NON-Whites in White Roles

Black Knight was sort of a rip off of Mark Twain's Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court.

"A Yank in King Author's Court" is a classic, must read.
I say that even being a Catholic.

Tom Iron...
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Danny Trejo:


What a disgusting midget. Face like a worn leather boot that's been pissed on and left out in the midday summer sun. The notional footwear, of course, possesses superior thespianic skills...

Typical modern "Hollywood" cast: ugly bean-boy; fat wheezing Negro and a Jew with oversized teeth. Oh, and a few White "racists" and "wimps" (same thing, isn't it?) to be effortlessly punched out by the non-White "hero".

In an ideal world, the real "Epic Beard Man" would turn up to the premiere and fell this brown turd with a huge right hander, then proceed to put the slipper in...
Hollyweird uses mini-mexcrement "tough guy" Danny Trejo (all 5'6 of him) of (anti-White) "Machete" fame to play the role of "Epic Beard Man"...whilst trashing eeeevil White skinheads. :dodgy:

This is pure garbage, and let's hope it's not real. If it is, then yeah, revisionist history (surprise, surprise) and nothing more that some pro-Mexican/anti-White propaganda. Here's another article on it:
oh, it's real. they basically took EBM incident from the bus and built the whole movie around that, on a premise that he's a bad-ass senior citizen, and felt obligated to replace a white guy with a mexican who fights racists and everyone else according to the trailer.
In "defense" of non-whites in white rolls, if they didn't play White rolls, what would they do? They have nothing to add to society. All they are, are people who can't measure up to whatever standards there are, no matter what. For example, will there ever be a nonwhite land a plane in the Hudson River and not lose any passengers? Will there ever be a nonwhite stop a runnaway train like the recent movie portrayed? Who would pay money to see them try and act like a black? All anyone has to do is look at the morning papers and they see real nonwhite behavior every day.

Tom Iron...
He must be dieing of colon cancer and trying to buy his way into heaven....:biggrin: For this career character actor(admittedly a limited but good one) all he has played are cretin low life thugs. If you looked like a lifer that was released through prison overcrowding what other roles could you play.......:biggrin:
If that's Hercules, then I might as well apply to play Shaka Zulu. Mind You, I'd politely decline the role even if it was offered to me, as it would undoubtedly involve being "paired up" (shudder) with some sweating, fat-lipped, flat-nosed Negro "goddess" with buck teeth who'd probably be - statistically speaking - a seasoned veteran of several rapes, both of the gang and solo variety...
If that's Hercules, then I might as well apply to play Shaka Zulu. Mind You, I'd politely decline the role even if it was offered to me, as it would undoubtedly involve being "paired up" (shudder) with some sweating, fat-lipped, flat-nosed Negro "goddess" with buck teeth who'd probably be - statistically speaking - a seasoned veteran of several rapes, both of the gang and solo variety...

Nah, if they had to cast some zulu queen they would use a Halle Berry or Beyonce, or some other black woman with majority white genes so as to present as good looking a black "queen" as possible. Don't you know Cleopatra was black!!!
Nah, if they had to cast some zulu queen they would use a Halle Berry or Beyonce, or some other black woman with majority white genes so as to present as good looking a black "queen" as possible. Don't you know Cleopatra was black!!!

Jaxvid - Well, I guess that they wouldn't be casting in South Africa then. :icon_wink:
As things go, I'd still turn down the breakthrough role, given that the ladies You mentioned are, er, black enough... :peep:
I'll admit that "The Rock" has a bit of charisma & tad of talent, BUT no non-White should ever play the role of the Greek legend Hercules.....or Conan, or a Nordic god, James Bond, Peter Parker etc. :thumbdown: However, we know who's writing the scripts & doing the casting for this (cultmarx) Hollyweird trash. :kev:
During the Memorial day weekend all they talked about were the Tusgegee airmen and the 54th Massachesetts regiment. Have white guys ever fought in any American wars?
Don't you know Cleopatra was black!!!

It's historically proven that Cleopatra was a Greek white woman, I am sure you are joking though.

If this Negro "The Rock" takes the role of Heracles and the Greek ministry of arts and culture doesn't do something about it, then I am afraid that Greece has hit rock bottom on every level.
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CBS has a modern re-make of Sherlock Holmes in the works, coming this fall as a tv series ... and Dr. Watson is not only a women, he-now-she is also asian. Lucy Lui is the actress portraying the fine doctor. "weird," huh? the show is titled "Elementary."

anyway, here's a link to the show's credits:
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would be rolling in his grave to see what a travesty the cultural marxists have made of his literary classic.
CBS has a modern re-make of Sherlock Holmes in the works, coming this fall as a tv series ... and Dr. Watson is not only a women, he-now-she is also asian. Lucy Lui is the actress portraying the fine doctor. "weird," huh? the show is titled "Elementary."

anyway, here's a link to the show's credits:

I'm a bit of a Holmes-o-phile having read all of the stories and much fan faction over the years. There have been many bastardizations of Sherlock Holmes. I expect a black Holmes some day perhaps Snoop Dogg with a briar pipe full of hashish. However in the case of Lucy Lui (to me-- oddly one of the most unattractive oriental woman, and that from a race of peoples who do manage to churn out slim, raven haired beauties, by the millions) she will be portrayed NOT as faithful sidekick and chronicler but I am sure she will be the brains behind the operation. Whatever hapless White man is selected as her Holmes will suffer the fate of similarly placed characters in this age of anti-white revisionism. And not only will she be smarter, she will be stronger, more level-headed, and superior in every way. Because that is the way the fem-***-jew-neg alliance wants it and they make the movies.

I was not, at first a big fan of the most recent version of Sherlock Holmes on the big screen, the mega-hit versions with Robert Downey Jr. However I have come to admire them for one big reason---Robert Downey portrays Holmes as the biggest, baddest-ass hero around. Not only is he so mentally gifted he can virtually "see" the future, he is more then capable of handling himself physically, he is morally upstanding (for these days anyway) because he has to follow at least some Victorian manners to resemble Holmes in any way , in short the Holmes of Robert Downey is probably the only true White hero on the big screen today.

And kudo's to Robert Downey, a former drug addict who was very near the end of his life because of it, and who has remade himself into arguably the top White leading man of Hollywood.

As the "Ironman/Tony Stark" character Downey is a muscled-playboy-genius-millionaire-superhero, who takes no back seat to anyone. He is intelligent, glib, powerful, a weapons manufacturer no less. Although there is certainly a lot of Cultural Marxist tripe in those movies, as in anything from Hollyweird, it's still nice to see Downey playing a James Bond style All-American hero White guy.
I'm a bit of a Holmes-o-phile having read all of the stories and much fan faction over the years. There have been many bastardizations of Sherlock Holmes. I expect a black Holmes some day perhaps Snoop Dogg with a briar pipe full of hashish. However in the case of Lucy Lui (to me-- oddly one of the most unattractive oriental woman, and that from a race of peoples who do manage to churn out slim, raven haired beauties, by the millions) she will be portrayed NOT as faithful sidekick and chronicler but I am sure she will be the brains behind the operation. Whatever hapless White man is selected as her Holmes will suffer the fate of similarly placed characters in this age of anti-white revisionism. And not only will she be smarter, she will be stronger, more level-headed, and superior in every way. Because that is the way the fem-***-jew-neg alliance wants it and they make the movies.

I was not, at first a big fan of the most recent version of Sherlock Holmes on the big screen, the mega-hit versions with Robert Downey Jr. However I have come to admire them for one big reason---Robert Downey portrays Holmes as the biggest, baddest-ass hero around. Not only is he so mentally gifted he can virtually "see" the future, he is more then capable of handling himself physically, he is morally upstanding (for these days anyway) because he has to follow at least some Victorian manners to resemble Holmes in any way , in short the Holmes of Robert Downey is probably the only true White hero on the big screen today.

And kudo's to Robert Downey, a former drug addict who was very near the end of his life because of it, and who has remade himself into arguably the top White leading man of Hollywood.

As the "Ironman/Tony Stark" character Downey is a muscled-playboy-genius-millionaire-superhero, who takes no back seat to anyone. He is intelligent, glib, powerful, a weapons manufacturer no less. Although there is certainly a lot of Cultural Marxist tripe in those movies, as in anything from Hollyweird, it's still nice to see Downey playing a James Bond style All-American hero White guy.

Nice post on Sherlock Holmes, Jax. Like you, I read many of the books, but avoided the recent films. Maybe I’ll give them a try.

I agree about Lucy Lui…how that old, puny, frog-faced waif with zero curves and the frame of an adolescent boy is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, let alone the “world’s hottest Asian woman,” is a true mystery.

While I’ll admit that almost every non-white race (sans perhaps Aboriginal Australians, who may not be entirely human) has, at the very least, “some” attractive women, Lucy Lui isn’t one for Team Asia to boast over…


Nice post on Sherlock Holmes, Jax. Like you, I read many of the books, but avoided the recent films. Maybe I’ll give them a try.

I agree about Lucy Lui…how that old, puny, frog-faced waif with zero curves and the frame of an adolescent boy is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, let alone the “world’s hottest Asian woman,†is a true mystery.

While I’ll admit that almost every non-white race (sans perhaps Aboriginal Australians, who may not be entirely human) has, at the very least, “some†attractive women, Lucy Lui isn’t one for Team Asia to boast over…


This guy was mentioned in the thread on the first page he died today and maybe PED abuse was the cause.......,0,1567203.story
So here's another White comic character portrayed by a negro.


I saw Amazing Spider-Man, the reboot, and thought it was pretty decent. I was looking forward to the follow up but now that I've heard this, I'll pass. There are literally hundreds of White actors who could have adequately played the roll so why use an overrated actor like Foxx? The only positive I can see in this is that Spider-Man will get to whoop this "evil" chump.

P.S. - I saw the latest 007 installment, Skyfall, and was surprised that a classic character is also now portrayed by a black. I won't reveal who, as it's a bit of a plot twist and don't want to ruin it for anyone yet to see the movie. If Idris Elba eventually takes over as Bond, as rumored, the whole series will basically be a blaxploitation.


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