to their hotel and when they got the news that Henderson was dead they turned themselves in)

The coroner established that Henderson died after a hemorrhage in his brain It is possible that no one even knew they killed him and only thought he was unconscious."

Serbs come from a tough part of the world, and many of the men are physically large. These aren’t the type of guys you want to mess with

Why The Story of the Waitress Makes Much More Sense
After looking at both stories, which one seems more likely?

  • 2 innocent U.S. citizens put beer bottles on wrong table and one of them ends up dead? or

  • Drunk Black men get rowdy on vacation, start pressuring the wrong girl, and her fellow co-ethnics step in to protect her
I know we live in a Politically Correct world where we aren’t supposed to use pattern recognition, statistics, or facts. But those days of shitlib smug ignorance are fast coming to an end.

Unlike in the U.S. and in cucked Western Europe: Serbians, Greeks, and others in the region actually DO protect their women.

The real story of Black men harass Serbian women–> Serbian men step in–> Altercation follows makes 100% sense.

Black men in the U.S. aren’t used to White European men stepping in to protect their own women from harassment.

Surely you’ve seen this yourself: Black guys walking around talking to any and every White woman they can. Do the White men do anything, or say anything? Of course they don’t.

But that’s not how it works in this part of the world.

Note: I condemn all acts of violence and in no way believe anyone should have died over this stupid drunken late night bar brawl

With that said, there is still an important lesson to learn.

This is probably the first time that Mr. Henderson has been confronted for harassing a White European woman. If more White American and Western European men were willing to step up and protect their own women from harassment by non-European men, this kind of thing wouldn’t happen.

If the second (and logical) story turns out to be correct as predicted, then I say:

While It Was An Unnecessary Tragedy Someone Died From The Brawl, The Serbian Men Were Right To Protect Their Women

Note: This has nothing to do with “White Knighting”. The Serbian waitress and the Serbian men knew each other. This is not simply about helping every woman but about helping out a friend (and co-ethnic) who is being harassed.

What Really Happened To The U.S. Citizen Killed In Zakynthos? (Lesson: Men Protect Their Women)
Markos Jul 11, 2017 Leave a comment

Many have already heard the news, but many have not. If you have, you probably heard the story from the Corporate Media.

But, I’ve come across another story of what may have (and probably did) actually happened in the bar.

From CBS News:

Bakari Henderson was killed after a fight broke out early Friday on the Greek island of Zakynthos. According to a friend who was with Henderson in Greece, it started after Henderson and another friend set down their drinks at the other end of a table where two men were sitting. He says the two men grabbed the beers, smashed them on the table, and brandished the shattered bottles as weapons.

The friend says local media reports that the attack was sparked by an attempt to take a photo with a waitress are untrue.

Police say at least 10 people followed Henderson out of the bar, including the bouncer and another employee. They are accused of beating Henderson and leaving him unconscious in the street.

Eight people have been arrested and are now facing voluntary manslaughter charges. The suspects, including the bouncer and bar employee, covered their heads as they made their way into court.

One of their attorneys argued there was no intent to kill Henderson, who Greek police say died from severe head injuries after the beating.

“I couldn’t believe it,” said Astrid Von Ehren-McCray, a family friend. “And I’m trying to compose myself, but I couldn’t believe it.”

This is a picture of Bakari Henderson. I’m starting to notice a pattern of the images the Corporate Media decides to use in regards to these types of cases

This Story Makes No Sense
Anyone who has ever been to bar knows that this story makes no sense at all. It was 3 a.m. and most assuredly the U.S. citizen Bakari Henderson and his friends were heavily intoxicated (Americans in general get heavily intoxicated when they visit Europe). But apparently they didn’t do anything wrong and it’s all the fault of everyone else.

So let me get this straight: Henderson and a friend put their glasses on the wrong table, and the 2 men sitting there not only broke the bottles, but then brandished them as weapons?

We are supposed to believe nothing lead up to this; that no other exchange happened, or Henderson and his friend didn’t do anything else?

So from one ridiculous story we get another: for no reason at all except that Henderson and his friend put their beer bottles on the wrong table, they were not only threatened with broken glass bottles, but then chased out of the bar by at least 10 people?

Notice how the news story says the friends say that the “reports of the photo of the waitress are untrue”. Of course they would say that, but you know what? That story makes a lot more sense than the one the Corporate Media is trying to push.

For those of you that haven’t heard it, here is a rundown of the story:

This Henderson guy and his crew of American tourists get into this bar in Zakinthos. They get drunk and try hitting on the waitress (she is a Serb btw). Henderson grabs her and tries to take a selfie with her.

She pushes him away and he starts trying to force her to take that selfie all the while calling her insults. There are 6 Serbs in this bar (They are from 18-25 years old) The Serbs pile in to protect the waitress, Henderson and his crew start insulting them (for being Serbs and on those lines)

Things get heated and the bar’s security steps in (He is also a Serb) The security guy tries to tell them to leave and after approaching Henderson and his crew he gets punched by Henderson
The Serbs join the fight instantly, the bar man (who is a Greek) also joins the fight.

One of the Serbs breaks a glass ashtray and uses it as a weapon The American crew runs away and leaves Henderson alone

Henderson tries to run away but is beaten to death just outside of the bar The Security and bar man get arrested soon after
The Serbs give themselves in to the police later on during the night (they returned to their hotel and when they got the news that Henderson was dead they turned themselves in)

The coroner established that Henderson died after a hemorrhage in his brain It is possible that no one even knew they killed him and only thought he was unconscious."

Serbs come from a tough part of the world, and many of the men are physically large. These aren’t the type of guys you want to mess with

Why The Story of the Waitress Makes Much More Sense
After looking at both stories, which one seems more likely?

  • 2 innocent U.S. citizens put beer bottles on wrong table and one of them ends up dead? or

  • Drunk Black men get rowdy on vacation, start pressuring the wrong girl, and her fellow co-ethnics step in to protect her
I know we live in a Politically Correct world where we aren’t supposed to use pattern recognition, statistics, or facts. But those days of shitlib smug ignorance are fast coming to an end.

Unlike in the U.S. and in cucked Western Europe: Serbians, Greeks, and others in the region actually DO protect their women.

The real story of Black men harass Serbian women–> Serbian men step in–> Altercation follows makes 100% sense.

Black men in the U.S. aren’t used to White European men stepping in to protect their own women from harassment.

Surely you’ve seen this yourself: Black guys walking around talking to any and every White woman they can. Do the White men do anything, or say anything? Of course they don’t.

But that’s not how it works in this part of the world.

Note: I condemn all acts of violence and in no way believe anyone should have died over this stupid drunken late night bar brawl

With that said, there is still an important lesson to learn.

This is probably the first time that Mr. Henderson has been confronted for harassing a White European woman. If more White American and Western European men were willing to step up and protect their own women from harassment by non-European men, this kind of thing wouldn’t happen.

If the second (and logical) story turns out to be correct as predicted, then I say:

While It Was An Unnecessary Tragedy Someone Died From The Brawl, The Serbian Men Were Right To Protect Their Women

Note: This has nothing to do with “White Knighting”. The Serbian waitress and the Serbian men knew each other. This is not simply about helping every woman but about helping out a friend (and co-ethnic) who is being harassed.


The "American" likely forgot where he was when intoxicated, and losing his feigned self-control because of the alcohol, his dark side re-surfaced, and started chimping-out in some way while not realizing the men around him live by different customs than the ones he's used to. The real set in very quickly when he realized the men he struck, or threatened, strike back.

Anyway, he won't be missed...
The Jewish and White 1%ers believe they will thrive no matter how few Whites are left; there are no arguments that will persuade them otherwise, that's obvious in the way they never relent, only push their agenda forward with demonic intensity.

Well they are right,aren't they?Jews have Israel to fallback upon,if needed,and I am sure Jews will keep a few of us around to work as their scientists,and to supply much-desired blond blue-eyed concubines.

Indians may have low IQs on average but the upper 10% or 20% are intelligent. And in a country with over a billion people, that means potentially 100 to 200 million Indians to be dispersed to Western countries, and most are eager to immigrate. Same with China; there are tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions who will immigrate to Australia, New Zealand, the U.S., Canada, and Europe if given the opportunity.

Its a surprise Jews push for Muslim and Dindu immigration much,much more they do for than that of Indian or Chinese.Its a tacit admission that,atleast in the short term,their Islamic,black pets can do more damage.And maybe there is still time for the prophecies of 'The Camp of The Saints' to come true,and we may have countless ships full of Chins,Indians waiting to land at our ports,much like the 'refugee' ships today.

I've mentioned before how my city is being inundated with Indians and Chinese.

Indians and Chinese are to finish the job at the higher end of the economic scale.

Chinese and Indians are rapidly displacing Whites in Australian cities, particularly Sydney and Melbourne.

The constant inflow of Chinese and Indian money

Of course y'all know this,but I'll emphasize that those two groups don't see eye to eye.In fact,India and China are having a confrontation on their borders as we speak:


What's behind the India-China border stand-off?

For four weeks, India and China have been involved in a stand-off along part of their 3,500km (2,174-mile) shared border.

The two nations fought a war over the border in 1962 and disputes remain unresolved in several areas, causing tensions to rise from time to time.

Since this confrontation began last month, each side has reinforced its troops and called on the other to back down.

What is the situation now?

Both India and China have rushed more troops to the border region, and media reports say the two sides are in an "eyeball to eyeball" stand-off.

Not to say that war is imminent,but in the long term,there will be one.

Cities are the seats of political and commercial power. They are home to a nation’s most prestigious, influential and emblematic cultural institutions. Cities have always been the beneficiaries of the highest proportion of government spending and consequently boast the most advanced infrastructure in any country.

100% correct.Jews may only be 2% of America's population or an even lesser proportion of England's,but trust me you wouldn't know that if you visited NYC or London.And guess what,control those two cities and you have a death-grip on each nation.

The remarkable leverage of Chinese, Indian, and Arab lobby groups within major cities is therefore self-explanatory

Arabs are the most dangerous,and hence they are the favourite goys of the jews.The Chinese ones are literally backed by the CPC,which is why they are so rich.I don't think there is that much of a 'takeover-conspiracy' to be associated with the Indians,not that they are welcome in any white country.

But yes,the situation is really alarming.This type of a slow,partly demographic,partly financial takeover may be ahem,'preferable' to the planet of the apes style,outright invasion that some parts of Europe are now under,but the end result will be one and the same - White Genocide.

Welcome to Australia, mate...

And to think that Australia is one of the 'better performing' white countries...

Welcome to Hell,White People.
American Freedom News