South Africa World Cup 2010

I have had some time to digest the recent matches and honestly, until now, I did not have a favorite in this World Cup, as long as a white team won the whole thing. But after Germany destroyed Argentina on Saturday, something just clicked for me, and I am now 100% rooting for "Die Mannschaft" to win it all. In fact, I think I will be disappointed if they didn't. They must be clear favorites now, and I'm predicting a Germany-Netherlands final.

Yes, it bothers me that Boateng is starting. But if Michael Ballack doesn't get hurt, I think the Germans start 10 or maybe even 11 whites, very similar to the team that played Spain in the 2008 Euro Final. And I have definitely become a fan of Ozil, who's a very good player and has a lot white in him, no doubt, as some here have already pointed out.

The reason I'm rooting for Germany is simple. Despite the fact that the tentacles of the PTB have reached this nation and attempts are underway to turn it into yet another multi-cultural cesspool, Germany still remains a proud and strong white nation, perhaps not 100%, but many miles behind what's happening in France and England.I also see no evidence that they have been emasculated like some of those Scandanivian countries.

The national team in this World Cup is perhaps as good an ambassador as any for showcasing white German athletic talent for all the world to see. And as far as I can tell, German national pride remains strong and very visible.

So, Deutschland uber alles.

And here's a video of the German national anthem, easily my 2nd favorite right behind the Star Spangled Banner.

(notice that the team is 100% white) Edited by: foobar75
Thrashen said:
"Polack"Â￾ is the Polish word for "Pole."Â￾ I have no clue why that term was ever twisted into a "slur."Â￾ Whatever. Obviously, I meant no offense. Personally, I feel that Germans and Poles are completely interchangeable in terms of their "whiteness."Â￾ I wouldn't care if the Polish national squad started 11 Germans, or if the German national squad started 11 Poles. My support for the white race cannot be contained within arbitrary land borders, flags, names, languages, cultures, etc.

I don't know the origins either, but i do remember as a very young lad hearing comedians on The Ed Sullivan Show revolving their entire four-minute "schtick" around "Pollock" jokes. I'm not even sure how the word is spelled but it is definitely highly offensive. Back in the 1960s Jewish comedians built careers around making jokes about Poles being stupid. Take the "blondes are stupid" jokes ofthe past generation up till today (anotherstaple of Jewish origin)and that was how Poles were constantly ridiculed then. It was disgusting but allowable at the time, another example (but a particularly glaring one) of Jewish hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to race. I was just a young white suburban kid at the time (with no Polish ancestry and no racial awareness to speak of) but remember being ticked off by the routines of said Jewish comedians.
Idon't have too much time at the moment (as a result, the thread is not currently cluttered by lengthy postsoutlining my match impressions / analyses
) but, being of Polish parentage and a fluent speaker of the language, here's the proper terminology:
Polak - Pole (singular - masculine)

Polka - Pole (singular - feminine)

Polska - Poland

Well, there it is...

As Don pointed out, Jewish "comedians"spawned the stock character of the subhumanly stupid "dumb Polack (sic)", which littered American popular culture and was, like the Irish joke,somehow never decried as a manifestation of"intolerance".Jewish hatred for Poles is completely off the dial, so it's no great surprise. The "dumb Polak" expression was casually used by several non-Jewish White American students I met here in Australia during my university days - these people were obviously unaware of my ancestry (but learned soon enough...). Anyway,I don't currently have the time to recount the details of these "interesting" cultural encounters, but I believe that the said users of the expression were a bit more careful with it afterwards...

Edited by: Rebajlo
foobar75 said:
. Sure, it's the most global of all sports, everyone plays it, but whites are simply better than everyone else. It's the whites who can put together all the necessary skills (ball skills, speed, athleticism, discipline, organization, leadership, technique, tactics) to succeed at the highest levels.

That just about says it all. I remember watching the world cup some years ago, and the way Germany played stood out, even to my unpracticed eye. Their discipline and teamwork really separated them from the other teams to me. I think that same inborn sense of precision is why whites, when given the chance to play wide receiver in the NFL, are often noted for the excellent routes they run.

Edited by: The Hock
foobar75 said:
. Sure, it's the most global of all sports, everyone plays it, but whites are simply better than everyone else. It's the whites who can put together all the necessary skills (ball skills, speed, athleticism, discipline, organization, leadership, technique, tactics) to succeed at the highest levels.

That just about says it all. I remember watching the world cup some years ago, and the way Germany played, how they went about their business, stood out even to my unpracticed eye. Their discipline and teamwork really separated them from the other teams. I think that same inborn sense of precision is why whites, when given the chance to play wide receiver in the NFL, are often noted for the excellent routes they run. Just a thought.

I'm mostly German/Germanic, so go Deutschland.

Edited by: The Hock
I looked up Germany's Boateng and found something some of you "soccer" fans probably already knew. Apparently Boateng's brother who played for Ghana took out the German team captain, Ballack, with a cheap shot tackle that broke his leg right before the WC. Just another reason Boateng shouldn't be starting. Could have that cheap shot possibly lead to Boateng starting? Any of you soccer experts know? Both Boateng's have got to be hugely unpopular in Germany.
Kaptain Poop said:
I looked up Germany's Boateng and found something some of you "soccer" fans probably already knew. Apparently Boateng's brother who played for Ghana took out the German team captain, Ballack, with a cheap shot tackle that broke his leg right before the WC. Just another reason Boateng shouldn't be starting. Could have that cheap shot possibly lead to Boateng starting? Any of you soccer experts know? Both Boateng's have got to be hugely unpopular in Germany.

Yeah, really pathetic from the german staff to start the brother of the player who broke the leg of their captain and leader. Germans should have broken this boateng's leg and make sure he never plays in Bundesliga again.

boateng is starting because Badsturber was burned in the lead-up to the serbian goal. He is the one who couldnt prevent the cross. Its clear that, by starting boateng in the next games, the german staff blamed the goal entirely on Badsturber, even though the entire german defence made mistakes at that goal. Of course, if boateng would have been in place of Badsturber, he would have been burned as well, as he is really slow. It was a nice move by the serbs, not many left-backs could have prevented the cross.

England's goal was a mistake of boateng, he was closest to Upson but he didnt even challenge him. boateng is in no way better than Badsturber, Badsturber did great in defence for Bayern in the Champions League, but because of that serbian goal, he was benched and they put boateng in.
Now Badstuber knows how white safeties feel when they aren't even near a long TD and get destroyed by DWFs for something they didn't do.

But in all honesty, Badstuber is way better than Boateng. Boateng does nothing for Germany except turn the ball over. As somebody mentioned, Boateng is also slow.

Germany should be pissed at this guy, he shouldn't even be on the team.
Don Wassall said:
Thrashen said:
"Polack"Â is the Polish word for "Pole."Â I have no clue why that term was ever twisted into a "slur."Â Whatever. Obviously, I meant no offense. Personally, I feel that Germans and Poles are completely interchangeable in terms of their "whiteness."Â I wouldn't care if the Polish national squad started 11 Germans, or if the German national squad started 11 Poles. My support for the white race cannot be contained within arbitrary land borders, flags, names, languages, cultures, etc.
<div> </div>
<div>I don't know the origins either, but i do remember as a very young lad hearing comedians on The Ed Sullivan Show revolving their entire four-minute "schtick" around "Pollock" jokes.  I'm not even sure how the word is spelled but it is definitely highly offensive.  Back in the 1960s Jewish comedians built careers around making jokes about Poles being stupid.  Take the "blondes are stupid" jokes of the past generation up till today (another staple of Jewish origin) and that was how Poles were constantly ridiculed then.  It was disgusting but allowable at the time, another example (but a particularly glaring one) of Jewish hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to race.  I was just a young white suburban kid at the time (with no Polish ancestry and no racial awareness to speak of) but remember being ticked off by the routines of said Jewish comedians.</div>

Yes, I too remember seeing those comedians making Polish jokes on the TV "variety shows" of the 1960s.
sport historian said:
Don Wassall said:
Thrashen said:
"Polack"Â￾ is the Polish word for "Pole."Â￾ I have no clue why that term was ever twisted into a "slur."Â￾ Whatever. Obviously, I meant no offense. Personally, I feel that Germans and Poles are completely interchangeable in terms of their "whiteness."Â￾ I wouldn't care if the Polish national squad started 11 Germans, or if the German national squad started 11 Poles. My support for the white race cannot be contained within arbitrary land borders, flags, names, languages, cultures, etc.



<div>I don't know the origins either, but i do remember as a very young lad hearing comedians on The Ed Sullivan Show revolving their entire four-minute "schtick" around "Pollock" jokes. I'm not even sure how the word is spelled but it is definitely highly offensive. Back in the 1960s Jewish comedians built careers around making jokes about Poles being stupid. Take the "blondes are stupid" jokes ofthe past generation up till today (anotherstaple of Jewish origin)and that was how Poles were constantly ridiculed then. It was disgusting but allowable at the time, another example (but a particularly glaring one) of Jewish hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to race. I was just a young white suburban kid at the time (with no Polish ancestry and no racial awareness to speak of) but remember being ticked off by the routines of said Jewish comedians.</div>

Yes, I too remember seeing those comedians making Polish jokes on the TV "variety shows" of the 1960s.

When I moved to Wallington back in 1990 as a kid I was called a Pollock by everyone. The word was so common it was ridiculous. Most of the people who made the slurs were Polish themselves yet didn't care for their heritage.
The Boeteng brothers playing for different national teams shows how degraded national teams and the WC have become.
I had no idea that the best soccer players are mostly white, I am definitely a soccer fan now, my favorites being rooney and messi.
At Steve Sailer's site, he has a post on the World Cup. Most of his posters want American blacks to become "interested" in playing soccer. Only with blacks can the US soccer team become competetive, they say.
sport historian said:
At Steve Sailer's site, he has a post on the World Cup. Most of his posters want American blacks to become "interested" in playing soccer. Only with blacks can the US soccer team become competetive, they say.
This will happen, although they won't be competitive. In the relatively-near future, the U.S. Soccer Team will resemble North Senegal's, er, I mean, France's. From the castespeak I've heard during the World Cup regarding the U.S. team, they are going to "go into places we haven't gone to before to get players" and "find great 'athletes' first and develop them over time to play the game", etc.

And they (the U.S. Team) will never make it past the first round again. In fact, they'll be lucky to even qualify for the World Cup again. Then what will the excuse be? I certainly won't be rooting for them.
moose said:
I had no idea that the best soccer players are mostly white, I am definitely a soccer fan now, my favorites being rooney and messi.

Germany's Thomas Mueller and Miroslav Klose are also good suggestions.
Salut people.
I've read the forum for some time and I'm a big soccer fan, my dad almost went pro in the 70's and had me watching Maradona when I was 3 years old in 1986. Played at the high school and college level when I lived in the U.S. for a couple of years.
Unlike the majority of you guys I HATE and LOATH the mannschaft, it is the most disgusting team Germany has ever fielded in terms of including several non-germans (Podolski and Klose aside , as they are ethnically germans, all of western Poland was german until 1945) and their success is being used to give the false impression that there is strengtht in the multiculturalism garbage now firmly installed in France and the U.K. In case you guys think that's just my impression, look at the post game comments from Angela Merkel
Let me translate Merkel's words "The german team is a model in issues of integration for the entire country"
This is the same garbage that was said of the french team after their 1998 cup, and how wonderful all those africans were for the team. The ligue 1 is now for all practical purposes an african league that doesn't let true frenchmen, gaulois, play.

And those F***** took out the only team that represents south american whites, my demographic :(, saturday was such a tragic day.
Hey dan1983 welcome to the boards! We feel some of your pain.
As Don noted earlier, Klose's impressive flip after a goal in the last game was not replayed incessantly by ESPN, as would any similar "athletic" move by any non-white. It was indeed ignored by the network and its caste commentators.
I think argentina was the most pro-white team. Out of the remaining teams, I think Spain is the best from a CF perspective. Even though Uruguay has a strong white aspect to its team, it does have some mestizos (does it have any blacks?). So if they win, the media will put a "mestizo" spin on their victory--even if Forlano scores all the goals.

Best scenario--Spain wins with an all-white 11.

welcome to caste football dan1983! We are strong supporters here of whitelatin america.
Solomon Kane said:
I think argentina was the most pro-white team. Out of the remaining teams, I think Spain is the best from a CF perspective. Even though Uruguay has a strong white aspect to its team, it does have some mestizos (does it have any blacks?). So if they win, the media will put a "mestizo" spin on their victory--even if Forlano scores all the goals.
<div>Best scenario--Spain wins with an all-white 11.</div>

<div>welcome to caste football dan1983! We are strong supporters here of whitelatin america.</div>

Yes Uruguay has one black, however he's horrendous, and plays left back and barely touches the ball, his last name is Pereyra, He started the first two games but hasn't played ever since.
Funny note, during the 90's, Uruguay, for some reason I never understood, started using several blacks to play as strikers, of course they sucked (Uruguay didn't even qualify for the world cup in 94 and 98) . Here's one of those "strikers" that never seemed to score for uruguay back in those days:
dan1983 said:
Salut people.I've read the forum for some time and I'm a big soccer fan, my dad almost went pro in the 70's and had me watching Maradona when I was 3 years old in 1986.  Played at the high school and college level when I lived in the U.S. for a couple of years. Unlike the majority of you guys I HATE and LOATH the mannschaft, it is the most disgusting team Germany has ever fielded in terms of including several non-germans (Podolski and Klose aside , as they are ethnically germans, all of western Poland was german until 1945) and their success is being used to give the false impression that there is strengtht in the multiculturalism garbage now firmly installed in France and the U.K. In case you guys think that's just my impression, look at the post game comments from Angela Merkel me translate Merkel's words "The german team is a model in issues of integration for the entire country" This is the same garbage that was said of the french team after their 1998 cup, and how wonderful  all those africans were for the team. The ligue 1 is now for all practical purposes an african league that doesn't let true frenchmen, gaulois, play. And those F***** took out the only team that represents south american whites, my demographic  :(, saturday was such a tragic day.

Regardless of this Germany are majority white (90%) and play great football and this is enough for me to support them! Spain though continue to be my favourites and it should be a good match up between them.
It's hard to select just one team to root for. I will root for Miroslav Klose breaking the WC goals record currently held by Ronaldo. Might be a reason to root for Germany. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Kaptain Poop said:
It's hard to select just one team to root for. I will root for Miroslav Klose breaking the WC goals record currently held by Ronaldo. Might be a reason to root for Germany.

I'm all for Klose taking the WC record away from Ronaldo by scoring 1 goal in Germany's loss to Spain this wednesday
and another one in that meaningless 3rd place match.

Maybe from the U.S. this german team seems "white" but it isn't, it's the most "multicultural" team Germany has ever fielded, and if it's succesful it'll be used to "prove" having millions of ghanas, nigerians, etc.. is somehow improving Germany, as Merkel has hinted.
Solomon Kane said:
I think argentina was the most pro-white team.  Out of the remaining teams, I think Spain is the best from a CF perspective.  Even though Uruguay has a strong white aspect to its team, it does have some mestizos (does it have any blacks?).  So if they win, the media will put a "mestizo" spin on their victory--even if Forlano scores all the goals. 
<div> </div>
<div>Best scenario--Spain wins with an all-white 11.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>welcome to caste football dan1983!  We are strong supporters here of white latin america.</div>

Spain has more whites than Argentina. Argentina it seems to me has several mestizos. Someone on Sailer's site mentioned they have 4 or 5 mestizos.
dan1983 said:
Kaptain Poop said:
It's hard to select just one team to root for. I will root for Miroslav Klose breaking the WC goals record currently held by Ronaldo. Might be a reason to root for Germany.
I'm all for Klose taking the WC record away from Ronaldo by scoring 1 goal in Germany's   loss to Spain this wednesday
and another one in that meaningless 3rd place match. Maybe from the U.S. this german team seems "white" but it isn't, it's the most "multicultural" team Germany has ever fielded, and if it's succesful it'll be used to "prove" having millions of ghanas, nigerians, etc.. is somehow improving Germany, as Merkel has hinted.

I agree. It can't be good for immigration policy. Germany probably won't cut immigration anyway.
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