Ubiquitous Man Hating

Tom Iron said:
Good morning Gentlemen, I just wanted to put this on this thread for you to see what it is when one of our women is dointg the right thing. They are so wonderful.

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Thanks Tom Iron! Choked me up too. I spent six years on active duty, 20 years working for the military, and now I work for a Veteran's organization. Women like the nurse in the article are exceedingly rare. So rare, that I've certainly never met one.

The "China Beach" Vietnam serial TV show had a very few episodes where a meaner-than-snake feminist nurse is suddenly moved to become feminine and nurturing again when faced with watching another strong, young White soldier die of hideous burns and woundsEdited by: Realgeorge
An article entitled "ABC's Claire Shipman bashes white males on nation news show."

Not only are her comments hateful, anti male, and anti-white, they are absurd. There are countless examples of minority executes, often hired solely because of affirmative action and racial black quarterbacks, who have been catastrophic for companies that gave them the position. The CofCC profiled some of the most infamous example of this in a recent issue of our newspaper, the Citizen's Informer.



Is it really that bad in Sweden? I've read some threads here a few years back how bad it is in Denmark, but Sweden? It has to be the most anti-male country in the world right now. Fortunately, this farce which began earlier this year has backfired, and was a huge embarrassment for the Feminist/Marxist driven regime.
j41181 said:


Is it really that bad in Sweden? I've read some threads here a few years back how bad it is in Denmark, but Sweden? It has to be the most anti-male country in the world right now. Fortunately, this farce which began earlier this year has backfired, and was a huge embarrassment for the Feminist/Marxist driven regime.
It (Sweden) has been especially well-documented in this thread, for obvious reasons. The Swedish authorities are probably more concerned about the increased levels of testosterone that weight training gives Swedish men than they are of steroids. After all, how can Swedish men breast feed if they have high levels of testosterone?


It's sad, really. In my opinion, the closest Whites got to Utopia was in the Nordic and Northern European countries and cultures of the 60's and 70's when they were quasi-Socialist, albeit Nationalist nations. Northern Europe in the 70's was much more Conservative than the United States was at the same time. Unfortunately, Cultural Marxism exploded in the 80's there and made up for it. Whenever I think of White Utopia, I think of the Northern European countries in the 60's and 70's.

Now, as a byproduct of the radical Feminist movement in Sweden, they have massive immigrant populations destroying what's left, as the native (true) Swedish flee further north.


Thanks for elaborating, Highlander.

They might as well replace the Yellow Cross on the Swedish flag with a Yellow Crescent. Sweden is the No. 1 cesspool of Europe, becoming a mirror image of it's Middle Eastern, Semite ghetto pits.
Every time I learn about European countries being destroyed by immigration it depresses me. Thousands of years of culture destroyed in mere decades. The Zionist Jew policy makers have truly been a most ruthless enemy using "divide and conquer" methods over passive and self-loathing Whites. I hope for a mass awaking of our brothers but fear the damage may already be too great to correct...
Oh boy...

More Cultural Marxist lunacy:

<div id="hn-line">Historic Marine base gets 1st-ever female general</font></div>

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) â€" For the first time in its 96-year history, a
female general is taking charge at the famed Marine Corps training depot
at South Carolina's Parris Island.

Brig. Gen. Loretta Reynolds,
who is also known as the first female Marine to ever hold a command
position in a battle zone, takes charge Friday at the installation south
of Beaufort.

Parris Island graduates about 20,000 Marines
annually and is the only site where female enlisted Marines are trained
to enter the service.

Reynolds is a native of Baltimore and a 1986 graduate of the Naval Academy. She has worn the Marine Corps uniform for 25 years.

She is taking over from Brig. Gen. Frederick Padilla, who is taking charge of the 3rd Marine Division in Okinawa, Japan.

her new position, Reynolds also will be in charge of the Marines'
Eastern Recruiting Region, which covers the 23 states east of the
Mississippi River.

As a one-star general, Reynolds becomes only
the third female general officer in the more than 200,000-member Marine
Corps. The service has two two-star female generals, one in the active
duty ranks and another in the Marine Corps Reserve.

Overall, there
are 12,339 enlisted females in the Marines, 108 warrant officers and
1,224 officers, according to Marine Corps figures. On its Parris Island
website, the service said training for men and women is identical, and
that roughly 2,400 female recruits go through it every year.

trained as a communications officer and commanded Marines from platoon
to battalion levels in her more than 20 years in uniform.

She has
been posted in Okinawa, Japan; Quantico, Va., Iraq and Afghanistan, and
was in command of the Marine Recruiting Station in Harrisburg, Pa.

She also worked with at the headquarters of the Marine Corps in its communications and computer division in Washington, D.C.

last posting was in charge of the Headquarters Group for the 1st Marine
Expeditionary Force based at Camp Pendleton, Calif.

While serving
a yearlong tour of duty in Afghanistan, she oversaw five Marine
battalions and military company from Bahrain. While there, she took a
base that had "fed, housed and equipped more than 10,000 Marines and
expanded the base to handle an additional 10,000 Marines and sailors,"
the website for the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force said. The site added
that the command slot position meant she was "recognized as the first
female Marine to command battle space."

Before her time at Camp Pendleton, Reynolds was a division chief with the Joint Staff at the Pentagon.

also has attended the Marine Corps University in Quantico, Va., the
Naval War College in Newport, R.I., and the Army War College in
Carlisle, Pa.



Edited by: Highlander
I really, really hope something bad happens to Sweden as soon as possible. Whether it's a muslim or African take-over, or some biblical event, this country has gone insane and it needs to be stopped.
foobar75 said:
I really, really hope something bad happens to Sweden as soon as possible. Whether it's a muslim or African take-over, or some biblical event, this country has gone insane and it needs to be stopped.

That's something to think about. No matter what happens here in amerika there will always be a large number of hard ass white people. Look at the gun issue. Everybody knows someone who feels that "they will have to pry the guns out of their cold dead hands" before they will give them up. Contrast that with the Swedes. Those people, like most whites in europe are some of the "softest" people on the planet. I'm talking S-O-F-T. The most masculine of their men would be thought of as f@gs here.

Imagine what is going to happen when the mooslims get to be a significant percentage of the population! They will turn the white people into their virtual slaves. And most of the white people will welcome it! Thats how sick those people are.

Nanny state socialism has turned the swedes into weak willed simps. The same is true of the rest of western europe. It is no coincidence that eastern europeans and Russians, who were raised on crappy communism, are a thousand times tougher then the western europeans. I see the fall of europe before the fall of the usa.
jaxvid said:
That's something to think about. No matter what happens here in amerika there will always be a large number of hard ass white people. Look at the gun issue. Everybody knows someone who feels that "they will have to pry the guns out of their cold dead hands" before they will give them up. Contrast that with the Swedes. Those people, like most whites in europe are some of the "softest" people on the planet. I'm talking S-O-F-T. The most masculine of their men would be thought of as f@gs here.

Sweden still produces a number of good athletes despite its small population. It's difficult to gauge accurately how "soft" a country is and what people are thinking without actually living there, and even then it's tough. I've heard so many of those tough-talking "I'm waiting for the revolution" types in America over the years, and imoan overwhelming percentageof them would be among the first to dutifully follow orders and turn in their weapons if the government began dispatching armed squads to disarm the populace. People that talk tough are invariably bs-filled windbags and are useless when it comes to constructive action to prevent things from getting that bad in the first place. Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
Sweden still produces a number of good athletes despite its small population.  It's difficult to gauge accurately how "soft" a country is and what people are thinking without actually living there, and even then it's tough.  I've heard so many of those tough-talking "I'm waiting for the revolution" types in America over the years, and imo an overwhelming percentage of them would be among the first to dutifully follow orders and turn in their weapons if the government began dispatching armed squads to disarm the populace. People that talk tough are invariably bs-filled windbags and are useless when it comes to constructive action to prevent things from getting that bad in the first place.  </div>

I'm not just talking about internet blowhards like myself but white guys that join biker gangs and rob stores and get in fights and do stuff that puts them in jail. There are some mad crazy honkies in this country. You don't have that in Sweden, I've been there, I've had a Swedish person live in my house for a while and I've worked with Swede's in my job. Those guys are such mangina's you couldn't belive it. Sure there are some tough swedish hockey players, I know, there are a bunch of them on the Red Wings. But socially?? They are to the left of Barny Frank. Heck at least people in the us talk tough.
jaxvid said:
That's something to think about. No matter what happens here in amerika there will always be a large number of hard ass white people. Look at the gun issue. Everybody knows someone who feels that "they will have to pry the guns out of their cold dead hands" before they will give them up. Contrast that with the Swedes. Those people, like most whites in europe are some of the "softest" people on the planet. I'm talking S-O-F-T. The most masculine of their men would be thought of as f@gs here.

Imagine what is going to happen when the mooslims get to be a significant percentage of the population! They will turn the white people into their virtual slaves. And most of the white people will welcome it! Thats how sick those people are.

LOL. What a bunch of american crap. Europe rose up against the marxists in the second world war, while the idiot americans have given their country away to them without a fight. Not only that, but the idiot americans fought for the marxists, and killed the best europeans in the second world war. The idiot americans made Europe safe for multiculturalism, for negroes and sand-negroes.
I'm talking about the IDIOT americans who have allowed their cities to be taken over by negroes without putting up as much as one fight. Yes, Europe is dying, and we must thank the idiot americans for making it happen.
It's always amerika's fault!!!!

How's that 'free speech' and gun rights going for you over there???? Edited by: jaxvid

Sir, I don't think such talk is called for. It serves no purpose to alienate people who are our friends. Nothing good will come out of such an exchange.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:

Sir, I don't think such talk is called for. It serves no purpose to alienate people who are our friends. Nothing good will come out of such an exchange.

Tom Iron...

I call it like I see it. No amount of sugar coating is going to give anyone a kick in the butt that needs it. If some group of white people are pussies then they deserve to be called it. Pretending it aint true dont make it so.

And just because a group of people are a certain way doesnt mean ALL of the group are that way. It's not a personal attack on any one person but an observation of a GROUP of people. And it's a PERSONAL observation, it's what "I" have seen and experienced. If you haven't seen it or don't think it's true then that is YOUR personal opinion and you are free to express it.
The mess Europe is in right now stems from it's devastating World Wars (1914-18, 1939-45), which cost the lives of approximately 80 million white Christians and Jews alike, and much of that "tough" white Christan men. Such a toll gave the Marxist Jews and their white servants more opportunities to dominate the continents political and media landscape.

The toll also gave rise and more power for the feminists, with so many white Christian men going 6 feet under. In fact, women generally OUTNUMBER men in the WHOLE of Europe. That's the enduring legacy of the World Wars.

America's constant involvement in wars (Civil War, World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, etc..) also took a toll on it's white male population. Although not as bad compared to Europe, America is clearly short of good, strong, decisive white men.

Put it simply, there is a severe shortage of white men in the world. Despite such shortage, whites (men & women alike) tend to dominate most sports, and still lead the way in technological, scientific advancements. Goes to show how peerless whites can when it comes to brain power alone, the only people who can rival them in that department are Asians (Japanese in particular). In the end, that's just me saying.
jaxvid said:
Don Wassall said:
Sweden still produces a number of good athletes despite its small population. It's difficult to gauge accurately how "soft" a country is and what people are thinking without actually living there, and even then it's tough. I've heard so many of those tough-talking "I'm waiting for the revolution" types in America over the years, and imoan overwhelming percentageof them would be among the first to dutifully follow orders and turn in their weapons if the government began dispatching armed squads to disarm the populace. People that talk tough are invariably bs-filled windbags and are useless when it comes to constructive action to prevent things from getting that bad in the first place.

I'm not just talking about internet blowhards like myself but white guys that join biker gangs and rob stores and get in fights and do stuff that puts them in jail. There are some mad crazy honkies in this country. You don't have that in Sweden, I've been there, I've had a Swedish person live in my house for a while and I've worked with Swede's in my job. Those guys are such mangina's you couldn't belive it. Sure there are some tough swedish hockey players, I know, there are a bunch of them on the Red Wings. But socially?? They are to the left of Barny Frank. Heck at least people in the us talk tough.

I see your point,which is putting a somewhat optimistic spin on things. The level of awareness among these White elements is dismal, and lots of them arenothing butcriminals and psychopaths, hardly people to rely on for anything positive. How are they going to be helpful under any possible scenario? Anyway the biker gangs have been tamed a lot in recent years through infiltration and massive arrests, much like the Italian mob. They've been targeted, while the Jewish ("Russian") mob and latino gangs have prospered and spread like kudzu. And how much resistance is any individual or group going to put up against drones and "non-lethal weapons" if it comes to that?
This is an important thread. I'm deleting the counterproductive, off the topic posts of today.
Those insults directed by jaxvid at europeans, and the replies to them, should also go. I think it would be better for this thread.
Colonel_Reb said:
Just found this predictable bilge from TIME magazine.

Wow, blatant man hatred. I don't think anything that negative about women, and written in such a condescending and gloating manner, was published during the "patriarchy" before it was replacedwiththe currentfeminist gynocracy.
I don't think there was either, Don. Sickening stuff from such a "tolerant" people who favor "equality."
A couple of things.

First, about the woman welder. She looks like a nice woman and interesting how they passed over that she appealed to Ga. Gov. Lester Maddox to get accepted in welding class. They don't want to give him too much credit. Anyway about welding. Welding itself is not a hard task. Over a long period, like anything else, it's tireing. Such as if you weld for 9-10 hours at a shot. But what we found when women started coming into the trades was, yes, many of them are excellent welders. Then there's the "but." But that's more or less all they're capapble of, except for easy tasks. Othrwise, they need help a man doesn't need. It seems you have to more or less waste an apprentice on them. They're always in need of physical help the male welders don't need. Obviously. That's the part, they never go into with these articles. Just like shooting. Many women are dead shots. But what isn't gone into is when it comes to overall soldiering, they have to get to the place that the shooting is to be done. If they have to move through extreme heat, etc., carrying their needed gear, they won't be able to do it. Once again, that is never spoken of. You must stick to the point, that they can shoot, and not leave that narrow point, or else, I guess you can be called a sexist.

It's interesting how so many subjects are so veiled like this. That only an experienced person in a certain field knows the ins and out of what's being said and what's not being said. As far as Time magazine, they're done. In the not too distant future. they'll be dim memory.

Tom Iron...
Thats why the best chefs are men, because women are better at everything. LOL. They arent better even at cooking, which should be their main advantage over men.
The marxists media is full of lies, the "news"papers should be called LIESpapers. Like Martin Luther said, the marxists are the masters of lies.
American Freedom News