NON-Whites in White Roles

Dixie - Ah, yes, the quote from thefinal chapterof the Solomon Kane story "Wings In The Night". Every black child should learn it by rote...
I was surprised they had a black man play Kingpin. This is one of the few times I remember a black as a villian to a white hero. The only other times were James Earl Jones in the Conan movie and Vennessa Williams in Ugly Betty. Mind you I liked the williams character in UB, so I am not sure she is a villian.
It's official... "The Book of Eli" BOMBED at the theater!
Thanks for the REH quote DD! which makes all the more ironic Hollywood's foolish PC choice for the next Conan. I will make a point now not to see it.

When Howard wrote those words, whites still ruled the world--and then the second fratricidal world war brought white rule to an end by destroying the racially conscious empires of Britain, italy, and germany. even then we still could have had white rule based onan American "Empire", but our elites were and are thoroughly anti-European (FDR, Morgenthau, etc). Then came the UN, the civil "rights" movement, and the strange white self-hatred which arose along with it. it would be interesting if someone were to produce athorough historical study of the propaganda campaign waged against white men. People used to accept and agree with white rule--in a matter of fact way. whites accepted it as normal. who else should rule? blacks? indians?
No doubt the Texas author Howard would be rolling over in his grave if he knew what "Hollyweird" was doing to his famous character. I think Howard's piece
"The Last White Man" was fairly prophetic with it's allusion to the ******* population overthrowing the (castrated) Whites (in 2000), and the hero being a Viking throwback.

***Here's how Conan should look!


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
This is an open question. Which actor would you recommend for the role of Conan.
screamingeagle said:
This is an open question. Which actor would you recommend for the role of Conan.

WWE's "Triple H"...who acted in Blade 2 (I believe).


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Here's the "little" version of black affletic supremacy.. He beez teachin' the Chinese "a lesson" - IN CHINA.. (Yes, I know that info was posted on this site, but it's EVEN more ridiculous to see the trailer!)

"The Karate Kid"

I didn't realize how dark Jaden is... Why don't the Chinese boys' love this adorable fellow? Why don't they gladly give their little girls to him?
Deadlift said:
Here's the "little" version of black affletic supremacy.. He beez teachin' the Chinese "a lesson" - IN CHINA.. (Yes, I know that info was posted on this site, but it's EVEN more ridiculous to see the trailer!)

"The Karate Kid"

I didn't realize how dark Jaden is... Why don't the Chinese boys' love this adorable fellow? Why don't they gladly give their little girls to him?

What a crock of mule squeeze. First of all, what on earth would a single negress be doing in Red China?? Secondly, Jaden Smith looks like a girl...especially with those thug-wannabe "cornrows". Wikipedia says he's 11, but he looks about 8 (...I'm positive my 8 y/o son would whoop his @$$
). When I was 11, I was 6'2 & 185 lbs...about twice the size of this supposed (Hollyweird) "bad@$$"
. This (piece of crapola) "remake's" whole concept is beyond asinine.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
Deadlift said:
Here's the "little" version of black affletic supremacy.. He beez teachin' the Chinese "a lesson" - IN CHINA.. (Yes, I know that info was posted on this site, but it's EVEN more ridiculous to see the trailer!)

"The Karate Kid"

I didn't realize how dark Jaden is... Why don't the Chinese boys' love this adorable fellow? Why don't they gladly give their little girls to him?

What a crock of mule squeeze. First of all, what on earth would a single negress be doing in Red China?? Secondly, Jaden Smith looks like a girl...especially with those thug-wannabe "cornrows". Wikipedia says he's 11, but he looks about 8 (...I'm positive my 8 y/o son would whoop his @$$
). When I was 11, I was 6'2 & 185 lbs...about twice the size of this supposed (Hollyweird) "bad@$$"
. This (piece of crapola) "remake's" whole concept is beyond asinine.

It's a disgrace to the original Karate Kid movies which I love.
Afro Spider-Man


THEN - Toby Maguire


NOW??? - Donald Glover (no relation to Danny Glover)

A BLACK MAN as Peter Parker aka SPIDER-MAN????

You gotta be kidding me!!!!!
And people are actually buying this????
Oh, F**K!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not fond of any of the recent Spider-Man movies, and Toby Maguire seems like a decent fellow. But, this is beyond crazy!!!!Edited by: j41181
Holt Sh**! No wonder I don't watch any new movies. With the way these movies are being taken over and ruined, I hope the bad guys win. This is sickening.
If you go to that link, you'll see that this effort was spurred by a black writer by the name of Marc Bernard1n. Unsurprisingly, he describes the White actors vying for the part as "bland", code word, of course, for "a boring White person". Here it is:

The origins of this latest attempt by social media users to influence
casting decisions occurred last week. After surveying the five mostly
unknown white actors said to be vying for the role, Marc Bernad1n, a writer for
the sci-fi site, called the choices "bland" and asked, "In this
day and age, why does Spidey have to be a White guy?"
In response, commenters threw
out Donald Glover's name as a possible contender, and a Twitter campaign
was born.

There is also talk of making the next James Bond black.

I wonder how the bruvas would like it if they did a remake of "Shaft" and it was played by some White dude. Of course, the first ones to throw a fit at that would be the DWF's...and the MSM would go completely berserk. But, of course, Hollyweird (as Dixie likes to say) would make it a spoof and make the White guy look like a completely imbecilic dweeb or something.
A negro James Bond wouldn't be able to accomplish his mission! He would be consumed in the nightmarish Shark Tank!

Or... come on guys, how would you like to see him fail?
A black bond wouldn't stand a chance against guys like Blofeld, Largo, Zorin, Trevelyan, Jaws, or Oddjob.

Dr. No would've killed him in the first one.

I could list a ton of ways a black bond could die.

The first (and most obvious) he'd probably get killed while he was with some white woman.

If any of you have ever seen "The Man with the Golden Gun" Scarmanga would've made easy work of him in the fun house.

Anyway, I think it would be interesting to see a black bond fail.
j41181 said:
Afro Spider-Man


THEN - Toby Maguire


NOW??? - Donald Glover (no relation to Danny Glover)

A BLACK MAN as Peter Parker aka SPIDER-MAN????

You gotta be kidding me!!!!!

And people are actually buying this????

Oh, F**K!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not fond of any of the recent Spider-Man movies, and Toby Maguire seems like a decent fellow. But, this is beyond crazy!!!!

On the bright side it will get the first black Spiderman and the first gay Spiderman out of the way in the same remake. The Glover character looks like a black model for Abercrombie, Hilfiger, or Ralph Lauren so I'm guessing he has bitten a few pillows to get where he is today.
Edited by: Paleocon
A black "Peter Parker" &/or "James Bond"??!!! What a barge sized load of cultural marxist spewed horse dung!
The fact that (racially castrated, sheeplized) "Whites" can't see this is blatant (anti-White) propaganda is proof positive of the idiocy of (far too many) lemmings!
Looks like people are hyped up about the Karate Kid remake. Ralph Macchio though has mixed feelings about. It makes him feel old he says, and that his original didn't have the star studded premier in 1984 compared to the 2010 remake. That's because it was a sleeper hit, and things were quite different in 1984.

What I find interesting about the remake is that, it aims to promote the Asian girl-Black dude romance. This might start such trend.

I've seen many Asian girl-White guy movies, and The World of Suzie Wong (1960), and You Only Live Twice (1967) are great examples.Edited by: j41181
j41181, are you blind? This movie is a joke, let alone the title. It should be called KUNG FU KID, 'cause Karate has Nothing to do with China, it's a Japanese form of defense/fighting.

The producers/writers of the film are so dumb, they probably can't tell the difference between Kung Fu and Karate. This lame remake just made the original film all the more valuable.

Good sodding luck to the remake!
"A Star is Born" lead actress role has (now) gone from Janet Gaynor (1937), to Judy Garland (1954), (downgraded) to jewess "Bahbah" Streisand (1976) aaaalll the way down to the overrated, under-talented BeYOnce. Furthermore, if Clint Eastwood didn't totally sell out with that piece of cultural marxist propaganda "Invictus"...he has done so with this mess.

EXCLUSIVE: Clint Eastwood To Direct Beyoncé In Musical Of 'A Star Is Born'

By NIKKI FINKE | Thursday January 20, 2011 @ 3:46pm

This is a real shocker, and not just Hollywood but the rest of America should love it. What a coup for Warner Bros getting The Man on this, the 4th version of A Star Is Born. Of course, Clint Eastwood will produce (as always through Malpaso) as well as direct the script by Will Fetters along with producers Billy Gerber and and Basil Iwanyk and Jon Peters (who made the infamous 3rd version of A Star Is Born with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson). No male lead is cast yet, but the possibilities are endless. The project, which has been at WB for several years, had hoped to pair Beyoncé and Will Smith. But how about P Diddy (who's turning into a surprisingly fine actor along with Beyoncé's husband Jayz), Eddie Murphy (reteaming with Beyoncé after Dreamgirls), or any white guy imaginable though Robert Downey Jr and Jon Hamm are names that have been floating?

Hey, I'm one of those huge fans who thinks Clint can do anything. And Beyoncé scored at the box office for Screen Gems -- one of its biggest -- in Obsessed. (And, yes, I do happen to think she can act.) This is going to be a high profile film but low cost since Eastwood is at the helm. The idea is to start shooting in the Fall.

Of course, Clint has had a huge interest in music off and on screen. He intended to major in music theory in college. He learned how not to do a musical when starring in the dreadful Paint Your Wagon (1969). He played that super-cool jazz DJ in Play Misty For Me, his 1971 directorial debut. He sdirected and starred alongside his son Kyle in 1982's *****tonk Man about a Depression-era aspiring country music singer. He directing Bird (1988), a biopic starring Forest Whitaker as jazz musician Charlie "Bird" Parker. He more recently has been doing all his own scores for his movies, including Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby and Changeling. Eastwood also partly scored Gran Torino with his son Kyle and Jamie Cullum.

Warner Bros' idea of a 4th version of A Star Is Born has been floating around for some time now. This pic fell apart and just came back together. Back in January, Deadline reported that Nick Cassavetes was in early talks with Warner Bros to direct an updated version of the well-worn story of a love affair between an alcoholic star on the way down, and a young female artist on the rise. There have been a trio of A Star Is Born versions made since the 1930s, the last one coming in 1976 with Kristofferson playing the boozer and Streisand the wannabe. Or even 4 if you consider What Price Hollywood (1932) made by George Cukor which is often forgotten.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
The black bond would be put into some situation where he has to understand mathematics in order to survive, needless to say he would die quickly.
I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned Will "Revisionist" Smith's latest endeavor. A remake of "Annie" starring his daughter.

Is there any doubt that he's hard at work developing a new Red Sonja movie for his wife to star in?
we now have a black chick as the first (and so far only) actress cast in the newest re-make of a Charlie's Angels show. she is, of course, the smart, serious, and athletic one. sounds realistic!
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