Ubiquitous Man Hating

Last weekend, my infant daughter awoke around 2 AM (as she normally does). My wife gave her a bottle and was able to fall back asleep around 2:30 AM. For whatever reason, I remained wide awake. As a potential remedy for my sleeplessness, I turned on the TV"¦a Synagogue-In-A-Box typically featuring such banal, unexciting, lame, contrived (alleged) "entertainment" with the equivalent functionality of a sleeping pill. When the glowing quadrilateral was activated, an infomercial was displayed on the screen. Being partial to the always-comical, seemingly-limitless nature of the wild claims made on such programming, I didn't change the channel.

The "product"Â being vended, as I would soon unfortunately discover, was known as "Exta Max,"Â a caplet to be used as a "miracle cure"Â for "undersized"Â male genitals (you know, as opposed to merely treating male erectile dysfunction).

The host of this cataclysmic, hour-long discourse in the fine art of modern Female Chauvinism was "Victoria Zdrock."Â Zdrock is a Hungarian ex-pornstar, ex-Penthouse model, ex-Playboy centerfold, author, and world-renowned "sexual relationship counselor."Â Given her past "accomplishments,"Â she's obviously qualified to endorse such a lewd product.

Victoria Zdrock:

Ms. Zdrock speaks broken English and doesn't really say much during the infomercial"¦she merely repeats the mantra, on literally twenty different occasions, that "88% of women admit that size matters"¦and the other 12% are lying!"Â


In between Zdrock's constantly-repeated "88% segment" are the inexcusably deviant portions of the infomercial"¦the "Candid Confessions." This segment features approximately fifteen different young women, ages 20-30, all of whom are being "interviewed" regarding their sexual experiences and how the size of a man's penis increases or decreases each sexual encounter. These corporate minions are seen hysterically laughing when reminiscing about penis size of previous boyfriends, non-stop cursing, mocking "insecure" men, making obscene statements, giggling, revealing disturbing personal anecdotes and candidly expressing their extreme abhorrence for "small d-cks" (this vulgar phrase is bleep'd over and over and over).

Random images from the "Candid Confessions" whores"¦





Interestingly enough, the "confessions" articulated by these (so-called) "women," as well as Zdrock, never actually mention the word "penis"Â"¦instead, they use immature phrases such as "package," "wiener," "thing," "equipment," "you-know-what," "wee-wee," etc. Given the offensive nature of this program, I re-watched the infomercial on YouTube, noting some of the more misandrous quotes produced by these classy ladies:

"You can't be a man if you only have a one-incher."Â
You also can't become a famous actress or signer by getting your "big break"Â peddling penis pills on late-night TV.

"If it's not big enough you can't feel it, so what's the point of having sex?"Â
What's the point of having sex with a "woman"Â that you hate and has no plans to ever bear your children? This obtuse little harpy is most likely as tight as a wizard's sleeve.

"If it's so small, you won't even feel it. Ladies, there is a name for a person with a penis so small you couldn't feel it: A woman."Â
You vagina-sporting humanoids have a special "name," too"¦.but it's certainly not "woman."Â

"ÂOh, I feel soooo bad for the guys that don't have it going on down there, because unfortunately they're going to have to either like get on steroids and become really buff, so their body at least looks good, or they're going to have to work so super-hard and make a lot of money to like compensate for it."Â
I understand. Men are judged solely by the money they can supply to women, the sexual pleasure they can provide for women, the muscular "arm-candy"Â physique that can be "shown off"Â by women, etc. What a charming existence.

"Realize that my p-ssy is like platinum. It's pretty f-cking priceless, and in order to see it, in order to be near it you have to know what you're doing and if you don't know what you're doing then just keep walking. Don't even waste your time. Because I'll laugh at youâ€"for realsâ€"and I'll tell all your f-cking friends."Â
Right, because I'm certain that my "friends"Â truly care about what some skank thinks of my penis size.

"Grow some balls!"Â

What for? So that a modern woman can enjoy the experience of their eventual removal?

"I couldn't be with a guy who wasn't well endowed. I'm kind of like a freak and very sexual. It's not gunna happen!"Â
Aside from working girls, porn stars, escorts, and hardcore skanks, women are generally clueless as to how to please a man.

"Yes, the size of guy's equipment is very important to me"¦because I'm selfish."Â
Finally, a female-engineered statement that could not possibly be refuted.

A brief video clip"¦
[tube] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpkuQi1ZxD0&feature=related[/tube]

To decipher the clutter "¦the new role of a modern man (also known as an "Imitation Woman"Â) is to ingest various medicines for the sole purpose of providing amplified sexual pleasure to a modern woman (also known as an "Imitation Man"Â)? A vagina between one's legs has more inborn incentives in a Western Society than possessing melanin-rich skin cells.

White men are merely a walking-dildo (assuming they purchase Exta Max) that can also earn a college diploma, apply for a job, earn a salary, have health insurance, perform manual labor and remodeling jobs around the homestead, absorb Female Supremacist cruelty without a whimper, concede their earnings to uninhibited female materialism, easily emasculated, effortlessly castrated, racially disgraced, historically erased, utterly humiliated, and a great babysitter for mommy's neglected little children (do "Empowered Women"Â have children?) when she needs a "night out with the whores."ÂEdited by: Thrashen
Thrashen, way to tear that explicit infomercial apart! What a shame they allow man hating filth like that to be aired. I'm glad I didn't see it.
Very well done, Thrashen.
It must have taken a lot of time to put together.
Colonel_Reb said:
Just found this predictable bilge from TIME magazine.

I was going to read the article, until I saw the title. Then I thought why bother? No need for me to read that garbage when I am in such a good mood.

And I enjoyed reading your write up Thrashen! Edited by: celticdb15
The case against Strauss-Kahn is about the fall apart:


Turns out, the accuser (an African immigrant) is a lying b*tch who was involved with shady characters. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the IMF or him, but I look at this from a different perspective. Once again, a man's life and reputation is nearly destroyed simply by the false accusations of a woman. In these situations, the man is always guilty until proven innocent. A feminist skank has already been appointed the head of IMF, so mission accomplished there for the sisterhood. Don't you love living in the matriarchy?
foobar75 said:
The case against Strauss-Kahn is about the fall apart:


Turns out, the accuser (an African immigrant) is a lying b*tch who was involved with shady characters. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the IMF or him, but I look at this from a different perspective. Once again, a man's life and reputation is nearly destroyed simply by the false accusations of a woman. In these situations, the man is always guilty until proven innocent. A feminist skank has already been appointed the head of IMF, so mission accomplished there for the sisterhood. Don't you love living in the matriarchy?

It's a lot more than that in this case. Strauss-Kahn was running for President of France and was ahead in the polls at the time this happened. This is analagous to John McCain visiting France during the 2008 presidential campaign and being arrested and held indefinitely in France in the middle of the U.S. presidential campaign because ofan accusationby a hotel maid. U.S. war planes and predator drones would still be bombing France (to the cheers of the France-hating Judeo-Christians of course) had the Frenchtried to pull off something like that. And the U.S. media acts like it's nothing much out of the ordinary.

There's more to this story than just another feminist morality play. I can't vouch for the veracity of it, but the European Times online posted an interesting theory aboutit. [The following is from the Intelligence Report in the latest issue of The Nationalist Times]. Strauss-Kahn had become "increasingly concerned"Â￾ after discovering that all of the gold located at Fort Knox was "missing and/or unaccounted for,"Â￾ according to theEuropean Times article. He had been informed by "rogue elements"Â￾ in the CIA who provided him with "firm evidence"Â￾ that the gold was gone. Ron Paul has long maintained that the U.S. government is lying about its gold reserves at Fort Knox. Upon receiving the evidence from the CIA, Strauss-Kahn tried to leave the U.S. for Paris but was apprehended and arrested. The article maintains that Russian leader Vladimir Putin posted to the Kremlin's official website a defense of Strauss-Kahn being the victim of a U.S. conspiracy, stating, "It's hard for me to evaluate the hidden political motives but I cannot believe that it looks the way it was initially introduced. It doesn't sit right in my head."Â￾ Strauss-Kahn was a major candidate for the French presidential election later this year. This is not to say that Strauss-Kahn is a good guy; like his major rival in the French election, incumbent president Nicolas Sarkozy, Strauss-Kahn is a Zionist, internationalist Jew. But as Putin allegedly posited, there could easily be much more to Strauss-Kahn's arrest than what Washington's corporate media arm has reported. . .
The Fort Knox gold theory is very interesting and that's not the first time I've heard about it. In fact, a long running joke is that the troops around Fort Knox are not there to guard the gold, but rather the big secret that there actually is no gold.

This story smelled funny from the beginning. All the usual elements are present here, I think I just captured one small aspect of it (man being falsely accused by woman and immediately presumed guilty).

But you are correct, it's quite possible that Strauss-Kahn was starting to possess a certain amount of danger to the PTB, instead of being a loyal servant, and they had to come up with a plan to take him out of the picture in this manner.
Don Wassall said:
foobar75 said:
The case against Strauss-Kahn is about the fall apart: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/01/nyregion/strauss-kahn-case-seen-as-in-jeopardy.html?_r=1&hp Turns out, the accuser (an African immigrant) is a lying b*tch who was involved with shady characters. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the IMF or him, but I look at this from a different perspective. Once again, a man's life and reputation is nearly destroyed simply by the false accusations of a woman. In these situations, the man is always guilty until proven innocent. A feminist skank has already been appointed the head of IMF, so mission accomplished there for the sisterhood. Don't you love living in the matriarchy?
<div> </div>
<div>It's a lot more than that in this case.  Strauss-Kahn was running for President of France and was ahead in the polls at the time this happened.  This is analagous to John McCain visiting France during the 2008 presidential campaign and being arrested and held indefinitely in France in the middle of the U.S. presidential campaign because of an accusation by a hotel maid.  U.S. war planes and predator drones would still be bombing France (to the cheers of the France-hating Judeo-Christians of course) had the French tried to pull off something like that.  And the U.S. media acts like it's nothing much out of the ordinary.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>There's more to this story than just another feminist morality play.  I can't vouch for the veracity of it, but the European Times online posted an interesting theory about it.  [The following is from the Intelligence Report in the latest issue of The Nationalist Times]. &lt;SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: EN-US; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"&gt;Strauss-Kahn had become "increasingly concerned" after discovering that all of the gold located at Fort Knox was "missing and/or unaccounted for," according to the European Times article.&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;He had been informed by "rogue elements" in the CIA who provided him with "firm evidence" that the gold was gone.&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;Ron Paul has long maintained that the U.S. government is lying about its gold reserves at Fort Knox.&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;Upon receiving the evidence from the CIA, Strauss-Kahn tried to leave the U.S. for Paris but was apprehended and arrested.&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;The article maintains that Russian leader Vladimir Putin posted to the Kremlin's official website a defense of Strauss-Kahn being the victim of a U.S. conspiracy, stating, "It's hard for me to evaluate the hidden political motives but I cannot believe that it looks the way it was initially introduced.&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;It doesn't sit right in my head."Â&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;Strauss-Kahn was a major candidate for the French presidential election later this year.&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;This is not to say that Strauss-Kahn is a good guy; like his major rival in the French election, incumbent president Nicolas Sarkozy, Strauss-Kahn is a Zionist, internationalist Jew.&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;But as Putin allegedly posited, there could easily be much more to Strauss-Kahn's arrest than what Washington's corporate media arm has reported.&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;.&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;</font></font>.&lt;SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"&gt;  &lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;/SPAN&gt;</div>

An article entitled "Asylum Fraud and DSK"

I'm not totally convinced that DSK was just a simple purchaser of a prostitution service, either. Maybe he felt entitled to more than he paid for, and the maid / part time pro felt sore about it and then decided to complain, but then realized she'd have to accuse him of being a full-blown rapist to keep her job.

So, who would you bet on to get deported first: DSK's accuser, Obama's Aunt Zeituni, or neither, ever?


A black and a "chosen" two very good groups of liars and not the most trustworthy lot either of them. Also, note how a child not the woman allegedly was used on tax forums to reduce taxes was that child included twice on census too?

The real mystery here is that an "elite" and a "chosen" "elite" at that was arrested for the rape of a commoner. Normally political correctness and laws apply only to the regular people not the "elite" and for a "chosen" "elite" to be arrested for the rape of a commoner is very unusual indeed.

Maybe it is as some believe a power struggle within the "elite" either to use the arrest to stop him from his president of France run but the way it ended up it likely may help him of course that could have been the plan all along too. Or as some speculate, he had evidence that Fort Knots has no gold and was a threat to the "elite" but if that was the reason why now say the accuser has issues. Could it be that rouge intelligent agency made the "elite" believe that they had given him information about Fort Knots not having any gold and he was going to release that information ruining the "elite" in their panic they arrested without verifying rather he was about to ruin them was true or not? If rouge agents could get the "elite" to turn on themselves that could weaken the "elite" greatly. Just a thought.
foobar75 said:
The case against Strauss-Kahn is about the fall apart:


Turns out, the accuser (an African immigrant) is a lying b*tch who was involved with shady characters. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the IMF or him, but I look at this from a different perspective. Once again, a man's life and reputation is nearly destroyed simply by the false accusations of a woman. In these situations, the man is always guilty until proven innocent. A feminist skank has already been appointed the head of IMF, so mission accomplished there for the sisterhood. Don't you love living in the matriarchy?
Washington had a heavy hand in all of this. As the ever insightful Paul Craig Roberts postulated:

President Bill Clinton survived his sexual escapades, because he was a
servant to the system, not a threat. But Strauss-Kahn, like former New
York Governor Eliot Spitzer, was a threat to the system, and, like Eliot
Spitzer, Strass-Kahn has been deleted from the power ranks.

Strauss-Kahn was the first IMF director in my lifetime, if memory
serves, who disavowed the traditional IMF policy of imposing on the poor
and ordinary people the cost of bailing out Wall Street and the Western
banks. Strauss-Kahn said that regulation had to be reimposed on the
greed-driven, fraud-prone financial sector, which, unregulated,
destroyed the lives of ordinary people.
Strauss-Kahn listened to Nobel
economist Joseph Stiglitz, one of a handful of economists who has a
social conscience.

Perhaps the most dangerous black mark in Strauss-Kahn's book is that he
was far ahead of America's French puppet, President Sarkozy, in the
upcoming French elections. Strauss-Kahn simply had to be eliminated.

PCR then went on to say today that Strauss-Kahn was immediately put into solitary confinement and put on "suicide watch". Only when he resigned as head of the IMF and the US-backed female puppet became the director (to the delight of feminists, without an inkling as to why from a political perspective) did they take him off of "suicide watch". Obviously that was an implied threat by Washington to "either resign or we'll simply kill you and say you committed suicide".

Now he's wanted in France for another "rape" charge much like Julian Assange is wanted in Sweden. Notice how the U.S. and their lap dog "allies" are now starting to use all of these feminist-enshrined laws to go after and silence their political enemies. I don't think that is a coincidence. Whether it's Spitzer, Assange, or Strauss-Kahn, women are now being used as a weapon to bring them down. They know this game can be played both ways and that's why they chose a female as the next director, so she will be immune to these anti-male laws.

Edited by: Highlander
DSK no doubt ran afoul of the "Central Banking Cartel" & had to be neutralized.
Last weekend, my infant daughter awoke around 2 AM (as she normally does). My wife gave her a bottle and was able to fall back asleep around 2:30 AM. For whatever reason, I remained wide awake. As a potential remedy for my sleeplessness, I turned on the TV"¦a Synagogue-In-A-Box typically featuring such banal, unexciting, lame, contrived (alleged) "entertainment"Â￾ with the equivalent functionality of a sleeping pill. When the glowing quadrilateral was activated, an infomercial was displayed on the screen. Being partial to the always-comical, seemingly-limitless nature of the wild claims made on such programming, I didn't change the channel.

The "product"Â￾ being vended, as I would soon unfortunately discover, was known as "Exta Max,"Â￾ a caplet to be used as a "miracle cure"Â￾ for "undersized"Â￾ male genitals (you know, as opposed to merely treating male erectile dysfunction).

The host of this cataclysmic, hour-long discourse in the fine art of modern Female Chauvinism was "Victoria Zdrock."Â￾ Zdrock is a Hungarian ex-pornstar, ex-Penthouse model, ex-Playboy centerfold, author, and world-renowned "sexual relationship counselor."Â￾ Given her past "accomplishments,"Â￾ she's obviously qualified to endorse such a lewd product.

Victoria Zdrock:

Ms. Zdrock speaks broken English and doesn't really say much during the infomercial"¦she merely repeats the mantra, on literally twenty different occasions, that "88% of women admit that size matters"¦and the other 12% are lying!"Â￾


In between Zdrock's constantly-repeated "88% segment"Â￾ are the inexcusably deviant portions of the infomercial"¦the "Candid Confessions."Â￾ This segment features approximately fifteen different young women, ages 20-30, all of whom are being "interviewed"Â￾ regarding their sexual experiences and how the size of a man's penis increases or decreases each sexual encounter. These corporate minions are seen hysterically laughing when reminiscing about penis size of previous boyfriends, non-stop cursing, mocking "insecure" men, making obscene statements, giggling, revealing disturbing personal anecdotes and candidly expressing their extreme abhorrence for "small d-cks"Â￾ (this vulgar phrase is bleep'd over and over and over).

Random images from the "Candid Confessions"Â￾ whores"¦





Interestingly enough, the "confessions"Â￾ articulated by these (so-called) "women,"Â￾ as well as Zdrock, never actually mention the word "penis"Â￾"¦instead, they use immature phrases such as "package,"Â￾ "wiener,"Â￾ "thing,"Â￾ "equipment,"Â￾ "you-know-what,"Â￾ "wee-wee,"Â￾ etc. Given the offensive nature of this program, I re-watched the infomercial on YouTube, noting some of the more misandrous quotes produced by these classy ladies:

You also can't become a famous actress or signer by getting your "big break"Â￾ peddling penis pills on late-night TV.

What's the point of having sex with a "woman"Â￾ that you hate and has no plans to ever bear your children? This obtuse little harpy is most likely as tight as a wizard's sleeve.

You vagina-sporting humanoids have a special "name,"Â￾ too"¦.but it's certainly not "woman."Â￾

I understand. Men are judged solely by the money they can supply to women, the sexual pleasure they can provide for women, the muscular "arm-candy"Â￾ physique that can be "shown off"Â￾ by women, etc. What a charming existence.

Right, because I'm certain that my "friends"Â￾ truly care about what some skank thinks of my penis size.

What for? So that a modern woman can enjoy the experience of their eventual removal?

Aside from working girls, porn stars, escorts, and hardcore skanks, women are generally clueless as to how to please a man.

Finally, a female-engineered statement that could not possibly be refuted.

A brief video clip"¦
[tube] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpkuQi1ZxD0&feature=related[/tube]

To decipher the clutter "¦the new role of a modern man (also known as an "Imitation Woman"Â￾) is to ingest various medicines for the sole purpose of providing amplified sexual pleasure to a modern woman (also known as an "Imitation Man"Â￾)? A vagina between one's legs has more inborn incentives in a Western Society than possessing melanin-rich skin cells.

White men are merely a walking-dildo (assuming they purchase Exta Max) that can also earn a college diploma, apply for a job, earn a salary, have health insurance, perform manual labor and remodeling jobs around the homestead, absorb Female Supremacist cruelty without a whimper, concede their earnings to uninhibited female materialism, easily emasculated, effortlessly castrated, racially disgraced, historically erased, utterly humiliated, and a great babysitter for mommy's neglected little children (do "Empowered Women"Â￾ have children?) when she needs a "night out with the whores."Â￾Edited by: Thrashen

This company could almost be sued for false advertising except that they avoid making any specific claims about size. Pretty much every poll done on the topic indicates that size is not much of a concern for women (at least those not being paid to do commercials) and that the preferred size is the average size. Stuff like this is nothing more than an attempt to create a false sense of inadequacy that provokes men to buy a product that I'd wager does not produce the advertised effect.
Worst advertisment ever

Women fear men with large penises, for obvious reasons. This is also the worse advertisment for any product. Outside of Dr z, the women are ugly! My fear would be that this product would work, and these are the women that would be attracted to me.
There's a short piece on Spearhead titled "From the Moon to the Gutter" about the end of the space shuttle program. How sad that we no longer have the ability to launch anyone into orbit. I found this comment from one of the readers to be superb in summing up the situation we find ourselves in today:

"America has been in a downward spiral ever since feminism became mainstream in the 1960s. Children of today are raised on garbage television shows. Women learn to act like Snooki from “Jersey Shore†and men are told to be a woman’s punching bag like the men in “Everybody Loves Raymond.†Remember ladies, you have superhuman strength. Like the female cops on TV, you have the ability to toss a 300 pound man across the room with a flick of your wrist. Remember men, you are all idiots and have the intelligence of Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin.

Children are stuck in an education system that poisons their minds for decades. If boys act like boys, they get drugs like Ritalin shoved down their throats and are ignored or punished by women who have an ax to grind with the male gender. Girls love school. School is the place where they learned that all men are evil and women teachers fawn all over them with attention. There are no male teachers, because we all know that men only want to be around children so they can molest them (sarcasm).

Teenage girls love themselves some sex. Remember girls, being a slut is a good thing. Don’t worry about becoming a single mother or getting infected with STDs. Guys, you are lucky women pay any attention to you at all. Oh, and don’t you even think about talking to a girl. You should only speak when spoken to, you worthless male. It is also your duty to initiate physical contact with a woman, but only if she wants it. I know you can get arrested or have a lawsuit filed against you if the contact is unwanted by the woman, so you better be an excellent mind-reader.

I could go on and on…………."
It's really only now that feminism's poisonous fruits are being fully harvested for those with eyes open to see. There's a huge number of "Baby Boomer" women who will grow old alone. There's a huge number of single mothers in their 30s and 40s who look worn beyond their years thanks to the "liberated" lifestyle they pursued in their 20s. Only manginas desperate for sex will have them, and most will end up being sheared eventually in divorce court.

Feminism rots the female soul. Many women held up as beautiful today are not attractive at all, because they lack inner beauty. They have great abs and the best fake tits money can buy, but they are products, mercenaries who are already jaded and cynical. A woman who lacks femininity and wholesomeness is not attractive no matter how many hours she wastes at the gym. And then there is the far larger group of "average looking" women, who are also jaded. It's easy to see why more and more White American men are looking elsewhere for love and companionship. Men cherish women but feminism has taken away woman's love and yearning for man.

Women love and respect men in a fair and beneficent patriarchy, but when they are molded to be independent and, if there is a man in their life, to lord it over him knowing the power of the State is behind them no matter how reprehensible their behavior, they end up with contempt for men, much of it subconscious but still often all-consuming.

The "conservatives" and particularly "conservative Christians" are as bad as the knowing feminist subversives. The most whipped White men in the U.S. gynocracy are often church goers, many of whom will cry in public at the drop of a hat. Mainstream religion is the most female-dominated institution in the country other than the government school system. The Tea Party movement -- which was effortlessly co-opted by the GOP and Beltway "conservatives" -- also was and remains female dominated. "Conservative" White men are with few exceptions spineless, gutless jellyfish, completely cowed by women, minorities and Cultural Marxist orthodoxy.
Good morning Don, Good post.

I was just up in the city (when I say city, I mean NYC) recently for lunch with my niece ( an extremely beautiful young woman). I was early, as usual and as I was walking around, I couldn't help but observe the expressions on the faces of the working women (especially those over 40 yrs old). All I can call it is complete sadness. I think at some level, they know they've been had with this "career" nonsense. But now, they're in the system and are being ground up by it. I'm very worried this is going to happen to my niece. She's always complaining she can't find a man, and when she does, the guy's some sort of little waif. I think if she became angry, she could beat them up. I tell her right out the guy isn't any good (I don't like any beating around the bush). She gets angry and in a few months time, the guy is history. I tell my niece to go back home and get some little job and find a guy landscaping or something and get married and have kids. She says they're idiots and then get's angrier when I bring up the fact her brother and uncle (on her dad's side) are landscapers. She says that's different. She's not going to be that beautiful all too much longer (she's 26).

Remeber Don, these are our women and just like in the movie, the White guy has to be the hero and save them. I don't have any suggestions as to how to save someone who is going to fight you over it though. That's the main problem I think.

Tom Iron...
It's really only now that feminism's poisonous fruits are being fully harvested for those with eyes open to see. There's a huge number of "Baby Boomer" women who will grow old alone. There's a huge number of single mothers in their 30s and 40s who look worn beyond their years thanks to the "liberated" lifestyle they pursued in their 20s. Only manginas desperate for sex will have them, and most will end up being sheared eventually in divorce court.

Feminism rots the female soul. Many women held up as beautiful today are not attractive at all, because they lack inner beauty. They have great abs and the best fake tits money can buy, but they are products, mercenaries who are already jaded and cynical. A woman who lacks femininity and wholesomeness is not attractive no matter how many hours she wastes at the gym. And then there is the far larger group of "average looking" women, who are also jaded. It's easy to see why more and more White American men are looking elsewhere for love and companionship. Men cherish women but feminism has taken away woman's love and yearning for man.

Women love and respect men in a fair and beneficent patriarchy, but when they are molded to be independent and, if there is a man in their life, to lord it over him knowing the power of the State is behind them no matter how reprehensible their behavior, they end up with contempt for men, much of it subconscious but still often all-consuming.

The "conservatives" and particularly "conservative Christians" are as bad as the knowing feminist subversives. The most whipped White men in the U.S. gynocracy are often church goers, many of whom will cry in public at the drop of a hat. Mainstream religion is the most female-dominated institution in the country other than the government school system. The Tea Party movement -- which was effortlessly co-opted by the GOP and Beltway "conservatives" -- also was and remains female dominated. "Conservative" White men are with few exceptions spineless, gutless jellyfish, completely cowed by women, minorities and Cultural Marxist orthodoxy.
Great post, Don. You really nailed it...on all points. It's why I often refer to these women as being "physically attractive, but otherwise undesirable", because being feminine is so much more than about that having six pack abs, nice T&A, great skin, silky hair, etc. There's a reason why, 15 years ago, "erectile dysfunction" starting becoming almost epidemic among many Western men and you started to see ads for Viagra, and later, Levitra, and Cialis. An expat friend of mine used to be on Viagra when he lived in the States, but told me he "tossed it out the window" shortly after he removed himself from the Anglosphere.

Yes, it's a shame that the real grass-roots Tea Party was so easily co-opted by the monolithic GOP Corporate apparatus. The so-called "Conservative" male politicians are cowards and wimps...afraid to speak their minds...if they even have an original thought to convey that hasn't been filtered and sanctioned by the GOP. Bachman and Palin have bigger pairs than all of the other male GOP candidates put together. It's wholly embarrassing that Mitch McConnell is the face, at least according to the MSM, of "Conservative" Whites, especially White males. Ughhh. Not very flattering, to say the least.

Nice post too, foobar. Sorry, Tom, but these particular White women are going to have to save themselves...as the saying goes, "you've made your bed, now you're going to have to sleep in it." They should've been more discerning about what they were being taught in their "Women's Studies" classes in College and in the MSM instead of accepting it as pure gospel.
Some really good posts over the last day on this thread. Don gave an awesomely accurate and detailed but concise assessment of the situation as it related to feminism and the destruction it has brought. I'm blessed to have a wonderful White wife who opposes the feminist agenda, thanks in large part to her upbringing. I've known other White women who were also opposed to feminism and who were more concerned about finding a good White man to marry and raising children than anything else. They are no doubt hard to find, but they are still around. We need more courageous men to stand up and be leaders. Yes, it is a difficult climate in which to do so, but we need strong White men to lead us (and informed White people who will listen to them) now more than ever before.
Don Wassall said:
It's really only now that feminism's poisonous fruits are being fully harvested for those with eyes open to see. There's a huge number of "Baby Boomer" women who will grow old alone. There's a huge number of single mothers in their 30s and 40s who look worn beyond their years thanks to the "liberated" lifestyle they pursued in their 20s. Only manginas desperate for sex will have them, and most will end up being sheared eventually in divorce court.

Feminism rots the female soul. Many women held up as beautiful today are not attractive at all, because they lack inner beauty. They have great abs and the best fake tits money can buy, but they are products, mercenaries who are already jaded and cynical. A woman who lacks femininity and wholesomeness is not attractive no matter how many hours she wastes at the gym. And then there is the far larger group of "average looking" women, who are also jaded. It's easy to see why more and more White American men are looking elsewhere for love and companionship. Men cherish women but feminism has taken away woman's love and yearning for man.

Women love and respect men in a fair and beneficent patriarchy, but when they are molded to be independent and, if there is a man in their life, to lord it over him knowing the power of the State is behind them no matter how reprehensible their behavior, they end up with contempt for men, much of it subconscious but still often all-consuming.

The "conservatives" and particularly "conservative Christians" are as bad as the knowing feminist subversives. The most whipped White men in the U.S. gynocracy are often church goers, many of whom will cry in public at the drop of a hat. Mainstream religion is the most female-dominated institution in the country other than the government school system. The Tea Party movement -- which was effortlessly co-opted by the GOP and Beltway "conservatives" -- also was and remains female dominated. "Conservative" White men are with few exceptions spineless, gutless jellyfish, completely cowed by women, minorities and Cultural Marxist orthodoxy.

Thank you for yet another impassioned and knowledgeable post in this fantastic thread.

Growing up, my dad’s land bordered a massive Amish homestead (650-700 acres). They were our closest neighbors, but their multi-family complex was still about 3/4[SUP]th[/SUP] of a mile away from our house. Nevertheless, I was afforded the privilege of interacting with this family several times per month. We would both sell goods at local farmers markets, frequently helped each other with large harvests or construction projects, played baseball, traded animals / seed stock, gave them rides in our cars, and my dad would always plow their long driveways after every snow storm. Although my family practiced a different religion (Lutheran-Christian) than our Amish neighbors, both families were extremely proud of their Schweitzer-Deutsch (Pennsylvania Deutsch) ancestry. We also shared the bond of speaking Alemannic German in addition to English.

Given the time of year (late July), I’m now reminded of one of the most captivating days of my entire life…when my family attended an Amish wedding ceremony (in 2003, I believe) for my Amish neighbor’s oldest daughter. At the time, I was around 17 years old, approximately the same age as the young couple being married. As they repeated their wedding vows during the lengthy early morning ceremony within a large, simple barn, I remember pondering all the ways in which my more modernized life differed when compared to that of the bridge and groom. Or, more specifically, the ways in which the Amish bride differed from my then-girlfriend (now ex-girlfriend), who also attended the ceremony along with my family.

The Amish bride, of course, was a virgin. She’d spent her entire life learning the craft of femininity from her mother and respecting her father’s authority inherent with his masculinity. She didn’t need makeup, expensive jewelry, dozens of flowers, decorations, a flashy wedding dress, a fake tan, an elaborate hair style, weeks of working out at the gym, fake nails, or some pricey ornamental veil in order to radiate with true female beauty.

She was soft, feminine, sweet, caring, kind, humble thoughtful, graceful, intelligent, spiritual, hard-working, respectful, and possessed both inner and outer beauty. Like all real women, she looked to her husband and to God for all forms of guidance. I can vividly recall her angelic behavior at the evening reception (which took place in a larger barn). She was talking politely with relatives, holding babies, playing with toddlers, singing traditional songs, holding hands with her husband, laughing and smiling like a young woman who was truly thankful for the blessings of a new husband and a loving family. I remember asking her during the ceremony…“So how many children do you want to have?” She smiled and said something like…“as many as my husband desires and God blesses us with.”

It was as if I was conversing with a white woman from an entirely different time and place…as if this unspoiled aura of young womanhood could be hiding inside the dim-witted, boorish, materialistic, selfish shell of new age (so-called) “women.” On her wedding night, the elemental femininity living in her soul was saturated with all the goodness of this once-great race.

Seven years later, and, according to my dad, the couple has since moved to Ohio and has already bore 7 children.
This isn't "man hating" (per se), but it does accentuate the push to celebrate all things "womern". The self-absorbed hens love to make much ado of nothing. Besides...IMO, birthday parties are for young'erns....not "adults".

Among Generation X women, age 40 is party time

By Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY

The Big 4-0 looms large for Jennifer O'Donnell of Sebastopol, Calif.

She turns 40 on Saturday. But she's not bemoaning the fact that she's on the cusp of middle age. She's planning to party.

"Turning 40 is a pretty big deal to most people," says O'Donnell, the mother of two, ages 3 and 6.
Since she and her sister-in-law Melyssa Watson both turn 40 within two weeks of each other and are good friends, the families are celebrating with a beach vacation. "On my actual birthday, my request is that I have a spa day," says O'Donnell, who works for a non-profit.

She's not alone by any means. Many of today's Gen X women see the Big 4-0 as the midpoint of their lives, and are embracing it with a new zest. They're celebrating with girlfriend getaways or exotic no-kids vacations with spouses, or making special family memories.

In many cases, it's a party. Whether a lavish spread or a gathering at home, these soirees are almost like a new Sweet 16. But rather than a coming-of-age statement, the 40th party is a way to proclaim they're healthy, they're sexy and they haven't lost their mojo.
"What we did is pretty decadent," says Christy Swildens of Tiburon, Calif., who flew to Mexico with her friends for her 40th last fall. "My mom thought it was pretty ridiculous. … Very few people were flying to Mexico with their friends just because they were 40. It is a very different time."

Sociologist Richard Settersten Jr., a professor at the Center for Healthy Aging Research at Oregon State University in Corvallis, attributes the attitude to societal changes such as marrying and having children at older ages. What used to happen in the 20s and 30s is moving into the 40s, he says.

"It naturally means your 40s are completely different. For many, the 40s are active years of childrearing. Just a couple of decades ago, the bulk of childbearing and childrearing was done by 40."
And Settersten says the culture isn't always fair. "We're still a society that has some pretty serious double standards," he says. "Wrinkles and gray hair make men look distinguished, but those very same things make women look over the hill. The 40th birthday parties seem to be a reflection of that — to show they're not yet old."
Economist John Shoven of Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif., says perceptions about middle age have changed.

"Forty doesn't mean what it did a generation or two ago," he says. "When a woman turns 40, she is not the same age as when her mother turned 40. She's in better health. She has a lower mortality risk. She has more healthy years to look forward to. A 40-year-old today, relative to, say, a 40-year-old in 1960, is going to live approximately five or six years longer."
David Tutera, author of the 2006 book Big Birthdays, says he has been getting more requests for help with milestone birthday parties. "They do it to create shared experiences," says Tutera, host of My Fair Wedding on WE tv. "It's really about the experience for family and friends."

That's why Swildens, who turned 40 in September, says she headed to Cabo San Lucas with her husband, her sister and about a dozen girlfriends.

Seizing the moment
"For me, it was more of an excuse, because 40 wasn't a big deal. It was an excuse to do something and be with friends," says Swildens, the mother of three, ages, 3, 6 and 8.
Lisa Wilkins, who has two sons, ages 7 and 9, hosted a catered "grown-ups-only" party at her Chicago home on June 11 to mark her 40th on June 21. "I always knew I wanted to have a party for my 40th," she says. "I do think it's a rite of passage."
Mommybloggers Trisha Ashworth and Amy Nobile, both 42, say the milestone of 40 brings with it all sorts of feelings.

"It's that expectation to be at a certain place and feel at a certain place. You don't magically turn 40 and reach it," says Ashworth, of Ross, Calif., whose kids are 11, 9 and 7. "In your 20s, you look to the future and think 'At 40, I will have peace in my life and a big house and 2.2 kids.' You have this list you expected to accomplish. Then you get to 40 and the list is not filled up yet. It's a scary door to walk through."
Nobile, a mother of two, ages 7 and 8, in Hingham, Mass., says the 40th birthday party isn't about "hanging onto the past."
"It's showing the world that 40 isn't what it used to look like. 'Look at me. I have so much more life to live and I'm very vibrant and successful,' instead of crying in the corner," she says.

Even those who have had a tough adjustment to the reality of 40 don't necessarily want to miss an opportunity to party. "I thought turning 30 was bad," says Deena McCreath, who lives in Tampa and New York. "To me, this is 10 years worse. They say 40 is the new 30, but to me, it's 40 and now you're approaching 50."

Still, she and her husband, Gillie, both recently celebrated their 40th birthdays, with a getaway to Italy for her and to Wimbledon for him. McCreath, a stay-at-home mother of 17-month-old Carys, turned 40 on June 26.

"It could be half of our life is over, so we want to celebrate," she says. "That's why we rented this house in Tuscany, so we can be a little self-indulgent the way we used to be when we were 16 years old and maybe forget for two weeks that we are 40."
She says she and her friends waited to have children, and are now raising infants and toddlers. "When we were 30, none of us had kids," she says.
Not everyone parties, though.

Cathy Qureshi of Pittsburgh wasn't convinced she wanted a celebration for her 40th on April 10, but there was a lot of talk about a gathering of her high school friends, who are turning 40 this year.
"We never got the momentum together," she says. "I was going along for the e-mail ride."
Qureshi, a financial analyst, says she and her husband gave a party for their son's fifth birthday the week before hers.
"We were just all partied out," she says. "All my energy and finances had gone to that."
Another who didn't go the party route is Elisabeth Glassey of Canton, Conn., whose February birthday was on Super Bowl Sunday. They made chili and watched the game, she says.

"I don't necessarily feel 40," Glassey says. "A lot of my friends had children later in life. That may be impacting our view of what 40 is: 40 is the new 30."
40 seems younger today
Just 10 days ago, she added a second son to the family. She and her husband have two other kids, ages 5 and 3.

Glassey says her world at 40 is very different from what her parents experienced at the same age. "At this point for my mom, we were well on our way to high school and off to college. She made that comment, 'I was almost a grandma when I turned 40,'" Glassey says.
Michele Lewis of Houston turned 40 on May 29 and celebrated her birthday over Memorial Day weekend during a convention in Las Vegas. The freelance writer and mother of two, ages 8 and 9, has been separated 18 months. She married in 1997. She says the past two years have really made her think.
"For me, 40 is 'What do I want and what am I going to do to get it without feeling guilty?'" she says. "For the past decade, I've been a mom. I know I need to have 'me time.' It's difficult for me to do it when I know they want me around. It's just not all about me anymore."
Ashworth and Nobile, who interview women for their books and website, say they've noticed a change over the past five years.
"We went back to a good number of women we had initially interviewed for our first book, as well as a lot of women we had never before talked to," Nobile says. "These women, across the board, said that the best compliment they could receive was that they looked younger than their age. Many of them had originally told us that the best compliment they could receive was being a good mom."

That's not a surprise to Frederick Augustyn Jr. of the Popular Culture Association, who says the Baby Boomer group, preceding these Gen Xers, has been "stereotypically stuck in viewing itself as forever young."

"They cast a heavy shadow over Generation X in the attitude toward how young do they see themselves and wanting to be seen as young," says Augustyn, of Greenbelt, Md.
Psychologist Laura Carstensen, director of Stanford University's Center on Longevity, says societal norms about "when to get educated and when to retire" haven't changed, but should. "We're still living our lives around these cultures when life was not as long."
To McCreath, 40 was a chance to step back in time "to our old life of minimal responsibility and spur-of-the-moment travel and staying out late and eating and drinking anything we like."
"It sounds a little self-indulgent," she says. "But we deserve it at 40."


It's really only now that feminism's poisonous fruits are being fully harvested for those with eyes open to see. There's a huge number of "Baby Boomer" women who will grow old alone. There's a huge number of single mothers in their 30s and 40s who look worn beyond their years thanks to the "liberated" lifestyle they pursued in their 20s. Only manginas desperate for sex will have them, and most will end up being sheared eventually in divorce court.

Feminism rots the female soul. Many women held up as beautiful today are not attractive at all, because they lack inner beauty. They have great abs and the best fake tits money can buy, but they are products, mercenaries who are already jaded and cynical. A woman who lacks femininity and wholesomeness is not attractive no matter how many hours she wastes at the gym. And then there is the far larger group of "average looking" women, who are also jaded. It's easy to see why more and more White American men are looking elsewhere for love and companionship. Men cherish women but feminism has taken away woman's love and yearning for man.

Women love and respect men in a fair and beneficent patriarchy, but when they are molded to be independent and, if there is a man in their life, to lord it over him knowing the power of the State is behind them no matter how reprehensible their behavior, they end up with contempt for men, much of it subconscious but still often all-consuming.

The "conservatives" and particularly "conservative Christians" are as bad as the knowing feminist subversives. The most whipped White men in the U.S. gynocracy are often church goers, many of whom will cry in public at the drop of a hat. Mainstream religion is the most female-dominated institution in the country other than the government school system. The Tea Party movement -- which was effortlessly co-opted by the GOP and Beltway "conservatives" -- also was and remains female dominated. "Conservative" White men are with few exceptions spineless, gutless jellyfish, completely cowed by women, minorities and Cultural Marxist orthodoxy.

Agree 100%, you are a great man and your post here demonstrates excellent intelligence with regard to "thinking outside the box".

Most men are simply oblivious to these facts.

I enjoy reading your posts and coming on to this site. Its been a tremendous learning experience for me.
This is a depressing article. It should actually be the titled "The Slow Disappearance of the (White) American Working Man", but in any event, this is all by design. The PTB know that the only threat to their dominance is the White man. And therefore, all those who run the government, the corporations, the media, and the academia devised their plan 50 years ago to introduce feminism and get women to compete with men. And then, about 30 years ago, they started shifting our manufacturing base overseas, and long with it, millions of jobs that will never be coming back. It's no wonder that in this multi-front assault, men have found themselves on the losing end.

Since the great majority of the afore-mentioned institutions are run by Zionists, feminists, homosexuals, and their mangina lapdogs, the White man has no allies in this fight. I don't know what the end game is, and I try to stay optimistic, but it's not looking good when you peak into the future 10, 20 years out.

The Slow Disappearance of the American Working Man
A smaller share of men have jobs today than at any time since World War II

As President Barack Obama puts together a new jobs plan to be revealed shortly after Labor Day, he is up against a powerful force, long in the making, that has gone virtually unnoticed in the debate over how to put people back to work: Employers are increasingly giving up on the American man.

If that sounds bleak, it's because it is. The portion of men who work and their median wages have been eroding since the early 1970s. For decades the impact of this fact was softened in many families by the increasing number of women who went to work and took up the slack. More recently, the housing bubble helped to mask it by boosting the male-dominated construction trades, which employed millions. When real estate ultimately crashed, so did the prospects for many men. The portion of men holding a job—any job, full- or part-time—fell to 63.5 percent in July—hovering stubbornly near the low point of 63.3 percent it reached in December 2009. These are the lowest numbers in statistics going back to 1948. Among the critical category of prime working-age men between 25 and 54, only 81.2 percent held jobs, a barely noticeable improvement from its low point last year—and still well below the depths of the 1982-83 recession, when employment among prime-age men never dropped below 85 percent. To put those numbers in perspective, consider that in 1969, 95 percent of men in their prime working years had a job.

Men who do have jobs are getting paid less. After accounting for inflation, median wages for men between 30 and 50 dropped 27 percent—to $33,000 a year— from 1969 to 2009, according to an analysis by Michael Greenstone, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology economics professor who was chief economist for Obama's Council of Economic Advisers. "That takes men and puts them back at their earnings capacity of the 1950s," Greenstone says. "That has staggering implications."
What is going on here? For one thing, women, who have made up a majority of college students for three decades and now account for 57 percent, are adapting better to a data-driven economy that values education and collaborative skills more than muscle. That isn't to say women have yet eclipsed men in the workplace. They continue to earn about 16 percent less than men and struggle against gender discrimination and career interruptions as they disproportionately take time away from the job to raise children. And both men and women have confronted job losses in the weak economy. In July, 68.9 percent of women aged 25-54 had jobs, vs. 72.8 percent in January 2008. (In 1969, however, fewer than half did.) After a long decline in men's work opportunities, the recession worsened things with a sharp drop in male employment. Unemployed men are now more likely than women to be among the long-term jobless.

The economic downturn exacerbated forces that have long been undermining men in the workplace, says Lawrence Katz, a Harvard professor of labor economics. Corporations have cut costs by moving manufacturing jobs, routine computer programming, and even simple legal work out of the country. The production jobs that remain are increasingly mechanized and demand higher skills. Technology and efforts to reduce the number of layers within corporations are leaving fewer middle-management jobs.

The impact has been greatest on moderately skilled men, especially those without a college education, though even men with bachelor's degrees from less selective schools are beginning to see their position erode. "There's really been this polarization in the middle," Katz says, as men at the top of the education and income scale see their earnings rise while those in the middle gravitate downward.

For generations, American workers kept up with technological change by achieving higher levels of education than their parents. High school education became the norm as the country progressed from an agrarian society to an industrial one. After World War II, increasing numbers of Americans went to college as the economy became more complex. But for reasons not fully understood, college graduation rates essentially stopped growing for men in the late 1970s, shortly after the Vietnam War ended, perhaps in part because draft deferments were no longer an inducement. Women, on the other hand, continued to pursue college degrees in greater numbers and have been more responsive to the changing economy in other ways, taking many of the nursing and technician positions in the expanding health-care industry and making greater headway in service jobs.

While unemployment is an ordeal for anyone, it still appears to be more traumatic for men. Men without jobs are more likely to commit crimes and go to prison. They are less likely to wed, more likely to divorce, and more likely to father a child out of wedlock. Ironically, unemployed men tend to do even less housework than men with jobs and often retreat from family life, says W. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia.

The long-term fix is simple to spell out and tough to achieve: getting more men to attend college and improving the skills of those who don't. Reducing financial barriers to higher education would be a start. But there isn't much political appetite for spending the billions it would take to make that happen. Even once-sacred Pell Grants are on the block as Washington looks for budget cuts. A strapped public education system that leaves many young men unprepared for the workplace, let alone college, doesn't help. It's noteworthy but not especially comforting to know that this is not just an American problem. The same gender differences in college attendance and employment are emerging in rich societies around the world.

Grappling with these intractable problems won't likely be Obama's top priority. He is under pressure to do something that will be felt now, not a generation from now. The longer people who are currently unemployed remain out of work, the more their skills will atrophy and the greater the risk of a cohort of men—and women—who become permanently detached from the workplace. Anything that raises employment overall would help. Obama is expected to propose tax incentives for employers to hire workers, a reduction in payroll taxes employers pay, and spending on infrastructure. Money for labor-intensive projects, such as retrofitting buildings for energy conservation or refurbishing aging schools, would be especially effective in putting men back to work in construction—though Washington is likely in no mood to pay for that either.

Other ideas that economists have proposed are geared toward keeping men with diminished opportunities from drifting out of the workforce altogether. They include reducing unemployment-benefits extensions for those who have been out of work for a year or more—to give those who are getting by on an unemployment check a stronger incentive to take a job, even if it's not the most desirable one. Others have proposed modifying the Social Security disability insurance system so that it is no longer an all-or-nothing proposition and instead subsidizes employers for hiring workers with partial disabilities. Since 1970, the fraction of 25- to 60-year-old men on disability has more than doubled, from 2.4 percent to 5 percent. Once they begin receiving disability payments, few return to work.
If there is any upside to recessions, it's that they tend to expose deep problems that go ignored or at least overlooked in better times. The short-term fixes the President proposes may provide much needed relief for the millions of people looking for a job. The danger is that the fixes will work just well enough to let us pretend—for a while longer—that the real problem is no longer there.

The bottom line: As women saw workplace gains in recent decades—68 percent of those 25 to 54 have jobs—men's prospects have diminished.

foobar75, Yes, excellent article. I've been very close to this subject for a long time. But there's a lot of depth to this subject people don't look at. First, what we're seeing is absolute Marxism, pushing men to the sidelines. But it won't work, just like the Soviet Union didn't work.

Another point is we're like animals in a way. For example, look at dogs. They all sprang from wolves, but as we can easily see, many breeds have come a long way from wolves. But it took years to develop these different breeds for specific purposes, such as herding, catching rats, etc. Not so with men. It only took a couple of generations to breed many men into quasi women. You see them walking along the street everywhere. Interesting.

Getting back to the idea of work. Quite awhile ago, when I was involved in my union's apprentice program, we started noticing differences in our prospective apprentices. Many of those differences were physical, but there was also differences in attitude and physchology. We were only working men(we on the apprentice committee), so we didn't know what we were seeing at the time. But what we were seeing was the beginning of what we have now. Men weren't being raised as before. Hardly ever being indoors, except to eat and sleep. Now they spent many hrs. indoors and generally did little to no exercise. Many of these same young men were sons of our members, who themselves were excellent working men. It took years for me to understand that even though their own fathers were good working men, the combination of mothers and the school system was undermining whatever good the father might've been doing. This doesn't mean that the mother meant to undermine their won husbands at that early period. It only meant that they're womanly natures were winning over that of their husbands. With women, intellect is everything. with men intellect is only one part of a man. In my own experience, I've known some real smart men who weren't worth a dime, and some pretty intellectually mediocre (I'm no Einstein myself) ones who were absolutley great men to work with and be around.

Recently, i passed by a construction job on a hot day and there was a big fat American guy standing in what he thought were work clothes and boots, talking on a cell phone and gesticulating some distance away from the work (pouring a foundation) so everyone understood he was of course, the boss. The gang were all mexicans. I watched for a bit and he never got off the phone, but anyone with an ounce of sense knew that if he tried to actually put his hand to any of the work, he'd fall over dead. This is what we've come to.

I will say this though to finish up. Everytime, I get myself depressed about this type of thing, along comes a real good specimen of a young American working guy. One thing people don't understand about Americans. If a young American puts his mind to it, he can work all these poor slob mexicans into the ground. I always wonder how a guy like that falls through the cracks and isn't ruined like so many of our young men and boys.

Tom Iron...
Useful idiot Desmond Tutu believes women should rule the world. Speak for yourself, you silly negro mangina.

Women should rule the world - Tutu
2011-10-08 14:24
Cape Town - The world would be a peaceful place if it were ruled by women, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said on Saturday.

Asked in a conversation with the Dalai Lama, via live-streaming and video link-up, how he believed war could be stopped, Tutu responded: "Actually it is very straightforward: let women take over."

He said women were by nature more inclined towards compassion, whereas men tend to feel they have to be "macho".

"You are basically life-giving, life-affirming. That is what you are naturally when you are unspoilt... Women can actually make society civil."

American Freedom News