Police State Redux

Maybe not the best place to put this article but I figured some would find this interesting. Tom Iron, being a fellow New Jersey guy I'm sure you have heard this.

[h=1]NAACP to N.J. State Police: End bias in hiring or we'll sue[/h] [h=5]Published: Sunday, September 02, 2012, 8:00 AM[/h] By Christopher Baxter/Statehouse Bureau

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View full sizeJohn O'Boyle/The Star-LedgerNew Jersey Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa speaks about State Police recruiting at the State Police facility in Sea Girt in August.
TRENTON — The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is threatening to sue the State Police unless it overhauls its background checks for prospective recruits, The Star-Ledger has learned.
Charging that black candidates are being rejected in disproportionate numbers, the group has also asked the state attorney general that current and former members of the force be barred from conducting the checks, according to an NAACP lawyer familiar with the case.
The lawyer, who was not authorized to discuss the case and requested anonymity, said the demand was made on behalf of a black candidate who applied for a slot in the most recent State Police class that graduated in January but was eliminated during the checks.
The lawyer declined to identify the candidate, but said the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in June authorized him to sue for racial discrimination. The NAACP and the state are negotiating to try to head off a suit, the lawyer said.
The State Police and Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa declined to comment on the case. But Chiesa said in a statement he was committed to building a force that more closely resembles the state population, which is 14.6 percent black.
"The NAACP has a seat at the table as we continue to review and revise ways to attract the most qualified candidates of all backgrounds to be part of the State Police," Chiesa said.
The State Police is not the only law enforcement organization struggling to diversify its ranks. But for a division trying to move past its checkered history of racial profiling
and discrimination lawsuits, attracting and retaining more black troopers is crucial.

Update on New Jersey State Police recruiting Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa and State Police Superintendent Colonel Rick Fuentes discuss efforts to encourage diversity in State Police applicants. Watch video
In 2000, the NAACP and State Police signed a consent decree requiring greater minority recruitment. Since then, the percentage of black troopers has decreased from 8 percent to 6 percent, while the percentage of Hispanics and females has increased.
The path to becoming a trooper includes several steps, including an initial application and screening, physical fitness test, written exam and a background investigation.
Candidates can be disqualified for such things as drug convictions or suspended driver’s licenses. They can also be rejected after a subjective review of lesser transgressions, including arrests without convictions, a bad credit history or unpaid parking tickets.
Once complete, the background investigations are reviewed by several supervisors on the force to avoid bias, the Attorney General’s Office said.
The extensive investigations, according to the State Police, are intended to determine "moral character" and whether a candidate has demonstrated "derogatory conduct" — anything to ferret out a flawed candidate.

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But the NAACP lawyer said statistics for the past several classes support the contention that the checks unfairly eliminate black candidates.
Of the 33 black candidates for the most recent class who passed the written exam, six dropped out and 22 were disqualified for failing the check, state figures show. Five were selected for the academy, but only two graduated.
The Attorney General’s Office said it had already taken steps to improve the background checks. The office said disqualifying areas were clarified, and candidates underwent pre-screenings to identify problems early. In addition, it said those performing the checks were getting more training.
Last month, Chiesa and State Police Superintendent Col. Rick Fuentes announced that the latest pool of applicants for two new classes next year was the most diverse in the force’s history. But James Harris, president of the state chapter of the NAACP, said he will not be satisfied until more black troopers are on the force.
View full sizeJethro James in a Star-Ledger file photo
"We’re dealing with a system that’s broken and leadership that refuses to fix it," Harris said. "It’s about protecting people who want things to stay the same."
But Bishop Jethro James, pastor of Paradise Baptist Church in Newark, who has been working with the force, was more optimistic. He said balancing high standards with the unique life circumstances of black candidates was not impossible.
"We’re dealing with humans in human situations, and in some cases there needs to be a discussion before someone is automatically thrown out," James said.
In one case, he said, an applicant was allowed to continue after it was determined his license had been suspended while he was serving in Afghanistan. The man’s brother had driven his car but had not paid a parking ticket, James said.
An article entitled "The Right to Execute American Citizens without Trial"

Is anyone in this country paying any attention at all to what the government of Barack Hussein Obama is doing?

Has anyone noticed that Obama has now officially proclaimed that he has the power to execute American citizens at will, anywhere, any time, and without trial or charge of any kind? Does anyone realize that as recently as twelve years ago, a statement such as I just made would have been so completely outrageous and absurd that even the wildest right-wing paranoid case would not have believed it, not even of Bill Clinton? Bill and Hillary seem to have murdered quite a few people, to be sure, but not officially. Not legally. They didn’t announce the fact openly with a press conference.

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In the pathetic-beyond-words, limp-wristed, national hysteria surrounding “school shootings,” any conceivable scenario occurring within a school, no matter how benign or laughable, is instantaneously considered a deadly threat to students and faculty.

In the “incident” below, a 7-year old white kid from Maryland named Josh Welch was eating a “poptart” pastry when his teacher (who is reportedly a woman) noticed that the pastry had been bitten into the shape of a gun. Thankfully, this aptitude-sodden woman reacted with prize-winning heroics…by calling the boy’s father and eventually getting the boy suspended from school.

From the article…
BALTIMORE - A 7-year-old Maryland boy has been suspended from school after biting his breakfast pastry into a shape that his teacher thought looked like a gun.
Josh Welch, a second-grader at Park Elementary School in Baltimore, said he was trying to nibble his strawberry Pop Tart into a mountain.

"It was already a rectangle and I just kept on biting it and biting it and tore off the top and it kinda looked like a gun but it wasn't," Josh said. "All I was trying to do was turn it into a mountain but it didn't look like a mountain really and it turned out to be a gun kinda."

But when his teacher saw what he had done, the boy says she got "pretty mad" and he knew he was "in big trouble."

Josh's dad was called by the school and informed that his son had been suspended for two days.
"I asked if was any one was hurt, they said 'No'," B.J. Welch said. "I would almost call it insanity. I mean with all the potential issues that could be dealt with at school -- real threats, bullies, whatever the issue is. It's a pastry."

The school sent home a letter with every student informing parents that: "A student used food to make an inappropriate gesture."

Josh, who suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and enjoys art classes, said that his actions were innocent, according to a report in the Daily Mail .

Read more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/natio...p-tart-pastry-into-shape-of-gun#ixzz2Mcec8dEa

Here is a photo of the blood-lusting, potentially murderous, gun-brandishing psychopath…

CAPTION: The Poptart Serial Killer

It’s comforting to know that the Government/Wall Street/Hollywood/Media Conglomerate-O-Zion is finally cracking down on 7-year olds who can’t bite their breakfast snacks in a more politically correct manner. The System wouldn’t want one of their “future white worker bees of America” to be shot and killed (by a toaster-fresh, cherry-flavored handgun) before they are able to grow up in a JewFagFemNegroMarx Universe that is obsessed with mentally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually enslaving them, with ruthlessly denigrating them, with rigidly instructing them to loathe themselves, their inherent strength, intelligence, athletic ability, their ancestors and their unique genetic heritage, with infinately robbing them of money, power, masculinity, and dignity, and with allowing the women of their race to be raped and interbreed non-whites. That is, if they’re one of the lucky ones…just ask the white Boer/Afrikaans peoples of South Africa.

And, of course, an infinite supply of kudos to the brave female teacher, who upon noticing the sugary weapon that this certainly-evil white kid (a future Neo-Nazi, perhaps?) had so crudely fashioned, reacted like any “empowered,” new age woman might…like an irrational, obtuse, witless, panic-stricken, spineless, testicle-abhorring, authority-adoring dullard.
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New York's rabidly totalitarian mayor can't wait for the day when there are cameras everywhere and the sky is filled with military drones:

Like it or not, the eye in the sky will soon be following your every move, according to Mayor Bloomberg. "You can't keep the tides from coming in," the mayor remarked when asked about drones on his weekly radio show. "We're going to have more visibility and less privacy. I just don't see how you could stop that." The NYPD already has cameras mounted at strategic locations around the city and there's no reason, by the mayor's reckoning, that they have to be attached to light poles. "It's scary. What's the difference if a drone is up in the air or on a building," he said. The mayor put the timeframe for an all-seeing society at about five years, when he estimated "there'll be cameras every place." Using the same line of reasoning, Bloomberg urged Albany to approve speed cameras to catch motorists going too fast on city streets. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/...ing_t1RZyNvZ39uSvzv9Ful25H#.UU31YUEty0Q.email
America's control freak nanny state continues its drive to reinstate Prohibition via gradualism. A government "safety board" is recommending that the current .08 blood alcohol limit for driving, which itself was lowered from .10 and .12, be lowered to .05. According to an AP article, that's one drink for a woman weighing 120 pounds and two drinks for a 160 pound man.

Why not make it official and just ban alcohol altogether? That's what the totalitarians want. No alcohol, no fun of any kind, no chance of rebelling. Within a few years all new cars will likely be required to have ignition devices that drivers will have to blow in before the car will start. While they're at it, I'd also recommend installing surveillance cameras on every street corner not just those in large urban areas, and in every single residence. After all, the government is already recording every phone call, text and email that everyone makes and we can never be too secure here in the Land of the Free.

I've noticed watching Stanley Cup playoff games that the ubiquitious anti-drunk driving commercials are now being supplemented with the same type of commercials, but these exhort against driving without one's seatbelt being fastened. The cops even know at night if you're "cheating" the narrative ominously warns. Are police wearing special night vision goggles now to spot heretics driving without seatbelts? The totalitarian nanny state/surveillance state madness just gets worse and worse.

Drunken-driving threshold should be cut to 0.05 blood alcohol content, US accident investigators say

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America's control freak nanny state continues its drive to reinstate Prohibition via gradualism...

Too true. I've been saying that for years. You've got bars and taverns and restaurants serving wine and beer and liquor scattered all over the country, and except in a few places like NYC where you can take the subway home after you have a drink or two - and get mugged - everyone goes there and leaves from there in a car. What hypocrisy.

Of course all these laws only apply to the hoi poloi canon fodder proles and not the lords and masters. How many presidents in a row have we had now who were junkies? Little Barak Hussein here was a well known doper, pot, cocaine, etc & etc. Just ask his former boyfriend Larry Sinclair. He'll tell you; Retarded little Dubya Bush was a druggie - that's why they disappeared all his old medical records; and Slick Willy's own brother, Billy, said he had "a nose like a vacuum cleaner", and he wasn't talking about snuff.
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Another thing that drives the nanny state totalitarianism regarding alcohol consumption is the anarcho tyranny that is the governments main focus. Lower alcohol limits means more arrests of middle class Whites who can afford to pay the lawyer fees, court costs, and fines of the resulting punishments. Makes little difference to the poor, who can't pay and the rich who can dodge paying. It's just another wealth transfer from the White wage slaves to the government overlords. Also signing on board is the insurance companies who support every possible increase in traffic enforcement as it leads to an excuse to increase rates.

Besides the police have lots of spare time. It's not like they are making any dent in the crime rates. Better to have them sitting around issuing tickets to generate revenue then arresting blacks that end up as wards of the state in prison.
Uh oh. Something's wrong. I completely 100% agree with a Jaxpost.

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Uh oh. Something's wrong. I completely 100% agree with a Jaxpost.:faint:

We agree on a lot. The problem is that you're a difficult guy to agree with. If I don't agree 100% with every single thing then it's like I don't agree with anything. I could agree with 99.999% of the alternate theories that you propose but if there is one I don't agree with then I am a govt loving, naive, sheeplized, zionist, who's probably a jewish troll.

I admire your hard headed attitude and the passion you have on certain issues but it stifles discussion because there only a few similar hard headed people that will continue to argue with someone like that.