We Are Living In A Cartoon

" an escalating pushback from America's white population..."

They won't tell u this but the real Fascists and National Socialists, Brown Shirts, Falange, etc etc came into being in order to fight against the red terror that was sweeping through Russia and Europe at the time and is sweeping through all the white western nations right now. The commy scum say they are afraid of fascism and I hope that their fears come all too true and they find out what real Fascismo is and find out what happens when the working people and true leaders of a nation unite to crush their evil depravity!

"Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day."
- Benito Mussolini to Edwin L James of the New York Times, 1928
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Neo-Con Grand Poobah Bill Kristol Says ‘Lazy, Spoiled’ White Working Class Should Be Replaced by Immigrants

Henry Wolff, American Renaissance, February 8, 2017

“I hope this thing isn’t being videotaped or ever shown anywhere.”

A wide-ranging conversation with Charles Murray took an awkward turn Tuesday night when Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol shared his view that white, working-class Americans should be replaced by immigrants.

The conversation took place at an American Enterprise Institute event called “It Came Apart: What’s Next for a Fractured Culture,” at which the pundits discussed how Donald Trump’s rise relates to the white working class’s record low levels of labor-force participation, religiosity, and family formation, which Dr. Murray described in his 2012 bookComing Apart: The State of White America.

At one point, Dr. Murray explained how, though he never warmed to Donald Trump, the 2016 election did lead him to adopt a restrictionist position on low-skilled immigration. Dr. Kristol replied that he’d “actually sort of gone the opposite way on immigration.” He explained:

Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don’t you want to get new Americans in? Seriously, you can make the case—this is going on too long and this is too crazy, probably, and I hope this thing isn’t being videotaped or ever shown anywhere. Whatever tiny, pathetic future I have is going to totally collapse.

(As of this writing, AEI’s official video of the event is marked “unlisted” on YouTube—meaning it was not distributed to the channel’s subscribers and is invisible to internet searches. It can be found only through an embedded version on the event page, which is missing from the organization’s “past events” list. Similar AEI events from Tuesday are listed normally on the organization’s website and YouTube channel.)

After some awkward laughter from the audience, Dr. Kristol elaborated:

You can make a case that America has been great because every—I think John Adams said this—basically if you’re a free society, a capitalist society, after two or three generations of hard work everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled—whatever. Then, luckily, you have these waves of people coming in from Italy, Ireland, Russia, and now Mexico, who really want to work hard and really want to succeed and really want their kids to live better lives than them and aren’t sort of clipping coupons or hoping that they can hang on and meanwhile grew up as spoiled kids and so forth. In that respect, I don’t know how this moment is that different from the early 20th century.

Earlier in the conversation, Dr. Murray explained that his book “highlighted what surfaced last year in the election: a very strong disaffection by the white working class toward the new upper class, fueled in substantial part by the open contempt and disdain that the new upper class has for the working class and especially for the white working class.” Dr. Kristol’s comments are a good example.

By contrast, Dr. Murray was sympathetic to the white working class. Citing Robert Putnam’s research, Dr. Murray explained that racial diversity reduces social trust, and since immigrants concentrate in working-class areas, working-class Americans “bore the brunt of that kind of unasked-for ethnic heterogeneity” while American elites “live in neighborhoods that are exactly the way they want them to be.” This disparity was the source of a “great deal of the anger” in the 2016 election. His conclusion?

We as Americans owe an obligation to our fellow Americans . . . that should take priority over our obligation to the world’s population and globalization. So I’m in favor of limiting low-skilled immigration.

Dr. Kristol takes a different view, but fortunately his influence is waning. Since the Republican primaries, the Weekly Standard’s website has gone from a global rank of 10,000 to nearly 27,000 today. If it’s doing as poorly as the Alexa rankings suggest, maybe it should just be replaced.

Neo-Con Grand Poobah Bill Kristol Says ‘Lazy, Spoiled’ White Working Class Should Be Replaced by Immigrants

Henry Wolff, American Renaissance, February 8, 2017

“I hope this thing isn’t being videotaped or ever shown anywhere.”

A wide-ranging conversation with Charles Murray took an awkward turn Tuesday night when Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol shared his view that white, working-class Americans should be replaced by immigrants.

The conversation took place at an American Enterprise Institute event called “It Came Apart: What’s Next for a Fractured Culture,” at which the pundits discussed how Donald Trump’s rise relates to the white working class’s record low levels of labor-force participation, religiosity, and family formation, which Dr. Murray described in his 2012 bookComing Apart: The State of White America.

At one point, Dr. Murray explained how, though he never warmed to Donald Trump, the 2016 election did lead him to adopt a restrictionist position on low-skilled immigration. Dr. Kristol replied that he’d “actually sort of gone the opposite way on immigration.” He explained:

Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don’t you want to get new Americans in? Seriously, you can make the case—this is going on too long and this is too crazy, probably, and I hope this thing isn’t being videotaped or ever shown anywhere. Whatever tiny, pathetic future I have is going to totally collapse.

(As of this writing, AEI’s official video of the event is marked “unlisted” on YouTube—meaning it was not distributed to the channel’s subscribers and is invisible to internet searches. It can be found only through an embedded version on the event page, which is missing from the organization’s “past events” list. Similar AEI events from Tuesday are listed normally on the organization’s website and YouTube channel.)

After some awkward laughter from the audience, Dr. Kristol elaborated:

You can make a case that America has been great because every—I think John Adams said this—basically if you’re a free society, a capitalist society, after two or three generations of hard work everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled—whatever. Then, luckily, you have these waves of people coming in from Italy, Ireland, Russia, and now Mexico, who really want to work hard and really want to succeed and really want their kids to live better lives than them and aren’t sort of clipping coupons or hoping that they can hang on and meanwhile grew up as spoiled kids and so forth. In that respect, I don’t know how this moment is that different from the early 20th century.

Earlier in the conversation, Dr. Murray explained that his book “highlighted what surfaced last year in the election: a very strong disaffection by the white working class toward the new upper class, fueled in substantial part by the open contempt and disdain that the new upper class has for the working class and especially for the white working class.” Dr. Kristol’s comments are a good example.

By contrast, Dr. Murray was sympathetic to the white working class. Citing Robert Putnam’s research, Dr. Murray explained that racial diversity reduces social trust, and since immigrants concentrate in working-class areas, working-class Americans “bore the brunt of that kind of unasked-for ethnic heterogeneity” while American elites “live in neighborhoods that are exactly the way they want them to be.” This disparity was the source of a “great deal of the anger” in the 2016 election. His conclusion?

We as Americans owe an obligation to our fellow Americans . . . that should take priority over our obligation to the world’s population and globalization. So I’m in favor of limiting low-skilled immigration.

Dr. Kristol takes a different view, but fortunately his influence is waning. Since the Republican primaries, the Weekly Standard’s website has gone from a global rank of 10,000 to nearly 27,000 today. If it’s doing as poorly as the Alexa rankings suggest, maybe it should just be replaced.


This coming from the mug who rode his (Trotskyite) daddy's coat tail to get himself off the ground. He's another anti-American (1.0), neocuck tribesman.
The Artificial Intelligence Threat Isn’t Skynet. It’s the End of the Middle Class

by Cade Metz

IN FEBRUARY 1975,a group of geneticists gathered in a tiny town on the central coast of California to decide if their work would bring about the end of the world. These researchers were just beginning to explore the science of genetic engineering, manipulating DNA to create organisms that didn’t exist in nature, and they were unsure how these techniques would affect the health of the planet and its people. So, they descended on a coastal retreat called Asilomar, a name that became synonymous with the guidelines they laid down at this meeting—a strict ethical framework meant to ensure that biotechnology didn’t unleash the apocalypse.

Forty-two years on, another group of scientists gathered at Asilomar to consider a similar problem. But this time, the threat wasn’t biological. It was digital. In January, the world’s top artificial intelligence researchers walked down the same beachside paths as they discussed theirrapidly accelerating fieldand the role it will play in the fate of humanity. It was a private conference—the enormity of the subject deserves some privacy—but in recent days, organizers releasedseveral videosfrom the conference talks, and some participants have been willing to discuss their experience, shedding some light on the way AI researchers view the threat of their own field.

Yes, they discussed the possibility of a superintelligence that could somehow escape human control, and at the end of the month, the conference organizers unveiled a set of guidelines, signed by attendees and other AI luminaries, that aim to prevent this possible dystopia. But the researchers at Asilomar were also concerned with more immediate matters: the effect of AI on the economy.

“One of the reasons I don’t like the discussions about superintelligence is that they’re a distraction from what’s real,” says Oren Etzioni, CEO of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, who attended the conference. “As the poetsaid, have fewer imaginary problems and more real ones.”

At a time when the Trump administration is promising to make America great again by restoring old-school manufacturing jobs, AI researchers aren’t taking him too seriously. They know that these jobs are never coming back, thanks in no small part to their own research, which will eliminate so many other kinds of jobs in the years to come, as well. At Asilomar, they looked at the real US economy, the real reasons for the “hollowing out” of the middle class. The problem isn’t immigration—far from it. The problem isn’t offshoring or taxes or regulation. It’s technology.

Rage Against the Machines
In the US, the number of manufacturing jobs peaked in 1979 and has steadily decreased ever since. At the same time, manufacturing has steadily increased, with the US now producing more goods than any other country but China. Machines aren’t just taking the place of humans on the assembly line. They’re doing a better job. And all this before the coming wave of AI upends so many other sectors of the economy. “I am less concerned withTerminatorscenarios,” MIT economist Andrew McAfee said on the first day at Asilomar. “If current trends continue, people are going to rise up well before the machines do.”

McAfee pointed tonewly collected datathat shows a sharp decline in middle class job creation since the 1980s. Now, most new jobs are either at the very low end of the pay scale or the very high end. He also argued that these trends are reversible, that improved education and a greater emphasis on entrepreneurship and research can help feed new engines of growth, that economies have overcome the rise of new technologies before. But after his talk, in the hallways at Asilomar, so many of the researchers warned him that the coming revolution in AI would eliminate far more jobs far more quickly than he expected.

Indeed, the rise of driverless cars and trucks is just a start. New AI techniques are poised to reinvent everything from manufacturing to healthcare to Wall Street. In other words, it’s not just blue-collar jobs that AI endangers. “Several of the rock stars in this field came up to me and said: ‘I think you’re low-balling this one. I think you are underestimating the rate of change,'” McAfee says.

That threat has many thinkers entertaining the idea of a universal basic income, a guaranteed living wage paid by the government to anyone left out of the workforce. But McAfee believes this would only make the problem worse, because it would eliminate the incentive for entrepreneurship and other activity that could create new jobs as the old ones fade away. Others question the psychological effects of the idea. “A universal basic income doesn’t give people dignity or protect them from boredom and vice,” Etzioni says.

Also on researchers’ minds was regulation—of AI itself. Some fear that after squeezing immigration—which would put a brake on the kind of entrepreneurship McAfee calls for—the White House will move to bottle up automation and artificial intelligence. That would be bad news for AI researchers, but also for the economy. If the AI transformation slows in the US, many suspect, it will only accelerate in other parts of the world, putting American jobs at even greater risk due to global competition.

In the end, no one left Asilomar with a sure way of preventing economic upheaval. “Anyone making confident predictions about anything having to do with the future of artificial intelligence is either kidding you or kidding themselves,” McAfee says.

That said, these researchers say they are intent on finding the answer. “People work through the concerns in different ways. But I haven’t met an AI researcher who doesn’t care,” Etzioni says. “People are mindful.” But they feel certain that preventing the rise of AI is not the answer. It’s also not really possible—a bit like bringing those old manufacturing jobs back.


An extreme example of SSID (social studies indoctrination disease). Not considered contagious. It is probably incurable, though with age, the severity of the symptoms may decrease. When encountering an infected person, do not engage or confront. Potentially harmful if confined.

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I hear that the talented songstress Adele, got a bad case of white guilt and broke her Emmy into halves and offered a half to over hyped negress Benoyence. Would a black artist ever do the same? Yes, the cartoon we live in is all too real.
College snowflakes wear White pins to remind them of their (contrived) "guilt" of their 'White privilege'. They should make the pins yellow (to match the stripes down their backs) or pink (to symbolize what complete pu$$ies these vermin are).


White privilege. Child miners in Pennsylvania, 1911

Those "kids" were 10x tougher than today's average millennial cream puff.

White privilege. Child miners in Pennsylvania, 1911

How quickly the struggles of our brilliant history are forgotten. To compare today's paupers with those of the very near past is to see the similarities between man and man's beasts. How many dogs are better fed and kept today than these children were at that time. Look at the millions of gluttonous fat urban hogs who never miss a slurp of their favorite swill while those children of our ancestry were happy to have a cold glass of water and a couple of potatoes for lunch.

Never never never let our foes forget how we fared for centuries and how we earned what we are and have today. There is and never was a privilege. We are what we made of ourselves; we are not the product of chance.
A Supreme Act of Collective Will

by Colin Liddell

In 2015, just as the refugee crisis was ramping up, a report on the BBC carried the horrifying news that the German birth rate had fallen below that of Japan. The Japanese birth rate is notoriously low but at least Japan still has a policy of not accepting massive amounts of refugees and other immigrants. The report said that the German birthrate had fallen to a mere 8.2 children per 1,000 people per year over the last five years. Presumably a large part of that was generated by the non-White immigrants already there.

The same report mentioned the low birth rates of other European countries:
  • Portugal 9.0
  • Italy 9.3
  • France 12.7
  • UK 12.7
And the extremely high one of an African country:
  • Niger 50
Yes, over five times as high as Germany’s!

Just so we infer the future correctly, the article comes in hard with some employment stats:
"Germany's falling birth rate means the percentage of people of working age in the country - between 20 and 65 - would drop from 61% to 54% by 2030, Henning Voepel, director of the HWWI, said in a statement (in German)."
To which is added the conventional wisdom of “business leaders,” the high priests of our destruction:
"Arno Probst, a BDO board member, said employers in Germany faced higher wage costs as a result.
'Without strong labour markets, Germany cannot maintain its economic edge in the long run,' he added.

Mr Probst said the country would need young immigrant workers to fill the significant skills gap. And more women were needed in the workforce to avoid economic problems."
Yes, that’s right. Germany needs workers – especially with a growing number of pensioners to be supported – and where is it going to get them? Why, from places like Niger, of course!

Well, maybe not Niger exactly, as it might take some time to train up a labour force with an IQ below 70 to run German industry, but you get the general idea. With Europeans having fewer and fewer kids, more and more non-Europeans, with lower and lower IQs, will be required, or will simply show up to fill the vacant spaces.


The strength of the White man is immense, but he is trapped in his own system and can do little or nothing to fight back against these suicidal trends. Can he outbreed the native of Niger or his new Muslim neighbour with four wives? He can try, and in the process send his “abused” wife scuttling off to the divorce courts and a half-share in his future earnings, a form of economic gelding.

Can he try the untermenschen strategy of popping out kids with damaged women on welfare? No, it is abhorrent to his soul, over which hovers a perpetual premonition of a coming winter. He must, by his very essence, build, accumulate, prepare – all while the State and the Third World effortlessly taps into his industrious diligence and prudence.

Do even Liberals want to live inthisWorld?

He is not only trapped in his own system, he is damned by it, and his enormous reserves of ingenuity, toughness, and organization cannot be released for his own benefit until that system collapses. But can it ever truly collapse to the degree required and before it is too late?

Nowadays, thanks to modern technology, basic human dysfunction can be perpetuated and accommodated to ever greater lengths. To take a simple example, a city center full of atomized, amoral individuals, with strong instincts to prey on each other, a situation that would have resulted in anarchy and savagery in any other age, can, in our age, be rendered reasonably functional by the mere expediency of CCTV.

The man of the 21st century does not need to come anywhere near the levels of discipline, hard work, and self-control as his predecessors. In fact, half his function is just to consume in a world that produces too much.

All this raises the big questions of where we came from, who we are, and what will come after us, and will it be anything like us? One million years ago, the world was inhabited by hominids of some form, more alien to us than any race today. Our relation to them is that we were better suited by our adaptations to survive. If we hadn’t been, they would have continued to fill the hominid niche. This, in essence, is who we are – the best equipped filler of the hominid niche under environmental and group competitive stresses.

But our technological tendencies have removed the environmental stresses – the shocks of climate, season, and food shortage – while our civilizing tendencies have removed our ability to define and identify in-groups and out-groups in any meaningful way, and undermined natural gender relations. In short, quality control of the human race has been lost, perhaps irrevocably.

Can it be regained? Basically there are just two possible ways in which it can be:
  1. The removal of technological and civilizational factors through a social and civilizational collapse
  2. A supreme act of collective will
The problem with the first of these is that no collapse is likely to be even-handed in its effects. Also, if it were, we would merely be in for a replay of history, with Whites emerging victorious again after the usual few thousand years of butchery, superstition, and gradual enlightenment.

Temporary niche filler
In reality, when the collapse comes, it will afflict some societies more than others and create opportunities for those societies that bear up best. A common scenario is that the West collapses and China takes over, using the very science it garnered from the White man. In that case, the Chinese with their collectivizing and exclusionary tendencies – and their respect for other people’s learning – will be elected "the best equipped filler of the hominid niche."

Another scenario is that globalism continues in its present form, spreading and accelerating, so that all major societies become interpenetrated by population flows and dysgenic birth patterns to create a more equal civilizational collapse.

In this case Whites would stand a better chance. But, even in this case, we will have to wade through centuries of blood, bitterness, and darkness, and arrive where we were a century ago, ready to make the same mistakes all over again.

Against these bleak prospects, the ideal solution is clearly for Whites to assert their claim to be "the best equipped filler of the hominid niche" through a supreme act of collective will.

This may sound hopelessly idealistic and naive. After all, humans are the mere playthings of socio-economic forces, as Marx taught, and only act outside that box when socio-economic conditions, in collusion with their basic psychology and twisted ego drives, program them with some blind countervailing irrational faith.

Mankind is always sleepwalking, whether to its doom or salvation – reacting and channelling forces – never consciously choosing its path. Its "self-actualization" is merely the factors that have exerted the most control making their appearance. The evident fate of the White race stands as the clearest proof of this thesis of our blind trajectory.

But what if there is a possibility of a supreme act of collective will? What would it even look like?

We can partially define this by looking at the actions that it wouldipso factohave to include. These would be many and would include acts to:

  1. Build a common identity and consciousness
  2. Seize power
  3. Effect demographic change
There would also have to be a continuum between these elements, as well as a shared belief in the totality of the project by all those driving it forward ("The Party") along with at least an acquiescence by the majority of those it was aimed at serving ("The People").

But building a common identity and shared consciousness for Whites is extremely problematic. Our divisiveness is one of our defining characteristics and we inhabit a much shallower and longer bell curve than any other major race. We are ethnically and culturally split – witness the intense hatred that exists between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, or between Serbs and Croats. Then, there are all the class and ideological divisions. Herding cats as an easier occupation springs to mind.

White-on-white violence has always been a
bigger problem than Black-on-Black violence.

Such divisions make seizing power difficult. It suggests that we are fated to be forever snared in false oppositions and blind interests that lead to our doom. In fact, surveying the difficulties of unifying Whites around a common identity, the best hope for seizing power on behalf of White racial interests might be an enlightened elite seizing power in a non-democratic manner. But this just sounds like a pipe dream at the moment.

But even if a consciously pro-White grouping could achieve such power, there is the enormous problem of effecting demographic change. This would be likely to result in certain forms of unpleasantness that Whites nowadays would be unwilling to stomach. Our pampered and coddled womenfolk would balk at the idea of their cunts – formerly little shaven temples to their egos – being transformed into factories of their race. And then there would be the problem of defining the group, and ensuring the removal of those people considered non-White and anti-White.

This cauldron of problems is what White survival would actually look like. As it stands, we are obviously too squeamish to protect our existential interests in the ways necessary.

The saving of the White race would require a root and branch change of ideology and value systems, away from any kind of universalism and individualism – as these are the very factors, which, by disturbing our ability to perceive in-group and out-group, are destroying us.

Such a change in value systems would either mean a total abandonment of Christianity and post-Christian tendencies, or the creation of a radically reformed version of Christianity that emphasized racial exclusion and interests. This too seems extremely unlikely.


In addition to the above two possibilities of a civilizational collapse and a supreme act of collective will, there is a third possibility – a hybrid of the two.

Many of the things that seem unlikely about a supreme act of collective will – the creation of a common White identity, the restructuring of gender relations, the removal of non-Whites, the seizing of power by a government that no longer kow-tows to business interests, the rejection of millennia of Christian values – seem a lot more likely in a partial state of civilizational collapse.

One of the things in which modern man is no longer a match for his predecessor is his low pain threshold. While our ancestors could put up with hunger, tyranny, and conditions bordering on and sometimes worse than slavery, modern mankind is not nearly so tough.

A relatively small amount of dysfunction introduced into the system could have revolutionary potential. But in order for that potential not to be dissipated and wasted, we have to always keep in mind exactly what the Supreme Act of Collective Will will look like, and part of the solution will require us to make that act of will ourselves.

Students at University of Wisconsin demand that blacks receive free tution. Also stating that subburban whites are over represented at the school, due to the use of SAT/ ACT scores for admittance. Which upholds white supremacy, says an association of students.


Those brainwashed lemmings are in dire need of a (collective) @$$ whoopin'! The SAT & ACT tests do indeed prove the intellectual deficiencies of the groidians. That inferiority in a proven fact...something the cultural Marxist have went all out to suppress (for decades). Another hard fact is that the ******* race is incapable of assimilating in civilized, orderly Western culture. Like the old adage says..."the proof is in the pudding."
Students at University of Wisconsin demand that blacks receive free tution. Also stating that subburban whites are over represented at the school, due to the use of SAT/ ACT scores for admittance. Which upholds white supremacy, says an association of students.


Any whites that agree with this should get together, pool their resources and pay for this themselves.

Much of liberal politics consists of giving money away that isn't theirs, while keeping their own.
Much of liberal politics consists of giving money away that isn't theirs, while keeping their own.

Yeah, I've encountered this ^ over & over. It's easy to have a social conscience, when all it involves is talking (and/or yelling). The folks doing the heavy lifting are usually quietly tithing to their churches, working in unsung administrative roles at charities, etc.
It's a shame, cuz organized cultural-Marxism has effectively convinced young people that putting on a ski mask and blocking buses is more valuable than putting money in an offering plate.
Playing amateur psychologist here, I think a lot of these kids (who turn into adult Leftists) want to do good, and yearn for purpose.. but are just being misguided & manipulated by angry, Marxist perverts.
I wonder if a lot of these social justice thugs are carrying heavy student loan debts for a worthless college degree or even one they didn't finish. That might explain some of the underlying anger issues they're dealing so poorly with.
wonder if a lot of these social justice thugs are carrying heavy student loan debts for a worthless college degree or even one they didn't finish. That might explain some of the underlying anger issues..

I think the combination of heavy student debt, worthless degrees, and facing a generally bad job market definitely compelled Millennials to get involved supporting Bernie Sanders last year.
But I feel, the day-in-day-out, youthful, cultural Marxism of the last 50 yrs is a lot deeper.. I read comments in other Conservative forums, and news sites. And there is a recurring, cynical evaluation.. that the Millennial Marxism simply consists of paid Soros operatives, devoid of principle. But everyday there are more stories of Confederate graves being desecrated, American flags being removed from public places, colleges, etc.., Trump supporters getting jumped.. Open celebration (not just respectful acceptance), of homosexuality. Behaviors that don't really generate financial reward (or address financial self-interest), they're (to me) more reflective of a militant religious-like zealotry. Cultural Marxism has largely erased the ancestral religion of the US, & filled that vacuum w/a religion of anti-Christian, and largely anti-Western values.

I have a couple Millennial subordinates at work. Basically good kids.. not greedy or materialistic, but proudly atheistic, and obsessed with die-versity, & a rabid hatred of Trump. When I look in their beady eyes, I see sincere, self-flagellating, Leftist lunacy.. it's real. I'm out here tryin to win hearts & minds.
Last edited:
Is Secession a Solution to Cultural War?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

As the culture war is about irreconcilable beliefs about God and man, right and wrong, good and evil, and is at root a religious war, it will be with us so long as men are free to act on their beliefs.

Yet, given the divisions among us, deeper and wider than ever, it is an open question as to how, and how long, we will endure as one people.

After World War II, our judicial dictatorship began a purge of public manifestations of the “Christian nation” that Harry Truman said we were.

In 2009, Barack Obama retorted, “We do not consider ourselves to be a Christian nation.” Secularism had been enthroned as our established religion, with only the most feeble of protests.

One can only imagine how Iranians or Afghans would deal with unelected judges moving to de-Islamicize their nations. Heads would roll, literally.

Which bring us to the first culture war skirmish of the Trump era.

Taking sides with Attorney General Jeff Sessions against Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, the president rescinded the Obama directive that gave transgender students the right to use the bathroom of their choice in public schools. President Donald Trump sent the issue back to the states and locales to decide.

While treated by the media and left as the civil rights cause of our era, the “bathroom debate” calls to mind Marx’s observation, “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”

Can anyone seriously contend that whether a 14-year-old boy, who thinks he is a girl, gets to use the girls’ bathroom is a civil rights issue comparable to whether African-Americans get the right to vote?

Remarkably, there was vigorous dissent, from DeVos, to returning this issue to where it belongs, with state and local officials.

After yielding on the bathroom question, she put out a statement declaring that every school in America has a “moral obligation” to protect children from bullying, and directed her Office of Civil Rights to investigate all claims of bullying or harassment “against those who are most vulnerable in our schools.”

Now, bullying is bad behavior, and it may be horrible behavior.

But when did a Republican Party that believes in states rights decide this was a responsibility of a bureaucracy Ronald Reagan promised but failed to shut down? When did the GOP become nanny-staters?

Bullying is something every kid in public, parochial or private school has witnessed by graduation. While unfortunate, it is part of growing up.

But what kind of society, what kind of people have we become when we start to rely on federal bureaucrats to stop big kids from harassing and beating up smaller or weaker kids?

While the bathroom debate is a skirmish in the culture war, Trump’s solution — send the issue back to the states and the people there to work it out — may point the way to a truce — assuming Americans still want a truce.

For Trump’s solution is rooted in the principle of subsidiarity, first advanced in the 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII — that social problems are best resolved by the smallest unit of society with the ability to resolve them.

In brief, bullying is a problem for parents, teachers, principals to deal with, and local cops and the school district if it becomes widespread.

This idea is consistent with the Republican idea of federalism — that the national government should undertake those duties — securing the borders, fighting the nation’s wars, creating a continental road and rail system — that states alone cannot do.

Indeed, the nationalization of decision-making, the imposition of one-size-fits-all solutions to social problems, the court orders emanating from the ideology of judges — to which there is no appeal — that is behind the culture wars that may yet bring an end to this experiment in democratic rule.

Those factors are also among the primary causes of the fever of secessionism that is spreading all across Europe, and is now visible here.

Consider California. Democrats hold every state office, both Senate seats, two-thirds of both houses of the state legislature, 3 in 4 of the congressional seats. Hillary Clinton beat Trump 2-to-1 in California, with her margin in excess of 4 million votes.

Suddenly, California knows exactly how Marine Le Pen feels.

And as she wants to “Let France Be France,” and leave the EU, as Brits did with Brexit, a movement is afoot in California to secede from the United States and form a separate nation.

California seceding sounds like a cause that could bring San Francisco Democrats into a grand alliance with Breitbart.

A new federalism — a devolution of power and resources away from Washington and back to states, cities, towns and citizens, to let them resolve their problems their own way and according to their own principles — may be the price of retention of the American Union.

Let California be California; let red state America be red state America.

This fool showed up in a newsfeed and I thought that he might be the perfect poster idiot for our cartoon existence. He's a rap "artist" going by the name of "Lil Yachty". You can't make this stuff up.

This week Jeff Bezos gave the pedophile, devil worshipping, spirit cooking agent from hell John Podesta a regular column at the Washington Compost. In response I am going to get rid of my Amazon account.

However Amazon does provide an excellent service and I need to replace the capability it provides. Does anyone know of a company like Amazon that provides the same kind of shop from home service that isn't run by an enemy of humanity like Jeff Bezos?
American Freedom News