We Are Living In A Cartoon

Yep, they are bovine herd animals. I'm glad I didn't get tattooed when I was in the Navy, because it was sort of traditional for sailors to get tattooed. I hate conformity. I think the funniest is criminals who now have a fad of tattooing their faces. Might as well put their FBI number on there too while they're at it since they want to make themselves easy to spot - like the Beagle Boys in the old Scrooge McDuck comics. They always wore their old prison numbers on thrir shirts!

"A lot of the young people who cover themselves with tats think they'll never grow old, not even middle-aged..."

They could be right.
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June 18, 2017

by James Lawrence

The recent scenes of campus insurrection, violent intimidation and property damage at Evergreen State College in Washington were strikingly reminiscent of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, in which a comparably self-righteous horde of students was exempted from the rule of law to unleash their savagery on a cowering society. They should also provide the last nail in the coffin of this "racial reconciliation" ******** that Americans are always droning on about - albeit for very different reasons, with conservatives wringing their hands and looking to heaven, and progressives aggressively holding out their own hands while looking to the conservatives' wallets.

It should be pretty clear by now that America, and the Western world as a whole, passed Peak Prosperity some time ago and is now on the way down. Ergo, Peak Tolerance For Unreasonable Minority Demands has also been passed. This, in turn, means that it can only be downhill from here as regards "racial reconciliation".

And what glorious heights were ascended during those vanished fat years since the Civil Rights Movement? Having acquiesced to massive anti-white discrimination, and thrown untold trillions of taxpayer dollars at blacks and their problems, white America decided that it might finally pacify the unhinged insurrectionary ranting of blacks by electing a poorly-qualified black President. This ultimate gesture of goodwill was met by reparations demands, the cult of Saint Trayvon of MMA, proposals to make blacks a de facto aristocracy, violent pro-crime riots and protests, and a general escalation of anti-white black rhetoric. And now, with everyone in America who doesn't have an Imaginary Knapsack of Privilege supposedly hiding from Donald Trump in the attic, the "threatened" black youth have decided to take a good whack at the white progressive Boomers who have coddled and enabled them up to now.

So obviously this shows us that paying the Danegeld never gets rid of the Dane. But there is more to all of this sound and fury than mere opportunism, the minstrel's dance of ritualised outrage in return for a few guilty pennies from Whitey, which may or may not be puppeteered by self-interested elites at any given time. There is, in truth, a real and massive grievance underpinning black anti-whitism (and, to a lesser extent, that of other non-whites). And it is a grievance that admits of no prospects for "reconciliation".

Perusing lists of black demands does little to point us towards this underlying grievance: the list of demands issued by Black Lives Matter, for example, was clearly an afterthought full of copy-pasted clichés. List of black demands would have us believe that the root problem is economic in nature: blacks just want their "due repayment" for losses incurred in the past, or more "opportunities" (to make money), or an end to "discrimination" (that impedes the making of money). All of this comes from the minstrel dance, the paradoxical need for blacks to conceive of their own anti-whitism according to mainstream white ideology, in order to be rewarded for it by whites. This white ideology, whether it is bourgeois conservatism or revolutionary Marxism, reduces everything to a crude and narrow economic materialism - which is one of the reasons why American whites still throw money at screaming blacks and expect it to produce some sort of good.

But once basic standards of living are accounted for, as they are throughout the Western world, prestige or status arguably becomes much more important than economic gain. The footage of the Evergreen State College students points strongly to such a motive.

It's not the economy, stupid.
Note that the students attacked the school faculty in order to demand the resignation of a Jewish professor, Bret Weinstein, who refused to comply with a "day of absence" on which white people were to be made to leave the campus. Note the loud interruptions, demands for apologies, and physical intimidation tactics directed at the faculty members, and the fact that all of this seems to overshadow the somewhat nebulous substance of the actual demands. Most strikingly, note the students' treatment of the college president George Bridges: forbidding him to go to the toilet on his own, forcing him to precede a statement of capitulation with his gender pronouns, making him put his hands behind his back and then bursting out laughing as he complied like a meek little cuck.

It seems obvious from this that the whole point of the "day of absence" and the following campus takeover was simply to inflict ritual status humiliations on whites.

The absurdity of leftist ideology makes it extremely useful for purposes of ritual humiliation. The neoreactionary blogger Spandrell has a "status points theory" of the Left, in which progressive ideas amount to no rational sense at all, but are simply used by the ambitious to raise their personal status at the expense of social stability. Well, I would add that these ridiculous ideas also serve the double purpose of slapping around the low-status types and keeping them in their place. If you can get some déclassé rube to address you with outlandish gender pronouns, or point at a man and call him a woman, or say that 2 + 2 = 5, you have visibly exerted power over him; and if he refuses to go along, you can start up with the offence-bullying, providing you with further opportunities to demonstrate your power. (Mainstream conservatives, like the autist at the back of the class, are always good targets for this sort of thing: they never fight back, and will always open their mouths and stammeringly attempt to reason with their tormentors.)

But while this is a matter of class snobbery among whites, it runs much deeper among blacks and other nonwhites. Following the Western obsession with objective material gain, it is easy enough for us to point out that colonialism was not nearly as bad as it has been painted, and that the descendants of slaves in America are far better off than they would be in any part of Africa. But it is undeniable that European colonialism was a traumatic blow to the subjective prestige of non-white peoples, and that black status anxieties are constantly being stoked by the experience of living with whites in America.

It would be a mistake to try to preserve the materialist view by subsuming prestige into economic gain. Non-whites have gained materially from Western civilisation, but they have gained none of the attendant prestige, and so they would rather wallow in fantasies about their own historical achievements than give the white devil his due. Blacks in America can be said to have reversed the material class relations of the slavery era, in the sense that a majority-white pool of overworked taxpayers now subsidises the idle lifestyle of 54.6% of black households; but they do not gain the attendant prestige of seeing impoverished whites directly offering tribute and addressing them as master, and so they continue to feel and act as if the whip is on their own backs.

'Soul On Ice'
A careful reading of (rapist and Black Panther leader) Eldridge Cleaver's Soul On Ice shows that it is a sense of affronted prestige, and not an economic grudge stoked by the inferiority of chitterlings to beefsteaks, that is the source of the author's profound sense of anger towards white America. He mentions, for example, that blacks used to walk around "in a state of novocain" until the ruling against school segregation in 1954, which whipped them into an instant fury over their social status. That an attempt to improve black status was the catalyst for blacks beginning to "curse everything American" should not, in fact, come as a surprise: it is possible to bury a trauma and go on with life, but not if everyone else is constantly raking over it and talking about it. So when political grandstanding over segregation became a thing, thanks initially to liberal moralist stupidity and later the open fracturing of 'white' society (between managers and residual bourgeoisie, Jews and WASPs, and Boomers and the older generation), it was more or less inevitable that blacks would exhume their prestige grievances and seek vengeance for them. After all, what else could they do?

There are several curious passages in Cleaver's book in which he spends one moment furiously castigating the injustice and greed of white America, and switches the next moment to effusive praise of various leftist butchers and oppressors: people like Mao Zedong, who starved his own people to death, Fidel Castro, who viciously repressed any hint of subversion in his country, and Patrice Lumumba, who contributed to the Congo's post-independence slide into anarchy. But while Cleaver's heroes sucked up their people's economic resources more assiduously than any monopolist robber-baron, they did manage to collectivise racial and social prestige through nationalist and socialist myths. Prestige also looms large in what can only be called the central grievance of Soul On Ice, the perversion of relations between black women and black men. An extended dialogue near the end of the book paints a picture in which black women hypergamously fantasise about the "white Jesus" while having sex with their own men, and black men lust after the "white Jezebel" as a symbol of high status and freedom to defy the wishes of white men.

But now you've established that it's all about prestige, surely "we" can get on with achieving "racial reconciliation" by stamping out white racism and inaugurating programmes movements blah blah blah to raise the self-esteem of blacks...right? Wrong. As I said, "racial reconciliation" is exposed as an impossible chimaera when we admit the importance of racial prestige.

First of all, affronts to racial prestige do not have to come from "racism" or any other kind of foul play. The disparities in IQ between races are bound to generate disparate outcomes by themselves, and yet these disparities remain no less humiliating than if they had been generated by formal subjugation. It is difficult to understand how conservatives like Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray can present reams of evidence establishing the IQ gap, and then blithely assume that this should somehow put an end to the ferocious demands for "redress" from blacks, simply by establishing that their low place in white society does not result from racial discrimination. If a 900-page book packed with citations and evidence says that blacks aren't really suited to gaining wealth and status through the channels established by whites, then why should they not resort to the time-honoured expedient of tribal raiding - which is how young black men in Africa get wealth and status anyway? In fact, if Americans insist against all sense on pursuing racial integration, they would probably do better to allow blacks to openly frame their redistributive demands as raids for loot and glory, rather than forcing them to adopt the low-status minstrel dance of "oppression" in order to gain economic tribute from whites.

This brings us to a second point, which really ought to be hammered into white progressives: in prestige terms, benevolence is just as humiliating as subjugation, and perhaps even more so because one literally has to smile and take it. This is why there is so much anxiety in black circles over "white saviours" getting above themselves, and so much talk and effort aimed at imposing ritual status checks upon them so as to keep them in the subordinate position of "allies".

To repeat, prestige motives cannot be crudely equated with economic ones. A previously impoverished man might be satisfied upon receiving enough to live on; but when you are suffering from an open, bleeding prestige wound, you do not salve it by going into remedial classes and being painstakingly dragged up to the same status level as everyone else. More likely, you develop a prickly and defensive posture of "insecure high self-esteem" (very much in evidence among American blacks) and then seek to confirm it by turning the tables on those above you - whether through the Knockout Game among dumb ghetto thugs, or the ritual humiliations seen in the Evergreen State College footage among (mis)educated black-bourgeois brats. Ultimately, the only way for blacks to salve their prestige wounds is to mete out to whites the sort of vengeful treatment seen in countries like Zimbabwe - which, in yet another illustration of the importance of prestige motives, purged its white farmers and bullied foreigners in clear violation of economic self-interest.

What it would take to salve black prestige.

Now, it would not surprise me if there were swivel-eyed hand-wringers in America willing to countenance even this fate in order to achieve their precious "racial reconciliation". Happily, they won't get to make this choice. Black prestige is not the only operative factor here; the issue of white prestige is potentially far more important, and it is changing in ways that force the interests and actions of the two races onto a collision course.

Just as we have conceded that the "horror of colonialism" makes far more sense in prestige terms than in economic terms, so we must also concede the same for "white privilege". The fabled Imaginary Knapsack does not contain any objective material benefits for whites, but it does contain a respectable stock of subjective white prestige inherited from five hundred years of white dominance in the world, and fifty years of soporific MLK-style lecturing have not exactly diminished it.

As this article explains, those still holding the largest stock of white prestige in the modern day are white progressives, who complain about "white supremacy" day and night and yet are utterly steeped in it. These people have inherited from history the assumption of white supremacy, but have rejected the history of the dangers and difficulties encountered in the making of it; therefore, their attitude is very similar to that of a spoiled heiress squandering her dead father's wealth in the belief that her position is unassailable. As these people are almost entirely focused on status competition against lower-class whites, and are generally well-off enough to avoid prolonged exposure to the angry non-white house pets whom they keep in order to set on these whites, they can afford to make ritualised and intermittent gestures of submission to non-whites that do not diminish their arrogant sense of themselves. Moreover, progressives increasingly identify not with the nations of the West (which are in decline), but with the globalist power structure (which is advancing despite recent setbacks), which means that their prestige is not going anywhere for the time being.

Among more-or-less ordinary, middle-class and conservative whites who identify with their nations, however, white prestige has worked as an incapacitating force. Like a "constitutional monarch" gradually being reduced to a rubber-stamp, most whites are resigned to the slow draining away of their actual power, and feel that they can retain a sense of control and a position buttressed by goodwill if they smile and sign off on non-white demands. (Resisting these, on the other hand, might lead to lost battles exposing the hollowness of their prestige, and a formalisation of the low prestige warranted by their diminished power.) That is why many normie whites, faced with screeds about Western decline from tactless Deplorables like ourselves, just want us to shut up and go away.

Thing is, though, this hollowing-out of white prestige cannot go on forever. Keep signalling, in response to prestige-driven minority demands, that whites aren't in charge anymore - for instance, by electing black Presidents - and most whites will start to feel ridiculous in holding onto a paper illusion of prestige that everyone else knows no longer exists. Ergo, they - or at least those among them who have felt this loss of prestige - will stop thinking of themselves as world-omnipotent saviours who are too good for self-defence, and start acting like every other group, which includes strengthening collective prestige through ethnic chauvinism and perceiving threats to this prestige from outsiders' demands. The election of President Trump was not a repudiation of the progressive campaign to stamp out "white supremacy"; it was the crowning testament to its success.

These are promising times for those of us who, for over fifty years, have drunk the bitter dregs of our own people's delusion and folly. Driven by their own prestige demands, and thus incapable of adopting a prudent tolerance for the saviour-fantasies of whites, the blacks and other minorities go on hacking away at the white man's pedestal in the imperial centre of the Western world. Knock out that pedestal for good, however, and it will be the white progressive saviour who falls to the ground, for it is he alone who is defined by white supremacy at the very core of his being. All that we in the Alt-Right need do is patiently stand behind the progressive and place a noose around his neck.

As for those still inclined to cling to the mirage of "racial reconciliation", it it high time you shook yourselves from your daydreams and chose a real solution. Option one: roll over and allow the affronted and vengeful non-whites to visit upon you everything that was once visited upon them in history, as well as whatever else the historians of flying pyramids care to dream up. Option two: somehow restore, against all the ideological momentum of the past five hundred years, the sort of Indian-style multiracial caste system praised by Alain Daniélou, in which everyone has his place and no-one would want to change caste any more than you or I would want to usurp the throne of the United Kingdom. Option three: draw up an appropriate division of territory and file for racial divorce. Failure to choose within the time limit will, of course, lead to the auto-selection of option one - for you if not for us.
Fred On Everything
Scurrilous Commentary by Fred Reed

Oncoming Racial Doom: The Clash of Cultures
Posted on June 15, 2017 by Fred Reed
Curiously, what made me give up all interest in the problems of blacks was not their virulent racism, the horrendous rates of crime, or the parasitism. Instead it was the assaults by blacks and their fellow travelers on Confederate monuments, particularly in New Orleans. Similarly, the banning of the Confederate battle flag at Gettysburg, for God’s sake. For reasons doubtless opaque to the historically ignorant, this annoys me. Why should the least productive, most criminal, most dependent of the population rewrite history that in any event they don’t know? The erasure of the South and the Confederacy by people most of whom couldn’t spell it, of Washington and Jefferson and Lee by grifters, race hustlers, wanton illiterates and the Brownshirts of Black Lives Matter…enough.

How many think this but won’t say it?

Now I find the black mayoress of Baltimore–a city lovely and livable in the time of Mencken before being made a decayed war zone by blacks–threatening monuments in that city. Enough. Too much.

I was not always sick of the misbehavior of blacks. In the now infinitely remote early Sixties, when I was a student in the last all-white class in Virginia’s rural King George High–graduated ‘64–integration was just beginning. To the extent that I thought about race, the question was abstract, a matter of moral principles, of ideals and fairness, unrelated to an actual people with actual characteristics who might not integrate well. Blacks had been mistreated. If given the opportunity they would rise and join American civilization. That they might not occurred only to those with experience, which did not include me.

When my parents, wiser than I–if it is possible to be wiser than a seventeen-year-old–said that integration would not work. I didn’t believe them.

Time went by, and it didn’t work. Trouble began. Blacks became hostile, .demanding this and demanding that. Neighborhoods became dangerous. Schools, newly mixed, encountered The Gap, intractable and immortal, that is the heart and cause of our racial disaster. The riots arrived. Racial attacks on whites became common, covered up by the media. This censorship possible in the days before the internet.

The country began, though I didn’t recognize it at the time, as n.either did the country, treating blacks as a different category of humanity who could not be expected to obey the laws and rules or the expectations of civility.

For a while my sympathy held. I was very young. Further, I had no experience of a school with a large black population. I justified the behavior of blacks as consequent to former privation. Surely it would change.

It didn’t. Years passed. We saw corrupted schools, lowered standards, white flight, and journalistic dishonesty. More cities burned.

For decades white America made a desperate attempt to raise blacks to the level of the First World. It didn’t work. Instead saw a dragging down of society to the culture of the ghetto. Blacks were behaving as usual as spoiled brats. Anything that upset them, as everything did, any expectation that they behave, led to cries of racism and depredations by such as Black Lives Matter.

As I mentioned, my parents had said that blacks were could not function in the First World. It seemed that they were right. Desegregation had not worked, nor integration, nor black quarterbacks nor affirmative action nor Head Start. What didn’t work was turning blacks into members of a European civilization in which they had no interest. It would have worked no better had blacks lived in China, Japan, or Russia.

Nothing worked and nothing is going to work. There is clarity in this realization, a clarity to admitting what is actually happening. It avoids tortured reasoning to show that the dysfunction of blacks is due to anything and everything but blacks themselves. One need not make endless excuses for endless bad behavior, for the crime and dependency, the racial attacks, and the degradation of society.

The culture of the ghetto opposes everything usually believed proper in an advanced society: high academic standards, equality of opportunity, good English, minimal obscenity, equality under the law, low rates of crime, reasonable self-reliance, freedom of speech. Black culture, intensely racist, encourages none of these and opposes most. It is tribal, based on identity, instead of principle.

For many, this is a difficult realization. Decades of unrelenting propaganda have trained us that blacks bear no responsibility for anything. Are they gunning each other down in city after city? It is because of guns, though whites have guns and do not kill each other. Do they perform abysmally in schools that they themselves control? It’s because of slavery, though there hasn’t been a slave in the country for 150 years. Are they irresponsible in their reproductive habits? It’s because of poverty, although they are not poor.

In this they differ from the rest of humanity as I have known it. I have lived in China, Thailand, Mexico, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and have traveled in some fifty other countries. All shared what might be called the core values of civilization. Blacks seem not to. Yes, many exceptions, varied degrees, but as a culture, they were, are, different. Would that it were not true, but it is.

Look at the foundations:

Education is the keystone of any modern civilization. Blacks alone care nothing for it. Exceptions, yes, but again, overall? No. The countless schools entirely controlled by blacks are the worst in America. They do not improve.

Fox News:6 Baltimore schools, no students proficient in state tests” (of reading and arithmetic.)

Maybe the mayoress of Baltimore should pay more attention to this and less to statues she doesn’t like. She will not. If she were going to, she would have.

Accounts like the foregoing are routine, normal, expected. We have heard them for fifty years. Usually they include boilerplate about terrible obstacles, murdered relatives, addicted mothers, incarcerated youth, etc. These accounts invite pity and try to blame everything on whites. There is mandatory wonderment: What can be the cause of the academic gap? Doubtless white privilege, slavery, invisible discrimination, microaggressions, something, anything but blacks themselves. But whites can’t make black children do their homework, their daughters of thirteen avoid reproduction, their young males refrain from killing each other. Whites are not their mother.

75% of black California boys don’t meet state reading standards

What is going on here? Learning to read is not difficult. Elsewhere poor people, people of color–I loathe that phrase–and poor people of color do it routinely. According to the CIA Factbook, literacy in Thailand is at 97%; Malaysia 95%; Mexico, 95%; and Colombia, 95%. The possible reasons for not learning in twelve years what white and brown kids do in three are low intelligence and lack of interest. Take your pick. The failure to learn imposes a heavy burden on society. Wild thought: Make welfare dependent on literacy.

Ask yourself, “Now what?”

Whether academic failure is cultural or genetic makes no difference, since neither is subject to change. Instead of requesting more rigorous textbooks and disciplining their children to study, blacks insist that courses be enstupidated for their benefit, that they be admitted to schools and courses for which they cannot qualify, that they get grades they did not earn. This is now normal. Nobody, black or white, liberal or conservative, expects blacks ever to do anything for themselves.

Of course one might ask why blacks would have any interest in most of what has been taught in American schools. Europeans trace their intellectual lineage from the invention of writing in Sumeria in the mid-Fourth Millennium BC through Greece, Rome, the Renaissance, their literary heritage from the Gilgamesh Epic through Tolkien. Blacks had no connection with this and did none of these things. It isn’t of their culture.

Cities have been the heart of the intellectual and artistic in all civilizations, as for example Athens, Rome, Florence, Vienna, New York. By contrast, blacks have destroyed city after American city after American city. Trenton, Camden, Newark, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Gary, Flint, St. Louis, New Orleans, Milwaukee. At one time in all of these one could live, walk at will, send one’s children to the schools. Now, no. Violence, crime, racial attacks,and illiteracy drive the civilized to remote suburbs. This is not my culture and I see no reason to apologize for it.

Manners have been part of all civilizations. Civil societies everywhere impose a degree of control over obscenity. Everyone knows about sex and excretory functions. We leave them out of conversation. We can speak a sentence of three words without saying “************” five times.

Some perfectly ordinary rap “lyrics”:

“Then you roll your tongue, from the crack back to the front

Then suck it off ’til I shake and cum nigga

Make sure I keep bustin nuts nigga

All over your face and stuff”

This offal is excused because “it is their culture.” Exactly. When you cannot control abominable behavior by one group, you cannot control it for any group. Here is perhaps America’s gravest problem.

Virulent racial hostility–i.e., racismis deeply ingrained in black culture. Blacks hate whites, Asians, Hispanics, and Jews. Not all blacks of course, or to the same degree, but it is the centerline of black culture. It is what counts and shapes the future.

Anyone doubting the universal racial hostility of blacks might read White Girl Bleed a Lot, or Chinese Girl in the Ghetto by Ying Ma. She arrived in Oakland with her family, dirt poor, speaking no English. She recounts–as do many white kids in black schools–endless racial abuse, taunting, stealing of food by blacks. (All on her own, incidentally, she worked her way up and ended with a law degree from Stanford. Apparently she found no lack of opportunity.)


One may see the depth of the hostility in the regular practice of making heroes and martyrs of blacks, usually criminals, killed by white police while utterly ignoring the many hundred of blacks killed every year by other blacks. This is a memorial to Freddie Gray of the Baltimore riots.

Headline: “Trayvon Martin’s parents accept posthumous aeronautical science degree”

A measure of the fairyland world of American politics is hat a criminal, killed attempting to beat a security officer to death, should solemnly be awarded a posthumous degree in something he probably could not spell. It is amusing–why not quantum chromodynamics?–but pathetic. The canonization reveals the separation from reality of, apparently, most of an entire race. It is of one cloth with affirmative action and racial black quarterbacks. No substance, much pretense.


Dependence on whites is the backbone of black culture. Free breakfast for their children, free lunches, subsidized housing, free housing, AFDC, affirmative action, racial black quarterbacks, waivers. Nobody, not blacks, not whites, not the most dewy-eyed liberal expects blacks ever to live without charity from whites. Don’t believe me? Ask an ardent civil-libertarian when he expects blacks to have caught up and not need affirmative action. Never. It is just another entitlement. Whah mah free stuff?

Political correctness ensures that we cannot even talk about the problem. If you suggest that blacks stop shooting each other, you are a racist. If you suggest that they study, you are a racist. If you suggest they get married before reproducing, you are a racist. It will continue until either America slowly deflates or hell breaks loose.

19,129 total views, 1,373 views today


Transvestites and the Thought Police destroying womens sports in the USSSA:

Sex perverts - transvestites - that's "transgender" in Newspeak - and the PC Thought Police - have made it illegal, or at least you will lose your job, to call one of these sex perverts by "the wrong pronoun" - or dare to notice that a 200 pound guy who announced that he is a girl is winning the girls wrestling etc. championships. My favorite though is the teenage boy competing in some girls league who says he is a woman who identifies as a lesbian - ha ha that's an old joke - but it's illegal to say anything about it now! - ww

Lady runner-up cries: 'It's frustrating. But that's just the way it is now'
Published: 21 hours ago

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We here all know this, but we must also repeat often and over, that our families need to keep clear, far, and away from blacks and their self-destructive culture. We achieve so much, and collect so much abundance, and prosperity, without them.
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We here all know this, but we must also repeat often and over, that our families need to keep clear, far, and away from blacks and their self-destructive culture. We achieve so much, and have collect so much abundance and prosperity, without them.

People try. They flee to fine civilized still all white places - but vampire tracks them down and sends in the diversities!
People try. They flee to fine civilized still all white places - but vampire tracks them down and sends in the diversities!

I know Wolf, but at the very least families need to keep them out of their families and business. We can't always do everything about the world around us, but we sure as hell can keep them out of our private lives. Those dopey libtards can't even do that and they pay the price.
I was watching the national (fake) news the other night and they showed pictures of the seven dead Navy men and only 2 appeared to be White men, which struck me as odd and adds to the credibility of this article. $1.5 billion down the drain thanks (probably) to discrimination against White men.

June 19, 2017

by Alt-Right News
A US cruiser, worth approximately $1.5 billion dollars and equipped with every form of navigational and detection device possible, nevertheless managed to collide with a massive container ship in the Pacific Ocean to the South of Japan.

The extremely high improbability of such an occurrence has everyone scratching their heads, trying to think of a vaguely plausible explanation for the accident, which almost sunk the ship, the USS Fitzgerald, and cost the lives of seven of its crew. The Fitzgerald, a 8,315-tonne ship with a crew of 300, was hit by the 29,060-ton CX Crystal, manned by 20 Filipinos.

There are a number of speculative possibilities. It could be that the captain was just a complete moron (unlikely) or a druggie (slightly less unlikely), or that there was some weird anomaly in the area of the collision, either physical or electromagnetic that interfered with the cruiser's navigational equipment in some way. Perhaps it was some kind of "waterspout"—a mysterious rotating column of water and spray typically formed by a whirlwind occurring over water—or maybe the Fitzgerald's guidance systems were hacked by "evil Russians" or shut down by alien interference from the planet Zog, etc., etc.

OK, this is just getting silly...

Let's stop beating around the bush and instead focus on the most likely cause of maritime mayhem in the modern US navy, namely the old bugbear of "diversity" and the organisation's well-known policies of fast-tracking women and minorities.

Remember, the military services in the US don't merely exist to defend the country against its enemies and carry out globalist wars. They are also a handy tool to remind the very divided United States of America how "united" they are—or should be.

Accordingly, a search for crew shots of the USS Fitzgerald, suggests that the ship was in fact being used as something of an "affirmative action" guinea pig and showboat.

Hillary on the Fitzgerald: If Zimbabwe had a navy it would look like this.
This picture from 2011, shows then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on board the Fitzgerald with what looks like a "more diverse than normal" crew—and enjoying every minute of it, naturally.

Of the 17 naval personnel in the photograph only 6 can be said to be White males, with the rest being mainly Blacks, and at least 2 women. The presumption of course is that these "diverse" elements were there not entirely on merit but instead to present the desired "optics."

Of course, this photo was taken six years ago and a lot may have changed in that time, but usually when it comes to "diversity" things tend to move in only one direction.

The US navy today is now around 15% female and 34% non-White. Contrast this with its main rival navies—the Russian and Chinese navies, which are overwhelmingly male and core ethnicity.

But even if the Fitzgerald's crew was less diverse than this picture suggests and more in line with the general demographics of the navy—which is still the least White and second least male of all the services—it only requires a few unsound individuals to cause disasters. "Affirmative action" provides the means by which such individuals can be placed in positions of great responsibility and danger. We have to now see if that was the case with the USS Fitzgerald.

Berlin, Germany bans billboards depicting "smiling" women and "rational" men as "sexist". Given that I rarely see Western women smile anymore, this will actually depict contemporary times more accurately.
June 24, 2017

Bow to the new Androgynocracy, White man.

by Dun Scotus

I am a big fan of macro-empiricism, by which I mean avoiding detail and instead looking at the clear, sweeping, and unavoidable patterns of history. In my belief, everything is written in the sky, while paying too much attention to detail is a good way to simply bury your nose in the grass.

One thing that struck me with the obviousness of the sun and the moon recently is how "gay" and dykey" a lot of our leaders are. By that I don't mean they are necessarily practicing homosexuals, but that they lack strong gender bimorphic characteristics.

I noticed this early, as I am from Scotland, and Scotland is pretty phenomenal in this respect. We have essentially 3 main parties—SNP (36.9% at the last election), Scottish Conservatives (28.6%), and Scottish Labour (27.1%)—the incredible thing is that two of the leaders are openly gay women, while the remaining one, Nicola Sturgeon, is a childless woman who looks like a little boy. There is no overstating how alienating this is to a country that once gave the World Sir Sean Connery.

Scottish Conservatives Leader and Kim Jong-un lookalike Ruth Davidson.

Anyway, once switched on to this phenomenon of androgynous leaders I started to see it cropping up everywhere. In Germany there was Merkel, who essentially looks like a "*** hag," while the nationalist opposition there Alternative for Germany was led by the extremely boyish-looking but non-gay Frauke Petry until she was replaced with Alice Wiedel, an openly lesbian investment banker.

Canada meanwhile went to Trudeau, who, while not homosexual, is clearly the "feely" metrosexual SWPL type, who can have a good blub about global warming or genderfluid pronouns as he flies somewhere in his private jet, piloted by a man.

Staying with the Francophone world, one reason I suspect Marine Le Pen lost in France is because she was too old-school feminine, while her successful opponent Emmanuel Macron is much more androgynous and is widely suspected of being gay.

Macron and Trudeau: Political gayplosion?

Britain's Westminster Parliament hasn't been exempt from this process either. David Cameron, while a bit smooth round the edges, was a pretty straight-forward "guy-guy." But then in the wake of his Brexit defeat, he was replaced with Theresa May, an emotionally constricted childless woman, who uses garish make-up and silly hats to emphasize her ebbing femininity. May essentially presents herself as a poor carbon copy of Margaret Thatcher, who, despite her hard edges, was very much a functioning female.

But, more surprising, when May failed to secure her "thumping majority" at the recent general Election, and had to call on the "reserve army of Conservatism," namely the Ulster-based DUP, even the leader of this supposedly homophobic party was yet another grim-looking woman. Although a mother of three, Arlene Foster has the look of a particularly strict and unforgiving female librarian.

Then, just the other day, comes a story of Macron getting a slap down on EU migrant policy from the Polish premier. Instead of someone with a giant walrus mustache, as you might expect, this turns out to be yet another "looks like a well-aged teenage boy" female in pants suit and short hair, Beata Szydlo.

Beata Szydlo. Not sure if...

The evidence is overwhelming and all around us, apart from a few surprising holdouts like Donald Trump, who is in part a reaction to the gender-ambiguity of Barack Obama, the entire West is moving towards rule by feminine-looking men and masculine-looking woman.

So far this is just an observation, and I am happy to leave it there for the time being, but it is worth considering what this may signify. An obvious take home is that the West is metaphorically losing its balls, and getting ready to be cucked big time by the Third World. There is much to back this up in migration patterns and crime data, especially that regarding sexual assaults.

A more generous interpretation would be that female leaders simply have to be more "masculine" to offset fears of the weakness and incompetence that the voters may have regarding them, and that male leaders may need to be more "feminine" in order to emit greater empathy in a political model in which the state plays an increasingly involved role in people's lives.

But another possibility is that, as our societies become increasingly polarized and divided—as the political centre essentially disintegrates—we are replacing it with a new centrism based on sexual ambiguity, in other words an androgynocracy. Is this how civilizations die? I think the answer is "Yes."

Millennial "men" lead surge in plastic surgery. :rolleyes: Unless one has a severe deformation &/or injury, plastic surgery is not only pure vanity but (also) extremely limp-wristed for any "man". :gey:


I find it funny that after de-industrialization and 30 years of hardcore taxation, and regulation of America in the dumpster not to throw in there the eternal depression of Mr. "Soetoro"(excluding the BLS malarkey) any person outside of Gov worker or hollywood aristocrat filth has the actual money to afford this crap.
Will Kill-Crazy Blacks Rampage This August?
Posted on June 25, 2017 by INCOG MAN
By Phillip Marlowe

You might have heard about Jew Hollywood releasing a movie called “A Birth of a Nation” not long ago. To say the title is patently ridiculous is an understatement. It was simply about the Nat Turner slave revolt way back in 1831 Southampton county, Virginia, when angry slave apes killed 60 plus Whites, including women and perfectly innocent little children — which they cleverly neglected to portray in the movie, but lovingly showed you White men realistically getting brutally murdered (Hollywood has the gruesome special effects down pat).

They played up the killings as this big noble act of God. I’ve never seen such wide open hate Whitey instigation bundled up in one movie before. And I’ve seen a lot. Simply unbelievable how they feel free to release such things out to the public. They don’t care. If the Jew suits in Hollywood think they can make a buck and trash Whitey at the same time, so much the better.

And how long ago was slavery for crying out loud? A hundred and fifty years ago? Or how about the fact less than 5% of Whites today in America have any possible connection to slave ownership descent? These hopped-up black freaks go on and on and on with this slavery bull crap. It never ends, does it? It’s GD friggin’ nuts.

One scene in the movie makes a solar eclipse the big “sign from God” so Turner has the excuse to start killing White people (there was no solar eclipse in that area at the time).* But guess what? There is a big solar eclipse to go across the entire continental US this very August 21st. It will be visible from St. Louis and Ferguson — recent hotbeds of insane Negro volatility. Yet location will not mean anything when it comes to these filthy apes going ape since they live all over the place. Could even happen where you live. Are you prepared? I’m being serious as hell.

Blacks are indeed itching to start a big race war — so they can finally take over America like they believe they deserve, after the Jew media has falsely turned them into such great heroes of the ages. After Obongo was elected, blacks were besides themselves with black superiority. I had one retarded black chick in a grocery store parking lot nervously blubber under her breath they were now taking over, just because I ignored her ******* jibber-jabber over something stupid. Good thing for her I wasn’t packing that day!

And they have already been killing random Whites in the street — like the White guy in Seattle leaving a Karaoke bar just the other day when a black ran up to him out of the blue and plunged a butcher’s knife right in his chest. Hell, blacks kill random Whites all the time — only the leftist media always tries to spin it as a “robbery gone bad.” How often have you heard that lame excuse before?

The media doesn’t care about us Whites. Get that straight.

We can be sure that the Jews in the media will be increasing the “Whitey be bad” propaganda to new heights over the next month. Already, they are running every single story about any poor little black, criminal or not, killed by police — White or not. If you think about it, stuff has been snowballing fast ever since Trump won. In fact, they’ll probably try to tie in with Trump on the whole thing — just like the ridiculous Roosky BS. Leftists are bound and determined to destroy America.

Just like the Jews with “Watergate,” the homies are licking their chops to re-enact another violent Nat Turner’s rebellion. Think about it.

Expect militant blacks to be jacking fellow homies left and right in the coming weeks. There’s probably secret plans afoot as we speak. My guess is that George Soros has money channeled through cut-outs to black militant groups to start something. There could even be government “Deep State” Jewish operatives now out there organizing.

And it won’t matter one damn iota if you’re a big liberal or not. Blacks won’t care. They’ll still just kill you simply for the color of your skin. If you’re a female, they might keep you alive for sex purposes for awhile. Or at least until they tire of you and you look all messed up and they throw you on the fire. Hell, they might do the same if you’re a guy or even a little child. These brutal animals don’t care.

Blacks have all kinds of guns now. Letting them buy and possess firearms was a huge mistake. They are clearly too hotheaded and violent to handle such responsibility. There should have been serious laws and actions to prevent them from getting guns — going back to the 19th century. Hell, we should have just shipped them all back to Africa after the Civil War, like Lincoln and a lot of smart Whites in both the North and South wanted. Oh well. Too late — for now.

But they’ll still kill you with whatever is at hand. Often just for sadistic giggles. Whites get murdered by them in the most horrible ways — axes, machetes, bludgeoning us to death with tire irons and baseball bats, burning us alive, bashing our heads in with sledgehammers — I’ve read it all. Believe me. Blacks actually get off on sheer brutality and burning things down. They are truly, truly monstrous animals. Totally.

For years I’ve been trying to warn you. Publishing things here about arming up and warning fellow Whites. Looks like time is running short!

*There’s numerous lies in the movie, one shows Turner striding upright into a White encampment of evil racists to bravely give himself up, when in fact he was found bug-bitten and dirty, cowering in a dirthole covered with fence rails.


I was watching the national (fake) news the other night and they showed pictures of the seven dead Navy men and only 2 appeared to be White men, which struck me as odd and adds to the credibility of this article. $1.5 billion down the drain thanks (probably) to discrimination against White men.

June 19, 2017

by Alt-Right News
A US cruiser, worth approximately $1.5 billion dollars and equipped with every form of navigational and detection device possible, nevertheless managed to collide with a massive container ship in the Pacific Ocean to the South of Japan.

The extremely high improbability of such an occurrence has everyone scratching their heads, trying to think of a vaguely plausible explanation for the accident, which almost sunk the ship, the USS Fitzgerald, and cost the lives of seven of its crew. The Fitzgerald, a 8,315-tonne ship with a crew of 300, was hit by the 29,060-ton CX Crystal, manned by 20 Filipinos.

There are a number of speculative possibilities. It could be that the captain was just a complete moron (unlikely) or a druggie (slightly less unlikely), or that there was some weird anomaly in the area of the collision, either physical or electromagnetic that interfered with the cruiser's navigational equipment in some way. Perhaps it was some kind of "waterspout"—a mysterious rotating column of water and spray typically formed by a whirlwind occurring over water—or maybe the Fitzgerald's guidance systems were hacked by "evil Russians" or shut down by alien interference from the planet Zog, etc., etc.

OK, this is just getting silly...

Let's stop beating around the bush and instead focus on the most likely cause of maritime mayhem in the modern US navy, namely the old bugbear of "diversity" and the organisation's well-known policies of fast-tracking women and minorities.

Remember, the military services in the US don't merely exist to defend the country against its enemies and carry out globalist wars. They are also a handy tool to remind the very divided United States of America how "united" they are—or should be.

Accordingly, a search for crew shots of the USS Fitzgerald, suggests that the ship was in fact being used as something of an "affirmative action" guinea pig and showboat.

Hillary on the Fitzgerald: If Zimbabwe had a navy it would look like this.
This picture from 2011, shows then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on board the Fitzgerald with what looks like a "more diverse than normal" crew—and enjoying every minute of it, naturally.

Of the 17 naval personnel in the photograph only 6 can be said to be White males, with the rest being mainly Blacks, and at least 2 women. The presumption of course is that these "diverse" elements were there not entirely on merit but instead to present the desired "optics."

Of course, this photo was taken six years ago and a lot may have changed in that time, but usually when it comes to "diversity" things tend to move in only one direction.

The US navy today is now around 15% female and 34% non-White. Contrast this with its main rival navies—the Russian and Chinese navies, which are overwhelmingly male and core ethnicity.

But even if the Fitzgerald's crew was less diverse than this picture suggests and more in line with the general demographics of the navy—which is still the least White and second least male of all the services—it only requires a few unsound individuals to cause disasters. "Affirmative action" provides the means by which such individuals can be placed in positions of great responsibility and danger. We have to now see if that was the case with the USS Fitzgerald.


The only negative I see here is for the few white men that suffer themselves to be with a crew of fools. For the rest of the peace loving world, U.S. Navy incompetence is a good thing. I could care a toss if the entire navy was made up of imbeciles who end up sinking their own ships -the navy's purpose being to enforce control over other peoples of this world and bring harm to those people that resist U.S. Imperialism.
Americans have a love affair with the military, in great part because of the way it's glorified by the media, the same media that despised the military during the Vietnam War, when today's communist overlords were eligible for the draft.

But, when was the last time the U.S. won one of its endless undeclared wars? Washington is constantly at war all over the world in various undeclared and secret wars, but none are ever won. The "defense" department that wastes more taxpayer money each year than the military budgets of much of the rest of the world's militaries combined, can't defeat Afghan tribesmen who use WWI weapons, can't defeat Iraq after leveling it, can't beat anyone. Well, maybe mighty Grenada back in 1983. The Pentagon is absolutely pathetic, but the right and the left are both foursquare behind the Pentagon and the neo-con lunatics running U.S. foreign policy.
Americans have a love affair with the military, in great part because of the way it's glorified by the media, the same media that despised the military during the Vietnam War, when today's communist overlords were eligible for the draft.

But, when was the last time the U.S. won one of its endless undeclared wars? Washington is constantly at war all over the world in various undeclared and secret wars, but none are ever won. The "defense" department that wastes more taxpayer money each year than the military budgets of much of the rest of the world's militaries combined, can't defeat Afghan tribesmen who use WWI weapons, can't defeat Iraq after leveling it, can't beat anyone. Well, maybe mighty Grenada back in 1983. The Pentagon is absolutely pathetic, but the right and the left are both foursquare behind the Pentagon and the neo-con lunatics running U.S. foreign policy.

The Pentagram has been conning Americans for years. it all about pop control, technology advancement, and enforcing the international monetary banking system cartel.
Will Kill-Crazy Blacks Rampage This August?
Posted on June 25, 2017 by INCOG MAN
By Phillip Marlowe

You might have heard about Jew Hollywood releasing a movie called “A Birth of a Nation” not long ago. To say the title is patently ridiculous is an understatement. It was simply about the Nat Turner slave revolt way back in 1831 Southampton county, Virginia, when angry slave apes killed 60 plus Whites, including women and perfectly innocent little children — which they cleverly neglected to portray in the movie, but lovingly showed you White men realistically getting brutally murdered (Hollywood has the gruesome special effects down pat).

They played up the killings as this big noble act of God. I’ve never seen such wide open hate Whitey instigation bundled up in one movie before. And I’ve seen a lot. Simply unbelievable how they feel free to release such things out to the public. They don’t care. If the Jew suits in Hollywood think they can make a buck and trash Whitey at the same time, so much the better.

And how long ago was slavery for crying out loud? A hundred and fifty years ago? Or how about the fact less than 5% of Whites today in America have any possible connection to slave ownership descent? These hopped-up black freaks go on and on and on with this slavery bull crap. It never ends, does it? It’s GD friggin’ nuts.

One scene in the movie makes a solar eclipse the big “sign from God” so Turner has the excuse to start killing White people (there was no solar eclipse in that area at the time).* But guess what? There is a big solar eclipse to go across the entire continental US this very August 21st. It will be visible from St. Louis and Ferguson — recent hotbeds of insane Negro volatility. Yet location will not mean anything when it comes to these filthy apes going ape since they live all over the place. Could even happen where you live. Are you prepared? I’m being serious as hell.

Blacks are indeed itching to start a big race war — so they can finally take over America like they believe they deserve, after the Jew media has falsely turned them into such great heroes of the ages. After Obongo was elected, blacks were besides themselves with black superiority. I had one retarded black chick in a grocery store parking lot nervously blubber under her breath they were now taking over, just because I ignored her ******* jibber-jabber over something stupid. Good thing for her I wasn’t packing that day!

And they have already been killing random Whites in the street — like the White guy in Seattle leaving a Karaoke bar just the other day when a black ran up to him out of the blue and plunged a butcher’s knife right in his chest. Hell, blacks kill random Whites all the time — only the leftist media always tries to spin it as a “robbery gone bad.” How often have you heard that lame excuse before?

The media doesn’t care about us Whites. Get that straight.

We can be sure that the Jews in the media will be increasing the “Whitey be bad” propaganda to new heights over the next month. Already, they are running every single story about any poor little black, criminal or not, killed by police — White or not. If you think about it, stuff has been snowballing fast ever since Trump won. In fact, they’ll probably try to tie in with Trump on the whole thing — just like the ridiculous Roosky BS. Leftists are bound and determined to destroy America.

Just like the Jews with “Watergate,” the homies are licking their chops to re-enact another violent Nat Turner’s rebellion. Think about it.

Expect militant blacks to be jacking fellow homies left and right in the coming weeks. There’s probably secret plans afoot as we speak. My guess is that George Soros has money channeled through cut-outs to black militant groups to start something. There could even be government “Deep State” Jewish operatives now out there organizing.

And it won’t matter one damn iota if you’re a big liberal or not. Blacks won’t care. They’ll still just kill you simply for the color of your skin. If you’re a female, they might keep you alive for sex purposes for awhile. Or at least until they tire of you and you look all messed up and they throw you on the fire. Hell, they might do the same if you’re a guy or even a little child. These brutal animals don’t care.

Blacks have all kinds of guns now. Letting them buy and possess firearms was a huge mistake. They are clearly too hotheaded and violent to handle such responsibility. There should have been serious laws and actions to prevent them from getting guns — going back to the 19th century. Hell, we should have just shipped them all back to Africa after the Civil War, like Lincoln and a lot of smart Whites in both the North and South wanted. Oh well. Too late — for now.

But they’ll still kill you with whatever is at hand. Often just for sadistic giggles. Whites get murdered by them in the most horrible ways — axes, machetes, bludgeoning us to death with tire irons and baseball bats, burning us alive, bashing our heads in with sledgehammers — I’ve read it all. Believe me. Blacks actually get off on sheer brutality and burning things down. They are truly, truly monstrous animals. Totally.

For years I’ve been trying to warn you. Publishing things here about arming up and warning fellow Whites. Looks like time is running short!

*There’s numerous lies in the movie, one shows Turner striding upright into a White encampment of evil racists to bravely give himself up, when in fact he was found bug-bitten and dirty, cowering in a dirthole covered with fence rails.



That would (indeed) be a "fatal" mistake for them to awaken the "sleeping giant" via a race war. They lack the intelligence, discipline, sheer numbers & resolve...& (thus) would be thoroughly annihiated (sans help from "allies" &/or enablers).
Wicked, verminous feminist rag beckons White women to abort their babies to 'compensate' for "racism". I've a much better idea, how about the mass genocide of all feminist scourge on the planet...& all their Marxist allies.


A message like that will have the opposite effect. The natural, inherent need to reproduce our own kind will repel women from these psycho-messages.
First the globalists took away the jobs and futures of working class White Americans. Now they're well on the way to doing the same to the White upper middle class. I've been reporting on this in The Nationalist Times but overall there is still very little awareness of what's taking place.

Weimerica First: You’re Fired, Whitey!
Indians are waging a STEM war on Whites through the H-1B visa scam.

First the globalists took away the jobs and futures of working class White Americans. Now they're well on the way to doing the same to the White upper middle class. I've been reporting on this in The Nationalist Times but overall there is still very little awareness of what's taking place.

Weimerica First: You’re Fired, Whitey!
Indians are waging a STEM war on Whites through the H-1B visa scam.


The inferior rubbynoggins have NO (legitimate) business on Republic soil or stealing the jobs of real (White) Americans. The companies that employ such refuse are treasonous scum....as are the Globalist puppets in DC who allow this outrage against (true) Americans.
Go to any hospital or hotel in central New York. I would say they are managers or owners of at least 90 % of the hotels/motels and make up a very good percentage of the doctors at the three local hospitals in my area.
San Francisco Awards $190,000 To Illegal Immigrant Over "Sanctuary City Violation"

The tax payers of San Francisco will soon be handing over $190,000 to an illegal immigrant, who had a warrant out for his arrest mind you, after he filed a lawsuit alleging that city police violated 'sanctuary city ordinances' by handing him over to immigration officials. No, you've not lost your mind, this is real life.

Is this the product of an activist judge or a judge that doesn't know the basics of our law? I conjecture it is an activist judge. Does anyone not know that to have standing in our courts some kind of status is required or a man has to have been born on this land? And, by the way, cities cannot make orders decreeing that their jurisdiction is exempt from Federal law when all cities are political sub-divisons, and subordinate to the Federal State -that's why they're called cities!!! Holy fack we are in a sea of stupidity!!!
The official logo for Canada's 150th birthday on July 1st looks like a rainbow coalition representation of the maple leaf. Pitiful. Was watching Jeopardy and Alex Trebeck was sporting a jersey of it while urging Americans and Canadians to jointly celebrate their upcoming independence days.

American Freedom News