The Trump Era Begins

Here a Nazi, There a Nazi, Everywhere a Nazi-Nazi!

by Jim Goad

I guess calling everyone a “racist” doesn’t work anymore. If it did, Trump would have lost.

As a result, we are all Nazis now.

Milo Yiannapoulos is a gay Jew who can’t seem to go more than five minutes without mentioning that he loves sucking black ****. He has openly and repeatedly disavowed white nationalism, especially the “14/88” crowd.

Doesn’t matter. Posters preceding his recent appearance in Denver tagged him as a “Nazi” and encouraged punching him.

When he attempted to speak last week at UC Berkeley—which abandoned any pretense of supporting free speech long ago—a violent riot erupted, and authorities canceled the speech. Fires were set, windows were smashed, a female Trump supporter was maced while doing a TV interview, and Trump supporters were beaten unconscious in the streets. There was a million dollars in property damage yet only one arrest—for misdemeanor failure to disperse rather than, you know, felony assault or felony rioting.

While condemning the riots, California’s Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom smeared Milo as a “white supremacist.”

In the past few months Gavin McInnes has gone to great pains to distance himself from Nazis and anyone who focuses on the “Jewish Question.” Regardless, he was pepper-sprayed last week in the course of attempting to give a speech at NYU.

A video shows a fat, ugly, stereotypically insane female leftist who claimed to be a college professor screaming at the police to shut down Gavin:

You are ******* ********! You’re protecting the Nazis!
You should kick their ass! You should! These are kids who are trying to learn about humanity!
They’re trying to learn about human rights and against racism and xenophobia, and LGBTQ rights, and you’re letting these ******* Neo-Nazis near here!

It’s not up to these students to kick the ass of a Neo-Nazi! They don’t have to raise their fist! They were taught to be peaceful! **** you!

With all due respect ma’am, no—**** YOU. And **** the hyperbolic counterfactual lunacy your ilk has puked out for the past few generations. By any rational definition of the term, there are hardly any Nazis in America right now. If you want to be absolutely literal, there arenone,because the term refers strictly to a defunct German political party. But there has been such relentless brainwashing that WWII’s losers are the Ultimate Embodiment of Evil, normally tolerant people have a Pavlovian reaction to the very mention of the term. In modern America, “Nazi” is a term used to demean, dismiss, and to justify any violence that may befall you after you are pinned with the Scarlet Swastika.

At a Portland airport last week, rioters knocked a Trump supporter unconscious while gleefully shouting, “That’s how you talk to a Nazi!” and “**** you, Nazi.”

At a recent Black Lives Matter hootenanny in Seattle, a megaphone-toting Negress uttered the following calls to violence and sedition:

And we need to start killing people….Give your ******* money, your ******* house, your ******* property, we need it ******* all….**** white supremacy, **** the US empire, Kill the White House, **** the White House, **** your imperialist ass lives. That **** gotta go.

At the idiotic and embarrassing March of the Vaginas on January 21, Madonna spoke of blowing up the White House—and she was applauded rather than arrested.

On Twitter last week, comedienne Sarah Silverman called for the armed overthrow of the US government, which is a felony:


Miraculously, she was not visited by the Secret Service. Must be her “white” privilege at work.

During the Berkeley riots last week, another privileged “white” Hollywood fixture namedJudd Apatowencouraged more violence:

This is just the beginning. When will all the fools who are still supporting Trump realize what is at stake?

Oh, I believe we know precisely what’s at stake. But we’re keeping calm now. We’ve beenextraordinarilypatient with your never-ending psychotic tantrums. You fools are the ones publicly shitting your diapers daily. But if you keep cheering on the routine beatings of Trump supporters, you risk awakening the slumbering Saxon.

As of February 3, at least 12,000 calls to assassinate Trumphad been logged on Twitter. So far, the Secret Service has visited a grand total of two people over the threats. LondonTimescolumnist India Knighthas openly called for Trump’s assassination. So has Ted Kornblum, CEO of a guitar amplifier company. Last week an Irish magazine calledVillagefeatured a cover with crosshairs focused on Trump’s temple and the headline “Why Not.” Rapper Big Seanrecently cut a track where he talks of murdering Donald Trump with an icepick. The publisher of Germany’sDie Zeitsuggested “Murder in the White House; as an effective method of taking out Trump. CNN produced a fantasy videowhere Trump gets assassinated.

There is a peculiar sadism at the very root of the leftist mindset, one made all the more foul because it’s buried underneath a fraudulent veneer of compassion and tolerance. There has been next to zero violence coming from the right, but leftists are justifying all their mob violence by saying Nazis want to exterminate everyone, so they’re just preemptively preventing another genocide. That’s a transparently false excuse, and they’d be hard-pressed to point to a single person they’ve attacked who advocates violence, but I realized only a few years ago that truth and facts simply do not matter to these cultists. But when it comes to violence, they should beverycareful what they ask for.

There are laws against rioting. There are RICO laws. There are laws against assault. There are laws against destroying property. There are laws against blocking someone’s forward progress. There are laws against sedition and domestic terrorism. I hope the Trump Administration bulldozes these ******** with those laws. He even suggested defunding UC Berkeley, which currently milks federal funds for more than half of their revenue.

In contrast to Berkeley’s “stand down” orders to police during the riots, 231 peoplewere charged with felony rioting in DC on Inauguration Day. If found guilty, I would like to see these “black bloc” ******** put away, where they’ll be forced to deal with a “black bloc” who hates their guts merely for their skin color. I would love to be a fly on the wall when a scrawny rich white “anarchist” inmate tries explaining to his cellmate, a member of the Black Guerrilla Family, about how he empathizes with his cause and has been fighting racism all his life.

I would like to believe that the recent spate of unhinged leftist rioting and violence is the loudest death rattle the world has ever heard. But if they keep shutting down free speech and punching anyone they deem a “Nazi,” they risk facing a violent backlash that unmasks them as the cowards they truly are.

Perhaps a major problem with the right these days is that there are too many suits and not enough boots. If the law won’t deal with this, it may be time to unleash the Saxon dogs.
Senator Sessions was confirmed tonight as AG. I hope Trump sets him loose on all the Marxist criminals and puts a stop to all the nonsense that's been going on since the inauguration.

Well they built all those prison camps that they were hoping to put us in. They will make nice safe spaces for the commy snowflakes turned masked terrorists, and then you can put rioting blacks in there with them so they can get to know their negro superheroes that they love so much real well and personally.
Here a Nazi, There a Nazi, Everywhere a Nazi-Nazi!

by Jim Goad

I guess calling everyone a “racist” doesn’t work anymore. If it did, Trump would have lost.

As a result, we are all Nazis now.

Milo Yiannapoulos is a gay Jew who can’t seem to go more than five minutes without mentioning that he loves sucking black ****. He has openly and repeatedly disavowed white nationalism, especially the “14/88” crowd.

Doesn’t matter. Posters preceding his recent appearance in Denver tagged him as a “Nazi” and encouraged punching him.

When he attempted to speak last week at UC Berkeley—which abandoned any pretense of supporting free speech long ago—a violent riot erupted, and authorities canceled the speech. Fires were set, windows were smashed, a female Trump supporter was maced while doing a TV interview, and Trump supporters were beaten unconscious in the streets. There was a million dollars in property damage yet only one arrest—for misdemeanor failure to disperse rather than, you know, felony assault or felony rioting.

While condemning the riots, California’s Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom smeared Milo as a “white supremacist.”

In the past few months Gavin McInnes has gone to great pains to distance himself from Nazis and anyone who focuses on the “Jewish Question.” Regardless, he was pepper-sprayed last week in the course of attempting to give a speech at NYU.

A video shows a fat, ugly, stereotypically insane female leftist who claimed to be a college professor screaming at the police to shut down Gavin:

You are ******* ********! You’re protecting the Nazis!
You should kick their ass! You should! These are kids who are trying to learn about humanity!
They’re trying to learn about human rights and against racism and xenophobia, and LGBTQ rights, and you’re letting these ******* Neo-Nazis near here!

It’s not up to these students to kick the ass of a Neo-Nazi! They don’t have to raise their fist! They were taught to be peaceful! **** you!

With all due respect ma’am, no—**** YOU. And **** the hyperbolic counterfactual lunacy your ilk has puked out for the past few generations. By any rational definition of the term, there are hardly any Nazis in America right now. If you want to be absolutely literal, there arenone,because the term refers strictly to a defunct German political party. But there has been such relentless brainwashing that WWII’s losers are the Ultimate Embodiment of Evil, normally tolerant people have a Pavlovian reaction to the very mention of the term. In modern America, “Nazi” is a term used to demean, dismiss, and to justify any violence that may befall you after you are pinned with the Scarlet Swastika.

At a Portland airport last week, rioters knocked a Trump supporter unconscious while gleefully shouting, “That’s how you talk to a Nazi!” and “**** you, Nazi.”

At a recent Black Lives Matter hootenanny in Seattle, a megaphone-toting Negress uttered the following calls to violence and sedition:

And we need to start killing people….Give your ******* money, your ******* house, your ******* property, we need it ******* all….**** white supremacy, **** the US empire, Kill the White House, **** the White House, **** your imperialist ass lives. That **** gotta go.

At the idiotic and embarrassing March of the Vaginas on January 21, Madonna spoke of blowing up the White House—and she was applauded rather than arrested.

On Twitter last week, comedienne Sarah Silverman called for the armed overthrow of the US government, which is a felony:


Miraculously, she was not visited by the Secret Service. Must be her “white” privilege at work.

During the Berkeley riots last week, another privileged “white” Hollywood fixture namedJudd Apatowencouraged more violence:

This is just the beginning. When will all the fools who are still supporting Trump realize what is at stake?

Oh, I believe we know precisely what’s at stake. But we’re keeping calm now. We’ve beenextraordinarilypatient with your never-ending psychotic tantrums. You fools are the ones publicly shitting your diapers daily. But if you keep cheering on the routine beatings of Trump supporters, you risk awakening the slumbering Saxon.

As of February 3, at least 12,000 calls to assassinate Trumphad been logged on Twitter. So far, the Secret Service has visited a grand total of two people over the threats. LondonTimescolumnist India Knighthas openly called for Trump’s assassination. So has Ted Kornblum, CEO of a guitar amplifier company. Last week an Irish magazine calledVillagefeatured a cover with crosshairs focused on Trump’s temple and the headline “Why Not.” Rapper Big Seanrecently cut a track where he talks of murdering Donald Trump with an icepick. The publisher of Germany’sDie Zeitsuggested “Murder in the White House; as an effective method of taking out Trump. CNN produced a fantasy videowhere Trump gets assassinated.

There is a peculiar sadism at the very root of the leftist mindset, one made all the more foul because it’s buried underneath a fraudulent veneer of compassion and tolerance. There has been next to zero violence coming from the right, but leftists are justifying all their mob violence by saying Nazis want to exterminate everyone, so they’re just preemptively preventing another genocide. That’s a transparently false excuse, and they’d be hard-pressed to point to a single person they’ve attacked who advocates violence, but I realized only a few years ago that truth and facts simply do not matter to these cultists. But when it comes to violence, they should beverycareful what they ask for.

There are laws against rioting. There are RICO laws. There are laws against assault. There are laws against destroying property. There are laws against blocking someone’s forward progress. There are laws against sedition and domestic terrorism. I hope the Trump Administration bulldozes these ******** with those laws. He even suggested defunding UC Berkeley, which currently milks federal funds for more than half of their revenue.

In contrast to Berkeley’s “stand down” orders to police during the riots, 231 peoplewere charged with felony rioting in DC on Inauguration Day. If found guilty, I would like to see these “black bloc” ******** put away, where they’ll be forced to deal with a “black bloc” who hates their guts merely for their skin color. I would love to be a fly on the wall when a scrawny rich white “anarchist” inmate tries explaining to his cellmate, a member of the Black Guerrilla Family, about how he empathizes with his cause and has been fighting racism all his life.

I would like to believe that the recent spate of unhinged leftist rioting and violence is the loudest death rattle the world has ever heard. But if they keep shutting down free speech and punching anyone they deem a “Nazi,” they risk facing a violent backlash that unmasks them as the cowards they truly are.

Perhaps a major problem with the right these days is that there are too many suits and not enough boots. If the law won’t deal with this, it may be time to unleash the Saxon dogs.

Outstanding article. :)

As a side note....While that "Milo" f@9 makes some valid points, he's still a depraved deviant who is NOT an ally of the great White race. Like all sodomite sickos, he (too) needs be locked in an outhouse & not allowed to walk the streets (...although that weirdo might actually enjoy it).
Never in my entire life have I seen a person treated so badly as Trump. I am not even exaggerating. Sudam Hussein was given more respect by the media. The latest crap article is stating that none of his white house staff respects Donald and consider him a joke. I truly believe the media is hoping that all these negative articles will force the Donald to eventually resign.
The treasonous 9th court of 'schemeels' ruled against America & for the foreign invaders. However, President Trump vowed to fight the seditious "ruling".

What these scumbag traitors don't (or won't) get is that Constitutional rights & protection was only intended for (true) Americans! The founders didn't include coloreds (who were property back then) or even women to have "equal rights"....only the White man! That's why these turd worlders have NO business on our soil! This is not their country & they have no rights here!!! :cursing2:
The treasonous 9th court of 'schemeels' ruled against America & for the foreign invaders. However, President Trump vowed to fight the seditious "ruling".

What these scumbag traitors don't (or won't) get is that Constitutional rights & protection was only intended for (true) Americans! The founders didn't include coloreds (who were property back then) or even women to have "equal rights"....only the White man! That's why these turd worlders have NO business on our soil! This is not their country & they have no rights here!!! :cursing2:

Not one of the founding fathers of the USA was a Congo cannibal or a Mohamedan head chopper or a Talmudic rabbi or flaming ******.

PS The Yiddish word is shlemiel, but that's a friendly sort of word so I wouldn't use it for - spit! - judges (I'm from NYC. I know stuff like this).

They have been using these judges to mess around with their "democracy" shell game for a long time. For instance they let the people pretend to vote for some proposition or something, like prop. 8 in CA, so the people do, and then they just get some two bit judge to overturn it. Now you have some two bit judges messing with the new president of the USA. These judges are lawyers. Dick the Butcher got it right in Shakespeare's Henry VIII when he said, ''The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers".
Outstanding article. :)

As a side note....While that "Milo" f@9 makes some valid points, he's still a depraved deviant who is NOT an ally of the great White race. Like all sodomite sickos, he (too) needs be locked in an outhouse & not allowed to walk the streets (...although that weirdo might actually enjoy it).

Last I heard he kept all the money for that so called white male scholarship fund. Cant trust (((Milo)))))
Never in my entire life have I seen a person treated so badly as Trump. I am not even exaggerating. Sudam Hussein was given more respect by the media. The latest crap article is stating that none of his white house staff respects Donald and consider him a joke. I truly believe the media is hoping that all these negative articles will force the Donald to eventually resign.

It only makes Trump grow stronger. He will crush our enemies.
Why can't Trump just write a new "immigration ban" Executive Order every time some random Marxist judge rules that its "unconstitutional?" If I were him, I'd play just as dirty and have a new one ready to sign every week. It would drive them even more insane and they'd eventually realize that they're powerless against him and give up. If they keep "overruling" everything he does, this will get messy...for their side. Trump never loses and they're going to learn that the hard way.
I know Trump has a steel spine and is an all around winner, but I hope the Republicans show the same will and spine he has. The upcoming months the Soros-backed idiot left will go full bore on Trump and his administration.
I know Trump has a steel spine and is an all around winner, but I hope the Republicans show the same will and spine he has. The upcoming months the Soros-backed idiot left will go full bore on Trump and his administration.

Trump and Sessions need to go right at Soros and through him in prison. Declare war on him fully and take him out, just like Putin went after the oligarchs in Russia. There is no other way for Trump and humanity as we know it to survive.
Trump and Sessions need to go right at Soros and through him in prison. Declare war on him fully and take him out, just like Putin went after the oligarchs in Russia. There is no other way for Trump and humanity as we know it to survive.

Either that or send a black ops team to 'neutralize' that proven enemy of the Republic.
Trump instructed ICE agents to begin mass deportations of illegals in at least six states! The vast majority have been convicted of very serious crimes. The SJW's responded by....protesting, haha. The Donald is already the most pro-white President since Andrew Jackson.

What a beast...


Many are suggesting that he'll use "concentration camps" until the wall is built. Great idea!
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Trump instructed ICE agents to begin mass deportations of illegals in at least six states! The vast majority have been convicted of very serious crimes. The SJW's responded by....protesting, haha. The Donald is already the most pro-white President since Andrew Jackson.

What a beast...

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Many are suggesting that he'll use "concentration camps" until the wall is built. Great idea!

The first sentence says "federal agents are being newly aggressive" in enforcing immigration laws. Of course the FNM globalist NWO oligarch press describes enforcing current immigration law as "aggression" .
Canadian Prime Minister to meet Trump tomorrow. For some reason I don't think Trump is going golfing with this clown:

And of course Trudeau did nothing different to convince me he is not the Prime Minister from the end of the Rainbow.
This may be old news but I have gotten into a bunch of videos lately of anti-Trump demonstrators. Some commentator on one of these videos made the remark that these people mock Trump for wanting to build " the wall " . Well why is it then that so many of these protesters lock arms and block traffic and Trump supporters wherever they go? Very hypocritical. The more videos I watch of these idiots the less liberal I get on other issues though I have stated before I am far right when it comes to race and abortion.
These Libtards are just pathetic. No I mean it takes someone like me to see a lot to say something like that. Do they just all suffer from mental illness? I was a practicing psychologist for over 17 years. I don't have an answer when in the past I usually had. Just boggles the mind.
I will be honest. I was not very receptive to Trump in the beginning and am still lukewarm but its early. So that in mind I have not checked all the videos on this site but I found a 6 minute you tube video of various Trump protests and one is shot at night where there is a chain of protesters blocking a 4 lane street. You can see one lane facing them gridlocked as the car is at a dead stand still. About 3 seconds later in the empty lane an suv comes flying in at about 30 mph and a few smart people got out of the way but another 5 or 6 held their ground and he just ran them over. I have not really laughed that hard in a long long time. I mean if I was drinking milk it would come out of my nose. I was in a public place so I had to calm down quick but I could not stop laughing. You block a speeding car and you get what you deserve. The kicker is that if you watch closely the driver has his driver side window down and has his left arm calmly resting on it driving with one hand. I only do that in the summer out for a slow country drive. This has to be the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. These idiots got what they deserved.
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