Refugee Invasion of Europe

Ann Coulter Retweeted

Stan‏@StanM3 Oct 10

If walls don't work then why does the EU want Hungary to take down its border fence? #TuesdayThoughts


Canadian court: If South African blacks attack you, you must be a ‘white supremacist’

(Real) American White man : if you serve on the federal court of Canada, you must be a candy@$$, cuckhold commie puke.
Hungary Slams the EU(SSR)'s New 'Soros Plan' of Mass Immigration with New Asylum Rules
  • Scrapping the rule that the first country of safe arrival is responsible for asylum seekers who reach its borders;
  • Asylum seekers’ preference would be taken into consideration with migrants being able to choose between four countries which, at that time, had received the fewest number of asylum seekers;
  • Faster family reunification;
  • Applicants will have the “option to register as a group” of up to 30 on arrival in Europe;
  • “All member states must participate and share responsibility for asylum seekers”; and
  • “Member states refusing to accept relocation of applicants… would face limits on their access to EU funds”.
Robustly defending his country, Orbán said: “While this government is in power and I am at its head, there will be no kind of relocation or black quarterback in Hungary.”
That's a minor miracle considering how Left and how liberal Aussies have become for years now. A light coming on perhaps?
Brit Girl.

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Those muzzies really are goat f***ers lol

Other than the groidians, the Mohammedans are the most inferior, savage peoples of the planet.
The Red Pope is delivering lt's New Year's message instructing all the white nations to bring in millions more black African cannibals and Mohamedan terrorists and other dusky wretched refuse...but so far It hasn't opened up It's gigantic Vatican walls yet. Mustn't interrupt the quiet sanctity of the Vatican's Satanic Services with rowdy "refugees", right?
Sharks are just doing the work Europeans don’t want to do


Hopefully their diverse African meal doesn’t add to much disease to the oceans ecosystem

Migrants are eaten by SHARKS during rescue operation in the Mediterranean after their boats sank, claiming 31 lives

Celebrating Diversity in the ocean. Nice to read some good news for a change. "Rescue Operation"? I would arrest everyone aboard those so called rescue ships and confiscate the ships and immediately shoot the captains for treason, aiding and abetting invasion, and then put the officers on trial for same, and then shoot them too, and then dragoon the ordinary seaman into the salt mines or shoveling coal on some Captain Wolf Larsen death ship.
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The Red Pope is delivering lt's New Year's message instructing all the white nations to bring in millions more black African cannibals and Mohamedan terrorists and other dusky wretched refuse...but so far It hasn't opened up It's gigantic Vatican walls yet. Mustn't interrupt the quiet sanctity of the Vatican's Satanic Services with rowdy "refugees", right?

To hell with that apostate papal dictator & his (cultmarx) mandates. He’s a wicked, Satanic piece of filth.
The Red Pope is delivering lt's New Year's message instructing all the white nations to bring in millions more black African cannibals and Mohamedan terrorists and other dusky wretched refuse...but so far It hasn't opened up It's gigantic Vatican walls yet. Mustn't interrupt the quiet sanctity of the Vatican's Satanic Services with rowdy "refugees", right?
when the darkies he wants everyone to let into their countries come into his and storm his walls and bomb the shyte out of him he will be getting his own vial medicine back.....
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