The Trumpening?

Dumbass Kirchick! The military is fervently pro-Trump. That's one of the reasons that every effort will be given to making sure that military personnel votes are discarded as usual.
some musings...

I sometimes think that Trump has no chance of getting elected. I'll be with a group of people and the subject of Trump comes up and the anti-Trumpers are vocal and everyone pitches in and goes what a racist, what a clown, etc. etc. I push back but it kills off the conversation so I don't know how most people feel. But today a soccer Mom from my work asked me if I had watched any of the Republican convention. I told her no, not really, which I haven't. I plan to watch some clips but not live. This woman is a big Obamanut and we have clashed over that before. But she tells me "you know what, I think Donald Trump is going to be the next president". I asked her why she thought that and she told me that she would "never vote for Hillary in a million years." I was kind of stunned so I asked "why not?"

She said Hillary is so crooked, with the server thing and those guys that died and all the cash for speeches. But the big thing was that Hillary supported BLM. That group she said should be banned, and the people thrown in jail. She also thought that anyone that killed a cop should get the death sentence and if it was possible all their stuff should be taken away and given to the families of the murdered cops. She also said she was done with Obama who could have stopped this thing if anyone could have but he didn't. In fact he has supported them.

Is there a critical mass of people that feel this way? I don't know? I still think that the odds are against it. Too many stupid white people, and wolfmans Diebold voting machines are going to be hard to overcome, especially since the GOPe is not going to be monitoring things very good, probably worse then they usually do. Scott Adams (the Dilbert guy) thought Hillary had Donald because "racist" is worse then "crooked" but if Donald changes it to Hillary "unsafe" then he wins. I certainly hope that happens.
Homosexual (((Jamie Kirchick))) of The Los Angeles Times advocates a military coup against a President Trump: “Trump is not only patently unfit to be president, but a danger to America and the world. Voters must stop him before the military has to.”

The anti-Trumpers I know actually obsess over Trump being a dictator more then him being a racist. At first I didn't know where they get that from. Then I realized that they were projecting that a strong White man would naturally become Hitler, because. The whole history of western society since World War II is electing white people that aren't Hitler. Look how many wimpy, feminized men are in leadership positions. That's because if they showed any balls they would immediately become Hitler. Right?

I of course troll people when they go off on this way, and let them know that I hope I can get a spot in his Gestapo because there are some liberals out there that I would like to get even with. (Sometimes I'm not very effective converting people to Trump.)
It's obvious to any rational and thinking person that hard-core shameless Leftists are literally brain-damaged. They have been turned over to a debased (reprobate) mind. The Bible speaks of these people in those terms and the meaning implies their mind being disqualified from logical thinking, moral thinking, and from making decisions based on rationale and what is for the well-being of others and themselves. In other words, their mind doesn't even actually "think" and have conscience in the way a brain/mind is supposed to and is designed to by God. In other words, they have a "mindless mind".
Does Ted Cruz endorse Trump tonight? That's a big question. I'm thinking he goes all in. He's got to be looking ahead. He's no fool and can see how things are going. It has never hurt a rival in politics to completely support the guy who beat him out. Cruz' only reason for not doing it would be to curry favor with the establishment which hates him anyway.

Notice how this convention is a sign of changing of the guard. No Bushes, no Romney, no McCain. It's amazing. It's like a team that dumps it's high priced but underperfoming veterans to get better. I guess if Trump loses they can worm their way back in, but after this, will it be possible?
Amazing. No endorsement from Cruz for Trump. He erred badly here. He will be forever the enemy of the Trumpists. Surprising a career politician passing up the chance to appeal to a large segment of his voting public.
Great speech by Newt! No surprise. He's a great communicator of the truth.
Great speech by Pence too! He hit all the points needed. Very good.
Cruz has resided himself to the life of a Senator of the great state of Texas. How disappointing. I am sure he will kick himself over and over. What a self absorbed mistake. On a positive note. I loved Newt and Pence's speeches. Looking forward to Rubios.
Does Ted Cruz endorse Trump tonight? That's a big question. I'm thinking he goes all in. He's got to be looking ahead. He's no fool and can see how things are going. It has never hurt a rival in politics to completely support the guy who beat him out. Cruz' only reason for not doing it would be to curry favor with the establishment which hates him anyway.

Notice how this convention is a sign of changing of the guard. No Bushes, no Romney, no McCain. It's amazing. It's like a team that dumps it's high priced but underperfoming veterans to get better. I guess if Trump loses they can worm their way back in, but after this, will it be possible?
Nope. Yuge mistake.
“Lyin’ Ted” strikes again! The Republican Party’s most devoted Israel-Firster delivered yet another contrived speech drenched in war-mongering, Global Zionism, and advocating for Jewish religious rights. There were so many aspects of his speech that were sickeningly-hypocritical and comically-illogical.

For instance, he devoted plenty of time to bashing Muslims for terrorism (and Muslim nations such as Iran for condoning/sponsoring terrorism), but doesn’t do the same for Israel and their state terror program (Mossad), which is far more advanced, effective, and ruthless. In fact, he probably thinks of these cold-blooded murderers as his “heroes.”

He espoused many generic “Christian” values and spoke much about “love” and “forgiveness,” so why doesn’t this phony Zionist cuckhold merely “love” and “forgive” ISIS instead of making war and slaughtering them? That’s what Jesus would do, right? Ted holds the Bible high…puts it down…then drops a bomb. Hallelujah.

He spoke with great passion about gay rights several times, again bashing Muslims for their “crimes” against homosexuals. His ancient Jewish friends who wrote the Bible would vehemently disagree with him on this topic. He probably doesn’t like homos, either, but this gutless invertebrate knows that it’s essentially illegal to speak ill of gays in 2016. He picks and chooses which parts of the Bible to follow based on the current political climate and what is "palatable" to the rabble at the moment. Yet his "unyielding convictions" won't permit him to endorse The Donald.

He referred to Dylann Roof (the imbecile who slaughtered a church full of decent black people in South Carolina last summer) as a “hateful, bigoted murderer,” but didn’t dare call the recent BLM negroes who’ve been murdering law enforcement daily by any names whatsoever that could imply that they were racist against whites…even though, you know, they said so themselves before, during, and after the murders.

He shouldn’t feel too ashamed, as an extremely high percentage of NeoCons are hypocrites in the ways listed above and many more. Lyin’ Ted Cruz did get some positive reactions when he started copying Donald’s rhetoric, such as when he talked about banning Muslims and blurted out “build the wall!”

The transcript:

Video of this bottom-feeder getting booed off stage:

Laura Ingraham's speech had the joint rockin'. The salute she gave at the end has raised a few cackles.

Great speech by Pence too! He hit all the points needed. Very good.
Yes, I was pleasantly surprised. It changed my opinion of him from being a "lame" VP pick to being a good VP pick, all things considered.

It's a shame it was overshadowed by Ted Cruz's antics.
"If you love your much as I know that you do..." First he puts a question mark on their love of their children, then assures them that they love him because he knows that they do love them. What a psychopath this Cruz is. All the slick in the world can't cover that reality from discerning people. Just go away dude.
The anti-Trumpers I know actually obsess over Trump being a dictator more then him being a racist. At first I didn't know where they get that from. Then I realized that they were projecting that a strong White man would naturally become Hitler, because. The whole history of western society since World War II is electing white people that aren't Hitler. Look how many wimpy, feminized men are in leadership positions. That's because if they showed any balls they would immediately become Hitler. Right?

I of course troll people when they go off on this way, and let them know that I hope I can get a spot in his Gestapo because there are some liberals out there that I would like to get even with. (Sometimes I'm not very effective converting people to Trump.)

I wholeheartedly agree. Over the past 70 years, the word "Hitler" has indeed morphed into a synonym for a white leader with large testicles who tells the truth about the left and tries to help white people and cares for his nation over others. You have their simple minds figured out pretty well. Here is one of the many village idiots protesting at the RNC in Cleveland...

I wholeheartedly agree. Over the past 70 years, the word "Hitler" has indeed morphed into a synonym for a white leader with large testicles who tells the truth about the left and tries to help white people and cares for his nation over others. You have their simple minds figured out pretty well. Here is one of the many village idiots protesting at the RNC in Cleveland...


Looks like someone stuff this sign in this dog's mouth and told it to stay.
“Lyin’ Ted” strikes again! The Republican Party’s most devoted Israel-Firster delivered yet another contrived speech drenched in war-mongering, Global Zionism, and advocating for Jewish religious rights. There were so many aspects of his speech that were sickeningly-hypocritical and comically-illogical.

For instance, he devoted plenty of time to bashing Muslims for terrorism (and Muslim nations such as Iran for condoning/sponsoring terrorism), but doesn’t do the same for Israel and their state terror program (Mossad), which is far more advanced, effective, and ruthless. In fact, he probably thinks of these cold-blooded murderers as his “heroes.”

He espoused many generic “Christian” values and spoke much about “love” and “forgiveness,” so why doesn’t this phony Zionist cuckhold merely “love” and “forgive” ISIS instead of making war and slaughtering them? That’s what Jesus would do, right? Ted holds the Bible high…puts it down…then drops a bomb. Hallelujah.

He spoke with great passion about gay rights several times, again bashing Muslims for their “crimes” against homosexuals. His ancient Jewish friends who wrote the Bible would vehemently disagree with him on this topic. He probably doesn’t like homos, either, but this gutless invertebrate knows that it’s essentially illegal to speak ill of gays in 2016. He picks and chooses which parts of the Bible to follow based on the current political climate and what is "palatable" to the rabble at the moment. Yet his "unyielding convictions" won't permit him to endorse The Donald.

He referred to Dylann Roof (the imbecile who slaughtered a church full of decent black people in South Carolina last summer) as a “hateful, bigoted murderer,” but didn’t dare call the recent BLM negroes who’ve been murdering law enforcement daily by any names whatsoever that could imply that they were racist against whites…even though, you know, they said so themselves before, during, and after the murders.

He shouldn’t feel too ashamed, as an extremely high percentage of NeoCons are hypocrites in the ways listed above and many more. Lyin’ Ted Cruz did get some positive reactions when he started copying Donald’s rhetoric, such as when he talked about banning Muslims and blurted out “build the wall!”

The transcript:

Video of this bottom-feeder getting booed off stage:


Cruz merely destroyed his own political career with the Republicans. Doubt he'll get re-elected to the Senate. Zero chance he'll ever be President. Just not a very smart man: lack of a few words in support of Trump just cost him everything.
Laura Ingraham's speech had the joint rockin'. The salute she gave at the end has raised a few cackles.


Laura's a long-time member in good standing of the Christian Zionist, neo-con club, so she'd be appalled if anyone tried to connect her wave with the "Roman salute."

All of the Democrats and Republicans continue to try to outdo each other when it comes to pledging slavish eternal allegiance to a foreign nation. Trump is also playing along; if elected we'll have to see if his encouraging statements earlier about a more neutral position in the Middle East and constraining NATO were genuine or not.

In the US, Money Talks When It Comes to Israel

The grubby underside of US electoral politics is on show once again as the Democratic and Republican candidates prepare to fight it out for the presidency. And it doesn’t get seamier than the battle to prove how loyal each candidate is to Israel.

New depths are likely to be plumbed this week at the Republican convention in Cleveland, as Donald Trump is crowned the party’s nominee. His platform breaks with decades of United States policy to effectively deny the Palestinians any hope of statehood.

The question now is whether the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, who positions herself as Israel’s greatest ally, will try to outbid Mr. Trump in cravenly submitting to the Israeli right.

It all started so differently. Through much of the primary season, Benjamin Netanyahu’s government had reason to be worried about Israel’s “special relationship” with the next occupant of the White House.

Early on, Mr. Trump promised to be “neutral” and expressed doubts about whether it made sense to hand Israel billions of dollars annually in military aid. He backed a two-state solution and refused to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

On the Democrat side, Mrs. Clinton was challenged by outsider Bernie Sanders, who urged “evenhandedness” towards Israel and the Palestinians. He also objected to the huge sums of aid the US bestows on Israel.

Mr. Sanders exploited his massive support among Democrats to force Mrs. Clinton to include well-known supporters of Palestinian rights on the committee that drafts the party’s platform.

But any hopes of an imminent change in US policy in the Middle East have been dashed.

Last week, as the draft Republic platform was leaked, Mr. Trump proudly tweeted that it was the “most pro-Israel of all time!” Avoiding any mention of a two-state solution, it states: “We reject the false notion that Israel is an occupier. … Support for Israel is an expression of Americanism.”

The capitulation was so complete that even the Anti-Defamation League, a New York-based apologist group for Israel, called the platform “disappointing” and urged the Republican convention to “reconsider”. After all, even Mr. Netanyahu pays lip service to the need for a Palestinian state.

But Mr. Trump is not signaling caution. His two new advisers on Israel, David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt, are fervent supporters of the settlements and annexation of Palestinian territory.

Mr. Trump’s running mate, announced at the weekend, is Indiana governor Mike Pence, an evangelical Christian and a stalwart of pro-Israel causes.

So why the dramatic turnaround?

full article:
I think Laura Ingraham had the best speech of the night. Present company here respected, and their opinions not withstanding, I believe her allegiance is to America first, foremost and primarily.

Here's her full speech, just over 17 minutes and well worth watching, especially the last three minutes where she shreds the MSM:

American Freedom News