On top of the wiki leaks data dump dnc emails it looks like shillary's vp pick isn't diverse enough. Hilarious.
Ha! Ha! So sad.
On top of the wiki leaks data dump dnc emails it looks like shillary's vp pick isn't diverse enough. Hilarious.
Is she possessed?
Looks like Twitter is, once again, practicing censorship. The original hashtag of #DNCLeaks was trending on Friday; then, all-of-a-sudden, it disappeared and was replaced with #DNCLeak, and it started trending again. However, all of the tweets from the original hashtag were gone; down the Orwellian "memory hole".On top of the wiki leaks data dump dnc emails it looks like shillary's vp pick isn't diverse enough. Hilarious.
WikiLeaks is doing some really good work exposing the system. Their work will contribute to alot of fun this week in Philadelphia at the DNC as all the morons who make up the political left of this country will be infighting and cannibalizing each other. I expect the DNC to be alot more eventful than the RNC in terms of protestors as the uneducated, brainwashed lemmings that make up each little fragment try to rationalize which minority or cause is more important. On top of that the supporters of the commie Sanders are inflamed due to the Democratic National Committee conspiring against him so they will be protesting. Should be an entertaining week.
Some hypocrisy in action:
Agree, this is going to be fun watching these dummies go full retard/full cannibal/full psycho on each other. It's about time.
Bernie Sanders Supporters in Philadelphia Chant: ‘Lock Her Up!’
Just watching some of this cnn dnc coverage. It's amazing how these ******** don't even hide their bias. I am glad so many Americans are sick of the mouthpiece of the leftists in this country as well. It's also pathetic seeing a bunch of idiotic whites at this convention for a party and world view that ultimatley want them destroyed. What a bunch of **** for brains.
CNN makes the parasites over at MSNBC look downright moderate by comparison. In fact, throughout the primary season, MSNBC's ultra-liberal Jewish Lesbian, Rachel Maddow, treated Trump far better than the vast majority of the NeoCon analysts at Fox News. Maddow and Brian Williams’ coverage of last week’s Republican National Convention was very positive towards Trump (and his children) and they devoted plenty of time to bashing Lyin’ Ted for his party-crashing speech, saying that it “backfired on him,” that it "galvanized the support for Trump," and that it was “political suicide.”
CNN sucks on so many levels...
CNN makes the parasites over at MSNBC look downright moderate by comparison. In fact, throughout the primary season, MSNBC's ultra-liberal Jewish Lesbian, Rachel Maddow, treated Trump far better than the vast majority of the NeoCon analysts at Fox News. Maddow and Brian Williams’ coverage of last week’s Republican National Convention was very positive towards Trump (and his children) and they devoted plenty of time to bashing Lyin’ Ted for his party-crashing speech, saying that it “backfired on him,” that it "galvanized the support for Trump," and that it was “political suicide.”
CNN sucks on so many levels...
O'Reilly has been supportive of Trump on a weekly basis.The only primary news anchor at Fox News that has been adamantly pro-Trump has been Sean Hannity. There are others, like Judge Jeanine and Greta Van Susteren that have been very supportive of him, but outside of those and contributor Judge Andrew Napolitano, they are ruthless neocon scum.
While passing the news stand in a grocery store today, I also saw the same word "rousing" being used to describe Michelle's speech in a huge font on the front page. I think it was USSA Today. Whatever source it was, it's another example of the Politburo-style media apparatus being used to control the narrative to the masses.Lester Holt of NBC News just led off his nightly script by claiming that last night Michelle Obama had given "a rousing speech for the ages" at the convention. lololol, it was nothing but predictable meaningless cliches and standard boilerplate utopian language, forgotten as soon as it was over, but delivered with the room brightening smile and natural charisma that only blacks have been gifted with.
Hundreds of walkouts of DNC convention and complicit screws media ignores it.
Most polls show Trump to be right around even with Crooked Hillary, and that's without even spending any $$ on advertising, while the Clintons have already spent upwards of 25 million $. Once we get to the debates and the one-on-one campaigning, Trump just might trounce the hag. Of course, none of Hillary's crooked scandals, bankster connections, endless lies mean anything to her sycophants. She's got a "D" next to her name which makes her good.I've been watching a lot of Infowars coverage of the DNC. They have reporters live on site. They've conducted many interviews with Bernie supporters. The overwhelming majority are pissed off and vowing to never vote for the Seahag.
I've been optimistically telling people I come in contact with since early in the primaries that I think Trump would be the next president. With the democrats' base dissolving in front of our eyes, I'm feeling stronger in my prediction. Trump is also rising in national polls, but more importantly, he's doing very well in the swing states. I thought this huge "shift" would occur after a few debates of Trump finally putting Crooked Hillary under the proper scrutiny she deserves. If this continues, the election may turn into a landslide.
Good point on the advertising.Most polls show Trump to be right around even with Crooked Hillary, and that's without even spending any $$ on advertising, while the Clintons have already spent upwards of 25 million $. Once we get to the debates and the one-on-one campaigning, Trump just might trounce the hag. Of course, none of Hillary's crooked scandals, bankster connections, endless lies mean anything to her sycophants. She's got a "D" next to her name which makes her good.