We Are Living In A Cartoon


As I am sure you are all aware, on the day of the Presidential Inauguration our very ownRichard Spencer was assaultedin Washington, DC while giving an interview. Surrounded by self- proclaimed anti-fascists, aka "antifa" who were waving signs that read "White Lives Matter Too Much", a masked man cowardly sucker-punched Richard Spencer and ran off. The story blew up Twitter, meanwhile Washington was left in flames and broken glass from antifa who were protesting President-elect, now President, Donald Trump from being sworn into office.

You can already hear the likes of Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars, in his British accent, complaining about "the intolerant Left" and how they are simply avoiding having a debate about ideas. Paul is certainly right about that. But so what? This is a new age in American politics. We no longer live in a nation where friends and family can gather around the dinner table, discuss politics, and simply agree to disagree about some issues (or perhaps even convince one another that the other has a point - shock!). Oh no, those days are no more. The age of Reason is over.

This is bad news for those who fancy themselves as "rational skeptics" or classical liberals. They now find themselves in the ever-shrinking middle ground of politics. Slowly but surely, they are losing grounds to political radicals like antifa, the alt-right, or the various ethno-cultural voting blocks that exist in the US. Sorry Paul, no matter how convincing or sound your classical liberal logic and reason is, you are never going to convince more than 10% of Blacks to support your politics. The center cannot hold. So what are the likes of Paul going to do?

It seems the antifa are going to make that choice for them. The night before the inauguration, some of the "alt-lite" personalities - Mike Cernovich, Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Southern, Gavin McInnes, and others, held a party titled the "DeploraBall" at the National Press Club. This party became the target of an antifa plot. Thanks are due to James O'Keefe, of Project Veritas, foruncovering the antifa terrorist plotto put butyric acid in the ventilation system of the National Press Club. Butyric acid is the ingredient used in stink bombs. While it is unlikely anyone would have been harmed, the intention of the antifa was to cause mayhem and incite political fear in the DeploraBall attendees. This is the textbook definition of terrorism. It turns out that supporting Donald Trump for President makes you a de facto Nazi according to antifa, and that alone grants them the sense of moral righteousness to commit acts of terrorism and violence against you.

What do so-called rationalist classical liberals do when confronted with an extremely irrational political foe? I guess we will find out in due time. I will say that complaining about the "intolerant left" as they are bashing your heads in, setting fires, and smashing windows is probably not going to get you very far. They aren't really interested in hearing how you are "one of the good Trump supporters" unlike those "bad people" over there, like Richard Spencer. To them, you are equally as deplorable as Richard Spencer. I mean, come on, you did vote for Literally Hitler TM over the almost First Female President, Hillary Clinton... and anyone who voted for Literally Hitler TM is a Nazi too! No amount of reasoning with these degenerates is going to change their minds.

The alt-right has its disagreements with the various personalities in the cultural libertarian movement. However, we are still willing to agree to disagree with you. We are not committing acts of violence against you (the alt-right is the religion of peace!) Meanwhile, le edgy ******, Milo Yiannopoulos is having his speaking tour interrupted by violent antifa on a semi-regular basis. It's only a matter of time before someone is seriously harmed at one of his events (oops,too late).

I know this is a lot to ask of the alt-lite but it's time to snap out of it already. It's time to drop the rationalist way of looking at the world. That way of thinking is quickly becoming outdated. We are slowly finding ourselves moving closer and closer to civil war. There is already an unspoken civil war taking place as we speak. We see interracial violence in our country on a daily basis.

We are now beginning to see antifa move their cross-hairs from the likes of Richard Spencer to the likes of the everyday normal Trump supporter. There is no going back folks. The America you grew up loving where you could freely speak about ideas with one another is dead. We now live in the age of the soft totalitarianism of Political Correctness. However, that totalitarianism is quickly losing its softness as we find antifa have gleefully stepped into the role of the modern-day Cheka of the managerial state. It's time to realize that there is not going to be a rational and logical discussion about the future of the USA, Europe, or Western Civilization. Our political opponents are emotionally and spiritually invested in seeing that we are all destroyed. This is the reality of the situation we find ourselves in. It is time to act accordingly.


Really good analysis. The commie scum, the "antifa" or whatever they want to call themselves, the black rioters, the mohamedan and other third world invaders, they are not people you can hold a civil debate with. They simply want to kill us, and we have to act accordingly.
White American Girl Raises Over $30,000 Because Her Dad Is “Racist” Against Black Boyfriend

18-year-old Tennessee teenager Allie Dowdle has asked the public topay for her college tuitionafter she claimed her “racist” father and mother cut her off financially for dating a black man. She set an initial target of $10,000 buthas raised over $30,000 at the time of this writing.

What a poor girl, right? Well, not so much. It turns out that Dowdle attends a $20,000-a-year private school in Memphis. To put this into perspective, the median American income, representing the person earning more than 50% of the population and less than 50% of the population, isjust $30,240. That’s $30,240 for food, rent, medical care, entertainment, gas, other car costs, water, electricity, insurance, debt repayments, entertainment,andeducation, not to mention anything else that a human being needs or desires.

Countering his daughter’s attempts to throw him under the bus, Dowdle’s father insists that one of the real reasons Allie has been cut off is due to her lying about her relationship and dating Michael Swift in secret (just like 90% of American parents who issue curfews and insist on meeting a new boyfriend). He also claimed that she needed to be less pampered and “go out in the world and grow up.”


The only person who deserves to be thrown under the proverbial bus in this situation is Allie Dowdle.

Sadly, Dowdle has proffered zero evidence that her family, particularly her father, is actually racist. Yet this has not stopped over a thousand people so far from “donating” to her campaign. For anyone who has read Robert Cialdini’s bookInfluence, Allie’s pleas for assistance strongly echo the “because” mechanism for gaining the compliance of others.

One example Cialdini uses in his work is someone trying to push in line to use the photocopier by saying to others something like, “I need to use the photocopier first because I need to make copies.” As stupid and mundane as it sounds, study after study has shown it works. In the case of Dowdle, she has argued that “I need money because my family is racist,” all without proving or even trying to prove anything. We have nothing but her accusation to go by.

Strangely, Allie Dowdle, whose material and social positions are much greater than the vast majority of American youngsters wanting to attend college, expects to be treated as a modern-day civil rights activist for dating and presumably having sex with a black man. ThoughReturn Of Kingshas never subscribed to the violent militancy ofBlack Lives Matterand other repugnant trouble-making groups, we note with great mirth the irony of a rich white girl asking for money for college tuition to fight “racism.”

Why didn’t Allie Dowdle ask for $1,000 or $2,000 for a second-hand car?

A used car I found on sale in nearby Memphis for just $1,995 (via www.autotrader.com). If Allie Dowdle is so hard-working, why didn’t she simply ask for $1,000 or $2,000 for a used car to get to work?

Allie Dowdle insists that she cannot get a job because of issues related to transport, with her car having been taken from her. This begs the question as to why she didn’t have an independent source of savings beforehand. Perhaps the answer is because she just didn’t work much previously. Whereas I and many of you had your first jobs when you were in your mid-teens (I was just 13, actually), Dowdle seems to have relied on her parents much more than working-class and lower middle-class teens.

And if Allie Dowdle is so hard-working, why didn’t she ask for a hand-up instead of a hand-out? All she needs is a car that works, which only costs $1,000 to $2,000, so she can get a job. I would still doubt her story, yet this more modest request would be less of an apparent scam than asking for her tuition to be paid for by the public. Interestingly, her campaign does not mention any of the places she might have applied to for work nearby (assertions that could at least be confirmed or denied by certain businesses) or whether she asked her parents for permission to use the car only for work purposes.

This new GoFundMe opportunist lives in the town of Eads, which is under 30 miles from Memphis by car. A Google Maps check I did shows a number of sizeable nearby towns, too. I find it hard to believe that she cannot find an after-school or weekend job without a car. Bus services are far from non-existent and it would appear that Dowdle’s need for money stems from a reluctance to, say, get up early on a weekend so she can attend a part-time job.

Regardless, having looked at the ways public Tennessee colleges manage admissions, there seems to be little chance that she would be prevented from attending collegeat allwithout $10,000 from the public. Her GoFundMe page indicates, falsely, that without such money her dream of going to college will be ruined. Almost every Tennessee (and American) college student enters and leaves college with some level of debt, usually a high one. This does not impede tens or even hundreds of thousands of poor or lower middle-class kids with far less affluent backgrounds than Dowdle from graduatingevery year.

It’s so easy to assassinate someone’s character nowadays—especially if the accuser is a (young) woman

Artist’s depiction of America in 2017. Oh, and the Salem witch trials, too.

Dowdle’s father Bill is the proprietor of a sporting goods store, which has been in his family’s hands for over a century. This business may not survive the outrage that erupted after Allie Dowdle’s GoFundMe page began trending and was picked up by various media outlets across the world. And we still have no proof that “racism,” rather than Dowdle’s alleged immaturity, was behind her being cut off. It is highly likely that Bill Dowdle will lose tens of thousands in profits, let alone sales, as a result of this highly negative attention.

Though I mentioned the campaign’s use of “because” psychological posturing, its success largely depends on Dowdle being a young, non-ugly teen girl. Thanks to an army of white knights and feminists, rape accusations, for instance, are usually believed immediately and the accused castigated, isolated, and even attacked. But when young women want money, the white knights generally take care of business for them. In fact, before comments were disabled, I noticed an over-representation of females making negative remarks and an over-representation of doughy-looking men donating money.

You can now monetize your daddy issues

Parents and fathers in particular are around to set boundaries for their children, especially when those children suck at their financial teat, 18 and over or not. It comes as no surprise that teenage girls’ conflicts with the authority of their parents is one of the most recycled tropes found in modern cinema. Perversely, Allie Dowdle has illustrated that, with no evidence whatsoever, an aggrieved teenage girl can now throw her family under the bus and expect to make a small fortune from it. All she needs is to be non-ugly and have the appropriate prop (in this instance a black boyfriend) to make a certain claim (here, racism).

Some teenagers are, of course, going to genuinely believe what they write to try and get money. Anger is a strange thing. Nonetheless, the fact that so many complete strangers are donating, without any corroboration other than the words of the girlwho organized the fundraising herself(why didn’t a friend, or the boyfriend’s family?), portends very badly for society at large. If youralleged“mistreatment” ticks the right boxes, you can expect a hefty payday, all whilst leaving those you accused to be kicked and screamed at for their “crimes.”

Meanwhile, plenty of actual victims of the world, with absolutely no means to better their situation, are left to starve, go without, and generally suffer.

Daddy issues is right! Every time I read a comment or article in this thread I find my self shaking my head at the amount of brain washed lunatcics calling themselves "Americans." We really are living in a cartoon.

Allie Dowdell is your typical daddy's little princess who grew up privileged but is on her way to being a single mom!! A lot of good paying an arm and leg for private school, they should have saved themselves the trouble and $$ and just enrolled their femininist mudshark daughter into a shithole Memphis public school! Spoiled brat would have her pick of dindus there. I hope her dad doesn't lose his business because he raised a selfish, mudshark, feminazi who would grew up to resent everything he's done for her.
I think we can say that the war against Whites from Leftist self-loathers is not just escalating, but is trying to outdo itself on a daily basis, to the literal cheers of their own miscreant ilk. Take a listen to this and it's evident why any White person with a brain voted for Trump and the divide between the Left and sensible people is unbridgeable:

DNC Chair candidate "wants to shut other White people down":
I think we can say that the war against Whites from Leftist self-loathers is not just escalating, but is trying to outdo itself on a daily basis, to the literal cheers of their own miscreant ilk. Take a listen to this and it's evident why any White person with a brain voted for Trump and the divide between the Left and sensible people is unbridgeable:

DNC Chair candidate "wants to shut other White people down":

That commie cluckin' hen needs to shut her silly, cultmarx sewer & get back in the kitchen. It speaks volumes when ones entire party is (mis)lead by a libtard harpy.
To my values, her worst offence is she broke a most sacred covenant, that is, the bond of family. Those that truly comprehend the necessity of this trust above all others know that we never, ever, speak or write ill of our families to anyone outside of it. I do not know if her father can forgive her, but I do know she can not change what she has done.
Violent Disagreements

by Jim Goad

Q: What do Richard Spencer, Gavin McInnes, and I have in common?

A: We’re all Nazis—at least according to the “anti-fascist” psychopaths who’ve physically attacked us on the streets. (Gavin and I fought back—Richard didn’t even have the opportunity, because his assailant fled immediately after sucker-punching him with an elbow to the head.)

We also have this in common—none of us self-identifies as a Nazi.

We also all share the dubious honor of having peopleapplaudthe fact that we’ve been physically attacked merely because a disturbingly large quotient of the American population seems to feel there’s nothing wrong with sucker-punching—or even murdering—someone merely on thesuspicionthat they’re a Nazi.

And these are the people whostillwhine about McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials.

I suspect it was harder to become a Nazi in Germany during the 1930s than it is in America today. Back then, I assume there was at least some paperwork you needed to fill out in order to join the Party. But in America these days, all you need to become a Nazi is to disagree with the totalitarian left. And then you’d better duck, because sooner or later someone will try to hit you—in the name of tolerance, naturally.

I suspect that it won’t be long before the only requirement for being a “Nazi” is white skin.

These people are sick fanatics, and if you disagree with a fanatic, they will automatically assume you are some sort of competing fanatic. Therefore, no fate is too awful to befall you. Since Trump is Literally Hitler, anyone who voted for him is Literally a Brownshirt and thus sorely deserves being beaten into mental retardation and lifelong incontinence.

I’ve written many times about my street encounters with a gang of“anti-racist” skinheadsin Portland. Almost entirely white and upper-middle-class, they operated on the premise that since the only thing “Nazis” understand is violence, it’s pointless to engage in discussion with them.

Their leader, Pan Nesbitt, is a confirmed police informant in Portland. Hesnitchedon his own partner in order to wriggle out of a murder charge. And when a self-identified Nazi skinhead threatened him via phone, Nesbitt ransnitchingto the police again and had him imprisoned. (That Wikipedia profile refers to Nesbitt as an “anti-fascist activist,” which is a very nice way of saying “the leader of a violent and sometimes murderous skinhead gang who appeared to have carte blanche from City Hall to beat the **** out of anyone they chose to call a Nazi.”)

I suspect that this sort of thing is part of a larger pattern—across the nation, self-described Antifa (anti-fascist) fanatics engage in group attacks on anyone they choose to tag as a “Nazi” while the press and police tend to look the other way.

After all, the current climate is so warped thatThe New York Timesasked “Is it O.K. to punch a Nazi?” this weekend without a hint of irony.

They were referring to the widely publicizedsucker-punchof Richard Spencer on Friday by a masked Antifa creep who ran up on Spencer while he was being interviewed, viciously elbowed his head, and then ran away. (Some have insinuated that the attacker, who has yet to be identified by police, is aliteralcuckold whoenjoys being shat upon by women.)

For some reason, sucker-punching a man while he was looking the other way and then fleeing the scene like a scared rabbit is being celebrated by many leftists as an act of courage and heroism. Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau gleefullytweeted:

I don’t care how many different songs you set Richard Spencer being punched to, I’ll laugh at every one.

Favreau was hardly alone—I saw numerous tweets from celebrities and faceless twerps celebrating the cowardly assault as if the assailant was the Next Rosa Parks. It doesn’t matter how well-spoken or nonviolent Spencer is—to them, the only righteous response against him is violence.

Same goes for an incident involving Gavin McInnes and a skinny masked anti-fascist toting an anarchist flag outside the Deploraball in Washington, DC last Thursday night. As the predictably stupid, loud, emotionally histrionic, and rhetorically hyperbolic leftist crowd wailed and threw bottles and lit fires outside the event, the Antifa turd apparently took a shot at either Gavin or an associate, whereupon Gavin beat him back witha quick flurry of fists, which suddenly took all of the fight out of the bold street warrior.

The weeks leading up to Deploraball saw a huge rift emerge between the Alt-Right and what is condescendingly known as the “Alt-Lite,” which tends to eschew any criticism of Jews or any aggressive espousal of white identity politics. Organizer Mike Cernovich—who has suggested that Richard Spencer is “controlled opposition” despite the fact that Spencer was there at the beginning while Cernovich arrived very, very late to the scene—made a point of purging any potential attendees who might have been inclined to raise the Jewish Question.

But despite the Alt-Lite’s vigorous repudiation of “Nazis”—whatever the hell that term evenmeansin 2017—the Antifanatics saw them ALL as Nazis and attacked. This is crucial to understand. If you disagree with these lunatics, you are a Nazi and deserve to be exterminated—just on, you know, the off chance that you might eventually exterminate someone someday. It doesn’t matter how you may try to distinguish your own beliefs from those of National Socialism in Germany during the 1930s—THEY decide who’s a Nazi and who isn’t. They aren’t interested in debate—they want the utter elimination of all dissent. And they have the tacit sympathy of the press, academia, and global finance. Whether they will still have the sympathy of the police under the Trump Administration is yet to be determined.

To my knowledge, neither Richard, Gavin, nor I has ever so much as recommended, much less committed, physical violence against those who merely disagree with us politically. To me that suggests that we are far more secure in our beliefs than anyone who wishes to silence (or punch) us for harboring diverse opinions. It also suggests that if they aren’t willing to have a debate and only want to assault, that is a declaration of war and they should be knocked back so hard that their eyeballs fly clear across the county line.

Due to the current legal and prevailing cultural climate—which dictates that any white person who doesn’t have a problem with being white is a Nazi who deserves being beaten in public—I would only suggest defensive violence, because the courts will not be kind to you.

But if you’re going to retaliate violently, do it with an exclamation point. Do it with the crushing finesse of theBelgian soccer hooliganwho decked a fat leftist who wouldn’t get out of his face. Do it with the decisiveness of thehighly outnumbered European traditionalistswho mopped the floor with Antifa antagonists who foolishly thought they wouldn’t fight back last summer in Sacramento.

Never throw the first punch—but always throw the last.

Violent Disagreements

by Jim Goad

Q: What do Richard Spencer, Gavin McInnes, and I have in common?

A: We’re all Nazis—at least according to the “anti-fascist” psychopaths who’ve physically attacked us on the streets. (Gavin and I fought back—Richard didn’t even have the opportunity, because his assailant fled immediately after sucker-punching him with an elbow to the head.)

We also have this in common—none of us self-identifies as a Nazi.

We also all share the dubious honor of having peopleapplaudthe fact that we’ve been physically attacked merely because a disturbingly large quotient of the American population seems to feel there’s nothing wrong with sucker-punching—or even murdering—someone merely on thesuspicionthat they’re a Nazi.

And these are the people whostillwhine about McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials.

I suspect it was harder to become a Nazi in Germany during the 1930s than it is in America today. Back then, I assume there was at least some paperwork you needed to fill out in order to join the Party. But in America these days, all you need to become a Nazi is to disagree with the totalitarian left. And then you’d better duck, because sooner or later someone will try to hit you—in the name of tolerance, naturally.

I suspect that it won’t be long before the only requirement for being a “Nazi” is white skin.

These people are sick fanatics, and if you disagree with a fanatic, they will automatically assume you are some sort of competing fanatic. Therefore, no fate is too awful to befall you. Since Trump is Literally Hitler, anyone who voted for him is Literally a Brownshirt and thus sorely deserves being beaten into mental retardation and lifelong incontinence.

I’ve written many times about my street encounters with a gang of“anti-racist” skinheadsin Portland. Almost entirely white and upper-middle-class, they operated on the premise that since the only thing “Nazis” understand is violence, it’s pointless to engage in discussion with them.

Their leader, Pan Nesbitt, is a confirmed police informant in Portland. Hesnitchedon his own partner in order to wriggle out of a murder charge. And when a self-identified Nazi skinhead threatened him via phone, Nesbitt ransnitchingto the police again and had him imprisoned. (That Wikipedia profile refers to Nesbitt as an “anti-fascist activist,” which is a very nice way of saying “the leader of a violent and sometimes murderous skinhead gang who appeared to have carte blanche from City Hall to beat the **** out of anyone they chose to call a Nazi.”)

I suspect that this sort of thing is part of a larger pattern—across the nation, self-described Antifa (anti-fascist) fanatics engage in group attacks on anyone they choose to tag as a “Nazi” while the press and police tend to look the other way.

After all, the current climate is so warped thatThe New York Timesasked “Is it O.K. to punch a Nazi?” this weekend without a hint of irony.

They were referring to the widely publicizedsucker-punchof Richard Spencer on Friday by a masked Antifa creep who ran up on Spencer while he was being interviewed, viciously elbowed his head, and then ran away. (Some have insinuated that the attacker, who has yet to be identified by police, is aliteralcuckold whoenjoys being shat upon by women.)

For some reason, sucker-punching a man while he was looking the other way and then fleeing the scene like a scared rabbit is being celebrated by many leftists as an act of courage and heroism. Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau gleefullytweeted:

I don’t care how many different songs you set Richard Spencer being punched to, I’ll laugh at every one.

Favreau was hardly alone—I saw numerous tweets from celebrities and faceless twerps celebrating the cowardly assault as if the assailant was the Next Rosa Parks. It doesn’t matter how well-spoken or nonviolent Spencer is—to them, the only righteous response against him is violence.

Same goes for an incident involving Gavin McInnes and a skinny masked anti-fascist toting an anarchist flag outside the Deploraball in Washington, DC last Thursday night. As the predictably stupid, loud, emotionally histrionic, and rhetorically hyperbolic leftist crowd wailed and threw bottles and lit fires outside the event, the Antifa turd apparently took a shot at either Gavin or an associate, whereupon Gavin beat him back witha quick flurry of fists, which suddenly took all of the fight out of the bold street warrior.

The weeks leading up to Deploraball saw a huge rift emerge between the Alt-Right and what is condescendingly known as the “Alt-Lite,” which tends to eschew any criticism of Jews or any aggressive espousal of white identity politics. Organizer Mike Cernovich—who has suggested that Richard Spencer is “controlled opposition” despite the fact that Spencer was there at the beginning while Cernovich arrived very, very late to the scene—made a point of purging any potential attendees who might have been inclined to raise the Jewish Question.

But despite the Alt-Lite’s vigorous repudiation of “Nazis”—whatever the hell that term evenmeansin 2017—the Antifanatics saw them ALL as Nazis and attacked. This is crucial to understand. If you disagree with these lunatics, you are a Nazi and deserve to be exterminated—just on, you know, the off chance that you might eventually exterminate someone someday. It doesn’t matter how you may try to distinguish your own beliefs from those of National Socialism in Germany during the 1930s—THEY decide who’s a Nazi and who isn’t. They aren’t interested in debate—they want the utter elimination of all dissent. And they have the tacit sympathy of the press, academia, and global finance. Whether they will still have the sympathy of the police under the Trump Administration is yet to be determined.

To my knowledge, neither Richard, Gavin, nor I has ever so much as recommended, much less committed, physical violence against those who merely disagree with us politically. To me that suggests that we are far more secure in our beliefs than anyone who wishes to silence (or punch) us for harboring diverse opinions. It also suggests that if they aren’t willing to have a debate and only want to assault, that is a declaration of war and they should be knocked back so hard that their eyeballs fly clear across the county line.

Due to the current legal and prevailing cultural climate—which dictates that any white person who doesn’t have a problem with being white is a Nazi who deserves being beaten in public—I would only suggest defensive violence, because the courts will not be kind to you.

But if you’re going to retaliate violently, do it with an exclamation point. Do it with the crushing finesse of theBelgian soccer hooliganwho decked a fat leftist who wouldn’t get out of his face. Do it with the decisiveness of thehighly outnumbered European traditionalistswho mopped the floor with Antifa antagonists who foolishly thought they wouldn’t fight back last summer in Sacramento.

Never throw the first punch—but always throw the last.


I believe I like "Jimmy Malone's" (Sean Connery) 'Chicago Way' in dealing with antifa scourge. >;-)

Yesterday evening, Milo Yiannopoulos spoke at the CU Boulder campus. "Somehow", it became a story to the (((local media))) stations with the general theme being "Right-wing activist to speak at University of Colorado in Boulder", as if it was some type of P.S.A. "warning" to the general public...along with interviews of local students and their "concerns" and "fears". "Funny" how they never do this when a "left-wing" speaker speaks. It shows you their true colors. At least they didn't refer to him as a "White Nationalist" or "Alt Right", but it appears now that simply "Right-wing" is almost as much of a concern.

Anyway, I watched it and he utterly skewers SJWs, feminists, the "liberal" media and White "male" "progressives". Here's a (sad) excerpt where he uses someone's Twitter account (of someone that documents these cases) to showcase the "before" and "after" images of White American girls i.e.) before they went to college and after their "education" (read: indoctrination) at their (((University))) of choice.

No wonder I hardly see any pretty/feminine girls/women anymore. It makes me both sad and angry.

The software won't allow me to include the link at a specific time, so you'll have to go to 57'33'' to see the excerpt:
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"blOhio" State has a "class" on 'how to detect micro aggression & White privilege'. How's about a class on obtaining "testicular fortitude"?...which they seem in short supply of. :rolleyes:

While checking Trump's latest tweets, I saw that Miss Universe was trending. I guess Miss Haiti is the favorite to win over Miss France. I have no idea what race Miss France is, it could be about any race at this point in time.

The Asians are going crazy on Twitter with regards to their contestants. Both #Thailand and #Philippines were trending. Miss Thailand almost looks completely European now.

Noticeably absent are Western females and I read that Miss Canada is a "fatty", and was probably placed there to push "fat acceptance" worldwide. What a mess the West is now.

EDIT: Here's Miss France, now Miss Universe. In another pic she looked a little Arabic to me or Lebanese...in this one, perhaps a light-skinned mulatto? From what I could gather, blonde women were noticeably absent.
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Teacher Forced Out for Using Confederate Flag in Civil War History Lesson

by Steve Byas

“He’s personally my favorite teacher in the whole school,” Ana Kneisely told CBS Sacramento, in reference to a middle school American History teacher, Woody Hart, in Rancho Cordova, California, who was forced to retire by the Board of Education.

Hart, a 70-year-old teacher at Suttle Middle School of the Folsom Cordova United School District, was ousted after using a Confederate battle flag, along with a period United States flag, as part of a lesson on the U.S. Civil War. The school’s superintendent, Deborah Bettencourt, released a statement late last week that the board of education had “accepted this Sutter Middle School teacher’s retirement ... and he will not be returning to school this year.”

In an interview with the local CBS affiliate, KCRA, Ana Kneisely, one of Hart’s students, explained what had happened. “We just came in and we saw the Union Flag on one side of the room and the Confederate Flag on the other side of the room.”

Apparently, this was typical of the way Hart taught. “I actually very much appreciated the way he taught history,” Kneisely said. “I felt that we were getting more involved than what our other classes did.”

For example, Hart used the two flags of the opposing sides in the Civil War to create interest. The two hanging flags were part of Hart’s lesson, as students were members of one of the two armies.

Kneisely added that she did not understand why Hart’s display of the flag of one of the two sides involved in the war was controversial, considering that the flags, including the Confederate flag, are also used in the textbook for the same purpose.

Back in November, a black family filed a complaint against Hart for his remarks, in which he explained the unfair way blacks were treated during segregation. Hart told his students that, at one time, some Southerners responded to calls for “black equality” with disdain, saying terrible things such as, “We treat all black people equally. We hang them all.”

The Sacramento chapter of a group calling itself Showing Up for Racial Justice also weighed in, demanding a public apology from Hart.

Apparently, Hart was only relating historical incidents in which people went to the South during those days to promote better treatment and equal rights for blacks, only to be told that they do treat blacks equally — they hang them if they are in-state African-Americans, and they hang them if they are visiting African-Americans. Hart was simply telling the students how terribly blacks were far-too-often treated during that time.

And, with the Confederate battle flag, Hart was teaching his class accurate history as to the use of the flag — in battles during the Civil War.

But the school district argued that it did not really matter how the flag was used during the Civil War; it should not be seen by students today. “We recognize that regardless of context, to many of our students, families, and staff, the Confederate flag is a racist symbol of hate. Although this matter is under investigation, it is important to reiterate: Any employee who is found to engage in behavior that creates an unsafe environment for students will face full consequences, including the possibility of initiating termination proceedings.”

Bettencourt, the superintendent, said that the district’s action did not mean that they were attempting to “limit the free speech of our teachers.” Then, in an Orwellian addition, she stated that she expects “teachers and staff will do this work using culturally appropriate strategies.”

The district statement added, “It is our schools’ responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for all children.”

It is not clear how the display of a flag, which was actually used in many battles during the American Civil War, creates an unsafe learning environment for children. And, exactly what is meant by “culturally appropriate strategies?”

The obvious meaning is that certain events and symbols in history are to be censored — or as George Orwell described it in his classic dystopian novel1984, some things should be disposed of in the “memory hole.”

Among those things that should be relegated to the “memory hole,” and not even shown to students (because it apparently would make them “unsafe”), is a Confederate battle flag. Since the murders inside a church in South Carolina, in which the killer posted photographs of himself on Facebook along with the flag, there has been an intense offensive against any public display of the historical flag.

Critics contend that the flag is nothing but a racist symbol in a war allegedly fought over slavery, and in more recent times, as a symbol used by racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. But champions of the flag have countered that the flag is simply a symbol of Southern culture, and that slavery was not the issue over which the Civil War was fought.

Sometimes called the “Southern Cross,” the flag was a variation of the flag of Scotland. It was actually a Christian symbol, a St. Andrew’s cross, with white stars added to a red field. An extremely large number of southerners were descended from Scottish and Scots-Irish families, and the flag represented the warrior culture of Americans of that ethnic strain. It was never the official flag of the Confederate States of America (CSA), but rather a flag to be used on the battlefield. It was made famous by the Army of Northern Virginia, under the command of General Robert E. Lee.

rest of article: http://www.thenewamerican.com/cultu...-confederate-flag-in-civil-war-history-lesson

by Colin Liddell

The recent Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAGA) was notable for the increasingly partisan nature of many of the acceptance speeches, almost as if the actors were trying to alienate the half of their audience that voted for Trump. In particular, the speech by Stranger Things actor David Harbour seemed more like a call for violent revolution against...whatever than a simple thank you to "all the people who made this possible."

On one level, this appears to represent the "weaponization" of Tinseltown by the Left because, let's face it, they don't have anything else. But is it really? TV and movie stars are hardly the ideal "shock troops" of the Left for all kinds of reasons.

A more parsimonious explanation for the fevered mood at this ceremony and others like itwould be simple drug abuse. If we entertain that possibly, then much of what we saw at SAGA suddenly makes sense, especially Winona Ryder's weird expressions and David Harbour "over-energetic" speech.

As Hollywood stars become more and more unhinged and out of touch with reality, the case grows ever stronger for introducing regular drug testing at award ceremonies, just to ensure the safety and delicate mental health of these highly strung and oversensitive individuals.

Drug-crazed and demonic snakes on shameless display. Hollyweird is a cesspool of filth that has been given over to a depraved mind, collectively. These people could never function in the real world with any common sense. They are the epitome of Romans 1:

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality,wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
Drug-crazed and demonic snakes on shameless display. Hollyweird is a cesspool of filth that has been given over to a depraved mind, collectively. These people could never function in the real world with any common sense. They are the epitome of Romans 1:

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality,wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

Yep Beyond, pretty much sums it up. I also like to go back to Romans 19-20 for our atheist friends out there. I mean friends with all sincerity.
.....since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature -HAVE BEEN CLEARLY SEEN, being understood from what has been made, so that men are WITHOUT EXCUSE. Romans: 19-20.

also verse 22: Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.

Sadly, the Bible also says, the way of destruction is wide and many go there, but the way to heaven is narrow and few will make it. Matthew, 7:13.
Teacher Forced Out for Using Confederate Flag in Civil War History Lesson

by Steve Byas

“He’s personally my favorite teacher in the whole school,” Ana Kneisely told CBS Sacramento, in reference to a middle school American History teacher, Woody Hart, in Rancho Cordova, California, who was forced to retire by the Board of Education.

Hart, a 70-year-old teacher at Suttle Middle School of the Folsom Cordova United School District, was ousted after using a Confederate battle flag, along with a period United States flag, as part of a lesson on the U.S. Civil War. The school’s superintendent, Deborah Bettencourt, released a statement late last week that the board of education had “accepted this Sutter Middle School teacher’s retirement ... and he will not be returning to school this year.”

In an interview with the local CBS affiliate, KCRA, Ana Kneisely, one of Hart’s students, explained what had happened. “We just came in and we saw the Union Flag on one side of the room and the Confederate Flag on the other side of the room.”

Apparently, this was typical of the way Hart taught. “I actually very much appreciated the way he taught history,” Kneisely said. “I felt that we were getting more involved than what our other classes did.”

For example, Hart used the two flags of the opposing sides in the Civil War to create interest. The two hanging flags were part of Hart’s lesson, as students were members of one of the two armies.

Kneisely added that she did not understand why Hart’s display of the flag of one of the two sides involved in the war was controversial, considering that the flags, including the Confederate flag, are also used in the textbook for the same purpose.

Back in November, a black family filed a complaint against Hart for his remarks, in which he explained the unfair way blacks were treated during segregation. Hart told his students that, at one time, some Southerners responded to calls for “black equality” with disdain, saying terrible things such as, “We treat all black people equally. We hang them all.”

The Sacramento chapter of a group calling itself Showing Up for Racial Justice also weighed in, demanding a public apology from Hart.

Apparently, Hart was only relating historical incidents in which people went to the South during those days to promote better treatment and equal rights for blacks, only to be told that they do treat blacks equally — they hang them if they are in-state African-Americans, and they hang them if they are visiting African-Americans. Hart was simply telling the students how terribly blacks were far-too-often treated during that time.

And, with the Confederate battle flag, Hart was teaching his class accurate history as to the use of the flag — in battles during the Civil War.

But the school district argued that it did not really matter how the flag was used during the Civil War; it should not be seen by students today. “We recognize that regardless of context, to many of our students, families, and staff, the Confederate flag is a racist symbol of hate. Although this matter is under investigation, it is important to reiterate: Any employee who is found to engage in behavior that creates an unsafe environment for students will face full consequences, including the possibility of initiating termination proceedings.”

Bettencourt, the superintendent, said that the district’s action did not mean that they were attempting to “limit the free speech of our teachers.” Then, in an Orwellian addition, she stated that she expects “teachers and staff will do this work using culturally appropriate strategies.”

The district statement added, “It is our schools’ responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for all children.”

It is not clear how the display of a flag, which was actually used in many battles during the American Civil War, creates an unsafe learning environment for children. And, exactly what is meant by “culturally appropriate strategies?”

The obvious meaning is that certain events and symbols in history are to be censored — or as George Orwell described it in his classic dystopian novel1984, some things should be disposed of in the “memory hole.”

Among those things that should be relegated to the “memory hole,” and not even shown to students (because it apparently would make them “unsafe”), is a Confederate battle flag. Since the murders inside a church in South Carolina, in which the killer posted photographs of himself on Facebook along with the flag, there has been an intense offensive against any public display of the historical flag.

Critics contend that the flag is nothing but a racist symbol in a war allegedly fought over slavery, and in more recent times, as a symbol used by racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. But champions of the flag have countered that the flag is simply a symbol of Southern culture, and that slavery was not the issue over which the Civil War was fought.

Sometimes called the “Southern Cross,” the flag was a variation of the flag of Scotland. It was actually a Christian symbol, a St. Andrew’s cross, with white stars added to a red field. An extremely large number of southerners were descended from Scottish and Scots-Irish families, and the flag represented the warrior culture of Americans of that ethnic strain. It was never the official flag of the Confederate States of America (CSA), but rather a flag to be used on the battlefield. It was made famous by the Army of Northern Virginia, under the command of General Robert E. Lee.

rest of article: http://www.thenewamerican.com/cultu...-confederate-flag-in-civil-war-history-lesson

Absolutely despicable. Those cultmarx nanny-staters have zero knowledge of true (non-revisionist) history (as Don shared above). The CSA battle flag is Christian one...with the cross of Saint Andrew & red representing the holy blood of Christ. It also symbolizes a stand against tyranny.
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...No wonder I hardly see any pretty/feminine girls/women anymore...

Heretic -

If you don’t mind me asking, which part of the United States are you referring to? Or was that a broader observation encompassing the whole country or even the entire “Western world”?

I’m not trying to start an argument or anything but am simply curious because I see plenty of highly attractive and feminine women every day, be it at work, down the shops, on the street, or pretty much anywhere I go.

Sure, there are far too many fat, ugly cellulite behemoths (who really should cover themselves up…) waddling about in addition to countless tattooed, nail-gun pierced, atrociously-dressed slags sporting Halloween hairstyles who possess about as much elegance as an alley cat licking its own arse. But I'd say there are more than enough beautiful, well-dressed and well-mannered women out there to make life truly worth while...


We're creating a positive news network. We need your help.

It’s no secret that the CIA, the U.S. government, and the cabal have some serious ties in Hollywood. Much of what we watch for ‘fun’ is actually propaganda that’s fed to us in order to shape our thoughts and values. We’re told what to wear, how to act, what our goals should be, and who we should love and hate, all through the media.

Not many people know this, but the CIA has an entire department dedicated to the entertainment industry. It’s run through theCIA’s Entertainment Industry Liaison Office, which collaborates in an advisory capacity with filmmakers. The CIA doesn’t just offer guidance to filmmakers, it even offers money. In 1950, the agency bought the rights to George Orwell’s Animal Farm and then funded the 1954 British animated version of the film. Its involvement had long been rumoured, but only in the past decade have those rumours been substantiated. The link between Hollywood and the CIA isn’t something new (you can read more about that in our CE article on whistleblower Roseanne Barrhere).

In fact, many of the movies and TV shows you watch aren’t just written and directed by Hollywood big shots, but rather designed strategically by higher ups within the government and the elite in order to manipulate the general population.

You may remember when Sony was hacked around the time its North Korean film,The Interview, was making headlines, but do you know the whole story? Well, Wikileaks would certainly like you to.

Wikileaks’ Sony Email Dump
In April 2015, Wikileaks, the organization that exposes government and elite corruption, high-level crime, and other wrongdoings by leaking secret and classified information, published over 30,000 documents and 173,000 emails from Sony to make the previous hack more accessible to the public. This includes over 200,000 files from Sony Pictures Entertainment. The real question here is: What did Sony do that was notable enough for Wikileaks to publishthat much information on it?

In a statement made last year, Wikileakswrote: “The Sony Archives show that behind the scenes this is an influential corporation, with ties to the White House (there are almost 100 US government email addresses in the archive), with an ability to impact laws and policies, and with connections to the US military-industrial complex.”

In response, Sony quickly put out a very carefully worded statement,sayingthat Sony “vehemently disagrees” with the assertion that the material belongs in the public domain. Sony by no means denied the fact that the company works directly with the U.S. government, but rather simply said that they don’t think the public should know about it.

“This archive shows the inner workings of an influential multinational corporation. It is newsworthy and at the centre of a geo-political conflict. It belongs in the public domain. WikiLeaks will ensure it stays there,” saidJulian Assange, WikiLeaks’ founder.

Of the more notable emails includes one between Sony and the Democratic Party, which sets up a collectivewithin the company in order to strategically avoid the $5,000 limit on corporate campaign donations so that Sony could donate $50,000 to help the Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo get elected.

Theemail reads: “$50k is a heavy lift since most of it needs to come from individual contributions (only $5k can come from corp.),but I recommend we do it. . . . I think we can get to the 50k commitment by making this a focus of our individual giving from execs this year.”

Another email actually pertains to the movieThe Interview, as it shows clear ties between Sony and a think tank, RAND, which is a part of the military-industrial complex. Sony reached out to RAND to get advice on the film. RAND connected Sony with one of their analysts specialized in North Korea, who suggested that Sony get in touch with the U.S. State Department and the NSA regarding North Korea’s complaints.

If you’ve never watchedThe Interview, it’s essentially propaganda disguised as political satire starring both James Franco and Seth Rogen, who are hired by the CIA to assassinate the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un. It uses humour to desensitize you to violence and then has you cheering on the assassination of the dictator. It’s not difficult to understand why the film was considered controversial by many and upset North Korea.

In addition, according to WikiLeaks, Sony Pictures’ CEO Michael Lynton is on the board of trustees of the RAND Corporation, which can be considered as “an organization specializing in research and development for the United States military and intelligence sector.”

Why Is This Important?
Sony has a huge reach, with investments in numerous industries including music, electronics, television, movies, entertainment, book publishing, and financial services, and has the ability to manipulate and shift public opinion through the media. However, Sony isn’t the only one with such power; numerous corporations influence what we hear on mainstream media, which is why it’s crucial to look at independent sources as well.

The Interview isn’t the first movie to push a hidden agenda, and it won’t be the last. The CIA actively promotes a desirable public image of its history and operations by advising the production of different movies, including the hits ArgoandZero Dark Thirty. The CIA retains “entertainment industry liaison officers” on its staff that “plant positive images about itself (in other words, propaganda) through our most popular forms of entertainment,” Tom Hayden explains in the LA Review of Books.

“So natural has the CIA–entertainment connection become that few question its legal or moral ramifications. This is a government agency like no other; the truth of its operations is not subject to public examination. When the CIA’s hidden persuaders influence a Hollywood movie, it is using a popular medium to spin as favorable an image of itself as possible, or at least, prevent an unfavorable one from taking hold,”explains Hayden. You can read more about the CIA-media relationship in our CE article here.

Taking this into account, it makes perfect sense that Sony would have ties to the White House. This isn’t just apparent within movies either; it can be seen throughout all of the media, whether that be corporations and the government influencing mainstream news, or the government influencing popular songs and movies. (You can read about the elite and the CIA’s potential ties to the music industry in our CE articlehere.)

All of this simply works to distract us from two things: what’s truly going on in the world, and the true essence of our being. I’m not suggesting you lock yourself in a room or run away in the forest and never look at the media again. I’m simply recommending that you stay conscious of your surroundings and critically think about what’s actually happening!

So, the next time you’re watching a movie, reading an article, or listening to a song, ask yourself: What’s the real meaning behind this? Trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to investigate where the story came from, what the overarching message is, and more importantly, who it benefits.

More claptrap propaganda about (so-called, omega) "men" sporting make-up. First off, any male that runs around wearing womanly earrings & makeup is a sick f@990t. Secondly, "grooming" is for show dogs, not any (real) men. Things like showering, deodorant, shaving & a touch of aftershave are just basic hygiene. Getting a haircut or trimming a mustache is just "upkeep". Real men are NOT prissy, primadonna "metrosexuals"... & mostly certainly don't go about like skirts & hens wearing pink, pastels & makeup!

Extreme-left fake news outlet Rolling Stone wants readers to believe this girl is Michael Jackson's biological daughter.


She's 18 and already has over 50 tattoos. Anyone who wants to know if she's as weird as her "father" can go to the article as I'm not interested in finding out: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/f...-michael-jacksons-daughter-speaks-out-w462501

That freakazoid p3do wasn't man enough to father any child! As for that weirdo kid, she (too) needs to be locked up in a looney bin...which probably the only similarity she has to wacko jacko.

by Siryako Akda

Millennial Woes' recent video entitled "The Emerging Dynamic"brought up a lot of interesting points, and I thought I should add some of my own thoughts through this article.

Perhaps one of the great unstated features of liberal egalitarianism is that it seeks equilibrium, which, for the purposes of this article, can be described as any (homogeneous or heterogeneous) group's ability to reach a theoretical consensus on the most expedient way to pacify internal conflicts (ethnic interests, social capital, and sustainable socio-econonic considerations be damned).

In this sense, what the Western World calls "egalitarianism" could be more aptly described as "coalition management," since it actively tries to (organicallyandthrough force) prevent conflict (i.e. zero-sum competition) by imposing what it considers to be the universal moral codes of "human rights" and "equality."

This is why it's important to refer to the Western World's obsession with equality when talking about the ongoing radicalization of the Western political landscape. On a subconscious level, it's notequalitythat the West is obsessed with, butsocial and political equilibrium, which is basically a strong and heavily enforced tranquility that seeks to maintain interdependence, even when that interdependence has devolved into mutual parasitism.

After Trump's election, the stabilizing features of this paradigm have been deeply harmed, at least in the United States. This is readily apparent in the escalating violence of Anti-Fascist groups, as well as increasing pressure from the Western mainstream media on the Trump administration. However, political violence and polarization may not be unique to the US, but may actually be part of a much larger trend that became apparent only last year.

Some believe that it's the end of liberalism, and that does seem to be the case. In a sense, the Western World has lost itsraison d'etre, and is now in the process of moving away from its universal character and moving back to its particularistic elements.

Less "win-win" and more "dog-eat-dog."

It's very likely that Cuckservatives, moderate Liberals. and the apolitical sense this trend in one form or another, which is why they cling to platitudes of equality and human rights even more than normal, because in a sense they are also the only things left maintaining the artificial cohesion of the Western World.

They understand, perhaps only instinctively, that a fake or at least fragile society is better than facing the full consequences should such a society fall apart. The militant Left most likely senses this as well, and, if true, would help to explain their escalating violence as a sign of doubling down. All these groups understand that without the abstractions of liberalism, modern egalitarianism, and universal human rights (all of which have mutated into modern SJWisms) there is only an empty vaccum, and, as we all know, nature abhors a vaccuum.

This is why the Left, and particularly Antifa, believe in no-platforming. They sense that Trump's rise to power and the prominence of the Alt-Right correlates with the destabilization of the post-war consensus, which in turn will lead to an escalation of forces that will ultimately result in the obsolescence of the liberal and leftistweltanschauung. We already see this escalation on the streets. On the local level, Trump not only represents a kind of reversal of the post-war trend, he also represents an escalating pushback from America's white population.

The Left recognizes escalation from the Right, but fails to consider the obsolescence of their own worldview, which is most threatened, not by the Right, but by much larger historical and geopolitical trends.

Despite their claims to universality, the Liberal Left and all that it stands for is sustained by Western Power, and, as Western Power weakens, due to demographic, economic, and geopolitical realities, so too does the Left's power. Thus, the decay of modern Liberalism can be seen as an important turning point in the Western World's historical trajectory. Furthermore, Trump's call to "Make America Great Again" hints at the downward trend of pre-Trump American (and Leftist) power, which helps to explain some of the subconscious agitation many Leftists all over the world feel.

Indeed, there is now the creeping feeling that the post-World War II certainties are fading away, leaving behind radicalized factions and power vacuums not only in the West, but throughout the entire world as well.

A kind of zero-sum mentality has struck the world after Trump's election, and this is indicative that something is either stagnating or shrinking. This is an important point to consider because cooperation breaks down in arenas where there are far too many competitors, limited or shrinking resources/rewards, unsustainable relationships, as well as uncertain conditions and trends.

People are correct to fear Trump, but they don't understand their fears. They should fear him because of the trends that drove him to power, and also the unsustainability of the Liberal world order that they are trying to preserve. Trump, Brexit, and European populism are all signs and symptoms of a much broader trend, namely that the equilibrium of the Unipolar world order is ending, and is about to be replaced by a corrective phase that could play out in various scenarios, most of which will likely lead to further escalation, not only from the Left but from all the factions throughout the world that have vested interests in preserving the pre-Trump world order.

American Freedom News