We Are Living In A Cartoon

An article from (Very Fake News) CNBC News discussing the supposed "billions" of dollars of revenue that the state of North Carolina will lose out on because of the "controversial" House Bill 2, which is allegedly discriminatory against trannys and gender-confused freaks in the LGBTQ community...


In the article, I saw this disgusting bathroom placard that reads "We Don't Care" written above an image of cartoon man/woman hybrid and though it belonged in this thread. Wait, I'm confused, if the sign reads "We Don't Care"...doesn't that mean that there is something to care about? The sign is very ironic because it essentially proves that there are indeed two genders and that one should wear a dress and the other should wear pants. Even the most militant SJW's can't help but espouse institutionalized sexism! Oops...

Where's the "diversity"?

Getty Images Gets After White Men

Audacious Epigone, March 27, 2017

I’m doing a little work on a textbook. The publisher has free access to istockphoto.com, a service I hadn’t previously heard of but provides images similar to the Shutterstock pictures you’ve probably seen included in various online articles and the like.

I was looking for an image of a shoplifter for one of the modules I was finishing up. On the first page of results, containing 59 images, I noticed not a single perpetrator was black. I went through the other four pages of results, all of which were similarly completely devoid of black perps. I literally found a thieving pig before I was able to find a black filcher!


I scanned the first page of results, around 60 per, for other criminal search terms. Some images only showed victims or no people at all. Among those that did include perpetrators, the percentage distributions are as follows.

For “shoplifting“:

White male — 42%
White female — 56%
Asian female — 2%

For “rapist“:

White male — 100%

For “assault“:

White male — 88%
White female — 12%

For “burglar“:

White male — 100%

For “robbery“:

White male — 91%
White female — 6%
Asian male — 3%

For “terrorist“:

White male — 53%
Arab/MENA male — 47%

Not a single result from any of these searches returned a black or Hispanic perp. This despite the fact that non-Asian minorities are drastically overrepresented among criminals in the US.

When I tried “black burglar“, just two of the 60 images contained black male perps–the vast majority of the rest were white men!

This service is a major content provider for academic publishing and it is thoroughly anti-white.

Whenever the thought crosses my mind that I may becoming too cynical, something like this comes along to knock some sense into me by reminding me that I’m not cynical enough.

Where's the "diversity"?

Getty Images Gets After White Men

Audacious Epigone, March 27, 2017

I’m doing a little work on a textbook. The publisher has free access to istockphoto.com, a service I hadn’t previously heard of but provides images similar to the Shutterstock pictures you’ve probably seen included in various online articles and the like.

I was looking for an image of a shoplifter for one of the modules I was finishing up. On the first page of results, containing 59 images, I noticed not a single perpetrator was black. I went through the other four pages of results, all of which were similarly completely devoid of black perps. I literally found a thieving pig before I was able to find a black filcher!


I scanned the first page of results, around 60 per, for other criminal search terms. Some images only showed victims or no people at all. Among those that did include perpetrators, the percentage distributions are as follows.

For “shoplifting“:

White male — 42%
White female — 56%
Asian female — 2%

For “rapist“:

White male — 100%

For “assault“:

White male — 88%
White female — 12%

For “burglar“:

White male — 100%

For “robbery“:

White male — 91%
White female — 6%
Asian male — 3%

For “terrorist“:

White male — 53%
Arab/MENA male — 47%

Not a single result from any of these searches returned a black or Hispanic perp. This despite the fact that non-Asian minorities are drastically overrepresented among criminals in the US.

When I tried “black burglar“, just two of the 60 images contained black male perps–the vast majority of the rest were white men!

This service is a major content provider for academic publishing and it is thoroughly anti-white.

Whenever the thought crosses my mind that I may becoming too cynical, something like this comes along to knock some sense into me by reminding me that I’m not cynical enough.


Same results searching shutterstock criminal images...
Latest b@ll busting headlines...

- Colored boy "wins" essay contest on 'White Privilege'.... http://m.westport-news.com/news/article/White-privilege-essay-contest-winner-announced-11047949.php

- Wog kid accepted to Sanford for writing "black lives matter" 100 times... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...ion-100-times-repeat-university-a7665591.html

- Thai 'transformers' attend Army conscription festooned as dames. The Army should do Thailand a favor & "neutralize" those vile deviants right then & there.


Is Donald Trump United Airlines and Kim Jong Un Doctor Dao?

by Colin Liddell

United Airlines made a massive mistake when they played "passenger roulette" the other day and selected to remove Dr. David Dao. Whether you want to call the Vietnamese medic pluckily stubborn or allude to possible "mental issues," Dao dug his feet in and refused to budge, leading to a messy display of violence by the flunkeys of the airline, and perhaps tarnishing its image forever. Dao will probably get a massive settlement but it will take billions to correct the bad image generated by this one incident.

Removing already boarded passengers in this way is designed for sensible, reasonable, rational people who are not in a heightened emotional state—in short, bourgeois sheep. Most of them can be persuaded to give up their seat for a little money, which means the company can keep using the system of overbooking and thus maximise its asset utilisation.

With Trump apparently moving against another awkward Oriental in the person of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, it is tempting to draw analogies between how airlines handle their passengers and how the US-led global system works.

Like the passengers on the United Airlines flight, most countries tend to go along with what America wants or does. While this generally just means sitting in a seat that is rather too cramped and putting up with second-rate food and third-rate in-flight entertainment, it can also mean being told to go sit somewhere else, get a later flight, or sit passively by while other, less compliant passengers are brutally removed because they refuse to cooperate.

Of course not everybody is in economy class. The more important nations like Russia and China, as well as the "special friends" of the airline, all travel in first class, so seat removal is not generally an issue there.

As long as the US-led global system sticks to pushing around the lesser saner passengers, the system works fine, but occasionally they draw a Dr. Dao, and problems flare up.

Right now America is marching up the aisle to Kim Jong Un, the portly Korean dictator wedged tightly into his seat, with the same sort of compliance test that the United Airlines staff had for Dr. Dao. "Excuse me, sir, we would like you to take a later flight." Although in this case the issue is the small Asian nation's right to develop its nuclear arsenal so that it might be considered for inclusion in the First Class seating arrangements.

We are not sure what will happen. Maybe they will go ahead and catch him on a good day and he complies after receiving a message from one of his friends in first class—unlikely!—or they might show more tact than the UA goons, and realize things are just going to get messy and lay off. Otherwise we are going to be treated to the geopolitical equivalent of a passenger being brutalized, basically the system showing in its true colours—a major PR disaster, but a win for the Alt-Right, which has always emphasised the raw Schmittian violence that underpins all political and diplomatic systems.

Here's a view of the North Korean problem that isn't the standard "anyone who opposes Washington is a madman" kindergarten level of U.S. media propaganda. Mike Whitney writers for Counterpunch, which is a lefty site, but he's rational on a lot of issues, basically a left wing populist:

The Problem is Washington, Not North Korea


Washington has never made any effort to conceal its contempt for North Korea. In the 64 years since the war ended, the US has done everything in its power to punish, humiliate and inflict pain on the Communist country. Washington has subjected the DPRK to starvation, prevented its government from accessing foreign capital and markets, strangled its economy with crippling economic sanctions, and installed lethal missile systems and military bases on their doorstep.

Negotiations aren’t possible because Washington refuses to sit down with a country which it sees as its inferior. Instead, the US has strong-armed China to do its bidding by using their diplomats as interlocutors who are expected to convey Washington’s ultimatums as threateningly as possible. The hope, of course, is that Pyongyang will cave in to Uncle Sam’s bullying and do what they are told.

But the North has never succumbed to US intimidation and there’s no sign that it will. Instead, they have developed a small arsenal of nuclear weapons to defend themselves in the event that the US tries to assert its dominance by launching another war.
There’s no country in the world that needs nuclear weapons more than North Korea. Brainwashed Americans, who get their news from FOX or CNN, may differ on this point, but if a hostile nation deployed carrier strike-groups off the coast of California while conducting massive war games on the Mexican border (with the express intention of scaring the **** of people) then they might see things differently. They might see the value of having a few nuclear weapons to deter that hostile nation from doing something really stupid.

And let’s be honest, the only reason Kim Jong Un hasn’t joined Saddam and Gadhafi in the great hereafter, is because (a)– The North does not sit on an ocean of oil, and (b)– The North has the capacity to reduce Seoul, Okinawa and Tokyo into smoldering debris-fields. Absent Kim’s WMDs, Pyongyang would have faced a preemptive attack long ago and Kim would have faced a fate similar to Gadhafi’s. Nuclear weapons are the only known antidote to US adventurism.

The American people –whose grasp of history does not extend beyond the events of 9-11 — have no idea of the way the US fights its wars or the horrific carnage and destruction it unleashed on the North. Here’s a short refresher that helps clarify why the North is still wary of the US more than 60 years after the armistice was signed. The excerpt is from an article titled “Americans have forgotten what we did to North Korea”, at Vox World:

“In the early 1950s, during the Korean War, the US dropped more bombs on North Korea than it had dropped in the entire Pacific theater during World War II. This carpet bombing, which included 32,000 tons of napalm, often deliberately targeted civilian as well as military targets, devastating the country far beyond what was necessary to fight the war. Whole cities were destroyed, with many thousands of innocent civilians killed and many more left homeless and hungry….

According to US journalist Blaine Harden: “Over a period of three years or so, we killed off — what — 20 percent of the population,” Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, told the Office of Air Force History in 1984. Dean Rusk, a supporter of the war and later secretary of state, said the United States bombed “everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another.” After running low on urban targets, U.S. bombers destroyed hydroelectric and irrigation dams in the later stages of the war, flooding farmland and destroying crops……

“On January 3 at 10:30 AM an armada of 82 flying fortresses loosed their death-dealing load on the city of Pyongyang …Hundreds of tons of bombs and incendiary compound were simultaneously dropped throughout the city, causing annihilating fires, the transatlantic barbarians bombed the city with delayed-action high-explosive bombs which exploded at intervals for a whole day making it impossible for the people to come out onto the streets. The entire city has now been burning, enveloped in flames, for two days. By the second day, 7,812 civilians houses had been burnt down. The Americans were well aware that there were no military targets left in Pyongyang…

The number of inhabitants of Pyongyang killed by bomb splinters, burnt alive and suffocated by smoke is incalculable…Some 50,000 inhabitants remain in the city which before the war had a population of 500,000.” (“Americans have forgotten what we did to North Korea“, Vox World)

The United States killed over 2 million people in a country that posed no threat to US national security. Like Vietnam, the Korean War was just another muscle-flexing exercise the US periodically engages in whenever it gets bored or needs some far-flung location to try out its new weapons systems. The US had nothing to gain in its aggression on the Korean peninsula, it was mix of imperial overreach and pure unalloyed viciousness the likes of which we’ve seen many times in the past. According to theAsia-Pacific Journal:

“By the fall of 1952, there were no effective targets left for US planes to hit. Every significant town, city and industrial area in North Korea had already been bombed. In the spring of 1953, the Air Force targeted irrigation dams on the Yalu River, both to destroy the North Korean rice crop and to pressure the Chinese, who would have to supply more food aid to the North. Five reservoirs were hit, flooding thousands of acres of farmland, inundating whole towns and laying waste to the essential food source for millions of North Koreans.10 Only emergency assistance from China, the USSR, and other socialist countries prevented widespread famine.” (“The Destruction and Reconstruction of North Korea, 1950 – 1960”, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Japan Focus)

Repeat: “Reservoirs, irrigation dams, rice crops, hydroelectric dams, population centers” all napalmed, all carpet bombed, all razed to the ground. Nothing was spared. If it moved it was shot, if it didn’t move, it was bombed. The US couldn’t win, so they turned the country into an uninhabitable wastelands. “Let them starve. Let them freeze.. Let them eat weeds and roots and rodents to survive. Let them sleep in the ditches and find shelter in the rubble. What do we care? We’re the greatest country on earth. God bless America.”

This is how Washington does business, and it hasn’t changed since the Seventh Cavalry wiped out 150 men, women and children at Wounded Knee more than century ago. The Lakota Sioux at Pine Ridge got the same basic treatment as the North Koreans, or the Vietnamese, or the Nicaraguans, or the Iraqis and on and on and on and on. Anyone else who gets in Uncle Sam’s way, winds up in a world of hurt. End of story.

The savagery of America’s war against the North left an indelible mark on the psyche of the people. Whatever the cost, the North cannot allow a similar scenario to take place in the future. Whatever the cost, they must be prepared to defend themselves. If that means nukes, then so be it. Self preservation is the top priority.

Is there a way to end this pointless standoff between Pyongyang and Washington, a way to mend fences and build trust?

Of course there is. The US just needs to start treating the DPRK with respect and follow through on their promises. What promises?

The promise to built the North two light-water reactors to provide heat and light to their people in exchange for an end to its nuclear weapons program. You won’t read about this deal in the media because the media is just the propaganda wing of the Pentagon. They have no interest in promoting peaceful solutions. Their stock-in-trade is war, war and more war.

The North wants the US to honor its obligations under the 1994 Agreed Framework. That’s it. Just keep up your end of the goddamn deal. How hard can that be? Here’s how Jimmy Carter summed it up in a Washington Post op-ed (November 24, 2010):

“…in September 2005, an agreement … reaffirmed the basic premises of the 1994 accord. (The Agreed Framework) Its text included denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, a pledge of non-aggression by the United States and steps to evolve a permanent peace agreement to replace the U.S.-North Korean-Chinese cease-fire that has been in effect since July 1953. Unfortunately, no substantive progress has been made since 2005…

“This past July I was invited to return to Pyongyang to secure the release of an American, Aijalon Gomes, with the proviso that my visit would last long enough for substantive talks with top North Korean officials. They spelled out in detail their desire to develop a denuclearized Korean Peninsula and a permanent cease-fire, based on the 1994 agreements and the terms adopted by the six powers in September 2005….

“North Korean officials have given the same message to other recent American visitors and have permitted access by nuclear experts to an advanced facility for purifying uranium. The same officials had made it clear to me that this array of centrifuges would be ‘on the table’ for discussions with the United States, although uranium purification – a very slow process – was not covered in the 1994 agreements.

Pyongyang has sent a consistent message that during direct talks with the United States, it is ready to conclude an agreement to end its nuclear programs, put them all under IAEA inspection and conclude a permanent peace treaty to replace the ‘temporary’ cease-fire of 1953. We should consider responding to this offer. The unfortunate alternative is for North Koreans to take whatever actions they consider necessary to defend themselves from what they claim to fear most: a military attack supported by the United States, along with efforts to change the political regime.”

(“North Korea’s consistent message to the U.S.”, President Jimmy Carter, Washington Post)

Most people think the problem lies with North Korea, but it doesn’t. The problem lies with the United States; it’s unwillingness to negotiate an end to the war, its unwillingness to provide basic security guarantees to the North, its unwillingness to even sit down with the people who –through Washington’s own stubborn ignorance– are now developing long-range ballistic missiles that will be capable of hitting American cities.

How dumb is that?

The Trump team is sticking with a policy that has failed for 63 years and which clearly undermines US national security by putting American citizens directly at risk. AND FOR WHAT?

To preserve the image of “tough guy”, to convince people that the US doesn’t negotiate with weaker countries, to prove to the world that “whatever the US says, goes”? Is that it? Is image more important than a potential nuclear disaster?

Relations with the North can be normalized, economic ties can be strengthened, trust can be restored, and the nuclear threat can be defused. The situation with the North does not have to be a crisis, it can be fixed. It just takes a change in policy, a bit of give-and-take, and leaders that genuinely want peace more than war.

Here's a view of the North Korean problem that isn't the standard "anyone who opposes Washington is a madman" kindergarten level of U.S. media propaganda. Mike Whitney writers for Counterpunch, which is a lefty site, but he's rational on a lot of issues, basically a left wing populist:

The Problem is Washington, Not North Korea

There's a very interesting full length documentary film about some Americans who defected to North Korea online. One man became a famous movie star there. He specialized in playing evil Americans.
Here's a view of the North Korean problem that isn't the standard "anyone who opposes Washington is a madman" kindergarten level of U.S. media propaganda. Mike Whitney writers for Counterpunch, which is a lefty site, but he's rational on a lot of issues, basically a left wing populist:

The Problem is Washington, Not North Korea


Washington has never made any effort to conceal its contempt for North Korea. In the 64 years since the war ended, the US has done everything in its power to punish, humiliate and inflict pain on the Communist country. Washington has subjected the DPRK to starvation, prevented its government from accessing foreign capital and markets, strangled its economy with crippling economic sanctions, and installed lethal missile systems and military bases on their doorstep.

Negotiations aren’t possible because Washington refuses to sit down with a country which it sees as its inferior. Instead, the US has strong-armed China to do its bidding by using their diplomats as interlocutors who are expected to convey Washington’s ultimatums as threateningly as possible. The hope, of course, is that Pyongyang will cave in to Uncle Sam’s bullying and do what they are told.

But the North has never succumbed to US intimidation and there’s no sign that it will. Instead, they have developed a small arsenal of nuclear weapons to defend themselves in the event that the US tries to assert its dominance by launching another war.
There’s no country in the world that needs nuclear weapons more than North Korea. Brainwashed Americans, who get their news from FOX or CNN, may differ on this point, but if a hostile nation deployed carrier strike-groups off the coast of California while conducting massive war games on the Mexican border (with the express intention of scaring the **** of people) then they might see things differently. They might see the value of having a few nuclear weapons to deter that hostile nation from doing something really stupid.

And let’s be honest, the only reason Kim Jong Un hasn’t joined Saddam and Gadhafi in the great hereafter, is because (a)– The North does not sit on an ocean of oil, and (b)– The North has the capacity to reduce Seoul, Okinawa and Tokyo into smoldering debris-fields. Absent Kim’s WMDs, Pyongyang would have faced a preemptive attack long ago and Kim would have faced a fate similar to Gadhafi’s. Nuclear weapons are the only known antidote to US adventurism.

The American people –whose grasp of history does not extend beyond the events of 9-11 — have no idea of the way the US fights its wars or the horrific carnage and destruction it unleashed on the North. Here’s a short refresher that helps clarify why the North is still wary of the US more than 60 years after the armistice was signed. The excerpt is from an article titled “Americans have forgotten what we did to North Korea”, at Vox World:

“In the early 1950s, during the Korean War, the US dropped more bombs on North Korea than it had dropped in the entire Pacific theater during World War II. This carpet bombing, which included 32,000 tons of napalm, often deliberately targeted civilian as well as military targets, devastating the country far beyond what was necessary to fight the war. Whole cities were destroyed, with many thousands of innocent civilians killed and many more left homeless and hungry….

According to US journalist Blaine Harden: “Over a period of three years or so, we killed off — what — 20 percent of the population,” Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, told the Office of Air Force History in 1984. Dean Rusk, a supporter of the war and later secretary of state, said the United States bombed “everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another.” After running low on urban targets, U.S. bombers destroyed hydroelectric and irrigation dams in the later stages of the war, flooding farmland and destroying crops……

“On January 3 at 10:30 AM an armada of 82 flying fortresses loosed their death-dealing load on the city of Pyongyang …Hundreds of tons of bombs and incendiary compound were simultaneously dropped throughout the city, causing annihilating fires, the transatlantic barbarians bombed the city with delayed-action high-explosive bombs which exploded at intervals for a whole day making it impossible for the people to come out onto the streets. The entire city has now been burning, enveloped in flames, for two days. By the second day, 7,812 civilians houses had been burnt down. The Americans were well aware that there were no military targets left in Pyongyang…

The number of inhabitants of Pyongyang killed by bomb splinters, burnt alive and suffocated by smoke is incalculable…Some 50,000 inhabitants remain in the city which before the war had a population of 500,000.” (“Americans have forgotten what we did to North Korea“, Vox World)

The United States killed over 2 million people in a country that posed no threat to US national security. Like Vietnam, the Korean War was just another muscle-flexing exercise the US periodically engages in whenever it gets bored or needs some far-flung location to try out its new weapons systems. The US had nothing to gain in its aggression on the Korean peninsula, it was mix of imperial overreach and pure unalloyed viciousness the likes of which we’ve seen many times in the past. According to theAsia-Pacific Journal:

“By the fall of 1952, there were no effective targets left for US planes to hit. Every significant town, city and industrial area in North Korea had already been bombed. In the spring of 1953, the Air Force targeted irrigation dams on the Yalu River, both to destroy the North Korean rice crop and to pressure the Chinese, who would have to supply more food aid to the North. Five reservoirs were hit, flooding thousands of acres of farmland, inundating whole towns and laying waste to the essential food source for millions of North Koreans.10 Only emergency assistance from China, the USSR, and other socialist countries prevented widespread famine.” (“The Destruction and Reconstruction of North Korea, 1950 – 1960”, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Japan Focus)

Repeat: “Reservoirs, irrigation dams, rice crops, hydroelectric dams, population centers” all napalmed, all carpet bombed, all razed to the ground. Nothing was spared. If it moved it was shot, if it didn’t move, it was bombed. The US couldn’t win, so they turned the country into an uninhabitable wastelands. “Let them starve. Let them freeze.. Let them eat weeds and roots and rodents to survive. Let them sleep in the ditches and find shelter in the rubble. What do we care? We’re the greatest country on earth. God bless America.”

This is how Washington does business, and it hasn’t changed since the Seventh Cavalry wiped out 150 men, women and children at Wounded Knee more than century ago. The Lakota Sioux at Pine Ridge got the same basic treatment as the North Koreans, or the Vietnamese, or the Nicaraguans, or the Iraqis and on and on and on and on. Anyone else who gets in Uncle Sam’s way, winds up in a world of hurt. End of story.

The savagery of America’s war against the North left an indelible mark on the psyche of the people. Whatever the cost, the North cannot allow a similar scenario to take place in the future. Whatever the cost, they must be prepared to defend themselves. If that means nukes, then so be it. Self preservation is the top priority.

Is there a way to end this pointless standoff between Pyongyang and Washington, a way to mend fences and build trust?

Of course there is. The US just needs to start treating the DPRK with respect and follow through on their promises. What promises?

The promise to built the North two light-water reactors to provide heat and light to their people in exchange for an end to its nuclear weapons program. You won’t read about this deal in the media because the media is just the propaganda wing of the Pentagon. They have no interest in promoting peaceful solutions. Their stock-in-trade is war, war and more war.

The North wants the US to honor its obligations under the 1994 Agreed Framework. That’s it. Just keep up your end of the goddamn deal. How hard can that be? Here’s how Jimmy Carter summed it up in a Washington Post op-ed (November 24, 2010):

“…in September 2005, an agreement … reaffirmed the basic premises of the 1994 accord. (The Agreed Framework) Its text included denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, a pledge of non-aggression by the United States and steps to evolve a permanent peace agreement to replace the U.S.-North Korean-Chinese cease-fire that has been in effect since July 1953. Unfortunately, no substantive progress has been made since 2005…

“This past July I was invited to return to Pyongyang to secure the release of an American, Aijalon Gomes, with the proviso that my visit would last long enough for substantive talks with top North Korean officials. They spelled out in detail their desire to develop a denuclearized Korean Peninsula and a permanent cease-fire, based on the 1994 agreements and the terms adopted by the six powers in September 2005….

“North Korean officials have given the same message to other recent American visitors and have permitted access by nuclear experts to an advanced facility for purifying uranium. The same officials had made it clear to me that this array of centrifuges would be ‘on the table’ for discussions with the United States, although uranium purification – a very slow process – was not covered in the 1994 agreements.

Pyongyang has sent a consistent message that during direct talks with the United States, it is ready to conclude an agreement to end its nuclear programs, put them all under IAEA inspection and conclude a permanent peace treaty to replace the ‘temporary’ cease-fire of 1953. We should consider responding to this offer. The unfortunate alternative is for North Koreans to take whatever actions they consider necessary to defend themselves from what they claim to fear most: a military attack supported by the United States, along with efforts to change the political regime.”

(“North Korea’s consistent message to the U.S.”, President Jimmy Carter, Washington Post)

Most people think the problem lies with North Korea, but it doesn’t. The problem lies with the United States; it’s unwillingness to negotiate an end to the war, its unwillingness to provide basic security guarantees to the North, its unwillingness to even sit down with the people who –through Washington’s own stubborn ignorance– are now developing long-range ballistic missiles that will be capable of hitting American cities.

How dumb is that?

The Trump team is sticking with a policy that has failed for 63 years and which clearly undermines US national security by putting American citizens directly at risk. AND FOR WHAT?

To preserve the image of “tough guy”, to convince people that the US doesn’t negotiate with weaker countries, to prove to the world that “whatever the US says, goes”? Is that it? Is image more important than a potential nuclear disaster?

Relations with the North can be normalized, economic ties can be strengthened, trust can be restored, and the nuclear threat can be defused. The situation with the North does not have to be a crisis, it can be fixed. It just takes a change in policy, a bit of give-and-take, and leaders that genuinely want peace more than war.


Excellent article. I especially liked this quote...

Repeat: “Reservoirs, irrigation dams, rice crops, hydroelectric dams, population centers” all napalmed, all carpet bombed, all razed to the ground. Nothing was spared. If it moved it was shot, if it didn’t move, it was bombed. The US couldn’t win, so they turned the country into an uninhabitable wastelands. “Let them starve. Let them freeze.. Let them eat weeds and roots and rodents to survive. Let them sleep in the ditches and find shelter in the rubble. What do we care? We’re the greatest country on earth. God bless America.”

As sad as it is to say, North Korea "got off easy" compared to what Uncle Sam's Boys did to every conceivable sign of life (military or civilian) in Nazi Germany. There are even stories of our "heroes" shooting exotic animals in German zoos from their airplanes for "fun." After carpet-bombing everything in sight (railroads, shipyards, ports, highways, factories, powerplants, military bases, and all cities and villages - which is really what created the mass starvation observed in Concentration Camps), the members of America's "greatest generation" then pillaged and plundered everything of value from the hellish, smoldering ruins they created. Paintings, jewelry, sculptures, antiques, religious artifacts, weapons, etc. The "good guys" then "occupied" the lands they razed, raping every single girl and woman capable of fogging a mirror, sadistically torturing soldiers and civilians alike, slaughtering German battalions after they laid down their weapons in surrender, treating POW's worse than any in human history (read the grisly war crimes committed at the "Eisenhower Death Camps") and convicting the German leaders of in their laughable kangaroo courts in Nuremberg.

If anyone thinks logically about the crimes committed by the U.S. military over the past century...one could might come to the conclusion that they are the planet's most effective terrorist organization. I don't blame the soldiers, as they are simply pawns in a Zionist game.
Excellent article. I especially liked this quote...

... There are even stories of our "heroes" shooting exotic animals in German zoos from their airplanes for "fun." ...

In McKee's book, Dresden 1945 - The Devil's Tinderbox, he tells how the Americans and British, during their waves of attacks and firebombing of the most beautiful medieval city in Europe when the war was already over, un undefended hospital city crammed to the rafters with injured and women and children and POW's, like Kurt Vonnegut and countless people who had fled the Allied Bolshevik terror in the east, in the worst massacre in European history, flew their Mustangs (an airplane designed by a German-American) over the world famous Dresden Zoo and strafed the animals, just as they strafed the burned survivors who had fled to the Elbe River. The zoo keeper was a famous animal trainer and animal lover, Otto Sailer-Jackson, he lived but was a broken man afterwards. Even the monster Stalin condemned the Dresden massacre. Now they call it their "Good War" and their "greatest generation".

"I don't blame the soldiers, as they are simply pawns in a Zionist game."

They forgot to tell them they were fighting to destroy the white race and western civilization. That wouldn't have played as well at the recruiting booth as the Andrew Sisters.


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Excellent article. I especially liked this quote...

... There are even stories of our "heroes" shooting exotic animals in German zoos from their airplanes for "fun." ...

In McKee's book, Dresden 1945 - The Devil's Tinderbox, he tells how the Americans and British, during their waves of attacks and firebombing of the most beautiful city in Europe when the war was already over, an undefended hospital city crammed to the rafters with injured and women and children and POW's, like Kurt Vonnegut and countless people who had fled the Allied Bolshevik terror in the east, in the worst massacre in European history, flew their Mustangs (an airplane designed by a German-American) over the world famous Dresden Zoo and strafed the animals, just as they strafed the burned survivors who had fled to the Elbe River. The zoo keeper was a famous animal trainer and animal lover, Otto Sailer-Jackson, he lived but was a broken man afterwards. Even the monster Stalin condemned the Dresden massacre. Now they call it their "Good War" and their "greatest generation".

"I don't blame the soldiers, as they are simply pawns in a Zionist game."

They forgot to tell them they were fighting to destroy the white race and western civilization. That wouldn't have played as well at the recruiting booth as the Andrew Sisters.
Democrats Celebrate White Suicide
April 17, 2017 byCH

Video footage caught Maine Democreeps cheering the rise in suicides among White men.

(Video at original link)

For anyone living in a cave the past few years who might not understand the depth of anti-White hatred to which the Demokreep Klown Kollective has sunk, now you see the chameleonic enemy in itsuncamouflaged malevolence.

After saying the Democrats need to encourage more “young people” and “women” to join their party, Fochtmann said: “Today, you know, I saw a thing that said a lot of men, white men, are committing suicide. I almost thought, ‘yeah, great!'”

“almost”? Don’t sell your hate short, Fuckedman.

The crowd burst into laughter.

Listen to it. That wasn’t nervous laughter. It was the chortling of bloodthirsty vampires.

“Then I thought about it little more, and I thought maybe I shouldn’t say that out in public,” he said.

The anti-White equalist leftoids are feeling emboldened to air their hatred openly and remorselessly, helped along by a complicit media and demagogic Dem pols like Pelosi and Waters and cucks like McCain. They have become Chutzpah, destroyer of citizenism.

The Daily Caller asked Fochtmann toexplain his comment:

Fochtmann told The Daily Caller “a joke’s a joke isn’t it?”

You weren’t joking, fuckermann.

“I’m a white male.

How convenient.

I’m an old man,

The “old man” card. If your age is an excuse for every murderous fantasy you indulge, then maybe it’s time you consider the early self-deliverance option. Otherwise, WAYSA?

and I’m appalled by what’s happening to a lot of people my age, and their either lack of morality or whatever it is,” he continued.

Whereas your morality shines through like a Mosaic commandment.

“There’s no big protest going on about [the Trump] administration.”

There will be a big protest in your backyard soon, if this story catches fire and loosens even the Leftstream Media’s information choke hold.

“It’s anathema to me. I hear a lot of people out there espousing things about being good Christians, being patriots and what not. We just read different history books. Different Bible, everything.”

Old Testament man.

“I don’t really know what to say,” Fochtmann conceded.

Missing a clause: “I don’t really know what to say….that would make me come out smelling like a rose and my White enemies burnt to a crisp on a pyre.”

“I thought the point of the joke is that it won’t be long, and that this won’t be a majority white nation, and I think that’s a good thing.”

Your anti-White genocidal intention is noted for the record, Fochtmann. Best pray you have enough old man wisdom to silence your Old Testament man chutzpah during the dangerous interim between your premature gloating and the completion of your beloved demographic displacement-of-Whites-via-open-borders-and-suicidal-despair.

“I think it’s about time Americans come to terms with we are a melting pot,” he clarified.

Does that melting pot come alloyed with the blown out brains and meth-stopped hearts of millions of White men and women?

“We’ve been calling ourselves a melting pot forever and ever and ever.”

If you have to repeat it ad nauseam, then maybe it isn’t the natural state of affairs.

“So there you are, you know, one of these days we’ll be a big melting pot stew and it won’t predominantly be white people, and that’s ok with me.”

So there we have the mission statement of the Murderous Left: They won’t be able to achieve Diversitopia with White men gumming up the gears. Whites will have to be dealt with, and since we’re not (yet) at the shooting stage of this war the weapon of choice for the Equalism Dehumanists is mass Dirt World immigration and the killer depression it carries in its silty wake as it washes like a shitnami over the receding Whiteness of Heritage America.

If that’s the case, why do you choose to live in the second whitest state in the union?

Good question. As a matter of course, shitlib hypocrisy is so blatant that I coined a word to describe it: Libocrisy. I really need to get going on that Libocrite Watch List post I’ve been meaning to do. You can’t hide from neighborhood demographic data, gentrified-community libfruits!

FYI, here’s a photo of former Maine Senatorial candidate Richard Fochtmann:


Hm. What do you guys think? Physiognomy is real, or (((physiognomy israel)))?

The goal is to make it costly for these anti-White signaling fatbags to continue mouthing off about the blessings of an inevitable White minority America: Politically costly, socially costly, and occupationally costly. Do to the Left what the Left has been doing to Heritage America for sixty-plus years. Coax these fuckers outta their rat holes and shame them in the public square. We won’t rid ourselves of this evil, but we can arrange our society so that the fochtmanns of the West have only the company of their padded cells and gloomy bedrooms willing to entertain their genocidal fantasies.


Black Hole Soul

In their eyes, genocide
In disguises chosenite
Hides the hate, lies the snake
And a soul as black as slate
Boiling frog, Whites object
‘Neath the tact the soul looks dead
Call their name through the ruse
And you’ll hear them claim virtue

Black hole soul
Now we know
You wish upon us pain
Black hole soul
Now we know
Now we know (now we know)

Sophistry, lies and craft
Fool the hearts of the goyim
Times are gone for honest men
And sometimes far too long for snakes
In my land, a stalking leech
And our youth awakening
Blood and soil here to stay
No one gulled like that anymore

Black hole soul
Now we know
You wish upon us pain
Black hole soul
Now we know
Now we know

Black hole soul
Now we know
You wish upon us pain
Black hole soul
Now we know
Now we know
(black hole soul)
(black hole soul)
Now we know
(black hole soul)
(black hole soul)
Now we know
(black hole soul)
(black hole soul)
Now we know
(black hole soul)
(black hole soul)

Lift my head, fight my fear
Till my home is free and clear

Black hole soul
Now we know
You wish upon us pain
Black hole soul
Now we know
Now we know
Black hole soul
Now we know
You wish upon us pain
Black hole soul
Now we know
Now we know
(black hole soul)
(black hole soul)

How long ago was it now - President Bill Clinton was in the northwest giving a speech at an all white college. He said that in 50 years the USA will be minority white. They gave him a standing ovation.

1964-65 NYC Worlds Fair crowd scene - just before the immigration reform act and LBJ's "great welfare society" and forced integration took effect...

The liberal view of the Korean War is that the US got involved for no other reason than to kill non-whites and test their equipment. They often leave out the fact that the North Korean Communists invaded South Korea.

They portray the North Korean Communists as noble, enlightened people who were the innocent victims of American aggression. They don't mention that North Korea invaded South Korea, murdering, raping and torturing as they went.

Even if you don't think the US should have been involved in the Korean war, the idea that the invasion of South Korea by North Korea wasn't the reason for America's involvement is preposterous.
In McKee's book, Dresden 1945 - The Devil's Tinderbox, he tells how the Americans and British, during their waves of attacks and firebombing of the most beautiful city in Europe when the war was already over, an undefended hospital city crammed to the rafters with injured and women and children and POW's, like Kurt Vonnegut and countless people who had fled the Allied Bolshevik terror in the east, in the worst massacre in European history, flew their Mustangs (an airplane designed by a German-American) over the world famous Dresden Zoo and strafed the animals, just as they strafed the burned survivors who had fled to the Elbe River. The zoo keeper was a famous animal trainer and animal lover, Otto Sailer-Jackson, he lived but was a broken man afterwards. Even the monster Stalin condemned the Dresden massacre. Now they call it their "Good War" and their "greatest generation".

"I don't blame the soldiers, as they are simply pawns in a Zionist game."

They forgot to tell them they were fighting to destroy the white race and western civilization. That wouldn't have played as well at the recruiting booth as the Andrew Sisters.

These were the greatest (true) American soldiers that actually fought for freedom!

The Doxxing Of Louise Rosealma Reveals Link Between Antifa and Porn Industry
Does Antifa recruit from the pornography industry?

Sad before and after pic of that girl. I mentioned in another post a couple months ago about Milo covering that in his talk at University of Colorado at Boulder. He showed a twitter account of some guy that has many of these before-and-after pics of White girls...before they enter the indoctrination centers now known has universities and then after. It's a sad sight to see.

Even Limbaugh had a 15 minute segment today discussing the situation of Universities turning (White) women into feminists and the rifts it's causing in relationships and societies. Al-Jazerra had a segment recently that covered it now happening in South Korea, of course sympathetic to the "women's rights" cause there as well. I'll have to find it and post it. I've warned Asians on other blogs a long time ago that once they were "done" with the West, they were coming after them next.
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1964-65 NYC Worlds Fair crowd scene - just before the immigration reform act and LBJ's "great welfare society" and forced integration took effect...


Look at the way people are dressed in this picture. My Aunt is a senior citizen. She says this is the way everybody dressed at one time.

She says to see how people dressed watch the old movies. She said people really dressed that way in everyday life.

The way things were back then was better than the way they are now. The old ways are best.
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Here's another angle of the punch she took. Apparently she was creating her own IED by putting fire crackers in glass bottles and then throwing them at the pro-Trump marchers. She's lucky she only got off with a punch to the face. She should be facing prison time.

American Freedom News