The Trump Era Begins

This will be my last comment on the issue but I am amazed at how stupid these people are when they scream at the top of their lungs " OH MY GOD " over and over like what did you expect to happen? You stand in front of a moving car and then it is the drivers fault for what happened. This clearly shows the stupidity of these spoiled millenials and protesters. There is one where a Asian/American gril starts screaming after a collision and then she goes right to her phone. Not to text but or take film but just to scroll around. It says right there about our younger generation.
I will be honest. I was not very receptive to Trump in the beginning and am still lukewarm but its early. So that in mind I have not checked all the videos on this site but I found a 6 minute you tube video of various Trump protests and one is shot at night where there is a chain of protesters blocking a 4 lane street. You can see one lane facing them gridlocked as the car is at a dead stand still. About 3 seconds later in the empty lane an suv comes flying in at about 30 mph and a few smart people got out of the way but another 5 or 6 held their ground and he just ran them over. I have not really laughed that hard in a long long time. I mean if I was drinking milk it would come out of my nose. I was in a public place so I had to calm down quick but I could not stop laughing. You block a speeding car and you get what you deserve. The kicker is that if you watch closely the driver has his driver side window down and has his left arm calmly resting on it driving with one hand. I only do that in the summer out for a slow country drive. This has to be the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. These idiots got what they deserved.

The most idiotic aspect of the protestors/liberal terrorists who block roadways is when they "swarm" a car that's trying to get past their human barricade and are shocked when the motorist becomes frightened and turns them into human bowling pins. In addition to my day job, I do lots of mechanical work on cars, trucks, and other machinery/equipment. I have a major fear of getting crushed when performing mechanical work because I know how much damage they can do, even in a stationary position. The force generated by any moving vehicle (even a motorcycle) could easily kill you.

Anyway, there are many, many, many hilarious "compilation" videos on YouTube in which BLM and anti-Trump protestors are hit by cars after blocking a roadway in protest. All of them got precisely what was coming to them. Likewise, there are some very humorous videos of anti-Trump protestors being maced/pepper sprayed by police (and Trump supporters defending themselves) and reacting in amusing ways. Such as these...

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I have seen all 3 of these Thrashen. Thanks for posting them. I love how the first one the guy acts like the toughest thug on the block and gets maced though I swear it reminds me something out of a 3 stooges routine. I swear it looks like he took a pie to his face. The best is that tough persona goes out the window and he just kind of sits there resided to his fate. Awesome.
Loved how Trump beat down the lying Very fake news today. Outstanding. He is on the offensive. Pual Ryan told Hannity, alot of the Trump agenda will be implemented this year, alot within the next months.
Trump is not encountering any more trouble than he likely expected. When draining a swamp a lot of foul, filthy, bacteria infested water is drawn out leaving a stench that takes time and strong winds to blow clean again. The fight has just begun. Many, many more battles are yet to be fought. We all knew this was coming. While his enemies try to make him seem isolated, he has and is surrounded and supported by an equal or greater number of allies. Most of all, he has us, the brains of the country, firmly with him. We must do everything we can every day to let his enemies know that his enemies are our enemies.
Everything is anti-Trump, all the time.

True. They turn everything about Trump into a negative.

Trump changed the location of where press conferences would be, which will quadruple the number of people who can attend. Some parts of the FNM actually claimed that it reduced access, using bizarre reasoning.

If Trump came out in favor of puppies the FNM would paint it as something sinister.
3 Anti-Trump hit pieces in the Sports section of Sunday's Washington Compost:

The globalist elite is scratching and clawing like a rat trapped in a corner. Everything is anti-Trump, all the time. They are terrified.

The Washington Post and huffington Post are the two most anti-white anti-Trump rags on the planet by far. Nothing else even comes close though the Jew York Times is definitely third. How any sane white person doesn't get furious over some of the crap they write is beyond me. The other day some affirmative action reporter asked Trump is he would meet with the Black Caucus(aka black KKK) and he replied, "Yes I would are they friends of yours?" Of course the liberal pos media and the blacks are calling this response racist. When it comes to be little sensitive p--sies who are offended by every little thing blacks have no match. It's not even close.
I just hope European countries all begin to embrace populism and stop the negro/muslim hordes from the constant invasion.
Found, a rat, gnawing inside Trump's desk:

Reported originally by GotNews, the primary source of the information leaks in the Trump administration is none other than #NeverTrump Republican Katie Walsh.

From GotNews: White House Deputy Chief of Staff and #NeverTrump Republican Katie Walsh has been identified as the source behind a bunch of leaks from the Trump administration to The New York Times and other media outlets, according to multiple sources in the White House, media, donor community, and pro-Trump 501(c)4 political group. “Everyone knows not to talk to her in the White House unless you want to see it in the press,” says a source close to the president. “The only question is whether or not she’s doing it at the behest of [White House Chief of Staff] Reince Priebus or if she’s doing it to advance herself in DC media circles.” One source in particular stands out: Walsh is close to Maggie Habberman, a New York Times reporter who wrote fawning pro-Republican National Committee stories during the presidential election. Walsh has also planted stories in The Washington Post and Politico. Walsh is referred to as “Madame President” in the White House, says a senior aide. “It isn’t a compliment.” Walsh would have significant access as she controls the president’s schedule. There’s also reportedly a trove of e-mails where Katie Walsh and Reince Priebus discuss how to rid themselves of Trump, according to a former #NeverTrump consultant. “The president and his allies have been deliberately feeding her fake information in order to find her network,” says a source close to the president’s family. “It’s been going well.” Walsh was a #NeverTrump Republican during the campaign. Neither Walsh nor her family were supporters during the campaign, says a source from Walsh’s hometown of St. Louis. A White House investigation is planned into Walsh, who couldn’t be reached for comment.

Priebes, to me, always acts like a weasel. Now this weasel's deputy, a rat, has been sniffed out (if this be true). So many Benedict Arnolds. Expect a firing or two.
Walsh would have significant access as she controls the president’s schedule. There’s also reportedly a trove of e-mails where Katie Walsh and Reince Priebus discuss how to rid themselves of Trump, according to a former #NeverTrump consultant.

Priebus was surely a NeoCon "Never Trumper" during most of Donald's campaign, however, since Trump's won the nomination this past summer, he swallowed his pride and seems to have genuinely seen the light. Perhaps he's just a Machiavellian weasel who's leaching off of Trump's success, but I don't think so. I saw him being interviewed by the droopy-faced pantywaist, Chris Wallace, on Fox News last night and he was defending Trump aggressively, even acting a bit like the POTUS in some of his comebacks. Trump "un-cucked" him!
As head of the Republican National Committee, Priebus mobilized its resources behind Trump's campaign, in sharp contrast to the rest of the GOP establishment, which wanted nothing to do with Trump. Trump had to learn on the fly and his campaign organization was very sparse, relying mostly on his speeches and tweets. Without the help of the RNC, Trump wouldn't have won -- don't forget that despite his big electoral victory, it came about thanks to very close wins in Florida, North Carolina, Michigan and Pennsylvania -- so Priebus earned a lot of respect for the key role he played.
I hope the article is wrong. I hope Priebus is NOT a weasel. I hope I am wrong. But, I do hope they find out with certainty who the rat is. More than ever Trump needs to be surrounded by only the most loyal knights and faithful vicars.
Priebus is not the weasel. He has a chance to be an important part of the huge positive change in America if the Trump succeeds in his agenda. The success will come if the Repubs do not get weak-kneed. I expect YUGE announcements regarding tax rates, border security and the replacement of Obummercare the next weeks. You gotta strike when the metal is hot.
Priebus is not the weasel. He has a chance to be an important part of the huge positive change in America if the Trump succeeds in his agenda. The success will come if the Repubs do not get weak-kneed. I expect YUGE announcements regarding tax rates, border security and the replacement of Obummercare the next weeks. You gotta strike when the metal is hot.
Unfortunately, I think repealing Obamacare and the tax cut plan will die in the Senate. Sissy Graham already said that the proposed tax plan was "Dead on Arrival" and only had the support of ten Republicans. Thankfully, the laws are already in the books for border and immigration enforcement, including building the wall, so that will get done.
Unfortunately, I think repealing Obamacare and the tax cut plan will die in the Senate. Sissy Graham already said that the proposed tax plan was "Dead on Arrival" and only had the support of ten Republicans. Thankfully, the laws are already in the books for border and immigration enforcement, including building the wall, so that will get done.

Neocuck puppets like fLimsey Gayham, Paula Ryan & Juan McAmnasty are enemies of the (true) Republic (1.0). These cods@cks should have went ahead & 'officially' joined their Demoncrat pals long ago.
Excerpt from Trump's CPAC speech:

"There is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency or a global flag. This is the United States of America that I am representing. I’m not representing the globe, I’m representing your country."
Excerpt from Trump's CPAC speech:

"There is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency or a global flag. This is the United States of America that I am representing. I’m not representing the globe, I’m representing your country."

Funny someone who works for this country is called a racist and incompetent and every other name under the sun.
Funny someone who works for this country is called a racist and incompetent and every other name under the sun.

P1ss on the putrid vermin who spew that cr@pola! Those gutless, zombified pukes are NOT true Americans & most not representitive of the great White race! The "opinions" of such weak minded, mollycoddled, milksop marxists means absolutely zilch to me.

In all honesty, a Constitutional Republic cannot be maintained when you grant (artificial) "rights" to the inferior. The Republic was designed, founded & made great by/for the White man. To give manufactured 'equality' to those who are NOT equal spells disaster for the maintenance of such a Republic. With this being the case, the only hope of restoring proper order is either utilizing a touch of fascism OR another revolution (which is likely a pipe dream at this point). The alternative is secession (ala 1861). IF President Trump cannot right the ship, then I'd love to see Texas secede. As I matter of fact, I'd likely migrate there. ;-)
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