The Trump Era Begins

Andrew Jackson defied a supreme court decision and got away with it and Lincoln successfully defied the courts and the constitution all over the place. I feel in my gut that Trump is going to defy a judges order on the border issue and the sh*t will hit the fan but congress will be scared to death to go against him for fear of the armed citizenry and Trump'll win.

While Trump is ten fold “better” than 0b0ng0 & sHillary, he couldn’t blacken Old Hickory’s boots. I doubt he’ll muster up the gusto to defy those vermin, BUT he most certainly should.
I've heard Israel's wall mentioned a few times during all the rhetoric on both sides, but for the most part it's ignored. It should be the main selling point of Trump and the GOP -- hey look, our "closest friend and ally and the only democracy in the Middle East" has a wall and it has a 100% effectiveness rate in keeping out unwanted immigrants and refugees. Every Democrat (and RINO) who opposes Trump's Wall should be asked over and over if they support Israel's wall, and if they do (and all of them will say they do), then how can they possibly be opposed to America having the same?

Point out the double standard and hypocrisy again and again, but of course it'll never happen with Israel because it never does. That after all would be "anti-Semitic," that bizarre word that instantly causes all properly trained goys to tremble and cry out in fear of being branded an "anti-Semite."
I've heard Israel's wall mentioned a few times during all the rhetoric on both sides, but for the most part it's ignored. It should be the main selling point of Trump and the GOP -- hey look, our "closest friend and ally and the only democracy in the Middle East" has a wall and it has a 100% effectiveness rate in keeping out unwanted immigrants and refugees. Every Democrat (and RINO) who opposes Trump's Wall should be asked over and over if they support Israel's wall, and if they do (and all of them will say they do), then how can they possibly be opposed to America having the same?

Point out the double standard and hypocrisy again and again, but of course it'll never happen with Israel because it never does. That after all would be "anti-Semitic," that bizarre word that instantly causes all properly trained goys to tremble and cry out in fear of being branded an "anti-Semite."

A former Marine and government employee I work with brought up this same argument when he and I were arguing with this Muslim government employee we work with who opposes the wall. We said it works for Israel, its almost 100% effective. The USA should build one just like it. If its good enough for Israel, its good enough for America!
I've heard Israel's wall mentioned a few times during all the rhetoric on both sides, but for the most part it's ignored. It should be the main selling point of Trump and the GOP -- hey look, our "closest friend and ally and the only democracy in the Middle East" has a wall and it has a 100% effectiveness rate in keeping out unwanted immigrants and refugees. Every Democrat (and RINO) who opposes Trump's Wall should be asked over and over if they support Israel's wall, and if they do (and all of them will say they do), then how can they possibly be opposed to America having the same?

Point out the double standard and hypocrisy again and again, but of course it'll never happen with Israel because it never does. That after all would be "anti-Semitic," that bizarre word that instantly causes all properly trained goys to tremble and cry out in fear of being branded an "anti-Semite."

Yes, the "conservatives" almost never use Israel's wall as an example of what can be done. It's a long time pet peeve of mine.
Ahh, yes, right on cue...good ol' globalist puppet RINO, Mitt Romney, with his thoughts on Trump today, courtesy of Deep State rag, Washington Post:

"On balance, his conduct over the past two years, particularly his actions this month, is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office."

Yes, that Mitt Romney, that never criticized 0bama and who stopped campaigning the last month of the 2012 Presidential Race to ensure sure the Kenyan was the victor. #TeamDeepState
This penguin rino couldn't even wait to get sworn in and he's running his mouth.I guess with mccain passing away and no flake or corker he's the new face for the never trumpers.
I've heard Israel's wall mentioned a few times during all the rhetoric on both sides, but for the most part it's ignored. It should be the main selling point of Trump and the GOP -- hey look, our "closest friend and ally and the only democracy in the Middle East" has a wall and it has a 100% effectiveness rate in keeping out unwanted immigrants and refugees. Every Democrat (and RINO) who opposes Trump's Wall should be asked over and over if they support Israel's wall, and if they do (and all of them will say they do), then how can they possibly be opposed to America having the same?

Point out the double standard and hypocrisy again and again, but of course it'll never happen with Israel because it never does. That after all would be "anti-Semitic," that bizarre word that instantly causes all properly trained goys to tremble and cry out in fear of being branded an "anti-Semite."

The situation becomes even more pathetic, enraging, and ironic to know that Isreal’s great wall was built with funds stolen from American tax-payers. I read an article stating that the US gives Israel $7,000 per minute in “aid.”
Was watching NBC's fake news last night and Andrea Mitchell tossed Kamala Harris a softball question: "Why are you running for President?" "Because I love my country so much!" "But all the other candidates love their country too. What makes you the best choice"? "I love my country so much and want to do what's best for everyone. We'll let the voters decide."

She couldn't answer the simplest, most basic question. Back in 1979 when Ted Kennedy was getting ready to run for, he was asked why he wanted to be president during an interview by Roger Mudd. His unconvincing answer cost him any chance he had of winning the Democrat nomination.

But that was then and this is now, when the Dems are filled with anti-White communist airheads like Harris and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. You can bet if Harris wins, her cabinet will have about as many non-Jewish, non-homosexual White men in it as the average commercial these days.

Take me down to Cougar Town...... If Trump is viewed as a lock candidates like this cougar could be a strong candidate. So far we have "Beta Male" O'rourke, Fauxahontis, and this ethnic Courtney Cox, Trump may have a cake walk from this motley crew. I will say this Ahnold is sexting this cougar as we speak.......

Harris might seem like an unattractive candidate to you, but her racially ambiguous, femcunt, barren female cat lady, persona makes here a dream candidate for the modern Dem. party. She's got a fraction of the baggage of Hillary, and can present herself much better. Hillary barely lost. Doing the math it's kind of depressing.
Gee, I wonder how Harris' multi-millionaire Jewish husband will play with the proud-to-be black Farrakhan crowd? Also, besides the black Farrakhan followers who understand the Jewish control of blacks issues dating back to the slave trade, what will the less informed, average brother on the street think when they see she married a "honky cracker" when she was aged 50!

What, Converse sneakers wearing, ultra-hipster Miss Oakland couldn't find a "fine black man with dark coco-skin and curly black hair" when she was in her 30's and 40's? Particularly in a Bay Area full of former Raiders, Forty-Niners, Warriors, Stanford and Cal football players. Not to mention hundred's of thousand more "men of color" with advanced degrees?

Also, I wonder how more informed blacks will feel when they realize "She’s more AIPAC than J Street"*. Basically, she's a 100 % shill for the state of Israel, who could care less for people of color in the Middle East, as well as black American's. Sure, she'll pay "lip service" to helping black American's, but only a total fool wouldn't realize who Harris ultimately answers too.

Finally, Kamala will cackle like a rooster if some criminal illegal alien is deported in California, even if he or she commits heinous crimes against her fellow blacks. But she's perfectly okay with the way Farrakhan's "Palestinian brothers & sisters" are treated in their own ancestors land by Israel? Fascinating. As Don King would say, Only in America!



Your line, "only a total fool wouldn't realize who Harris answers to" is spot on.

I agree with all your points about her and the obvious double standards. However, Dems don't care at this point about anything else except beating the evil Orange Man who is the "evil racist destroying Amerikah".

This godless antichrist puppet will get all those "total fools" votes and they'll do it gleefully. There will be no debate in their collectively warped minds regardless of their color of skin.

Your line, "only a total fool wouldn't realize who Harris answers to" is spot on.

I agree with all your points about her and the obvious double standards. However, Dems don't care at this point about anything else except beating the evil Orange Man who is the "evil racist destroying Amerikah".

This godless antichrist puppet will get all those "total fools" votes and they'll do it gleefully. There will be no debate in their collectively warped minds regardless of their color of skin.

Truthteller gets credit for that observation. ;)
Harris is an all around piece of garbage, as her antics during the Kavanaugh hearings demonstrated, with ample hate for white men and heritage America. She won’t win, there’s no way some of these white women will vote for a half-bred negress to be the first woman President. She’s not electable outside of a few insane liberal areas.

Her VP choice should she get the nomination has to be Beto. It would be the perfect match in today’s democrat party, a chump white male serving as a boot licking b*tch for a brown woman running for president.
Harris is an all around piece of garbage, as her antics during the Kavanaugh hearings demonstrated, with ample hate for white men and heritage America. She won’t win, there’s no way some of these white women will vote for a half-bred negress to be the first woman President. She’s not electable outside of a few insane liberal areas.

Her VP choice should she get the nomination has to be Beto. It would be the perfect match in today’s democrat party, a chump white male serving as a boot licking b*tch for a brown woman running for president.

I think you're giving too much credit to too many women in this cartoon nation. I hope you're right in saying she won't win and is seemingly unelectable. Far be it from me to know for sure, but it seems to me the largest, dumbest, most gullible, low IQ voter base is women 18-45.

She'll be a "darling" Trump-hating, feminazi ballcrusher to be admired and fawned over. Just wait til she goes on Ellen, or whatever show the purveyors of Jewish filth flash her on in all her baby-murdering, vile, demonic glory. The masses of women you and I know will have the hooks in their jaws just like when the grinning Imposter (long-legged Mack daddy Obummer) was sold to them back in '08. They never learn. That'd be too much work for their brains...
List of RINOs that just voted for (or abstained from voting (why?)) Schumer's bill to re-open the federal government (without any funding for the wall):

#Senate vote: Cloture not invoked on Schumer amendment, (#6); 52-44.

(60 votes needed) GOP voting in favor: Alexander Collins Gardner Isakson Murkowski Romney. Not voting: Burr Paul Risch Rosen
In fairness to White women, the "gender gap" in voting is almost entirely attributable to single, professional, urban women, who are almost always feminists, and often lesbians. The voting patterns of married White women are close to those of married White men, with both groups favorable to Republicans and conservative views. Trump won by winning the "White vote," though Whites still need to vote in much greater numbers as a bloc to avoid being subsumed very soon in national elections.

Even though Hillary won the popular vote and nearly the electoral vote, her strength was predominantly from wealthy, large population urban counties and from non-Whites. Trump won 30 of the 50 states, and a remarkable 2,623 counties to 489 counties for Hillary. This phenomenon has flipped the traditional view that the Republicans are the party of the rich and the Dems the party of the working class. To quote from the Intelligence Report in this month's Nationalist Times, regarding Amazon's highly publicized sham search for a second headquarters:

"So as we look back at this sorry saga, about the best that can be said for Amazon is that it was merely surfing the trend; that is, it was doing what all the other tech (and finance) companies have been doing, namely, clustering in a few global-oriented urban nodes, all the while ignoring the rest of America. This concentration of wealth in the biggest and most connected cities has been going on for a long while. Last year, The Wall Street Journal detailed the ongoing urban engorgement in a series of charts — one showing, for example, that per capita personal wealth in urban areas is more than triple that in rural areas. Moreover, as we also know, the gentrification of the cities has actually made these places more liberal and more Democratic. Yes, in a complete inversion from the past pattern, the Democrats are now the party of the rich. That’s why, in 2016, nine of the ten richest states voted for Hillary Clinton, while nine of the ten poorest states voted for Donald Trump. The enrichment of the Democrats was even more pronounced in the voting this year: In “First Things,” Williams College political scientist Darel E. Paul points out that of the 66 richest Congressional districts in the country, the Democrats now control 56 of them. . . "

If/when Hillary's coalition wins back the presidency, they'll make sure it's for good, Californication on a scale that will be irreversible. Given how Trump is all talk and no action (see for example Ann Coulter's latest, "Break Ground, Not Promises,", we're most likely counting down the last two years of relative freedom for Trump's "deplorables." Trump has no intention of taking on Antifa, nor the big tech companies and their censoring of rightist opinion, and he's obviously not going to "drain the swamp." These will be seen in retrospect as the good old days compared to what's just around the corner.
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Thanks for all the replies. Great points and notes all around.

BFU, just wanted to share something I noticed recently, as you brought up ugly Ellen and the power of the TV to make political candidates that the Jewish elite wish to foist upon stupid Goyim and worthless Golem.

For quite a while I have stopped watching prime time TV shows. Perhaps the last shows I watched in prime time were The Drew Carey Show (earlier years) and Who Wants to be a Millionaire. So it's been a long time. But every year I sample a few dozen classic shows (from 1970 to 2010) on retro-channels and find two or three decent ones each year. This year, I can't find anything worth watching, so I've started to check out classic game shows.

Last week, for the first time ever, I saw a 1970's game show dubbed What's My Line? It's a show were a panel of four celebrities have to guess a contestants occupation and most are obscure people with very obscure jobs. Celebs on the panel, no surprise, were disproportionately Jewish, even for the early 1970's. Lonsmen like soon-to-be 93 year old Gene Shalit, extremely unfunny Soupy Sales and others.

Anyway, in the second episode I ever watched (Monday) the panel had to figure out who a tall, wavy-haired, blond-Nordic looking ex-Olympic Hockey player was? And he wasn't just a common man, as was usually the case. No, it was the very telegenic, fast-talking 39 year old Governor of the state of Minnesota at the time (1972). His name was Wendell Anderson.

Next day I looked him up and, no surprise, Anderson was a devout progressive (communist) Democrat, who was even on the cover of Time in 1973, dubbed the mid-western JFK. I had never even heard of Wendell Anderson until this week, but it turns out he was just another corrupt Shabbos Goy commie, who our Kosher friends were trying to prop up as an eventual replacement for Nixon. In other words, he was merely an old school version of Obama, Beto O'Rourke or Kamala Harris. Back then, thankfully, it did not work as the white people of Minnesota voted him out in a landslide when they realized how corrupt he was -- he tried to rig his election to the U.S. Senate.

Sadly, today, that would never happen, as the corrupt stooges of the Jewish elite are never held accountable. Also, if they have to, our Kosher chums, along the the Deep State they control, have no problem rigging elections. So even if white women or fed up black men vote in a different way, they will resort to extreme ballot stuffing in ghetto areas. To me, that is really scary.

Oh, and by the way, What's My Line? seems like a crappy show. So the search for quality continues.

What's My Line goes back to the early 1950's. It was better then, especially the mystery guests.
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