The Trumpening?

These same liberals who have suddenly turned into puritans were always 100% behind Bill Clinton, whose sexual escapades and predatory behavior were legendary.
Damn! He is guilty of not following Sharia Law in that 2005 private conversation. Did u hear that tv talking head going on - Omigod! This is a bombshell! This will effect the debate! This will affect the election! There is no way Donald Trump can win now! Omigod omigod I'm so upset I peed my pants!
I don't think this is going to move the meter much. They media and polls will use it to move their meter, and at this late date it may be enough to convince those geniuses that decide who to vote for on the day of the election. It will certainly give them cover to cheat him out of the election as the spin will be all those "moral" amerikans out there decided not to support such a reprobate. Yes the hypocrisy of the media and pundits who churn out slime and degeneracy tsk-tsking some locker room talk is nauseating.

There probably is more out there too. Trump didn't see himself being under this kind of microscope previously and has always been pretty open about things. It's just his nature. They also must have some anti-minority stuff they are holding onto as I'm sure he said something at sometime in his life. That this was released 4 weeks before the election must mean they have something else to put out.

He could use a Hillary health scare before the election.
Trump better have a good to great debate against the hag Sunday. I hope he can learn a bit from Mike Pence. The MSM is going to trumpet the "grabbing the pussy" story non stop while ignoring the leaked Wall Street speeches by the hag in which she stated that she want open borders. The media is really f**ked.
These same liberals who have suddenly turned into puritans were always 100% behind Bill Clinton, whose sexual escapades and predatory behavior were legendary.
If some of the stories are true Clinton should be a registered sex offender. He is/was one sick puppy, basically a White Bill Cosby.
Great leaders often have very strong sex drives, like JFK for instance. Trump is not a rapist and pedophile like Clinton, and his enabler, the hag, nor is he a homosexual sex pervert like the hag (and if they fix the election count so that the hag "wins" the wicked old witch will be the THIRD homosexual president in a row!
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Great leaders often have very strong sex drives, like JFK for instance. Trump is not a rapist and pedophile like Clinton, and his enabler, the hag, nor is he a homosexual sex pervert like the hag (and if they fix the election count so that the hag "wins" the wicked old witch will be the THIRD homosexual president in a row!
One of the primary tactics of the PTB is to put someone in power that has done something shameful or criminal that only they know about. The more perverse, the better. That way, they are controllable and beholden to their agenda if they should astray.

What's up with the Mormon Republican contingent? Mike Lee has now asked Trump to "step down" and the Governor of Utah has withdrawn his support. Those two plus Romney makes me wonder what they have to hide. Why has Mike Lee (or any other Republican) not asked Hillary to "step down" with all of her actual and documented misdeeds and corruption?

I doubt Trump ever did to any woman what he said in his "hot mic" moment. I've said worse when I was younger and had one too many, as did almost all of my male friends and acquaintances. I think the biggest issue the media and political establishment has is that the statement he made came from an alpha White heterosexual man.

The Leftist White cucks and supremacist blacks that love to listen to "gangsta rap" and hip-hop have certainly heard far, far worse than what Trump said.
What's up with the Mormon Republican contingent? Mike Lee has now asked Trump to "step down" and the Governor of Utah has withdrawn his support. Those two plus Romney makes me wonder what they have to hide. ...

The trouble with that is don't those hypocritical critters vote in a block and do whatever their elder overlords, or whatever the hell they call them, tell them to do?
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I agree with what Kevin MacDonald tweeted. Trump's video apology was as good as it could be. The next move by his campaign is going to be real interesting.
I hope Trump just goes completely on the offensive at the next debate - bring up all of Hillary's corrupt and illegal activities and Slick Willy's exploits.
The trouble with that is don't those critters vote in a block and do whatever their elder overlords, or whatever the hell they call them, tell them to do?

Mormons are the worst kind of cucks that there is, followed closely by the Scandinavian idiots in places like Minnesota who openly aid in their own dispossession by importing thousands of Somalis and other assorted third world vermin who in turn destroy their communities with "little Africas" popping up everywhere. (As someone of Finnish descent, I can tell you we are different than our Swedish and Norwegian neighbors, FYI).

This 11-year old tape by Trump is nothing. He shouldn't have apologized at all, giving more ammunition to the SJWs for their faux outrage. It would be more damaging if he said it last week, and based on the 24-7 coverage of the MSM, you would think that's what happened. He needs to quickly reframe this, no more apologies, and have a strong debate on Sunday.
"Horrific?" Not really. Women can be just as bad or worse and graphic to boot when they talk among themselves.
Yep, all of those "empowered", "independent" and "sexually-liberated" Amerikan women that spent most of their best reproductive years watching and re-enacting their heroine's adventures from HBO's "Sex and the City" back in the late 90's to early-mid 2000's were exposed to statements and messages in that series that makes Trump's statement seem tame in comparison. Yet, they are somehow "offended" at a mere jocular statement made by some man coming from the same city who probably never even engaged in what he said, all the while they were practicing the sort of debauchery that was espoused in that series.
I hope Trump just goes completely on the offensive at the next debate - bring up all of Hillary's corrupt and illegal activities and Slick Willy's exploits.
Exactly. No more "Mr. Nice Guy" during these debates. With Anderson "CIA" Cooper and some other liberal female as moderators, it's going to be biased as hell. It wouldn't bother me if he made a succinct and sincere apology and then leaves it at that. No groveling. If they keep trying to hammer him on it, then he needs to simply ignore them and go off script and bring up some of the sordid details about Bill and Hillary that the MSM never covers as well as the issues that really matter to the people in the country.

There's some juicy stuff that's being ignored by the MSM with the latest release of the Wikileaks documents. Infowars has some good articles on it. For instance, she calls Bernie supporters (and the far-Left contingent of the Democratic Party) a "basket of losers" and admits she has both a "public and private" position on some of the issues in one of her speeches to Goldman Sachs. She also tells (((Goldman Sachs))) she supports "Open Borders"; obediently doing (((their))) bidding of dismantling Whites, not just in Amerika, but in all of Eastern Europe and Russia, too.

Trump has to re-direct the narrative to these things and refuse to say anything else about his "hot mic" incident or apologize any more for it except, perhaps, briefly during the debate.
I just got my absentee ballot and I was excited to fill it out and send it in, now I'm not so sure. The relentless calls by the Republicucks for Trump to step down have me worried that a mutiny may be in process. If that happens what of the absentee votes already cast? I'm sure the Republicucks will want them to go for whatever establishment shill they appoint but the Democucks will try to get them disallowed. Looks like I'll have to wait and see.
If Trump does make a quick and sincere apology to start off the debate, he should follow that up with some quick bullet-points (because the moderators won't give him enough time otherwise or simply interrupt him) of the many instances of corruption by Bill and Hillary and ask her to apologize to the people as well.
My fear now is that Trump will announce that he is dropping out. If he does it means he was in it all along just to fake it and collect sheckels from the suckers and take a dive like some crooked two bit boxer, like Ron Paul.
My fear now is that Trump will announce that he is dropping out. If he does it means he was in it all along just to fake it and collect sheckels from the suckers and take a dive like some crooked two bit boxer, like Ron Paul.
This has been my concern that Trump was a plant...but still hoping not...we do live in a "Cartoon" after all....this was the ONLY way for the status quo globalist witch to win. No one likes her...why should they...sickening :mad:
My fear now is that Trump will announce that he is dropping out. If he does it means he was in it all along just to fake it and collect sheckels from the suckers and take a dive like some crooked two bit boxer, like Ron Paul.

I don't believe he'll drop out. I think there's little chance of that.
Typical disingenuous Leftist LSM snakes. So these baby-murdering, perversion-promoting snakes are going to moralize us all now??
I hope more people will vote for Trump now and he destroys the hag tomorrow night.
This has been my concern that Trump was a plant...but still hoping not...we do live in a "Cartoon" after all....this was the ONLY way for the status quo globalist witch to win. No one likes her...why should they...sickening :mad:
If he was, he should have been eliminated in the primaries. No, I do not believe he is a plant. Good Americans are tired of the current political class, both Repubs and Dems. I pray he has a great night tomorrow. He will need it.
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You guys have to see this video, it's a clip of Obama when he was running for some small office talking about "ribs and pussy". Trump should put this on his twitter feed, it basically negates the arguments aimed at him.

Yeah, I noticed the heavy "ebonics" accent on this fraud and the worst President of the USA. Its unbelievable that Whites with 1/2 of a brain voted for this f*ck.
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That 11-year old video of Trump making "misogynistic" comments will amount to nothing. For the past year and a half, he's survived all of their viscous hate-mongering and he'll outlast them once again. The RebuliCucks or Independents who would actually change their vote as a result of hearing two famous guys kidding around about hot women in a private conversation on a bus over a decade ago weren't voting for The Messiah anyway and are looking for any excuse to withdraw their impotent support. The only people reacting to this "controversy" are the corporate Newz Jewz and political elites...and the fact that Trump was successfully nominated (in record-setting fashion) is proof that they no longer matter.

He'll go for the bitch's jugular tonight in the debate and there's no chance he's dropping out of this race...

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