The Trump Era Begins

Ashley Judd's sad little feminist "rant" was one of the most shamelessly hateful, disgustingly ignoble, and mindlessly imbecilic utterances I've ever heard from a Hollywood celebrity type. It's like she was making it up as she went along and using several different voices. A 5-second internet search revealed that this militant, female supremacist lowlife has posed nude and had multiple "sex scenes" with men in her films. Why does she seek the validation of men by using her naked body?

The twit is also a colossal DWF for the Kentucky basketball team. You know, that perennially all-black, all-thug roster of criminality-prone ghetto trash littered with tattoos and blaring anti-female rap music at all times...

"Go Thugs, Go!

The planet's oldest Prunefaced Slut, Madonna, spewed a plethora of generic platitudes in her "diatribe," which was actually rather boring and painfully slow-paced until she openly discussed that she's been fantasizing about "blowing up the White House"...

Keep up the good work, ladies, "Trump 2020" is looking more and more likely and it's only been one day.
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Trump wasting no time...

Trump Announces TPP Withdrawal, NAFTA Talks

Also, notice how the Sunday Morning MSM "Fake News" interviews always trot out the most cucked Republicans to push anti-Trump, anti-Populist talking points?

Again, Psycho McCain and Ms Lindsey Graham interviewed by various establishment media figures this morning. Ms Graham said (s)he doesn't know what "America First" means (unless it's "Peace through Strength" (typical Orwellian neocon talking point)) and Psycho said he "does not know" if he has "confidence" in Trump. Pure establishment propaganda meant to delegitimize Trump's Presidency.
Ashley Judd's sad little feminist "rant" was one of the most shamelessly hateful, disgustingly ignoble, and mindlessly imbecilic utterances I've ever heard from a Hollywood celebrity type. It's like she was making it up as she went along and using several different voices. A 5-second internet search revealed that this militant, female supremacist lowlife has posed nude and had multiple "sex scenes" with men in her films. Why does she seek the validation of men by using her naked body?

The twit is also a colossal DWF for the Kentucky basketball team. You know, that perennially all-black, all-thug roster of criminality-prone ghetto trash littered with tattoos and blaring anti-female rap music at all times...

View attachment 1576
"Go Thugs, Go!

The planet's oldest Prunefaced Slut, Madonna, spewed a plethora of generic platitudes in her "diatribe," which was actually rather boring and painfully slow-paced until she openly discussed that she's been fantasizing about "blowing up the White House"...

Keep up the good work, ladies, "Trump 2020" is looking more and more likely and it's only been one day.

This cunt has been fantasizing a lot this year about blowing things. Just prior to election night, she said she would blow every man who would vote for the other cunt Hillary. Now she is fantasizing about "blowing" up the WH with Trump in it. A vile disgusting cunt who is rapidly becoming irrelevant and hated by smart ppl.
In her rant at the women's march, Ashley Judd didn't merely espouse divisiveness with regard to gender. She also mentioned "white supremacy," "white privilege," "white racism," "nazi cabinet members," "concentration camp," "homophobia," "transphobia," "swastikas," "confederate flag," and "wet dreams" (during a bizarre diatribe about Trump fantasizing about his daughter, Ivanka)...

Sad, pathetic, nauseating, vicious, hateful, manic, mean-spirited, and rife with the oh-so familiar stench of "feminist" hypocrisy and sodden with more inferiority complexes than you can shake a stick at.

If these harpies are so tough, perhaps their next assignment will be to match into any nation on the Middle East, Asia, Africa, or any other non-white hell-hole where women are actually treated like subhumans?

Na, they'll just continue to enjoy their "First World Privilege" and claim the most extreme forms of gender victimhood, yet scream that "everyone is equal!"

Judd, in particular, has it pretty rough...she even owns mansions in multiple countries. Here is her $6 million mansion in Scotland...

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Why bother repeating what those "entertainers" entertain. You know their real interests are self and sales.

Now just to feel better:

In her rant at the women's march, Ashley Judd didn't merely espouse divisiveness with regard to gender. She also mentioned "white supremacy," "white privilege," "white racism," "nazi cabinet members," "concentration camp," "homophobia," "transphobia," "swastikas," "confederate flag," and "wet dreams" (during a bizarre diatribe about Trump fantasizing about his daughter, Ivanka)...

Sad, pathetic, nauseating, vicious, hateful, manic, mean-spirited, and rife with the oh-so familiar stench of "feminist" hypocrisy and sodden with more inferiority complexes than you can shake a stick at.

If these harpies are so tough, perhaps their next assignment will be to match into any nation on the Middle East, Asia, Africa, or any other non-white hell-hole where women are actually treated like subhumans?

Na, they'll just continue to enjoy their "First World Privilege" and claim the most extreme forms of gender victimhood, yet scream that "everyone is equal!"

Judd, in particular, has it pretty rough...she even owns mansions in multiple countries. Here is her $6 million mansion in Scotland...

View attachment 1577

The poor girl is a victim of white racism and white privilege...

Tour Ashley Judd's Scottish Mansion
Richard Spencer was assaulted in Washington DC. It was a sucker punch. I wonder who the perpetrator was? Could it be a member of "team negro." Looking at the situation it looks very likely.

He is actually some sick perverse self-hating white ***. Someone tracked him down and he is in the ultimate cuck thread. He is what the cultural marxists want all white men to be - a self hating, repulsive, perverse pig.
Listen to the X22 Report often. This is a good on. Includes info on the crowd attendance at the inauguration, How soros is at the center of the protests. Discusses central bankers and Trump butting heads.

Trump orders hiring freeze for much of Federal government | Fox News
President Trump on Monday issued an executive order implementing a hiring freeze across the federal government, with exceptions only for military, national security or public safety personnel.

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Trump had raised the possibility of a hiring freeze during the campaign. At a news conference Monday, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said the freeze ensures taxpayers get effective and efficient government and said it "counters the dramatic expansion of the federal workforce in recent years."

“Some people are working two, three jobs just to get by. And to see money get wasted in Washington on a job that is duplicative is insulting to the hard work that they do to pay their taxes,” Spicer said.

The New York Times reported that Trump called it a stopgap way to control the growth of government until his administration comes up with a long-term solution.

“In carrying out this memorandum, I ask that you seek efficient use of existing personnel and funds to improve public services and the delivery of these services,” Trump wrote in the memorandum, according to the paper.

Statistics from the Office of Personnel Management, though, show that the number of executive branch employees hasn't been this low since 1965, and that the number of employees has stayed more or less steady in the last 15 years.

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The full effect of a hiring freeze is unclear. According to OPM, the federal government hired 221,000 workers in fiscal 2015, the most recent year for which data is available. The number excludes uniformed military personnel. But roughly a third of those hired were military veterans, who enjoy hiring preferences in the federal government.

Trump signs executive order withdrawing US from TPP trade deal

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Virginia, whose district includes many federal workers, said Monday that the government actually needs to increase its capacity to handle certain issues, like cybersecurity.

"This Executive Order ... will have a depressing effect on our ability to recruit and retain the next generation of federal workers," he said. "This is a far cry from President Kennedy's effort to inspire a new generation to enter public service."

Republican Barbra Comstock, who also represents parts of northern Virginia in Congress, announced her own opposition to the hiring freeze and said "past hiring freezes in both Republican and Democrat administrations have cost the federal government money in the long run."

This is great news. We all know the type of people who make up the bulk of federal government employees . It's mainly undeserving blacks and other AA hires.
Trump signs order withdrawing from TPP, reinstate 'Mexico City policy' on abortion
By Jeremy Diamond and Dana Bash, CNN
Updated 9:45 AM EST, Tue January 24, 2017

CNN)President Donald Trump on Monday will start to unravel the behemoth trade deal he inherited from his predecessor, as he signed an executive action to withdraw from the negotiating process of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

That executive action sends signals to Democrats and leaders in foreign capitals around the world that Trump's rhetoric on trade during the campaign is turning into action. Trump vowed during the campaign to withdraw the US from the Pacific trade deal, commonly known as TPP, which he argued was harmful to American workers and manufacturing.

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The TPP was negotiated under former President Barack Obama, but never ratified by Congress, so withdrawing from it will not have an immediate, real effect on US economic policies, although it does signal a new and very different US outlook on trade under Trump.

The other executive actions signed Monday included reinstating the Mexico City abortion rules and instituting a hiring freeze for federal agencies.

I have to say I'm very impressed with President Trump so far
The federal government, the media, Christian churches, Jewish groups, commie groups, all actively conspiring to bring the third world - the worst dregs of it - to your town too. So far nothing from President Trump who said he would stop the invasion on his first day in office.


The Clintons: ~100,000 DEAD in Bosnia alone...for what?

The Bush's: ~500,000 DEAD in Iraq alone...for what?

The Obama's: ~500,000 Dead in Syria, ~100,000 dead in Libya, 10,000 DEAD in Yemen...MILLIONS OF REFUGEES whose PEACEFUL LIVES have been DESTROYED...

At a MINIMUM...VERY MINIMUM...the Clintons, the Bush's and the Obama's HAVE KILLED 1.2 MILLION PEOPLE in the name of what?

...and Obama walks away from the carnage with adoration from the media and his voting base; his golf clubs and "Peace Prize" in hand.

Marxist heads are exploding around the nation and he's only been in office for one full business day. There's been a plethora of "outrage" over the images of Trump signing executive orders yesterday...not just the content of the orders, but the fact that he's always surrounded exclusively by white men...


Of course, some of them are Jews.

The garden variety liberals are running scared and the rich, celebrity types are becoming more aggressive and violent. Jewish actor, Shia LeBeouf (the lowlife who set up a "Four Year Long Live Protest" of Trump in NYC) was triggered by an alt-right Trump supporter and LeBeouf had a hilarious meltdown that included barking "HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US!" in the guy's ear and rhythmically bobbing his head in a really bizarre exchange. LeBeouf is the one that looks like a homeless/vagrant/drifter...

The "free market" loving, corporate-sponsored, traitor class of the Republicuck Patry won't like what The Donald wrote on twitter this morning...


More manufacturing jobs for middle/lower class white men and getting Negroes/Hispanics off welfare is the exact inverse of the globalist agenda.
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Trumpian Civic Nationalism Is Intensely Polarizing

By Hunter Wallace

Peggy Noonan writes in The Wall Street Journal:

“The Trump Wars of the past 18 months do not now go away. Now it becomes the Trump Civil War, every day, with Democrats trying to get rid of him and half the country pushing back. To reduce it to the essentials: As long as Mr. Trump’s party holds the House, it will be a standoff. If the Democrats take the House, they will move to oust him.

Because we are divided. We are two nations, maybe more. …”

This is the reality that President Trump will be facing.

We can have happy talk about finding a new solidarity in civic nationalism, but our common culture has already been so disintegrated by liberalism that force is the only thing really holding this country together. We saw that on display in Washington, DC where we had to spend hours walking around the barricades. Because of the confluence of multiculturalism, immigration and Islamic terrorism, the TSA had to cage us in like animals in our own Capitol to protect us from foreign and domestic enemies.

It is striking how the Left no longer accepts the norms of civic nationalism: free and fair elections, peaceful transfer of power, free speech, tolerance of dissenting views, the taboo on political violence, equality before the law, the rule of law and order, the value of citizenship, etc. In the name of social justice, the Left ardently believes we ought to do away with all of these things and violently impose a new orthodoxy of -isms and -phobias on the country. The PC Left now has the witch hunting mindset and zeal of the inquisitor armed with the ****** and the stake. They see themselves as being on the sides of the saints and the martyrs while their opponents on the Right are an army of demons.

David French writes at National Review:

“The word of the day is “polarized.” The New York Times declared that Donald Trump “will take command of a country unsettled after one of the most polarizing periods in modern times.” ABC’s chief political analyst went even further, arguing that the level of division was so bad that our political culture was “much more akin to where we were in 1861.” Writing in the Washington Post, Philip Bump rightly noted that Trump “didn’t create the country’s divisions” before wondering: “Will he heal them?” The answer:

No, he will not. He couldn’t heal them if he tried. …

This polarization has been a long time coming; anyone with eyes could have predicted it. I’m 47 years old, at the age when my law-school peers have grown up to sit in the halls of corporate, academic, and governmental power. And what were those peers like? Twenty-five years ago, some of them were in Harvard Law School, literally shouting down conservatives, booing them and jeering them when they dared open their mouths. They had no regard for civility or debate. They only wanted to win. And Harvard wasn’t alone. A generation of liberal elites has grown up steeped in a culture that believes that millions of fellow Americans aren’t just wrong, but evil — racist, sexist, homophobic, and drawn to religious faith as a vehicle for their bigotry. …”

I completely agree.

If you think this is just a problem for the “fringe,” you aren’t paying close enough attention to what is going on. In the eyes of the rising generation of leftists, it has become heretical to publicly voice a different point of view on taboo subjects like race and sexuality. These people believe state power and vigilante violence should be used to silence “hate speech” and anyone who questions their orthodoxy should be driven from employment, socially ostracized and physically assaulted.

Political correctness is a confession. Civic nationalism is an obstacle to the spread of the progressive gospel. Progress is the elimination of heresy. This is a titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil. That’s where we are going with this and for “civic nationalism” to triumph and prove successful it would require these people to undergo a total ideological conversion.

Is that realistically going to happen? I don’t think so. We need to brace ourselves for what is coming.
Good article by Wallace, I also follow him on Twitter. Really solid!
President Trump has been in office for less than a week and the media is attacking him as ferociously as I've ever seen them go after anyone, not just politicians let alone past presidents. This could be a good thing though because it could force him to go over the edge and try to fully implement the agenda he ran on during the primaries.

I was skeptical at the time and we all saw how he did soften his message after he won the nomination on things like the Muslim ban and deportations of illegal immigrants(not just the violent criminals). He did that because he wanted the approval of the media and the elites . But now we're seeing it made absolutely no difference. If he had stuck with the Muslim ban, the mass deportations, and the wall they wouldn't be treating him any differently today .

It would be impossibly, they literally couldn't attack him harder even if they wanted to. Hopefully he gets the message and goes back to being the Trump of 2015. Even if he only gets one term in office he could still go down as the greatest president of our lifetimes.He needs to take his own advice and be tough. If he manages to stick to his primary campaign promises of mass deportations and immigration restrictions he'll be giving us decades of extra time before we become a minority in our own country
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Heretic - I just posted this Big Joe video on the other thread. I'll delete it from there now.
So Trump is a phony is he? He'll NEVER keep his word you stupid conservatives? He's just sucking you all in? Right?

Well, when was the last time ANY lawmaker ordered or ruled in favor of the INDIVIDUAL over the COMMIE COLLECTIVE?????

TRUMP just did:

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Heretic - Yours was probably up first and this is probably better place for it anyway. That guy is good. It took a giant black man to shout down that little nigress with the big mouth!

Yeah, BFU! He needs to stay safe. There are so many powerful satanic forces that want to kill him. I'd rather he made no public appearances and did anything like that electronically. And like I said I don't trust the Secret Service. A female SS director in Utah just came out and said she will not take a bullet for him - which is her f'g job! - and she said he is a disaster for the country - AND it comes out now she was involved in the investigation of the theft of a special FBI sniper rifle last year.
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