The Trump Era Begins

I wouldn't take this book seriously either. I think the (((Deep State))) is in panic mode and doing everything they can to derail Trump and worry about covering it up later if there is a later for them. That video I posted a few back posts back said Omorosso is actually on Trump's side and created the BS story as a way to distract the media. Actually, it might have been a different video. We'll have to wait to see whether people like Sessions and Omarosso are on Trump's side or not.
I Will be using the Woodward book like Omarosa's. Birdcage liner, fish wrap, and most likely as fire starta. Those will be useful tasks for their sh*t books. Besides top Cabinet officials like Mattis and Trump's Chief of Staff, Kelly says its all lies. Woodward joins the dozens who attempt to cash in the success of Trump by lying about it. Weak!
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A self-righteous clown who is supposedly a senior official in the administration, anonymously bashes Trump for the fake news New York Times. Whether he's legit or not, it illustrates the major problem that Trump is surrounded by deep state loyalists, including most of the Republican Party.

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.
A self-righteous clown who is supposedly a senior official in the administration, anonymously bashes Trump for the fake news New York Times. Whether he's legit or not, it illustrates the major problem that Trump is surrounded by deep state loyalists, including most of the Republican Party.

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.

I think its an outright fabrication by the failing NYT. Though President Trump does have a lot of traitors still in the government who should have been fired long ago.
When Kavanaugh is confirmed next week, the lies will increase. The libs heads are exploding. Next week they will be throwing anything and everything at the wall, like today, in hopes something sticks. None of it will. Like today, no names will be attached, it will be anonymous. And the F'n scum MSM will hype all the lies.
Need a temporary total overthrow of all U.S. mass media and all Academia by force. I'm talking McCarthy on steroids. Yep, I know that's totalitarianism but drastic circumstances require drastic measures. All the LSM is treasonous. The military should step in like Hitler had them do in Germany. We are that far down the hole. They don't care about truth at all, much less objective journalism.
Need a temporary total overthrow of all U.S. mass media and all Academia by force. I'm talking McCarthy on steroids. Yep, I know that's totalitarianism but drastic circumstances require drastic measures. All the LSM is treasonous. The military should step in like Hitler had them do in Germany. We are that far down the hole. They don't care about truth at all, much less objective journalism.

Hitler never had "the military step in" regarding the German media of the time. He just put in overseers with Goebbels in charge. And German academia was largley pro-Nazi by 1933.
Kavanaugh and his accuser to testify Monday at hearing and the Thursday vote is now off.

The Dems and traitorous Rinos are beyond disgusting. Kavanaugh is cleaner than these scum were when they were in Little League. Feinstein is worse than a gutter roach on a white satin table cloth. These people hate all that is good and normal. Woe to them.

I hope the accuser is humiliated for life. She's a life-long Dem who scrubbed all her recent social media posts. We are in a new Civil War.
Kavanaugh and his accuser to testify Monday at hearing and the Thursday vote is now off.

The Dems and traitorous Rinos are beyond disgusting. Kavanaugh is cleaner than these scum were when they were in Little League. Feinstein is worse than a gutter roach on a white satin table cloth. These people hate all that is good and normal. Woe to them.

I hope the accuser is humiliated for life. She's a life-long Dem who scrubbed all her recent social media posts. We are in a new Civil War.
You are too kind. I believe that she and her lawyer are lying sacks of excrement, period. However in this castrated *metoo environment the Senate Repubs have to go through the motions on this one, lest they be labeled "against women" "war against women!!" for the upcoming midterms.
I just hope and pray that the truth is revealed and that it can rise above the media onslaught.
You are too kind. I believe that she and her lawyer are lying sacks of excrement, period. However in this castrated *metoo environment the Senate Repubs have to go through the motions on this one, lest they be labeled "against women" "war against women!!" for the upcoming midterms.
I just hope and pray that the truth is revealed and that it can rise above the media onslaught.

Gee, Kavanaugh may have been the typical horny teenager 36 years ago. Deny him a seat on the Supreme Court as punishment! The lunacy just gets more and more ridiculous.
I have said here that white ppl are our own worst enemy. This vile white dumbsh*t liberal "professor" is case in point. She is alleging that Kavanaugh groped her over 35 years ago at some unknown house party! Right here is how whites do us in. Right here and possibly big time. Why did she wait so long to report it? Why did that liberal cunt senator Feinstein ((married name)) withhold the info, that she had since July? So that the vile Dems could drop a bomb and scare two the Republican Senators needed to confirm him. So, either they true believers in their stupid vile ideology and party or were paid off by the ((chosen))? I suspect the former. CFers you want a clear reason with yuge ramifications here it is. Hopefully next week Kavanaugh and his newly appointed high powered woman attorney will make her look like a lying clown.
I would bet the entire thing is fabricated, exaggerated and an all out lie.

Leftists think nothing of lying to further their cause. And their cause is to destroy White Western Civilization. These idiots are either duped by (((liars))) or they are the (((liars))) themselves. There is no other real category to choose from.
I have said here that white ppl are our own worst enemy. This vile white dumbsh*t liberal "professor" is case in point. She is alleging that Kavanaugh groped her over 35 years ago at some unknown house party! Right here is how whites do us in. Right here and possibly big time. Why did she wait so long to report it? Why did that liberal cunt senator Feinstein ((married name)) withhold the info, that she had since July? So that the vile Dems could drop a bomb and scare two the Republican Senators needed to confirm him. So, either they true believers in their stupid vile ideology and party or were paid off by the ((chosen))? I suspect the former. CFers you want a clear reason with yuge ramifications here it is. Hopefully next week Kavanaugh and his newly appointed high powered woman attorney will make her look like a lying clown.

One thing we mustn't forget is that Leftists' religion is their politics. It's all they have. They are vapid soulishly and spiritually. This illogical and immoral world/bubble they live in can't be "poked" at all, or their whole universe falls apart. They are blind leaders of the blind. Deceived and being deceived, just as the Bible says. They escalate the level of being debased and reprobate daily.

I know you live in the midst of them in So. Cal. So did I for several years. I've tried having conversations with Leftists for years. It's almost always like talking to a rock. They have no rationale, rhyme nor reason. Why? Because they don't want truth. Period. And there's no cure for wilful ignorance.
One thing we mustn't forget is that Leftists' religion is their politics. It's all they have. They are vapid soulishly and spiritually. This illogical and immoral world/bubble they live in can't be "poked" at all, or their whole universe falls apart. They are blind leaders of the blind. Deceived and being deceived, just as the Bible says. They escalate the level of being debased and reprobate daily.

I know you live in the midst of them in So. Cal. So did I for several years. I've tried having conversations with Leftists for years. It's almost always like talking to a rock. They have no rationale, rhyme nor reason. Why? Because they don't want truth. Period. And there's no cure for wilful ignorance.
I know you live in the midst of them in So. Cal. So did I for several years. I've tried having conversations with Leftists for years. It's almost always like talking to a rock. They have no rationale, rhyme nor reason. Why? Because they don't want truth. Period. And there's no cure for wilful ignorance.

A lot of us have had the same experience. They're completely irrational and it's hard to reach them with reason.
I've read a lot of internet comments from various websites and it seems like the average person thinks these claims are pure political BS. The only people that believe the claims are die-hard anti-Trumpers. The Senate will hear this out next week and then I predict Kavanaugh will be voted in.

The Democrats' goal here is to fire up their base for the midterms. They know Kavanaugh will be seated to the Supreme Court and they can't stop it.

And, yes, progressivism is a religion to the left. And because they often don't have real religions leftists are fanatically progressive because it's all they really have in life.
I have no way of getting what I want but here's what I want and why anyway. I don't want anymore lawyers on any federal courts. They have no real way of deciphering the spirit of the law. They are people of the spoken and written word only. Words to them are to be manipulated to mean what suits the lawyers case at the moment. The lawyer doesn't care about what's real. Reason and logic are only to be refuted with him. But it's always open to argument. No - reason and logic aren't open to argument. We need excellent laymen to put on the courts. People who are grounded in wide worldly experience who can and hopefully will render logical judgement according to our Constitution.
Monday should be another circus with ugly, pro-baby killer wackos disrupting the stupid "hearing" regarding the claims of the current "Leftist in the Limelight" against Kavanaugh. These "people" are beyond bizarre. I wonder if they could even survive outside of this country they despise so much:
Looks like the lying liberal "professor" is getting cold feet. She has yet to return calls or emails to the Senate to confirm her rancid appearance Monday. Maybe the idea of being held under oath is scaring this b*tch. I hope.
To those of you with a handle on the logistics of the declassification of the FISA documents I'd like your thoughts on this (EDIT: BOTH) from yesterday. Thanks:

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Looks like the lying liberal "professor" is getting cold feet. She has yet to return calls or emails to the Senate to confirm her rancid appearance Monday. Maybe the idea of being held under oath is scaring this b*tch. I hope.

Here here. What a bottom-feeding creature this woman is.
Here here. What a bottom-feeding creature this woman is.
This c*nt is worse than a bottom feeder. Now she is stating she will not testify until the FBI investigates her claim? Unreal. Ok Republicans tell her to f*ck herself and vote next week!
To those of you with a handle on the logistics of the declassification of the FISA documents I'd like your thoughts on this (EDIT: BOTH) from yesterday. Thanks:

Seething Frog is good. I've watched quite a few of his videos over the past several months. He's very level-headed and not prone to hyperbole. Not sure what state he's from, but the "Show Me" state, Missouri, would suit him well.

Other good ones are Jusinformed Talk, whose video from last night was excellent, SpaceShot 76, Praying Medic and X22Report regarding this subject. Some others as well, but there's only so many hours in the day...
Seething Frog is good. I've watched quite a few of his videos over the past several months. He's very level-headed and not prone to hyperbole. Not sure what state he's from, but the "Show Me" state, Missouri, would suit him well.

Other good ones are Jusinformed Talk, whose video from last night was excellent, SpaceShot 76, Praying Medic and X22Report regarding this subject. Some others as well, but there's only so many hours in the day...

Good to know, Heretic and thanks. I am new to his channel. I'll have to check out the other ones.
This c*nt is worse than a bottom feeder. Now she is stating she will not testify until the FBI investigates her claim? Unreal. Ok Republicans tell her to f*ck herself and vote next week!
Delay tactics in hopes the Dems take the Senate in November. Unfortunately, the last thing the Republicucks will do is tell her to "f*ck" herself...they'll probably fold like they almost always do in cases like this. Just pathetic.
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