South Africa World Cup 2010

Jack Lambert said:
I think Germany will stay at nearly all white for at the very least a few more years; their U21 team has only 3 blacks (and one Tunisian) out of 46 players on it.

Take a look at England's team. England has only 10 whites out of 24 players! England is going towards turning into another France.

Another thing I see is the media is also trying to make Klose and Podolski part of the multi cultural crap. Give me a break! They may have been born in Poland, but have a huge chunk of German ancestry, and are white.

It's been said on here by a lot of people, Ozil is obviously a white Turk, and was born in Germany.

Cacau hasn't even been healthy the last couple of games either. Even if he's healthy, it's not like this "German" does anything of note. Boateng sucks, and is always one of the players subbed out. Light-skinned Tunisian Sami Khedira is doing a good job as a starter for injured Ballack.

So, that leaves us with: Boateng, the only "diversity" boy that gets any time. The other black on the team, Aogo, sucks and doesn't get a sniff of any sort of PT. As Borussia said, ESPN and the rest of the sissy media can go to hell.

We should be seeing an all-white German team for part of the game tommorow; Kiessling starts for Mueller, Marcell Jansen usually comes on for Boateng, and Khedira might get subbed out (he's been battling injury problems.)

Thanks Borussia.
I enjoy reading your posts as well.
Ethnic Poles have always been part of the German national teams for various sports. The goalie for the 66' squad was an ethnic Pole and various other members on later teams had Polish surnames(most were Germanisized Poles from the German Empire). It's never been an issue in modern Germany.
Since both teams were prodominantly white I rooted for Uruguay to win because they were heavy underdogs and I will be pulling for Germany to win it all now I really don't like Spain I think you have alot of Arabs living there and I think you have a few Muslems on the team I think of Spain as becoming another France so if Spain wins tomarrow I will root for The Dutch to win.
white is right said:
Liverlips said:
ABC had a segment on past South African soccer teams and right after the fall of apartheid (civilization) in SA the sides still had significant white representation. I assume you are correct in that rugby is more popular among whites. But there are still many white South African players and they are most likely better than most of the black South Africans. But they are kept off the team because of black racism.
Yes some of the more extreme ANC figures wanted set up an affirmative action black quarterback system for national sports teams. Mandela actually said that the best should play and he let the Rugby team which was world class stay intact. I think the more extreme types wanted 25 percent black teams no matter how unskilled the players were. Anyway the government has implemented socialist style funding for grass roots programs in the impoverished communities. So teams have gotten gradually blacker.

Here's a thread from 2006 on South Africa's black quarterbacks for cricket: quarterbacks
"Beautiful goal by Forlan. White genius is really showing in this World Cup."

With his left (weaker) foot. Excellent example of eye-foot coordination. Almost scores again later from a free kick. Would have had another goal if black Pereira had sense enough to pass to him. Give Jerry West the ball when he's open in front of the net.

I wonder why Pereira was started instead of Abreu. Abreu may appear a bit clumsy but he has good instincts around the goal. I would hate to think FIFA is putting pressure, subtle or otherwise, for coaches to play blacks.

I also wonder why Forlan was substituted for. Even though Uruguay was down by 2 Forlan can score at any time. Why take him out at minute 84? When Uruguay scored at 90 minutes there were still 4 minutes left to play.

Has there ever been a black with set-piece ability comparable to Beckham or Forlan? It's sort of like a pitcher with precise control over his curveball.

I'm rooting for Spain because they haven't won before and the media declared their former coach Aragones a 'racist' because he wasn't properly deferential to Thierry 'Hands-On' Henry. Supposedly the Spanish fans are racist. 'Negro de Mierda', what could that mean?

I'm also rooting for Germany because German success in anything counters the argument diversity has value. Somehow Germany is the economic engine of Europe without 'Those Special People We All Know And Love'. I don't think Merkel has much credibility after agreeing to bail Greece out.

I'm also rooting for Holland because Holland had sense enough to vote big for Geert Wilders.

"Make Every Day A Mandela Day"
Commit random acts of terror?
Edited by: Charlie
This World Cup has easily exceeded my expectations. Even I did not think that the blacks would fail this miserably. All the best players, teams, and coaches are white. Aside from a token black here and there, the super affletes are nowhere to be seen.

The beauty of the semi-finals is that there is nothing to lose from the CF side. All 4 teams would make a worthy champion. Although I'm personally rooting for Germany, a win by Holland or Spain would be equally deserving.

Uruguay was missing a couple of key players today, otherwise I think they had a more legit shot to win the match. The Dutch are on a roll, but they need to avoid those periodic lapses they seem to have every once in a while against either Germany or Spain in the final.

A call here, a bounce there, and we could have easily had a Brazil-Ghana semis on one side of the draw, and the caste fools in the media would have gained some serious ammo to justify their African worship. But as it stands, things have virtually turned into an all-white affair at the biggest sporting event in the world.
foobar75 said:
This World Cup has easily exceeded my expectations. Even I did not think that the blacks would fail this miserably. All the best players, teams, and coaches are white. Aside from a token black here and there, the super affletes are nowhere to be seen.

The beauty of the semi-finals is that there is nothing to lose from the CF side. All 4 teams would make a worthy champion. Although I'm personally rooting for Germany, a win by Holland or Spain would be equally deserving.

I absolutely agree. This World Cup has been an unmitigated catastrophe for The Overlord Class. Spain, Holland, and Germany (and Uruguay, for that matter) have little to nothing of significance (i.e. African DNA) to be used as destructive proof to further exile and/or humiliate the white serf class athletes.

Athletic Cultural Marxism is gradually burying itself in the feces of its own tainted digestion. After this devastating World Cup, the fires are spreading faster now.
Thrashen said:
foobar75 said:
This World Cup has easily exceeded my expectations. Even I did not think that the blacks would fail this miserably. All the best players, teams, and coaches are white. Aside from a token black here and there, the super affletes are nowhere to be seen.

The beauty of the semi-finals is that there is nothing to lose from the CF side. All 4 teams would make a worthy champion. Although I'm personally rooting for Germany, a win by Holland or Spain would be equally deserving.

I absolutely agree. This World Cup has been an unmitigated catastrophe for The Overlord Class. Spain, Holland, and Germany (and Uruguay, for that matter) have little to nothing of significance (i.e. African DNA) to be used as destructive proof to further exile and/or humiliate the white serf class athletes.

Athletic Cultural Marxism is gradually burying itself in the feces of its own tainted digestion. After this devastating World Cup, the fires are spreading faster now.

I agree as well. I was surprised today. At the prematch show, ESPN never once brought up Germany's "mult-cult" team. Anyway, Spain starts 11 whites today, and Germany starts 9 whites (I count Ozil as a white Turk.)
I have to say, watching Boateng for three games now, he looks very unathletic compared to Phillip Lahm or Mertesecker.(spelling?)
Yeah, I wish Boateng had played for his nation - Ghana. He is only in the starting lineup because of his skin color anyway.

I am hoping Spain wins but if Boateng were not in the lineup I would pull for Germany.
Damn, it looks like Cacau is healthy for the game today. Loew better not sub him in for Klose.

Yeah Liverlips, good thing Boateng's black, or he'd never see the starting lineup, let alone playing time. It has to suck to be Holger Badstuber.
Steve McManaman just said Germany's weakness is Boateng. We all know this, but it's nice to see McManaman bring it up.
Thank God for Germany, Marcell Jansen (an actual German) is coming on for Boateng.Edited by: Jack Lambert
Jansen - a true German - in for the ineffective Boateng. Now I give the edge to Germany. I just hope they don't start the Ghanaian for the final if they make it. He has proven he is not worthy of being a starter.
Spain is just peppering Germany's goal with shots for the last five minutes. Germany got lucky after Villa missed a great (and easy) oppurtunity.
Spain just have to hold on now. It will be great to have a team comprised entirely of indigenous Europeans win the World Cup twice in a row.
Liverlips said:
Spain just have to hold on now. It will be great to have a team comprised entirely of indigenous Europeans win the World Cup twice in a row.

They're mostly from Spain as well. Germany has basically an all-white team playing now, Khedira just got subbed out.
Spain is heading to the WC final. Congrats to Spain. Hopefully, we'll see more Germans on their National Team by Euro 2012, and the next WC. No more guys like Cacau, Boetang, and Aogo on the "German" team. I'd have liked to see Germany advance as well.

It's great to see an all-white, mostly Spanish team representing their country in the Final.
Edited by: Jack Lambert
Spain-Holland in the final.

Starters should be 20 whites, 1 white/Asian hybrid and maybe one mulatto.

How can this be if blacks are such superior athletes as we are constantly told?
Marcel Janssen played 10 times better than boateng. boateng in offense is total crap, while Janssen went pass his man every time. Too bad he didnt play from the start.
Liverlips said:
Spain-Holland in the final.

Starters should be 20 whites, 1 white/Asian hybrid and maybe one mulatto.

How can this be if blacks are such superior athletes as we are constantly told?

It's been a bad year to be a self-loathing "reporter" or DWF.

Even in the 3rd place game, we should see around 18-20 whites starting as well. I think Germany should have 10 (Boateng should be nowhere near starting after today.) and Uruguay should have 9-10.

I'd love to see Spain win, but it would be a slap in the face to Cultural Marxists to see a much whiter Netherlands team than in years past win the cup?
The Germany 'multi-culti' theme was just starting to pick up steam in the media. So much for that! I wouldn't say Boateng had a bad match. He handled Sergio Ramas well enough and did his job. Nothing out of the ordinary, either good or bad. A journeyman-like performance by a fill-in defender and that's pretty much it. The Spanish outplayed Germany from start to finish. Edited by: Matra1
Matra1 said:
The Germany 'multi-culti' theme was just starting to pick up steam in the media. So much for that! I wouldn't say Boateng had a bad match. He handled Sergio Ramas well enough and did his job. Nothing out of the ordinary, either good or bad. A journeyman-like performance by a fill-in defender and that's pretty much it. The Spanish outplayed Germany from start to finish.

They outplayed Germany with the huge help of boateng, who did absolutely nothing on offense. Ramos knew that he didnt had to worry about boateng, thats why he afforded to attack so many times.

With Janssen from the start it would have been a different story. You could see that he loved to go forward, and he didnt do it bad at all, he went by his man almost every time. With Janssen and Kroos instead of Trochowski or Khedira Germany would not have been so outplayed in the first 60 min.
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