The Trumpening?

Its interesting, watch the video and you will hear "when you are a star, if they let you" but the media seems to like dropping out the if of any transcription, which really really changes the entire statement against them.

I also find it interesting that its sexist to say asking is stupid, but its not sexist to say women can't say no or react appropriately to something they don't want?

Like just imagine, going around trying to force a woman to drink a sip of water. She'll say no and pull away, but when it comes to sex or a kiss they just can't do it? That's kinda ridiculous no?
I sure hope Trump's on the level. Been burned before by fakers - Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan... George Wallace was not a faker so they shot him down - that's what they do when they can't buy someone; Another southern governor, Huey Long was a huge threat to them so they did the same; JFK turned out to be much too honest, same; JFK Jr. was a big threat to the hag and the Clinton crime family in NY, plus the next issue of his magazine was going to be a special on who really killed his father; David Duke, they put him in prison...

The second debate tonight. If Trump is legit he'll have to completely ignore the muderator and the setup questions about how horrible it is to think of women in sexual terms and use naughty words and "global warming" and "police brutality against african americans" and instead bring up things like the hag's love of Merkel and her planned immigration invasion ramp up, and disarmament of the American people in preparation for that so that they will be defenseless, and the mysterious deaths of so very many of Bill 'n Hillary's enemies, and her destruction of Libya and her set up murder of the US ambassadors there.

Some of the ones feigning outrage over Trump's comments - and how did that come to be recorded anyway? - like John McCain. Google "mccain collaborator" to see what real POW's say about him. He was a commy collaborator from day one. The average American POW lost about 70 pounds during his captivity, McCain gained 40 pounds. He became the #1 PR guy for Vietnam after the war. Yeah right he was "tortured". Then there was all of his mob connections - the Arizona beer barons, the Keating 5 gang, Joey "Joe Bananas" Bonanno and the Mafia (he was invited to go to Bonanno's funeral but he sent his most sincerest apologies and regrets that he couldn't attend because it would hurt his public image).

Arnold Schwarzenegger also dropped his Trump support in outrage. Ha that's a good one. Look up how he used to routinely molest women, not just talk about it, do it. On his movie set for the Barbarian or whatever it was called he just walked up to one actress and without saying a word pulled her blouse open and her bra off and she ran away crying. Another time he grabbed a girl's crotch. Those were just two out of many. He was also a national socialist before he married into the ruling reptiles.
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I sure hope Trump's on the level. Been burned before by fakers - Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan... George Wallace was not a faker so they shot him down - that's what they do when they can't buy someone; Another southern governor, Huey Long was a huge threat to them so they did the same; JFK turned out to be much too honest, same; JFK Jr. was a big threat to the hag and the Clinton crime family in NY, plus the next issue of his magazine was going to be a special on who really killed his father; David Duke, they put him in prison...

The second debate tonight. If it's legit he'll have to completely ignore the muderator and the setup questions about how horrible it is to think of women in sexual terms and use naughty words and "global warming" and "police brutality against african americans" and bring up things like the hag's love of Merkel and her planned immigration invasion ramp up, and disarmament of the American people in preparation for that so that they will be defenseless.

Some of the ones feigning outrage over Trump's comments - and how did that come to be recorded anyway? - like John McCain. Google "mccain collaborator" to see what real POW's say about him. He was a commy collaborator from day one. The average American POW lost about 70 pounds during his captivity, McCain gained 40 pounds. He became the #1 PR guy for Vietnam after the war. Yeah right he was "tortured". Then there was all of his mob connections - the Arizona beer barons, the Keating 5 gang, Joey "Joe Bananas" Bonanno and the Mafia (he was invited to go to Bonanno's funeral but he sent his most sincerest apologies and regrets that he couldn't attend because it would hurt his public image).

Arnold Schwarzenegger also dropped his Trump support in outrage. Ha that's a good one. Look up how he used to routinely molest women, not just talk about it, do it. On his movie set for the Barbarian or whatever it was called he just walked up to one actress and without saying a word pulled her blouse open and her bra off and she ran away crying. Another time he grabbed a girl's crotch. Those were just two out of many. He was also a national socialist before he married into the ruling reptiles.
Lots of good points. Never heard that JFK Jr's next issue of "George" was going to reveal the details of who assassinated his father. The word is, that's why he named his magazine what he did, "George", referring to George H.W. Bu$h. Here's a long but easily digestible article from earlier this year implicating Bu$h Sr. in the death of his father. When all of those JFK Assassination files were released in 1993, many people thought that a "smoking gun" would be found immediately, as though there would be someone at a high level giving a direct order for his assassination. Well, it took time; and the article I linked to uses different documents from the release of those files to put it all together, like a jigsaw puzzle. Good reading for those interested in that subject. I thought it ironic that a few weeks ago, RFK's granddaughter (I believe), was so giddy to hear that Daddy Bu$h endorsed Hillary for President. I think she was with him when he made the announcement. What a country.
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I know Milo is not everyone's "cup of tea" here, but he does have some great insight and makes some great points in regards to the political and social climate of today from the perspective of the Right (and borderline Alt-Right).

Here's a short speech he gave to a Pro-Trump art show in New York, before he bathes himself in pig's blood to protest "Islamic terrorism". Although I don't personally agree with the official narratives of 9/11, Orlando, Paris, etc. etc. etc., the point he's making is legit. He also mentions that this is the first "significantly protested" art event by the Left and how significant that is by itself and also mentions the "Piss Christ" "art" piece from over twenty years ago, implying that (((they))) were perfectly OK with that, but not what he's about to do.
Lots of good points. Never heard that JFK Jr's next issue of "George" was going to reveal the details of who assassinated his father. The word is, that's why he named his magazine what he did, "George", referring to George H.W. Bu$h. Here's a long but easily digestible article from earlier this year implicating Bu$h Sr. in the death of his father. When all of those JFK Assassination files were released in 1993, many people thought that a "smoking gun" would be found immediately, as though there would be someone at a high level giving a direct order for his assassination. Well, it took time; and the article I linked to uses different documents from the release of those files to put it all together, like a jigsaw puzzle. Good reading for those interested in that subject. I thought it ironic that a few weeks ago, RFK's granddaughter (I believe), was so giddy to hear that Daddy Bu$h endorsed Hillary for President. I think she was with him when he made the announcement. What a country.

That link looks interesting. I'll read it later. Yes, George magazine's next issue was supposed to be a special about that. No, I didn't know why the mag. was named George. The Bush and Clinton crime families have long tentacles. The weirdest thing is that all of the USA's presidents seem to be related to each other one way or another, all except one, and that's probably just because they haven't found the connections yet.

"So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Ireland, in his book *Coningsby*
That link looks interesting. I'll read it later. Yes, George magazine's next issue was supposed to be a special about that. No, I didn't know why the mag. was named George. The Bush and Clinton crime families have long tentacles. The weirdest thing is that all of the USA's presidents seem to be related to each other one way or another, all except one, and that's probably just because they haven't found the connections yet.

"So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Ireland, in his book *Coningsby*
All of the early Anglo-Saxon presidents have distant relationships but the Kennedy's were full Paddy blood, I'm not sure about Eisenhauer on his non German side.
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Trump killed it tonight. Absolutely went after Hillary and didn't let up. Called out the moderators also repeatedly for being biased. Went after Bill Clinton's sexual assault and her defending him and her going after his victims. He called her a liar repeatedly. He told her if he is elected he will appoint a special prosecutor to go after her. It was beautiful. It was a blowout.
All-out effort to destroy Trump PROVES he's not part of the establishment... NOT an insider... 'Trump' movement has grown way beyond one man's actions or words

NaturalNews) There's no longer any question whatsoever about whether Trump is an insider or outsider. The all-out attack on Trump by the leftist media, democrats and the republican establishment now confirm that the political elite are terrified of Donald Trump and will do anything to stop him.

Learn more:
All-out effort to destroy Trump PROVES he's not part of the establishment... NOT an insider... 'Trump' movement has grown way beyond one man's actions or words...and the republican establishment now confirm that the political elite are terrified of Donald Trump and will do anything to stop him.
I've been pleasantly surprised by Mike Huckabee over the past several months with some of his observations, statements and strong support of Donald Trump. Last night he labeled establishment Republicans "Bed Wetters" and said "they are not afraid he's going to lose, but 'scared to death' that he'll win".
This story probably belongs in the "Ubiquitous Man Hating" thread, but since it mentions Trump, I'll put it here.

NYC Pharmacy's "new policy" allows females to shop "tax free" while adding a new 7% "Man tax" for male shoppers to "fight 'gender inequality and Trump'".

First off, you'd have to be a serious mangina to shop there, if you're a man. Secondly, I thought these Cultural Marxists believed that gender is a "social construct" and not based on one's biology.

From the picture of the person going into that pharmacy, it looks like they're going to have a difficult time determining the gender of that one...
There as been another wikileaks dump with more information regarding the Saudi and Qatar funding of ISIS, Emails between clinton staffers regarding the emails, media outlets rallying against Trump. Anyone with half a brain should be able to see what is going on here, how corrupt and rotten this government and the media are. These leaks should be huge news but of course they are not. The media is quickly becoming public enemy number 1 for its obvious leftist bias. I also think both the Democratic and Republican parties are finally on the decline. So many republicans are jumping ship on Trump but his popularity with the people remains strong and is probably growing.

I really cannot foresee shillary winning the election legally but I won't be surprised if she does win just because of the absurd levels of corruption and voter fraud that will take place.
The Donald Lives!

by Pat Buchanan

Donald Trump turned in perhaps the most effective performance in the history of presidential debates on Sunday night.

As the day began, he had been denounced by his wife, Mike Pence, and his own staff for a tape of crude and lewd remarks in a decade-old “locker room” conversation on a bus with Billy Bush of “Access Hollywood.”

Tasting blood, the media were in a feeding frenzy. Trump is dropping out! Pence is bolting the ticket! Republican elites are about to disown and abandon the Republican nominee!

Sometime this weekend, Trump made a decision: If he is going down to defeat, he will go out as Trump, not some sniveling penitent begging forgiveness from hypocrites who fear and loathe him.

His first move was to host a press availability, before the debate, where a small sampling of Bill Clinton’s alleged victims — Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick — made brief statements endorsing Trump and denouncing the misogyny of the Clintons.

“Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me,” said Broaddrick, “and Hillary Clinton threatened me.”

The press had to cover it. Then the women marched into the auditorium at Washington University to watch Hillary Clinton defend her behavior toward them after their encounters with Bill.

As the moderators and Hillary Clinton scrambled to refocus on Trump’s comments of a decade ago, Trump brought it back to Bill’s criminal misconduct against women, his lying about it, and Hillary’s aiding and abetting of the First Predator.

It was like a tawdry courtroom drama in an X-rated movie, a new low in presidential debates. But what it revealed is that if Trump is going down, his enemies will carry away their own permanent scars.

As Caesar said of Cassius, “Such men are dangerous.”

Hillary Clinton has never been hammered as she was Sunday night, and it showed. Knocked off her game, she was no longer the prim and poised debater of Hofstra University.

There were other signs that, win or lose, Trump intends to finish the campaign as he began, as a populist-nationalist and unapologetic adversary of open borders, globalization and neo-imperialism.

When moderators Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper revealed their bias by asking Trump tougher questions and more follow-ups, and interrupting him more rudely and often, he called them out.

“It’s one on three!” said Trump. And it sure looked like it.

How could the moderators have ignored that other leak of last week, of Clintons’s speech to Brazilian bankers where she confessed she “dreams” of a “hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders.”

If the quote is accurate, and Clinton has not denied it, she was saying she dreams of a future when the United States ceases to exist as a separate, sovereign and independent nation.

She envisions not just a North American Union evolving out of NAFTA but a merger of all the nations of North, South and Central America, with all borders erased and people moving freely from one place to another within a hemispheric super-state.

If this quote is accurate, Clinton is working toward an end to the independence for which our Founding Fathers fought the American Revolution.

After all, Thomas Jefferson did not write some declaration of diversity in 1776, but a Declaration of Independence for a new, unique and separate people.

Clinton dreams of doing away with what American patriots cherish most.

When the issue of Syria arose, Clinton said she favors a “no-fly zone.” Unanswered, indeed unasked by the moderators, was whether she would order the shooting down of Syrian or Russian planes that violate the zone.

Yet, what she is suggesting are acts of war against Syria, and Russia if necessary, though Congress has never authorized a war on Syria, and Syria has not attacked us.

Trump did not hesitate to overrule the suggestion of Mike Pence that we follow Clinton’s formula. He believes ISIS is our enemy, and if Syria, Russia and Iran are attacking ISIS, we ought not to be fighting them.

As of sunrise Sunday, the media were writing Trump off as dead.

By Sunday night, they were as shocked and stunned as Hillary and Bill.

What did Trump accomplish in 18 hours?

He rattled Hillary Clinton, firmed up and rallied his base, halted the stampede of the cut-and-run Republicans, and exposed the hypocrisy of liberal and secular celebrants of the ’60s “sexual revolution,” who have suddenly gotten religion where Trump is involved.

Trump exposed the fraudulence of the Clintons’ clucking concern for sexually abused women, brought Pence back into camp, turned the tables and changed the subject from the Trump tapes to the Trump triumph at Washington University.

Upshot: The Donald is alive.

While his path to 270 electoral votes still looks more than problematic, there is a month to go before the election, and anything can happen.

Indeed, it already has — many times.
I just pray he wins but he's supposedly down by anywhere from 11 to 14 points now. Not one single article about how he dominated the second debate which shows how much hatred they have for Trump.
I just pray he wins but he's supposedly down by anywhere from 11 to 14 points now. Not one single article about how he dominated the second debate which shows how much hatred they have for Trump.

There is no way he is down by that much. If anything he is up by that much. The media machine is huge and just has it out for Trump and are trying to create a false narrative that Trump is losing so there is no point to vote for him, meanwhile the leftists are doing there best to ramp up the voter fraud whether it be by dead people voting or voting more than once to give shillary the election.

If Clinton does win I think it will further split the country and all the pissed off Trump supporters won't be willing to compromise any more. People are fed up with the system, the media and the left and are beginning to wake up and realize they are all working together to eradicate the opposition. Like I mentioned earlier, this latest wikileaks dump is full of information that is devestating yet the media do not do their jobs and would rather cover up and just attack Trump. They are driven by nothing but their ****** up ideology. I have a feeling that a clinton presidency is going to become one of the most transparent ever as wikileaks and other hackers will make her their number one target.

This election cycle also sees every House of Representatives seat and a 3rd of the Senate up for grabs. It is a shame we are not seeing people at these levels align themselves with Trump and his plans for the future of the country.
The Donald Lives!

by Pat Buchanan

Donald Trump turned in perhaps the most effective performance in the history of presidential debates on Sunday night.

As the day began, he had been denounced by his wife, Mike Pence, and his own staff for a tape of crude and lewd remarks in a decade-old “locker room” conversation on a bus with Billy Bush of “Access Hollywood.”

Tasting blood, the media were in a feeding frenzy. Trump is dropping out! Pence is bolting the ticket! Republican elites are about to disown and abandon the Republican nominee!

Sometime this weekend, Trump made a decision: If he is going down to defeat, he will go out as Trump, not some sniveling penitent begging forgiveness from hypocrites who fear and loathe him.

His first move was to host a press availability, before the debate, where a small sampling of Bill Clinton’s alleged victims — Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick — made brief statements endorsing Trump and denouncing the misogyny of the Clintons.

“Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me,” said Broaddrick, “and Hillary Clinton threatened me.”

The press had to cover it. Then the women marched into the auditorium at Washington University to watch Hillary Clinton defend her behavior toward them after their encounters with Bill.

As the moderators and Hillary Clinton scrambled to refocus on Trump’s comments of a decade ago, Trump brought it back to Bill’s criminal misconduct against women, his lying about it, and Hillary’s aiding and abetting of the First Predator.

It was like a tawdry courtroom drama in an X-rated movie, a new low in presidential debates. But what it revealed is that if Trump is going down, his enemies will carry away their own permanent scars.

As Caesar said of Cassius, “Such men are dangerous.”

Hillary Clinton has never been hammered as she was Sunday night, and it showed. Knocked off her game, she was no longer the prim and poised debater of Hofstra University.

There were other signs that, win or lose, Trump intends to finish the campaign as he began, as a populist-nationalist and unapologetic adversary of open borders, globalization and neo-imperialism.

When moderators Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper revealed their bias by asking Trump tougher questions and more follow-ups, and interrupting him more rudely and often, he called them out.

“It’s one on three!” said Trump. And it sure looked like it.

How could the moderators have ignored that other leak of last week, of Clintons’s speech to Brazilian bankers where she confessed she “dreams” of a “hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders.”

If the quote is accurate, and Clinton has not denied it, she was saying she dreams of a future when the United States ceases to exist as a separate, sovereign and independent nation.

She envisions not just a North American Union evolving out of NAFTA but a merger of all the nations of North, South and Central America, with all borders erased and people moving freely from one place to another within a hemispheric super-state.

If this quote is accurate, Clinton is working toward an end to the independence for which our Founding Fathers fought the American Revolution.

After all, Thomas Jefferson did not write some declaration of diversity in 1776, but a Declaration of Independence for a new, unique and separate people.

Clinton dreams of doing away with what American patriots cherish most.

When the issue of Syria arose, Clinton said she favors a “no-fly zone.” Unanswered, indeed unasked by the moderators, was whether she would order the shooting down of Syrian or Russian planes that violate the zone.

Yet, what she is suggesting are acts of war against Syria, and Russia if necessary, though Congress has never authorized a war on Syria, and Syria has not attacked us.

Trump did not hesitate to overrule the suggestion of Mike Pence that we follow Clinton’s formula. He believes ISIS is our enemy, and if Syria, Russia and Iran are attacking ISIS, we ought not to be fighting them.

As of sunrise Sunday, the media were writing Trump off as dead.

By Sunday night, they were as shocked and stunned as Hillary and Bill.

What did Trump accomplish in 18 hours?

He rattled Hillary Clinton, firmed up and rallied his base, halted the stampede of the cut-and-run Republicans, and exposed the hypocrisy of liberal and secular celebrants of the ’60s “sexual revolution,” who have suddenly gotten religion where Trump is involved.

Trump exposed the fraudulence of the Clintons’ clucking concern for sexually abused women, brought Pence back into camp, turned the tables and changed the subject from the Trump tapes to the Trump triumph at Washington University.

Upshot: The Donald is alive.

While his path to 270 electoral votes still looks more than problematic, there is a month to go before the election, and anything can happen.

Indeed, it already has — many times.
And yet Yahoo had the following on their Finance page this morning (now gone) "Market Futures Up on Clinton Debate Win". LOL!

Wow, just unbelievable, in-your-face, propaganda. Anyone that actually watched the debate knows that's patently false.

I've heard Yahoo is shredding email users due to their complicity allowing the N$A to scan all of their user's emails for certain words and phrases. They've now disabled the 'Forward' button in their email client so users cannot forward their emails to another email provider.

I'm enjoying their Karmic demise, as well as Twitter's.
I posted this in the NFL Trump thread but I feel it's relevant here as well.....

The strange thing to me about this whole election is the divide between what I see and read in the media as opposed to real life. I have friends with black friends whom I've talked to about this election.

One black guy was for Trump. 2 reasons, #1 he hates Clinton #2 he can't get decent construction contracts due to the influx of Mexicans under bidding him.

The second black guy was unsure. After I explained how Trump would create jobs and has a history of creating jobs, he said "yea I think Trump would be a lot better for the economy."

Neither one spoke anything about racism or BLM. We all know blacks aren't known for their patriotism but these guys being in their mid to late 20's have felt the sting of not being able to get a job. Blacks only care about something when it hits them in their pockets. When you explain to them in layman terms how the Clintons are professional crooks, you speak a language they understand, and race doesn't need to be part of the conversation.
The narrative being promoted by the mainstream media is that the election is basically over and that Clinton has won. The fact that they make such a pronouncement shows their bias.

I read that in Britain the vote to leave the EU was said to be by the media to be overwhelmingly in favor of staying. Their polls said it. The bookies had it 9-1 against Britain leaving. And guess what? They were all wrong! The Brits voted to leave the EU.

Trump has a real chance to win this election! Let's do everything we can to get those we know to vote for Trump.

Vote for Trump!
Three great twitter posts by The Donald yesterday, no doubt directed at "RINO" Ryan and his fundamentally-cucked NeoCon ilk...


If nothing else comes of this election, at least Donald will have officially exposed "Corporation R," possibly destroying them for good. Perhaps Trump supporters can create their own political party?

If Trump doesn't win, I'll be rooting for BLM to burn down every major city, pillage the suburbs, and become militarized. The day of reckoning can't come soon enough for all white liberals who support Hillary. It sounds harsh, but they need to be taught a lesson.
As Flint mentioned, there may be an audio tape of Trump using the almighty N word. At least this is what the apprentice producer claims. Let's see if Piggary releases something like this.
As Flint mentioned, there may be an audio tape of Trump using the almighty N word. At least this is what the apprentice producer claims. Let's see if Piggary releases something like this.

They are going to wait with that one for the best moment. More wikiscandals or just before the election, we here at CF know the power of that magical word.

Frankly it does not look good for Trumps chances right now. I have never thought he would get elected but I figured it might be close. But it looks like they are assembling a narrative so that when the fake vote totals are in, a Hillary landslide can be sold as legit to the sheeple.

Only a major Hillary health scare could change things now.
They are going to wait with that one for the best moment. More wikiscandals or just before the election, we here at CF know the power of that magical word.

Frankly it does not look good for Trumps chances right now. I have never thought he would get elected but I figured it might be close. But it looks like they are assembling a narrative so that when the fake vote totals are in, a Hillary landslide can be sold as legit to the sheeple.

Only a major Hillary health scare could change things now.

I don't know if Stalin really said this - I think he might have, referring to the corrupt western democracies, in which case he was correct - but whether he did or didn't it's true:

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."

They are prepping the suckers for the numbers that come out of their no paper trail Premier Election Solutions (nee Diebold) computerized vote counting machines. Leftist Huffington Post and NY Times has compiled a collection of the fake polls. (How come nobody has ever polled me or anybody I know?) And oh yeah they must be frantically hunting for a tape of him using the n word - or maybe they found one already - and that would drive the ziomedia into a hysterical feeding frenzy, night and day 24/7. They know how to do that. It's the way they incite the n's - I mean African American people of color - to riot, every month now.

Fake poll links:

WATCH – Democrat Admits Election RIGGED In Bombshell Video – Millions Are Watching

One of the most damning statements of voter fraud was just dropped with an Internet video showing the Commissioner of Elections in New York City openly admitting there is abundant voter fraud.

Alan Schulkin tells a tale of people being bused from voter poll to voter poll to take advantage of the fact they are not allowed to ask for voter id…

Lots more good stuff here, including excellent Devvy Kidd article and her link to a funny animated song about the killer hag:
American Freedom News