Tim Tebow

I suppose this could have been posted in the Denver forum.

Demaryius Thomas decided to take a cue from his ancestors and fling his feces on a former member of his "family".

When asked whether he was sad to see Tebow leave, Thomas ripped his old teammate:
"I ain’t going to say I was sad because the only thing they remember is that pass. You gotta go back and look at the rest of the games. I wasn’t getting no balls and you had to make some of these plays where some players were open and he is not making the throws, but I don’t want to talk bad about Tim, but hey I am happy we got Peyton."
Thomas wasn’t done with his backhanded compliments, either. Check out what he said when asked what the rest of the Broncos thought about Tebow:
"There wasn’t much talk about him, but you know everything on ESPN was all about Tim. That bothered some players too because they would say "Tim Tebow Time." I felt like it was a team thing. If it wasn’t for the defense most of the time there wouldn’t be no supposed 'Tim Tebow Time.'"

I suppose this could have been posted in the Denver forum.

Demaryius Thomas decided to take a cue from his ancestors and fling his feces on a former member of his "family".



Thomas owes his stats towards the end of the year to Tebow. The only way he was getting open were on broken pass plays where Tebow was on the move. I expect Decker to get near Reggie Wayne type numbers this season.
But back to the Jets. I hope Rex Ryan lets Tebow run drives by himself at some point. No huddle, spread, with the option. I really don't want to see Tim go out there for a random play ever once in awhile. He needs some type of rhythm. But seeing as Rex said Tim will see 20 snaps a game I'm really hoping for no huddle drives from them.
The Jets have always been my favorite team, despite being a horrible team to root for from a caste football perspective. My friend think I'm crazy for saying this but I think Tim will be starting towards the end of the year. I don't think Sanchez will be able to handle himself if Tim has any type of success throwing the ball.
He's not working on gadget plays or running back. Though the Jets plan to install a "Tebow package," they appear to be training him to spend the large majority of his time under center. If Sanchez struggles early in the year, Tebow could take over as the full-time starter. The Jets' third-stringer is Greg McElroy.

That's from rotovirus. They link to the Star-Ledger, which doesn't include that anywhere in the link. So I'm not sure who that quote comes from. Here's what S-L wrote:

Tim Tebow has been focused on back-up quarterback duties -- rather than any special packages or trick plays -- in the first few weeks of the offseason program, and that continued today as OTAs began, a person with knowledge of Tebow's workload in practice said. That person requested anonymity because the OTA session was closed to the media.

The Jets are installing new offensive coordinator Tony Sparano's new system, so they have started with the basics.

It's just the first day of OTAs. I don't think we'll know much of anything until the first regular season game. But I suspect Ryan won't replace Sanchez any this year. He's too much of a coward.
Seems some of the sports MSM is pushing the idea of Tim dating Olympic hurdler Lolo Jones. While an attractive Christian gal...she's not White (but mixed). Let's hope Tim finds a nice Christian, White gal.


I read somewhere that the players surrounded Tebow in the locker room and started chanting Lo Lo- Lo Lo, - Lo Lo.

(If Tebow does not go for the chocolate milk, perhaps Nick mangold can try setting Tebow up with his sister.)

Tim has lined up at... singleback at Jets practice!
Ryan said he may actually play there at times, in Wild Cat and what not.


Like I have posted many times, I would love to see him play halfback, I know many of you are set on him being a dual threat quarterback, but we have a few guys that can do that. Ryan Tannehill is one that comes to mind and can throw better at this point. We don't have many halfbacks. You would think the coaches would use common sense and say ""Lets see Tim ran for around 3,000 yards and 56 touchdowns in the SEC, for whatever reason we are dedicated to March Sanchez....you think he could possibly run the ball....you know....like he routinely did in college? with a few trick passing plays?"

Hopefully that is what they are doing, they picked up Hayden Smith? I think that is his name, the White rugby player with great measurables to play DE, or maybe linebacker. Hopefully Ryan is taking a page out of Bellicheck's book, which is "thinking outside the box", basically playing more Whites, usually at traditionally black positions. He started two White safeties last year. Its really his best shot at beating the Patriots, and it would be pretty cool to see frequent matchups where both teams has a White halfback, even just in the rotation. Tebow would do much better than Shonn Greene. He could play in some sort of halfback/wildcat qb role until he develops more as a passer, at a level coaches are comfortable with. His passing has been better than what is accepted for quotbacks but not up there with a starting qb just yet, but he has only been in the league 2 years with coaches constantly changing his mechanics. It takes time and muscle memory.

From reading around it looks like they plan to use him mostly in the redzone and short yardage as far as running, they asked him to bulk up from 240-242 to 250 in the offseason, and he came in weighing 249. He says he was able to maintain his quickness. I hope so, that was one of his better qualities when running, he isn't strictly a downhill runner.
The Jets are weak at running back. Shonn Greene is nothing but a slow plodder, and Joe McKnight has been a bust. They drafted Terrance Ganaway in April but he's little more than a clone of Greene at best. Bilal Powell, drafted last year, is mediocre at best.

Tebow would be a natural to try at tailback, but that's so outside the strict confines of Caste System rules as to be considered revolutionary. I can only see Rex Ryan trying it, other than on a few trick plays, if he feels his job is at stake, which it may be after last year's fiasco on the field and in the locker room, and even then it's highly unlikely.
Maybe with injuries to Greene and ineffective play from Mcknight or whomever steps he could play tailback. I know that even Ryan thinks he can be an Alstott downhill type runner with Connor lead blocking. With the weird weather in NYC in December power running is a must in late games in the season.
Maybe with injuries to Greene and ineffective play from Mcknight or whomever steps he could play tailback. I know that even Ryan thinks he can be an Alstott downhill type runner with Connor lead blocking. With the weird weather in NYC in December power running is a must in late games in the season.

Yes I was just reading they used him in some redzone drills and thought he could be a great weapon starting at the 20 and inside (pretty much where every big Alstott run came from, many of those runs could have went for much longer if the endzone weren't in the way which is probably the main reason his career ypc is under 4)

Although it is discouraging to hear that he is working on the punt team.

Yes, Greene has to be one of the slowest backs in the league, at least the slowest that has gotten a significant workload, on 546 carries in 3 years his longest run is 33 yards, and the Jets line has made holes you could drive a truck through. His longest reception is 36 yards. He hasn't had many plays over 20 yards, 23 yards was the longest in 2010, and has never had a play go for 40 yards or longer. We all know Tebow could do much better than that, he had a 40 yarder on a designed run against the Raiders with of course much fewer carries than Greene, not to mention he was coached to go out of bounds before significant contact if he wasn't close to the endzone.
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more related news:

According to ESPN New York, Mark Sanchez largely struggled during the Jets' final minicamp before training camp.

Per beat writer Rich Cimini, Sanchez "didn't have an efficient minicamp" and "there were times when he didn't seem comfortable throwing the football." Cimini kept a play log of the minicamp, and Sanchez finished 11-of-29 with three "near" interceptions and four would-be sacks absorbed. Sanchez isn't yet in danger of losing his starting job, but it could happen early in the season.
Tim's athletic enough to play QB, RB, FB & TE. However, I hope he wins the starting job from Sanchez asap.
Tebow is already being heckled by some Jets' DWFs. Sanchez isn't very good but I don't see Tim getting a fair opportunity to develop as a quarterback in New York. The media and fans will have zero patience for him.


Word is that Sanchez has been terrible lately. He's obviously regressing and nothing more than a career backup. Tebow will become a starter and maybe as early as mid season. You are correct though, NY is the biggest market and hardest place to play. If Tebow falters even a little it will be an all out war against him. Quite a few of the Jets players didn't want him from the start and expect the rest to turn on him quickly if he starts throwing picks. The depth charts I looked at have Chaz Schillens and Santonio Holmes as the starting receivers. That might be the worst duo of starting receivers in the league.
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I really, really, disliked the trade of Tebow to NY. Personally I think it was done intentionally to destroy his career by putting him in the most difficult situation possible. Part of that difficult situation is all of the retards that cover NY sports for all of the retards that follow NY sports (BTW I don't like NY).

One of the first salvo's in what will eventually become a barrage of attacks by the media on Tebow has been fired by CasteFootballs favorite white honkey sell-out Hall-of-Shamer, Boomer Esiason who unloaded (after 1 preseason practice) : on the "Boomer & Carton" radio show and said the team should cut Tebow......

"I’m just telling you right now, I would (cut him), and I’ll tell you why I would,â€￾ Esiason said. "It’s not in any way, shape or form -- I think -- benefiting this team."
The former-QB-turned-morning-radio-host also went on to say that teams don't respect his arm.

"All you have to do is watch him throw the ball," Esiason said. "Just watch him."
Esiason, according to CBS New York, also said last season the Broncos should have cut Tebow after he had a bad game in late October.

Esiason is an idiot and is just talking crap to generate interest in his show. But it shows the kind of thing Tebow will be up against.

Tebow responded: "I've heard nothing but great things about Mr. Esiason," Tebow said. "I wish him nothing but the best in his announcing. God bless him."
On ESPN today they had some sort of little message along the bottom of the screen that said something like "Tebow 0-3 on passing attempts at scrimmage". -
I really, really, disliked the trade of Tebow to NY. Personally I think it was done intentionally to destroy his career by putting him in the most difficult situation possible. Part of that difficult situation is all of the retards that cover NY sports for all of the retards that follow NY sports (BTW I don't like NY).

One of the first salvo's in what will eventually become a barrage of attacks by the media on Tebow has been fired by CasteFootballs favorite white honkey sell-out Hall-of-Shamer, Boomer Esiason who unloaded (after 1 preseason practice) : on the "Boomer & Carton" radio show and said the team should cut Tebow......

"I’m just telling you right now, I would (cut him), and I’ll tell you why I would,â€￾ Esiason said. "It’s not in any way, shape or form -- I think -- benefiting this team."
The former-QB-turned-morning-radio-host also went on to say that teams don't respect his arm.

"All you have to do is watch him throw the ball," Esiason said. "Just watch him."
Esiason, according to CBS New York, also said last season the Broncos should have cut Tebow after he had a bad game in late October.

Esiason is an idiot and is just talking crap to generate interest in his show. But it shows the kind of thing Tebow will be up against.

Tebow responded: "I've heard nothing but great things about Mr. Esiason," Tebow said. "I wish him nothing but the best in his announcing. God bless him."

Fully agree on Tim being dealt to "Noo Yawk"...I didn't like it and still don't. :thumbdown: I think he'd be an instant draw in Jacksonville though.

As for "Doo(sh)mer Esiscum", he made that statement to drum up viewership in his sorry show, and because he's jealous that Tim is 10x the athlete that Esiscum was. :mad:
haha... one writer fired back at Esiason, "Tebow's already the best left-handed QB in NY Jet history." taking a shot at Bummers less then stellar short stint in the Big Crapple.
haha... one writer fired back at Esiason, "Tebow's already the best left-handed QB in NY Jet history." taking a shot at Bummers less then stellar short stint in the Big Crapple.

LOL! True indeed. Plus, "Doo(sh)mer" is insanely jealous of the innumerous fans and adoration that Tim has.
There was a fight that started yesterday at the Jet's camp between a rb and a db. It quickly turned into an offense-defense thing. Tebow got right in there with his offense. That's a feather in his cap. He'll be the #1qb at some point this year I predict.

Tom Iron...
Jaxvid said:
haha... one writer fired back at Esiason, "Tebow's already the best left-handed QB in NY Jet history." taking a shot at Bummers less then stellar short stint in the Big Crapple.

DixieDestroyer said:
As for "Doo(sh)mer Esiscum", he made that statement to drum up viewership in his sorry show, and because he's jealous that Tim is 10x the athlete that Esiscum was. :mad:

Funny wordplay, guys! I usually refer to it as “Jew York Sh-tty” or “The Big Rotten Apple.” But such silly nomenclature isn’t nearly degrading enough to accurately describing that concrete toilet and its pungent population of 8 million bobbing turds. A “flush” is certainly in order.

After years of yawn-generating broadcasting and analysis on ABC and now “The NFL Today” on CBS, Esiason has made some “controversial” statements over the past two years, mostly via radio. During the 2010 season, Esiason denigrated New England’s far-too-white offense when he yammered the following during a radio interview:

With Julian Edelman, with Danny Woodhead and with Wes Welker, when they’re on the field together, it looks like an Ivy League football game. And for some reason, nobody can tackle these guys.”

Aside from poking fun at whites during highlight clips, and using his limited air time to inform football fans of the rancid passing skills of NFL Pariah, Tim Tebow, Boomer’s current position at CBS doesn’t offer much in the way of anti-white diatribes. After all, with hyena-cackling, Ebonics-babbling, bigot pea-brains (Shannon Sharpe), slow-witted sidekicks that tow the party line (Dan Marino), and full-blown African Supremacist Caste-Cuckholds (Bill Cowher) as his co-workers…who could one possibly expect Esiason to get a another white-loathing word in edgewise?


CAPTION: Unfunny Twits “Tebowing”

Personally, I find “NFL Today” to be far more annoying than ESPN’s “Sunday NFL Countdown.” Dan, Shannon, Boomer, and Brown all seem to talk over one another, regularly break into sessions of hysterical laughter over the most trivial of remarks, forget players names, and provide little insight or analysis whatsoever. “Countdown” has many of the same issues (see Johnson, Keyshawn, and Carter, Chris), but I would expect as much from such an “urban” environment, featuring three Negroes (Carter, Johnson, Jackson), one Jew (Berman), and one “old school” NeoCon wigger (Ditka). ESPN needs to bring back Emmitt (word-)Smith, who was perhaps the most compelling analyst of all time.


Boomer’s extremist, attention-whoring remarks don’t seem to be aimed exclusively at whites, though. For instance, he recently had this to say about Mark Sanchez: “He was like a Chihuahua standing on Madison Avenue and 36th Street entering the Midtown Tunnel, eyes bigger than you know what, and just so shaky.” Not very PC to refer to a Mexican player as the smallest, weakest dog on the planet.
Tim Tebow ended up at Tel-Aviv on the Hudson for a reason,much easier to tear him down in that area,people forget how he carved up the mutt Steelers last year,and is capable of doing that to most NFL teams.
I'm still angry that Tebow ended up on the Jets. It's kind of like Gerhart and Leonard going to teams that had running backs. It's a way for the nfl to make him dissapear. They play him on special teams. What an insult to one of the greatest college players of all time who won a heisman and two national championships and then took the Broncos to the playoffs in his first full year as a starter! This league makes me sick to my stomach. Here is to hoping the Jets lose every week until they are forced to at least play him. If not, then trade him. It's the right thing to do. I know Tebow is a model christian, but going to this team could be career suicide. I wish he would say he wants to go to a team where he can play every Sunday.
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