The Trumpening?

Cruz its a tough one to read. He is certainly a professional politician that will say anything to get elected. That's is no question he is an insider as his wife works for Goldman Sachs, can't get any more inside then that. Im not sure why he's considered an "outsider" as his only non establishment stance has been some mild anti immigration which he only came to when he realized it was working for Trump.

He would be better then whatever Democrat runs but it's certain he would end up a back stabbing whore like any of the other candidates. Only difference is he would be saying nice things while giving us the shaft.
At Mount Pleasant Inn, S.C., Trump really grills the RNC, Scuz, and that weakling neebler JEB; requires apology from Scuz for lies and crooked tactics or will sue Scuz; says RNC in default of pledge of fairness...

For the first time that I know of, maybe since Kennedy, a man of his profile is ripping establishment and ripping destructive established political culture. Deep state is boiling.
Cruz its a tough one to read. He is certainly a professional politician that will say anything to get elected. That's is no question he is an insider as his wife works for Goldman Sachs, can't get any more inside then that. Im not sure why he's considered an "outsider" as his only non establishment stance has been some mild anti immigration which he only came to when he realized it was working for Trump.

He would be better then whatever Democrat runs but it's certain he would end up a back stabbing whore like any of the other candidates. Only difference is he would be saying nice things while giving us the shaft.

Ted cruz is a bible believing christian, endorsed by true conservatives such as glenn beck duck dynnedty and rush limbaugh.

He is more hated and feared than donald trump. Even the govenor of iowa said "vote for anyone but cruz". He has zero friends in washington. Hes a jesse helms fan and is CONSISTANTLY right wing in the senate on every issue, thats why hes hated.

Trump is a liberal. Its fact he described himself as having "new york values" and its fact that he has funded the democrats many times.

Cruz destroyed trump and exposed trump on his pro abortion stance which has been the bain of the white race. Cruz is 100 percent against abortion. Trump was embarassing in that south carolina debate, even making jed bush look statemen like, which is neigh impossible to do.

Cruz is the only candidate that can save america and its christian ways.
Ted cruz is a bible believing christian, endorsed by true conservatives such as glenn beck duck dynnedty and rush limbaugh.

He is more hated and feared than donald trump. Even the govenor of iowa said "vote for anyone but cruz". He has zero friends in washington. Hes a jesse helms fan and is CONSISTANTLY right wing in the senate on every issue, thats why hes hated.

Trump is a liberal. Its fact he described himself as having "new york values" and its fact that he has funded the democrats many times.

Cruz destroyed trump and exposed trump on his pro abortion stance which has been the bain of the white race. Cruz is 100 percent against abortion. Trump was embarassing in that south carolina debate, even making jed bush look statemen like, which is neigh impossible to do.

Cruz is the only candidate that can save america and its christian ways.

Half of the country is rag-poor, abandoned or empty buildings everywhere, trade is weak or non-existent, stifled by debt, etc., and the people are supposed to care what one says he believes (a meaningless assertion) about abortion??? Economy TRUMPS abortion 90% to 10%. After a decades of political deception, why would anyone trust a pro-typical scuz?
Half of the country is rag-poor, abandoned or empty buildings everywhere, trade is weak or non-existent, stifled by debt, etc., and the people are supposed to care what one says he believes (a meaningless assertion) about abortion??? Economy TRUMPS abortion 90% to 10%. After a decades of political deception, why would anyone trust a pro-typical scuz?

So the murders of millions of white babies gets trumped by how rich you are, blimey youve been schooled establisment real good.

Regardless of wealth, strong christian beliefs where abortion was rare, you saw big white families. Since trumps "newyork values" have come into fruition, we seen the decline of the white christian family. I challenge you to show me whos more conservativr, cruz or trump on any issue. Open challenge to anyone infact. I dont think trump is even close to as conservative as cruz. But im all ears.
Abortion is a personal decision and although I do not agree with it, it shouldn't be outlawed as long as it is not funded by tax payer money.

Modern Christianity has been destroyed by liberals, evangelicals and corrupt quasi political structures.

As for Trump - he is dumping on everyone and Americans who have been **** upon by the current administration, the republican establishment and media elite seem to be buying what he is selling. I totally agree what trump said about ford moving to Mexico and taxing any imports that would be brought into the country. I appreciate that he is worried about the dying American economy and wants to protect the American worker. Let's face it - the manufacturing base in our country is on its deathbed - we are a nation of consumers not makers. Trumps strong stance against the waves of illegal immigrants (probably a bigger threat to white Americans than abortion) also resonates well with so many fed up people.

This political cycle is a response to the last 8 years of blatant anti-white rhetoric and political correctness that continue to push society towards a collapse.

As for Cruz, I don't have anything against him - he seems to respect the constitution and is more polished than Trump but I don't know if he has the gumption to do erect a wall, kick out
Illegals and protect the American work force.
So the murders of millions of white babies gets trumped by how rich you are, blimey youve been schooled establisment real good.

Regardless of wealth, strong christian beliefs where abortion was rare, you saw big white families. Since trumps "newyork values" have come into fruition, we seen the decline of the white christian family. I challenge you to show me whos more conservativr, cruz or trump on any issue. Open challenge to anyone infact. I dont think trump is even close to as conservative as cruz. But im all ears.

Most can no longer afford to have big families because they are urban dwellers and it costs a lot of money to raise young. The rural majority left a century ago. Abundant money is hard to come by for many and most when trade (all economic activity is trade) is so poor. Who has "good Christian values" needs not fret for abortion as they'll marry and care for those they beget.

And, and this is the biggest AND, who is anyone to tell another man or woman what they are to do with their bodies? A man's or woman's body is as private a property as there ever is or will be.
Ted cruz is a bible believing christian, endorsed by true conservatives such as glenn beck duck dynnedty and rush limbaugh.

He is more hated and feared than donald trump. Even the govenor of iowa said "vote for anyone but cruz". He has zero friends in washington. Hes a jesse helms fan and is CONSISTANTLY right wing in the senate on every issue, thats why hes hated.

Trump is a liberal. Its fact he described himself as having "new york values" and its fact that he has funded the democrats many times.

Cruz destroyed trump and exposed trump on his pro abortion stance which has been the bain of the white race. Cruz is 100 percent against abortion. Trump was embarassing in that south carolina debate, even making jed bush look statemen like, which is neigh impossible to do.

Cruz is the only candidate that can save america and its christian ways.

George Bush was a bible believing Christian and what did he do with 8 years in the Whitehouse? Did he do anything about abortion or planned parenthood? Did he help the working class? Did his foreign policy help or hurt America?

Cruz is only hated by the establishment because he defied them on a couple of issues to gain prominence for a presidential run, which they wanted reserved for Bush. I admire his religious conviction. Problem is he is unelectable. I know a lot of liberals, they despise him more then anyone. And a lot of undecideds hate openly religious people because the culture dumps on it all the time. Cruz cannot win a national election. Trump fills stadiums across the country. He can win.
Abortion is a personal decision and although I do not agree with it, it shouldn't be outlawed as long as it is not funded by tax payer money.

Modern Christianity has been destroyed by liberals, evangelicals and corrupt quasi political structures.

As for Trump - he is dumping on everyone and Americans who have been **** upon by the current administration, the republican establishment and media elite seem to be buying what he is selling. I totally agree what trump said about ford moving to Mexico and taxing any imports that would be brought into the country. I appreciate that he is worried about the dying American economy and wants to protect the American worker. Let's face it - the manufacturing base in our country is on its deathbed - we are a nation of consumers not makers. Trumps strong stance against the waves of illegal immigrants (probably a bigger threat to white Americans than abortion) also resonates well with so many fed up people.

This political cycle is a response to the last 8 years of blatant anti-white rhetoric and political correctness that continue to push society towards a collapse.

As for Cruz, I don't have anything against him - he seems to respect the constitution and is more polished than Trump but I don't know if he has the gumption to do erect a wall, kick out
Illegals and protect the American work force.

Guys, seriously, the "patriots" keep learning this the hard way - either by getting killed or put in a cage: there is no constitution! There is a corporate charter styled as a constitution which those enforcing administrative law keep telling everyone but they will not listen and keep getting in trouble over.
So the murders of millions of white babies gets trumped by how rich you are, blimey youve been schooled establisment real good.

Regardless of wealth, strong christian beliefs where abortion was rare, you saw big white families. Since trumps "newyork values" have come into fruition, we seen the decline of the white christian family. I challenge you to show me whos more conservativr, cruz or trump on any issue. Open challenge to anyone infact. I dont think trump is even close to as conservative as cruz. But im all ears.
Abortion is a societal problem not a governmental one. Politicians can speak all the platitudes they want but they won't stop it.

Cruz is endorsed by a true shill and a pussy like Glenn Beck, and even has Duck Dynasty on board. Wow, he's got my vote!
@Flint, FYI..."Jorge Boosh" is certainly no Biblically adherent Christian...more like a wicked devil & stooge of the PTB. Most of the traitorous vermin on Crapitol sHill have sold out to the Globalists &/or the Dickens himself.
Trump is nothing more than a con-man who's just telling people what they want to hear. He's flip floped on so many positions that it's impossible to believe a word that he says. He used to support abortion now he's against it. He used to support an assault weapons ban and now in his own words he's very big on the 2nd amendment. He used to support dramatically raising taxes on the wealthy, now he's all about tax cuts for everyone . In 2012 he said Hillary Clinton was a great Secretary of State and a good friend of his , now he calls her the worst Secretary of State in US history. He even praised Obama back then too. He used to support UHC and then he opposed it and now I think he's back for it ? In 2000 he wrote a book where he called Iraq a threat and was in support of attacking them, now he acts like he was against the war all along.

How about immigration ? In 2012 he criticized Mitt Romney of all people for being too tough on illegal immigrants. He said his words were too harsh and he needed to tone down his rhetoric or otherwise the gop will lose the Hispanic vote. He also said you can't just deport millions of people . Mind you all mitt Romney said is that illegals should "self deport". But now suddenly Trump is a right wing populist who's going to build a wall, deport 20 million people, and strip citizenship away from millions of people born to illegals ? You have to be a fool to believe anything he says

It's one thing to change your mind as a teenager or as someone in your 20s or early 30s . But Trump held those positions in his 50s and 60s. If tomorrow morning Don Wassal said he's now a feminist would anyone believe him ? Trump is 70 years old and he's running for president because he thinks the country is headed down the wrong path and he wants to save it. But were things fine 10 or 15 years ago ? Did immigration just become a problem last summer ?

Trump is a phoney. But more offensive to me than his blatant lies and flip flops are his stupidity and childlike behavior. He has such an embarrassingly weak grasp of the English language. He talks like a 5th grader. George Bush sounds eloquent in comparison. Then there's his behavior. He's obnoxious, whiney, immature,rude, arrogant, and childish. He has no trace of self awareness. Simply put he doesn't act the way a man should, especially one running for president. For all of you guys who post on the NFL forum, he behaves just like a typical afflete would. A lot of his supporters remind me of women who're in abusive relationships with alpha males, they're willing to overlook all of his flaws and the mistreatment because they're in love with him. They can't think rationally or see things objectively
Trump is nothing more than a con-man who's just telling people what they want to hear. He's flip floped on so many positions that it's impossible to believe a word that he says. He used to support abortion now he's against it. He used to support an assault weapons ban and now in his own words he's very big on the 2nd amendment. He used to support dramatically raising taxes on the wealthy, now he's all about tax cuts for everyone . In 2012 he said Hillary Clinton was a great Secretary of State and a good friend of his , now he calls her the worst Secretary of State in US history. He even praised Obama back then too. He used to support UHC and then he opposed it and now I think he's back for it ? In 2000 he wrote a book where he called Iraq a threat and was in support of attacking them, now he acts like he was against the war all along.

How about immigration ? In 2012 he criticized Mitt Romney of all people for being too tough on illegal immigrants. He said his words were too harsh and he needed to tone down his rhetoric or otherwise the gop will lose the Hispanic vote. He also said you can't just deport millions of people . Mind you all mitt Romney said is that illegals should "self deport". But now suddenly Trump is a right wing populist who's going to build a wall, deport 20 million people, and strip citizenship away from millions of people born to illegals ? You have to be a fool to believe anything he says

It's one thing to change your mind as a teenager or as someone in your 20s or early 30s . But Trump held those positions in his 50s and 60s. If tomorrow morning Don Wassal said he's now a feminist would anyone believe him ? Trump is 70 years old and he's running for president because he thinks the country is headed down the wrong path and he wants to save it. But were things fine 10 or 15 years ago ? Did immigration just become a problem last summer ?

Trump is a phoney. But more offensive to me than his blatant lies and flip flops are his stupidity and childlike behavior. He has such an embarrassingly weak grasp of the English language. He talks like a 5th grader. George Bush sounds eloquent in comparison. Then there's his behavior. He's obnoxious, whiney, immature,rude, arrogant, and childish. He has no trace of self awareness. Simply put he doesn't act the way a man should, especially one running for president. For all of you guys who post on the NFL forum, he behaves just like a typical afflete would. A lot of his supporters remind me of women who're in abusive relationships with alpha males, they're willing to overlook all of his flaws and the mistreatment because they're in love with him. They can't think rationally or see things objectively

Lew I like your posts but I strongly disagree with this one. You cannot judge Trump on what he said for public consumption before. He was not a politician, he was a business man saying things that helped his business. Besides people can change. What does he have to gain by lying to be president and then not doing the things that he said? He's already rich and famous. Why ruin it by being two faced?

Anyway the only important issue is immigration. All the rest is secondary. There will be no abortion reform, no financial sense, no decent foreign policy in a non white country.

Cruz will change nothing. And he wouldn't be elected. Your arguments against Trump and his personality are naive. Why elect another smooth talking back stabber? Trump is brutally honest and it is refreshing. Furthermore his attacks on those that have ruined and plan to destroy our country? No amount of insults and distain is enough. Stop living in AmerIca 1.0 and understand that things have to be done differently.
Most can no longer afford to have big families because they are urban dwellers and it costs a lot of money to raise young. The rural majority left a century ago. Abundant money is hard to come by for many and most when trade (all economic activity is trade) is so poor. Who has "good Christian values" needs not fret for abortion as they'll marry and care for those they beget.

And, and this is the biggest AND, who is anyone to tell another man or woman what they are to do with their bodies? A man's or woman's body is as private a property as there ever is or will be.
If that quote you put in bold italics isn't the biggest pile of typical Liberal false narrative bovine fertilizer I don't know what is. Get this through your wilfully ignorant brain: THE HUMAN BEING IN A PREGNANT WOMAN'S BODY IS A DISTINCT PERSON THAT SHE IS THE HOST TO. The indwelling housed person is a MALE about 50% of the time; that is, a boy. Nobody is telling a woman what she can do with HER OWN BODY. How can a BOY be "a woman's body"? EVERY Liberal idiot that parrots the " nobody should be able to tell a woman what she can do with her own body" line ought to be ruthlessly rebuked and mocked until they're cowering in shame from even thinking or uttering such false narrative feminist TRASH.
Trump is nothing more than a con-man who's just telling people what they want to hear. He's flip floped on so many positions that it's impossible to believe a word that he says. He used to support abortion now he's against it. He used to support an assault weapons ban and now in his own words he's very big on the 2nd amendment. He used to support dramatically raising taxes on the wealthy, now he's all about tax cuts for everyone . In 2012 he said Hillary Clinton was a great Secretary of State and a good friend of his , now he calls her the worst Secretary of State in US history. He even praised Obama back then too. He used to support UHC and then he opposed it and now I think he's back for it ? In 2000 he wrote a book where he called Iraq a threat and was in support of attacking them, now he acts like he was against the war all along.

How about immigration ? In 2012 he criticized Mitt Romney of all people for being too tough on illegal immigrants. He said his words were too harsh and he needed to tone down his rhetoric or otherwise the gop will lose the Hispanic vote. He also said you can't just deport millions of people . Mind you all mitt Romney said is that illegals should "self deport". But now suddenly Trump is a right wing populist who's going to build a wall, deport 20 million people, and strip citizenship away from millions of people born to illegals ? You have to be a fool to believe anything he says

It's one thing to change your mind as a teenager or as someone in your 20s or early 30s . But Trump held those positions in his 50s and 60s. If tomorrow morning Don Wassal said he's now a feminist would anyone believe him ? Trump is 70 years old and he's running for president because he thinks the country is headed down the wrong path and he wants to save it. But were things fine 10 or 15 years ago ? Did immigration just become a problem last summer ?

Trump is a phoney. But more offensive to me than his blatant lies and flip flops are his stupidity and childlike behavior. He has such an embarrassingly weak grasp of the English language. He talks like a 5th grader. George Bush sounds eloquent in comparison. Then there's his behavior. He's obnoxious, whiney, immature,rude, arrogant, and childish. He has no trace of self awareness. Simply put he doesn't act the way a man should, especially one running for president. For all of you guys who post on the NFL forum, he behaves just like a typical afflete would. A lot of his supporters remind me of women who're in abusive relationships with alpha males, they're willing to overlook all of his flaws and the mistreatment because they're in love with him. They can't think rationally or see things objectively

It's not worth the time to argue so many points. If you don't like him don't vote for him. All these wasted words about what a man believes? You or I or anyone do not know what a man believes; all we know is what a man says. But there must be many damn good reasons why the old media, the Dems and the Reps are fighting so hard to get rid of him.
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If that quote you put in bold italics isn't the biggest pile of typical Liberal false narrative bovine fertilizer I don't know what is. Get this through your wilfully ignorant brain: THE HUMAN BEING IN A PREGNANT WOMAN'S BODY IS A DISTINCT PERSON THAT SHE IS THE HOST TO. The indwelling housed person is a MALE about 50% of the time; that is, a boy. Nobody is telling a woman what she can do with HER OWN BODY. How can a BOY be "a woman's body"? EVERY Liberal idiot that parrots the " nobody should be able to tell a woman what she can do with her own body" line ought to be ruthlessly rebuked and mocked until they're cowering in shame from even thinking or uttering such false narrative feminist TRASH.

You're too angry. And sloppy with your words. I never wrote the words person, male, boy. I know the meanings of those words; they mean something else. What I wrote in italics applies to property of woman and man. Our bodies are our property and all that is made and comes out of them. You don't like that? Oh well. Our laws protect property -yours included. The only reason to have law is to protect property. If a man or woman can force a woman to bear and birth, then a man or woman can also simply take away that which is born and birthed by force: the use of force to take away property never ends. Forced conception is possible? Think about it. This idea has no identity under the words Liberal or Feminist. Let God be judge of any who abort; not (wo)man.
Ambrose wrote: What I wrote in italics applies to property of woman and man. Our bodies are our property and all that is made and comes out of them.

Then with that "logic" if you as a woman have any kids walking around you should be able to kill them and dispose of them...

Ambrose wrote: Let God be judge of any who abort; not (wo)man.[/QUOTE]

He will indeed...
Ambrose wrote: What I wrote in italics applies to property of woman and man. Our bodies are our property and all that is made and comes out of them.

Then with that "logic" if you as a woman have any kids walking around you should be able to kill them and dispose of them...

Ambrose wrote: Let God be judge of any who abort; not (wo)man.

He will indeed...[/QUOTE]

Ah but your conclusion is based on a false premise. Again, your language is sloppy. I never wrote "kids". Yes, our bodies are our property, and all that comes out of our bodies is our property, but I never said we can "kill them and dispose of them [kids]" . That is your conclusion. I write that property inside a woman's body is n'one other's.

I never wrote "He"; I wrote "God". Glad we agree God will judge.
According to recent polls, "The Donald" is up big in the South Carolina Primary. Hopefully, this translates to another victory on February 20th...

As for abortion, as Jaxvid/Flint mentioned, there will be no "abortion reform" whatsoever in this country, so what's the point in caring about Trump's flip-flopping on the issue a few years back? Ideally, the abortion of white children would be illegal (or at least strongly discouraged and certainly not taxpayer-funded) and they'd be adopted by childless white married couples. I know there are some hardcore anti-abortionists who care very deeply about non-white women having abortions...but I simply don't. I fact, I think it should be strongly encouraged.

The deportation of the many millions of illegals hailing from South and Central America, a border wall, immigration reform, and the barring of Muslim "refugees" seems far more realistic and helpful to whites and it's something that Trump has vowed to do in countless speeches. In this speech from several months ago, Trump talks about the how he'd have handled the "Baltimore Riots" if he were president (by allowing the police to kick some ass) and says of Hispanic street gangs: “they’re going to be out so fast. One of the first things I’m going to do is get rid of those gang members. We are going to get rid of those gang members so fast your head will spin.” If Trump does even one of these things for the country, he'll have proved himself the most pro-white president since Andrew pathetic is that? Nobody in American politics has the testicular fortitude to say anything like this regarding race, let alone the other topics he'll broach...

Just take a second a google the terms "Trump" and "Racist" and you'll receive a staggering 38 million hits. Trump's "racism" (and "sexism") is the primary reason the Marxist/feminist/socialist/progressive/liberals despise him so thoroughly and the same reason the NeoCon/RINO/ZOG establishment is so "embarrassed" by his candidacy. In national news articles, I've seen Trump has been compared to Adolf Hitler, the KKK, and white Apartheid South African leaders. Pretty good company!

Now google the terms "Marco Rubio" and "Racist" and stuff like this (where he bemoans racist whites in America) is the first thing you'll find:

Now google the terms "Ted Cruz" and "Racist" and a single un-PC twitter post he wrote last year is about all you'll find. Oh, and Cruz vehemently denies that he wrote the tweet, saying that his account was hacked...

As for abortion, as Jaxvid/Flint mentioned, there will be no "abortion reform" whatsoever in this country, so what's the point in caring about Trump's flip-flopping on the issue a few years back?

Yep, isn't it "amazing" how the Supreme Court supposedly flip flops back and forth between narrow liberal majorities and narrow "conservative" majorities, yet no major piece of the liberal agenda is ever rolled back? And taking it further, has any important part of the liberal agenda been defeated by the Court since FDR launched the New Deal?

Since abortion was legalized nationally in 1973 by the Supreme Legislature, we have had Republican presidents, and majority Republican Congresses during a good number of the subsequent 43 years, yet abortion has remained legal. Republican presidents alternate between nominating conservatives and liberals to the Court; Democrat presidents always nominate liberals. The Republican wing of the one-party system is not a genuine opposition, it is Liberalism Lite, designed to slow down the liberal onslaught but to always eventually lose.

If Donald Trump can help break up the long-standing political status quo -- which dates back 150 years; everything in this country has changed drastically since the Civil War except that we still have the same two and only two political parties to choose from -- that will be a heroic accomplishment.
Every day Trump says something at least once that makes me laugh so much I can't take it. I just love it when he demolishes these professional scammers. I don't know how anyone can't enjoy seeing Trump torture Jeb Bush or make Rubio and Cruz squirm? Decades of restrained speech has handcuffed so many people whereas Trump blurts out vocal flip-offs like Jeb is "weak", "unstable". "a nervous wreck", or just speaking out saying "Cruz is the biggest liar I've every known", and "he's a mental case"...:):):):) hahahha!
Trump's twitter account is very entertaining in that it's usually a mixture of funny insults towards all of his political enemies, chronicling crimes committed by illegal Mexicans, bashing liberal celebrities and NeoCon pundits, and praising his supporters and friends...

His comments the other day about the New York Daily News closing were great.
I may have said this before but if anything Trump is doing a damned good job making a mockery of the political process and what this country has become.

As Thrashen just posted no one is off limits - neocons, limp wristed leftists, brain dead "liberal" celebs. He is basically dumping on the herd that is being led over the edge and I love it. He is the anti-thesis of the dumbing down of America although the people argue he is the result of it.

His calling out of donors and special interest groups that made up the debate crowd over and over was hilarious.

People fear Trump because they have not
seen anything like it in modern politics. He doesn't cater to the ever waning media elite, does not care about interest
groups lining his pocket, he has no interest in political correctness and it is striking a chord with so many fed up people in this country.
Lew I like your posts but I strongly disagree with this one. You cannot judge Trump on what he said for public consumption before. He was not a politician, he was a business man saying things that helped his business. Besides people can change. What does he have to gain by lying to be president and then not doing the things that he said? He's already rich and famous. Why ruin it by being two faced?

Anyway the only important issue is immigration. All the rest is secondary. There will be no abortion reform, no financial sense, no decent foreign policy in a non white country.

Cruz will change nothing. And he wouldn't be elected. Your arguments against Trump and his personality are naive. Why elect another smooth talking back stabber? Trump is brutally honest and it is refreshing. Furthermore his attacks on those that have ruined and plan to destroy our country? No amount of insults and distain is enough. Stop living in AmerIca 1.0 and understand that things have to be done differently.

He's a real estate developer, he doesn't own a bunch of retail stores or restaurants. That means he doesn't have to be well liked or shy away from controversy in order for his businesses to succeed. He wasn't very well liked before he ran for president either and he didn't shy away from controversial positions like Birtherism and asking for Obama to release his transcripts. He also flirted with the idea of running for president in both 2000 and 2012. So he was almost as much a politician back then as he is now. It was during an interview on Meet the Press in 1999 where he declared his support for all of those liberal positions. And like I already said he supported amnesty in 2012. And it wasn't for the sake of his image in the mainstream. He was already a Birther back then. And Birthers are despised by the left and the center, so why not speak out against immigration if it was such an important issue to him ? Why would he criticize Mitt Romney for being too tough on immigration while also supporting amnesty ? What does he have to gain by lying ? He can become the so called leader of the free world. There's really nothing greater than becoming POTUS. It's what most people dream of.

My arguments about his personality aren't naive. He pretty much behaves himself like a ghetto n****r. I like brutal honesty too, but the honesty I admire is of honorable men like Ron Paul and Antonin Scalia. Trump's honesty is more along the lines of a spoiled child with no manners. And when did he attack the people who destroyed this country ? He gave his only daughter away to those people. What a great man.

It's not worth the time to argue so many points. If you don't like him don't vote for him. All these wasted words about what a man believes? You or I or anyone do not know what a man believes; all we know is what a man says. But there must be many damn good reasons why the old media, the Dems and the Reps are fighting so hard to get rid of him.

The fact is the media isn't trying to get rid of him. I consume far too much media for my own good. I see most of the interviews he does and the coverage he receives. All of the networks have him on their shows literally every week and they do nothing but lob softballs at him. He's never challenged on anything but he's talked about non stop in an overall favorable way. If they really wanted to destroy him they'd give him the Ron Paul treatment. Ron Paul was at first blatantly ignored by the media. Then he was ridiculed and mocked, he was called unpresidential, and then he was attacked mercilessly. Remember Ron Paul's newsletters from 20 years ago that he did't even write ? The media kept talking about them so they can smear Ron Paul as a racist. Meanwhile Trump has a "White supremacist" like Jared Taylor making robocalls for him and the media barely says a word about it. Just imagine if Taylor were making robocalls for Ron Paul or even Rand Paul. The media has been Trump's best friend throughout all of this. Their non stop coverage is the reason he shot up in the polls in the first place. If they really wanted him gone they would have just ignored him.

According to recent polls, "The Donald" is up big in the South Carolina Primary. Hopefully, this translates to another victory on February 20th...

As for abortion, as Jaxvid/Flint mentioned, there will be no "abortion reform" whatsoever in this country, so what's the point in caring about Trump's flip-flopping on the issue a few years back? Ideally, the abortion of white children would be illegal (or at least strongly discouraged and certainly not taxpayer-funded) and they'd be adopted by childless white married couples. I know there are some hardcore anti-abortionists who care very deeply about non-white women having abortions...but I simply don't. I fact, I think it should be strongly encouraged.

The deportation of the many millions of illegals hailing from South and Central America, a border wall, immigration reform, and the barring of Muslim "refugees" seems far more realistic and helpful to whites and it's something that Trump has vowed to do in countless speeches. In this speech from several months ago, Trump talks about the how he'd have handled the "Baltimore Riots" if he were president (by allowing the police to kick some ass) and says of Hispanic street gangs: “they’re going to be out so fast. One of the first things I’m going to do is get rid of those gang members. We are going to get rid of those gang members so fast your head will spin.” If Trump does even one of these things for the country, he'll have proved himself the most pro-white president since Andrew pathetic is that? Nobody in American politics has the testicular fortitude to say anything like this regarding race, let alone the other topics he'll broach...

Just take a second a google the terms "Trump" and "Racist" and you'll receive a staggering 38 million hits. Trump's "racism" (and "sexism") is the primary reason the Marxist/feminist/socialist/progressive/liberals despise him so thoroughly and the same reason the NeoCon/RINO/ZOG establishment is so "embarrassed" by his candidacy. In national news articles, I've seen Trump has been compared to Adolf Hitler, the KKK, and white Apartheid South African leaders. Pretty good company!

Now google the terms "Marco Rubio" and "Racist" and stuff like this (where he bemoans racist whites in America) is the first thing you'll find:

Now google the terms "Ted Cruz" and "Racist" and a single un-PC twitter post he wrote last year is about all you'll find. Oh, and Cruz vehemently denies that he wrote the tweet, saying that his account was hacked...


I don't care about abortion. But it's a very important issue to a lot of people. The only reason I bring it up is to show that Trump is a liar and he can't be trusted. There's another thing that Trump brought up a few months ago that most nationalists want to ignore. He brought up the idea of closing down parts of the internet and limiting free speech. He mentioned it in regards to fighting ISIS lol but we all know who the real threat to the establishment in this country is. If President Trump sets a precedent where you can now limit free speech and shut down parts of the internet who exactly do you think is going to be most negatively affected by that ? If they get rid of free speech then it's game over, we lose they win. Maybe that's the reason why Trump hasn't been crushed by the media and the real establishment. We all know that there are two sides to the overall agenda; first there's the cultural marxism side, that gets pushed by Liberals like Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, etc. Then there's the neocon surveillance state side that gets pushed by Republicans like George Bush, Dick Cheney, John McCain, etc. I bet Trump could limit free speech and no one will say anything because he's so "strong". Look I'm a big first amendment guy, believe me, but we have to do something about it until we can figure out what the hell is going on, look they're choppin' off heads over there, I'm the most militaristic person there is, trust me, this is the only way we can keep safe, and we gotta bomb the oil too.
We really have no idea what we would get from a Trump administration. He's masterful at not giving specifics, just generalizations.

Just today I heard him advocate waterboarding and other even stronger forms of torture, and he said that IT companies should not be able to provide any privacy to internet users, that the government should have the right to read any and all communications. That fits in fine with the neo-con propaganda line that there are Muslim terrorists behind every bush, always ready to strike anywhere and everywhere in the U.S. and thus we need a totalitarian government (though it's never phrased that way), even though the average American has a far higher chance of dying from a fall in the bathtub than from a terrorist.

There's a lot of hero-worshiping of Trump taking place; ideally he lives up to it should he be elected, but he needs to be viewed as objectively as possible rather than as the "man on the white horse" so many Americans have yearned for seemingly forever.
American Freedom News