The Trump Era Begins

I respect your posts, Don, but please, what do you expect Trump to do? He is not bowing down to anyone and if racially aware white men like us can't support him then who can?

I would think all racially aware White men would support the president cracking down on antifa, but apparently you're different.
I would think all racially aware White men would support the president cracking down on antifa, but apparently you're different.

I never said anything about not wanting to crack down on Antifa. What about all the racist, anti-white crap from Huff Post and ilk on a daily basis?
I respect your posts, Don, but please, what do you expect Trump to do? He is not bowing down to anyone and if racially aware white men like us can't support him then who can?
What has Trump done so far other than bow down to ZOG ?
Hey, White Afflete, here's one of your posts from this very thread. Now quote the posts where I've called Trump a fraud, if you know how to use the search function that is.
I trusted Trump in the beginning but now it looks like he is a fraud. I still wonder what his goal was in becoming president. Increasing his wealth is the only logical explanation. He is already hated by the media and liberals at a level never seen before. Why turn on your base? This will be really bad.

What I wrote that set you off was a very reasonable post that likely everyone else here would agree with. I didn't call Trump a fraud, like you have, I want him to do the right thing and start to go after the street scum that have continuously attacked his supporters. Only you think that's a bad idea.

Communist thugs screamed at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen while she was eating at a restaurant the other day, and now they're camped outside her home, harassing her there. I can't stand "homeland security" and the rest of the Orwellian, totalitarian trappings that have enveloped this once-free country since 9/11, but Trump should be utilizing the many resources at his command to have cops start pummeling the antifa scum there and everywhere else. I'll start to believe he's the real deal when he begins going after the communist scum that are physically attacking his supporters and doxxing nationalists. That should be among the top priorities of a true nationalist/populist administration -- clear out the scum to make way for his base to take back the streets and then, one by one, the other institutions of control that are now in the hands of the subversives. His enemies call him a dictator, it's time he starts giving them some genuine worries.
Hey, White Afflete, here's one of your posts from this very thread. Now quote the posts where I've called Trump a fraud, if you know how to use the search function that is.

What I wrote that set you off was a very reasonable post that likely everyone else here would agree with. I didn't call Trump a fraud, like you have, I want him to do the right thing and start to go after the street scum that have continuously attacked his supporters. Only you think that's a bad idea.

Communist thugs screamed at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen while she was eating at a restaurant the other day, and now they're camped outside her home, harassing her there. I can't stand "homeland security" and the rest of the Orwellian, totalitarian trappings that have enveloped this once-free country since 9/11, but Trump should be utilizing the many resources at his command to have cops start pummeling the antifa scum there and everywhere else. I'll start to believe he's the real deal when he begins going after the communist scum that are physically attacking his supporters and doxxing nationalists. That should be among the top priorities of a true nationalist/populist administration -- clear out the scum to make way for his base to take back the streets and then, one by one, the other institutions of control that are now in the hands of the subversives. His enemies call him a dictator, it's time he starts giving them some genuine worries.

At that point in time I was frustrated with Trump. I did vote for him and will stick with him. He has redeemed himself by attacking leftist scum like Merkel, Macron, and Trudeau.
The (((publishers))) of Time Magazine praised Obama for nothing and have a lot of hatred for Trump.

Trump gives unconditional support to Israel, yet nearly every Jew despises him. They seem to not have the capacity for gratitude.

These godless, Communist, Christ-hating k:kes deserve nothing except to be beaten to a pulp and fed to sharks. And no, I am not holding back very good today...
I knew the answer before starting the video. I just wanted to see if I had watched that actual one. I made it about 1:34 seconds into it. My tolerance level today wouldn't allow any more.

It is revealing though to the uninitiated.
These godless, Communist, Christ-hating k:kes deserve nothing except to be beaten to a pulp and fed to sharks. And no, I am not holding back very good today...

Not picking on you in particular, but there has been a noticeable uptick in posts wishing violence and/or death upon certain people and groups. For practical reasons, in this era of internet regulation and censorship, those posts aren't productive, nor do I like or endorse them from a personal standpoint. Further ones in that vein will be deleted.

Also, using k:kes instead of the fully spelled out word is still a violation of the posting guideline against racial and religious slurs.
Not picking on you in particular, but there has been a noticeable uptick in posts wishing violence and/or death upon certain people and groups. For practical reasons, in this era of internet regulation and censorship, those posts aren't productive, nor do I like or endorse them from a personal standpoint. Further ones in that vein will be deleted.

Also, using k:kes instead of the fully spelled out word is still a violation of the posting guideline against racial and religious slurs.

Understood, Don. My apologies to you and my fellow CFers.

Not my swiftest move guys. Thanks for putting up with my lapse of reason.

This is a another panties in wad alert type of day because Leftists know what this means and are already crying at every water cooler and elevator in America. Hopefully Trump picks someone to send them into coronary shock...
This is a another panties in wad alert type of day because Leftists know what this means and are already crying at every water cooler and elevator in America. Hopefully Trump picks someone to send them into coronary shock...

This makes up for my Germans flopping out of the WC.
I hear ya! Even though Kennedy was appointed by a Republican (Reagan?) he has been bad on real marriage, abortion and a few other things. I hope Trump puts someone that will make the Left boil and we can watch the ensuing circus!
I'd like to see Trump appoint a layman to the SCOTUS. There are plenty of good men who aren't lawyers who could do the job. It doesn't say in the constitution that a person must to be a lawyer.
James Alex Fields Jr.
Gentlemen, the above man is the guy who ran down the woman in Charlottesville, Va. last year. I've got some questions maybe someone here knows. Number 1, what is taking so long for him to go to trial on the local charges? It seems they should have been able to bring him to trial by now. Number 2, I heard the defense is seeking to supenna the chief's of police, state and local and the Gov. of Va. and mayor of Charlottesville. They want to prove there was collusion between the above people to, in effect create a riot and give them reason to shut down the legally permitted demonstration. If they could prove that I guess the whole case would blow up. No 3, does anyone know if his car was under attack before he drove into the crowd (I heard that it was)?

The Fedgov just came out and indicted him on the usual "Hate Crime" malarkey (maybe they're unsure he'd be convicted if any of the above is true.

It's all very interesting. Does anyone know anything about it?

Hollyweird celebrities are going literally INSANE over Justice Kennedy retiring! They are in off the charts hysterics. Check out their tweets:
These celebrities are unbelievable. The one who put on twitter "f*ck everyone who voted for Trump or didn't vote". I'd love to see him walk up to a construction site alone and say that. These people have never lived a normal life and they have no idea what it's like to be an average citizen and watch the cities you grew up around turn to hell due to out of control black communities, drug addiction, mass immigration and poor leadership. I can give you an example: I grew up near a city in Washington state called Federal Way. When I was a teen in the 90's, you could ride the bus all over, go to the mall, the movies or a restaurant and never feel unsafe. Fedetal Way was mostly white then. Today Federal Way is a dump. An absolute dump. There are young black gang banger looking men everywhere. The crime in and around the mall is horrible. There are shootings all the time. The mexican population has exploded and sometimes you don't even know you are in the US. I have talked to police who call the town they work in a sh*thole. The homeless have multiplied tenfold to the point that there are homeless camp/city things in almost every area with woods or trees. Yesterday I drove through the safeway parking lot and 2 honeless drug addicts were sitting on a king sized mattress against a curb. I could go on, but you get the point. The problem with celebrities is that they have millions of dollars and live in mansions yet think they know whats best for us.
I feel you nwsoccer fan, I know exactly what you mean. I believe most of this has been planned out and executed almost to "perfection" by the ruling elite Jews and their pawns.

These celebrity types don't live in reality at all. Send every last one of them to the blackest neighborhood possible, for a loooong time.
To me, I would like to see Senator Mike Lee as the next justice. No question he would follow the constitution to the letter. Word has it that Trump is seriously considering him. I hope its true. No way that Lee's seat would go to lib/prog in Utah.
To me, I would like to see Senator Mike Lee as the next justice. No question he would follow the constitution to the letter. Word has it that Trump is seriously considering him. I hope its true. No way that Lee's seat would go to lib/prog in Utah.
They did just select Romney as their next senator....

which reminds me of how at the time i decided to hold my nose and vote for him b/c he had a picture of his big beautiful ALL white family...... then a couple years later he proudly displays his black grandchild.

Not sure i trust Lee or any Mormon on immigration. I'd have to see more on his record of immigration votes. Lee is a good senator no question but he was a never-Trumper.
Trump Moves to End Racial Discrimination by Colleges

President Donald Trump’s administration has withdrawn legal policies developed by former President Barack Obama which encouraged the use of racial categories to grant or deny university slots.

The "affirmative action" racial policies were discarded on Tuesday, just before Independence Day.
American Freedom News