Toby Gerhart

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SuperSpeed23 said:
I kinda want to kick the sh*t out of whoever wrote that article. Scratch that, i definetely want to.
Thats the first thing I felt after reading it. These writers or "journalists" are getting worse with their hatred of white athletes, its to the point where it isn't even that subtle anymore. Its right there in your face. How can fans not notice this?
icsept said:
These training camp pundits can write anything they want because we can't see the tape.

Precisely. He's lying because the master script calls for insincerity. Gerhart's college career contains some of the most punishing displays of legitimate smash-mouth football (coupled with his quickness, speed, agility, strength and athleticism) in NCAA history.

Perhaps his friendly Viking "teammates"Â￾ could consult with their Pac-10 brethren? You know, the all-black defenses that did nothing accept get absolutely steamrolled and utterly embarrassed for years by this lightning-fast bulldozer of a running back.

Let the envious, obese little boys have their "fun"Â￾ for now. We'll see who's "crawling"Â￾ when the smoke clears. If any white athlete is equipped to handle the absolute intolerance towards his very existence"¦Gerhart is that athlete.

With any luck, the rotund, wanna-be-bullies harassing Toby will follow the path of the equally plump, former Viking tackle, Corey Stringer.
This Jim Souhan that wrote the article looks like a balding pencil-neck geek w/o an athletic bone in his puny little body...I'd like to see Gerhart drill him in the dirt!

Hopefully this will make Toby battle tested ready for whatever comes his way!

It's OK for whitey to take lead your team to the Promised Land if your a QB...but that runnin' back position be for the brutha's...
And also what the hells with them saying toby cant grasp the vikings offense!! Theres no way a very smart and hard working guy would have trouble with that.
Yeah, SS23, that's exactly what I thought as I read the story. Right, the offense is too complicated for a Stanford grad, yet affletes that score an 8 on the Wonderlic can pick it up, no problem. Uh huh.
I agree with you guys. It's like saying Einstein can do mathmatics. What a joke. It's obvious what is going on here. Toby needs to quit being so damn nice and go out there and play smash mouth football. Do not let them break you mentally or physically!
FootballDad said:
Yeah, SS23, that's exactly what I thought as I read the story.  Right, the offense is too complicated for a Stanford grad, yet affletes that score an 8 on the Wonderlic can pick it up, no problem.  Uh huh.

Saying Toby can't grasp the offense is like saying hardcore DWFs get the caste system.

In all honesty, Toby probably has a better grasp on the offense then half of the Viking's players.
There's nothing Toby can do to overcome the Caste systems strength right now. Toby will never get anymore of an opportunity than Leonard or Hester have until more prominent people speak up about it...
"â- Rookie running back Toby Gerhart continued to take a bit of "welcome to the NFL" abuse. Gerhart took a handoff in 11-on-11 and as the play ended he was given a "nudge" by defensive tackle Letroy Guion that sent Gerhart to the ground. That would have been fine if the Vikings were in pads and tackling Wednesday but that was not the case."

This is just getting ridiculous. Gerhart needs to throw punches ala Riley Cooper. I'm sure their not taking cheap shots on Albert Young like they do on Gerhart.
The Vikings have released their official team depth chart. The ultra-nobody, Albert Young, is indeed listed as Peterson's backup. The only other white starters on offense (assuming Favre doesn't return) is OG Hutchinson and C John Sullivan. TE Garrett Mills is currently the 4th string TE, and WR Logan Payne also buried behind no-name scrubs (besides Berrian and Harvin).

Jared Allen, Ben Leber and Chad Greenway remain starters on defense. DE Brian Robison is listed as Allen's backup"¦probably because he's easily humiliate and supplant Ray Edwards. LB's Jay Lehman and Heath Farwell are backups. Lehman isn't likely to make the team.

Without Favre, 5 white starters for the Vikings. Injuries could help the situation, as there are plenty of white backups.
Thrashen said:
The Vikings have released their official team depth chart. The ultra-nobody, Albert Young, is indeed listed as Peterson's backup. The only other white starters on offense (assuming Favre doesn't return) is OG Hutchinson and C John Sullivan. TE Garrett Mills is currently the 4th string TE, and WR Logan Payne also buried behind no-name scrubs (besides Berrian and Harvin).

Jared Allen, Ben Leber and Chad Greenway remain starters on defense. DE Brian Robison is listed as Allen's backup"¦probably because he's easily humiliate and supplant Ray Edwards. LB's Jay Lehman and Heath Farwell are backups. Lehman isn't likely to make the team.

Without Favre, 5 white starters for the Vikings. Injuries could help the situation, as there are plenty of white backups.

Damn, these Vikings are atrocious.
It is amazing how Gerhart's demotion coincides with black players mistreating him. I wonder if this has anything to do with him being put behind a scrub......I would say that the spineless Childress has caved in to his black players. If this is what is going on at practice I wonder what is being said and the things going on behind the scenes.

This is another problems whites face trying to play "black" positions. Blacks think they own those positions and will not give them up, and in today's NFL, the coaches aren't the authority figure they used to be. The inmates run the prison.....I mean the players run the team. I think this is one of the reasons coaches don't give white guys a shot, because they just don't want to deal with the black players being upset. They don't want to upset their precious affletic super stars, even though they are supposed to be the coach, the guy in charge.

I agree, Gerhart should fight back, run over someone or something. It doesn't matter if he has pads on or not. This will be the only way to get the black teammates to respect him which is important because coaches want "team chemistry". This is probably why Albert Young is 2nd string right now. I hope he does, because THIS IS THE ONLY OPPORTUNITY HE HAS.

The way he reacts to black teammates now is going to be one of the deciding factors whether he is going to get a decent amount of carries, or whether he is going to sit on the bench or be a fullback for the rest of his career, because if he doesn't get a decent role this year, no one will remember how talented he is next year and dwfs will be drooling over new runningbacks coming out of college, Gerhart's Heisman worthy season will be a distant memory, just like Hester's 1,000+ yard performance leading LSU to at National Championship was quickly forgotten once LT declined. If he tries to demand carries later on in his career there will be some new guy named Tyrone who dwfs are raving about who just had a stellar college career and they will just laugh Gerhart off.

He can either stick up for himself and demand he get the ball (he is a high draft pick, and high draft picks have acted this way in the past) or he can say aw shucks I'll play waterboy if they wanted me to and wind up like Jacob Hester. We all saw Hester's attitude and how he was with LT, look where that has gotten him. The last white rusher to go over 1,000 yards was Craig James. The way he got the carries was to not take any crap and he demanded to Raymond Berry that he get more touches in the offense.

So Gerhart has to make a decision, because he has a lot of things going against him. He needs to demand more carries than Albert Young, because no one is going to remember what he does in the 4th quarter in a preseason game, and as we can see, espn and nfl network will not show this either. By the second half of preseason games dwfs are already tuned out, probably from drinking too much and passed out from eating too much junk. He already insisted that he was a halfback and not a fullback, he just has to take it one step further. He doesn't have much to lose, he is already 3rd string and being treated like crap from teammates. He has a degree from Stanford to fall back on.

Edited by: snow
Kaptain Poop said:
"â- Rookie running back Toby Gerhart continued to take a bit of "welcome to the NFL" abuse. Gerhart took a handoff in 11-on-11 and as the play ended he was given a "nudge" by defensive tackle Letroy Guion that sent Gerhart to the ground. That would have been fine if the Vikings were in pads and tackling Wednesday but that was not the case."

This is just getting ridiculous. Gerhart needs to throw punches ala Riley Cooper. I'm sure their not taking cheap shots on Albert Young like they do on Gerhart.

You're right man. If he strangled that Williams idiot he'd pretty much rule. Even my weak *** would have already done it.
Toby Gerhart Gets into it With Ray Edwards
AUTHOR: danzinski | IN: Vikings | COMMENTS: None Yet |
Considering the sweltering temperatures in Mankato, the generally high testosterone level of professional football players and the fact that Thursday morning marked the final full practice session and everyone was really anxious to get on with the show"¦well, let's just say, the stage was set for things to get chippy at Vikings camp.

And, indeed, things did get chippy.

Given the way events have unfolded so far this camp for Toby Gerhart, it's no surprise that the rookie ended up at the center of the dust-up.

It's been, shall we say, an intense camp for Mr. Gerhart. First he showed up late, thanks to his extended contract negotiations, and then when he did finally arrive, certain veterans on the defense, Pat Williams foremost among them, took it upon themselves to provide Mr. Gerhart with a memorable and at times painful initiation into the NFL.

This initiation process â€" mostly it involves knocking Toby on his rookie can â€" has continued pretty much unabated since the first day of camp.

Gerhart, to his credit, has taken his daily beatings without whining. But you had to imagine that, underneath, he was getting hotter than the mercury in a Minnesota thermometer.

On Thursday, Gerhart appeared to boil over at last.

Perhaps unwisely, Gerhart chose Ray Edwards as the man to finally vent a little of his frustration against. Then again, who on the Vikings defense would be a wise person to give a little extra business on a miserable day with practice winding down and some guys possibly itching for a refreshing little camp brawl?

Thankfully, the situation never actually escalated into a full-on brawl. Going by the Twitter dispatches from Chip Scoggins, things never got far beyond the pushing and yelling phase.

According to Gerhart himself, the whole thing started when he chipped Edwards on a play before going into his route â€" a perfectly natural thing for a running back to be doing. For some reason, Edwards didn't appreciate the way Gerhart executed his chip, and he let the former Stanford stand-out know about it.

Afterward, Gerhart said he was surprised by the way Edwards reacted.

"I didn't expect it at all, but that's the way it goes,"Â he told reporters. "Everybody had my back and they had their back. It's offense-defense. People are getting after each other."Â

By reports, Vikings coaches mostly had Gerhart's back. Chip Scoggins tweeted that things got "heated"Â between Edwards and defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier after the incident. And Gerhart's position coach Eric Bieniemy also reportedly got in Edwards' ear.

Edwards, for his part, said he was just trying to send a message to the rookie about the proper way to do things in practice.

"Just let him know don't do what he did,"Â Edwards said. "Hopefully we don't have that thing again. Don't need to do that at practice, not against your own guys."Â

So, what exactly did Gerhart do that angered Edwards so much? So far, it doesn't seem like anyone knows. Except Edwards.

The good news is that, by the time practice ended, everyone was laughing about the tiny fracas.

In his press conference, Brad Childress characterized the dust-up as no big deal, then praised Toby Gerhart's gumption.

"It's what makes these guys good," Chilly said. "You've got to have a little edge to you, you've got to have a little stink about you. Toby's choking it back and understands the rookie role and all that kind of stuff. But you're only going to take it for so long. It's like the old Popeye deal, ‘That's all I can stands, I can't stands no more.' The great thing is the eye in the sky doesn't lie. We have it all on videotape."Â

Leave it to Chilly to put things in, uh, perspective.
Only a handful of white running backs in the league and the bruthas still feel they need to shut whitey down. This is despicable. Blacks make sure that white players at caste positions and especially rookies are treated like trash. They want to intimidate them to the highest degree. They are not going to let their boy Albert Young lose his backup job to some whiteboy. We all know it's true.
You took the words right out of my mouth whiteathlete33. It's been going on for decades now and the caste system seems to get stronger by the year. It's not only the owners, scouts and the coach's, fans, but also the players who help to enforce the rare guy that makes the team. The defense makes sure they punish him extra hard. Also alot of guys on the offensive line all of a sudden forget how to block as good as with the other backs. It's so obvious.

Just look at how Jacob Hester and Danny Woodhead did in the preseason when they got to carry the ball. They did very well despite this. That shows real talent but what good did it do? They get to go back to the bench. We just can't give a white guy the ball in a regular season game.

I hope Gerhart gets vocal. Especially if he hears racist chants. Call them out on it. It may ruin his career but maybe it would wake some dumb fans across America up as to what is going on.
The problem for white players is that they can't really do much about it. Do they claim racism and then have all the blacks on the team against them and possibly kill their NFL careers? Do they fight back? It's a lose-lose situation no matter what they do.

I can't even imagine the hate in these black defenders who saw Brock Forsey and Travis Jervey started some games because of injury. If a brutha can he will cheap shot a white to take them out.

Edited by: whiteathlete33
snow said:
It is amazing how Gerhart's demotion coincides with black players mistreating him. I wonder if this has anything to do with him being put behind a scrub......I would say that the spineless Childress has caved in to his black players. If this is what is going on at practice I wonder what is being said and the things going on behind the scenes.

This is another problems whites face trying to play "black" positions. Blacks think they own those positions and will not give them up, and in today's NFL, the coaches aren't the authority figure they used to be. The inmates run the prison.....I mean the players run the team. I think this is one of the reasons coaches don't give white guys a shot, because they just don't want to deal with the black players being upset. They don't want to upset their precious affletic super stars, even though they are supposed to be the coach, the guy in charge.

I agree, Gerhart should fight back, run over someone or something. It doesn't matter if he has pads on or not. This will be the only way to get the black teammates to respect him which is important because coaches want "team chemistry". This is probably why Albert Young is 2nd string right now. I hope he does, because THIS IS THE ONLY OPPORTUNITY HE HAS.

The way he reacts to black teammates now is going to be one of the deciding factors whether he is going to get a decent amount of carries, or whether he is going to sit on the bench or be a fullback for the rest of his career, because if he doesn't get a decent role this year, no one will remember how talented he is next year and dwfs will be drooling over new runningbacks coming out of college, Gerhart's Heisman worthy season will be a distant memory, just like Hester's 1,000+ yard performance leading LSU to at National Championship was quickly forgotten once LT declined. If he tries to demand carries later on in his career there will be some new guy named Tyrone who dwfs are raving about who just had a stellar college career and they will just laugh Gerhart off.

He can either stick up for himself and demand he get the ball (he is a high draft pick, and high draft picks have acted this way in the past) or he can say aw shucks I'll play waterboy if they wanted me to and wind up like Jacob Hester. We all saw Hester's attitude and how he was with LT, look where that has gotten him. The last white rusher to go over 1,000 yards was Craig James. The way he got the carries was to not take any crap and he demanded to Raymond Berry that he get more touches in the offense.

So Gerhart has to make a decision, because he has a lot of things going against him. He needs to demand more carries than Albert Young, because no one is going to remember what he does in the 4th quarter in a preseason game, and as we can see, espn and nfl network will not show this either. By the second half of preseason games dwfs are already tuned out, probably from drinking too much and passed out from eating too much junk. He already insisted that he was a halfback and not a fullback, he just has to take it one step further. He doesn't have much to lose, he is already 3rd string and being treated like crap from teammates. He has a degree from Stanford to fall back on.

Excellent post. For Gerhart to succeed he has to reverse the usual racial dynamics -- he needs to play with a big chip on his shoulder, including being aggressive with his teammates at times. That's what Jeremy Shockey did and apparently Riley Cooper too. I'm sure it goes very strongly against Gerhart's character but he has to realize by now how race is everything in the NFL and Whites that don't stand up for themselves won't get support from anyone else.

And yeh, Childress has always stood out as a Caste mangina. The Vikings are one of those teams that have some excellent White players in spite of the coach (drafted or signed as free agents by those higher up the totem pole in the organization) rather than because of him.

Snow's point about the coach no longer having much authority is spot on, something we've discussed here a number of times. I watched a bit of the NFL Network's "Hard Knocks" for the first time recently, on the Bengals. Marvin Lewis is good at yelling at times and trying to motivate, but to watch that show is to see how lightly many black players take their job. At one point during a practice Lewis is asking why one player is wearing sandals and another flip flops. I'd be willing to give 1,000 to 1 odds on what race those two players were. For those with eyes to see, Hard Knocks is actually an indictment of the NFL and its racial pandering, even though it's undoubtedly cleaned up quite a bit by the time DWF Nation watches the final product.
This is beyond rookie hazing. Who else is getting hazed on that team? Gerhart needs to get these guys alone seperately and "show them the errors of their ways" then calmly explain to them one day they'll probably be coming to him for a handout.
It's black racism at it's finest. I have never in my entire life seen a more racist racial group than blacks. Their low iq's and hate for anyone who isn't black is tremendous. Whites give them money, handouts, and everything they need yet they don't care about that. Whites need to cut off all ties with them. Until that happens we are in for hell.
haha, i read haircuts instead of handouts and was slightly confused and highly amused.
backrow said:
haha, i read haircuts instead of handouts and was slightly confused and highly amused.

LOL Backrow! Unfortunately it looks like Toby may end up being third on the depth chart this season. That all but assures us he won't see the field. He may get a few token carries when the Vikings are blowing some team out. It's just so depressing to hear this.
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