We Are Living In A Cartoon

I stumbled upon this person's YouTube account somehow. She's from Canada and is living in Japan. It looks like she just does some silly videos about Japan, but then I noticed the latest one from her is this:

The Poz Is A Weapon Of Class Warfare
Do all people suffer equally from the cultural decay?
  • class-war.jpg

    When I was a teenager, I went to one of the preppiest of all prep schools and after serving my time there, I stumbled out bewildered and confused by what happened. It just didn’t make sense to me. None of it did. It was like being in a completely foreign land for my entire high school experience. A sort of khaki-wearing Lord of the WASPs survival scenario.

    As all the SJW insanity started reaching fever-pitch levels (it’s arguably still getting worse) I couldn’t help but notice that there was some overlap with what I had seen in prep school and what I saw with the SJW menace in college. I was insulated from a lot of the degeneracy during my 4 years at the private school but was keenly aware of what my public school friends went through. And I was completely floored when I went to college.

    All of the ideas espoused and taught at these institutions were more or less the same…but the demographics and the results were completely different. In general, the rank and file that believed in the SJW crap were almost all genetic failures, mystery meats, or just genuinely lower-class people that felt the movement to be advancing their interests on some level.

    But there was a higher level to all of this. The Elite SJW’s did their own thing.

    College is when I started noticing it. See, there were top-tier Social Justice type clubs and then there was the chum. The smart, White and careerist shrews wisely segregated themselves from the rank and file prole SJW’s in their own Feminist organization. In fact, they would routinely deny funds to the other Feminist groups on campus (because they had a lot of their girls and faculty support in funds-allocating organizations) and they bared their fangs at the other Feminist groups in private. It was interesting to observe.

    The gays did the same thing. The top-tier “preppy” ones actively disassociated themselves with the more plebby, prone to dye their hair pink gays. The top-crust gays still participated in all their gayification campaigns, but they played an interesting game. They came off as reasonable and not insane. The type of man-poodle you let your fashionable girlfriend gossip with and spend time with her girlfriends as well.

    They would also bro it up with the top-tier bros. The ones that looked the part, but didn’t really play any sports…because they didn’t actually need to get the free ride to college…because they were well to do.

    I realized then and there that the Poz could be weaponized to by upper middle-class folks to keep up their caste rank in Weimerica.

    Despite all their lip-service to equality and fairness, they were fundamentally un-egalitarian in their attitudes and behavior. I am convinced that many of them picked it up from their parents. See, these upper-tier SWPL’s are quite good at the game. Preaching all that democratic feel-good stuff and then quietly leveraging the situation in their favor. It’s like a game of who can hold their hand on the boiler plate the longest. Everyone gets hurt, but some can bear the pain better than others…and come out on top.

    Their parents will join the PTA at their school, and then elbow their child into the best homerooms, arrange playdates with the parents of successful power parents like themselves. As their kids get older, they will arrange shindigs centered around some sort of fund-raising effort or a charity-based scheme. These functions serve as places to chink glasses with other parents like them, and also to give their kids a chance to mingle in an acceptable social milieu. They will allow their kids to throw alcohol sodden parties in their mansions or at least look the other way. They seem to understand the importance of helping their children to retain their social rank…even if it means having to replace the carpet from time to time.

    The top-tier girls pick up on this almost immediately- they figure out who is in the in-group and who isn’t. And while to some extent, the cool kids made their own “cool” clique, they never seem to realize how their parents actively facilitated and helped create it.

    They create these social-circles, carpools, and volunteer events. They pick a sports team and lobby the coaches to let their sons and daughter play on a team with each other. They organize pep rallies and bake sales. They force their kids to go to church events even if they are part Jewish and everyone there is an agnostic- even the priests.

    We have TRS to thank for popularizing the concept of “virtue-signaling” to legions of shitlords everywhere. But there might be something more to all of this. I am convinced that the SWPLs morally posture from down-on-high to the rest of the proles to actively sabotage them, NOT just because they believe in what they preach. They have a noblesse malice nowadays. And like women, you have to look at what they do, not what they say.

    If you’ve ever really spent with the Brahmin caste you notice this serious contradiction right away. I mean, the debate is eternal: do shitlibs actually believe the ******** that they preach? I’m of the opinion that the elites do NOT. Most of them are not True Believers.

    Their kids avoid the serious diversity but are allowed to mix and mingle with some pre-selected talented tenths minorities that sell them overpriced weed and become the token minority to prove their PC credentials.

    The regular kids get the Vibrant Diversity that results in gangs at their schools, assaults in the bathrooms and constant harassment.

    The upper crust gets their kids set up with a girl or two of the same class. They tend to be thinner on average, even if they are feminist careerist shrews like their mothers.

    And the proles get stuck with other obese prole girls, with piercings, colored hair, and tats, ostensibly feminists just like their upper-crust counterparts…but not really the same.

    The cavorting aristos let in a little bit of token *** to spice up their social milieu. It’s all smiles, lisps, and good-times at the Sunday brunch.

    The lumpenproles get blue-haired trannies and the absolute worst of humanity forced upon them.

    They claim the moral high ground, the social high ground, and the intellectual high ground with their progressive attitudes, but the fallout doesn’t get distributed equally. The proles get hit by it way worse than they ever will.

    And so, the upper crust’s relative rank rises in relation to everyone else. Things may be worse in absolute terms, but no one thinks like that in the real world. Only economists can draw lines on blackboards talking about the wonders of absolute gains. Everyone else looks on at their neighbor’s new car with envy. They want the same social circles, the same access to women and money, and the same safe sort of progressive ecosystem that the aristos have managed to successfully engineer.

    And while the aristos posture and preen, they still retain the know-how and the means to mitigate the effects of Vibrant Diversity and other woes while the proles they push it on get negrified, atomized and start dropping out.


    Less competition for them. As long as their kid gets to Duke and stays off the hard drugs long enough to inherit his trust fund, he’ll have the connections, qualifications, and the correct ideology to get ahead relative to everyone else. A little bit of POZ is a small price to pay for maintaining social rank in Weimerica.
A legion of (overdue, direly needed) outhouse internees gathers in San Diego for a geekazoid dork fest. How does a grown 'adult' enjoy playing dress-up like some little snot nose kid?! These weirdos need a taste of reality (mostly in the form of an old fashioned @$$ whipping).

This is nothing new. The comic industry and it's fan-fests have been having these conventions forever. Remember the "Trekkies" from the 70's? This is a multi-billion dollar industry that has numerous gatherings throughout the year and can be very profitable for those "cosplay" dressers. Many of the attendees are kids and teens who like superheroes.
It's not for me, I wouldn't be caught dead dressing up as "The Flash" or whatever, but I'm not going to bag on the kids who attend this or the collectors who make a living at this. Now the number of creeps who "dress up" to ogle or to just be weirdos, well, they can be found in any number of places and deserve your prescripted punishment.
This is nothing new. The comic industry and it's fan-fests have been having these conventions forever. Remember the "Trekkies" from the 70's? This is a multi-billion dollar industry that has numerous gatherings throughout the year and can be very profitable for those "cosplay" dressers. Many of the attendees are kids and teens who like superheroes.
It's not for me, I wouldn't be caught dead dressing up as "The Flash" or whatever, but I'm not going to bag on the kids who attend this or the collectors who make a living at this. Now the number of creeps who "dress up" to ogle or to just be weirdos, well, they can be found in any number of places and deserve your prescripted punishment.

You're far too "kind" FBD. The only "pass" I'd give is to the little kids. Any 'adult' playing dress-up (unless they're getting paid), is either a geek, weirdo, pansy or pedo. I'd like to line up a mess of 'em up & knock 'em plumb silly...straighten 'em out the old time way. :roto2qtemeto: :devil: ;)
You're far too "kind" FBD. The only "pass" I'd give is to the little kids. Any 'adult' playing dress-up (unless they're getting paid), is either a geek, weirdo, pansy or pedo. I'd like to line up a mess of 'em up & knock 'em plumb silly...straighten 'em out the old time way. :roto2qtemeto: :devil: ;)

Like the "furry animal" pervs huh? But - ha ha - I think that DD didn't learn so much in sensitivity training class!
Like the "furry animal" pervs huh? But - ha ha - I think that DD didn't learn so much in sensitivity training class!

Professor Cohen kicked me outta class the 1st day...with an F-. ;-)
Trump Is Being Moved Aside So That Conflict with Russia Can Proceed

Paul Craig Roberts

What is the Congress up to with their stupid bill that imposes more sanctions and removes the power of President Trump to rescind the sanctions that President Obama imposed?

Congress is doing two things. One is that Congress is serving their campaign contributors in the military/security complex by being tougher with Russia, thus keeping the orchestrated threat alive so that Americans denied health care don’t start looking at the massive military/security budget as a place to find money for health care.

The other is to put President Trump in a box. If Trump vetos this encroachment on presidential power, Congress and the presstitute media will present the veto as absolute proof that Trump is a Russian agent and is protecting Russia with his veto. If Trump does not veto the bill, Trump will have thrown in his hand and accepted that he cannot reduce the dangerous tensions with Russia.

In other words, the bill is a lose-lose for Trump. Yet Republicans are supporting the bill, thus undermining their president.

Yesterday I heard an orchestrated, staged “interview” between two women on NPR’s “All Things Considered” (on NPR all things are never considered). It was a propaganda show focused on Trump’s expression of disappointment in Jeff Sessions, whom Trump mistakenly appointed Attorney General.

When Trump nominated Sessions, the Democrats and the presstitutes went berserk. Sessions was “unqualified,” a “racist,” blah-blah. But now Sessions is the hero of the presstitutes and Democrats. They love him, because he has sold out Trump on the question of the justification for an investigation of Trump as a suspect “Russian agent” by an independent prosecutor who happens to be a member of the anti-Trump ruling establishment.

In other words, Sessions, who has been beat up previously by the establishment, is too afraid to do his job.

In other words, Trump had, as I predicted, no idea what he was doing when he chose his government.

So now he suffers for his ignorance.

What was the point of the staged NPR interview between the two women? The point was that Sessions, unlike Trump, respects the rule of law whereas Trump wants to bend the law in order to cover up for himself. The interview was staged so that without the two women having to say it, Trump’s anger at Session was proof that Trump was guillty of some illigitimate “Russian connection.”

In other words, it was carefully constructed innuendo. Who constructed the innuendo? NPR’s women were just reading from a script.

As far as I can tell, there is no one in Trump’s government who is loyal to Trump or who is willing to back Trump’s effort to stop provoking the Russians and to cease serving as Israel’s military force in the Middle East. As far as I can tell not only the Democratic Party but also the Republican Party supports the left-wing’s view that Trump’s election was illegitimate, because he was elected by the votes of illegitimate people—“the deplorables” to use Hillary’s term.

Who are “the deplorables?” They are the remnants of the American working class. They are the people whose jobs were sent overseas to Asia by the global US corporations in order to enrich their shareholders and executives via higher profits from lower labor costs. They are the people who in order to stay afloat had to rely on debt in place of the missing income and whose debt is now so high that they have no disposable income. A huge proportion of the American population is incapable of raising a measly $400 without having to sell personal possessions.

In other words, they are refugees from a destroyed American middle class.

Trump stood up for them against the rich who ruined them, and now the rich are going to ruin Trump.

It will teach a lesson. Henceforth in the United States no one will dare to stick up for the American people. America is not for Americans any more than the world is for the peoples of the world. America and the world are for the One Percent. No one else. Russia, China, and Iran are in the way, and, thus, they are on Washington’s hit list.

It is heartbreaking to watch the Russians continue to believe, lesson after lesson to the contrary, that they can reach a deal with Washington. This unrealistic hope will destroy Russia. The Russian government will continue to grasp at straws and be put off guard.

It is utterly amazing that the Russian government can believe after its extensive history of being left hanging in the wind by its agreements with Washington that any agreement with Washington is worth anything.

Perhaps Russia is aware of the evil that they face in Washington. Perhaps the Russian emphasis on diplomacy is just a way of gaining time to get prepared for the war that Washington intends to bring to them.

There is little doubt that the great and wonderful beacon of light that is Democracy in Washington, also known as the government of the “exceptional” people and the “indispensable” country, is lost in hubris and arrogance and will destroy life on earth.

Trump Is Being Moved Aside So That Conflict with Russia Can Proceed

Paul Craig Roberts

What is the Congress up to with their stupid bill that imposes more sanctions and removes the power of President Trump to rescind the sanctions that President Obama imposed?

Congress is doing two things. One is that Congress is serving their campaign contributors in the military/security complex by being tougher with Russia, thus keeping the orchestrated threat alive so that Americans denied health care don’t start looking at the massive military/security budget as a place to find money for health care.

The other is to put President Trump in a box. If Trump vetos this encroachment on presidential power, Congress and the presstitute media will present the veto as absolute proof that Trump is a Russian agent and is protecting Russia with his veto. If Trump does not veto the bill, Trump will have thrown in his hand and accepted that he cannot reduce the dangerous tensions with Russia.

In other words, the bill is a lose-lose for Trump. Yet Republicans are supporting the bill, thus undermining their president.

Yesterday I heard an orchestrated, staged “interview” between two women on NPR’s “All Things Considered” (on NPR all things are never considered). It was a propaganda show focused on Trump’s expression of disappointment in Jeff Sessions, whom Trump mistakenly appointed Attorney General.

When Trump nominated Sessions, the Democrats and the presstitutes went berserk. Sessions was “unqualified,” a “racist,” blah-blah. But now Sessions is the hero of the presstitutes and Democrats. They love him, because he has sold out Trump on the question of the justification for an investigation of Trump as a suspect “Russian agent” by an independent prosecutor who happens to be a member of the anti-Trump ruling establishment.

In other words, Sessions, who has been beat up previously by the establishment, is too afraid to do his job.

In other words, Trump had, as I predicted, no idea what he was doing when he chose his government.

So now he suffers for his ignorance.

What was the point of the staged NPR interview between the two women? The point was that Sessions, unlike Trump, respects the rule of law whereas Trump wants to bend the law in order to cover up for himself. The interview was staged so that without the two women having to say it, Trump’s anger at Session was proof that Trump was guillty of some illigitimate “Russian connection.”

In other words, it was carefully constructed innuendo. Who constructed the innuendo? NPR’s women were just reading from a script.

As far as I can tell, there is no one in Trump’s government who is loyal to Trump or who is willing to back Trump’s effort to stop provoking the Russians and to cease serving as Israel’s military force in the Middle East. As far as I can tell not only the Democratic Party but also the Republican Party supports the left-wing’s view that Trump’s election was illegitimate, because he was elected by the votes of illegitimate people—“the deplorables” to use Hillary’s term.

Who are “the deplorables?” They are the remnants of the American working class. They are the people whose jobs were sent overseas to Asia by the global US corporations in order to enrich their shareholders and executives via higher profits from lower labor costs. They are the people who in order to stay afloat had to rely on debt in place of the missing income and whose debt is now so high that they have no disposable income. A huge proportion of the American population is incapable of raising a measly $400 without having to sell personal possessions.

In other words, they are refugees from a destroyed American middle class.

Trump stood up for them against the rich who ruined them, and now the rich are going to ruin Trump.

It will teach a lesson. Henceforth in the United States no one will dare to stick up for the American people. America is not for Americans any more than the world is for the peoples of the world. America and the world are for the One Percent. No one else. Russia, China, and Iran are in the way, and, thus, they are on Washington’s hit list.

It is heartbreaking to watch the Russians continue to believe, lesson after lesson to the contrary, that they can reach a deal with Washington. This unrealistic hope will destroy Russia. The Russian government will continue to grasp at straws and be put off guard.

It is utterly amazing that the Russian government can believe after its extensive history of being left hanging in the wind by its agreements with Washington that any agreement with Washington is worth anything.

Perhaps Russia is aware of the evil that they face in Washington. Perhaps the Russian emphasis on diplomacy is just a way of gaining time to get prepared for the war that Washington intends to bring to them.

There is little doubt that the great and wonderful beacon of light that is Democracy in Washington, also known as the government of the “exceptional” people and the “indispensable” country, is lost in hubris and arrogance and will destroy life on earth.

Trump was "warned" today by Republican Senators not to fire Sessions. Charles Grassley says he "must wait a year" and Lindsey Graham (of course) escalated the rhetoric and said that if Trump fired Sessions to then get rid of Mueller, paraphrasing, "it will be the beginning of the end of his Presidency" and this was echoed by uber-RINO Cuckservative House Rep Cory Gardner of Colorado. Who do these people think they are? Trump is the Chief Executive and it is within his power (whether one agrees with his decision or not) to do this if he wishes. Whomever he chose to replace Sessions as the new Attorney General would have to be confirmed again by the Senate anyway, so why are they so adamant about this? It's all within the framework of Federal law.

I'm not surprised that Trump "had no idea what he was doing" when putting his team together because the D.C. Swamp is far different than running a corporation where the CEO essentially has the powers of a King, with the Board of Directors being the only "check" against him. Trump completely underestimated how deep and dark the "swamp" was and even admitted as much a few days ago and then called it a "sewer" and "cesspool" instead.

Today, WH Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci said, regarding the leaks:

"The fish stinks from the head down. I can tell you two fish that don’t stink, and that’s me and the president."

He's basically calling everyone out on Trump's team as "swamp creatures", including VP Mike Pence. If this is the case, then what chance did Trump really even have? If he went on and picked people that were completely removed from the D.C. Swamp, they never would have been confirmed by the Senate anyway!

In the meantime, this is probably the primary reason why the Satanic Pedophile Washington Elite are against Russia: Atheism in Russia Falls by 50% in Three Years
In other words, Sessions, who has been beat up previously by the establishment, is too afraid to do his job.

Agree; Sessions is gutless. A big disappointment.

It is heartbreaking to watch the Russians continue to believe, lesson after lesson to the contrary, that they can reach a deal with Washington. This unrealistic hope will destroy Russia. The Russian government will continue to grasp at straws and be put off guard.

Don't agree or accept this for one second. Russians are playing political games with U.S. ******** to keep cornering the U.S. thereby exposing U.S. falsehoods and attempts of conquest. Russia won with Georgia, Ukraine, Crimea, and now in Syria. Expect more success once the Syrian war is mopped up. Middle East nations Afghanistan and Iraq will be siding with the Russians also once this Syrian trouble is over.

Iran and China are doing plenty of winning as well lately. Looks like U.S. is losing Turkey and the Philippines as allies as well.
Trump was "warned" today by Republican Senators not to fire Sessions. Charles Grassley says he "must wait a year" and Lindsey Graham (of course) escalated the rhetoric and said that if Trump fired Sessions to then get rid of Mueller, paraphrasing, "it will be the beginning of the end of his Presidency" and this was echoed by uber-RINO Cuckservative House Rep Cory Gardner of Colorado. Who do these people think they are? Trump is the Chief Executive and it is within his power (whether one agrees with his decision or not) to do this if he wishes. Whomever he chose to replace Sessions as the new Attorney General would have to be confirmed again by the Senate anyway, so why are they so adamant about this? It's all within the framework of Federal law.

I'm not surprised that Trump "had no idea what he was doing" when putting his team together because the D.C. Swamp is far different than running a corporation where the CEO essentially has the powers of a King, with the Board of Directors being the only "check" against him. Trump completely underestimated how deep and dark the "swamp" was and even admitted as much a few days ago and then called it a "sewer" and "cesspool" instead.

Today, WH Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci said, regarding the leaks:

"The fish stinks from the head down. I can tell you two fish that don’t stink, and that’s me and the president."

He's basically calling everyone out on Trump's team as "swamp creatures", including VP Mike Pence. If this is the case, then what chance did Trump really even have? If he went on and picked people that were completely removed from the D.C. Swamp, they never would have been confirmed by the Senate anyway!

In the meantime, this is probably the primary reason why the Satanic Pedophile Washington Elite are against Russia: Atheism in Russia Falls by 50% in Three Years

I agree that Trump is boxed in, though his often poor political judgment and his many flip flops are also a big cause of the predicament he's in. At this point what he needs to do is recruit "Trumpites" to run for the GOP nomination in 2018 in as many congressional districts as possible, and also have an army of his followers run for state and local office as well. That was Pat Buchanan's crucial failing -- he was the Trump of the 1990s but was always a one-man band, well actually it was just Pat and his sister Bay. He never organized Buchananites to run for office and lobby officials; he would give a speech and then split, leaving nothing behind but vapor trails.
If he's sincere, Trump has to quickly build a genuine movement from among his deplorables otherwise it's looking more and more like he will either be impeached, forced to resign, or just endure four years of endless attacks with very little getting done. Just go back on the campaign trail, which is what he's best at anyway. Get his deplorables active and also rally the tea partiers and try to knock off as many GOP swamp incumbents as possible.
Marvel Comics, another enterprise owned (and destroyed) by Disney with their incessant SJW propaganda, is not doing so well, just like BSPN. But again, since Disney is flush with cash, they'll be propped up to make sure their cultural agenda continues on...

Anyway, I stumbled upon a YouTube channel called "Diversity & Comics" and this guy tears them apart pretty well by covering and skewering all of the SJW lunacy that now runs through their comics. He prefaces "Marvel" with "SJW" every time he writes "Marvel". He calls out certain writers and also noticed that ALL of the Associate Editors of each comic book series is female who makes sure the SJW party line is towed (something akin to what was happening in the former Soviet Union when it came to media and entertainment censorship for the masses). He has almost 30K subscribers and most of his views for each vid are in the tens of thousands. The comments to his vids are some of the best you'll find.

Here's a sample of some of his content:

And here's a partial list of some of his vids. Check out some of the titles of his videos.

In one episode I watched he mentioned that there is no longer any romance between any of the male and female characters, which is what I've been saying about the movies over the past twenty years. That's what gave a lot of stories, whether they were in books, movies, tv series, etcetera a lot of emotional weight. Where's the drama supposed to come from and how can you have any tragedy if this has been removed?

I made the mistake of seeing the remake of "The Manchurian Candidate" from around 2004. I was well familiar with the one from 1962. In the 1962 version there was a love angle between the brainwashed assassin and his girlfriend, who became his wife in the movie. It was pure America 1.0 romance with a pre-Feminist woman. Here's the scene where he is brainwashed to kill her. At the end of the scene you see tears running down his face as realized what he had done but had no control over:

In the version from 2004, there was nothing like that. The female lead in it was, instead, very masculine, independent and stoic. Thus, the movie never had any emotional weight or emotional resonance when it was over and could never have been considered a "tragedy" because of that. Comics have now become the same way.
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Great post, Heretic. Henry Makow covered just this topic the other day. I was never into comic books and cartoons much. When I've watched an occasional cartoon in the past few years I've been sickened by how openly perverted they are.

The Feminist Formula for Killing Love

A lady at work today mentioned that she was making her way up to Cheyenne for Cheyenne Frontier Days to see "Jason Derulo" . I hadn't heard of him before but his name sounded country enough. Out of curiousity I look him up and get this:


That's right this thing is headlining one of the nights for one of the biggest country gatherings of the year! I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise. Country music has been a shell of its former self for at least a decade (and some might argue longer). But their (((schtick))) became pretty obvious around 2011-2012 when they finally pushed aside venerable acts like George strait, Alan Jackson, brooks and Dunn and started giving airtime and promotion to the "bro" country crowd with large cross promotional events with rappers and black / frat culture in a multi front push to have white America idolize black America

What used to be a major cultural aspect of America 1.0 has devolved into "country girls" with their novelty cowboy hats and boots Raising an 8 dollar bud to a rap artist
A lady at work today mentioned that she was making her way up to Cheyenne for Cheyenne Frontier Days to see "Jason Derulo" . I hadn't heard of him before but his name sounded country enough. Out of curiousity I look him up and get this:


That's right this thing is headlining one of the nights for one of the biggest country gatherings of the year! I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise. Country music has been a shell of its former self for at least a decade (and some might argue longer). But their (((schtick))) became pretty obvious around 2011-2012 when they finally pushed aside venerable acts like George strait, Alan Jackson, brooks and Dunn and started giving airtime and promotion to the "bro" country crowd with large cross promotional events with rappers and black / frat culture in a multi front push to have white America idolize black America

What used to be a major cultural aspect of America 1.0 has devolved into "country girls" with their novelty cowboy hats and boots Raising an 8 dollar bud to a rap artist

Absolutely pathetic. Whatever that is, it isn't country, even if (((them))) try to pass it off as such.
Absolutely pathetic. Whatever that is, it isn't country, even if (((them))) try to pass it off as such.

I've made better "tunes" on the commode.
Thirty years ago, the micro-chipping of humans was still thought to be something that belonged only in the wackiest reaches of totalitarian science fiction and not one American in a thousand would have voluntarily been micro-chipped. Now a Wisconsin business throws a "chip party" as employees eagerly line up to get chipped. Americans have been conditioned to think and act like slaves, and it's worked.

'Chip Party': U.S. Company Celebrates Implanting Microchips in Employees

A lady at work today mentioned that she was making her way up to Cheyenne for Cheyenne Frontier Days to see "Jason Derulo" . I hadn't heard of him before but his name sounded country enough. Out of curiousity I look him up and get this:


That's right this thing is headlining one of the nights for one of the biggest country gatherings of the year! I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise. Country music has been a shell of its former self for at least a decade (and some might argue longer). But their (((schtick))) became pretty obvious around 2011-2012 when they finally pushed aside venerable acts like George strait, Alan Jackson, brooks and Dunn and started giving airtime and promotion to the "bro" country crowd with large cross promotional events with rappers and black / frat culture in a multi front push to have white America idolize black America

What used to be a major cultural aspect of America 1.0 has devolved into "country girls" with their novelty cowboy hats and boots Raising an 8 dollar bud to a rap artist

I'm not a fan of country music, but living in a very rural area, I know many people who are. One of my friends expressed great disgust in the fact that the negro you mentioned above, "Jason Derulo," has performed at the CMT Awards the past two years alongside country music singer/rapper/wigger, Luke Bryan. Everything form of entertainment that is exclusively enjoyed by white people must be properly infused with Africana, lest the all-too familiar accusations of xenophobia and racism be charged...


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I'm not a fan of country music, but living in a very rural area, I know many people who are. One of my friends expressed great disgust in the fact that the negro you mentioned above, "Jason Derulo," has performed at the CMT Awards the past two years alongside country music singer/rapper/wigger, Luke Bryan. Everything form of entertainment that is exclusively enjoyed by white people must be Negro-fied...


"Puke Bryan" is like his (modern) peers...a phony, plastic, artificial, manufactured pop (faux) "county" star. This pop country is a pure D disgrace.

A lady at work today mentioned that she was making her way up to Cheyenne for Cheyenne Frontier Days to see "Jason Derulo" . I hadn't heard of him before but his name sounded country enough. Out of curiousity I look him up and get this:


That's right this thing is headlining one of the nights for one of the biggest country gatherings of the year! I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise. Country music has been a shell of its former self for at least a decade (and some might argue longer). But their (((schtick))) became pretty obvious around 2011-2012 when they finally pushed aside venerable acts like George strait, Alan Jackson, brooks and Dunn and started giving airtime and promotion to the "bro" country crowd with large cross promotional events with rappers and black / frat culture in a multi front push to have white America idolize black America

What used to be a major cultural aspect of America 1.0 has devolved into "country girls" with their novelty cowboy hats and boots Raising an 8 dollar bud to a rap artist
I can smell the stink from him sitting here in n.c.
American Freedom News