Refugee Invasion of Europe

Migrants Engage in Violent Riots in Calais

Over a hundred migrants in Calais took part in a series of violent attacks this week leading to several hospitalised from gunshot wounds as Belgian truck companies warn drivers to avoid motorways around the city.

On Thursday a series of violent conflicts involving around 100 Eritrean migrants and around thirty Afghan migrants erupted in various parts of the city. The brawl led to 22 of the young men being injured, including five who were victims of gunshot wounds. One was shot in the neck, L’Express reports.

Of the five men who were shot, four of them are intensive care in a local hospital. French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb commented on the violence saying, “we have reached an escalation of violence that has become unbearable for Calaisians and migrants.”

He added: “This is a level of violence never before known.”

Always remember, though..."Diversity is our Strength".
Ruthless Nigerian Mafia is "Colonizing Italy"

Italian Town "Taken Over" By Nigerian Migrant Gangs

Ruthless Nigerian Mafia is "Colonizing Italy"

Italian Town "Taken Over" By Nigerian Migrant Gangs

It's a shame.

Italians were great contributers to art, music and science with people like Michelangelo, Vivaldi and Galileo. Now primitive, violent, oversexed creatures are destroying their country.


Italian Artists (Music, paints, sculptures etc.):

- Leonardo da Vinci
- Michelangelo
- Caravaggio
- Antonio Vivaldi
- Giuseppe Verdi
- Sandro Botticelli
- Giorgio De Chirico
- Sergio Pininfarina
- Gian Lorenzo Bernini
- Antonio Canova
- Donato Bramante
- Filippo Brunelleschi
- Andrea Palladio
- Giacomo Puccini
- Gioachino Rossini
- Ennio Morricone
- Federico Fellini

Writers (poets, historians etc.) :

- Dante Alighieri
- Giacomo Leopardi
- Virgil
- Catullus
- Horace
- Sallust
- Ludovico Ariosto
- Niccolò Machiavelli
- Petrarca
- Torquato Tasso
- Cesare Beccaria
- Gabriele D'Annunzio
- Giosuè Carducci
- Ugo Foscolo
- Alessandro Manzoni
- Giovanni Pascoli
- Giovanni Verga
- Primo Levi
- Italo Calvino
- Giuseppe Ungaretti
- Eugenio Montale

Inventors and scientists:

- Galileo Galilei
- Archimedes
- Joseph-Louis Lagrange
- Antonio Meucci
- Alessandro Volta
- Enrico Fermi
- Evangelista Torricelli
- Guglielmo Marconi


- Giovanni Agnelli
- Saint Benedetto Of Norcia
- Marco Polo
- Reinhold Messner
- Cristoforo Colombo
- Saint Francesco of Assisi
- Enzo Ferrari
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Great Video. Ive had first hand experience with hordes of black beggars in spain. Very aggressive. I like the englisch no nonsense attitude this guy has.
German Teen Murdered by Asylum Seeker After She Refused to Convert to Islam

Ahmad G., 18, was arrested this week after police suspect he may have stabbed 17-year-old Mireille B. who was murdered on Monday night in the German town of Flensburg. A neighbour described the pair as constantly arguing with each other, while another described the victim as a “cheerful, open-minded girl”.

In the town of Kandel last year, a 15-year-old German girl named Mia was stabbed to death in a local drug store by her Afghan asylum seeker boyfriend Abdul D. Again, rumours surfaced that the alleged murderer was not underage as he claimed and a recent medical report confirmed he is likely an adult.

Looks like the German girls are freely "hooking up" with muzzie scum, instead of their own men. I guess the years of constant propaganda has paid off, except the propaganda was telling them how bad the German men were when it's just the opposite.
German Teen Murdered by Asylum Seeker After She Refused to Convert to Islam

Ahmad G., 18, was arrested this week after police suspect he may have stabbed 17-year-old Mireille B. who was murdered on Monday night in the German town of Flensburg. A neighbour described the pair as constantly arguing with each other, while another described the victim as a “cheerful, open-minded girl”.

In the town of Kandel last year, a 15-year-old German girl named Mia was stabbed to death in a local drug store by her Afghan asylum seeker boyfriend Abdul D. Again, rumours surfaced that the alleged murderer was not underage as he claimed and a recent medical report confirmed he is likely an adult.

Looks like the German girls are freely "hooking up" with muzzie scum, instead of their own men. I guess the years of constant propaganda has paid off, except the propaganda was telling them how bad the German men were when it's just the opposite.

Trying to catch up to their Western mudshark counterparts. Play with fire you get burned, sadly these girls gambled with their lives.

Also a big Thanks to Merkel.
German Teen Murdered by Asylum Seeker After She Refused to Convert to Islam

Ahmad G., 18, was arrested this week after police suspect he may have stabbed 17-year-old Mireille B. who was murdered on Monday night in the German town of Flensburg. A neighbour described the pair as constantly arguing with each other, while another described the victim as a “cheerful, open-minded girl”.

In the town of Kandel last year, a 15-year-old German girl named Mia was stabbed to death in a local drug store by her Afghan asylum seeker boyfriend Abdul D. Again, rumours surfaced that the alleged murderer was not underage as he claimed and a recent medical report confirmed he is likely an adult.

Looks like the German girls are freely "hooking up" with muzzie scum, instead of their own men. I guess the years of constant propaganda has paid off, except the propaganda was telling them how bad the German men were when it's just the opposite.

Im German. Its True that some German females take muslim guys. Some like the thug types, some like the preppy type, some like the boyband type. Just as in the US some white chicks date thugs and some date preppies... I bring up the prevalence of muslim sexual Assault whenever possible. But its hard to convince people that are too intellectually lazy to question the Status quo.
65-year Old Swedish Woman On Trial for "Hate Crime"

65-year-old Christina, who faces eight charges of hate speech for claiming on social media that mass Muslim migration would lower the general IQ of the country, said that police had forced her into six separate interrogations and raided her home.

Christina also claimed that in 2016 she had been the victim of an assault by “refugee children” and although she reported the incident to the police, no one was ever charged. She said that after the attack she suffered from memory-loss issues.

“I’ve never done anything criminal throughout my life,” she said, and added that Sweden was now full of “rapists out raping our Swedish girls, they’re burning cars.”

Since speaking out against mass migration Christina also said her children had abandoned her and that she had no one to turn to for help.
65-year Old Swedish Woman On Trial for "Hate Crime"

65-year-old Christina, who faces eight charges of hate speech for claiming on social media that mass Muslim migration would lower the general IQ of the country, said that police had forced her into six separate interrogations and raided her home.

Christina also claimed that in 2016 she had been the victim of an assault by “refugee children” and although she reported the incident to the police, no one was ever charged. She said that after the attack she suffered from memory-loss issues.

“I’ve never done anything criminal throughout my life,” she said, and added that Sweden was now full of “rapists out raping our Swedish girls, they’re burning cars.”

Since speaking out against mass migration Christina also said her children had abandoned her and that she had no one to turn to for help.

It's a terrible shame what happened to Christina. Her own children abandoning their own mother is reprehensible. It just goes to show how badly brainwashed many of the Swedes are.

We must raise awareness of what is happening in Europe. For those of you so inclined, say a prayer for Christina and Sweden.
Indeed. Sweden needs a serious awakening. But I'm afraid it's just going to be a slow death.
Swedish Woman Escapes to Hungary Amid Migrant Crisis in "Gripping" Television Interview

She was then "doxxed" by Hungarian Leftists, received death threats, and is now in hiding requiring security detail.
The more political and cultural power white European women have in a European country, the more likely that country is to take in arab muslim and black invaders. Female politicians in Sweden and England are examples. Women were standing with signs welcoming the invaders in 2015.
Alert: Not Europe, but the USA. Apparently, another massive caravan of Central Americans are storming our southern border, as we "speak". Mexico letting them march through their territory unimpeded.

Trump sent out multiple tweets about it this morning.
Tommy Robinson is a beast, surely one of the manliest men in the UK! Nice punch at the 3:00 mark!

This isn’t the first time he’s smashed someone on camera...

I never heard of this fella, but I like his “style”. ;)
Here's Ann Coulter recently in the UK, just speaking FACTS, and some people can't deal with it. People need to wake up, or the ussa will be just as bad as this:
You beat me to it. Here's the highlight:

The fate of some 37,000 Africans in Israel has posed a moral dilemma for a state founded as a haven for Jews from persecution and a national home. The right-wing government has been under pressure from its nationalist voter base to expel the migrants.

According to the agreement, about 16,250 of about 37,000 African migrants, most of them from Eritrea and Sudan, would be relocated to Western nations while others would be allowed to stay in Israel.

From the Breitbart article on this, it said that Netanyahu "made a deal" to relocate the rest of them to "Western countries". With (((whom))) did he make this deal?
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French President, Macron, states that Europe's destiny will be EurAfrican and that 200 million sub-Saharan Africans will "migrate" to Europe within the next 30 years. I guess if you can't beat the nationalist movement in Europe fair-and-square, import a bunch savages that will.
The intelligent high IQ whites are eventually going to start moving out of these countries like France, Sweeden and the UK. The question is where will we go?
French President, Macron, states that Europe's destiny will be EurAfrican and that 200 million sub-Saharan Africans will "migrate" to Europe within the next 30 years. I guess if you can't beat the nationalist movement in Europe fair-and-square, import a bunch savages that will.

I'm listening to some other quotes from Macron today and that piece of garbage is a perfect example of what the Leftists here want. Destroy any and all things of White Western Civilization. Period.

Folks, if we are honest we are witnessing the all out overthrow of this country, and once we're done with, it's over.

California today is voting to criminalize any book or publication that instructs and advises any (adult!) with sexual/gender disphoria to even consider other options as criminal and punishable of the seller, physician, counselor, publisher, etc. The preliminary vote was, get this....12-0. Can you guys think of any publication or book that advises against abnormal or deviant "sexuality/gender behavior"??? In other words, the ultimate goal is to outlaw the Bible. European ministers are already being punished, fined, imprisoned for daring to say what the Bible says on these things.

It's overwhelmingly obvious to anyone with an ounce of discernment the antichrists are boldly flaunting their agenda to destroy us.
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American Freedom News