Police State Redux

Through my observations and experiences I have noticed that a majority law enforcement officers I come across as adversarial, rude and power drunk. DD, the story you just posted is something I can say I have experienced first hand. Cops seem to enjoy talking down to people and abusing their role as someone who is supposed to keep the peace. They sometimes instigate innocent people because they can and people seem to finally be getting fed up.

On a side note - I was pulled over for speeding a few months ago (this was my first time pulled over for speeding after holding a drivers license for 13 years) and instead of give me a warning the officer gave me a ticket but the kicker is that about a mile away their is a free clinic that treats tons of illegal mothers to be in the Northern Virginia region but this cop was more concerned about me going to work, paying 37% of my money already to taxes and yet nothing is being done to check the citizenship of those people going to the medical facility for FREE treatment on the taxpayer dollar.

I have begun to really view parking tickets/speeding tickets as just another tax and source of income for states, cities etc. No matter what you say in court the judge will always side with the cop - no one is watching the watchers so to speak.
Leonardfan, Yep, I've found out more or less the same thing. But my "offense" is I'm a walker. They pull over and question me as to what I'm doing because they have no idea a person may walk a few miles to perform an errand. Of course, they go through the process of running my license and all that and try telling me about the danger I'm in walking and all. But I more or less laugh at them about that because, as I tell them, they wouldn't walk across the street if they could drive, so walking isn't a sphere of their expertise. They don't like it, but they take it from an older guy. Also, they want to call me by my first name and I ask them their first name and start addressing them by their first name and they cease calling me by my first name. I'd suggest writing a letter to the police cheif and detailing what you said to the chief. People won't return your letter, but they're very impressed by actual letters. Get the officers name, Put in the place, date, time of day, etc. Be respectful and things'll change. The worst thing about the police today is their inexperience. Many/most of them have never held another job successfully. Very bad. They don't know how to relate to the general citizenry.

Tom Iron...
Leonardfan, Yep, I've found out more or less the same thing. But my "offense" is I'm a walker. They pull over and question me as to what I'm doing because they have no idea a person may walk a few miles to perform an errand. Of course, they go through the process of running my license and all that and try telling me about the danger I'm in walking and all. But I more or less laugh at them about that because, as I tell them, they wouldn't walk across the street if they could drive, so walking isn't a sphere of their expertise. They don't like it, but they take it from an older guy. Also, they want to call me by my first name and I ask them their first name and start addressing them by their first name and they cease calling me by my first name. I'd suggest writing a letter to the police cheif and detailing what you said to the chief. People won't return your letter, but they're very impressed by actual letters. Get the officers name, Put in the place, date, time of day, etc. Be respectful and things'll change. The worst thing about the police today is their inexperience. Many/most of them have never held another job successfully. Very bad. They don't know how to relate to the general citizenry.

Tom Iron...

Odds are that they are questioning you because you are White and they have too question so many Whites in order to question nonwhites who are up to no good. Part of the racial black quarterback systems the egalitarians demand. If the police only questioned people that were acting suspicious, then they question far more nonwhites and the egalitarians would be up in arms. Of course, then the egalitarians complain that too many nonwhites are arrested. Worthless, police questioning, in certain areas, is the price that many Whites paid to keep the egalitarians allowing police to arrest criminal nonwhites. It is part of the price Whites pay for "diversity."
Michael, You're probably correct, but at the same time, the cops around here are young guys riding around with nothing much to do and don't understand a man might just be walking to do an errand several miles away from where he lives. You can understand how this might baffle them in that they were brought up being driven everywhere and then driving themselves. also, they're pretty bored. Remember, when the sh*t hits the fan and the blacks and hispanics finally go stark raving mad, these guys aren't going to be on the side of the minorities. They'll be with us, so let's cut them some slack.

Tom Iron...
Michael, You're probably correct, but at the same time, the cops around here are young guys riding around with nothing much to do and don't understand a man might just be walking to do an errand several miles away from where he lives. You can understand how this might baffle them in that they were brought up being driven everywhere and then driving themselves. also, they're pretty bored. Remember, when the sh*t hits the fan and the blacks and hispanics finally go stark raving mad, these guys aren't going to be on the side of the minorities. They'll be with us, so let's cut them some slack.

Tom Iron...

Tom - I tend to agree with you on that but one thing I have noticed in my area is a very noticeable increase in black police officers in what is mostly a white county. A friend's brother is a cop and was applying to become a firefighter and he was telling us about the whole affirmative action system in place - it's really ridiculous. When the **** hits the fan in many major cities with a large black percentage of the police force it's going to get real interesting.
Leonardfan, As far as AA goes, blacks are able to louse that up too. What people aren't told is many/most blacks (and all other minorities) who get jobs due to AA aren't able to hold the job. They make a mess out of things and are fired after a short time. That's why the test is there to begin with. There's no real way around the qualifications of jobs. It all comes out in due time that blacks aren't up to standards. So when the Sh*t does hit the fan, there'll be plenty more White cops than black.

Tom Iron...
30 days in jail ... for collecting rain water on his own property!

the outrage happened in Oregon ...

(CNSNews.com) – A rural Oregon man was sentenced Wednesday to 30 days in jail and over $1,500 in fines because he had three reservoirs on his property to collect and use rainwater.

Gary Harrington of Eagle Point, Ore., says he plans to appeal his conviction in Jackson County (Ore.) Circuit Court on nine misdemeanor charges under a 1925 law for having what state water managers called “three illegal reservoirs” on his property – and for filling the reservoirs with rainwater and snow runoff.

“The government is bullying,” Harrington told CNSNews.com in an interview Thursday.

“They’ve just gotten to be big bullies and if you just lay over and die and give up, that just makes them bigger bullies. So, we as Americans, we need to stand on our constitutional rights, on our rights as citizens and hang tough. This is a good country, we’ll prevail,” he said.

The court has given Harrington two weeks to report to the Jackson County Jail to begin serving his sentence.

the story goes on at the below link, and it includes audio interview:

the outrage happened in Oregon ...

(CNSNews.com) – A rural Oregon man was sentenced Wednesday to 30 days in jail and over $1,500 in fines because he had three reservoirs on his property to collect and use rainwater.

Gary Harrington of Eagle Point, Ore., says he plans to appeal his conviction in Jackson County (Ore.) Circuit Court on nine misdemeanor charges under a 1925 law for having what state water managers called “three illegal reservoirs†on his property – and for filling the reservoirs with rainwater and snow runoff.

“The government is bullying,†Harrington told CNSNews.com in an interview Thursday.

“They’ve just gotten to be big bullies and if you just lay over and die and give up, that just makes them bigger bullies. So, we as Americans, we need to stand on our constitutional rights, on our rights as citizens and hang tough. This is a good country, we’ll prevail,†he said.

The court has given Harrington two weeks to report to the Jackson County Jail to begin serving his sentence.

the story goes on at the below link, and it includes audio interview:


Gary needs to catch up on the fact that the constitution is dead. He lives in an anarcho-tyranny where the laws don't matter and few people care, including almost nobody in the faux govt that rules over the masses.
jaxvid, You're exactly right. But here in the Peoples Republic of New Jersey, I go to the local Board of Education meetings each month and open up my copy of the Constitution and read from it to them and accuse them of being in violation of their oath to it. It's wonderful to watch as they go out of their minds denying the obvious.

Tom Iron...
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jaxvid, You're exactly right. But here in the Peoples Republic of Jew Jersey, I go to the lpcal Board of Education meetings each month and open up my copy of the Constitution and read from it to them and accuse them of being in violation of their oath to it. It's wonderful to watch as they go out of their minds denying the obvious.

Tom Iron...

Good for you Tom! Although it's like reading a bible to sinners, it only makes them more angry.
Gentlemen, I agree, the bums are getting this gear to use against the public at large, but as the saying goes, "The best laid plans of mice and men, sometimes go assunder." It will be hard, but when the sh*t hits the fan, we'll have what it takes to beat these bums.

Tom Iron...