We Are Living In A Cartoon

General Lee Speaks: Had it Figured Out

“The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.” Robert E. Lee

The man was perceptive. Amalgamation of the states under a central government has led to exactly the effects foreseen by General Lee.

In, say, 1950, to an appreciable though imperfect extent America resembled a confederacy. Different regions of the America had little contact with each other, and almost no influence over one another. The federal government was small and remote. Interstates did not exist, nor of course the internet, nor even direct long-distance telephone dialing. West Virginia, Alabama, Massachusetts, New York City, Texas, and California had little in common, but little conflict arose since for practical purposes they were almost different countries. They chiefly governed themselves. The proportion of federal to state law was small.

It is important to note that regional differences were great. In 1964 in rural Virginia, the boys brought shotguns to school during deer season. Nobody shot anybody because it wasn’t in the culture. The culture was uniform, so no one was upset. It is when cultures are mixed, or one rules another, that antagonism comes. Such shotgun freedom would not have worked in New York City with its variegated and often mutually hostile ethnicities.

Regions differed importantly in degree of freedom, not just in the freedom of local populations to govern themselves but also in individual freedom. It made a large difference in the tenor of life. If in Texas, rural Virginia, or West Virginia you wanted to build an addition to your house, you did. You didn’t need licenses, permits, inspections, union-certified electricians. Speed limits? Largely ignored. Federal requirements for Coast Guard approved flotation devices on your canoe? What the hell kind of crazy idea was that?

Democracy works better the smaller the group practicing it. In a town, people can actually understand the questions of the day. They know what matters to them. Do we build a new school, or expand the existing one? Do we want our children to recite the pledge of allegiance, or don’t we? Reenact the Battle of Antietam? Sing Christmas carols in the town square? We can decide these things. Leave us alone.

States similarly knew what their people wanted and, within the limits of human frailty, governed accordingly.

Then came the vast empire, the phenomenal increase in the power and reach of the federal government, which really means the Northeast Corridor. The Supreme Court expanded and expanded and expanded the authority of Washington, New York’s store-front operation. The federals now decided what could be taught in the schools, what religious practices could be permitted, what standards employers could use in hiring, who they had to hire. The media coalesced into a small number of corporations, controlled from New Yorkbut with national reach. More recently we have added surveillance of everything by Washington’s intelligence agencies.

Tyranny at home, said said General Lee . Just so. This could happen only with the consolidation of the states into one vast empire.

Tyranny comes easily when those seeking it need only corrupt a single Congress, appoint a single Supreme Court, or control the departments of one executive branch. In a confederation of largely self-governing states, those hungry to domineer would have to suborn fifty congresses. It could not be done. State governments are accessible to the governed. They can be ejected. They are much more likely to be sympathetic to the desires of their constituents since they are of the same culture.

Aggressive abroad, said General Lee. Is this not exactly what we see? At this moment Washington has the better part of a thousand military bases around the world, unnecessary except for the maintenance of empire. America exists in a state of constant war, bombing Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Somalia, recently having destroyed Iraq and Libya. Washington threatens Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China. Its military moves deeper into Africa. Washington sanctions Cuba, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, to no effect. It constantly tries to dominate other nations, for example adding to NATO.

None of these wars and little if any of the imperial aggression interests more than a tiny fraction of the country’s people. To whom can the war against Afghanistan matter? Libya? Few people have heard of Montenegro. Does its membership in NATO or lack of it affect Idaho?

In a confederacy, states would have to approve a war. Few would unless the United States itself were threatened. They might well refuse to pay for wars not in their benefit, or to allow their sons, daughters, and transgenders to be conscripted.

But with a central government, those benefiting from war can concentrate money and influence only on that government. For example, military industry, Israel, big oil, Wall Street. Wars might carry the votes of states with arms factories. Other states would decline.

In principle, the Constitution should have prevented the hijacking of the military that we now suffer. As we all should know, and some do, America cannot under the Constitution go to war without a declaration by Congress, the last one of which occurred in 1941. But a single central government can be corrupted more easily than fifty state governments. A few billionaires, well-funded lobbies, and the remoteness of Washington from the common consciousness make controlling the legislature as easy as buying a pair of shoes.

And thus, just as Marse Bob expected, the federals are out of control and make war without the least reference to the nation. If America attacks North Korea, or Russia, or China, we will read of it the day after. The central government, and only the central government, decides. A few days ago I read that the Pentagon contemplates sending thousands of additional troops to Afghanistan. This combines tyranny at home and aggression abroad. Who wants to send them? A few neocons in New York, the arms industry, a few generals, and several senators. It could not happen in a confederacy.

Will this, as General Lee predicted, prove “the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.? Wait.


Terrific analysis! Fred is the best.
It's just another scalp claimed by the Cultural Marxists. The sportswriter had been in the business for 30 years, you figure he would have gotten the memo. I guess a Jap winning instead of some South American is worse? How about the fact that the Indy 500 is no longer much of an American event. Americans don't follow the sport and the drivers are not that well know at all. Years ago Indy drivers were household names, guys like Andretti and Foyt, now the race is hardly followed.

I know Flint, I remember when this race was followed almost as much as a major football game. Today it seems to not even exist. That, to me, is more of a triumph by the cultural marxist cult than some Japanese driver winning it. Don't really have a problem at all with a Japanese driver winning.
Ontario, Canada makes it illegal for parents to deny their young children's choice of gender. If they do so, the state of Ontario can remove the child or children from the home and charge the parents with "child abuse"; and, I would expect, the next "logical" step would be to then carry out the young children's wishes via taxpayer dollar expense.

Ontario passed a law Thursday that gives the government the right to take away children from families that don’t accept their kid’s chosen "gender identity."

Parents who oppose or criticize the LGBT agenda will be considered potential "child abusers" and may have their children taken away by the state, according to the new bill. If the parents are ruled to be abusers by failing to wholeheartedly support their child’s gender choice, that child "can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops."

It passed overwhelmingly by a 63-23 vote.

Over the past several years I've read about how Ontario has almost perfected cultural Communism (extreme radical feminism, LGBTQ rights, etc.) on sites like Heartiste and various MRA and MGTOW sites and channels, so (sadly) I'm not really surprised.
The "Province" of Ontario(not state) has always been a screwed pooch when it comes to shyte like this new law. Toronto and Vancouver are the gay capitols of Canada, they both have the highest number of Muslims, Asians. Both Provinces are becoming homes for all the screwed up groups of people there is. This law forces parents to succumb to this law or be punished for it. It just enables the messed in the head kids...this will be a clusterpuck...
Too bad Quebec couldn't become independent from Canadastan. They were so close, lost the 1995 referendum by a hair. The Vampire had flooded Quebec with negroes who voted against it. I went to Montreal at about that time and I crashed in a dorm in the giant downtown YMCA - and found that they were using that huge building as the immigration headquarters, importing blacks from Haiti and elsewhere in the Caribbean as fast as they could. They had entire floors devoted to it. Then I moved to some French language dorm which was pretty cool because the girls sort of shared the shower room. Then I got a room at McGill Univ. which was nice except you had to hike up a big hill to get there. I rode the bus through suburbs and saw that some of the suburbs were already mostly negro. I got on a bus once and there was a bunch of mongoloid idiot kids sitting in the front and one stuck out his leg to try to ineffectually - they were just little chubby mongoloids - trip me and they all went haw haw haw, not from evil but just because they were idiots. I thought that they were the only really happy people and wondered how I could join up. Reminds me of Mark Twain's "Mysterious Stranger". The kid asked Satan to make his uncle totally happy, so Satan turned his uncle into a blithering idiot. He said that's the only way you can be totally happy on Earth. Mark twain wrote that in his dark period, towards the end of his life, after he had suffered personal tragedies.
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The "Province" of Ontario(not state) has always been a screwed pooch when it comes to shyte like this new law. Toronto and Vancouver are the gay capitols of Canada, they both have the highest number of Muslims, Asians. Both Provinces are becoming homes for all the screwed up groups of people there is. This law forces parents to succumb to this law or be punished for it. It just enables the messed in the head kids...this will be a clusterpuck...

Province or State "law" is not law but statute. There is a difference. Law and Statute are different concepts defined as different words. Almost 99.9% of all parents on both sides of the border have no clue what they are doing when they enter their child's names into the "Public" registry by obtaining birth certificates. The 99.9% end up giving away the authority over their children to strangers we know as State "officials". A "Record of Live Birth" is not a "Birth Certificate". Simple corrective notes need to be put into principal documents to keep State authorities out of ownership of parent's children. I know. I did it. And a man must be vigilant all his life. I know. I do. When a man and/or a woman take complete control over their property (their children), the State meddlers and do-gooders loose all presumptive control as we all know no man may lawfully take another's man's property without his consent as it is one of our most commonest laws.

I don't and can't expect even 10% of families to know how to keep the Public State away. So, families need to just keep it simple, and keep away from the State as much as they can, especially keep their children as far away from the Public school system as they possibly can. Beg, borrow, work like a draft horse, and be as smart as a fox, just get your kids into private schools or home schools. The wealthy have known this all along. No wonder they are wealthy.
The Dead Giveaways of Imperial Decline

Nothing is as permanent as we imagine--especially super-complex, super-costly, super-asymmetric and super-debt-dependent state/financial systems.
Identifying the tell-tale signs of Imperial decay and decline is a bit of a parlor game. The hubris of an increasingly incestuous and out-of-touch leadership, dismaying extremes of wealth inequality, self-serving, avaricious Elites, rising dependency of the lower classes on free Bread and Circuses provided by a government careening toward insolvency due to stagnating tax revenues and vast over-reach--these are par for the course of self-reinforcing Imperial decay.

Sir John Glubb listed a few others in his seminal essay on the end of empires The Fate of Empires, what might be called the dynamics of decadence:
(a) A growing love of money as an end in itself.
(b) A lengthy period of wealth and ease, which makes people complacent. They lose their edge; they forget the traits (confidence, energy, hard work) that built their civilization.
(c) Selfishness and self-absorption.
(d) Loss of any sense of duty to the common good.
Glubb included the following in his list of the characteristics of decadence:
-- an increase in frivolity, hedonism, materialism and the worship of unproductive celebrity (paging any Kardashians in the venue...)
-- a loss of social cohesion
-- willingness of an increasing number to live at the expense of a bloated bureaucratic state
Historian Peter Turchin, whom I have often excerpted here, listed three disintegrative forces that gnaw away the fibers of an Imperial economy and social order:
1. Stagnating real wages due to oversupply of labor
2. overproduction of parasitic Elites
3. Deterioration of central state finances

To these lists I would add a few more that are especially visible in the current Global Empire of Debt that encircles the globe and encompasses nations of all sizes and political/cultural persuasions:
1. An absurdly heightened sense of refinement as the wealth of the top 5% has risen so mightily as a direct result of financialization and globalization that the top .1% has been forced to seek ever more extreme refinements to differentiate the Elite class (financial-political royalty) from financial nobility (top .5% or so), the technocrat class (top 5%), the aspirant class (next 15%) and everyone below (the bottom 80%).
Now that just about any technocrat/ member of the lower reaches of the financial nobility can afford a low-interest loan on a luxury auto, wealthy aspirants must own super-cars costing $250,000 and up.
A mere yacht no longer differentiates financial royalty from lower-caste financial Nobles, so super-yachts are de riguer, along with extremes such as private islands, private jets in the $80 million-each range, and so on.
Even mere technocrat aspirants routinely spend $150 per plate for refined dining out and take extreme vacations to ever more remote locales to advance their social status.
Examples abound of this hyper-inflation of refinement as the wealth of the top 5% has skyrocketed.
2. The belief in the permanence of the status quo has reached quasi-religious levels of faith. The possibility that the entire financialized, politicized circus of extremes might actually be nothing more than a sand castle that's dissolving in the rising tides of history is not just heresy--it doesn't enter the minds of those reveling in refinement or those demanding more Bread and Circuses (Universal Basic Income, etc.)
3. Luxury, not service, defines the financial-political Elites. As Turchin pointed out in his book on the decline of empires, in the expansionist, integrative eras of empires, Elites based their status on service to the Common Good and the defense (or expansion) of the Empire.
While there are still a few shreds of noblesse oblige in the tattered banners of the financial elites, the vast majority of the Elites classes are focused on scooping up as much wealth and power as they can in the shortest possible time, with the goal being not to serve society or the Common Good but to enter the status competition game with enough wealth to afford the refined dining, luxury travel to remote locales, second and third homes in exotic but safe hideaways, and so on.
4. An unquestioned faith in the unlimited power of the state and central bank.The idea that the mightiest governments and central banks might not be able to print their way of our harm's way, that is, create as much money and credit as is needed to paper over any spot of bother, is unthinkable for the vast majority of the populace, Elites and debt-serfs alike.
That all this newly issued currency and credit is nothing but claims on future production of goods and services and rising productivity never enters the minds of the believers in unlimited state/bank powers. We have been inculcated with the financial equivalent of the Divine Powers of the Emperor: the government and central bank possess essentially divine powers to overcome any problem, any crisis and any conflict simply by creating more money, in whatever quantities are deemed necessary.
If $1 trillion in fresh currency will do the trick--no problem! $10 trillion? No problem! $100 trillion? No problem! there is no upper limit on how much new currency/credit the government and central bank can create.
That there might be limits on the efficacy of this money-creation never enters the minds of the faithful. That pushing currency-credit creation above the limits of efficacy might actually trigger the unraveling of the state-central bank's vaunted powers never occurs to believers in the unlimited reach of central states/banks.
The possibility that the central state/bank's powers are actually quite limited is blasphemy in an era in which the majority of the Elites and commoners alike depend on the "free money" machinery of the central state/bank for their wealth and livelihoods.
It is instructive to ponder the excesses of private wealth and political dysfunction of the late Roman Empire with the present-day excesses of private wealth and political dysfunction. As Turchin and others have documented, where the average wealth of a Roman patrician in the Republic (the empire's expansionist, integrative phase) was perhaps 10-20 times the free-citizen commoner's wealth, by the disintegrative, decadent phase of imperial decay, the Elites held wealth on the scale of 10,000 times the wealth of the typical commoner. Elite villas were more like small villages centered around the excesses of luxury than mere homes for the wealthy and their household servants. Here is a commentary drawn from Turchin's work:
"An average Roman noble of senatorial class had property valued in the neighborhood of 20,000 Roman pounds of gold. There was no 'middle class' comparable to the small landholders of the third century B.C.; the huge majority of the population was made up of landless peasants working land that belonged to nobles. These peasants had hardly any property at all, but if we estimate it (very generously) at one tenth of a pound of gold, the wealth differential would be 200,000! Inequality grew both as a result of the rich getting richer (late imperial senators were 100 times wealthier than their Republican predecessors) and those of the middling wealth becoming poor."

We can be quite confident that these powerful elites reckoned the Empire was permanent and its power to secure their wealth and power was effectively unlimited. But alas, their fantastic wealth vanished along with the rest of the centralized, over-extended, complex and costly Imperial structures.
There is a peculiarly widespread belief that Elites are so smart and powerful that they always manage to evade the collapse of the empires that created and protected their wealth. But there is essentially no evidence for this belief when eras truly change.
Yes, Elites have proven to be adept at shifting with the political winds; thus the guestbooks of French chateaux were filled with the names of Nazi dignitaries during the German occupation of France, and with the names of Allied bigwigs after the war ended the 1,000-year Reich.
But the complete collapse of the financial system and centralized power is not a war or financial crisis--these are storm waters which the Elites have the wherewithal to survive. But when a tsunami disintegrates the entire structure and carries it out to a nameless sea as flotsam and jetsam, there is no transfer of wealth from the Old to the New.
The Roman Elites did not become Barbarian elites who just so happened to own the same villas and vast estates they did when they wore togas and dined on super-refined delicacies. They were pushed aside along with everything that supported their wealth and power.
Nothing is quite as permanent as we imagine--especially super-complex, super-costly, super-asymmetric and super-debt-dependent state/financial systems.

The "Pentagram" orders Army soldiers to take 'sensitivity training' to accept freako transformers. Those wicked, scumbag Marxists in DC deserve execution for high treason against the integrity of the Republic! :mad:


Just more evidence that Trump is a phony. The communist agenda continues to be implemented through gradualism whether a "liberal" Democrat or a "conservative" (or in this case a supposed populist-nationalist) Republican is the puppet in the White House. Such a "policy" would have been unimaginable as recently as the Clinton administration, but now we have it. A true nationalist would never allow such communist insanity.
Tragic fire in London that totally consumed a 27 story apartment building. But even after such a long-term raging fire the building didn't implode on itself as happened to the two World Trade Center towers within two hours after just a few stories caught fire. In fact, that remains the only example in history of a skyscraper falling into its own footprint after catching fire -- and it happened to both twin towers. Hmmm.

The Dead Giveaways of Imperial Decline

Nothing is as permanent as we imagine--especially super-complex, super-costly, super-asymmetric and super-debt-dependent state/financial systems.
Identifying the tell-tale signs of Imperial decay and decline is a bit of a parlor game. The hubris of an increasingly incestuous and out-of-touch leadership, dismaying extremes of wealth inequality, self-serving, avaricious Elites, rising dependency of the lower classes on free Bread and Circuses provided by a government careening toward insolvency due to stagnating tax revenues and vast over-reach--these are par for the course of self-reinforcing Imperial decay.

Sir John Glubb listed a few others in his seminal essay on the end of empires The Fate of Empires, what might be called the dynamics of decadence:
(a) A growing love of money as an end in itself.
(b) A lengthy period of wealth and ease, which makes people complacent. They lose their edge; they forget the traits (confidence, energy, hard work) that built their civilization.
(c) Selfishness and self-absorption.
(d) Loss of any sense of duty to the common good.
Glubb included the following in his list of the characteristics of decadence:
-- an increase in frivolity, hedonism, materialism and the worship of unproductive celebrity (paging any Kardashians in the venue...)
-- a loss of social cohesion
-- willingness of an increasing number to live at the expense of a bloated bureaucratic state
Historian Peter Turchin, whom I have often excerpted here, listed three disintegrative forces that gnaw away the fibers of an Imperial economy and social order:
1. Stagnating real wages due to oversupply of labor
2. overproduction of parasitic Elites
3. Deterioration of central state finances

To these lists I would add a few more that are especially visible in the current Global Empire of Debt that encircles the globe and encompasses nations of all sizes and political/cultural persuasions:
1. An absurdly heightened sense of refinement as the wealth of the top 5% has risen so mightily as a direct result of financialization and globalization that the top .1% has been forced to seek ever more extreme refinements to differentiate the Elite class (financial-political royalty) from financial nobility (top .5% or so), the technocrat class (top 5%), the aspirant class (next 15%) and everyone below (the bottom 80%).
Now that just about any technocrat/ member of the lower reaches of the financial nobility can afford a low-interest loan on a luxury auto, wealthy aspirants must own super-cars costing $250,000 and up.
A mere yacht no longer differentiates financial royalty from lower-caste financial Nobles, so super-yachts are de riguer, along with extremes such as private islands, private jets in the $80 million-each range, and so on.
Even mere technocrat aspirants routinely spend $150 per plate for refined dining out and take extreme vacations to ever more remote locales to advance their social status.
Examples abound of this hyper-inflation of refinement as the wealth of the top 5% has skyrocketed.
2. The belief in the permanence of the status quo has reached quasi-religious levels of faith. The possibility that the entire financialized, politicized circus of extremes might actually be nothing more than a sand castle that's dissolving in the rising tides of history is not just heresy--it doesn't enter the minds of those reveling in refinement or those demanding more Bread and Circuses (Universal Basic Income, etc.)
3. Luxury, not service, defines the financial-political Elites. As Turchin pointed out in his book on the decline of empires, in the expansionist, integrative eras of empires, Elites based their status on service to the Common Good and the defense (or expansion) of the Empire.
While there are still a few shreds of noblesse oblige in the tattered banners of the financial elites, the vast majority of the Elites classes are focused on scooping up as much wealth and power as they can in the shortest possible time, with the goal being not to serve society or the Common Good but to enter the status competition game with enough wealth to afford the refined dining, luxury travel to remote locales, second and third homes in exotic but safe hideaways, and so on.
4. An unquestioned faith in the unlimited power of the state and central bank.The idea that the mightiest governments and central banks might not be able to print their way of our harm's way, that is, create as much money and credit as is needed to paper over any spot of bother, is unthinkable for the vast majority of the populace, Elites and debt-serfs alike.
That all this newly issued currency and credit is nothing but claims on future production of goods and services and rising productivity never enters the minds of the believers in unlimited state/bank powers. We have been inculcated with the financial equivalent of the Divine Powers of the Emperor: the government and central bank possess essentially divine powers to overcome any problem, any crisis and any conflict simply by creating more money, in whatever quantities are deemed necessary.
If $1 trillion in fresh currency will do the trick--no problem! $10 trillion? No problem! $100 trillion? No problem! there is no upper limit on how much new currency/credit the government and central bank can create.
That there might be limits on the efficacy of this money-creation never enters the minds of the faithful. That pushing currency-credit creation above the limits of efficacy might actually trigger the unraveling of the state-central bank's vaunted powers never occurs to believers in the unlimited reach of central states/banks.
The possibility that the central state/bank's powers are actually quite limited is blasphemy in an era in which the majority of the Elites and commoners alike depend on the "free money" machinery of the central state/bank for their wealth and livelihoods.
It is instructive to ponder the excesses of private wealth and political dysfunction of the late Roman Empire with the present-day excesses of private wealth and political dysfunction. As Turchin and others have documented, where the average wealth of a Roman patrician in the Republic (the empire's expansionist, integrative phase) was perhaps 10-20 times the free-citizen commoner's wealth, by the disintegrative, decadent phase of imperial decay, the Elites held wealth on the scale of 10,000 times the wealth of the typical commoner. Elite villas were more like small villages centered around the excesses of luxury than mere homes for the wealthy and their household servants. Here is a commentary drawn from Turchin's work:
"An average Roman noble of senatorial class had property valued in the neighborhood of 20,000 Roman pounds of gold. There was no 'middle class' comparable to the small landholders of the third century B.C.; the huge majority of the population was made up of landless peasants working land that belonged to nobles. These peasants had hardly any property at all, but if we estimate it (very generously) at one tenth of a pound of gold, the wealth differential would be 200,000! Inequality grew both as a result of the rich getting richer (late imperial senators were 100 times wealthier than their Republican predecessors) and those of the middling wealth becoming poor."

We can be quite confident that these powerful elites reckoned the Empire was permanent and its power to secure their wealth and power was effectively unlimited. But alas, their fantastic wealth vanished along with the rest of the centralized, over-extended, complex and costly Imperial structures.
There is a peculiarly widespread belief that Elites are so smart and powerful that they always manage to evade the collapse of the empires that created and protected their wealth. But there is essentially no evidence for this belief when eras truly change.
Yes, Elites have proven to be adept at shifting with the political winds; thus the guestbooks of French chateaux were filled with the names of Nazi dignitaries during the German occupation of France, and with the names of Allied bigwigs after the war ended the 1,000-year Reich.
But the complete collapse of the financial system and centralized power is not a war or financial crisis--these are storm waters which the Elites have the wherewithal to survive. But when a tsunami disintegrates the entire structure and carries it out to a nameless sea as flotsam and jetsam, there is no transfer of wealth from the Old to the New.
The Roman Elites did not become Barbarian elites who just so happened to own the same villas and vast estates they did when they wore togas and dined on super-refined delicacies. They were pushed aside along with everything that supported their wealth and power.
Nothing is quite as permanent as we imagine--especially super-complex, super-costly, super-asymmetric and super-debt-dependent state/financial systems.


Great find here Don!
Tragic fire in London that totally consumed a 27 story apartment building. But even after such a long-term raging fire the building didn't implode on itself as happened to the two World Trade Center towers within two hours after just a few stories caught fire. In fact, that remains the only example in history of a skyscraper falling into its own footprint after catching fire -- and it happened to both twin towers. Hmmm.


Not just "both" towers but three towers, the two twin towers and also 741 foot high WTC 7. In over a century and a half of steel framed buildings none before nor since have ever collapsed like that from fire - fire that was not even very hot and going out according to the heroic and doomed firemen who had climbed up to the level of the fires.

Silverstein, who along with his two kids who worked for him at the WTC, and the officers in his business, along with approx. 4,000 Israelis who worked "in or near the WTC" (re Jerusalem Post), luckily didn't show up for work that day - and Lucky Larry luckily bought the lease to the WTC just a few months before, even tho it was a huge money loser and had never before been privately owned, and another Israeli owned the underground shopping mall, and Lucky Larry made a cool 7 bill on 911, which is why they call him Lucky.

Lucky Larry Silverstein talking about ordering #7 WTC pulled the afternoon of 911. Nothing to see here, people, move along...

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Tragic fire in London that totally consumed a 27 story apartment building. But even after such a long-term raging fire the building didn't implode on itself as happened to the two World Trade Center towers within two hours after just a few stories caught fire. In fact, that remains the only example in history of a skyscraper falling into its own footprint after catching fire -- and it happened to both twin towers. Hmmm.

Lionel Nation has a great take on this as well.
Rep. Steve Scalise was pushing a child trafficking bill (H.R. 436) and it was scheduled to be voted on soon.

Was the shooter really that bad of a shot because he was a "Bernie Sanders Supporter 'Progressive'" and liberals don't know how to handle guns? It appears to me that he was a good enough shot to put Scalise in critical condition, but then missed badly on the others. Were those misses really "warning shots" in regards to this Bill and others that have recently passed the House since Trump was elected (twelve anti-child trafficking bills have passes the House since February 28th).

Does anyone find it ironic that, again, a "Bernie Sanders Supporter 'Progressive'", like much in the MSM refer to him as (thus providing cover for the Corporate arm (Hillary, 0bama, P0desta, Wasserman-Schultz) of the Democratic Party and the DNC while demonizing the 'Progressive' wing of the Democratic Party that has been a thorn in their side) just happened to have a rifle and pistol available to him and, wow, what a coincidence, a bunch of Republicans just happened to be where he was at that time, so what's a "Bernie Sanders Supporter 'Progressive'" supposed to do? Well, just start shooting them, of course! Well, good thing there just happened to be a couple of the city's "finest" there that were great shots and took him out. Now he won't have to testify. Whew!

The latest one from Paul Joseph Watson is both hilarious and beyond-the-pale pathetic and disgusting:

Tragic fire in London that totally consumed a 27 story apartment building. But even after such a long-term raging fire the building didn't implode on itself as happened to the two World Trade Center towers within two hours after just a few stories caught fire. In fact, that remains the only example in history of a skyscraper falling into its own footprint after catching fire -- and it happened to both twin towers. Hmmm.


Here is more evidence that Building 7 was brought down intentionally:

And more evidence:

And still more:

Bill Maher Is Being Attacked By The Deranged Leftist Cult He Helped Create


After all, he did represent—in most regards—the embodiment of the New Left’s sworn enemy: the white, wealthy, and successful heterosexual male.

Maher should have seen it coming. For years, they’ve been preaching a self-deriding gospel that posits the straight, Caucasian male as the nefarious source of all inequalities throughout history.

Of course, Maher and his kindred wanted their pawns to only equate white privilege with those who fostered conservative and libertarian ideologies.


For Christ's sake,Bill Maher is a jew through and through.Its clearly shows on his rat face,to the extent that he might as well have a mark or something.
A lot of the young people who cover themselves with tats think they'll never grow old, not even middle-aged. But they will, and when they do many will look hideous, especially the women.

So true. They'll be big business in removal come twenty go thirty years.
American Freedom News