We Are Living In A Cartoon

I think this out of Houston, A transgender boy wins the Texas 6A state wrestling championship, beating up on girls to win. I'm surprised Texas hasn't put a stop to this insanity. This kid is 17 years old and receiving treatments for his transition into a female, I guess. What parent in their right mind would let or allow their son to do this.
BTW, my daughters would never be wrestlers.

"he, God, gave them over to a DEPRAVED mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, etc.... Romans, 1:28-29.
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I think this out of Houston, A transgender boy wins the Texas 6A state wrestling championship, beating up on girls to win. I'm surprised Texas hasn't put a stop to this insanity. This kid is 17 years old and receiving treatments for his transition into a female, I guess. What parent in their right mind would let allow their son to do this.
BTW, my daughters would never be wrestlers.

"he, God, gave them over to a DEPRAVED mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, etc.... Romans, 1:28-29.

Absolutely! That twisted freak needs to be locked in an asylum & not on a wrestling mat (masquerading as a dame). Also, skirts have NO business wrestling or playing football (...or any combat sports). What they need is more home ec (at school) & more training in the kitchen & laundry room (at home). ;-)
Agree with Carolina and Dixie. Saw this story today as well. It's twisted and sick they allow this mentally ill girl to pump her body with testosterone to dominate its female counterparts.. Sick world.

**This is off topic but did anyone catch the latest Milo news?! The twink came under fire for admitting he was raped as a child and liked it. Now he's being labeled a pedophile. Milo is good for some things but stepped into major **** with the latest drama. I'll find the interview he did with Joe Rogan.
This week Jeff Bezos gave the pedophile, devil worshipping, spirit cooking agent from hell John Podesta a regular column at the Washington Compost. In response I am going to get rid of my Amazon account.

However Amazon does provide an excellent service and I need to replace the capability it provides. Does anyone know of a company like Amazon that provides the same kind of shop from home service that isn't run by an enemy of humanity like Jeff Bezos?
Alibaba.com is the only one I can think of. Overstock.com is pro-Trump (at least not anti-Trump). The owner is pushing Bitcoin and the legalization of Gold and Silver as actual currency (or something along those lines). I've switched to iHerb.com for my vitamins, minerals and supplements. Maybe BedBathAndBeyond for home items or kitchenware. Perhaps LLBean for clothing and Home Depot for tools (as the owner supported Trump, I believe).
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**This is off topic but did anyone catch the latest Milo news?! The twink came under fire for admitting he was raped as a child and liked it. Now he's being labeled a pedophile. Milo is good for some things but stepped into major **** with the latest drama. I'll find the interview he did with Joe Rogan.

P1ss on "Vile-O". That sicko also needs to be locked in an an outhouse! He's a vile reprobate & most certainly not pro White & in no way a real man.
P1ss on "Vile-O". That sicko also needs to be locked in an an outhouse! He's a vile reprobate & most certainly not pro White & in no way a real man.

No doubt Dixie. Just found it interesting that he admitted most gays were sexually assaulted as children. Which isn't exactly news in itself but it was news to me that homosexuals view raping teenagers as a sort of passage Into the gay world. Messed up stuff there. Homosexuality and Pedophilia go hand in hand.

A Budget without Russians: The Empire’s Nightmare
Posted onFebruary 23, 2017byFred Reed

Methinks the insane hysteria over Russia needs to stop. It probably will not. For reasons of domestic and imperial politics the American public is again being manipulated into a war frenzy by Washington and New York. It is stupid, without justification, and dangerous.

The silliness over Russia is, obviously, part of the Establishment’s drive to get rid of Trump. Yes, the man is erratic, contradictory, shoots before he aims, backs off much of what he has promised, and may be unqualified as President–but that is not why Washington and New York want to get rid of him. It is about money and power, as is everything in the United States. Wall Street, the Pentagon, the Neocons, and the Empire run America. Trump has threatened their rice bowls.


He has threatened to cut the F-35, a huge blow to Lockheed-Martin and hundreds of subcontractors; to pull US troops out of South Korea, a blow to the Empire; to end the wars, a blow both to the Empire and the military industry getting rich from them; to pull troops out of Okinawa, crippling the Empire in the Pacific; to start a trade war with China with a forty-five percent tariff of Chinese goods, threatening American corporations with factories there; and to chase out illegal immigrants, an important source of cheap labor to businesses. He has called NATO “obsolete,” when leaving it would be the death knell of the Empire; and threatened to establish good relations with Russia, when the lack of a European enemy would leave NATO even more obviously unnecessary.

Thus New York and its branch operation in Washington resuscitate Russia as a bugbear to terrify the rubes, meaning most of the public. Money. Power. Empire.

What sense does this make–apart from money and power? Russia is an economically challenged nation of 145 million, less than half of Europe’s population and much less than half of America’s. Its economy is a small fraction of the combined economies of Europe and America. It is not on a war footing. It is not moving forces into position for an invasion. It is not mobilizing. To satellite photography, to NSA these things would be as obvious as leprosy on a prom queen. The Establishment would be screaming to high heaven if there were the slightest trace of preparation for war. The whole business is manufactured.

I frequently see the assertion that Russia “hacked” voting machines to give the election to President Trump. The majority who are excited about this, I suspect the very great majority, have not the foggiest idea what they are talking about. Hacking to most people means something they saw in a movie, with some bright kid going clickety-click-click on a laptop and penetrating NORAD. It is a vague menace lacking specific content. To them I would say:

If you cannot program in assembly language, you do not know how computers work. If you do not know TCP/IP from DHCP, you do not know how the internet works. If you cannot tell a dictionary attack from stack overflow, you don’t have a housefly’s idea how hacking works. If you have not investigated the various kinds of voting machines to see what would be involved in changing their vote totals, you probably ought to take up stamp collecting.

This is all orchestrated. So is the constant Putin bashing. His sin of course is that he doesn’t knuckle under to Washington. It is also the sin of Iran, China, Cuba, and North Korea.

The con is often silly. From time to time we see screaming headlines headlines, RUSSIAN BOMBER FLIES OFF AMERICAN COAST! Or somebody’s coast. Recently it was A SPY SHIP! The “bomber” is usually a Tu-95 Bear (NATO designation), an ancient four-engine prop job, though a beautiful aircraft, converted for reconnaissance. The idea that Moscow would send one lumbering plane to bomb America is too stupid–well, no, nothing is too stupid.


Tu-95. First flew in 1952. Yes, it can carry nuclear weapons. So can a Volkswagen Jetta.

Then there is the assertion that Russia hacked the DNC and gave its emails to Wikileaks. This is possible, but how would we know? (And would not revealing misbehavior be a service to the voting public?) Note that many people had an incentive to do it, from disgruntled Democratic insiders to anyone who stood to lose by Hillary’s election or gain by Trump´s, to the Trump campaign itself, to the many talented freelancers who just enjoy raising hell. Maybe .1 percent of the population, certainly not including me, have the expertise and access even to guess intelligently.

If you believe same intel agencies that lied us into Vietnam and Iraq, and that apparently are very much involved in anti-Trumpian machinations, you are the Establishment’s ideal citizen. For political reasons, specifically hostility to Trump, they will say anything that suits their purposes. and only inadvertently include the truth. If this seems an extreme claim, reflect:

In 1964 the CIA was running various kinds of attacks against North Vietnam, without admitting it. Two intelligence vessels, the Maddox and the Turner Joy, claimed that they had been fired upon by the North. They had not, and if they had been it would not have been unreasonable since the United States was inserting teams of saboteurs into the north. The result, and intention, was to chivy America into wars which devastated three countries and lead to millions of deaths. It worked.

After Nine Eleven, the government, using the intel outfits, deliberately led most of the public to believe that Iraq was developing the dread WMD, and thus get the United States to attack for the benefit of the oil industry, Israel, and the imperial lobby. It was nonsense and Washington had to know it. At the time Iraq was probably the most watched real estate on the planet. The result was destruction of an innocent country and the bloody mess that is now the Middle East. Which, note, had nothing to do with the interests of the United States or the well-being of its people.

Allof America’s wars are for the benefit of others than Americans. Do you think you would be made better off by a war with Russia? China? Does the unending butchery in Afghanistan improve your life? Would you feel more secure if NATO–Washington’s puppet troupe–had bases in Montenegro? Wherever the hell that is?

The same game is now being played with Russia. Almost daily we read that Washington is sending troops to Poland, Bulgaria, Norway to confront the Russians, who are doing nothing that needs confronting.

“US to Send 1,000 Troops to Poland to ‘Deter Russia”’

Deter it from what?

This morning: “Germany Will Send Tank to Russian Border.”

A recent move was to send naval forces to the Black Sea, which is not America’s concern. What, precisely, are those ships supposed to do? Steam fiercely in circles, bowwow-grrr-woof? Do they have a purpose other than domestic American consumption? Are they to attack something, defend something in danger of attack, forbid the Russians to do–what?

Russia is not going to invade Europe, and Washington knows it perfectly well, so why put tiny combat forces on its frontiers? If there is going to be a deliberate war, Washington is going to have to start it. Attacking Russia with minor forces, or at all, is probably an idea nuttier than even Washington can invent. One hopes that Europe would not allow Americans to do what they usually do, get others to fight its wars in other people’s countries.

The danger with letting pasty neocons in New York play with military forces is that brinksmanship, fun for fern-bar Napoleons, can have not-fun consequences. If Washington puts naval forces in Russian waters in the Black Sea, the Russians will feel compelled to shadow the ships, to keep fighters flying overhead. A mistake occurs–mistakes do occur–and one side downs a plane belonging to the other. The wounded side feels obliged to respond. We have a shooting war. In closed waters bordering Russia, the US Navy would not win. Washington would then feel that it had to defend its ego by expanding the war. Wounded ego is important to the vast combative vanities who so often rise to power.

And there is no way to rein in these lunatics. They send the military where they like, attack whoever they choose, and we read about it after it has been done. One could almost wish we had constitutional government.

But I dream.

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Cannuck college removes scales from gym...as they're said to be "triggering" (whatever that means). :facepalm:

In all honesty, these creampuff 'snowflakes' are far & away the biggest candy@$$es to ever walk (or 'prance upon') the planet earth. :gey: :rocket2:


Dixie, man so many of your posts make me laugh :risas3: But your post is so true, these snowflakes make those I thought were nerds and wimps 25 years ago look like tough guys today.
Yesterday’s Radicalism Is Today’s Mainstream
March 21, 2017


Owen Strachan has a new article inThe Federaliston how White men are flocking to the Alt-Right:

“Various journalists have helped form a narrative of sorts about the identity of this shadowy, boisterous alt-right movement. The alt-right is childish and vicious, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing other than the message-board histrionics of aggrieved young men in their parents’ basement. …

I do wonder, however, if the media has missed at least one true thing regarding the “alt-right.” The movement (if we can call it that) may often prove inchoate and even inarticulate, but behind the memes and coded language, there seems to be a massed sentiment. It is this: men feel left behind. …

Others see men struggling, observe them falling precipitously behind in earning college degrees and other achievements such as earnings for unmarrieds, watch them leaving their wives and children then violently lashing out, and begin to wonder if men need something besides elaborate gender theory or a dismissive long-form hot-take. Maybe men, particularly young men, need help. …

Because it is not friendly to them, many men do not like postmodern society. They have been taught they have no innate call to leadership of home and church, and accordingly have lost the script for their lives. They have been encouraged to step back from being a breadwinner, and do not know what they are supposed to do with their lives.

They have been told that they talk too loudly and spread their legs too wide, and thus do not fit in with a feminized society. They may be the product of a divorced home, and may have grown up without an engaged father, so possess both pent-up rage and a disappearing instinct. They did nothing to choose their biological manliness, but are instructed to attend sensitivity training by virtue of it. They recognize—rightly—that politically correct culture constrains free thought and free speech, and so they opt out from it. …

But here is where the common narrative of the alt-right and related groups makes a major mistake. Men are disappearing, but they are not vanishing. They are moving out of the mainstream, and into the shadows. …

But men need a deeper solution than this. They need something more than a message-board movement to join. They need a call to maturity, to repentance, to greatness, to leadership, to courage, to self-sacrifice on behalf of women and children. They need a hero: not a political performance-artist, but a true hero, a savior who, unlike a fallen culture, leaves no repentant man—or woman—behind.”

Here are a few thoughts:

1.) Just to clarify, we’re really talking about cisgendered, straight non-Hispanic White men here. Jewish men, Hispanic men, Asian men, black men and homosexual men aren’t facing the same situation. These people have greater opportunities than they enjoyed in the past.

2.) I’ve reviewed Marilyn Yalom’s A History of The Wife, Stephanie Coontz’s Marriage, a History and Andrew Cherlin’s The Marriage-Go-Round. To put this in perspective, there have been more sweeping changes in marriage, sex, the family, the status of women and gender identity in the last fifty years than in the previous two thousand years of Western history.

3.) The mass immigration of non-Whites into Europe and North America is similarly an unprecedented phenomenon. It can only be compared to the incursions of the Arabs, Turks and Mongols and even those invasions don’t do justice to the magnitude of the cultural and demographic changes sweeping across the West. Unlike the predicament we are facing today, those invasions were bitterly resisted by premodern Europeans. They weren’t welcomed and encouraged by a feminized leadership.

4.) There was no such thing as the “mainstream” until around 1960. In order to be “mainstream,” your behavior has to conform to a moral codewhich didn’t exist a century ago. It is a secular catechism created by radicals and propagated by a cartel of mass media outlets.

5.) Christianity has been twisted in all sorts of ways to conform to the dominant narratives of the “mainstream.” We live in a country where Lutherans denounce Martin Luther!

6.) Around the mid-20th century, the people who had previously been identified as radicals and who were confined to the margins of our culture began to break into the elite and succeeded in hijacking culture producing institutions. In many cases, they were at the forefront of pioneering new forms of media like film. Eventually, what used to be known as the counter-culture became “mainstream” culture, and what used be normal, healthy attitudes were stigmatized as “fringe.”

7.) As Thomas Carlyle would say, the White male is now invited to observe the ruins of his own culture which has been reduced to “mere mountains of anarchic rubbish.”We’re invited “to sing Fraternity, &c. over it, and rejoice in the now remarkable era of human progress we have arrived at.” If you dare to hold a contrary view on these developments and deny any of the new sacred -isms and -phobias, you are excommunicated from the “mainstream.”

8.) The Alt-Right doesn’t consider any of this progress. On the contrary, we see it as a decline. The family unit has been demolished. It has been replaced by abortion, divorce and ugly women with loose morals wearing pink pussy hats. We’re being invaded by millions of foreigners because our elites want to dissolve our borders. We have a culture that is collapsing because it is being pulverized by networks of subversive elements who have infested our media and universities.

9.) There are millions of White males who want nothing more than to live a quiet, peaceful, normal, healthy life. You can’t do that and expect to be “mainstream” these days. The costs of the catastrophic breakdown we experienced in the mid-20th century are mounting by the day. A crisis is looming.

10.) Finally, I will just say that I am trying to cut the “mainstream” out of my life and recommend that others do the same. It took me a long time, but I found a nationalist wife who shares my values. We have a family now. I have use social media to network with likeminded people who reject the “mainstream.” I now have lots of friends who share my values. I use social media to attack the “mainstream” and so many people appreciate my voice on these issues that I am gradually becoming economically independent of the “mainstream.” Whether it is compromised churches, public schools, politicians or the fake news media, we are rejecting the “mainstream” in favor of alternatives.

The “mainstream” is dying from a thousand cuts. Good riddance!

Another great article Don! I posted in the white misery thread after reading this - I feel it really ties into that thread quite well and the "awakening" of white males.
The FBI’s Conspiracy Theory of a Trump/Putin Collusion Has No Clothes

by Paul Craig Roberts

Unable to provide an ounce of evidence that a Trump/Putin conspiracy stole the presidential election from Hillary Clinton, the corrupt US “intelligence” agencies are shifting their focus to social media and to Internet sites such as Alex Jones and Breitbart. Little doubt the FBI investigation will trickle down to Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept, Zero Hedge, the Ron Paul Institute, Nomi Prins, Naked Capitalism, Lew Rockwell, Global Research, antiwar.com, and to others on the PropOrNot, Harvard Library, and Le Monde lists, such as top Reagan administration officials David Stockman and myself. It is extraordinary that the FBI is so desperate to protect the budget of the military/security complex that it brings such embarrassment to itself. Who in the future will believe any FBI report or anything a FBI official says?

Those behind this “investigation” understand that it is so ridiculous that they must give it gravity and credibility. They selected two reporters, Peter Stone and Greg Gordon, in the McClatchy News Washington Bureau, who fit Udo Ulfkotte’s definition of “bought journalists.” Hiding behind anonymous sources—“two people familiar with the inquiry” and “sources who spoke on condition of anonymity”—the presstitutes fell in with the attack on independent media, reporting that one former US intelligence official said: “This may be one of the most highly impactful information operations in the history of intelligence.”http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article139695453.html

Wow! A totally ridiculous “investigation” is one of the most important in history. The implication is that the Russians are operating through scores or hundreds of independent media sites to control how Americans vote.

There was once a time in America when people were skeptical of anonymous sources. It was widely understood that anyone could tell a reporter anything and that a reporter could claim an anonymous source whether or not the source existed. Perhaps it was the Watergate “investigation” by the Washington Post that gave anonymity credibility. The Post’s reports made it sound like any sources ratting on Nixon’s perfidy was at risk of their lives, and the subtle emphasis on risk gave anonymity credibility.

The real story under our noses is not a Trump/Putin/independent media conspiracy to steal the presidential election. The real story is the totally obvious collusion between the Hillary forces, the US print and TV media (with the partial exception of Fox News), and the CIA and FBI to steal the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders, the presidential election from Donald Trump, and to delegitimize Trump’s election.

The theft of the nomination from Sanders is precisely what the leaked Podesta emails show. The totally one-sided presstitute support for Hillary and full-scale assault on Trump clearly show the presstitutes participation in the collusion. The extraordinary lies told in public by Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan clearly demonstrate the CIA’s lead in the attempted frame-up of Trump and his team. FBI Director Comey’s statement the day before the presidential election that the FBI had once again cleared Hillary of criminal charges sent the Dow up 371 points and set the stage for a Hillary election victory.

Why are not any of these hard facts in the news?

Why, instead, do the presstitutes and “intelligence” agencies report nothing but fake news, supported by anonymous “sources”? Why is a false reality being constructed, and the hard facts ignored?

Note another extremely strange feature of our strange time. Elements of the liberal/progressive/left portray President Trump as a member of the One Percent operating for the One Percent against the people and filling his government up with generals and his budget with more military spending. Why then is Trump under full-scale assault from the military/security complex? Why are they working to contradict, delegitimize and impeach their own agent?

If Americans were a thinking people, or even a people capable of thought, how could such inconsistent disinformation dominate public discussion?

What we should be scared about is that in America today, facts cannot compete with lies.

The McClatchy story describing a pointless investigation as one of the most important in history is working its way through the media. See:




Are we to conclude that America’s corrupt and disloyal “intelligence” agencies are a direct threat to democracy, that they are committed to overthrowing Trump’s presidency in a “color revolution,” that, unable to provide any evidence whatsoever for their conspiracy theory of a Trump/Putin collusion to steal the presidential election, the “intelligence” agencies have moved on to the discredit the independent Internet media that are in the way of the “intelligence” agencies’ control over explanations?

It is a hard fact that the Democrats, US “intelligence,” and the presstitutes are absolutely determined to control the explanations given to the American people and the wider world.

The Agents are out in force, and Neo is nowhere in sight.

The demonization of Russia and the extraordinary level of tension that the ignorant and foolish Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes created with Russia are disconcerting, indeed, frightening to those, such as myself, Patrick Buchanan, and Stephen Cohen, who experienced the long decades of the Cold War. We have never seen such highly provocative, entirely gratuitous behavior of one nuclear power toward another as the behavior of the US toward Russia over the past six presidential terms. What the Cold Warriors of the time experienced was a gradual buildup of mutual trust that enabled Reagan and Gorbachev to end the Cold War and remove the threat of nuclear Armageddon.

In contrast, the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes, the FBI, CIA, NSA, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, and the rest of the presstitutes, the right-wing Republicans, such as Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Ben Sasse, the Democratic Party, and the liberal/progressive/left have convinced Russia, in the words of Russia’s President Putin, that “we cannot trust the United States.”

This “achievement” of these idiots comprises the greatest crime humans have committed in their entire history. The atomic bombs with which the Americans gratuitously destroyed two Japanese cities are mere pop guns compared to the thermo-nuclear weapons of today. Some of the crazed neoconservatives erroneously believe that Russia is not sufficiently well-armed to respond to US aggression, but the fact of the matter is that Russia’s strategic weapons are superior and more powerful than those of the US.

How can it be anything other than a death wish for European governments to be egging on conflict with Russia, for women marching not against war but against Trump for wanting to reduce tensions with Russia, for US “intelligence” to be totally committed to orchestrating a “Russian threat” that all but guarantees thermo-nuclear war? One would think that people would be marching in favor of reduced tensions with Russia and demanding that Trump deliver on this promise, not that they would be out opposing Trump. What is the importance of Identity Politics compared to nuclear war?

How can Americans, Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Europeans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, and Japanese contain their outrage against the governments that are putting the life of the planet at risk for nothing except the budget and power of the US military/security complex? Trump is silly to roll back environmental protections, but this pales in comparison to the environmental damage of thermo-nuclear war.

How can the left-wing be lost in Identity Politics while the life of the planet is being put at extreme risk?

Why did CounterPunch recently and suddenly abandon the working class and peace and take up the cause of the victim groups of Identity Politics— women, blacks, homosexuals, lesbians, transgendered, and Muslim refugees (see Eric Draitser CP, Vol. 24, No. 1), the cause of the EU and globalism (seehttp://www.counterpunch.org/2017/03/20/brexit-nationalism-and-the-damage-done/) which benefits only the One Percent, and the demonization of Trump and Putin? Perhaps it is only a coincidence, but CounterPunch’s collapse coincides with CP being put on and removed from the PropOrNot list of Russian agents/dupes. My columns, for years a welcome feature on CounterPunch, suddenly ceased to appear. We have had no explanation from CounterPunch why the site suddenly gave up on peace and bread.

One might think that the audacity of the lies from the FBI, CIA, NSA and their media whores would provoke a powerful response from the liberal/progressive/left and from European populations, but it hasn’t.

What about Trump himself? Has he been forced to abandon his goal of normal relations with Russia, as this article in the Intercept suggests?https://theintercept.com/2017/03/21/revolving-door-military/If not, is Trump filling top Pentagon and Homeland Security positions with generals and defense contractors in order to neutralize the military from participating in a CIA/presstitute coup against him?

If Trump is eliminated, with Pence as VP and the list of appointees provided by the Intercept, the US government will pass into the hands of the military/security complex for the remainder of its existence.

Is Trump now focused on protecting himself instead of protecting all of us from a deadly conflict with Russia?

If so, this is the achievement of the US “intelligence” services, the Democratic Party, right-wing Republicans, the presstitute media, and the liberal/progressive/left.

If anyone remains to write the history of the Great Incineration, the identity of those responsible is completely clear.

Russophobia – Symptom of U.S. Implosion

by Finian Cunningham

There was a time when Russophobia served as an effective form of population control – used by the American ruling class in particular to command the general US population into patriotic loyalty. Not any longer. Now, Russophobia is a sign of weakness, of desperate implosion among the US ruling class from their own rotten, internal decay.

This propaganda technique worked adequately well during the Cold War decades when the former Soviet Union could be easily demonized as «godless communism» and an «evil empire». Such stereotypes, no matter how false, could be sustained largely because of the monopoly control of Western media by governments and official regulators.

The Soviet Union passed away more than a quarter of a century ago, but Russophobia among the US political class is more virulent than ever.

This week it was evident from Congressional hearings in Washington into alleged Russian interference in US politics that large sections of American government and establishment media are fixated by Russophobia and a belief that Russia is a malign foreign adversary.

However, the power of the Russophobia propaganda technique over the wider population seems to have greatly diminished from its Cold War heyday. This is partly due to more diverse global communications which challenge the previous Western monopoly for controlling narrative and perception. Contemporary Russophobia – demonizing Russian President Vladimir Putin or Russian military forces – does not have the same potency for scaring the Western public. Indeed, due to greater diversity in global news media sources, it is fair to say that «official» Western depictions of Russia as an enemy, for example allegedly about to invade Europe or allegedly interfering in electoral politics, are met with a healthy skepticism – if not ridicule by many Western citizens.

What is increasingly apparent here is a gaping chasm between the political class and the wider public on the matter of Russophobia. This is true for Western countries generally, but especially in the US. The political class – the lawmakers in Washington and the mainstream news media – are frenzied by claims that Russia interfered in the US presidential elections and that Russia has some kind of sinister leverage on the presidency of Donald Trump.

But this frenzy of Russophobia is not reflected among the wider public of ordinary American citizens. Rabid accusations that Russia hacked the computers of Trump’s Democrat rival Hillary Clinton to spread damaging information about her; that this alleged sabotage of American democracy was an «act of war»; that President Trump is guilty of «treason» by «colluding» with a «Russian influence campaign» – all of these sensational claims seem to be only a preoccupation of the privileged political class. Most ordinary Americans, concerned about making a living in a crumbling society, either don’t buy the claims or view them as idle chatter.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov this week dismissed the Congressional hearings into alleged Russian interference in US politics. He aptly said that US lawmakers and the corporate media have become «entangled» in their own fabrications. «They are trying to find evidence for conclusions that they have already made», said Peskov.

Other suitable imagery is that the US political class are tilting at windmills, chasing their own tails, or running from their own shadows. There seems to be a collective delusional mindset.

Unable to accept the reality that the governing structure of the US has lost legitimacy in the eyes of the people, that the people rebelled by electing an outsider in the form of business mogul-turned-politician Donald Trump, that the collapse of American traditional politics is due to the atrophy of its bankrupt capitalist economy over several decades – the ruling class have fabricated their own excuse for demise by blaming it all on Russia.

The American ruling class cannot accept, or come to terms, with the fact of systemic failure in their own political system. The election of Trump is a symptom of this failure and the widespread disillusionment among voters towards the two-party train wreck of Republicans and Democrats. That is why the specter of Russian interference in the US political system had to be conjured up, by necessity, as a way of «explaining» the abject failure and the ensuing popular revolt.

Russophobia was rehabilitated from the Cold War closet by the American political establishment to distract from the glaring internal collapse of American politics.

The corrosive, self-destruction seems to know no bounds. James Comey, the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, told Congress this week that the White House is being probed for illicit contacts with Russia. This dramatic notice served by Comey was greeted with general approval by political opponents of the Trump administration, as well as by news media outlets.

The New York Timessaid the FBI was in effect holding a «criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House».

Other news outlets are openly airing discussions on the probability of President Trump being impeached from office.

The toxic political atmosphere of Russophobia in Washington is unprecedented. The Trump administration is being crippled at every turn from conducting normal political business under a toxic cloud of suspicion that it is guilty of treason from colluding with Russia.

President Trump has run afoul with Republicans in Congress over his planned healthcare reforms because many Republicans are taking issue instead over the vaunted Russian probe.

When Trump’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was reported to be skipping a NATO summit next month but was planning to visit Moscow later in the same month, the itinerary was interpreted as a sign of untoward Russian influence.

What makes the spectacle of political infighting so unprecedented is that there is such little evidence to back up allegations of Trump-Russia collusion. It is preponderantly based on innuendo and anonymous leaks to the media, which are then recycled as «evidence».

Devin Nunes, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said earlier this week that he has seen no actual evidence among classified documents indicating any collusion between the Trump campaign team and the Russian government.

Even former senior intelligence officials, James Clapper and Michael Morell who are no friends of Trump, have lately admitted in media interviews that there is no such evidence.

Yet, FBI chief James Comey told Congress that his agency was pursuing a potentially criminal investigation into the Trump administration, while at the same time not confirming or denying the existence of any evidence.

And, as already noted, this declaration of open-ended snooping by Comey on the White House was met with avid approval by political opponents of Trump, both on Capitol Hill and in the corporate media.

Let’s just assume for a moment that the whole Trump-Russia collusion story is indeed fake. That it is groundless, a figment of imagination. There are solid reasons to believe that is the case. But let’s just assume here that it is fake for the sake of argument.

That then means that the Washington seat of government and the US presidency are tearing themselves apart in a futile civil war.

The real war here is a power struggle within the US in the context of ruling parties no longer having legitimacy to govern.

This is an American implosion. An historic Made-in-America meltdown. And Russophobia is but a symptom of the internal decay at the heart of US politics.

Saw some blue tied doof interviewed on Fox and he took every opportunity to repeat the phrase "Russians colluded with the Trump campaign to undermine the election." Like a wind-up doll. I think if the interviewer had asked him where he was going for lunch the doof would have found a way to slip the phrase "Russians colluded with the Trump campaign to undermine the election" into his answer.

Too many people watch this crap and don't realize what's going on.
Another candy@$$ "Cancuckada" college wets their collective underpanties. In order to "combat hyper-masculinity", the "Punyversity of M@ng1na" urges male students to "confess" their 'sins'at anti-masculinity booth. Well, first of all...any 'male' that would use such a 'booth' is totally devoid of any masculinity to begin with. Secondly, this is blatant, unabashed misandrist propaganda. :mad:

Another candy@$$ "Cancuckada" college wets their collective underpanties. In order to "combat hyper-masculinity", the "Punyversity of M@ng1na" urges male students to "confess" their 'sins'at anti-masculinity booth. Well, first of all...any 'male' that would use such a 'booth' is totally devoid of any masculinity to begin with. Secondly, this is blatant, unabashed misandrist propaganda. :mad:


You can't make this stuff up. This would be comedic if it wasn't real.
American Freedom News