South Africa World Cup 2010

The BBC called the Dutch win a shock and said Brazil was the most likely team to progress of the final 8. Really? I would say Spain over Paraguay is more likely.Paraguay is 19th in thw world in elo rankings and 31st in Fifa. The Dutch are 3rd and 4th, but it was a shock that they beat Brazil?
What a beautiful day.Now let me see here,since Brazil won 3 out of 4 cups,culminating with their 1970 win,there have been 10 World Cups and Brazil has won 2 of them.Now that's good but hardly dominant.Now if they had won 8 of 10 then you could say the mongrel boys kick ass but they do not.As far as Ghana goes I see the bruthas are over acting again taking the loss real hard.Being serious here what is with all these black affletes pulling their jerseys over their heads.I think I've seen some trained chimps do that.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
jeez. listening to the orgasmic sighs of ESPN's commentators in the pre-gamehope that Ghana would advance was bad the same voices are speaking in gut-wrenching laments with their hopes shattered.

Alexi Lalas is actually on the verge of tears. does his boyfriend play for Ghana, then?

(Associated Cultural Marxist Press) In a remarkable display of empathy and solidarity, ESPN soccer analyst Alexi Lalas called a news conference following Ghana's defeat by the white racist dominated Uruguay team to announce thathe intends to changehis name to Alexi Vuvuzela, a move instantly and unanimously praised by world opinion. "I have always despised myself for being White and not being of the incredibly personable and athletically gifted black race, and by changing my name I have taken a much needed step in cleansing white privilege from my heart and soul and becoming more African in my spirit," Lalas-Vuvuzela is believed to have said with his clenched right fist raised in the air, though it was difficult to be sure as the sound of oppressed South African blacks sounding their vuvuzelas drowned him out.

Following the brief news conference, youths assaulted and robbed all of the White reporters attending Lalas-Vuvuzela's statement."What a wonderful display of freedom and democracy," gushed Vuvuzela shortly before he was relieved of his wallet. Vuvuzela was last seen beinghauled away by a group of his fans toward a large pot of boiling water.

Edited by: Don Wassall
Congrats to the Dutch and Viva Uruguay! I work at nights, thus missed both games sleeping. However, one of my great "CF" moments was reading all of the members posts and analysis covering the last three pages of the thread. Its great to wake up well rested and then know our teams preveiled. The posts were insightful as usual and funny, especially the hopeful demise of Lalas-Vuvuzela!
Don Wassall said:
  Vuvuzela was last seen being hauled away by a group of his fans toward a large pot of boiling water

A fitting end to that wretch.
Some interesting stats from the game:
Uruguay: total distance 131 401 meters/per match, 1374 sprints/per match, each player spent 8.6% time at high activity on the average. Top speed: Forlan 28.4 km/h
Ghana 126 387 meters, 1086 sprints, 7.7% time spent at high activity. Top speed: Inkoom 26.4 km/h

It is interesting to check real stats. After the game against South Korea, some people said that Uruguay players were "walkers". I was really curious, how they will do against Ghana, a team that showed probably the best fitness out of all African teams.
This is great news! Multi-racial poster boy Brazil is out, and now Ghana is out.

Uruguay deserved to win...Suarez' handball is doing what he had to to win...he knew he would be called for a penalty...better a red card and a chance for Ghana to score than a near certain goal.

And the penalty kicks--good work by the Uruguayan goalie.

Ghana is out--no black African team has ever made the semis.

Africa is the future of football?

Take that Alexei Lalas.
I am glad Ghana lost,but something seems funny in the rules when a definite goal can be stopped via a handball and the team only gets a penalty. Penalties aren't guaranteed. If you had more officials or instant replay they could award a goal.

Ghana shouldn't have gotten past the group stage because of the bad call against kewell. Plus,they had an easy road in the knockout stages with the US and Uruguay compared to say Germany who had to play England and Argentina.

Paraguay is in the quarterfinals and they only won one game outright and that was against Slovakia. This is how easily a mediocre team can advance and why they don't have playoff in the leagues.
What a couple of dream results today, and I was lucky enough to have watched both contests live. The Uruguay-Ghana match was one of the better ones I've seen in a long time, in any WC. It's amazing how it went from almost heartbreak for Uruguay at the 122nd minute to actual defeat for Ghana. This one was a classic and Uruguay now lives to fight for another day!

Congrats to the Netherlands for their well-deserved win against overhyped Brazil! It was quite a treat to watch Brazil's black players in a total state of meltdown soon after the Dutch took the lead. Let's remember that both teams (Netherlands, Uruguay) came back from 0-1 deficits, and we've all seen how hard it is to do that in this World Cup. I believe I saw a stat that the team scoring first has won 90% of the time, so it's a big credit to these two almost all-white teams to pull off the victory against such odds.

Another note, it wasn't just Uruguay against Ghana/the entire stadium/ all of Africa. Judging by all the pre and post-match commentary by all the Western media people, we can safely say it was Uruguay vs the world, as all DWFs and their accomplices in the media were rooting for Ghana, "Africa's last hope". I don't know why any self-respecting white person would root for Ghana over Uruguay, but it was thrilling to see them beat another African team with their superb effort.

The Cup has just gotten a lot whiter. We now have 5 teams with an equal shot at winning it all. Spain will hopefully defeat Paraguay and regardless of who wins the Argentina-Germany match, we'll have a nearly all-white semi-finals. In fact, it's entirely possible that there may be 1 or 2 blacks out of the 44 players we will see starting in the final 4.

This World Cup continues the great year it has been for white athletes. And don't forget, we have two white men going at it Sunday for the Wimbledon men's final, and of course, UFC 116 with Lesnar-Carwin should be a good one! Edited by: foobar75
I wonder if Lalas and the others are still going to be calling for more "urban" players to be trained in the US.
foobar75 said:
. In fact, it's entirely possible that there may be 1 or 2 blacks out of the 44 players we will see starting in the final 4.

It's going to be interesting to hear the commentary and see if someone laments the fact that there are almost now blacks in the semi's.

ESPN lingered on one of the only blacks on the Netherlands during the celebration highlights and the black player was the last we saw when they cut away from the highlights.
Europe I saw that as well, when I went there to view the highlights of games. I thought the same thing. But I was not surprised. Looking at their captions of "Netherlands "stuns" Ghana or Uruguay "stuns" Brazil." AS if Ghana or Brazil were 100 to 1 favorites. Like the world turned upside down, my God Ghana wiff its supa affelets and Brazil with its assortment of mongrel players would obviously crush the white teams......NOT!

One of the better games in this WC for sure. What annoys me most about the Caste system is the media's clear bias and transparency of Caste pro-Blackness. It is truly sickening. Media castophiles bother me more then black players by a wide margin.
After Uruguay defeated Ghana, ESPN was in morning with Fowler and Lalas in full on black is comical. I mean I understand the need for the idiotic 'human interest' stories that they love to tell, but the whole Africa thing is grossly overstated.

Yea, the WC is in S.A. Africa sucks, plain and simple. This is why the media needs to prop them up in such obvious ways. The agenda is to make Africa seem like a lovely, almost magical place. No, sorry ESPN. Everyone sees through your charade. Africa sucks and always will.

As for the match, Uruguay really played with fire here. Let's be real: Ghana is a solid team. Dirty and immature yes, but they can play and gave Uruguay a hell of a match.
Suarez went from goat to hero in literally a minute. I thought he could perhaps have used his head but that was on slow mo friend thought it was just a gut instinct reaction and a header (or face block) probably would've went up and in anyway...who knows.
The missed penalty will live on in WC lore forever.

This was a even match with lots of tactical changes throughout. Not to bore you with the details, but a web board I go to for hardcore fans had the analysis of the tactical changes and basically, each team countered each move almost like chess.
Analogy: when defensive coordinators game plan to negate say a given strength of certain offensive players, utilize stunts to free up others, etc. this sort of coaching stuff.

Regardless, both teams squandered key chances that could have won it when it was 1-1.
Defense reigned supreme on this night.

As for the penalty shootout, well, this is the game. Ask England.
It's luck and skill at that point. Ghana's 2 missed PKs were more weak attempts than goalie brillance. One save was pretty good though, he got a hand on it - barely.

Uruguay lives to fight on. If it's any perspective, the free kick given in the 119th minute that began that exciting pin ball finish at the end of extra time and had Suarez's hand ball save was total BS. The Ghana player sold it and the referee bought it. Ghana threw it to the box and all hell broke loose. Suarez then became part of WC history and a new question of football ethics will now be asked.
Frankly, I think he didn't even have time to think about it, it literally was just a body reaction more then anything.

It was a classic match only stained by the post match ESPN sadness at their beloved Africans losing. Fowler was almost at a funeral.
F'n pathetic.

A cheer to Uruguay for busting the Castophiles! Thank you!
Netherlands- Brazil:

Oh, how the Dutch Oranje made my day here! I'm so glad Brazil lost, as everyone is it seems except Brazil fans.
I think the rest of the matches will be that much more exciting.

The key I thought in this match was simple: how to handle adversity and crisis. Holland's stoicism and courage saw them come back against a good team (not Great).
Brazil melted down with Melo the moron really costing them. Twice.
I thought the own goal was at least a pro-active mistake. Julio Ceasar actually should get more blame there for the simple reason that the goalie must take control and hit the ball when he decides to attack it.
He should have crushed Melo to get to that ball.

As for the red card: totally justified. I think Robben was just as shocked as in pain when Melo decided to smash his thigh with cleats. Just what the hell was Melo thinking?

Dutch keeper Steklenberg saved a key shot from Kaka with flawless technique and athleticism. Wow, that was an amazing save.
Netherlands played a tremendous game after they went down..which yes was a total defensive lapse. Holland regrouped, remained calm and fought back.

Brazil was not able to handle pressure and adversity. The multi-culti make up of Brazil does not at all help matters in that regard.

Kuyt's blind flick header to Sneijder was total brilliance. I think Netherlands has a real chance now to win this thing.
I would love to see them do it. Notice that Netherlands has had a White resurgence recently. Coincidence?
No, not at all.
I keep forgetting to mention one thing. I live about 40 minutes from the Canadian border, so CBC Canada is part of my cable line-up. When it comes to international sporting events, if they are showing it, I always prefer the Canadian coverage. It tends to be much more balanced and fair.

Today was a perfect example. I saw the post-game show on ESPN after the Uruguay-Ghana match, and both Fowler/Lalas were in total mourning, as if it was a funeral. They could barely speak. You could tell by their commentary and somber mood that they were rooting for Ghana. There was simply no sense of impartiality on their part, and that was shameful.

In contrast, I caught a re-run of the CBC post-game show tonight. They discussed both games. It appeared that one of the analysts was either an Irish or Scotsman, based on his accent. The other 2 were Canadian. I did not once hear any caste-speak or any sense that they were rooting for any team. They correctly pointed out that Brazil played well in the first half, then gave credit to Netherlands for coming back in the 2nd half and winning the match. They did the same thing for the Uruguay-Ghana match, just fair and equal coverage without picking any sides. No black worship, no degrading of whites with any code-words, and none of the other crap we hear in the US all the time.

In another segment, the Irish/Scottish analyst made a great comment when discussing the decision of the English FA to retain coach Fabio Capello. He said Capello had a tough task ahead because of all these foreign players in the Premier league, and that there are hardly any English players to choose from when it comes to the top teams, so you have to look at the bottom half teams to get any native English players at all.

You are clearly not going to hear this sort of analysis on ESPN.

I think you really need to listen to foreign coverage if possible (Canada, Britain, Australia) to truly understand how utterly anti-white and racist ESPN and the rest of the US sports media has become. It does not appear that the rest of the world has yet been infected with negrophilia the same way as the clowns in America.
I hate to say it, but Telemundo is alot more tolerable to watch than ESPN at this point...Edited by: jcolec02
Europe said:
I am glad Ghana lost,but something seems funny in the rules when a definite goal can be stopped via a handball and the team only gets a penalty. Penalties aren't guaranteed. If you had more officials or instant replay they could award a goal.

Ghana shouldn't have gotten past the group stage because of the bad call against kewell. Plus,they had an easy road in the knockout stages with the US and Uruguay compared to say Germany who had to play England and Argentina.

Only a pk? They get a pk AND a red-card for the opponent. The rules are more than fair.
Imagine if the episode happened in the first half. Uruguay would have played entire second half with one man less.

It is not the rules' fault that the ghanaians couldnt convert what was esentially a GIFT from the Ref.

That missed pk should NOT have happened. The free-kick in the last min of the game, which led to the handball by Suarez, that free-kick was a GIFT from the ref. The uruguyan player DID NOT foul the ghanaian player, the african took a dive and the ref gifted the free-kick, even though Im sure he saw that it was a dive. Even the negro-loving english commentators on ITV acknowledged that the ref should not have given the free-kick to Ghana. The post-game commentators on ITV said that it was a "disgrace" what Suarez did. What really was a disgrace was the gift free-kick which led to that dangerous situation.

Justice prevailed with that missed pk.

The ghanaians were pitiful in extra-time. The "superior" negro affletes were very tired, they faked numerous injuries, like they did in the extra-time of the USA game.

The better team was clearly Uruguay. They dominated the game apart from min 30-45 first half. They created more chances, unfortunately on a number of occasions, when the uruguyans players could have remained 1on1 vs ghana keeper, the last pass was too strong and the ball went straight to the ghana gk.

Ghana would not have even made it out of their group if not for two stupid mistakes by serbian players, One was Lukovic, who received red card after he fouled a ghanaian in a completely non-dangerous situation, and the other was the handball by Kuzmanovic in the 85 min. Dumb serbs, they had a great chance to get to the semifinals, and in the end they almost let africans get to that stage. Thanks Uruguay, thanks for keeping the affletes in their places.
alln2 said:
Europe said:
I am glad Ghana lost,but something seems funny in the rules when a definite goal can be stopped via a handball and the team only gets a penalty. Penalties aren't guaranteed. If you had more officials or instant replay they could award a goal.

Ghana shouldn't have gotten past the group stage because of the bad call against kewell. Plus,they had an easy road in the knockout stages with the US and Uruguay compared to say Germany who had to play England and Argentina.
Only a pk? They get a pk AND a red-card for the opponent. The rules are more than fair. Imagine if the episode happened in the first half. Uruguay would have played entire second half with one man less.  It is not the rules' fault that the ghanaians couldnt convert what was esentially a GIFT from the Ref. That missed pk should NOT have happened. The free-kick in the last min of the game, which led to the handball by Suarez, that free-kick was a GIFT from the ref. The uruguyan player DID NOT foul the ghanaian player, the african took a dive and the ref gifted the free-kick, even though Im sure he saw that it was a dive. Even the negro-loving english commentators on ITV acknowledged that the ref should not have given the free-kick to Ghana. The post-game commentators on ITV said that it was a "disgrace" what Suarez did. What really was a disgrace was the gift free-kick which led to that dangerous situation. Justice prevailed with that missed pk. The ghanaians were pitiful in extra-time. The "superior" negro affletes were very tired, they faked numerous injuries, like they did in the extra-time of the USA game. The better team was clearly Uruguay. They dominated the game apart from min 30-45 first half. They created more chances, unfortunately on a number of occasions, when the uruguyans players could have remained 1on1 vs ghana keeper, the last pass was too strong and the ball went straight to the ghana gk.Ghana would not have even made it out of their group if not for two stupid mistakes by serbian players, One was Lukovic, who received red card after he fouled a ghanaian in a completely non-dangerous situation, and the other was the handball by Kuzmanovic in the 85 min. Dumb serbs, they had a great chance to get to the semifinals, and in the end they almost let africans get to that stage. Thanks Uruguay, thanks for keeping the affletes in their places. 
Welcome to the board!!!
alln2 like I said in post defending you, just tone it down a little. An apology to Don would not be out of order if not already done so. Hope you get to stay this time.
Westside said:
alln2 like I said in post defending you, just tone it down a little. An apology to Don would not be out of order if not already done so. Hope you get to stay this time.

Thanks man for defending me, I didnt see your post as it was erased before I could read it. I sent apology, I promise to never use the n-word again on this forum. It was my mistake I admit, I went over the line with the use of the n-word, I dont retract anything I wrote in those posts, but the use of the n-word could really damage this site. That is true, and for that I apologize.
alln2 what I said is that you made some valid and eloquent points, less the N word. I have learned to channel my political views and vents in the happy hour forum and "try" to focus on the relative thread, such as the Dutch and Uruguay being victorious in the World Cup and a CF dream!!! It is truely a watershed moment to rid the African'ts(A Jimmy C word)

Welcome again. This site is truely great. There are intelligent and funny posters here as you well know already with your determined albeit rough attempt to be part of it. Best wishes.
Westside said:
alln2 what I said is that you made some valid and eloquent points, less the N word. I have learned to channel my political views and vents in the happy hour forum and "try" to focus on the relative thread, such as the Dutch and Uruguay being victorious in the World Cup and a CF dream!!! It is truely a watershed moment to rid the African'ts(A Jimmy C word)

Welcome again. This site is truely great. There are intelligent and
funny posters here as you well know already with your determined albeit
rough attempt to be part of it. Best wishes.

That is a great word. I didnt see it until now, I hope he doesnt mind if I steal its usage.

What Uruguay did was really good. Imagine the Africants getting to semis. The english media ( really jewish media) would have praised them through the roof. All of them would have invaded the EPL, the english clubs would have brought the entire ghanaian team. And they are really mediocre, apart from 2 or 3 good, but not great players.

And what really pissed me off was that Ghana should not have made it out of their group. Only the dumb mistakes of the serbian players enabled them to get out. All africants would have gone out at the first stage, and that would have been a killer blow for african "athleticism" myth.

I am really upsed with the serbs, they humiliated my team in the qualifications, and now look what they do in the World Cup, they make dumb mistakes and allow africants to almost get to semis.
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