What a bunch of brainless moronic DWFs on ESPN's site. There is no other way Spiller and Ingram should be so far out ahead.
I see Ingram is leading so far. I am not at all impressed with him. He is a smaller back than Toby by about 20 pounds and doesn't even have great speed at 4.48. Being black and playing in the SEC is what gets everyone's attention.
Toby has jumped up nicely in the poll, getting 7000 votes in the last day or two. He still has a long way to go. Is everyone doing their part to push Toby past the post???
I try and vote on at least a couple computers a day, but at this point this particular poll is looking pretty dire. Luckily Nissan only has 1 of 900 Heisman votes or something along those lines. I still hold out a great deal of Hope that Toby can get a Heisman to his name.
I think in order for Toby to win the Heisman, Tim and McCoy must have rather pedistrian games next week. But even if they have huge games like their last, Toby being a finalist is almost as good as winning it, but without the preseason pressure during the next NFL season.

Also, I am prediction again, that Toby excells in the combine skills and nails a 4.43 to 4.46 forty. Once he does that teams that pass on him should have to do some explaining why he was not picked.
Toby won't win the Heisman. The Heisman is the college MVP and goes to the best player on one of the best teams. Unless the top teams don't have a clear cut star. That's not the case with Tebow and McCoy. Still it will be nice to see Gerhart at the top and all those white guys at the top of the voting. The Doak Walker is the real award that he should get. Best running back in college, a huge statement!!!!
I heard some local sports radio caste lackeys talking about how good Spiller is & still hyping Ingram (after his atrocious game against AU). They mentioned McCoy & Tebow, but not the best TB in college football. These DWF jock sniffers have no clue.
DixieDestroyer said:
I heard some local sports radio caste lackeys talking about how good Spiller is & still hyping Ingram (after his atrocious game against AU). They mentioned McCoy & Tebow, but not the best TB in college football. These DWF jock sniffers have no clue.

Yes, it shows you that ignorance of true football talent runs deep. While those local yokels were snubbing Toby, Terry Bradshaw hyped him up last night. The other analysts agreed by nodding their heads, with only Jimmy Johnson saying Gerhart was "too late." That simply shows you that a former college and NFL coach simply does not follow all the top players all season long, because if he did he would realize that Gerhart didn't score 26 TDs and gain 1700+ yds in only the last few games!!!

Either way, lots of love is coming out for Toby, and this will have a long-lasting impact which could result in more Heisman caliber white RBs in 10 to 15 years. This totally bucks the "trend" that many Sports Illustrated types have claimed for years, dating back to the famous USC beating of Alabama. While we won't have an instant seismic shift like happened when the black players "proved" they were better at RB, it will be a lasting effect that will pay off in the years to come. This is one of those defining moments. I know some here hope Gerhart doesn't win the Heisman because that would put all sorts of pressure on him or something. Well that kind of seems like turning down Carrie Underwood for a date because you would worry about ever living up to it again! Go Toby and win that dang trophy!!!
I agree with Jax, Gerhart won't win. Despite being college football's best RB (and maybe best player overall), he'll most likely come in 3rd due to Stanford's 8-4 record.

It doesnt really matter, as long as he is among the deserving players "in the running" in NY. They usally play each player's "highlight reel" over and over, which could help to enlighten some of the jock-huffer droids watching the show.

Eric Crouch won the Heisman, and look where that got him in the caste NFL.Edited by: Thrashen
Electric Slide said:
Either way, lots of love is coming out for Toby, and this will have a long-lasting impact which could result in more Heisman caliber white RBs in 10 to 15 years. This totally bucks the "trend" that many Sports Illustrated types have claimed for years, dating back to the famous USC beating of Alabama. While we won't have an instant seismic shift like happened when the black players "proved" they were better at RB, it will be a lasting effect that will pay off in the years to come. This is one of those defining moments.

I think that's a good perspective. Having seen the Caste-busters in major college programs get screwed one after another in the NFL for 30 years, what I hope Gerhart does is inspire lots of young White boys to do whatever is necessary to succeed at running back and other Caste positions and not take no for an answer from coaches, recruiters, scouts, etc. And that their parents and friends adopt the same attitude. Refusing to be racially slotted and stereotyped is what it's all about. That will eventually shatter the currentabsurd paradigm and replace it with one based on the reality that Whites should be just as represented at the top levels of football as they are in baseball, hockey, tennis, golf, wrestling, gymnastics and a whole myriad of other sports that utilize a wide variety of different athletic skills.
I sure hope Toby makes it crystal clear that he will accept nothing less than being drafted as a running back, and not a fullback. If he were to accept being drafted as a fullback it would be a major setback that would take years if not decades to overcome. His dad being a coach, and looking like a no nonsense sort of guy makes me feel a little better, but I've been wrong before. He's the best running back black or white I've seen in years. If he doesn't make it, there is no hope for any white running backs.
mark, there's always hope! Things like this don't change quickly. Keep hope alive!
I just voted and Toby Gerhart is #3, a little behind #2 Colt McCoy, and both are 10,000+ behind Mark Ingram.

For some reason, I was only able to vote for 5 guys and left 3 spaces blank.
Right you are PhillyBirds! I'll post the link in his thread.
Just voted.

Ughhh, all the liberal schmucks up here in the Northeast are still voting Ingram over Gerhart.
Not to mention the black/SEC supremacist DWFs in the Southeast. It makes me sick, although it looks like Virginia and North Carolina will switch to Toby within the next couple of days. Strangely, West Virginia was the first decently sized eastern state to go for Toby. Oregon is the most pro-Toby state by far.
Well, win or not, he's been utterly amazing. I don't think this vid has been posted yet, but it's hard to argue against his performance all year. Wow!
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