Refugee Invasion of Europe

Irish PM (half Celt, half East Indian, homosexual) Meets with Hillary Clinton and then Insists Europe Needs More Migrants to "Enrich Societies".

...committed to resettling a greater number of illegal immigrants stuck in Greece and Italy in Ireland than the batch of 4,000 already agreed.

This post could just as well have been posted in "We Are Living in a Cartoon".

All three countries of my ancestors - Ireland, England and France - are being overrun by third world scum.

And I didn't know the PM of Ireland is a half-Indian homosexual. That's depressing.
Hundreds of Migrants Storm Croatian Border, Shouting "Allah Akbar".
This is why homosexuals should not be trusted with positions of power. Even if they're white, they'll always be gay first and white second.

And if they're half call center, that just speaks for itself.
Some of you may have seen this. This is not that recent but sometimes things like this give hope that some parts of Europe are not beyond hope and will indeed resist the onslaught. Read the description in the video before watching:

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Some interesting facts, Sweden vs Japan.


- 10 millions citizens.
- 24% migrants.
- 1 510 000 crimes committed last year.


- 127 million citizens.
- 1.5% migrants.
- 915 111 crimes committed last year.

That is 2100% more crime in Sweden than Japan per capita.

The globalist disruptors are looking toward East Asia now to dump some of their refugees.

South Koreans Revolt Against Arrival of Muslim Refugees.

South Koreans are revolting against the arrival of Muslim refugees, with over half a million signing a petition asserting that Muslim migrants don’t integrate and that they don’t want their country to end up like the UK or Germany.


"And local people here are worried," said Hank Kim, owner of the Core Travel Agency. "We have all read about the problems that immigrants have caused in Europe — in Germany and France in particular — and we do not want that to happen here."

Emphasizing that South Koreans do not think the Muslim religion is compatible with their culture, Kim added, "They all have big families and they bring their own culture instead of trying to adapt to the place where they live."

I remember warning some Korean that was smarting off a bit on the current situation in the West on some blog about 15 years ago that after they're done with us they'll be coming for you (East Asians) next. He had a good laugh at that.
Western decadence has the potential to eventually wear down the resistance of Orientals to massive immigration, multiracialism and the rest of it. Many Japanese men have become emasculated, while young Japanese, South Koreans, and the rest of Southeast Asia laps up Western movies, videos, social media, rap music, clothing, hairstyles, etc. So many Oriental girls now have brown or blonde hair, blue contacts, use skin whitening products, and have tattoos, or aspire to. The younger generations in Asia will lose their historical memory and resistance, just as the White tribes did in the U.S., if the Hollow Empire continues to have its way around the world.

In Russia there is a powerful fifth column of NGOs and "Atlanticists," about a fifth of the elites there, including Medvedev, which is why Putin often appears to act so indecisively to those Russian nationalists who want him to take a consistent hard line. Paul Craig Roberts, The Saker and others write about this often. Russia, Eastern Europe, and parts of Southeast Asia including China are the key to whether "multi-culturalism," feminism, homosexuality and the rest of what passes for liberalism triumphs globally or is pushed back.
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"Migrant" decapitates baby at a Hamburg, Germany subway station. It was his own child and, of course, born of a his German "girlfriend" (to be kind).
I remember warning some Korean that was smarting off a bit on the current situation in the West on some blog about 15 years ago that after they're done with us they'll be coming for you (East Asians) next. He had a good laugh at that.

Perhaps all those South Koreans who were protesting against Trump are suddenly discovering that it's not so easy to be nice to Muslims when they're invading your country.

I know a lot of liberal Asians who think like that guy you mentioned. They have a "screw you, whitey, we'll rule the world when you're gone" mentality. They should realize that the globalists who really rule the world have their own agenda, and being nice to Asians ain't part of it.

And Whites need to realize that all non-white nationalists, including Asian nationalists, have their own agenda, and being nice to us ain't part of it. Certainly, we should not shy away from making temporary alliances with groups like Asians when it's to our benefit, but in the long run, we can only count on, as the Irish would say, Sinn Fein (ourselves alone).
Perhaps all those South Koreans who were protesting against Trump are suddenly discovering that it's not so easy to be nice to Muslims when they're invading your country.

I know a lot of liberal Asians who think like that guy you mentioned. They have a "screw you, whitey, we'll rule the world when you're gone" mentality. They should realize that the globalists who really rule the world have their own agenda, and being nice to Asians ain't part of it.

And Whites need to realize that all non-white nationalists, including Asian nationalists, have their own agenda, and being nice to us ain't part of it. Certainly, we should not shy away from making temporary alliances with groups like Asians when it's to our benefit, but in the long run, we can only count on, as the Irish would say, Sinn Fein (ourselves alone).
:clap: Fully agreed!
Perhaps all those South Koreans who were protesting against Trump are suddenly discovering that it's not so easy to be nice to Muslims when they're invading your country.

I know a lot of liberal Asians who think like that guy you mentioned. They have a "screw you, whitey, we'll rule the world when you're gone" mentality. They should realize that the globalists who really rule the world have their own agenda, and being nice to Asians ain't part of it.

And Whites need to realize that all non-white nationalists, including Asian nationalists, have their own agenda, and being nice to us ain't part of it. Certainly, we should not shy away from making temporary alliances with groups like Asians when it's to our benefit, but in the long run, we can only count on, as the Irish would say, Sinn Fein (ourselves alone).
Yep. That's the only point I was trying to make to him...fifteen years ago...before any of this started to happen to them.

Unfortunately, with the 1965 Immigration Act and the push for radical feminism just a few years later with the intended purpose of destroying strong nuclear families (a threat to the State) and White male/White female cohesion and trust (thus the declining White birth rates), we are now at 62% of the population in this country (and falling), so the "ourselves alone" is not likely a realistic scenario in this country anymore, but it still is in countries like Poland, Hungary, etc...or even in some of the Western Europeans where Whites still make up 80+% of the population...if they heed our warning and reverse course now.

It's unlikely that Korea or Japan will ever pass something along the lines of our 1965 Immigration Act, but cultural weapons like feminism and the LGBT+ propaganda are now being used against them incessantly. So, just like metal fatigue can eventually break metal apart, so can this constant assault on their traditional culture break it apart. Then, they are "open game".

Exhibit A (the most popular "boy" band in South Korea now):
Perhaps all those South Koreans who were protesting against Trump are suddenly discovering that it's not so easy to be nice to Muslims when they're invading your country.

I know a lot of liberal Asians who think like that guy you mentioned. They have a "screw you, whitey, we'll rule the world when you're gone" mentality. They should realize that the globalists who really rule the world have their own agenda, and being nice to Asians ain't part of it.

And Whites need to realize that all non-white nationalists, including Asian nationalists, have their own agenda, and being nice to us ain't part of it. Certainly, we should not shy away from making temporary alliances with groups like Asians when it's to our benefit, but in the long run, we can only count on, as the Irish would say, Sinn Fein (ourselves alone).
I don't think the (((globalists))) will be able to control the East Asians after white people have been reduced in number. Although South Korea and Japan may fall to Cultural Marxism, China with it's 1.4 billion mostly racially homogeneous people will not.

(((They))) may despise us White people, but they need us. They've never had the kind of power and wealth in non-White countries like India and China like they've enjoyed in White countries like the US, France, Holland, UK, etc.

There's a reason why there are not many of (((them))) in countries without White people. They are in for a rude awakening when White people become minorities everywhere.
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Never forget Eva Helgetun (1996-2011).

Eva was a 14 year old girl from Norway who was raped by 3 Somali refugees in Trondheim when out looking for friends. Unable to cope with the ordeal, she took her own life a month later.

RIP you sweet angel.


Publically draw & quarter those verminous scum! :mad: Another proof positive example of why sub-human “turd worlders” have NO business on any Western, White soil...ever!!!
North African (truly) muzzie vermin ripping out tourist's luggage from tour buses on streets of Paris while bus is moving.
American Freedom News