South Africa World Cup 2010

The Paraguayan team looked pretty White to me. I only saw a couple players that looked mixed mestizo. They played with a lot of heart and were very tough on defense...just no offense. I wouldn't have minded them winning the game against Spain, even though I was pulling for Spain.

If Spain had lost (and being part of "PC" Europe), there may have been more pressure on them to become multi-culti too, like France and England. But now, winning the game with 100% White Spaniards, there won't be that kind of talk.
Europe said:
Penalties to decide the game after extra time were not introduced until 1982 in the WC and 86 for the finals. The were not used by Fifa or Uefa until 1970 at all. The FA Cup didn't use them until 1991. Sometimes they had to replay a game 2 or 3 times. I think the record is 4. It's a lottery. If the keeper guesses right he stops it.That's it.As someone said ,why not have the US Open decided by a putt putt game. It can be exciting, but doesn't determine who the better team is.

It's more exciting in basketball to see if a team can tie with a last second shot.

It doesn't matter if you're in front with 10 seconds left. It only matters at the end of the game. If each team made a 3 pt shot every time down, someone will be behind with a few seconds left arbitrarily.

Thats BS and you know it. If the ball is hit hard, close to the post, and above the hips level of the gk, the keeper has no chances to stop the ball, no matter if he guesses right.

Your sentence is true only for those weak pk shot at groundlevel, like the ones shot today by Cardozo and Xavi Alonso. Those are really weak pk, I can only laugh at these fools who get paid millions and millions of euros, and dont know how to execute a pk so that the gk doesnt have any chance to get to the ball.

It is more exciting, and it does determine who the better team is. The team that is strongest mentally and know how to take pk's always wins the pk contest. The losing team could not win it in 120 min, so they surely could not claim that they were better than the winning team.

And it does matter very much if you're in front with 3 points with 10 sec left. In that position, you have much more chances to win than the other team. Yes, the other team has chance to tie with a 3, but why should the winning team allow it? Why should they spit on all their efforts for 47'50?
Diego Maridona's comments about Germany's gutsy midfielder, Bastian Schweinsteiger, "being nervous"Â￾ and that their young forward, Thomas Muller, "looks like the ball boy"Â￾ seem pretty foolish after Argentina's ordinary showing.

Once again, the non-whites in Germany's starting 11 were ineffective and/or a complete non-factor"¦with the exception of Ozil, who is a quick and talented Turk. Jerome Boateng (black) was pulled for Marcell Jansen (blonde German) and Sami Khedira (Tunisian) was pulled for Toni Kroos (blonde German). If only those 11 players could start the next match.

Germany's star player, Miroslav Klose, now has 4 goals in the 2010 tournament (he had 5 in 2002 and in 2006), despite missing a game and half (Serbia and Ghana) due to a red card as a result of two routine challenges. Klose is an astonishingly talented "ball hawk"Â￾ that is unselfish, genuine, and introverted. He has a nice wife and twin boys.

I noticed that CBS essentially refused to replay his trademark "front-flip"Â￾ after his second goal in the 89th minute. The PTB are quite meticulous in their efforts to edit all displays of white athleticism.

After the match, the pudgy, know-nothing, affirmative action
"soccer analyst,"Â￾ Mike Tirico, said that "Klose just keeps getting lucky"¦always in the right place at the right time."Â￾ [Rolls eyes].

I also heard a familiar slogan during the Germany-Argentina game after Thomas Muller scored in the 3rd minute. The British announcer said that "Muller has that sneaky speed."Â￾ Sneaky? Yeah, right. The 20-year old phenom now has 4 goals"¦that's not "sneakiness,"Â￾ its athleticism, speed, consistency, and courage. I think we know why that comment was uttered.

Here are the top goal scorers of the 2010 World Cup thus far"¦

5 Goals - David Villa (white Spaniard)

4 Goals â€" Gonzalo Higuain (white Argentinean), Wesley Sneijder (white Dutchman), Thomas Muller (white German), and Miroslav Klose (white German / Pollock). Noticing a trend?Edited by: Thrashen
Good post Thrashen, me likes your breakdown of the game's players and top scorers thus far. And the always "castespeak" from so called America soccer experts.
Good photo of two German players on the 'Drudgereport' with the caption "Europe Domination...Germany annililates Argentina."
Well, well, it appears that the so-called death of European soccer has been greatly exaggerated. With the semi-finals now set, we have, for all intents and purposes, an all-Euro final 4. We are going to see practically 4 all-white matches the rest of the way.

All 3 European teams defeated their South American opponents in the quarterfinals, and the one remaining nearly all-white South American team did us all a huge favor by beating Ghana. There was quite the jubilation going around by the usual clowns in the media, celebrating the "diversity" of the game, the rise of South American and Asian soccer, all of it coming at the expense of the Europeans and their rather disapponting showing into the round of 16.

Of course, from their point of view, the South American story can be somewhat sold as the rise of hispanics, while the European demise is a joyful celebration of white decline. Never mind that the majority of the players on the South American teams (especially Argentina, Uruguay, and even Paraguay) are mostly white and not "hispanic", and that the failure of the Europeans was led by Senegal North France, and later, England, which is not far behind in the Africanization movement.

Let's make no mistake, the South Americans did very well, putting 5 teams in the elimination round. Asia also had a respectable showing themselves. The Africans, including their satellite team France, proved that they are simply garbage.

But now that it's for all the marbles, it's the white Europeans standing tall and strong, much to the dismay of all the fools on ESPN, BBC, and the rest of the vermin in the sports media. They can try their damnest to promote their black supremacist agenda, but the facts and stats do not lie. It has been proven in this World Cup, very clearly, that the best teams and players in the world are white. Futbol (soccer) a white man's game. Sure, it's the most global of all sports, everyone plays it, but whites are simply better than everyone else. It's the whites who can put together all the necessary skills (ball skills, speed, athleticism, discipline, organization, leadership, technique, tactics) to succeed at the highest levels.

I'm personally rooting for Deutschland to win it all. I think we see Netherlands give them a good fight, but ultimately the Germans will triumph. Is there any way coach Loew can be convinced to see the light and bench the nearly 100% useless Boateng, who's clearly the weak link in that team and has no business playing even 1 minute?
"If the ball is hit hard, close to the post, and above the hips level of the gk, the keeper has no chances to stop the ball, no matter if he guesses right.'

If it's high and right near the post,yes, it's almost impossible to save. But almost no penalty kicks are like that.It's a risky shot. Do you try to 'split hairs" or play in a little safer?

I would say the majority of players can't execute pk's from what I have seen.

Should there be e designated pk taker or should the guy fouled have to take the pk? I found that interesting when I started to watch soccer because in BB the fouled player has to take the shot. They are kind of admitting that a lot of players can't take pk's by allowing that.

You can't change the penalty kick when a foul happens in the box. I just don't like it at the end. I was just watching a show on ABC about some of the old WC finals and one of the players made a penalty during the game and said that the ball went in, but that wasn't even where he was trying to kick it. That's luck. I have seen kicks go in that were waist high and 2 feet to one side of the keeper and some stopped that were just a couple feet inside the post.

Many of the top coaches think pk's are luck at the end of the game: Scolari,Donadoni.It is what it is and it's not going to change,but ideally you would replay the game, which is what happened for decades.
I don't even think one game in soccer determines the best team. It's kind of like baseball and hockey in that regard, but Cup competitions are different and exciting in their own way.

Regarding BB.
I am not saying the team shouldn't foul the way the rules are now. I would do it too, but as a neutral, when I am watching the game, I like to see the last second shots.

Do you think the NBA should have 1 and 1 on non shooting fouls like college? They make it more difficult for college players than they do for the NBA. That hurt Houston against NC State in the 83 finals.Because of that game, I think they also tried to let the fouled team take the ball out of bounds in college instead of shooting free throws , so the team that was down couldn't get back into it by fouling and hoping the other team missed. I haven't watched much BB now,but I don't think they do that anymore.

The NBA used to give players 3 shots to make 2 years ago.
Some of the top players in the WC are goalless.

Kaka,Rooney,Messi had no goals.
Torres has no goals so far.
Ronaldo had 1 against a weak North Korea.
Caste Futbol anyone?
Thrashen, we're all on the same team here. I resent the "German/Pollock" comment you posted about Miroslav Klose. Klose and Potolski are two big reasons why Germany in still in contention for the World Cup.
skiboy61 said:
Thrashen, we're all on the same team here. I resent the "German/Pollock" comment you posted about Miroslav Klose. Klose and Potolski are two big reasons why Germany in still in contention for the World Cup.

Me too skiboy. That's a derogatory term and being Polish it's offensive.
whiteathlete33 said:
skiboy61 said:
Thrashen, we're all on the same team here.  I resent the "German/Pollock" comment you posted about Miroslav Klose.  Klose and Potolski are two big reasons why Germany in still in contention for the World Cup.
<div>&lt;span style="font-size: 10px;"&gt;&lt;/span&gt; </div>
Me too skiboy.  That's a derogatory term and being Polish it's offensive.
I love the Polish people, and I've seen some "knockout" Polish women too!
Edited by: lost
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
skiboy61 said:
Thrashen, we're all on the same team here. I resent the "German/Pollock" comment you posted about Miroslav Klose. Klose and Potolski are two big reasons why Germany in still in contention for the World Cup.

<div>&lt;span style="font-size: 10px;"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</div>
Me too skiboy. That's a derogatory term and being Polish it's offensive.
I love the Polish people, and I've seen some "knockout" Polish women too!

In all honesty I find Polish women and Italian women as the most attractive.
alln2 said:
n basketball, if you are down 3 in the last seconds, it means that you were not good enough in the previous 47'50" min ( or 39'50" in europe). The team that fouls has every right to foul, to protect their hard work for 47'50" min ( or 39'50" in europe). Dont cry that you didnt have the chance to shoot the 3, ask yourself why you didnt play better for the previous 47'50" min ( or 39'50" in europe).

Or 39'50" in American college basketball, which is played in 20-minute halves (for Europeans who wonder).

Yeah, does it matter that Klose and Podolski were born in Poland... to parents who have German heritage? Ozil I think is considered by the DWFs to be a white guy (he probably does have majority white heritage too.)

I'm also hoping Loew sees the light and benches Boateng, who's done absolutly nothing for the Germans. I'm hoping Cacau stays injured for Germany, because it's not like he did anything when he played anyway.

I'm glad the Euro teams won out over the South American teams, as the DWFs think that South America, no matter how white their nation may be, as "hispanic."
I'll secound or third that word pollock used by Thrashen.I have a friend who uses that word and he thinks he's being funny.Lately I've called him out on it but I don't think he gets it.The word is Polish or Pole,thank-you.
Geez, the DWFs are absolutly retarded. I had to respond here to a couple of them. Let's see, one comment says our basketball team KILLs others, then why did we lose to Australia, Argentina, and nearly, Spain over the last couple Olympics?

Yes, on the flip side, put Lebron, Kobe, Chris Johnson, L.T., Dwight Howard, Partrick Willis, Ray Lewis, and others on the team. I saw one comment... "Could u imagine? Kevin Garnett in goal?" Put them up against Germany or Spain. The "United State" would get slaughtered. That, I'd love to see the DWFs try and cover up.

Also, another said:
Stamina isnt a god given skill like Chris Paul's speed and quickness or Lebron's freakish athleticism. if those guys had chosen to play soccer, they would be able to run as much as soccer players do. youre telling me that Kobe would quit on something because there was too much running involved."
I seriously doubt this, as basketball players get subbed out every 10-20 minutes.
The fact of the matter is, our best athletes go to the NBA and the NFL and sometimes even MLB. Soccer players arent like some crazy different breed of athlete. they are all athletes! someone like Lebron who is faster stronger and can jump higher could succeed in any sport.
LeBron would be huffing and puffing for air by the 10th minute. To the same comment, no Lebron would get murdered in any other sport.
Any of the larger NBA stars would be too uncoordinated to play soccer. There has never been a 6'8" soccer star for a reason. Maybe some guards in a more normal range like Paul could be stars. But even there they would need more stamina than in basketball. There is a reason why most of the midfield stars are White. It's because of the better stamina a midfielder needs over a striker. The average DWF needs to go back to high school and read a physiology book. Edited by: white is right
Does anyone here know the story of Klose and his role with his club team Bayern Munich. He appeared in over 20 games last season but only scored 3 goals, which tells me he must have been a sub in a lot of those games. How is it that one of the best strikers on one of the best national teams in the world isn't even close to being the top striker on his own club team?
referendum said:
Does anyone here know the story of Klose and his role with his club team Bayern Munich. He appeared in over 20 games last season but only scored 3 goals, which tells me he must have been a sub in a lot of those games. How is it that one of the best strikers on one of the best national teams in the world isn't even close to being the top striker on his own club team?

It looks like he was the 3 or 4th striker. Muller and Gomez are also on the team and got more pt,but they chose to play Klose in the WC over gomez. Olic, a foreigner, is also a top striker. There are too many top players on the same team at club level. They don't spread the talent out. Just like chelsea and Man United and tottenham who have many of the top English players. 7 Bayern players are on the National team. This is why I don't think national teams and the WC are the highest level. There are so many foreigners on club teams that guys who start for their national team don't always start for their club team.
Look at Pique on Spain. He couldn't start for Man United,but starts for Spain.Heinze starts for Argentina,but wasn't wanted at Man united.
Bayern Stats
Jack Lambert said:
Geez, the DWFs are absolutly retarded. I had to respond here to a couple of them. Let's see, one comment says our basketball team KILLs others, then why did we lose to Australia, Argentina, and nearly, Spain over the last couple Olympics?

Yes, on the flip side, put Lebron, Kobe, Chris Johnson, L.T., Dwight Howard, Partrick Willis, Ray Lewis, and others on the team. I saw one comment... "Could u imagine? Kevin Garnett in goal?" Put them up against Germany or Spain. The "United State" would get slaughtered. That, I'd love to see the DWFs try and cover up.

Also, another said:
Stamina isnt a god given skill like Chris Paul's speed and quickness or Lebron's freakish athleticism. if those guys had chosen to play soccer, they would be able to run as much as soccer players do. youre telling me that Kobe would quit on something because there was too much running involved."
I seriously doubt this, as basketball players get subbed out every 10-20 minutes.
The fact of the matter is, our best athletes go to the NBA and the NFL and sometimes even MLB. Soccer players arent like some crazy different breed of athlete. they are all athletes! someone like Lebron who is faster stronger and can jump higher could succeed in any sport.
LeBron would be huffing and puffing for air by the 10th minute. To the same comment, no Lebron would get murdered in any other sport.

A guy like Lebron might be able to play central defender. I think there is less running there and you don't need as much skill as the mf.
skiboy61 said:
Thrashen, we're all on the same team here.  I resent the "German/Pollock" comment you posted about Miroslav Klose.  Klose and Potolski are two big reasons why Germany in still in contention for the World Cup.
<div>&lt;SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10px"&gt;&lt;/SPAN&gt; </div>

I think you meant (Lucas) "Podolski."Â Miro Klose is my favorite soccer player of all time. I normally can't relax until he scores his first goal. It's been amazing to watch him bounce back from the suspension against Serbia. I'm utterly thrilled that he's only one goal from tying Brazil's Ronaldo at 15.

"Polack"Â is the Polish word for "Pole."Â I have no clue why that term was ever twisted into a "slur."Â Whatever. Obviously, I meant no offense. Personally, I feel that Germans and Poles are completely interchangeable in terms of their "whiteness."Â I wouldn't care if the Polish national squad started 11 Germans, or if the German national squad started 11 Poles. My support for the white race cannot be contained within arbitrary land borders, flags, names, languages, cultures, etc.

Germany, Uruguay, Holland, and Spain are a great "final four." All teams feature heavily white starters"¦and all of the star players are white (Klose, Muller, Forlan, Sneijder, Robben, and Villa).
Jack Lambert said:
Geez, the DWFs are absolutly retarded. I had to respond here to a couple of them. Let's see, one comment says our basketball team KILLs others, then why did we lose to Australia, Argentina, and nearly, Spain over the last couple Olympics?

Yes, on the flip side, put Lebron, Kobe, Chris Johnson, L.T., Dwight Howard, Partrick Willis, Ray Lewis, and others on the team. I saw one comment... "Could u imagine? Kevin Garnett in goal?" Put them up against Germany or Spain. The "United State" would get slaughtered. That, I'd love to see the DWFs try and cover up.

Also, another said:
Stamina isnt a god given skill like Chris Paul's speed and quickness or Lebron's freakish athleticism. if those guys had chosen to play soccer, they would be able to run as much as soccer players do. youre telling me that Kobe would quit on something because there was too much running involved."
I seriously doubt this, as basketball players get subbed out every 10-20 minutes.
The fact of the matter is, our best athletes go to the NBA and the NFL and sometimes even MLB. Soccer players arent like some crazy different breed of athlete. they are all athletes! someone like Lebron who is faster stronger and can jump higher could succeed in any sport.
LeBron would be huffing and puffing for air by the 10th minute. To the same comment, no Lebron would get murdered in any other sport.

I don't think the DWf's realize what excellent atheltes these soccer players are because they are mostly white, so they don't take them seriously.

The tallest players are the central defenders but you rarely seen guys over 6 feet in the midfield and there are many small forward also.

Chris Waddle , a former England palyer, criticizes some of the clubs in England for not giving the smaller, skilled players a chance. They tend to pick the bigger players. He didn't use white or black becuase he would have been criticized,but I'll bet that is what he was talking about.
irokez said:
Finally a decent article on the espn website explaining why Lebron or Adrian Peterson would not save US Soccer.

The article is good but just check out the comments. The Dwf's and the affelete worshippers are out in force defending their black gods. Obviously the results at the world cup have not woken these morons up..god knows what will

They always mention black football players or bb players,but what about white players. If anything,guys like Joe Montana and Steve Young are the ones who might have made great soccer players. They are not too big,but are agile and have skills. What about a guy like Eric Crouch. These white players most likely have much more touch than black players.
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