The Trump Era Begins


Duterte Statement:

To Filipinos (in the United States), you better be on the right track. If you are not allowed to stay there, where you are staying, get out because if you are caught and deported, I will not lift a finger. You know that it is a violation of the law,” Duterte said on Monday morning.

“If he has policies to protect his country, I will understand … So out of respect, I will not interfere,” Duterte added.

Damn well done! Duterte must be appreciated. Makes Filipinos even more welcome by expressing this.

Duterte Statement:

To Filipinos (in the United States), you better be on the right track. If you are not allowed to stay there, where you are staying, get out because if you are caught and deported, I will not lift a finger. You know that it is a violation of the law,” Duterte said on Monday morning.

“If he has policies to protect his country, I will understand … So out of respect, I will not interfere,” Duterte added.

Shitlord meets Shitlord!!!
Russell Wilson saying (hoping) Trump doesn't last 4 years. This idiot is so duped, he sounds like any other brain-dead illogical Leftist just parroting things he's heard from the LSM scum. I have zero respect for this puke now. Not that I had any before, but now he is beyond detestable. He is essentially wishing death on Trump and wants Obummer back. Utter idiocy... Listen for yourself:
The author is right. If Hillary had been elected, America's death march would have been continued to be ratcheted up through gradualism, as has been the case culturally for over 50 years and economically for over 100 years. But the election of Trump has brought the subversives out into the open -- and what a powerful coalition it is, spanning all the way from street scum to Hollywood and the Fake News Media, to Silicon Valley to NGOs and foundations to the "intelligence community" and beyond -- and raised the stakes considerably.

A “Color Revolution” Is Under Way in the United States
The author is right. If Hillary had been elected, America's death march would have been continued to be ratcheted up through gradualism, as has been the case culturally for over 50 years and economically for over 100 years. But the election of Trump has brought the subversives out into the open -- and what a powerful coalition it is, spanning all the way from street scum to Hollywood and the Fake News Media, to Silicon Valley to NGOs and foundations to the "intelligence community" and beyond -- and raised the stakes considerably.

A “Color Revolution” Is Under Way in the United States
Trump needs to do the following to counteract:

1.) Make a serious outreach to moderate-to-conservative Churches all across the country, pushing a religious freedom law or EO (even though it's already enshrined in the 1st Amendment). One of the first things Putin did when he gained power was to solidify it by establishing strong ties to the Orthodox Church throughout Russia.

2.) Eliminate all of BHO EOs on gun control and then enact new EOs and sign legislation to expand gun rights, including legalizing suppressors and then give tacit support to the pro-freedom, pro-America militias across the USA.

3.) Continue to limit and extremely vet illegal immigration and have strong border security and enforcement.

4.) Promote, use, and strengthen the alternative media, perhaps even enact some type of grant process and then ignore as well as discredit the establishment media.

Here's Trump's tweet from late tonight:
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Trump needs to do the following to counteract:

1.) Make a serious outreach to moderate-to-conservative Churches all across the country, pushing a religious freedom law or EO (even though it's already enshrined in the 1st Amendment). One of the first things Putin did when he gained power was to solidify it by establishing strong ties to the Orthodox Church throughout Russia.

2.) Eliminate all of BHO EOs on gun control and then enact new EOs and sign legislation to expand gun rights, including legalizing silencers and then give tacit support to the pro-freedom, pro-America militias across the USA.

3.) Continue to limit and extremely vet illegal immigration and have strong border security and enforcement.

4.) Promote, use, and strengthen the alternative media, perhaps even enact some type of grant process and then ignore as well as discredit the establishment media.

Here's Trump's tweet from late tonight:

Right on post. #4 would be especially great as my alternative publication has always struggled mightily financially, as do all the remaining pro-American print publications. And there are a ton of good websites now, but almost all depend on the owners' financial sacrifice to exist along with them volunteering lots and lots of time.

I've always wanted to see Caste Football be large enough to have a few paid reporters/writers/commentators/scouts, etc.
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Looks like Congress is going to take up a "Free Speech Fairness Act":

On Wednesday, Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., introduced into the Senate the Free Speech Fairness Act, which would restore to nonprofits and houses of worship the freedom to speak about electoral activity.

Also, Trump is "icing out" CNN because of "fake news" and is threatening UC Berkeley with loss of Federal funds due to their anti-free speech environment.

In addition, border chief wants border wall done in two years.

And one of Trump's sons is pushing for legalization of firearm suppressors.

This is a very good start.
I've never seen anything like this in my life. I thought he would cut back on the tweeting once he took office but he is using it masterfully!

It's his way of talking straight to the voters without the FNM acting as a filter. He does indeed use it masterfully.
How ironic that the UC Berkeley street goons who incited and riot, viciously assaulted Trump supporters, threw Molotov cocktails, committed multiple acts of arson, and vandalized buildings did so to suppress the free speech of openly gay, half-Jewish, Greek immigrant.

The material that Milo's been using during his college speaking engagements is not only vehemently pro-Trump (he was since the very beginning of the campaign), but the most hardcore anti-Muslim rhetoric one will ever hear in any western nation. If he weren't homosexual, he might've already been arrested for "hate speech"...

Aside from telling the truth about Islam, his long and bitter war against feminism earned him a lifetime ban from twitter.
Congress may enact Campus Free Speech legislation:

It suggests an official university policy that “strongly affirms the importance of free expression, nullifying any existing restrictive speech codes in the process.”

The proposed legislation also would prevent administrators from “disinviting” speakers, set up disciplinary actions for students “and anyone else” who interferes with others’ free speech, and allow victims to recover court costs and attorney’s fees.

It also would affirm that universities should remain neutral on controversies and ensure that students know about the policies and report to authorities on the problems that develop.

“To my knowledge, this is the most comprehensive legislative proposal ever offered to protect and preserve campus free speech. It promises to kick off a national debate on how best to address the ever-growing threats to freedom of thought and expression at our colleges and universities,” said Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

“The Campus Free Speech Act gives the First Amendment bite,” said Jim Manley, senior attorney at the Goldwater Institute and a co-author of the act and report. ‘Where this bill becomes law, there will be real consequences for anyone – including protesters, administrators, or professors – who tries to prevent others from expressing their opinions. The legislation also provides robust due process protections for anyone accused of trying to silence speech.”

The movement already has begun. The institute worked on legislation in Arizona last year that made college campuses free speech zones.

WND also reported when a state lawmaker in Washington state proposed a financial penalty for violating the Constitution.

The bill drafted by Rep. Matt Manweller included a fine of at least $500 for a university’s “active suppression of students’ First Amendment rights.” And it would grow by $50 per day until the violation is removed.
Like everyone else I really like a lot of what Trump has done so far, with the wall, restarting immigration enforcement, the refugee limits etc. However, I'm really concerned about his foreign policy agenda, which seems to be pretty much the usual neo-con nonsense. Is Trump just pretending to go along with this or will he be another George W Bush when it comes to foreign war debacles?
Brandon Saad's father, a Syrian immigrant, supports Trump's immigration ban
February 3, 2017 12:00 AM

Nate Guidry/Post-Gazette
Former Chicago Blackhawks player and Pittsburgh native Brandon Saad carries the Stanley Cup into a hanger at the 911th Airlift Wing in Coraopolis in 2015. Brandon's father, George, immigrated to the United States from Syria at age 18.

By Jason Mackey / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

President Donald Trump’s efforts to halt all visitors from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries elicit a passionate response inside the Pine home of George Saad, a Syrian immigrant.

Just not in the way you might think.

Mr. Saad, who left home at 18 to study engineering at Pitt, is now the 55-year-old father of Columbus Blue Jackets star Brandon Saad and supports Mr. Trump’s recent executive order.

“I guess you can tell that I voted for Trump,” Mr. Saad said with a laugh. “But I can’t say I disagree with him.”

George Saad and several of his relatives will be on hand at PPG Paints Arena tonight towatch his son play the Penguins. Together, George and Brandon Saad have helped dozens of family members flee their war-torn homeland to live in the United States. Achieving the American dream the way dad did remains a sacred thing for the Saads.

“The opportunities available here are not available anywhere else on the planet,” said George, who owns Richland Properties Inc., a Richland-based development firm.

“I’m glad they’re upping the immigration laws. There’s a legal way to enter the United States; you have to follow the right channels. We’re a country built on laws. Let’s follow the laws.”

The Saads are also a family of hockey fans, even if Friday they might not necessarily be cheering for the Penguins.

Mario Lemieux and Jaromir Jagr served as Brandon’s role models as he charted a path to the NHL, which has already included a 31-goal season and a pair of Stanley Cups.

full article:
Like everyone else I really like a lot of what Trump has done so far, with the wall, restarting immigration enforcement, the refugee limits etc. However, I'm really concerned about his foreign policy agenda, which seems to be pretty much the usual neo-con nonsense. Is Trump just pretending to go along with this or will he be another George W Bush when it comes to foreign war debacles?

I agree with you on the foreign policy. I really wanted him to pull us out of all of the saber rattling, hawkish ways. No need to put our armed forces at risk (given that most special ops, front line soldiers, sailors and marines are white men) for anything but national security. I also wish he would slow down the pace of which he is signing executive orders - focus on the borders and immigration first and than jobs/building up the economy.
Like everyone else I really like a lot of what Trump has done so far, with the wall, restarting immigration enforcement, the refugee limits etc. However, I'm really concerned about his foreign policy agenda, which seems to be pretty much the usual neo-con nonsense. Is Trump just pretending to go along with this or will he be another George W Bush when it comes to foreign war debacles?

I'd give Der Donald an A+ so far on everything except foreign policy. Today he's planning sanctions on Iran, which is out of the typical neo-Cohen playbook. The Zios are always pushing for war against Iran despite any credible evidence that Iran is a threat to attack any other country. Members of his administration have also been tough talking Russia. Why?

I hope this is all just a charade to keep the usual suspects subdued, providing some cover, while he continues to ruthlessly destroy leftist policies domestically.
UFC fighter Jake Shields came to the aid of a Trump supporter being jumped by antifa scum. Shields said neither the law or bystanders tried help.

All these places where Police are told to stand down by Mayors and City Officials are Leftist Liberal cesspools who allow violent f@gs and pro-abort anarchists to riot and commit criminal acts. The leaders of these hellhole cities need to be tried for high crimes of treasonous and traitorous actions, found guilty, and immediately taken out and killed by public execution. Period.
Brandon Saad's father, a Syrian immigrant, supports Trump's immigration ban
February 3, 2017 12:00 AM

Nate Guidry/Post-Gazette
Former Chicago Blackhawks player and Pittsburgh native Brandon Saad carries the Stanley Cup into a hanger at the 911th Airlift Wing in Coraopolis in 2015. Brandon's father, George, immigrated to the United States from Syria at age 18.

By Jason Mackey / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

President Donald Trump’s efforts to halt all visitors from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries elicit a passionate response inside the Pine home of George Saad, a Syrian immigrant.

Just not in the way you might think.

Mr. Saad, who left home at 18 to study engineering at Pitt, is now the 55-year-old father of Columbus Blue Jackets star Brandon Saad and supports Mr. Trump’s recent executive order.

“I guess you can tell that I voted for Trump,” Mr. Saad said with a laugh. “But I can’t say I disagree with him.”

George Saad and several of his relatives will be on hand at PPG Paints Arena tonight towatch his son play the Penguins. Together, George and Brandon Saad have helped dozens of family members flee their war-torn homeland to live in the United States. Achieving the American dream the way dad did remains a sacred thing for the Saads.

“The opportunities available here are not available anywhere else on the planet,” said George, who owns Richland Properties Inc., a Richland-based development firm.

“I’m glad they’re upping the immigration laws. There’s a legal way to enter the United States; you have to follow the right channels. We’re a country built on laws. Let’s follow the laws.”

The Saads are also a family of hockey fans, even if Friday they might not necessarily be cheering for the Penguins.

Mario Lemieux and Jaromir Jagr served as Brandon’s role models as he charted a path to the NHL, which has already included a 31-goal season and a pair of Stanley Cups.

full article:

If Saad doesn't come from a Christain-Syrian father than his father at the very least knows the incurable insanity of some men and women must be put in check. The men that have come to destroy Syria and its property as paid mercenaries are mostly from the countries named in Trump's order.
Trump's pick for Ambassador to EU warns that Trump will not take any "bullsh*t" from Brussels.

WASHINGTON – The next U.S. ambassador to the European Union is warning that his boss, President Donald Trump, won’t take any “bull—-” from Brussels.

How’s that for start to diplomacy?

Ted Malloch, Trump’s pick for the post, shocked BBC presenters Sunday morning with his bluntness, predicting the impending collapse of the EU as President Trump continues to lay down the law.

During an interview with Pienaar’s Politics, the economist, WND author and contributor said the time is over for “baby talk and political correctness” of EU elites such as Angela Merkel, Jean-Claude Juncker and Guy Verhofstadt.

In an extraordinary pushback, he said that whether the EU likes it or not, Trump will only deal with countries on a nation-by-nation basis.

In response to European Parliament Brexit negotiator Guy Verhofstadt’s call for rejecting Malloch’s ambassadorial appointment, he said only America would choose American diplomats and if the EU dared to intervene, there would an “equal measure of response in Washington.” Verhostadt had signaled that the appointment should be rejected because of Malloch’s “outrageous malevolence against the values that define this European Union.”

“Trump hopes that Europe succeeds completely and he wants to deal with them bilaterally,” Malloch said. “But obviously, he doesn’t want a union that is tilted towards Germany.”

When pressed how Trump would speak to the EU on a nation-by-nation basis instead of a giant bloc, he seemed to suggest the complete break-up of the political union.

“The hope is that the EU can come to some understanding and the union itself, which is in a process of adjustment, will see its role as something more of an economic integration, rather than political,” explained Malloch.

Earlier in the interview, he proclaimed that Trump is “too noble for this world.” Quoting from Shakespeare’s “Coriolanus,” he said Trump’s “heart is his mouth.”

“Trump won’t cow down to the powers that be,” Malloch continued. “He’ll speak his mind even if gets him in trouble or is held in disregard by others. It used to be called honesty but in the age of baby talk and political correctness, and mostly bull—-, it’s now regarded as dishonesty.”

Last month, the Trump insider clashed with Brussels when he said that he “helped bring about the demise of the USSR and he would like to do a similar thing with the EU.”
What Trump said to the comically out-of-touch, naive, and bi-polar Bill O'Reilly in their recent interview is so true, but of course it was perceived as pro-Putin. According to many Americans, the U.S. is pure as the drivel snow. We're the "good guys" who police the globe because we have everyone's best interest at heart. In reality, the U.S. Armed Forces, who dropped over 26,000 bombs on 7 different countries in 2016 alone, is the ultimate war-mongering machine (and, in a way, the most expensive terrorist organization) on planet earth and has been for 100+ years. Yet according to O'Reilly, the know-nothing NeoCuckservative goon, "Putin is a killer!" Give me a break...

Here is a map of foreign military bases, which cost over $150 billion every year to operate. Naturally, this doesn't account for any of the countless bases on U.S. soil...


U.S. drops 72 bombs per minute in 2016:

Clearly, Putin is the real boogeyman!
What Trump said to the comically out-of-touch, naive, and bi-polar Bill O'Reilly in their recent interview is so true, but of course it was perceived as pro-Putin. According to many Americans, the U.S. is pure as the drivel snow. We're the "good guys" who police the globe because we have everyone's best interest at heart. In reality, the U.S. Armed Forces, who dropped over 26,000 bombs on 7 different countries in 2016 alone, is the ultimate war-mongering machine (and, in a way, the most expensive terrorist organization) on planet earth and has been for 100+ years. Yet according to O'Reilly, the know-nothing NeoCuckservative goon, "Putin is a killer!" Give me a break...

Here is a map of foreign military bases, which cost over $150 billion every year to operate. Naturally, this doesn't account for any of the countless bases on U.S. soil...


U.S. drops 72 bombs per minute in 2016:

Clearly, Putin is the real boogeyman!

Putin is a real man who'd make complete mince meat outta pantywaist neocucks like "Bull O'lielly", "Flimsey Gayham" & "Juan McAmnasty". We need much more hardnose leadership & (far) less gutless pandering by these milksop D.C. eunuchs.
American Freedom News