The Trump Era Begins

(((They))) are not happy.

Great choice, IMO. A heterosexual white man with a normal family, and a judicial track record that ensures we will not get another Souter.


This is what Trump needs to do. Fill the court with Christian white men who will ensure our constitutional republic does not descent into some degenerate, third world hellhole with LGBT values. He may get to appoint 2-3 more justices during his 2 terms.
Overall seems like Trump made a good pick. Things are looking up!
Well, I'm happy he didn't pick the woman but I'm unhappy he didn't pick a laymen. Lawyers in my opinion are not well rounded thinkers. We need a man who can interpret the Constitution both by the letter and the spirit of the law. That's where so many lawyers are deficient. Lawyers are scholars and therefore not resilient enough to think in far ranging terms.
More kosher kvetching.


Enjoy their tears. It’s gonna get even better when 85 year old (((Ginsberg))) kicks the bucket. The stupid, old hag should have retired under Obama but she had too much chutzpah and thought Hillary would never lose. Hahaha.
Trump has done more good things than we've seen from a POTUS than who knows when.

He has done and said things that I never, ever imagined coming from the President of this country. I had lost all hope that we would ever see another white man win the presidency until his shocking victory.

He continues to move the Overton Window on a regular basis, tweet by tweet. He has given voice to people (silent majority) while surely awakening or at least bringing awareness to others in a range of issues. Take immigration for example. He has, on more than one occasion, made it very clear that he doesn't like all these brown and black people from shithole countries coming to America.

But there's only so much he can do when it comes to immigration reform. Without the help of the worthless Republican cucks in Congress, his executive actions and other directives only go so far. For instance, we are on track to receive record low numbers of refugees this year. I think it's something like a 30-35 year low. The pipeline from Somalia, Sudan, Congo, and all sorts of other hellholes has all but dried up. While good news, it's only a drop in the bucket. He needs a second term and some sort of merit based immigration reform to really make a dent. And we have to build that wall and gain control of the southern border.

I know Trump gets called out here every once in while because he's not a white nationalist, but he's the best we've got. He's buying us some time right now, but a second term, another SCOTUS justice or two, followed by a Pence presidency could finally put this country on some solid footing, but I'm getting ahead of myself now.
Yes Trump can cause one to flip from cold rage to enthusiastic support. No doubt he is the best we could have hoped for in the current situation. Certainly a Hillary victory would have been a nightmare.
Trump Warns Mass Migration Means Britain, Europe "Losing its Culture".

Mass migration to EU nations is “very, very sad”, President Donald J Trump has said, warning that Europe must “act quickly” to stop the influx or else it will be permanently changed for the worse.

“I have a great love for the countries of Europe,” stated the U.S. president, drawing attention to his Scottish and German roots as he revealed that the level of migration seen to the continent in recent years pains him on a personal level.

“I think what has happened to Europe is a shame,” he said, speaking in an interview with popular British tabloid The Sun. “Allowing the immigration to take place in Europe is a shame.”
Trump Warns Mass Migration Means Britain, Europe "Losing its Culture".

Mass migration to EU nations is “very, very sad”, President Donald J Trump has said, warning that Europe must “act quickly” to stop the influx or else it will be permanently changed for the worse.

“I have a great love for the countries of Europe,” stated the U.S. president, drawing attention to his Scottish and German roots as he revealed that the level of migration seen to the continent in recent years pains him on a personal level.

“I think what has happened to Europe is a shame,” he said, speaking in an interview with popular British tabloid The Sun. “Allowing the immigration to take place in Europe is a shame.”
They must've gone apesh*t over that.
What what what??? Trump said third world immigration to Europe isn't the most wonderful thing to ever happen to those countries?????? How dare he!! What a Nazi White supremacist!!!
Today, where 100s of thousand Brits protested against Trump is the reason why we will be extinct in 60 years and without power. Disgusting. We are our worst enemies.
Today, where 100s of thousand Brits protested against Trump is the reason why we will be extinct in 60 years and without power. Disgusting. We are our worst enemies.
I wouldn’t believe those numbers from the lying press.

London Protests: The Left Is Literally Making Donald Trump Seem Like A Savior Figure


On a purely logical and objective level, President Trump has obviously proven to be a giant disappointment on almost all fronts.

Sure, his outbursts and rhetoric have the ability to tap into the emotions that seemingly lie suppressed within millions of White Americans, but when it comes to actual substantive policy, we’re not even treading water in the grand scheme of things.

That being said, it’s becoming more obvious with each passing day that things have begun to move past the Trump phenomenon – namely the fact that the Left has no ability to calm itself and act in any way resembling a serious force.

They have been unable to show restraint, and have been utterly incapable of delivering a message that would likely resonate with hordes of Whites who still live on the edge of destitution despite booming financial markets.

Take the London Protests as an example – you would not be too over the top to think we’re dealing with demons crawling from the nastiest corners of hell itself.

Political and demographic trends all but guarantee that we’ll be seeing the American versions of these critters come to power by 2024 at the very latest, and I think that once the transition (no pun intended) happens, all options will quickly be on the table.

You may think they’re bad now, but you haven’t yet seen the Leftist in full revenge mode with not even a remote possibility of facing justice.
wow these pics just seem to show a bunch of gay men exposing their inner demons publicly without fear of reprisal....looks like a scene from a gay pride parade.
wow these pics just seem to show a bunch of gay men exposing their inner demons publicly without fear of reprisal....looks like a scene from a gay pride parade.

Those vile untermensch aren’t worthy of drawing oxygen on this planet. At best, they are in dire need of nut house commitment (or outhouse internment). I’ve total disdain for those wretched pukes.,.& even worse for their “enablers”!
Those vile untermensch aren’t worthy of drawing oxygen on this planet. At best, they are in dire need of nut house commitment (or outhouse internment). I’ve total disdain for those wretched pukes.,.& even worse for their “enablers”!


The worst of it is they are all drawn from the race they so desperately want to destroy. One way or another they have turned a huge segment of our young population into our worst enemies, mocking everything beautiful and strong and healthy and good and noble. Nightmare creatures from Hell. Zombies.
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All those people in those pictures are genetic trash. They are mostly fat disgusting wastes of space. If they are white and act and look like that, they need to be cleansed out of the gene pool. Those freaks don't deserve my skin color.
American Freedom News