Toby Gerhart

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The battle is not over yet. They play the first pre season game on Saturday Night. Expect Toby to have his game face on! He will win the number two spot period! He will not be denied despite the racism he is facing!
I sure hope you are right Whitelightning. It doesn't make sense that the best running back in all of college football this season would be struggling so much like the papers say. He proved he has good athleticism at the combine so I don't get it. All of a sudden he's losing the backup spot to a loser like Albert Young.
Toby will need to get tough and aggressive toward all the negroes who want to see him hurt or worse, including his own "teammates." I wish him the best! Being the man who first informed CF about him, it will be so fun to see him run the ball in the NFL!
Albert I am trash Young won't be 2nd string. Toby fought back and the coaches all took his side of the story. Eric Bieniemy even recruited Toby while he was the running backs coach at UCLA. Gerhart does have to take some Sh't thats just the way it is in a leauge that is 60% black. He did however fight back and because of that he will be 2nd string. He showed gumption, and a will to brawl the brotha's respect that from whitey. I say he finishes the seaon with 500 yards or more, and 6 tds. Thats just my prediction. Just remember no writer is going to say anything good about a white rookie they never do. However Chris Mortenson said from Vikings camp after covering the Brett Favre story that the Vikings coaches were impressed with what Gerhart was doing in practice. Now I'll take that over some fish wrap sports writer trying to be freinds with the players he covers. Don't wory gerhart will be fine., and if not then screw the NFL.
icsept said:
According to Gerhart himself, the whole thing started when he chipped Edwards on a play before going into his route â€" a perfectly natural thing for a running back to be doing. For some reason (vehement and unbridled hatred of White people, perhaps?), Edwards didn't appreciate the way Gerhart executed his chip, and he let the former Stanford stand-out know about it.

Afterward, Gerhart said he was surprised by the way Edwards reacted. (Wow, after all Toby has been through so far in the Mankato prison camp, ummm, I mean, the Vikings training camp, he's still "surprised" by the raging, blind hatred of him because of his Whiteness? That must be because of what he was taught in the "Black Studies" class he was forced to take at Standford when he found out that blacks can't be racist. Seriously, Toby is a smart guy, I'm sure he isn't really "surprised", he just has to play it that way...for obvious reasons.)

"I didn't expect it at all, but that's the way it goes,"
he told reporters. "Everybody had my back and they had their back. It's offense-defense. People are getting after each other." (Nope, it's not an "offense-defense" thing, it's a "black-White" thing and you are being treated the way you are because you are White.)

By reports, Vikings coaches mostly had Gerhart's back. Chip Scoggins tweeted that things got "heated" between Edwards and defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier after the incident. And Gerhart's position coach Eric Bieniemy also reportedly got in Edwards' ear.

Edwards, for his part, said he was just trying to send a message to the rookie about the proper way to do things in practice. (Yes, that message would be "ain't no 'White boy' gonna play the position of a black man".)

"Just let him know don't do what he did,"
(Sounds like Edwards, just like "Fat" Pat, took the same "English" course in High School. Once again, it's obvious that neither of them should've passed High School, let-alone qualify for College or graduate from it.) Edwards said. "Hopefully we don't have that thing again. Don't need to do that at practice, not against your own guys."

So, what exactly did Gerhart do that angered Edwards so much? So far, it doesn't seem like anyone knows. Except Edwards. (Wow, this reporter still doesn't know?. Like I said before, it's because of vehement and unbridled hatred of White people, that's why. The real question is "Why is it so hard for these reporters and the media to see this?"
I'm encouraged by the little incident that took place today and that not only Gerhart finally stood up for himself, but it appears everyone took his side, so that's good.

Still, a part of me wonders if Gerhart's laid-back, good natured Southern California personality is working against him a little bit. We know he's a beast who can dish out some serious punishment, but I think it would have been nice if he'd started a fight that first day of camp when fat turd Williams cheap-shotted him on a day when there wasn't supposed to be any such contact. I went to several Vikings blogs, and even the DWFs are raising the questions that the defense has taken it too far in this so-called rookie initiation. It's clearly a race driven issue, and these black defenders are like rotweilers and Gerhart the white ball carrier might as well have pork-chops tied to his neck.

Everything I have heard from Gerhart has been along the lines of "That's how it is, and you have to take it". As we discussed in the Riley Cooper thread, these are nothing but tests that will impact how a player, especially a white player, will be perceived going forward. I think Cooper was well prepared having played in the SEC for 4 years, so he set the tone on that first day and I believe the respect has been earned. Several posts/articles I've read indicate that Gerhart is still looking for that respect.

Let's hope this is all nothing and that he will do his real work in the pre-season games and earn his spot as the undisputed #2 on the depth chart. I don't even want to think about the possibility of him being stuck at #3.
The offense is whiter than the defense, but the report seems to indicate that the WHOLE offense was with Gerhart and the WHOLE defense with Edwards. I think the hazing has been taken further for sure, since Gerhart is a white RB with a laid back personality, but the real test comes tommorrow. Who cares what most of the anti-white media says about Gerhart when he is destined to showcase his skills this pre-season. I think he will seize the #2 RB spot and could become what Wes Welker is to white WRs for white RBs. I predict he will be getting 1/3 of the carries and averaging around 5 YPC by mid season this year. Peterson gets banged up a lot and they may limit his carries a bit and they may prefer Gerhart with a lead for ball security this season. Stay positive guys!
Another thing to note. I think the difference between Woodhead, Hester (and even Leonard to a lesser extent) is that Gerhart is a Doak award winner and almost carried Stanford on his back to the Rose Bowl. Gerhart has serious noteriety like Leonard, but unlike Leonard (who did get a shot his first season, but did average) he was VERY productive in college, has a better o-line on the Vikings and big time Minnesota fans WILL look up his stats this pre-season or watch him for a game. Also, other fans around the league will check up on how he does. It will be much harder to bury Gerhart. Any of the racist blacks in the league must be getting antzy because they know this!
I wonder what scouting reports would have said about Toby had he played running back for USC or Michigan. Obviously that wouldn't have happened because USC wanted him as a fullback but you should get my point. Would he have received more respect in college as a running back? We know Stanford is one of the whiter programs and the media and DWF's think they don't have great athletes.
You guys are taking the this treatment/depth chart stuff too seriously. The Vikings didn't draft Toby to be a 3rd string back. They know what kind of player he is and trust will not pull some St. Louis Rams sh*t a la Brian Leonard. Toby WILL BE the backup behind AP and whether it takes a couple preseason games then so be it. I say with confidence that Gerhart will get his share of carries this year.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Another thing to note. I think the difference between Woodhead, Hester (and even Leonard to a lesser extent) is that Gerhart is a Doak award winner and almost carried Stanford on his back to the Rose Bowl. Gerhart has serious noteriety like Leonard, but unlike Leonard (who did get a shot his first season, but did average) he was VERY productive in college, has a better o-line on the Vikings and big time Minnesota fans WILL look up his stats this pre-season or watch him for a game. Also, other fans around the league will check up on how he does. It will be much harder to bury Gerhart. Any of the racist blacks in the league must be getting antzy because they know this!

Yeah, and Gerhart looks like a Minnesotan, acts like Minnesotan and fits in a like a Minnesotan. In other words, he would make an excellent player for the average Vikings fan to look up to and rally around. At this point, I think many, many fans are tired of the antics of black players. Toby would be a breath of fresh air for white fans everywhere, including Vikings fans. He sure would be an excellent role model for young fans, black and white. Hopefully, I'll be proven wrong and Toby will break through the Caste system and become a star in the NFL. His main competition is a guy who just can't hang onto the football, especially in the clutch.
Edited by: qj
We've been disappointed so many times over the last 30 years that it's easy to get discouraged. We all want Toby to be the superstar RB that we know that he is but I don't know that the CS will allow that to ever happen anytime soon. They didn't allow it with Luke Staley and he also won the Doak Walker award. I'm sure we all hope and pray that we are wrong and TG gets a fair shot to shine.
It's good that some of you are optimistic. TG could no doubt be a true star tail back. However, the Caste system places all sorts of hurdles that may not be impossible, yet will be difficult to overcome.
I think some of you are assuming Toby receives fair and rational treatment from coaches and (in many respects more importantly) fellow teammates.
Based on these initial training camp reports, TG has done basically the opposite of what one should do given the entrenched Caste system and black racialist social dominance within the NFL locker room outside of the QB position.

It is obvious that the Vikings black D players were intent on sending a message. Back down white boy! And have fun being 3rd string garbage time back and blocker. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the more racist black MN players wanted to actually injure TG on purpose. I don't think some of us truly want to realize the hatred and racism that many blacks actually hold dear towards whites. Especially whites attempting to 'take over' a perceived black position of power and success.
TG took the high road and this may make sense in most of the work place of America. Not in the dangerous gang like mentality of the NFL.
Given the context of the Caste system and the RB position, TG will either become a latter day John Riggins type Alpha star and one of the central figures both on and off the field (locker room dynamic) or..relegated to the list of talented and skillful White players who could've been stars but became victims of a comibation of caste NFL politics, coaching cowardice, black racism and white self doubt...

It may seem strange, but because of a combination of factors, TG will either become by sheer will of force and courage a respected Alpha team leader or he will be a role player in a very dangerous game. Everyone gets injured eventually and a smart guy like TG doesn't really need football. He will be a success no matter the road he takes. And thus, out of the league after a few seasons serving his racial apprenticeship.

Bottom line: TG can choose to fight like a vicious put bull with the cheap shot artist Defenders (read angry racist black teammates) to set a precedent right off the bat: this white man will not back down and WILL be respected.
None of this puny hollywood 'Rudy' garbage where the under sized kid gets the crap knocked out of him as practice fodder and keeps getting back up for more with a smile on his face...again, beta like success story but done like a Disney movie.
No folks, this is much more serious and really dangerous. Because there has not been a true White RB star since the early-mid 80s (Riggins), it is deemed non-official verboten for Whites to start at RB.
No, sorry Craig James 1 great year and Alstott FB/RB hybrid doesn't really count.
I'm talking Alpha leader, endorsement receiving true star that castophile ESPN has to feature and worship like they do all the time to overrated black affletes.
Therefore, TG is in the unfortunate position of either fighting the black D and forcing them to bow down to him and dethroning Peterson or sadly relegated to 'nice, tough white teammate who will do anything to help the team win'. Say like Jacob Hester.
Hester could be a star...
You think the coaches will be fair to Hester or TG? No way, forget it. Hester was a 2nd Rd pick. He is now ST demon and sometimes blocker..maybe they throw him a little bone every 4th game with a carry. This is supposed to placate the quiet White aware masses.
Oh goody, our RB got 2 carries today. Maybe they will use him again next month!
Forget it. TG should have talked to Shockey or Riggins before camp.
Fight or be relegated. That is his choice.
Frankly, the very first time fat a$$ sumo Williams nailed him he should have fought him right then and there.
And fight again the whole 1st week if he had to. Pays dividends.
Black eyes and bloody noses? Great. He would have gained much more credibility and respect.
To me, the Caste system is about layers of barriers set up not unlike a obstacle course:
media propaganda
black racism
coach and scout racism/cowardice
team social dynamic

just to name a few. Sorry to ramble on here. I think TG in some respects is about at the last part of making a first impression. Yes, the window for this can be that quick. Preseason games to shine? LOL, you think the OL and WRs will block tough for guys they don't really respect?
There is no room for being a nice guy, hard working teammate who takes $hit when the caste goal is to at best put you in place (back up at best) or out of the league.
The metaphor for conscious Whites is obvious: never back down and win or lose it is better to be respected as this is what our competitors value.

I'm just astounded that TG thinks he is just going through college like hazing. No, sadly the dynamic at work here is more sinister and dark.

Post of the month by Borussia! You said it all my friend. Everything you said is so true. Most of us here at the board know it as well. The majority of dumbed down american football fans don't have a clue. Toby will be in for the fight of his life. NFL players are another breed from people he went to school with at Stanford. Most of them don't give a damn about him. He needs to man up and get in anyones face who trys to stop him. The kid is tough enough. I just hope he loses the nice guy role or he won't have a chance.
Agreed, that was a great post that pretty much surmises what white players in the NFL face. I say if TG plays this golly shucks I'm glad to wear this jersey attitude, he better open eyes during these pre season games without doubt He better dominate!
I think it was too long by 3x. We have heard that for years we even condense it down to a phrase, "caste system." I think we ought to stop hyperventalating, yes he is taking more shots than AP undoubtly did, but as far as I know they are not chopping at his knees and if they were I would be as outraged as anyone.

As for him being a fit for Minnesota, that was very astute especially with the general trend for black athletes to adapting to a pathological narcicism, and the fact that MN bringing in all the crazy jihadis and their insane moronic attitudes. (proving low IQs and AK-47s do not go together). TG is the kind of guy any man would want for a son-inlaw.
So far Albert Young (who has been pushed by AA into the 2nd spot behind Peterson) has 5 carries for -5 yards- while starting in place of the injured Peterson. It's clear when Pat Williams made his comment to the media pharaphrased "I'm sick of these rookies comin in here like they're something without doin anything and getting paid big bucks, just tryin to make the boy realize he's in the NFL now" about Gerhart after power driving him to the turf in a non contact practice- that he resents Gerhart. Williams and probably a few other black Vikings have been campaigning for Young with Childress. More typical cowardice coaches who are afraid to start a white RB because of how some teammates, the DWFS and media may react. Finally, the lame brain DWFs have believed the lie so far that Albert Young played his way into the number 2 spot...Let's just hope he keeps running backward as maybe they will eventually notice as they guzzle down their 8 dollar beers and hotdogs!

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Just great. Gerhart finally gets in, but doesn't see the ball on the first 5-8 plays. he finnaly got a screen pass. Albert Young looks horrible when he's in.

I'm watching local coverage of the Vikings game, and Mike Mayock (who's part of the coverage team) said Gerhart is a true tailback. There's no way that Young should beat out Gerhart. But this is the No Whites League.
Thanks for the info Jack. I'm watching it online and was wondering who that announcer was. Had no clue it was Mayock.
Meanwhile, Jahvid Best and Ryan Matthews look like they will win their teams starting jobs and C.J Spiller is in a much better situation with Buffalo. Ben Tate and Montario Hardesty (who evidence would indicate aren't as good tailbacks as Gerhart) are starting the pre-season further up the depth chart than Toby. Even the tiny Dexter McCluster (who ran a slower 40 than Toby weighing about 60 lbs. less) looks to start the season with a bigger role with KC (3rd down back and slot WR). When will these lame brained fans notice the agenda?
Dang, I missed it somehow! I guess I better quit posting so much.
Colonel_Reb said:
Thanks for the info Jack. I'm watching it online and was wondering who that announcer was. Had no clue it was Mayock. 

No problem Colonel.
I think Mayock is the color guy, not sure who the play-by-play announcer is, but he seems fair enough.Edited by: Jack Lambert
I think Toby's big run might have been called back, I don't see it listed now on Yahoo play by play.

Edited to add: Maybe not, it looks like the PBP is behind the box score updates. Box score says 6 rush for 27 yards, 4.5 YPC- with a long of 22 so far for Toby!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
TJR, I'm watching it live on my local channel, and it wasn't called back. Nope, there's no agenda at work here at all.
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