Police State Redux

0'bummer signs Exective Order Thursday, March 16th, stating that...

The President and his specifically designated Secretaries now have the authority to commandeer all domestic U.S. resources including food and water. The EO also states that the President and his Secretaries have the authority to seize all transportation, energy, and infrastructure inside the United States as well as forcibly induct/draft American citizens into the military. The EO also contains a vague reference in regards to harnessing American citizens to fulfill "labor requirements" for the purposes of national defense.


this is a game-changer, folks. while similar orders have been approved before, this one goes farther than anything in US history. gentlemen, you need to take a closer look at this horrific un-approved-but-instantaneous "law."

below, i've posted some commentary from a couple of sites i frequent:

from Survivalblog: With the stroke of BHO's pen on a Friday evening (after most of the newsies went home for the weekend), all pretension of a free civil economy in the U.S. have been discarded. Read this: National Defense Resources Preparedness. In essence, if they want it, they can now take it. Under this executive order, all segments of the economy have been been put on a war footing, and unprecedented Federal power has been established, without the consent of congress. Refer to Section 201 (b), and you will see that the order applies to both emergency and non-emergency conditions. Under the terms of this fiat, anything and everything can be "allocated," by executive decree. Reader Christopher C. wrote to mention that beyond simply taking the authority to seize food commodities, this executive order also includes: Section 502 which says they can make you work for the government without compensation, Section 302 which gives Department heads the ability to take loans without approval from congress, and Section 804 which removes our right to sue the government for the return of or compensation for what they steal from us under this executive order.

from Sovereign Man: Hmmmm. Food. Water. Energy. Medicine. Security. All the stuff that human beings need at a basic level to survive. Except that Obama’s executive order puts all of these resources under control of the government and allocates them exclusively to meet the needs of government.

In this capacity, we are all merely subordinates to the interests of the state… and it should be absolutely clear at this point where normal people stand in the grand pecking order: Citizens are resources to be exploited and sacrificed in order to ensure the continuity of government.

In the event of some catastrophe, you will be stripped of basic resources so that the government can survive. A free society cannot exist under a system in which the state exercises such control… or has the authority to exercise such control.

Taken in conjunction with the NSA’s new Utah spy center (which will collect and archive the complete contents of every email, tweet, Facebook post, Google search, phone call, and text message) and the National Defense Authorization Act, it’s clear that the Obama administration is expecting trouble from within.

And with good reason.

from SHTFplan: “In a nutshell, it’s the blueprint for Peacetime Martial Law and it gives the president the power to take just about anything deemed necessary for “National Defenseâ€, whatever they decide that is.†(The Intel Hub)

... The new order provides specific definitions for each of these essential infrastructure elements, indicating that all resources, not just those owned by large farms and businesses, are to be directly controlled by the government. Thus, if you think the investments you made in digging a water well, building a solar array, or stockpiling food were for your own personal use, think again ...

Additionally, like the Selective Service established to draft Americans into the military in the event of war, all Americans are automatically registered for the National Defense Executive Reserve, an agency responsible for identifying experts and skilled laborers for jobs that may need to be performed during a national security. That means your entire work history is now stored, aggregated and flagged in a national database and you can be called on at any time and forced into service for national security reasons at a government-run institution or labor camp ...

Similar to compulsory eminent domain provisions, a government official would determine what your land, resources or labor are worth, and you would have no choice but to agree to that value ...

As of March 16, 2012, your land, your food, your water and your abilities as a laborer are now a wholly owned subsidiary of the United States government at any time they choose to initiate the provisions of this order, which according to the order itself, can be during an emergency or a non-emergency.
This is worrisome business indeed. However, the Constitution is still law of the land and we need to wake people up to the fact that government can pass all types of bogus laws and executive orders, that does not mean we should follow them. If they passed a law saying the moon is made of cheese would we listen? We need to stock-up, lock-up and remove these criminal tyrants from government. The founders didn't have it easy against the British and neither will we.
What was the deterrent to the govt doing any of those things before? The people? Local law enforcement? Congress? The Judiciary? The media? The Constitution? HAHAHAHAHAHAH
well, ladies and gentlemen, we can finally, at long last, sleep comfortably in our beds with the knowledge that our government is keeping us safe and secure ... how do i know that? because the Department of Homeland Security (sic) has ordered 450 million hollow-point bullets.

don't you feel so much safer knowing that? :suspicious:

i mean seriously, WTF?!?!
And the fact they are ordering hollow-point bullets should tell us something of their intent as only full metal jacketed bullets are used for target practice.
And the fact they are ordering hollow-point bullets should tell us something of their intent as only full metal jacketed bullets are used for target practice.

Martial law round up's to the FEMA camps. The Tribulation rapidly approaches.
30,000 drones could be in U.S. skies by 2020? :rapture:Go ahead and beam me up Scotty because I don't want to be around for that.
I'll be passing that article along. Of course there is no way that the military industrial complex exists or that the fedgov has ulterior motives in trying so hard to "keep us safe." :yell:
An article entitled "Aurora police pull forty people out of theirs cars, handcuff them for two hours"
This is why China and Venezuela call the United States a “police state.â€￾ In order to find a bank robber, police stopped traffic and detained forty adults without cause for two hours. The innocent victims were treated like common gangbangers. Forced to sit in the street with handcuffs on.