Refugee Invasion of Europe


Who knew that the soft, pansy socialist Swedes had it in 'em to do this. Good to see.

Outstanding to see some of that Viking mentality (& actions) from the Swedes!
Dindu rapeugee wielding large knife tries to break into car driving down street in Londonistan.

This isn't "Merry '0l England" anymore and hasn't been for a long time now. They should make a new movie called "Escape from London" like the early 80's "Escape from New York", but it would probably be politically-correct and show the BNP and the likes of Tommy Robinson as the "bad guys".
In my Town here in Germany theres been quite a few stabbings. They all have one thing in common: the perp hails from a third World Country. Its gonna get worse before it gets better. Im thinking about buying a stab proof vest.
In my Town here in Germany theres been quite a few stabbings. They all have one thing in common: the perp hails from a third World Country. Its gonna get worse before it gets better. Im thinking about buying a stab proof vest.
I would also suggest every single White-looking German carry a homemade "cane" (club) when walking anywhere. A few skulls totally bashed in is all these scum understand.
Don't you think eventually it's going to get very ugly? It's all been building up like like a dam. How long are people supposed to live with their governments actively trying to dispose them and implant violent predators amongst them? They can buy a lot of time with complete support of the media govt complex but sooner or later it has to be too much. The US is big enough to keep running from the problem. Europe not so much.
I believe it's going to get ugly, very ugly. The problem is that even if immigration completely halts, the landscapes of countries like Germany and France are forever changed because of the immigration that has already occured. In 50 years or so, Europe will probably be exactly what we fear it will be. There is no reason to believe it won't. The same goes for the US. A lot of whites in the US don't seem to care or don't want to recognize that we are quickly moving towards being the minority. Once whites are the minority and start getting voted out of positions of power in Europe and the US, these countries will decline rapidly. Basically the immigrants with 5, 6 or even 8 times the birth rates of whites will be running the countries and there is no reason to believe they will run them any differently than the horrible countries from which they originally came. Once we become the minority and our backs are against the wall is when things will truly get ugly in my opinion or perhaps just before that happens. The question in my mind is where will proud whites move to when they have had enough and no longer want to live around all these immigrants? Maybe Hungary, poland or some place like Iceland?
Dindu rapeugee wielding large knife tries to break into car driving down street in Londonistan.

This isn't "Merry '0l England" anymore and hasn't been for a long time now. They should make a new movie called "Escape from London" like the early 80's "Escape from New York", but it would probably be politically-correct and show the BNP and the likes of Tommy Robinson as the "bad guys".

Had that savage vermin tried that mess down here in Dixieland, he’d have likely (& deservedly) received a dose of “hot lead”. Too bad the British have had their (God given) right to self defense stolen by an inept, crooked, globalist shill government!
There is more than enough room in Africa for Africans. There is no need for them to come to Europe.

Good map. Of course its not a question of room. Its that Europe has great welfare and Africa is a permanent hellhole.
Students Forced Out of Their Homes in Spain to Make Way for "Migrants"
Students Forced Out of Their Homes in Spain to Make Way for "Migrants"

This is what you get when you elect a socialist, i.e. insane, government as the Spanish did. Not to worry, after a short time of these loons being in power, the populace will be jolted back to their senses and will elect a populist/nationalist government.
Irish PM (half Celt, half East Indian, homosexual) Meets with Hillary Clinton and then Insists Europe Needs More Migrants to "Enrich Societies".


...committed to resettling a greater number of illegal immigrants stuck in Greece and Italy in Ireland than the batch of 4,000 already agreed.

This post could just as well have been posted in "We Are Living in a Cartoon".
American Freedom News