We Are Living In A Cartoon

Why Professional Cuddling Is Booming Under Trump

In the wake of Donald Trump's election, people struggled to figure out how to cope – and some found the answer was as simple as human touch


Cuddle parties hosted by professional cuddlers are becoming popular with Donald Trump in the White House.


You gotta be greenin' me?!! What are these creampuffs...2 year old toddlers?! These pantywaists need a boot in their candy @$$es & some testosterone injections. :eusa_doh::facepalm: :shakehead:
Why Professional Cuddling Is Booming Under Trump

In the wake of Donald Trump's election, people struggled to figure out how to cope – and some found the answer was as simple as human touch


Cuddle parties hosted by professional cuddlers are becoming popular with Donald Trump in the White House.


Man, that is so funny. I can't deal with this person in the White House wanting to keep illegal immigrants out of America and wanting to bring manufacturing back to America! HOLD ME!!!
The Transgender Endgame is Transhumanism
August 8, 2017


The 'Gay' Agenda is Not Finished
The goal of transhumanism is to use technology to release mankind from the "confines" of nature. It sounds good but, really, it is re-engineering humanity to be slaves.

Scott Lively relates the history of the homosexual agenda and explains that the goal of transgenderism is to break the natural mold.

Scott Lively is the co-author with Kevin Abrams of The Pink Swastika, (1995) the definitive account of role of homosexuality in the Nazi Party.

by Dr. Scott Lively

The ultimate goal of the "gay" movement
has always been the elimination of the restrictions on sexual "freedom" imposed by Judeo-Christian civilization.
Others have desired this result, but homosexuals have always pursued it hardest because their sexual appetites deviate furthest from the Biblical "one flesh" norm of lifetime heterosexual monogamy. For example, male homosexuality was a capital offence under the Mosaic Law, while a limited form of polygamy was discouraged but tolerated. In other words, "gays" have the most to lose under a Biblically-influenced legal and social system and thus the greatest motivation to overthrow it.

The Marquis de Sade, for whom sadism is named, articulated the goal of the gay movement. Sade's Philosophy in the Boudoir (1795) called for the decriminalization of sexual crimes, including specifically pederasty (man/boy sex) and sodomy, on the grounds that they were not actually "against nature" as the common law asserted.

Sade was an extreme libertine whose sexual practices included torture and murder. He was sentenced to death (in absentia) in 1772 for sodomizing his manservant and for poisoning prostitutes. In his time, he was considered a reprobate driven by insanity and/or demonic possession. But today his concept of "sexual freedom" thrives in popular culture throughout the west, thanks primarily to the "gay rights" movement.


The LGBT movement was formally organized in the mid 1800s in Germany by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, founder of the Scientific Humanitarian Committee with the stated goal of decriminalizing sodomy. The term "homosexual" was coined at that time to cast sodomy as a medical condition rather than a moral weakness, and Ulrichs pioneered the "born that way" argument with his "Third Sex" theory of homosexuality.

His successor, Magnus Hirschfeld, coined the term "transvestite." "Gay rights" first went mainstream in Germany in the 1920s and 30s where it was championed by the Society for Human Rights (SHR) whose most notorious member was Ernst Roehm, head of the dreaded Nazi Sturmabteilung or "Storm Troopers."
The earliest, but short-lived, American "gay rights" entity was a chapter of the SHR launched in Chicago in 1924 by a German-American soldier named Henry Gerber. More instrumental to the cause was Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfort School (which birthed Cultural Marxism) and his strategy of defeating Judeo-Christian civilization by "elimination of the monogamic...and patriarchal family."

From the US, the movement went global in the "sexual revolution" of the 1960s, the groundwork for which was laid in the late 1940s by the "Father of Gay Rights" Harry Hay, and in-the-closet "gay" activist Alfred Kinsey.

In the Stonewall Riot of 1969, the movement abandoned its pretext of seeking only "tolerance" and began aggressively pursuing total political control. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, the "Father of Gay Cultural Supremacy," assured that outcome by writing all five of the majority opinions of the court that enshrined LGBT political goals in constitutional law.

The fifth and final of these rulings, establishing "gay marriage" by judicial fiat in the Obergefell v Hodges case, has been perceived by many as the final blow to Biblical sexual values, with the transgender fight seen as simply a "mop-up" operation. However, the order in which LGBT "rights" were championed gives a clue as to what comes next, and it is actually the biggest and most consequential fight in the so-called culture war.

The fight to decriminalize sodomy was first and represented a challenge to notions of sexual conduct in law. Concurrent with that effort was 1) the promotion of heterosexual promiscuity, and 2) a change in the legal definition of sodomy from it's common-law grounding in Leviticus 18:22-23 which forbids male homosexuality and sex with animals by either gender. (Classically, sodomy thus has two forms: sex between two people of the same gender and sex with animals.) From that very specific relationship-focus, modern statutory law shifted to banning oral and anal sexual relations by either gender.

This drew the increasingly promiscuous heterosexual population into the fight and ensured sodomy's eventual decriminalization. To show just how contemporary that fight really is, consider that the 2012 repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the United States military first required the legalization of sex with animals, because sodomy was still defined according to the common law.

Next came the battle for "gay marriage" which attacks the "one flesh" model for marriage and the natural family, the cornerstone of civilization.


The supposedly "last" and current fight is over transgenderism which goes much deeper and attacks the very bedrock on which civilization's cornerstone rests. It challenges what it means to be human by attacking the fundamental order of creation - the binary nature of gender - which is a reflection of the very image of God in humanity (Genesis 1:27).

Ultimately, the "gay" agenda is simply a sub-plot of the larger Satanic agenda and now that LGBT goals appear nearly fully realized, the hidden hands behind them (both human and demonic) are coming into view. The puppet-masters who have made "gay" supremacy possible have been working backward from the branch to the root to bring chaos out of order -- the ultimate satanic goal: first confusion of sexuality as conduct, then confusion of marriage and family, then confusion of gender, and next confusion of what the Bible calls "kinds."

It is not just the deconstruction of civilization but the dissolution of all boundaries between human and animal and machine, to produce creatures that are a blend of all three.

We are witnessing the end-game before our very eyes but few recognize what they are seeing. What is next in the LGBT agenda is transhumanism. Satan is fashioning a final comprehensive counterfeit alternative to the creation over which Man finally assumes that he has accessed the Tree of Life and is persuaded that he is God, destroying himself and "goodness" itself in the process.

"Male" cosmetics heading for department stores. I'm sure these fruitcakes will make it a "package deal" & pick up their feather boa & high heels too. :gey:

They should offer these fairies a "special deal"...one free outhouse internment for every "male" make-up purchased.


Haha Ive used make up to Hide black Eyes at Work myself. Used it to Hide tatoos i got in my stupid youth in certain situations too. I admit ive done a few dumb things in my life :D
Haha Ive used make up to Hide black Eyes at Work myself. Used it to Hide tatoos i got in my stupid youth in certain situations too. I admit ive done a few dumb things in my life :D

Black eyes eh? Were you a brawler? If so, it's nothing to be ashamed of a shiner. Just tell 'em...if you think I look bad, you oughta see the other mug! ;)
Black eyes eh? Were you a brawler? If so, it's nothing to be ashamed of a shiner. Just tell 'em...if you think I look bad, you oughta see the other mug! ;)

Yeah I dabbled in the club/streetfighting thing for a while. I guess my Boss already thinks i aint the smartest so i didnt wanna pour fuel in the fire so to say ;) plus the whole white collar consultancy Business with client contact isnt the best für black Eyes, im sure you can imagine.

One time i concocted the most ridiculous story of "getting a basketball to the head and falling to the concrete" to explain a concussion and missed time at work. Looking back, i dont think anyone believed it :D
One time i concocted the most ridiculous story of "getting a basketball to the head and falling to the concrete" to explain a concussion and missed time at work. Looking back, i dont think anyone believed it :D

Should have told 'em you slipped on a banana peel...tossed by from dindu. ;)
The (((media)) is "celebrating" a "man" "giving birth". Perhaps the most "cartoonish" (real) story of them all in this thread (so far):

It's starting to get very confusing for me...so let's see if I get this straight; errr, I mean right...

So a biological female wanted to become a male, so she started taking hormones to grow facial hair, have a deeper voice, become more muscular, etc. A biological male "gay" "man" "fell in love" with this "trans" "male" (now legally a "man"), they have sex and the "trans" "male" has a child, "proving" that "men" can have babies too. I could be missing something, like I said it getting so confusing, but I think that's the gist of the story.

Oregon State "Fat Studies" deemed 'weightism' & a "social justice" issue. :rolleyes:First of all, what's to study? Being a lard@$$ boils down to lack of self discipline. Secondly, most butterballs (like f@gs & transformers) need to be ostracized...not coddled, protected or given a "pass". :shakehead:

Google has deliberately buried results that would lead readers to Caste Football deep into its search displays, so this site has been a target of Google's censorship and radical-left agenda, with the result being that it is much more difficult for potential posters to find us than it used to be.

Google is Committed to the Suppression of Free Speech

Paul Craig Roberts

This is an update to my earlier posting this morning:http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/08/08/facts-supplanted-propaganda-wherever-look/

The Google engineer, a Harvard Ph.D., who raised questions about the non-fact-based ideological culture within the Google organization has been identified and fired.

Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, said that the employee in expressing his views had violated Google’s code of conduct and had crossed “the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace.” The employee, James Damore, confirms that he was fired for “perpetuating gender stereotypes” by expressing his views.

Having fired Damore or permitted Google’s Thought Control Czar, Danielle Brown, to fire Damore, Sundar Pichai delivered a caricature of hypocrisy. Sundar addressed Damore’s “co-workers who are questioning whether they can safely express their views in the workplace, especially those with a minority viewpoint. They too feel under threat, and that is also not OK. People must feel free to express dissent.”

In the face of firing Damore for expressing his opinion, Sundar affirmed: “we strongly support the right of Googlers to express themselves.” Sundar says that “many points raised in the memo — such as the portions criticizing Google’s trainings, questioning the role of ideology in the workplace, and debating whether programs for women and underserved groups are sufficiently open to all — are important topics. The author had a right to express their (sic) views on those topics — we encourage an environment in which people can do this and it remains our policy to not take action against anyone for prompting these discussions.” https://www.recode.net/2017/8/7/161...emo-on-women-has-violated-its-code-of-conduct

However, Googlers must not question feminist ideology.

We should not be surprised that google is opposed to free expression. According to reports, Google works hand in hand with the NSA and CIA to expand unconstitutional spying on everyone everywhere and to suppress independent and dissenting thought and expression.

For example, on July 31, the World Socialist Web Site reported that “Between April and June, Google completed a major revision of its search engine that sharply curtails public access to Internet web sites that operate independently of the corporate and state-controlled media. Since the implementation of the changes, many left wing, anti-war and progressive web sites have experienced a sharp fall in traffic generated by Google searches. The World Socialist Web Site has seen, within just one month, a 70 percent drop in traffic from Google.”https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/07/31/goog-j31.html

Writing in Global Research, Graham Vanbergen lists 13 websites arbitrarily branded by Google as fake news or conspiracy sites whose readership Google has managed to reduce between 19 and 67 percent:

* wsws.org fell by 67 percent
* alternet.org fell by 63 percent
* globalresearch.ca fell by 62 percent
* consortiumnews.com fell by 47 percent
* socialistworker.org fell by 47 percent
* mediamatters.org fell by 42 percent
* commondreams.org fell by 37 percent
* internationalviewpoint.org fell by 36 percent
* democracynow.org fell by 36 percent
* wikileaks.org fell by 30 percent
* truth-out.org fell by 25 percent
* counterpunch.org fell by 21 percent
theintercept.com fell by 19 percent

It is completely obvious that none of these sites are fake news or conspiracy sites. These sites are under Google censorship because they question the official lies that are used to control the explanations given to the people. With the print and TV media and NPR under its control, the ruling oligarchy is now moving to shut down all Internet explanation that differs from the official lies that are used to keep people firmly locked in The Matrix.

Google is a monopoly. Before monopolists turned US anti-trust legislation such as the Sherman Act into dead-letter laws, Google would have been broken up. Today Google is protected not only by the demise of anti-trust laws, but also by its usefulness to the US Police State. Without Google’s active cooperation, it would not be possible for the NSA to complete its total spy network, a network that serves not national defense but suppression of dissent from the agendas of the ruling oligarchy.

Google abuses its power in many ways. For example, Wikileaks reports that among the Podesta email leaks, there is one from Google’s Eric Schmidt to Cheryl Mills offering Google’s ability to spy on Americans to help the Democrats win the presidential election.http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-...es-strategic-plan-help-democrats-win-election

Apparently, Google has chosen to be a monster committed to upholding lies and ideologies in the place of truth. Unless another country with the courage to stand up to Washington creates a rival search engine, truth will disappear from the face of the earth.

Google has deliberately buried search results that would lead readers to Caste Football deep into its search results, so this site has been a target of Google's censorship and radical-left agenda, with the result being that it is much more difficult for potential posters to find us than it used to be.

Google is Committed to the Suppression of Free Speech

Paul Craig Roberts

This is an update to my earlier posting this morning:http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/08/08/facts-supplanted-propaganda-wherever-look/

The Google engineer, a Harvard Ph.D., who raised questions about the non-fact-based ideological culture within the Google organization has been identified and fired.

Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, said that the employee in expressing his views had violated Google’s code of conduct and had crossed “the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace.” The employee, James Damore, confirms that he was fired for “perpetuating gender stereotypes” by expressing his views.

Having fired Damore or permitted Google’s Thought Control Czar, Danielle Brown, to fire Damore, Sundar Pichai delivered a caricature of hypocrisy. Sundar addressed Damore’s “co-workers who are questioning whether they can safely express their views in the workplace, especially those with a minority viewpoint. They too feel under threat, and that is also not OK. People must feel free to express dissent.”

In the face of firing Damore for expressing his opinion, Sundar affirmed: “we strongly support the right of Googlers to express themselves.” Sundar says that “many points raised in the memo — such as the portions criticizing Google’s trainings, questioning the role of ideology in the workplace, and debating whether programs for women and underserved groups are sufficiently open to all — are important topics. The author had a right to express their (sic) views on those topics — we encourage an environment in which people can do this and it remains our policy to not take action against anyone for prompting these discussions.” https://www.recode.net/2017/8/7/161...emo-on-women-has-violated-its-code-of-conduct

However, Googlers must not question feminist ideology.

We should not be surprised that google is opposed to free expression. According to reports, Google works hand in hand with the NSA and CIA to expand unconstitutional spying on everyone everywhere and to suppress independent and dissenting thought and expression.

For example, on July 31, the World Socialist Web Site reported that “Between April and June, Google completed a major revision of its search engine that sharply curtails public access to Internet web sites that operate independently of the corporate and state-controlled media. Since the implementation of the changes, many left wing, anti-war and progressive web sites have experienced a sharp fall in traffic generated by Google searches. The World Socialist Web Site has seen, within just one month, a 70 percent drop in traffic from Google.”https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/07/31/goog-j31.html

Writing in Global Research, Graham Vanbergen lists 13 websites arbitrarily branded by Google as fake news or conspiracy sites whose readership Google has managed to reduce between 19 and 67 percent:

* wsws.org fell by 67 percent
* alternet.org fell by 63 percent
* globalresearch.ca fell by 62 percent
* consortiumnews.com fell by 47 percent
* socialistworker.org fell by 47 percent
* mediamatters.org fell by 42 percent
* commondreams.org fell by 37 percent
* internationalviewpoint.org fell by 36 percent
* democracynow.org fell by 36 percent
* wikileaks.org fell by 30 percent
* truth-out.org fell by 25 percent
* counterpunch.org fell by 21 percent
theintercept.com fell by 19 percent

It is completely obvious that none of these sites are fake news or conspiracy sites. These sites are under Google censorship because they question the official lies that are used to control the explanations given to the people. With the print and TV media and NPR under its control, the ruling oligarchy is now moving to shut down all Internet explanation that differs from the official lies that are used to keep people firmly locked in The Matrix.

Google is a monopoly. Before monopolists turned US anti-trust legislation such as the Sherman Act into dead-letter laws, Google would have been broken up. Today Google is protected not only by the demise of anti-trust laws, but also by its usefulness to the US Police State. Without Google’s active cooperation, it would not be possible for the NSA to complete its total spy network, a network that serves not national defense but suppression of dissent from the agendas of the ruling oligarchy.

Google abuses its power in many ways. For example, Wikileaks reports that among the Podesta email leaks, there is one from Google’s Eric Schmidt to Cheryl Mills offering Google’s ability to spy on Americans to help the Democrats win the presidential election.http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-...es-strategic-plan-help-democrats-win-election

Apparently, Google has chosen to be a monster committed to upholding lies and ideologies in the place of truth. Unless another country with the courage to stand up to Washington creates a rival search engine, truth will disappear from the face of the earth.

I'm not surprised. Lately (over the past few months), whenever I see a story that I want to share on CF and "Google" it, I have to go way down the list or to the second page to find a source that's not part of the "fake news" NWO media establishment (as I prefer not to give them the web traffic). I'm hoping that an alternative platform can be created to address Google's monopoly as it's unlikely that the PTB will do anything about it as it serves their agenda and purpose.

Since there's a ton a creative and intelligent White male coders out there that are highly motivated to take out Google and other SJW social media giants, I'm optimistic that in a few years Google and their ilk will be replaced just like cable TV has gradually been replaced over the past several years because of their commitment to stale programming and monopoly of thought.

The same thing is happening right now on the monetary side to the dollar and other fiat currencies (and their central bank issuers), as the emerging cryptocurrencies will, in due time, render them as nothing more than an anachronism.
I'm not surprised. Lately (over the past few months), whenever I see a story that I want to share on CF and "Google" it, I have to go way down the list or to the second page to find a source that's not part of the "fake news" NWO media establishment (as I prefer not to give them the web traffic). I'm hoping that an alternative platform can be created to address Google's monopoly as it's unlikely that the PTB will do anything about it as it serves their agenda and purpose.

Since there's a ton a creative and intelligent White male coders out there that are highly motivated to take out Google and other SJW social media giants, I'm optimistic that in a few years Google and their ilk will be replaced just like cable TV has gradually been replaced over the past several years because of their commitment to stale programming and monopoly of thought.

The same thing is happening right now on the monetary side to the dollar and other fiat currencies (and their central bank issuers), as the emerging cryptocurrencies will, in due time, render them as nothing more than an anachronism.

I agree. A lot of the alt-right activists (yes, many are now becoming activists which is fantastic) are involved in IT. They are going to be a lot harder to take down than the old Klan and Nazi remnants, which are probably the easiest organizations to factionalize and divert into fed-inspired "conspiracies" the FBI ever disrupted. There's a lot of impressive tech-savvy brain power in the alt-right. In view of the systematic suppression and censorship of the internet that's taking place, building alternative platforms completely independent from the corporate/communist monopolists is one of the logical alternatives.
The (((media)) is "celebrating" a "man" "giving birth". Perhaps the most "cartoonish" (real) story of them all in this thread (so far):

It's starting to get very confusing for me...so let's see if I get this straight; errr, I mean right...

So a biological female wanted to become a male, so she started taking hormones to grow facial hair, have a deeper voice, become more muscular, etc. A biological male "gay" "man" "fell in love" with this "trans" "male" (now legally a "man"), they have sex and the "trans" "male" has a child, "proving" that "men" can have babies too. I could be missing something, like I said it getting so confusing, but I think that's the gist of the story.


I thought this was the story of Serena Williams for a moment, until I saw the photo. Haha.
The dullard Maxine Watters speaks. What's striking looking at the short video is the audience -- all blacks and hispanics except for a few Jewish looking types. Exactly the "diversity" Amerika 2.0 will shortly have if the anti-White revolution isn't halted and reversed.

Watters is being taken seriously in some quarters as a potential presidential candidate in the American Idiocracy. Actually, the gun-toting black prez in Idiocracy was smarter than Maxine and her incoherent blabberings.

Here I am waiting for preseason football on Fox and Love Connection is on before the game. This show features a lesbian dating various women. The women are hot, but this is just completely inappropriate for network television. Yet here it is, presented as normal. Of course they threw in a black woman too as one of the dates. Yes, I had to watch the hot women but this is just wrong for kids to see. I remember watching the show with Chuck Woolry when I was a kid and I just can't even imagine gay or lesbians being on the show back then, much less being presented as normal. This is the new reality and it's all about indoctrinating and perverting kids. These leftists are playing a very dangerous game tempting the judgment of God by normalizing perversion.
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Tony B's comment under that:

Tony B said (August 23, 2017):

Tony B:

I find it unkind that so many, when describing what has happened to Germany, never mention that in one century it was twice destroyed with the cream of its crop murdered twice by the same evil forces and for essentially the same reasons. I doubt if the citizens of other nations who describe this decay would find their own homes any better, if not in worse shape, had they suffered the same mass destruction of both body and soul.

Both WW1 and WW2 were engineered out of the British Isles. For the British controllers at the top the reason was that the little island's rulers rightly understood that there was no way it could compete commercially in the world market with Germany so, motivated by greed, they wanted Germany destroyed. Both times dragging in the Americans to do their dirty work as Britain was incapable of success against Germany in war.

With the Rothschild cabal the true reasons were more sinister and they saw to it that Germany's manufactured enemies were sufficiently financed to win the contests in the cabal's ongoing agenda for world conquest. Whomever they see as opposition they will do all in their power to destroy. At present it is not only Germany but all of Europe - at the least, all of western Europe.
You can't make this stuff up. A significant portion of this country has gone insane with anti-White hatred.

ACLU admits to ‘white supremacy’ after tweeting photo of white baby with U.S. flag
The American Civil Liberties Union backpedaled on tweeting a photo Wednesday of a white baby holding a U.S. flag after users called it racist. (ACLU)
  • Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Thursday, August 24, 2017

  • The American Civil Liberties Union backpedaled Wednesday on tweeting a photo of a white baby holding a U.S. flag after users called it racist.

  • The seemingly harmless photo showed a blond-haired toddler in a “Free Speech - ACLU” onesie holding a U.S. flag and what appears to be a colorful toy dog. The tweet read, “This is the future that ACLU members want.”

  • DH8O-ttXkAA20es.jpg:small

ACLU National


This is the future that ACLU members want.

But users quickly accused the ACLU of promoting white supremacy — a point the organization apparently agreed with.

“When your Twitter followers keep you in check and remind you that white supremacy is everywhere,” the ACLUresponded, including a .gif of Kermit the Frog saying, “That’s a very good point.”

This is the leader of the "white supremacists and nazis" who had to cancel their free speech rally in San Francisco. Joey Gibson is half-Japanese (he looks like half-filipino golfer Jason Day) and has yelled f-you to White racialists at previous events. Communists Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of SF set the stage for another massive antifa free-for-all by calling these non-Whites the usual names, of course with no repercussions.

Patriot Prayer cancels free speech rally in San Francisco over fears of violence by antifa, leftists

Gargantuan lies spew 24/7 like projectile vomiting from these anti-Christ, anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-free speech, anti-American, lawless, godless, duped political whores. I don't seem to ever meet these snakes disguised as humans.

God is graciously sparing me and them from "circumstances".
American Freedom News