The Trumpening?

Of course she's also an American patriot of sorts. But the Father of Our Country warned against entangling alliances with foreign nations, and an entangling alliance has been the cause of much of America's downfall, a decline that will continue until we are again a free, independent and sovereign nation.

The Christian Zionist alliance with Israel is similar to the left's entanglement and loyalty to the USSR in the 1930s and beyond. Unfortunately the alliance with Israel is entangled not just with politics but also with religion, and a lot of people who are otherwise red-blooded Americans swallow Zionist propaganda hook, line and sinker, while others who are public figures know the score but know that to not play along means the end of their celebrity and wealth.
Of course she's also an American patriot of sorts. But the Father of Our Country warned against entangling alliances with foreign nations, and an entangling alliance has been the cause of much of America's downfall, a decline that will continue until we are again a free, independent and sovereign nation.

The Christian Zionist alliance with Israel is similar to the left's entanglement and loyalty to the USSR in the 1930s and beyond. Unfortunately the alliance with Israel is entangled not just with politics but also with religion, and a lot of people who are otherwise red-blooded Americans swallow Zionist propaganda hook, line and sinker, while others who are public figures know the score but know that to not play along means the end of their celebrity and wealth.

Agreed on all points, Don.

I think my position has been made clear here over many years of posting that I see the truth of the matter that it is a case of we are the allies of Israel but they are not even a friend to us, much less an ally for our best interests around the world. It is truly a one-sided relationship and those in political positions who merely point that out are doomed politically and professionally.

I simply admired the speech from Igraham in the context of the RNC in the current political climate, and for the fact it was very anti-Hillary/Obama Administration, and she shredded the Liberal Leftist Pro-Obama mainstream media who's been covering for him and cowering in his corner for years.
I heard a little bit of Rush today and he was throwing out some pretty good praise for Igraham. I thought that was pretty decent of him since at least in my area they are on competing stations at the same time. Laura Igraham has really been on the Trump train since the start.
Great Trump speech. Especially the content. Great job and energy from Trump and arena. I have renewed hope.
Trump needs some pros to work with him on his delivery. Quite frankly his acceptance speech was quite a letdown; he would have been much more effective if he had simply spoken and occasionally raised his voice for emphasis rather than shouting at the top of his lungs in the same cadence virtually the entire time.

And the speech was at least twice as long as it should have been. But he's learning as he goes and there was a helluva lot going on leading up to and during the convention. The pointless pandering to the Democrats' far left constituencies was also a disappointment. But he did make a lot of excellent points and should win if there is still a "silent majority" left in the U.S. If there is it isn't a majority by much which is why this election is so important.
I think he had a lot to say, and probably told his handlers he wanted to say everything that was in the speech. This is a One-Shot deal for Trump. So, it's now or never and it's now or never for America. Yes, he could use some coaching on public speaking of course but he's a brash New Yorker business man that shoots from the hip. So if he talked to the people there with a very suave approach he wouldn't sound like himself, and he would sound phoney. I didn't get to hear it all but what I heard was good and he really had the crowd going, which is very important for such a time as this. Just my two cents.
I thought it was a helluva speech, all things considered, outside of some of the pandering to the LGBTQ "community" and, previously, Ivanka's remarks on women, although I otherwise thought Ivanka's speech was great too. But, I think that Trump is trying to preempt and nullify the Leftist media's constant harping of him being a "fascist". After all, he's repeatedly stated that he supports "all Americans", so I guess he has to put his money where his mouth is. Also, he has Pence to balance out some of his more culturally "progressive" points of views.

His points on immigration and illegal immigrant crime and Hillary's crimes were the high points. The low points were very few, IMO.

As far as his delivery goes, a LOT of people in this country are rightfully pissed off and I think that his tone reflected that. I know it reflects my anger. His emphasis on "Law and Order" in the inner cites, specifically mentioning "Baltimore", "Detroit", "Chicago", and "Ferguson" was, to me, a veiled threat that his administration is not going to put up with negro thuggery and lawlessness. He's never said "Black Lives Matter", and never will.

I read that on CNN it received an 83% approval rating. Ha! I bet Liberal heads are exploding by the millions right now.

Also, after that speech, Ted Cruz is now a has-been.
Trump needs some pros to work with him on his delivery. Quite frankly his acceptance speech was quite a letdown; he would have been much more effective if he had simply spoken and occasionally raised his voice for emphasis rather than shouting at the top of his lungs in the same cadence virtually the entire time.

And the speech was at least twice as long as it should have been. But he's learning as he goes and there was a helluva lot going on leading up to and during the convention. The pointless pandering to the Democrats' far left constituencies was also a disappointment. But he did make a lot of excellent points and should win if there is still a "silent majority" left in the U.S. If there is it isn't a majority by much which is why this election is so important.
Don, you are right. He needs to know when to lower his voice for emphasis, instead of semi yelling almost the whole time. But he will improve.
Ivanka.....Wow. What poise and delivery. Simply perfect and the stunning looks to go with it. I always thought she was attractive years ago. But now, after 3 kids she is more so. She will be a great weapon for her father.
It's actually 75% on CNN. I guess the person's post I read couldn't do math. Anyway, I don't watch CNN but people that did said that the hosts "heads were exploding". Ha! You mean that the panel's opinion on CNN doesn't reflect the actual poll they took? Sounds like some inherent bias to me. Ha!
I thought it was a helluva speech, all things considered, outside of some of the pandering to the LGBTQ "community" and, previously, Ivanka's remarks on women, although I otherwise thought Ivanka's speech was great too. But, I think that Trump is trying to preempt and nullify the Leftist media's constant harping of him being a "fascist". After all, he's repeatedly stated that he supports "all Americans", so I guess he has to put his money where his mouth is. Also, he has Pence to balance out some of his more culturally "progressive" points of views.

His points on immigration and illegal immigrant crime and Hillary's crimes were the high points. The low points were very few, IMO.

As far as his delivery goes, a LOT of people in this country are rightfully pissed off and I think that his tone reflected that. I know it reflects my anger. His emphasis on "Law and Order" in the inner cites, specifically mentioning "Baltimore", "Detroit", "Chicago", and "Ferguson" was, to me, a veiled threat that his administration is not going to put up with negro thuggery and lawlessness. He's never said "Black Lives Matter", and never will.

I read that on CNN it received an 83% approval rating. Ha! I bet Liberal heads are exploding by the millions right now.

Also, after that speech, Ted Cruz is now a has-been.
Heretic astute observation on his position on law and order. Was watching CNN, some black female eternal victim commentator said Trump proclamation on being the "law and order" candidate was an affront to black or "african americans" on brother. pls b*tch STFU already.

Got around to viewing this epic speech by one of my fav talk show hosts. Love her. True conservative. I especially loved how she laid into the vile corrupt MSM. That was great. Interestingly, her ex boyfriend Dinesh Dezouha will be releasing the movie "Hillary's Amerika" the vile history of the Democrat Party. I will be viewing it this weekend.
The only points I disagreed with on the night were...

1) The openly gay billionaire, Peter Thiel, being cheered by the crowd for uttering "I'm proud to be gay!" In 2016, it takes no courage whatsoever to openly identify as LGBTQ. Even Zionist Fundamentalist Christians like Lyin' Ted Cruz won't question your degenerate lifestyle.

2) Ivanka Trump's over-the-top pandering to women. If we're all "equal" and gender is merely a "social construct," how can sexism against women exist?

3) Donald referring to the terror state of Israel as "our greatest ally in the region." This is the nation that sponsors massive terrorism campaigns using American tax dollars, they oppress Palestinians through decades of genocide and apartheid, they involve the American military in endless war-mongering, they "spy" (stealing of intelligence) on America more than any other nation, their vile "holy book" (The Talmud) instructs them to mistreat all non-Jews in disgusting ways, and their citizens are, well, the most cancerous collection of human beings (big bankers, brokers, hedge fund managers, Federal Reserve owners, Hollywood elite, Madison Avenue materialists, CEO's of most major corporations, militant feminists, porno producers, sex slave trafficers, etc), the world has ever known.

4) Donald's comments about the LGBTQ community. Us "conservatives" are supposed to feel bad that Muslims hate gays? I think it's great!

None of it was too egregious and, of course, I understand they're trying to "soften" Trump's image as fascist, a racist, a sexist, and a (white) nationalist. The good outweighed the bad by a very wide margin, particularly his unwavering comments regarding a ban on Muslims, no longer accepting Syrian refugees, deporting illegals, and building the border wall.

Aside from a few isolated incidents, the "protests" at the RNC in Cleveland were nothing special. From what I was reading prior to the convention, it seemed like a full-fledged civil war was imminent outside the arena. There were a plethora of lowlifes, but few became violent when compared to anti-Trump rallies in CA, NM, AZ, etc...






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I thought the speech was pretty good, his delivery is a little choppy but he isn't a polished orator which is a good thing. Trump had to do his part to show he is for all Americans and some pandering was inevitable IMO. He stuck to his guns on immigration, unfair trade deals, 2nd amendment support, law and order and an end to nation building. I feel those are the most important issues and the ones that directly impact globalism and this country's downward trajectory. His attacks on Shillary were great as he painted her as the politician of the status quo and rightly blamed her for the current state of the country by associating her with her husband Bill Clinton.

I fully expect the DNC to be a total **** show. I think their will be a lot more protesting and violence as the fragmented nature of the democratic party will show just how disjointed and extreme it really is.
I would be a bit surprised if there is much protesting (hardcore Bernie-brat leftovers?) going on at the Demonic Nationwrecking Convention. Leftist have a way of joining hands and coming together in their hatred for a cause.
I'm listening to Savage and he played a montage of the talking heads last night commenting on Trump's speech being a "dark speech" and they were repeating the same thing over and over and the journalists on the Left are parroting the exact same theme from each other like parrots on drugs. They are putting their own panties in tighter and tighter wads because Trump told the truth. Unbelievable.
I'm listening to Savage and he played a montage of the talking heads last night commenting on Trump's speech being a "dark speech" and they were repeating the same thing over and over and the journalists on the Left are parroting the exact same theme from each other like parrots on drugs. They are putting their own panties in tighter and tighter wads because Trump told the truth. Unbelievable.

I noticed this too. I watched two shows on TV and both described the speech as "dark," whatever that means. Clearly it was planned to call the speech dark and negative before Trump even gave it. The word went out from those in control for everyone to have the same narrative using the same words.
I'm listening to Savage and he played a montage of the talking heads last night commenting on Trump's speech being a "dark speech" and they were repeating the same thing over and over and the journalists on the Left are parroting the exact same theme from each other like parrots on drugs. They are putting their own panties in tighter and tighter wads because Trump told the truth. Unbelievable.
All Communist systems have centralized control of everything. That's what's been happening in Amerika for the past several decades now, in just about everything at this point.

That fact that all of the "talking heads", sans Hannity and his guests on Fox News last night, were repeating the same narrative, even down to using the same term, "dark", basically in unison, at the same time, even though on completely different channels, is all the proof you need that we now, officially, have a centralized Soviet-era Pravda news system, where the allowable "talking points" are distributed from this centralized command center system and fed straight into the minds of the willing propagandists.

This is also probably why there is a coup going on at Fox News right now with the removal of Roger remove the final remnants of any possible dissent from this same State-sponsored propaganda.
And of course the same communist media presents "dark" visions of America every night on their "news" (propaganda) broadcasts, which inculcate the idea that terrorists are behind every bush and violent crime is everywhere.

Unfortunately both branches of the one-party system promote darkness and fear in order to justify a totalitarian police/surveillance state, but if we have to have one, then one led by Trump is far preferable to the alternative. And Trump might even actually clean up the scum off the streets and make the trains run on time and otherwise kick ass and bring back a semblance of the country we remember and want again. One can hope at least. . .
And of course the same communist media presents "dark" visions of America every night on their "news" (propaganda) broadcasts, which inculcate the idea that terrorists are behind every bush and violent crime is everywhere.

Unfortunately both branches of the one-party system promote darkness and fear in order to justify a totalitarian police/surveillance state, but if we have to have one, then one led by Trump is far preferable to the alternative. And Trump might even actually clean up the scum off the streets and make the trains run on time and otherwise kick ass and bring back a semblance of the country we remember and want again. One can hope at least. . .

I have supported Trump all the way! You said he was a joke previously!
I have supported Trump all the way! You said he was a joke previously!
Great call WA33. I also thought he would flame out. My original choices were Cruz, Rubio and Fiororina with Trump as a wild card. I really hope he can close the deal. Looking forward to the Dems freak show of pandering and leftist fail policies starting Monday to compare and contrast to the Repubs great convention.
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