We Are Living In A Cartoon

Great article, Don.

That the "norm" has been up is down, down is up, right is wrong, wrong is right, being the plight of our nation and common-sense people since the Leftists fully took over the media with Cultural Communist Mafia-style tactics we are up to our neck in alligators. We aren't just "wrong" to them for being normal. We have to be silenced or eradicated out of existence.
Looks like some GOP Congressman ripped down the 'art' depicting cops as pigs at the U.S. Capital complex that was mentioned in this article.

I'm not a big "cop lover", but I'll take them over BLM any day, to the point of where I bought, and occasionally wear, a "Blue Lives Matter" shirt just to antagonize liberals. But that a display like that would even be allowed at that complex shows just how low this country has fallen. Can you imagine that being allowed during the Reagan administration? Unthinkable.
Looks like some GOP Congressman ripped down the 'art' depicting cops as pigs at the U.S. Capital complex that was mentioned in this article.

I'm not a big "cop lover", but I'll take them over BLM any day, to the point of where I bought, and occasionally wear, a "Blue Lives Matter" shirt just to antagonize liberals. But that a display like that would even be allowed at that complex shows just how low this country has fallen. Can you imagine that being allowed during the Reagan administration? Unthinkable.

Washington, DC – When Rep. Lacy Clay [a negro] refused to take down an anti-police painting that he had sponsored and that was hanging in the Capitol, Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter took matters into his own hands and took the painting down himself.

According to Fox News, Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from California, said “I was angry. I’ve seen the press [reporting] on this for about a week or so. … I’m in the Marine Corps. If you want it done, just call us.” Rep. Hunter walked over to the painting this morning, January 6, 2017, which was hanging in a Capitol hallway, with a few colleagues, and removed it from the wall. ...

Obama and out of touch celebs turn White House into red carpet after party.


The lords and ladies, the "elite". No working class proles or sans culottes need apply. Get the tumbrils and the guillotines ready for them!
Washington, DC – When Rep. Lacy Clay [a negro] refused to take down an anti-police painting that he had sponsored and that was hanging in the Capitol, Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter took matters into his own hands and took the painting down himself.

According to Fox News, Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from California, said “I was angry. I’ve seen the press [reporting] on this for about a week or so. … I’m in the Marine Corps. If you want it done, just call us.” Rep. Hunter walked over to the painting this morning, January 6, 2017, which was hanging in a Capitol hallway, with a few colleagues, and removed it from the wall. ...

Here's the "painting" that won some student art contest and was hanging in the Capitol building in DC. I'm glad that someone with attached testicles (Duncan Hunter) ripped it down without concern for the standard BLM backlash that will surely come his way...

George Michael: Choose Life

by Dave Yorkshire

We on the Right could easily dismiss George Michael. I myself have ridiculed him on numerousoccasions- and with good reason; the life he led for the last twenty-odd years of his life was ridiculous, was worthy of satire, even if only as a warning to others about the dangers to both one's physical and mental health posed by such a lifestyle. Indeed, one can see both a physical and mental degradation over the course of his life.

Of course his sexuality immediately comes into focus, for all his problems stem ostensibly from here. Indeed, his decline rather paralleled his increasing willingness to self-define and be defined solely by his sexuality. In many ways, like so many in the postmodern age, he became little more than a cypher for Leftist politics that has used sex as a weapon against traditional society.

1986: On the precipice
Yet during his Wham! period, these feelings seem to have subsided as his confidence and success grew. He had numerous flings with women andonlywith women. One cannot help but notice the healthy influence of Andrew Ridgeley here. Always derided as the "untalented" half of the duo, his gift seemed to lie in keeping George Michael on "the straight and narrow". In fact, it was Ridgeley who gave Michael his first taste of social acceptance and confidence. So the tale goes, Ridgeley was charged with looking after a shy fat spotty-faced kid called Georgios Panayiotou by his mother, a teacher at Bushey Meads High School that the two pupils attended. Andrew was popular; Georgios was not. They became friends through their love of music and Andrew set about changing Georgios' image and in so doing, changing his fortunes. Andrew Ridgeley created George Michael, a brash, attractive, confident, successful young singer. That was Ridgeley's talent.

As is so often the case, ambition set up the duo's fall, destroying the one and casting the other into obscurity. Michael stated that the public's perceptions of Michael as the talented attractive one and Ridgeley as the plain mediocre opportunist had created imbalance in the two's relationship. He also later acknowledged that "I had no idea how much I was going to miss that support, how close to lunacy I would feel without that support." Ultimately though, he chose to abandon Ridgeley and the positive influence he had had on him.

1994: Doomed pair trying to smile
The change in Michael was almost immediate. Without Ridgeley, Michael's old insecurities came back to haunt him, as did his related doubts about his sexuality. His image reflected this. Where Michael had always dominated musically, Ridgeley, right from the outset, had controlled style. Michael's image increasingly reflected his thoughts: sombre and seedy. His songs became morose and the feel-good factor of a Wham! song became ever more a distant memory. Initially, his records sold well, but as time wore on, his comparative blandness wore thin. The euphoria over the albumFaithsubsided into relative apathy with regard toListen Without PrejudiceandOlder. Their sales were not helped by Michael's erratic behaviour, refusing to promote or make videos forListen Without Prejudice, as his lifestyle degenerated. The dispute with Sony was brought on his own head.

2013: Train wreck in a car wreck
His descent into seediness was hastened by his much-publicised arrest for indecency in a Beverley Hills public toilet in 1998. After officially "coming out", his music career seemed to revolve around the themes of homosexuality, debauchery and toilets, which reflected his lifestyle. Then there were the drugs, lots of drugs. A man happy in life does not need drugs. George Michael needed up to twenty-five spliffs just to get through the day. After crashing the car high on marijuana, he claimed it was a suicide attempt. Homosexuals call themselves gay, and yet they are some of the most unhappy people I have ever met. I believe there is a distinct correlation between homosexuality and depression in particular. Until 1992, homosexuality was still designated by the World Health Organisation as a mental illness and the behaviour I have witnessed by homosexuals suggests this is the case.

Then there was the occasional song about politics, such as "Shoot the Dog", the video to which is better than the song. As Alice Cooper has remarked, pop stars should stay well away from politics. There is the odd exception, but becoming vocal about politics is generally the sign of a fading star. Such has been the case with Geldoff and Bono. Such was the case with Michael. Invariably they espouse the politics of the left, for such is the nature of the entertainment beast: cultural Marxism sponsored by liberal capitalism. Yet the beast Michael defended was the one that was killing him, the one that endorses, legitimates and attempts to enforce his lifestyle for all.

George Michael's death thus raises a question. How would his career have panned out if the political Right provided the framework for society? Well, there are, of course, many versions of the Right, just as there are of the Left; but the kind of Rightist society that I would like to see is a paternal one, one where people like George Michael are mentored and pushed in constructive rather than destructive or deconstructive directions, one with mentors like Andrew Ridgeley - and also a maternal one, for who pushed Andrew into the mentor role but his own mother?

If this were the case, I believe George Michael would still be with us today. He would be a very different George Michael, perhaps with a wife and children and still recording. It is notable that for the last ten years of his life, his creativity, which had already gone into decline, left him completely. His last years were spent checking in and out of rehab and dealing with illnesses related to his lifestyle. His music too would be - dare I say it - gayer, fuller with the joys of life. Perhaps they would have been more like the Wham! songs he left behind. If so, I see nothing wrong with that, for Michael's real musical legacy is not the mediocrity of his solo career, but the foot-tapping tunes from a time when he was one half of something greater than himself.

This is a superb article, pretty much identical to what I've been saying and writing my entire adult life. The failure and phoniness of the supposed "Reagan Revolution" was what opened my eyes to the realities of the system and the necessity of political alternatives to the two-party racket.



Editor's Note:Adapted from an address to NPI’s 2016 Conference by F. Roger Devlin

I also wanted to speak about the current political situation, since we are all thinking about Trump’s victory. The main point I wanted to make was the necessity of prompt and decisive action on the part of the incoming administration, especially on immigration related issues. But everyone else I have read on our side has been making the same point. So rather than repeat them, I will limit myself to a brief cautionary tale about the consequences of delaying action on those fleeting occasions when all the political stars align perfectly.

It concerns Ronald Reagan. I am pleased that we have a fairly young audience here, but that means many of you are likely to have a distorted view of Reagan and his presidency. It is stunning how quickly the history of a single generation ago has been spun, rewritten and in parts forgotten: a process which began as the events were still unfolding. The failure of Ronald Reagan’s presidency—by its own declared standard of judgment—is the single best-kept secret of the American Right.

This is what actually happened. Reagan the candidate was analogous in many ways to Donald Trump, a political outsider distrusted by the elites but popular with the plain men and women of the United States. He began his march to the White House in 1976 by challenging an incumbent Republican president, thereby earning the hostility of the party establishment.

In 1980, they would have greatly preferred to nominate George Bush, Sr. When they were unable to do so, they presented Reagan with an ultimatum: put Bush on the ticket or we will not support your candidacy. Thus, the disastrous Bush dynasty was foisted upon our country. I have sometimes wondered what would have happened if Reagan had just said “screw you” and gone on to run without the party’s support. Trump certainly showed it can be done.

In any case, Reagan’s message resonated powerfully with ordinary Americans, many of whom crossed over from the democratic party to vote for him. In part this is because his campaign rhetoric was almost as radical as Trump’s talk of “draining the swamp.” Reagan aptly summarized his politics in the aphorism that “Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem.” He vowed to cut the size of the Federal government drastically. Two departments he promised to abolish outright: transportation and education.

Immediately after taking office, Reagan made a few inconsequential cuts to the federal payroll, after which the Federal government resumed its previous rate of growth, and nothing was ever heard again about cutting it. At the end of eight years, Reagan left the Federal Behemoth significantly larger than when he had found it—including the departments of transportation and education.

He bore responsibility for other egregious failures as well, such as the 1986 Amnesty. That was supposed to combine legalization for a million or so aliens with strict enforcement ever after. What we got instead was legalization of over four million and no enforcement. Hence the precarious situation we are in today.

Columnist Joe Sobran got it right when he wrote that the Reagan administration had in reality marked an historic failure of nerve. Placed at the levers of power, Reagan flinched from the radicalism of his own campaign rhetoric. He satisfied himself with administering the welfare state he had promised to go at with hammer and tongs.

But perhaps even more disturbing than this failure itself was that it did not really matter to his followers. Having gotten a self-described “conservative” elected turned out to be enough for them. To true believers, Reagan’s whole presidency was like an eight-year- long inaugural ball. Some of them are celebrating to this day.

And after Reagan, the right would never get a second chance to go after the welfare state. We would never—until now, when it is almost too late—get another chance to go after mass immigration. By the Obama years, if not before, the Reagan presidency could just as well never have happened.

We cannot afford a failure of nerve today. We are no longer talking about overregulation hampering economic growth, as in Reagan’s time, but about whether we shall survive as a people at all. And it is easy for those who remember the excitement over Reagan to imagine a future in which every hack politician operating in the dwindling White enclaves of what used to be America will be fishing for votes by piously describing himself as a “Trump conservative.” If this happens, it will mean we have failed. I don’t say this is going to happen, but preventing it is our task for the next four years.

Now, to conclude my remarks I want to offer some thoughts to our younger followers and those who have joined us recently. Popular accounts of the Alt Right highlight the phenomenon of “trolling,” in other words saying things in order to shock or provoke our enemies. We’ve seen a lot of this since the election, especially. In my view, trolling is not a worthwhile activity and does nothing to advance our cause. It may have been more excusable when the anti-White Left’s grip on power seemed unassailable. But we have just won a great victory, and we need to raise our sights. We need to understand that the kind of people we may be tempted to troll are simplynot worth your time. Let’s leave them to talk only with one another. We have more important work to do.

Much of this work involves educating ourselves and others. If you wish to play an active role in the transformation we are trying to effect, you must go beyond tweets and blogs. The section of the Radix site called “The Red Pill” is a good place to start, and we are going to be adding to it in the coming months. When you do speak to those outside our movement, ignore declared enemies and concentrate your efforts on ordinary Whites : “normies,” as we call them. Remember that you will catch more flies with honey than with gall.

Our movement sometimes gets into internal disputes over how best to label itself: Alt Right, nationalism, White advocacy, and so forth. Past a certain point, such disputes can become unprofitable. But if we must bear a label, my personal favorite is “the Reality Based Community.”

The universalistic liberalism we oppose is forced by its very nature to ignore or deny certain realities: human differentiation by race and by sex, the universality of the tribal instinct and ethnic conflict. We are simply people who strive conscientiously to study these realities objectively and to shape prudent policy with a view of them. We believe this will benefit our own people without doing any injustice to others. And it is an infinitely more rewarding and profitable activity than attempting to rivet any ideological mold upon the living reality of human society.

Intersectional Feminist Catfights Turn Me On

by Jim Goad

If it was only white women who had voted in the past presidential election, Donald Trump still would have won. The only difference would be that he would also have won the popular vote, and by a 12-point margin. Trump garnered 53% of the white female vote, whereas a white woman named Hillary Clinton was only able to rally 41% of her white sistren to pull the lever for her.

Ashamed, traumatized, horrified, and grievously triggered by these stats, a pair of phenotypically white women from New York City—where else?—have designed and are marketing a “NOT THIS WHITE WOMAN” T-shirt that enables white feminists who didn’t vote for Trump to publicly virtue-signal this fact.

Hilariously, this doesn’t sit well with black feminists.

White Women, Please Come Get Your Friends,” reads a savagely dismissive screed by brown-skinned Kara Brown at Jezebel:

Are you a white woman who did not vote for Donald Trump? Have you been searching for a way to assuage the guilt you may feel after learning white women were largely responsible for sending us all to Boy-Are-We-Fuckedville? Do you have zero self-awareness? Then get those credit cards out bitches!!!!....That aside, it’s hard to see how this really helps anyone or anything other than the conscience of the white women buying this ****….All it says is you want people to know you’re not a complete *******. The irony is, this shirt kinda makes you look like an *******.

Thus rears the ugly—yet inimitably enjoyable—head of intersectional feminism.

“Intersectionality,” which I’ve previously referred to as “Cannibalism Among The Oppressed,” refers to the highly amusing tendency of leftist identity politics to devolve into petty pissing matches about whose group has had a shittier, more miserable history. In case you didn’t realize, the more of a historical loser you are, the more advanced and noble you are as a human being. When it comes to shuffling the Progressive Stack, straight white Christian males go to the bottom of the deck by default. But if you just happen to be a one-armed HIV+ obese transgender black lesbian with multiple personality disorder, you might as well be the second coming of Gandhi.

To their befuddlement, white feminists are waking up to the fact that they are being herded to the back of the progressive bus due to their shamefully inescapable whiteness.

When a small group of white women announceda Women’s March on Washingtonfor this Saturday, Feminists of Color immediately scolded them for culturally appropriating the name of 1997’sMillion Woman March, which was exclusively a black thang. They were also lectured for lifting their stupid little event’s name from MLK’s 1963March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

After being told tocheck their privilege, the march’s white female organizers hastily hired a token black woman, a token Muslim woman, and a token Latina.

In the fading Whitopia that isPortland, OR, the president of the local NAACP dropped her endorsement of an anti-Trump march scheduled for Saturday because “I didn’t want to be part of the march if it was going to be a white-woman kumbaya march.”

It should come as no surprise that white feminists’ clumsy attempts to be black women’s “allies” is greeted with sneeringly imperious disdain by black women, but white feminists tend to live in a little white bubble, don’t they?

No matter how hard they stretch and strain to reach out to their highly fetishized Women of Color, white feminists invariably find their hands being slapped away.

They are harshly reminded that America’s original white suffragists were, by modern standards, unforgivably racist. Nonwhite feminists will tell you cool information—which I previously didn’t know—about how Elizabeth Cady Stanton lamented that “degraded black men” had been granted the vote before white women. They will alert you to the fact that white suffragist Frances Willard justified the lynching of black men in the South because she considered black dudes to be drunken perverts who couldn’t keep their dicks in their pants.

Showing zero sense of irony nor the slightest wisp of self-awareness, they will chide white females that “Black Women Are Far More Likely To Be Fatally Shot By a Man Than White Women,” but they act as if this is somehow the fault of a white supremacist society rather than the possibility that black men, you know, tend to kill their domestic partners more than white men do.

Each humble white feminist attempt to reach common ground, no matter how naively well intentioned, is met with open disdain. “Dear White Feminists: Your Good Intentions Aren’t Enough,” reads the title of a Huffington Post hit piece:

The question is not IF you are a part of the problem, I am here to tell you that YOU ARE.

Well, then, Aunt Jemima, excuse white women for livin’!

In “An Open Letter to White Liberal Feminists,” a woman with the unmistakably black name of LeRhonda S. Manigualt-Bryant snorts:

If this most recent presidential election has revealed nothing else, it has shown that this specific ilk of white feminism must die. Rather than [women of color] holding up your weeping, weak selves, You must now do the intensive work to heal your troubled soul. And after you have come to terms with your own guilt, embarrassment, and pain, I encourage you to run with your newfound perspective.

Any human on this planet—whether white, black, male, or female—who doesn’t respond to such sick condescension with a hearty “go fist yourself in the ass, Moms Mabley” is a masochist who deserves whatever misfortune befalls them.

If one truly wishes to understand the driving cultural forces behind feminism, it may be more instructive to sort prominent feminists byreligionrather than race. Writing inThe Forward, a Jewish woman argues that Jewish feminists may be able to heal the yawning chasm between white and nonwhite feminists. I wish her luck with that plan and will closely monitor how it unfolds.

But the open disdain nonwhite feminists express for their white would-be allies seems to be causing an understandable whitelash. Regarding the intersectional squawking about whether the Women’s March on Washington was “too white,” a white woman fromNew Jerseywrote, “I’m starting to feel not very welcome in this endeavor.” A white woman who wound up canceling her trip to DC commented, “This is a women’s march. We’re supposed to be allies in equal pay, marriage, adoption. Why is it now about, ‘White women don’t understand black women’?”

Quite possibly it’s because many black women care far more about being black than they do about being women. And if that’s the case, white feminists may have to realign their entire political worldview.

It’s also quite possible that a majority of white women voted for Trump because they woke up to the fact that for at least a generation, American society hasn’t “bashed” women at all, but it can’t seem to restrain itself from aggressively bashingeverythingwhite. In the end, these white women may not have been “voting against their interests” at all.

Black Female to be Portrayed as Lady Liberty on New U.S. Coin


An iconic gold coin is getting a new look.

According to the U.S. Mint and U.S. Treasury, the 2017 24-karat gold coin will portray an African-American woman as Lady Liberty, a first. The move comes as the Mint celebrates its 225th anniversary.

"The 2017 American Liberty 225th Anniversary Gold Coin is the first in a series of 24-karat gold coins that will feature designs which depict an allegorical Liberty in a variety of contemporary forms-including designs representing Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Indian-Americans among others-to reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of the United States," reads apress releasefrom the Mint.

full article: http://www.voanews.com/a/mht-100-dollar-coin-african-american-lady-liberty/3675282.html
I saw that. Welcome to Uganda. Except Uganda money is much more attractive than that (google it). And if you object they will call you "racist". They have gotten a lot of mileage out of that "racist" word they invented in 1933.
Black Female to be Portrayed as Lady Liberty on New U.S. Coin


An iconic gold coin is getting a new look.

According to the U.S. Mint and U.S. Treasury, the 2017 24-karat gold coin will portray an African-American woman as Lady Liberty, a first. The move comes as the Mint celebrates its 225th anniversary.

"The 2017 American Liberty 225th Anniversary Gold Coin is the first in a series of 24-karat gold coins that will feature designs which depict an allegorical Liberty in a variety of contemporary forms-including designs representing Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Indian-Americans among others-to reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of the United States," reads apress releasefrom the Mint.

full article: http://www.voanews.com/a/mht-100-dollar-coin-african-american-lady-liberty/3675282.html

More pandering to 13% of the population.. Gimme a friggin break!!
More candy@$$, cultmarx crying over (so called) "toxic masculinity"...i.e. - acting like a real man (vs. a cream puff).


I must be radioactive or a cruel disease to those people -yeah, and that's just the way I like it. For the readers of this site, who've not the courage to post, but seek wisdom, or courage, here is a good read to get you on the road most posters here have long traveled:


If not pdf, order:
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Black Female to be Portrayed as Lady Liberty on New U.S. Coin


An iconic gold coin is getting a new look.

According to the U.S. Mint and U.S. Treasury, the 2017 24-karat gold coin will portray an African-American woman as Lady Liberty, a first. The move comes as the Mint celebrates its 225th anniversary.

"The 2017 American Liberty 225th Anniversary Gold Coin is the first in a series of 24-karat gold coins that will feature designs which depict an allegorical Liberty in a variety of contemporary forms-including designs representing Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Indian-Americans among others-to reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of the United States," reads apress releasefrom the Mint.

full article: http://www.voanews.com/a/mht-100-dollar-coin-african-american-lady-liberty/3675282.html

This is some sort of Obama favor to enhance his "legacy". Remember the billions of debt on behalf of the "citizens of U.S." he accepted for QE 3? Only redeeming fact is the quality of gold. Coins are not good value for your money anyway as the extra 30% or more paid only gets you the seal of authenticity (all that writing and the image above). Just learn how to test gold yourself and LEARN how to buy physical (more to it than you may think you know about acquiring gold anonymously).
I think that it is racist to portray the beautiful african queen in a watered down way that appeals to the white devil and not in her natural way, with the traditional dinner plates in her lips.


Black is beautiful! (Repeat one billion times, kids, until you start to believe it!)
I think that it is racist to portray the beautiful african queen in a watered down way that appeals to the white devil and not in her natural way, with the traditional dinner plates in her lips.


Black is beautiful! (Repeat one billion times, kids, until you start to believe it!)

Ya know...my dear sainted Momma told me a long, long time ago...."son, don't you ever trust anybody with lips over 2 inches thick & skin darker than mine!".....& I've always took her sage advise. ;-)
"Ya know...my dear sainted Momma told me a long, long time ago...."son, don't you ever trust anybody with lips over 2 inches thick & skin darker than mine!".....& I've always took her sage advise. ;-)"

My mama told me never to trust anyone who brings me dinner served on her lower lip.

That's the future Miss Germany there (check out the current Miss Congo - I mean Miss Finland).
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As I am sure you are all aware, on the day of the Presidential Inauguration our very ownRichard Spencer was assaultedin Washington, DC while giving an interview. Surrounded by self- proclaimed anti-fascists, aka "antifa" who were waving signs that read "White Lives Matter Too Much", a masked man cowardly sucker-punched Richard Spencer and ran off. The story blew up Twitter, meanwhile Washington was left in flames and broken glass from antifa who were protesting President-elect, now President, Donald Trump from being sworn into office.

You can already hear the likes of Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars, in his British accent, complaining about "the intolerant Left" and how they are simply avoiding having a debate about ideas. Paul is certainly right about that. But so what? This is a new age in American politics. We no longer live in a nation where friends and family can gather around the dinner table, discuss politics, and simply agree to disagree about some issues (or perhaps even convince one another that the other has a point - shock!). Oh no, those days are no more. The age of Reason is over.

This is bad news for those who fancy themselves as "rational skeptics" or classical liberals. They now find themselves in the ever-shrinking middle ground of politics. Slowly but surely, they are losing grounds to political radicals like antifa, the alt-right, or the various ethno-cultural voting blocks that exist in the US. Sorry Paul, no matter how convincing or sound your classical liberal logic and reason is, you are never going to convince more than 10% of Blacks to support your politics. The center cannot hold. So what are the likes of Paul going to do?

It seems the antifa are going to make that choice for them. The night before the inauguration, some of the "alt-lite" personalities - Mike Cernovich, Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Southern, Gavin McInnes, and others, held a party titled the "DeploraBall" at the National Press Club. This party became the target of an antifa plot. Thanks are due to James O'Keefe, of Project Veritas, foruncovering the antifa terrorist plotto put butyric acid in the ventilation system of the National Press Club. Butyric acid is the ingredient used in stink bombs. While it is unlikely anyone would have been harmed, the intention of the antifa was to cause mayhem and incite political fear in the DeploraBall attendees. This is the textbook definition of terrorism. It turns out that supporting Donald Trump for President makes you a de facto Nazi according to antifa, and that alone grants them the sense of moral righteousness to commit acts of terrorism and violence against you.

What do so-called rationalist classical liberals do when confronted with an extremely irrational political foe? I guess we will find out in due time. I will say that complaining about the "intolerant left" as they are bashing your heads in, setting fires, and smashing windows is probably not going to get you very far. They aren't really interested in hearing how you are "one of the good Trump supporters" unlike those "bad people" over there, like Richard Spencer. To them, you are equally as deplorable as Richard Spencer. I mean, come on, you did vote for Literally Hitler TM over the almost First Female President, Hillary Clinton... and anyone who voted for Literally Hitler TM is a Nazi too! No amount of reasoning with these degenerates is going to change their minds.

The alt-right has its disagreements with the various personalities in the cultural libertarian movement. However, we are still willing to agree to disagree with you. We are not committing acts of violence against you (the alt-right is the religion of peace!) Meanwhile, le edgy ******, Milo Yiannopoulos is having his speaking tour interrupted by violent antifa on a semi-regular basis. It's only a matter of time before someone is seriously harmed at one of his events (oops,too late).

I know this is a lot to ask of the alt-lite but it's time to snap out of it already. It's time to drop the rationalist way of looking at the world. That way of thinking is quickly becoming outdated. We are slowly finding ourselves moving closer and closer to civil war. There is already an unspoken civil war taking place as we speak. We see interracial violence in our country on a daily basis.

We are now beginning to see antifa move their cross-hairs from the likes of Richard Spencer to the likes of the everyday normal Trump supporter. There is no going back folks. The America you grew up loving where you could freely speak about ideas with one another is dead. We now live in the age of the soft totalitarianism of Political Correctness. However, that totalitarianism is quickly losing its softness as we find antifa have gleefully stepped into the role of the modern-day Cheka of the managerial state. It's time to realize that there is not going to be a rational and logical discussion about the future of the USA, Europe, or Western Civilization. Our political opponents are emotionally and spiritually invested in seeing that we are all destroyed. This is the reality of the situation we find ourselves in. It is time to act accordingly.

Thank God that He only works through a remnant of people that follow His ways and aren't duped by the masses that have the insight of dead fish floating downstream. If I didn't believe that, I would believe that America's women are totally gone, toast, history, reprobate and beyond the realm of any hope. However, seeing the footage of 550,000+ hell-bound shameless whores make me step back and wonder if the hive-mind of these baby-murdering sluts and slot-lickers is an ever-growing worldview foisted on almost every female from the womb to the tomb. (That is, if they make it out of the womb). Truly very, very sickening scenes.

And by the way, the second link provided shows BSPN was promoting the culture rot:

The feminist anti-Trump protests were held in D.C. and other major cities in the U.S., in Europe and elsewhere. I watched CBS's Evening (Fake) News, and after an initial report on Trump's day, it was one report after another glorifying the crazed feminists and their male allies, not a single word of criticism or that the protests were in any way "controversial." I wonder how much money George Soros and his fellow globalist revolutionaries pumped into them. It's frightening that millions of true believers, dupes and street scum can be mobilized in this way and that so many women have been completely brainwashed.

It's crystal clear that globalism is merely the new name for international communism; a corporate-financed and -approved veneer providing cover for the ancient agenda of destroying the White race, Christianity, and Western civilization. The anti-Trump, anti-American rabble are the elites' "color revolution" shock troops.

Interesting article: http://www.globalresearch.ca/color-revolution-against-donald-trump/5569300
American Freedom News