The Trumpening?

The Pittsburgh metro area is still very White with Orientals being the minority being brought in as rapidly as possible, and if you are going to swamp an area with non-Whites, Asians are far and away preferable to any other group. There isn't much here to lure Mexicans or blacks, but the IT and medical industries are booming and that is what is being used to bring in the "smart, model minority." The learned elders of Pittsburgh moaned for years and years about how White the metro area is and finally found that going the white-collar route to attract non-Whites is the only way that will work short-term and long-term.

I will say that Pittsburgh is one of the best urban areas to live in. Traffic is getting bad all over, but that's because of old infrastructure and the endless booming of the northern suburbs. The northern suburbs were mostly farmland at the end of WWII but have been growing non-stop ever since. I grew up in the northern suburbs and my high school class in the mid-70s consisted of 750 kids, all White. Imagine that today, anywhere in the U.S.

The financial crash of '08 never affected Pittsburgh; housing prices remained stable and continued to slowly grow. Pittsburgh has successfully reinvented itself since the days of the steel mills and there is a lot of solid middle and upper middle class wealth here, which is one of the reasons why I don't agree with the doom and gloomers who think an economic crash is imminent, which has been predicted for decades now. The 1% are also benefiting another 20 or 30 percent or so through "trickle down" wealth. That alliance is what keeps the system going uncontested.
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I love Western Pa - really beautiful country. I had many great memories in college of driving the PA turnpike and just taking in the scenery. As you mentioned Don Pittsburgh really did do a great job transitioning from the steel mills to technology and medicine. In terms of evolving economically Pittsburgh is a model. In terms of the types of non-whites they are importing Asians are the least of all evils. Asians are most similar to whites - higher IQs, respectable, have a traditional family background and not a beneficiary of the anti-white sentiment of the past 50 years as much as blacks and mexicans (I use that term loosely).
The NY Times, which is probably the most despicable and liberal rag in the country, apparently published Trumps 1995 tax returns. He apparently had losses of close to a billion dollars and because of that would be eligible to not pay any federal income tax for 20 years. There are a lot of stories going on right now about Trump's brand losing up to 20 percent of its value since he announced he was running for president. Lets hope he wins because I actually do believe he could take a serious hit financially if he loses.
The NY Times, which is probably the most despicable and liberal rag in the country, apparently published Trumps 1995 tax returns. He apparently had losses of close to a billion dollars and because of that would be eligible to not pay any federal income tax for 20 years. There are a lot of stories going on right now about Trump's brand losing up to 20 percent of its value since he announced he was running for president. Lets hope he wins because I actually do believe he could take a serious hit financially if he loses.

I'm not sure how his 1995 taxes are significant. He has had a lot of ups and downs financially and with a business empire as big as his he has no doubt had many loses over the years. If it helped him avoid paying taxes then good for him.

The relentless attacks from across the political spectrum are astounding. The Detroit News, a 150 year old paper, for the first time ever has not endorsed the Republican candidate for president, and instead endorsed Gary Johnson. This is true of several other large "conservative" newspapers. The editorial for the endorsement went with the theme that Trump is some kind of monster that would destroy, the country, the world, and most importantly the Republican party.

I'm not sure exactly what drives the hate for Trump from these people. They will certainly be able to co-opt him once elected, he's going to have to fill his government with an army of establishment conservatives anyway, there is no one else out there. United opposition from the uniparty will stop any agenda he adopts. Impeachment will be easy, as both parties will agree to get rid of him if possible.

I still think he cannot win anyway. The election is too easy to fix and in this case all parties agree that he should not be elected. Since it is a sure thing he is not going to be elected it makes the irrational hatred for him so hard to understand. It's not like there is anyone else out there that is going to pick up where he left off. In a few years they can bury and co-opt the opposition that he has created. It's not like his supporters are going to go to Washington and riot.
I'm not sure how his 1995 taxes are significant. He has had a lot of ups and downs financially and with a business empire as big as his he has no doubt had many loses over the years. If it helped him avoid paying taxes then good for him.

The relentless attacks from across the political spectrum are astounding. The Detroit News, a 150 year old paper, for the first time ever has not endorsed the Republican candidate for president, and instead endorsed Gary Johnson. This is true of several other large "conservative" newspapers. The editorial for the endorsement went with the theme that Trump is some kind of monster that would destroy, the country, the world, and most importantly the Republican party.

I'm not sure exactly what drives the hate for Trump from these people. They will certainly be able to co-opt him once elected, he's going to have to fill his government with an army of establishment conservatives anyway, there is no one else out there. United opposition from the uniparty will stop any agenda he adopts. Impeachment will be easy, as both parties will agree to get rid of him if possible.

I still think he cannot win anyway. The election is too easy to fix and in this case all parties agree that he should not be elected. Since it is a sure thing he is not going to be elected it makes the irrational hatred for him so hard to understand. It's not like there is anyone else out there that is going to pick up where he left off. In a few years they can bury and co-opt the opposition that he has created. It's not like his supporters are going to go to Washington and riot.

Man, that is really defeatist. Sure, the forces of evil have all their malevolent powers arrayed against him and humanity but the common people around the world and in the US are completely infuriated with the horrendous state of the world that the NWO vermin have gotten us all into. A tipping point of support has been reached on both the right (Trump) and the left (Sanders). The amount of ground level opposition to the two Establishment-owned parties in this election is unprecedented, and it has happened within the past 4 years, because it wasn't anything like this in 2012. Obama's totally corrupt, tyrannical, anti-American, anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-human reign has awakened a whole lot of people. Look at Brexit and the rise of all the Nationalist parties in Europe due to the contrived migrant invasion. I think you are too pessimistic.
Man, that is really defeatist. Sure, the forces of evil have all their malevolent powers arrayed against him and humanity but the common people around the world and in the US are completely infuriated with the horrendous state of the world that the NWO vermin have gotten us all into. A tipping point of support has been reached on both the right (Trump) and the left (Sanders). The amount of ground level opposition to the two Establishment-owned parties in this election is unprecedented, and it has happened within the past 4 years, because it wasn't anything like this in 2012. Obama's totally corrupt, tyrannical, anti-American, anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-human reign has awakened a whole lot of people. Look at Brexit and the rise of all the Nationalist parties in Europe due to the contrived migrant invasion. I think you are too pessimistic.

I agree with you Riggins, this is unlike the past. I think Trump has this one. Trump has great support in the new broadcasting, has a massive ground crew of volunteers working state to state where she has none, he has two rocking rallies a day, and he does interviews with the old broadcasters. The lying, cheating, thieving pollsters have him mostly tied or winning which really means he's steps ahead they just won't reveal that. Hillary doesn't even campaign. How can that evil witch win without even campaigning?
I agree with you Riggins, this is unlike the past. I think Trump has this one. Trump has great support in the new broadcasting, has a massive ground crew of volunteers working state to state where she has none, he has two rocking rallies a day, and he does interviews with the old broadcasters. The lying, cheating, thieving pollsters have him mostly tied or winning which really means he's steps ahead they just won't reveal that. Hillary doesn't even campaign. How can that evil witch win without even campaigning?

Ron Paul also had "a massive ground crew of volunteers" and then he took a dive TWICE. I hope that Trump isn't going to do that to us too. My main fear is the extremely crooked vote counting setup they have here. They hardly even bother to hide it anymore, like when the hag beat the old Jewish commy in the primaries, or when they had negroes on tv in the last election bragging about how they had voted for Obama multiple times, or how the latest mohammedan mass murderer turns out to have been voting in elections even tho he wasn't a citizen, black panthers guarding polling places with rifles, Premier Election Solutions (nee Diebold) no paper trail computerized vote counting machines... My second biggest fear is that Trump is a fraud like Paul. If he does lose, barring something extraordinary, like a nuclear war wiping out the big cities, or a military coup, I don't think we'll ever have a chance again. They will be flooding the country with the dregs of the third world and continuing to force breed sub humans with their welfare programs and birth control and abort white babies.
Ron Paul had no where near the support Trump has right now. The last time Paul ran most people still didn't know who he was. Trump has all those pissed off people that McCain and Romney had.
It sounds like Wikileaks is going to do another data dump or some other revelation that may target Clinton in the next day or so...stay tuned
Pence and Kaine are going at it pretty heavy. One thing stuck out. Pence's mic volume is considerably lower in volume. Every time Kaine speaks (and quite often) interrupts Pence you can't even hear Pence. The Jew-run media has a million tricks. Even the Moderator is interrupting Pence. Shamelessness...
Why do Republicans constantly play nice and play defense at all times? If they call you racist call them police haters and riot starters. If they call you sexest bring up Billy's sexual assaults and Hillary's trashing of those women with no apology. If they bring up releasing taxes you simply bring up releasing the Goldman Sachs speech and releasing emails. If they bring up Putin you bring up foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation from Muslim/ISIS sources. It's easy - don't answer any of their crazy accusations just fire back bigger accusations against them. If they interrupt you then interrupt them twice as much or stop them in their tracks - don't let them speak on your time for God's sake. Why don't they get it? Why are Republicans such bad debaters?
Pence and Kaine are going at it pretty heavy. One thing stuck out. Pence's mic volume is considerably lower in volume. Every time Kaine speaks (and quite often) interrupts Pence you can't even hear Pence. The Jew-run media has a million tricks. Even the Moderator is interrupting Pence. Shamelessness...

Pence had a beta debating style, but Kaine overdid the aggressiveness and interrupting and it likely backfired. Pence also seemed to get better the second half of the debate. He should have done a much better job of defending Trump and counterpunching by mentioning Hillary's endless scandals and insults, but overall it looks to have been a draw or a slight win for Pence.
I viewed the debate as Pence the college professor telling Kaine to STFU in the most professional way. Hands down, Pence won this. Looking forward to Sunday's debate. One word of advice for Trump===>policy, policy and policy!!!
I didn't watch the debates but from what I am reading Pence kept a cool head during the constant interruptions from Kaine and the moderator. Perhaps this is the strategy to bill Pence as the more quiet, reserved VP in contrast to the very outspoken President Trump. I really think that these debates are sowing more distrust between the media and Americans which is a good thing. Shillary and Kaine keep going farther and farther off the deep end.
The only reason I'm putting this here is because it's these type of people that I'd love to see Trump keep out. Anyway, you guys watch this Muslim woman and tell me how these Muslims are somehow "holy" people. The things said by her and her friend to a Conservative White guy show what they are. And their men would love to murder us. So much for the religion of peace, huh?:
Kaine is getting negative reviews even from fanatical libs like Chrissie "Obama sends tingles up and down my legs" Matthews. It could be the visceral hatred the anti-White ruling coalition has for White men who assert themselves. But they have nothing to fear as during the debate Kaine said he would be Hillary's "right hand person," showing off his cucked, submissive liberal bonafides.

During the debate, Trump tweeted that Kaine "looks like an evil crook" out of a Batman movie.

When the subject of abortion came up, I wish Pence would have called Kaine out. Kaine a "Christian," said why don't you, Pence, trust women with their own bodies to make a decision on having an abortion. Pence, a Christian, should have said, as a Christian we should trust what God says, not what people say!

There is a way that SEEMS right to a man, but its end is the way of death. Proverbs 14:12.
The way of the FOOL is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to counsel. Proverbs 12:15.
When the subject of abortion came up, I wish Pence would have called Kaine out. Kaine a "Christian," said why don't you, Pence, trust women with their own bodies to make a decision on having an abortion. Pence, a Christian, should have said, as a Christian we should trust what God says, not what people say!

There is a way that SEEMS right to a man, but its end is the way of death. Proverbs 14:12.
The way of the FOOL is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to counsel. Proverbs 12:15.

It's worse then him just being a Christian, he's supposedly an avowed Catholic. No matter what you might say about the Catholic church it is still unquestionably anti-abortion. Kaine says he's a Catholic but he's pro abortion, pro-gay marriage, wants women to become priests, he's as un-Catholic as you can get. He should be excommunicated or at the very least refused Communion at mass.

Pence by the way is an ex-Catholic, perhaps that's why he chose not to make a big deal of Kaine's extreme anti-Catholic views.
I'm not sure how his 1995 taxes are significant. He has had a lot of ups and downs financially and with a business empire as big as his he has no doubt had many loses over the years. If it helped him avoid paying taxes then good for him.

The relentless attacks from across the political spectrum are astounding. The Detroit News, a 150 year old paper, for the first time ever has not endorsed the Republican candidate for president, and instead endorsed Gary Johnson. This is true of several other large "conservative" newspapers. The editorial for the endorsement went with the theme that Trump is some kind of monster that would destroy, the country, the world, and most importantly the Republican party.

I'm not sure exactly what drives the hate for Trump from these people. They will certainly be able to co-opt him once elected, he's going to have to fill his government with an army of establishment conservatives anyway, there is no one else out there. United opposition from the uniparty will stop any agenda he adopts. Impeachment will be easy, as both parties will agree to get rid of him if possible.

I still think he cannot win anyway. The election is too easy to fix and in this case all parties agree that he should not be elected. Since it is a sure thing he is not going to be elected it makes the irrational hatred for him so hard to understand. It's not like there is anyone else out there that is going to pick up where he left off. In a few years they can bury and co-opt the opposition that he has created. It's not like his supporters are going to go to Washington and riot.

I think it all has to do with the masses that are supporting him. They're not necessarily afraid of him. They know they're collective asses are on the line once people realize they don't have to keep settling for the same old BS.
Probably the most interesting quote from Tim Kaine during his mean-spirited and ultra-repetitive debate with Pence was when he was talking about his "pro-gun" views...

"I’m a gun owner, I’m a strong Second Amendment supporter, but I’ve got a lot of scar tissue because when I was governor of Virginia there was a horrible shooting at Virginia Tech. And we learned that, through that painful situation, that gaps in the background record system should have been closed and that could have prevented that crime. So we’re going work to do things like close background record checks and if we do, we won’t have the tragedies that we did."

Obviously, this smarmy little phony only uttered such a fantastically-untrue statement because Hillary has such a problem attracting male voters who are oppose gun control. Here he is "supporting" the 2nd Amendment...


I didn't listen to much of that debate but the part I did hear was that little toad going on about how he was a proud gun owner and bla bla bla, like him and the hag were the greatest thing for the second amendment and freedom since the NRA!

Something I've noticed about this campaign that is different from any other is the countless businesses that are openly supporting The Donald. Just yesterday, I saw a local auto repair garage, a Sunoco gas station, a trucking company, and a Polaris dealership sporting numerous Trump signs in front of their businesses.
Never in any presidential election in my lifetime have I seen a candidate attacked even one tenth of the what Trump is dealing with. Ten anti-Trump media articles at any given time on Yahoo and not a single against Clinton.
American Freedom News