Hall of Famer
Last weekend, my infant daughter awoke around 2 AM (as she normally does). My wife gave her a bottle and was able to fall back asleep around 2:30 AM. For whatever reason, I remained wide awake. As a potential remedy for my sleeplessness, I turned on the TV"¦a Synagogue-In-A-Box typically featuring such banal, unexciting, lame, contrived (alleged) "entertainment" with the equivalent functionality of a sleeping pill. When the glowing quadrilateral was activated, an infomercial was displayed on the screen. Being partial to the always-comical, seemingly-limitless nature of the wild claims made on such programming, I didn't change the channel.
The "product"Â being vended, as I would soon unfortunately discover, was known as "Exta Max,"Â a caplet to be used as a "miracle cure"Â for "undersized"Â male genitals (you know, as opposed to merely treating male erectile dysfunction).
The host of this cataclysmic, hour-long discourse in the fine art of modern Female Chauvinism was "Victoria Zdrock."Â Zdrock is a Hungarian ex-pornstar, ex-Penthouse model, ex-Playboy centerfold, author, and world-renowned "sexual relationship counselor."Â Given her past "accomplishments,"Â she's obviously qualified to endorse such a lewd product.
Victoria Zdrock:
Ms. Zdrock speaks broken English and doesn't really say much during the infomercial"¦she merely repeats the mantra, on literally twenty different occasions, that "88% of women admit that size matters"¦and the other 12% are lying!"Â
In between Zdrock's constantly-repeated "88% segment" are the inexcusably deviant portions of the infomercial"¦the "Candid Confessions." This segment features approximately fifteen different young women, ages 20-30, all of whom are being "interviewed" regarding their sexual experiences and how the size of a man's penis increases or decreases each sexual encounter. These corporate minions are seen hysterically laughing when reminiscing about penis size of previous boyfriends, non-stop cursing, mocking "insecure" men, making obscene statements, giggling, revealing disturbing personal anecdotes and candidly expressing their extreme abhorrence for "small d-cks" (this vulgar phrase is bleep'd over and over and over).
Random images from the "Candid Confessions" whores"¦
Interestingly enough, the "confessions" articulated by these (so-called) "women," as well as Zdrock, never actually mention the word "penis"Â"¦instead, they use immature phrases such as "package," "wiener," "thing," "equipment," "you-know-what," "wee-wee," etc. Given the offensive nature of this program, I re-watched the infomercial on YouTube, noting some of the more misandrous quotes produced by these classy ladies:
What for? So that a modern woman can enjoy the experience of their eventual removal?
A brief video clip"¦
To decipher the clutter "¦the new role of a modern man (also known as an "Imitation Woman"Â) is to ingest various medicines for the sole purpose of providing amplified sexual pleasure to a modern woman (also known as an "Imitation Man"Â)? A vagina between one's legs has more inborn incentives in a Western Society than possessing melanin-rich skin cells.
White men are merely a walking-dildo (assuming they purchase Exta Max) that can also earn a college diploma, apply for a job, earn a salary, have health insurance, perform manual labor and remodeling jobs around the homestead, absorb Female Supremacist cruelty without a whimper, concede their earnings to uninhibited female materialism, easily emasculated, effortlessly castrated, racially disgraced, historically erased, utterly humiliated, and a great babysitter for mommy's neglected little children (do "Empowered Women"Â have children?) when she needs a "night out with the whores."ÂEdited by: Thrashen
The "product"Â being vended, as I would soon unfortunately discover, was known as "Exta Max,"Â a caplet to be used as a "miracle cure"Â for "undersized"Â male genitals (you know, as opposed to merely treating male erectile dysfunction).
The host of this cataclysmic, hour-long discourse in the fine art of modern Female Chauvinism was "Victoria Zdrock."Â Zdrock is a Hungarian ex-pornstar, ex-Penthouse model, ex-Playboy centerfold, author, and world-renowned "sexual relationship counselor."Â Given her past "accomplishments,"Â she's obviously qualified to endorse such a lewd product.
Victoria Zdrock:

Ms. Zdrock speaks broken English and doesn't really say much during the infomercial"¦she merely repeats the mantra, on literally twenty different occasions, that "88% of women admit that size matters"¦and the other 12% are lying!"Â

In between Zdrock's constantly-repeated "88% segment" are the inexcusably deviant portions of the infomercial"¦the "Candid Confessions." This segment features approximately fifteen different young women, ages 20-30, all of whom are being "interviewed" regarding their sexual experiences and how the size of a man's penis increases or decreases each sexual encounter. These corporate minions are seen hysterically laughing when reminiscing about penis size of previous boyfriends, non-stop cursing, mocking "insecure" men, making obscene statements, giggling, revealing disturbing personal anecdotes and candidly expressing their extreme abhorrence for "small d-cks" (this vulgar phrase is bleep'd over and over and over).
Random images from the "Candid Confessions" whores"¦

Interestingly enough, the "confessions" articulated by these (so-called) "women," as well as Zdrock, never actually mention the word "penis"Â"¦instead, they use immature phrases such as "package," "wiener," "thing," "equipment," "you-know-what," "wee-wee," etc. Given the offensive nature of this program, I re-watched the infomercial on YouTube, noting some of the more misandrous quotes produced by these classy ladies:
You also can't become a famous actress or signer by getting your "big break"Â peddling penis pills on late-night TV."You can't be a man if you only have a one-incher."Â
What's the point of having sex with a "woman"Â that you hate and has no plans to ever bear your children? This obtuse little harpy is most likely as tight as a wizard's sleeve."If it's not big enough you can't feel it, so what's the point of having sex?"Â
You vagina-sporting humanoids have a special "name," too"¦.but it's certainly not "woman."Â"If it's so small, you won't even feel it. Ladies, there is a name for a person with a penis so small you couldn't feel it: A woman."Â
I understand. Men are judged solely by the money they can supply to women, the sexual pleasure they can provide for women, the muscular "arm-candy"Â physique that can be "shown off"Â by women, etc. What a charming existence."ÂOh, I feel soooo bad for the guys that don't have it going on down there, because unfortunately they're going to have to either like get on steroids and become really buff, so their body at least looks good, or they're going to have to work so super-hard and make a lot of money to like compensate for it."Â
Right, because I'm certain that my "friends" truly care about what some skank thinks of my penis size."Realize that my p-ssy is like platinum. It's pretty f-cking priceless, and in order to see it, in order to be near it you have to know what you're doing and if you don't know what you're doing then just keep walking. Don't even waste your time. Because I'll laugh at youâ€"for realsâ€"and I'll tell all your f-cking friends."Â
"Grow some balls!"Â
What for? So that a modern woman can enjoy the experience of their eventual removal?
Aside from working girls, porn stars, escorts, and hardcore skanks, women are generally clueless as to how to please a man."I couldn't be with a guy who wasn't well endowed. I'm kind of like a freak and very sexual. It's not gunna happen!"Â
Finally, a female-engineered statement that could not possibly be refuted.
"Yes, the size of guy's equipment is very important to me"¦because I'm selfish."Â
A brief video clip"¦
To decipher the clutter "¦the new role of a modern man (also known as an "Imitation Woman"Â) is to ingest various medicines for the sole purpose of providing amplified sexual pleasure to a modern woman (also known as an "Imitation Man"Â)? A vagina between one's legs has more inborn incentives in a Western Society than possessing melanin-rich skin cells.
White men are merely a walking-dildo (assuming they purchase Exta Max) that can also earn a college diploma, apply for a job, earn a salary, have health insurance, perform manual labor and remodeling jobs around the homestead, absorb Female Supremacist cruelty without a whimper, concede their earnings to uninhibited female materialism, easily emasculated, effortlessly castrated, racially disgraced, historically erased, utterly humiliated, and a great babysitter for mommy's neglected little children (do "Empowered Women"Â have children?) when she needs a "night out with the whores."ÂEdited by: Thrashen