Ubiquitous Man Hating

Useful idiot Desmond Tutu believes women should rule the world. Speak for yourself, you silly negro mangina.

Women should rule the world - Tutu
2011-10-08 14:24
Cape Town - The world would be a peaceful place if it were ruled by women, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said on Saturday.

Asked in a conversation with the Dalai Lama, via live-streaming and video link-up, how he believed war could be stopped, Tutu responded: "Actually it is very straightforward: let women take over."

He said women were by nature more inclined towards compassion, whereas men tend to feel they have to be "macho".

"You are basically life-giving, life-affirming. That is what you are naturally when you are unspoilt... Women can actually make society civil."


Womernz should "rule" the kitchen &/or laundry room and "B1tchop Fruitu" should "rule" the bath house.
An article entitled "Second child shot by mother in food stamps stand-off dies"


This is turning out to look like another case of a mentally ill mother killing her children after the powers that be refused to give custody of the children to the sane father despite being told the mother was a danger to her children. More human scarifies on the alter of political correctness!
Useful idiot Desmond Tutu believes women should rule the world. Speak for yourself, you silly negro mangina.

Women should rule the world - Tutu
2011-10-08 14:24
Cape Town - The world would be a peaceful place if it were ruled by women, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said on Saturday.

Asked in a conversation with the Dalai Lama, via live-streaming and video link-up, how he believed war could be stopped, Tutu responded: "Actually it is very straightforward: let women take over."

He said women were by nature more inclined towards compassion, whereas men tend to feel they have to be "macho".

"You are basically life-giving, life-affirming. That is what you are naturally when you are unspoilt... Women can actually make society civil."


What would you expect from a guy named "tutu?"
Tuto is an idiot. Do you want nuks to be controlled by someone having hot flashes. Women can be violent if they have a chance.
yahoo considers this one of it's major stories, probably because it features two of the cultural marxists favorite themes, amerikas secular religion--football; and man bashing.


Packers fan's sign: best of the year.

A woman at the game with the following sign,


Check out the following "white knight" comment by a DWF:

"Women are so gracefully beautiful!! OMG I couldn't stop laughing at this. As a man, I've never cheated on anyone.. Her D-bag ex-boyfriend is getting a little taste of what he deserves. Maybe he'll think twice next time he cheats.. NOT!!!!!!! Fk that Bish!"

Nausea is the only proper response to both the story and the comments.
Jaxvid said:

He probably cheated because his little “Packer Princess” wasn’t woman enough to satisfy him.

Her cute little sign is correct, though; her ex-boyfriend is likely “watching from the couch”…whilst having sex with her replacement while she spends hundreds of dollars on tickets, parking, eating, drinking, etc.
The Death Of Pretty

by Pat Archbold Wednesday, December 21, 2011 11:11 AM Comments (407)

This post is intended as a lament of sorts, a lament for something in the culture that is dying and may never been seen again.

Pretty, pretty is dying.

People will define pretty differently. For the purposes of this piece, I define pretty as a mutually enriching balanced combination of beauty and projected innocence.

Once upon a time, women wanted to project an innocence. I am not idealizing another age and I have no illusions about the virtues of our grandparents, concupiscence being what it is. But some things were different in the back then. First and foremost, many beautiful women, whatever the state of their souls, still wished to project a public innocence and virtue. And that combination of beauty and innocence is what I define as pretty.

By nature, generally when men see this combination in women it brings out their better qualities, their best in fact. That special combination of beauty and innocence, the pretty inspires men to protect and defend it.

Young women today do not seem to aspire to pretty, they prefer to be regarded as hot. Hotness is something altogether different. When women want to be hot instead of pretty, they must view themselves in a certain way and consequently men view them differently as well.

As I said, pretty inspires men’s nobler instincts to protect and defend. Pretty is cherished. Hotness, on the other hand, is a commodity. Its value is temporary and must be used. It is a consumable.

Nowhere is this pretty deficit more obvious than in our “stars,†the people we elevate as the “ideal.†The stars of the fifties surely suffered from the same sin as do stars of today. Stars of the fifties weren’t ideal but they pursued a public ideal different from today.

The merits of hotness over pretty is easy enough to understand, they made an entire musical about it. Who can forget how pretty Olivia Newton John was at the beginning of Grease. Beautiful and innocent. But her desire to be desired leads her to throw away all that is valuable in herself in the vain hopes of getting the attention of a boy. In the process, she destroys her innocence and thus destroys the pretty. What we are left with is hotness.

Hotness is a consumable. A consumable that consumes as it is consumed but brings no warmth.

Most girls don’t want to be pretty anymore even if they understand what it is. It is ironic that 40 years of women’s liberation has succeeded only in turning women into a commodity. Something to be used up and thrown out.

Of course men play a role in this as well, but women should know better and they once did. Once upon a time you would hear girls talk about kind of women men date and the kind they marry. You don’t hear things like that anymore.

But here is the real truth. Most men prefer pretty over hot. Even back in 6th grade I hated the “hot†Olivia Newton John and felt sorry for her that she had to debase herself in such a way. Still do.

Our problem is that society doesn’t value innocence anymore, real or imagined. Nobody aspires to innocence anymore. Nobody wants to be thought of as innocent, the good girl. They want to be hot, not pretty.

I still hope that pretty comes back, although I think it not likely any time soon. For every Taylor Swift, there are a hundred Megan Foxs, or Lindsay Lohans, or Miley Cyruses etc.

Girls, please, bring back the pretty.


Don, I think all women should be shown that video of the guy (not what can be called a gentleman) up in the McDonalds last year thrashing those two women. That way, they can see what might happen to them if they meet up with the wrong guy.

An important part of these woman's studies courses in college should be devoted to the major differences in upper body strength between men and women. That may be very helpful to young women.

Tom Iron...
Geez Don, that was pretty painful to watch. After viewing those clips and being aware of this for some time now, I'm convinced that manginas are much more of a threat to Western Civilization than muslims or Islam could ever be. And how pathetic is Cavuto of Faux News?

Here in the West we hear a lot about how bad Sharia Law is, but few people ever question the near equivalent that exists in the West, but against men. And yet the so-called "Conservatives" in Oklahoma recently passed a law against Sharia Law, yet continue to allow fathers and other men is this country to be brutally victimized and dispossessed by the "family" court system we have here.

Women here know they can get away with both verbal and physical abuse against men and push things to the limit, and beyond, because they won't be held accountable for it by either the police, the court system, or in the media or social circles. Some (as shown in these clips, mainly wives) then have the gall to wonder why men (their husbands) won't stand up to them more or "man up", knowing full well what the consequences may be if they do.

We are just living in one big "social construct" anymore anyway that doesn't have any basis in reality. So, when the SHTF or when another culture that is based on a more natural order of things usurps this one this veneer will be removed. Ebb and flow.

As a side note, when it became obvious the Packs were gonna lose, I turned off the TV and went to see "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" (set in 1973). As good (and rare kind of film, for these days) as it was, the Scandinavian director couldn't help himself (or perhaps the studio or distributors wouldn't allow it to be released) without dropping some subtle "hints" of homosexuality between some of the characters (that wasn't in the novel, according to some people that have posted about it) along with a random, yet blatant, "The future is female" graffiti on one scene out in the streets, which can be seen near the end of this trailer.

I see the dominance of the manginas, at least in the media, as being directly related to the agenda of homosexualizing the U.S. of Gay. Manginas tend to be emasculated to the point of being effeminate. Watching the "men" on commercials, shows, interviews, etc., is like watching an endless procession of the ball-less. Most of them are the type that hardhats were punching out some 40-some years ago; now they're the "mainstream."
Wow! What a gaggle of cast(e)rated eunich pukes. :crazy: We need more old school, hard@$$, alpha-males....and less of these sissyfied pantywafers. :frusty:
I just watched about 15 minutes of a show called "Bad Girls Club Las Vegas." It's a "reality" show with a group of young women who are put together in a mansion. All they do is rag on each other non-stop and about every two minutes or so there is a fight which is broken up by one or two men who rush out, Jerry Springer style.

The IQ of this show and that of its "diverse" bimbo participants is at or below mental retardation level. A quick search reveals that the show in various forms is in its eighth season, and is on the Oxygen Network, which like Lifetime is geared toward women.

What's it have to do with this thread? Watch this show to see how the super-bitch, super-entitled attitude among gullible girls and women is cultivated and presented as something worth emulating. Every one of the females on this show undoubtedly goes for bad boy thug types and wouldn't give a nice man, even a good looking one, the time of day. This is the kind of gutter level crap/propaganda that American women are bombarded with 24/7, along with the endless portrayals of (White) men as perverts, wimps, nerds, creeps, losers, oppressors, etc., etc.
The article reads like pure feminist emasculating fiction. I highly doubt "Mark Tyler" exists. There's no picture of him and his supposed dominant wife, nothing about where he lives, but his alleged quotes sure do fit wonderfully into the narrative.
Don Wassall said:
The article reads like pure feminist emasculating fiction. I highly doubt "Mark Tyler" exists. There's no picture of him and his supposed dominant wife, nothing about where he lives, but his alleged quotes sure do fit wonderfully into the narrative.

Yes, me too. Even the names (Carol Tyler and Mark Harper) are laughably-generic.

As always, the flaunting of this look-at-me-I’m-different “progressive sexual role reversalâ€￾ is teeming with many simple ironies. I’ve isolated them below…

Mark Tyler is "man enough" to admit to GalTime that he actually did all of the above. Mark wore a mangagement ring during his engagement, and soon after he and his bride Carol Tyler got married last January, Mark took his wife's last name. He started the ceremony as Mark Harper and ended it as Mark Tyler. The minister even announced, "Here come the Tylers" as they made their way down the aisle.

So when “Markâ€￾ (fictitious as he may be) curtsies like an unwashed invertebrate for this derisory anti-male trend, and proclaims his obedience, he is then permitted to be referred to a as a “man.â€￾

The couple started talking about it before they got married and decided it was important they both have the same last name so their children would as well. According to Mark, Carol said, "If we all have the same last name, why can't it be mine?"

How are both husband and wife having the woman’s last name any less “traditionalâ€￾ than both husband and wife having the man’s last name? In the present-day AngloSphere, trading one dogma for its exact inverse (and pretending it’s an entirely dissimilar dogma) is quite common, so long as the inverse the original dogma is detrimental to the white cultures and customs, the white family structure, true white masculinity, or true white femininity.

She said it as a joke, but I told her that I'd think about it seriously. So I did. And then I found myself in the position of the typical female. Hyphenate? Too bulky. Keep my name? But then we'd have different family names. Take her name? Yowww. Big blow to the male ego."

Mark Harper is now known as Mark Tyler, and in this deranged and unprecedented process, this certainly-invented man has fully appreciated the “sacrificeâ€￾ and “loss of identityâ€￾ that women are subjected to after wedding a man within the time-honored kingdom of traditional marriage. If Mark Cuckold wants to abundantly experience a proper “blow to the male ego,â€￾ perhaps he’ll come upon this sweet sensation during his vasectomy procedure.

In the end Mark says he thought about Carol's career. "She is well established in her career and I am not. Our plan is for her to be the primary breadwinner and me to be the primary parent. So, "Carol Tyler" is a well established professional while "Carol Harper" is who? I don't have the same dynamic going from Harper to Tyler."

Notice how Mark used the term “parent,â€￾ instead of “father.â€￾ Boy, this “articleâ€￾ has got it all. A name-swapping, emasculated husband without a career of his own (because men are only deemed valuable when they can provide for “Princessâ€￾), married to bread-winning power-suit-harpy, with a master plan to become a stay-at-home “parent.â€￾ The only misandrous elementabsent from this tall tale is the ubiquitous contrasting of female “beautyâ€￾ withthat of an average-looking white wimp.
Taking the wifes name is stupid because all he is doing is taking the name of HER father (probaby) and since the man's name has been taken in marriage for many generations the only surname a woman has is one of the males in her family liniage. So yes it's merely a way of indicating subserviance to the woman.

The whole (most likely fake) article is more CM brainwashing that is going to fall short of it's target. Almost all of the people left marrying are upper class whites and in that case they will be seeking traditional marriage and the provider husband will be passing his name on. With 30% and rising of white births to single mothers, the passing on of the fathers family name will suffer much more then it will through the action of some pussy-whipped yuppies trying to make a mangina statement.

This ball-less pussy should wait to change his ID though, with over 50% of marriages failing, many in the first year it's doubtful his alpha wife is going to want to spend much time with such a whimpy kitchen bitch.
Taking the wifes name is stupid because all he is doing is taking the name of HER father (probaby) and since the man's name has been taken in marriage for many generations the only surname a woman has is one of the males in her family liniage. So yes it's merely a way of indicating subserviance to the woman.

The whole (most likely fake) article is more CM brainwashing that is going to fall short of it's target. Almost all of the people left marrying are upper class whites and in that case they will be seeking traditional marriage and the provider husband will be passing his name on. With 30% and rising of white births to single mothers, the passing on of the fathers family name will suffer much more then it will through the action of some pussy-whipped yuppies trying to make a mangina statement.

This ball-less pussy should wait to change his ID though, with over 50% of marriages failing, many in the first year it's doubtful his alpha wife is going to want to spend much time with such a whimpy kitchen bitch.

Charles Murray, co-author of The Bell Curve, has written a new book, Coming Apart, detailing the large and increasing gulf between working class Whites and upper middle class and upper class Whites. Working poor Whites (a large chunk of them unemployed) now are riven by dysfunction comparable to that of the black poor not that long ago. Their family structure is falling apart as a large part of our people are being marginalized and dispossessed. And of course there will never be a shred of sympathy for poor and working class Whites beyond a "controversial" book like this one.

I haven't read the book but have read some reviews of it. Murray apparently blames working class White men for not "manning up" while ignoring what poisons feminism has wrought on White women. Murray is apparently another Bill Bennett, a well-meaning "conservative" of a certain age who doesn't have a clue that women are no longer the men-loving and -respecting, feminine creatures of the past. This article from The Spearhead makes for good reading, especially some of the comments, in particular a young writer named Troll King who savages the younger generation of women. I truly feel sorry for young Whites today, especially men, who have to grow up and live in a CM police state run for feminists, homosexuals and blacks (and of course zionists, banksters, and mega-corporations).

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I truly feel sorry for young Whites today, especially men, who have to grow up and live in a CM police state run for feminists, homosexuals and blacks (and of course zionists, banksters, and mega-corporations).


It's really amazing what the PTB has been able to do in just 50 years what took almost 350 years to build. From the moment those pilgrims landed in 1620 until about 1960, this country was built, founded, and operated on a few basic set of principles that are the cornerstones of any great society.

It starts with a strong and traditional family unit within a patriarchal foundation where men are respected as leaders, innovators, creators, and basically the ones who move civilization forward. Sure, a lot of islamic countries have this even today and they are mostly stuck in 6th century, but the difference in America was the people who were almost entirely Whites of European descent. You take that formula and add the Bill of Rights, and it's easy to see how we became a superpower following WW2.

But then I guess the master plan was put forward to destroy the country, piece by piece. It started with feminism, civil rights, massive and unchecked non-White third world immigration, complete control of the media, academia, the sports and entertainment industry, the military industrial complex, and the country has been on a ruinous path ever since.

The latest weapon seems to be the homosexual mafia and their radical agenda which is being imposed on us at a very rapid pace. I think the ultimate goal there is to make homosexuality the norm and perhaps dominant lifestyle. So far in early 2012, their big effort seems to focus on legalizing gay marriage at every state as soon as possible, and hoping that eventually the dominos will fall and the whole country will accept this abomination as some sort of equal rights measure. Their tactics have been clever, and by somehow promoting this as a civil rights matter, it leaves the opponents in a very difficult position. You are now a homophobe AND racist if you are against gay marriage. I can totally see how people will eventually grow weary and stop putting up a fight. The attacks are coming from too many fronts.

The divide and conquer is working. Turn men against women, black against White, bring a bunch of non-Whites and put them amongst the natives to further implement social engineering programs, and use the afore-mentioned gay agenda to destroy whatever amount of morality is left. I have no clue what can be done to stop and turn the tide, but it looks completely hopeless at times.
This article from The Spearhead makes for good reading, especially some of the comments, in particular a young writer named Troll King who savages the younger generation of women. I truly feel sorry for young Whites today, especially men, who have to grow up and live in a CM police state run for feminists, homosexuals and blacks (and of course zionists, banksters, and mega-corporations).


Thanks for noticing that great comment by “Troll King.†After reading some truly pathetic (anti-white) remarks on The Spearhead, I’ve been ignoring that site for months. I thought the following quotes from his lengthy comment were quite good…

Guys of my generation have been kicked since we were puppies, and we were kicked constantly and from everyone who supposedly loved and cared for us.

Women are worthless these days, especially after or before sex. I think they are realizing it too. There is no happy ever after. There is no ’till death do us part’, cause we all know that women are branch swingers or monkeys. They won’t let go of one branch until their hands are firmly planted on another branch. Oh and Branch = ****. Females tend to call it serial monogamy.

Unlike men of older generations I have had more girlfriends than most older guys had in their entire lives before I turned 21. I can honestly say that women do not add any value, outside of the value of pussy and sex, to a mans life. Even with great sex it gets ****en old, it wears you down and makes you tired, having to constantly deal with the power struggles in modern relationships. I haven’t even lived with a girl and I am sick of it. After I got out of my longest LTR a few years back, it only lasted about 3 yrs, I was just drained. It felt like my soul had been sucked out or something.

My point is this. What do women have any more??? Pussy is cheaper to come by, especially if you know some game, than candy on halloween. They can’t cook or clean worth ****. They aren't honest. They aren’t equal to any degree, especially 99% of them. What do women have to offer besides a funhole to play with for 45 minutes? They suck as friends, **** they give their own friends eating disorders and call them frenemies. WTF do women have to offer? I think it is very little and I think young men are figureing this out every day.

Of course, the “women†he’s lambasting aren’t real women, but rather, the Abortion Queens of a Jewdificated Empire. When the older guys at work tell me about their wives (or I meet their wives), I’m actually embarrassed for the husband. Personally, I was fortunate enough to stumble upon a real woman, a feminine woman. Consequently, she’s been treated as a woman of her atypical beauty rightly deserves. Over the past 6 years we’ve been together (married for half), my soul hasn’t been “drained†or “sucked out†like that of Troll King, but rather, it’s been enriched.
American Freedom News