Toby Gerhart

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Anything to knock the best white running back in the league out. His comments after the hits so exactly what trash this obese negro is. God forbid Peterson gets injured and Gerhart has to start for a few games. Every single negro defensive player in the league will make sure to put "the right kind" of hit on him. His season won't last too long.
Yeah, no damn way he hits Peterson that hard. I honestly hope he hurts himself. I could care less about this fat piece of crap.
What a jealous piece of sh*t. I bet if the Vikings would have chosen an afflete with their pick, he and Williams would have already blazed it and drank that purple drank.
If not for his God given (yet overrated) "skillz", "Rat Shilliams" would be digging ditches, loading a garbage truck or (most likely) selling crack for a living.
The negroes are pissed one less brotha without a job. I bet that fat MF got a talking to after practice. The Vikings invested too much in Toby to let him get injured.
"Paying these college boys like they already played before"Â￾

And they pay black boys as if they were actually better football players than white men during high school and college. Pat Williams' grammar is only a shade above F3dor's. Hopefully Tubby's leviathan heart detonates, along with so many of his 400 lb black chums.

Blacks can express open jealousy towards whites and are collectively praised ("Pat Williams is the (expletive) best" â€" from the article). Another perk of melanin, I suppose.Edited by: Thrashen

Looks like fat montrosity is wearing some "bling"... Doesn't he know that you can't polish a turd?
This Caste clown writes that "violence is part of the job" of being an NFL player, then compares Gerhart being hit hard and taunted by his own teammates to E.J. Henderson's injury last season, which caused those same teammates to "recoil and cry." Hmmm, guess he doesn't want to point out the glaringly obvious non-similarities between the two events.

<H1>Jim Souhan: Violence is simply a part of the job</H1>
E.J. Henderson's return is further proof NFL players operate on a different level.
By JIM SOUHAN, Star Tribune
Last update: August 1, 2010 - 12:20 AM

MANKATO - Saturday morning, the veterans on the Vikings defense welcomed rookie running back Toby Gerhart to the NFL by treating him like a hacky sack at a beach party. They smacked him to the ground, then taunted him, offering an early reminder that violence is a defensive player's milieu, his currency.

Even these hardened men turned away on the night of Dec. 6, 2009, when E.J. Henderson, their star middle linebacker, sprawled on the field in Glendale, Ariz. As Henderson chased a Cardinals running back, Vikings safety Jamarca Sanford submarined Henderson's left leg, breaking his femur.

Most Vikings recoiled. Some cried. After the game, many were still oscillating like survivors of a car crash.

Less than nine months later, Henderson is on the Vikings' active roster and taking part in training camp, offering proof that NFL players are wired differently than most humans and insight into why the NFL has become the most popular game in America.

"I had never even heard of something like that happening, you know what I mean?" said former Vikings linebacker and assistant coach Pete Bercich, who coached Henderson and now is an analyst on Vikings broadcasts. "A guy breaks his femur like that, I don't know if coming back like this is crazy, or unique, because I had never heard of it or seen it.

"It is a remarkable thing, to snap the biggest bone in your body and just go back out there. I think it's amazing he'd even want to go back out there after something like that. In the NFL, you can truly say that these guys are putting their life and limb on the line. You can't say that about basketball, or baseball. But, unfortunately, we've had some people die on the field."
Don't worry about Toby taking hits from the fat turd Viking affletes. Like he said in his response "It's expected,I feellike I'm playing footballagain."
He is the toughest MoFo that you will ever see, he will have no troubles.
It's fair to point out that when Jim Brown came to the Cleveland Browns in 1957, the veterans on the Brown defense hit him as hard as they could in practice.
I wonder if there have been a few black players vocalizing to Childress that they are upset about having a white runningback taking carries away from a black one. This Williams incident is probably only a glimpse of what might be happening in the locker room. Wouldn't be surprised if that is why he came out and said Toby will be more of a "traditional backup" and Peterson will be in on more 3rd downs. This is a problem with coaches, they have no balls anymore. They let the affletes run the team, which is probably another reason coaches don't give white players at black positions a chance. They are afraid of upsetting the players that THEY COACH. Coaches are supposed to be the authority figure of the team, but they are too afraid of upsetting their precious "star" affletes.

Toby is going to have to stand up for himself and fight back, like bulldoze into someone during non contact drills. Its the only way to earn some of these thug's respect. This isn't going to be like some Disney movie where the racist football players realize the error of their ways and start playing together like they are all best friends. Doesn't have to be anything big that would make it easier for the coach to not play him, just something like Riley Cooper did, those little things happen all the time in practice. It usually doesn't get that much press unless its black vs white.
Edited by: snow
DixieDestroyer said:
If not for his God given (yet overrated) "skillz", "Rat Shilliams" would be digging ditches, loading a garbage truck or (most likely) selling crack for a living.

Truth is, he doesn't have much "talent" at all. He'll turn 38 this year, so he's been in the league a long time.

Aside from running backs' running into his fat body a decent amount of times, Williams' career production is very weak...

16 Pass Deflections--Weak for an interior lineman
8 Forced Fumbles--Weak again
20.5 sacks--Very unimpressive; I thought he was such an over-powering physical monster?...
The script is complete. Farve retires leaving Toby Gerhart with Tarvirus Jackson and behind Andrian Peterson. This is bad news. Even if Peterson goes down Gerhart's production with Tarvirus at the helm will be severely limited.
More NFL Tales of the Strange and Weird as Doak Walker Award winner battles an obscure "true professional" for backup duties:

How to Spell AP

Posted: August 5, 2010, 1:40 p.m. CT

By Bo Mitchell

Overshadowed by the rampant speculation surrounding a certain 40-year-old quarterback is the uncertainty regarding the Vikings running game.

Don't be alarmed. Adrian Peterson is just fine â€" or rather he should be fine soon.

The leg tightness that has rendered Peterson inactive for much of camp is not a major concern. You can't blame the Vikings for erring on the side of caution and parking their franchise back until his leg loosens up.

I'm talking about what happens A.P. "¦ as in after Peterson. Again, don't be alarmed. Peterson is not contemplating joining Favre at the waffle house in Hattiesburg. By "after Peterson," we are referring to what will happen when he needs a break in the action. Or as offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell noted Wednesday, "Keep in mind we give him the ball a lot and at some point we have to get him off the field."

Peterson has 741 touches the last two seasons. That's a heavy workload. And that was with a top-notch No. 2 running back spelling him.

So what will the Vikings do to spell Peterson in 2010?

In the past that answer was easy. When Peterson was not on the field, Chester Taylor was. However, Taylor is now in Bears camp attempting to unseat Matt Forte. Taylor has a puncher's chances in that camp battle because he is a complete package. He has feature-back running ability, good hands, pass-blocking acumen, and an uncanny nose for the first-down marker. Understandably, replacing such a multi-purpose threat in the Vikings backfield will take more than one player.

Many assume his replacement on the depth chart will be rookie second-round pick Toby Gerhart. Bevell likes what he has seen thus far, but is quick to note there's room for improvement. "Toby Gerhart has done a nice job. He has come in there, taken a couple of hits the first days -- that is the one thing we talked about with him, being able to get his pad level down." Bevell was referring to shots from Pat Williams and Jasper Brinkley that lit up Gerhart. However, the big kid from Stanford keeps bouncing back and has made an impression beyond his ability to take a licking and keep ticking.

"He is picking things up well," Bevell said of Gerhart. "I think he is showing quick feet. He shows a tendency to catch the football and be able to run with it." That pass-catching ability certainly enhances Gerhart's chances of filling Taylor's shoes. But he won't do it alone.

Bevell revealed Wednesday that veteran Albert Young is the leading candidate at this point to be the Vikings' third-down back. "He is a true professional," Bevell said of Young. "He comes in and takes care of business. He does his job. He does it correct every time. That is what you need. We don't want guys that are out there and do it right some of the times. We want to make sure they are doing it right each and every time."

As the Vikings' coaches figure out ways to divvy up the duties Taylor left behind, don't be surprised if we see more of Peterson on third downs as well. That is, as long as he continues to display improvement in protection, which Bevell adamantly calls "the number one key" for anyone who lines up at running back on third down. Bevell said Tuesday that protection is "something [Peterson] needs to focus on."

Just guessing here, but we are probably going to see a lot of Gerhart and Young this preseason. Newcomer Ryan Moats remains in the mix as well, as is receiver/runner hybrid Darius Reynaud. However, it's pretty clear that Gerhart and Young have an edge on the competition in the battle to augment Adrian's talents in the Vikings' backfield.

It's still early, but it's looking like Peterson is destined for another 375-touch season. When he comes out on third-down passing situations, look for Young to tag in. When Peterson comes out for a set of downs or even a full series, look for Gerhart to get the first shot. The big rookie also has the size and inside running ability to be effective in short yardage and at the goal line.

The backup running back battle should be an interesting one to watch throughout the fake games of August.

For now, however, the answer to the question "What to do after Peterson now that Taylor is gone?" is "it depends."<I sizcache="0" sizset="125">
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Yeah, the 2nd round pick is a guy that can be replaced by Albert Young? If that's true then the Viking front office should be fired and not allowed on a football field ever again. Anyway it's just the beginning of the campaign to make people forget that Gerhart was ever any good. Wait until he fumbles or gets thrown for a loss.
Ahh yes, good ole' Albert Young. He went undrafted in 2008 and is now in the league and supposedly in competition with the best running back in all of college football last year for the second string job. He's only 207lbs and runs a 4.6 40. I'm sure he's never been called slow though. That only applies to white running backs who weight 230lbs and run a 4.53.
jaxvid said:
Yeah, the 2nd round pick is a guy that can be replaced by Albert Young? If that's true then the Viking front office should be fired and not allowed on a football field ever again.

whiteathlete33 said:
Ahh yes, good ole' Albert Young. He went undrafted in 2008 and is now in the league and supposedly in competition with the best running back in all of college football last year for the second string job.

Nothing more needs to be said. The NFL just gets loonier and goofier.
Bart said:
jaxvid said:
Yeah, the 2nd round pick is a guy that can be replaced by Albert Young? If that's true then the Viking front office should be fired and not allowed on a football field ever again.

whiteathlete33 said:
Ahh yes, good ole' Albert Young. He went undrafted in 2008 and is now in the league and supposedly in competition with the best running back in all of college football last year for the second string job.

Nothing more needs to be said. The NFL just gets loonier and goofier.

Great points, gentlemen. This is getting ridiculous.
I don't think it's a league wide mandate/conspiracy- to not ever play white tailbacks significantly in the NFL. My take is it's just too much risk for an NFL coach and (to digress a little- certainly for coaches/ recruiters giving a shot to white tailbacks in the liberal pro black scholarship culture in the FBS, made stronger by the white rivals rankings).

In the NFL- a coach may loose let's say 10% of his teams support, if 10% of the blacks REALLY take issue with whitey carrying the ball- as 10% of whites may have taken issue with a black QB starting in the 50s. We all know there are lots of inner city blacks on rosters with afrocentric or even sometimes gang ties/ acquaintances from their youth days. The next thing is the DWFs and media are VERY quick to give wrath to a white coach for playing a white tailback quickly or talk up the black backups etc. as soon as the white RB makes ONE noticeable mistake. It's simple sociology: the white RB stands out as different and has to do more to fit in- and the white RB may be more mistake prone as he learns b/c he tries too hard because he knows he's on a tight leash. It's a simple text book argument. We see this theme starting up again with Toby. It may take brave mainstream writers/journalists and a good deal of fans in Minnesota to ask questions about the disappearance of Gerhart this season to really shake the impending plan to use Gerhart minimally up and Peterson may have to struggle a bit for this to happen as well.
Let me see if I have this correct:

In the last 12 months Toby Gerhart has gone from:

1. Best running back in college football
2. To potential 1st/early 2nd round pick in the NFL draft
3. To eventual mid-2nd round pick in the NFL draft
4. To filling the Chester Taylor role as AP's primary backup with an important role foreseen for him in the MIN offense as per comments from team coaches
5. To battling a nobody for the aforementiond back-up role in training camp, which means a largely invisible role in the offense.

At this rate, he'll be lucky to get any touches in the game at all, unless it's garbage time, and perhaps some special teams appearances.

I believe we're left with no choice to but to hope and pray that all MIN RBs get hurt, which may eventually force the coaches to give Gerhart the ball.

How can even the drunkest DWFs not see what's going on here?
Edited by: foobar75
foobar75 said:
Let me see if I have this correct:

In the last 12 months Toby Gerhart has gone from:

1. Best running back in college football
2. To potential 1st/early 2nd round pick in the NFL draft
3. To eventual mid-2nd round pick in the NFL draft
4. To filling the Chester Taylor role as AP's primary backup with an important role foreseen for him in the MIN offense as per comments from team coaches
5. To battling a nobody for the aforementiond back-up role in training camp, which means a largely invisible role in the offense.

At this rate, he'll be lucky to get any touches in the game at all, unless it's garbage time, and perhaps some special teams appearances.

I believe we're left with no choice to but to hope and pray that all MIN RBs get hurt, which may eventually force the coaches to give Gerhart the ball.

How can even the drunkest DWFs not see what's going on here?

Foobar, you forgot, between 1 and 2, ESPN and others tried to hype Gerhart up as a FB/H-Back hybrid.

good post, but I think this Peteron guy is going to self destruct. The only unknown I think is just [HOW] he'll do it, injury, or otherwise. I think all the criteria is in place.

I agree though, that other than my scenario, the plan is to bury Gerhart.

We'll see.

Tom Iron...
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I don't think it's a league wide mandate/conspiracy- to not ever play white tailbacks significantly in the NFL. My take is it's just too much risk for an NFL coach and (to digress a little- certainly for coaches/ recruiters giving a shot to white tailbacks in the liberal pro black scholarship culture in the FBS, made stronger by the white rivals rankings).

...and i don't think the corporate sponsors of the nfl are so dumb as to not understand this social mechanism for white extinction.

so i say conspiracy!
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