NON-Whites in White Roles

It's historically proven that Cleopatra was a Greek white woman, I am sure you are joking though.

If this Negro "The Rock" takes the role of Heracles and the Greek ministry of arts and culture doesn't do something about it, then I am afraid that Greece has hit rock bottom on every level.

good call.. every historian (& student of history) knows Cleopatra was a member of the White Macedonian ruling class. and for me personally, I dont mind a depiction of a Black Cleopatra for entertainment/sexual purposes.. But a (sub-Saharan) Black Egypt passing as history, is comical.
I guess in the world of Black St. Nicks, Black Babe Ruths, and Black Jesus, I shouldn't expect anything less..
It looks like Hollwyood has n###rized Footloose now with hip hop music and token blacks.******izes-Footloose!!!&referrerid=0

Personally, i thought the original Footloose sucked, but it was still a cult classic with an all white cast, and women love it.

This is just another example of Hollywood trying to defile everything that whites hold dear. A cult classic about small town (white) life is now a multicultural propoganda piece filled with black music to try to promote the further defiling and re-writing of our culture.

Footloose was one of my favorite movies from my youth so it figures they have to go out and ruin it. Haven't these producers learned their lesson from the box office bomb Wild Wild West that anytime you try to remake these movies with blacks in the role of what is supposed to be a white character it inevitably flops. This shows you that the white movie going public isn't completely braindead and isn't buying what Hollyweird is selling.
Footloose was one of my favorite movies from my youth so it figures they have to go out and ruin it. Haven't these producers learned their lesson from the box office bomb Wild Wild West that anytime you try to remake these movies with blacks in the role of what is supposed to be a white character it inevitably flops. This shows you that the white movie going public isn't completely braindead and isn't buying what Hollyweird is selling.
I do not claim to be Nostradamus here but I predicted a decade ago that Hollyweird would eventually run out of ideas and just start rehashing old movies in a more cultural-marrxist format.
I was blown away when I heard they were remaking The Karate Kid. Will Smith's son looks like a turd in a karate gee. Judge Dread is out an new Highlander is coming and it will never end.
Everything has been done under the sun ad nauseum!:icon_sad:
Looks like Michael B Jordan will be playing Johhny Storm aka the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four reboot. It hasn't been revealed yet if they are gonna cast the Invisible Woman as a black too or have her be white and adopted or something stupid.
i recently watched Atlas Shrugged Part II, and just like in Part I the character Eddie Willers was played by a negro ... the "weird" part is that it's a different actor than in Part I. so, despite the fact that in the novel he is described as blonde haired and blue eyed, the folks in charge of the production have gone out of their way to cast two blacks in the role. :twitch:
The Rock is playing Hercules in an upcoming movie. lol

My friend, why does that seem weird to you? When that became known in Greece, minister of culture was this fat, self loathing, anti-Greek (even though born Greek) obese piece of feces: 5--8-thumb-large.jpg

Of course he was PLEASED with such selection and blessed the project!

I mean the same obese monster is responsible for Greece entering the so infamous memorandum that the most powerful ZIONIST lady of Europe (The fat German woman that some call president, Merkel) demanded after pressure of Zionist scums such as Soros, Rothschild and so on.

I mean let's be realistic, the traitors who guided Greece in its financial and cultural disaster would care if a Negro portrays a great mythical hero?

THESE GUYS HAVE DONE EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER FOR NEARLY 40 YEARS NOW TO DESTROY ANYTHING IN THIS COUNTRY. A movie about a great Greek hero with a Negro portraying him will be nothing but the icing on the cake.

But it's ok, the Greek people have clearly wake up and Golden Dawn is coming. Why do you think your American Zionist dominated channels and politicians fear of GD so much? The GD's influences is spreading in all over Europe like an epidemic :)

There are organizations with names such as "Friends of GD" in 28 countries, including places like Australia, South Africa and Argentina. Nothing can stop the white awakening and I am really proud to know that Golden Dawn has played a very significant role to this!
Although this isn't new "news", I don't pay a ton of attention to the offerings from Hollywood, here's another detestable casting decision. Nick Fury, the Marvel comics WWII hero and super-spy, being played by the loathsome Samuel L. "F You" Jackson.


Yep, they look exactly the same.
Ironside, the popular TV show from the seventies is being remade, and of course the White guy is being replaced by a black guy. The great Raymond Burr starred in the original Ironside. I didn't really watch much of the series when it was on but I have come to be a bit of a fan of his earlier series The Perry Mason Show, I defy anyone to watch that show and figure out the actual killer during the show, as the level of deduction necessary to puzzle it out is significant. A show made for a time when the average IQ of the TV watching population was much higher.

The whole point of the original Ironside was to show that brains could be used to solve crime as well as brawn. In an era when physical cops and sheriffs were popular the show was a nice departure from the norm. I won't watch the new version but since it involves two of Hollyweirds favorite subspecies-blacks and cripples, you can bet that not only will the star be the smartest guy around but there will also be plenty of examples of physical prowess, in the same way that modern TV female cops regularly beat hell out of men twice their size.

Expect the black wheelchair bound actor to be every bit as capable as any of the many White criminals he goes against. After all it would be "racist" to insinuate that people in a wheel chair aren't as physically capable as anyone else.


is now:

In Spartacus: Blood and Sand, the great gladiator Oenomaus is portrayed as a negro but in reality he was a white man from Gaul.

All five leaders in the real gladiator revolt were white: Crixus, Castus and Gannicus were also Gauls, while Spartacus was a Thracian.

Otherwise, I enjoyed the Spartacus TV series. Very few Jews were involved in it's making, so many of the whites were portrayed as heroic (Spartacus, Gannicus, Crixus, Mira, etc). Many talented new actors were featured, instead of the same over-exposed people we've seen too much of.
Modern detective shows are terrible. The central element to every detective show should be the weekly mystery. In Columbo the main characters were Columbo, his dog and his car. Pretty much every scene in a Columbo episode was directly related to the murder at hand. If Columbo were remade today 10% would be dedicated to trying to solve the mystery, 40% would be Columbo visiting his shrink, and the other 50% would be Columbo arguing with his wife and ****ing all his coworkers.

If anyone on this site has a Netflix subscription go watch an episode of Bones to see what I mean. Some of the mysteries in that show would interesting if not for the fact that 90% of it is the characters talking about their personal problems. To make up for the fact that 90% of the show has nothing to do with the actual mystery they end up solving the mystery using techniques that are impossible.

Here's a good example of the techniques used in modern crime shows to catch murderers.

Speaking of Perry Mason I'd love a show like that today.

Edit: Then again if they were to make a show like Perry Mason or Matlock today it'd be nothing but the main character defending inner city minorities being framed by the white mein.
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Oh, thanks a lot. Here I was trying to enjoy lunch, and some blob-like yellow sea turtle appears on the screen. I’m sick, hope I can recover in time for Thanksgiving dinner.
It's not a non-white but is anyone else annoyed by how they had to invent a super-girlpower role for The Hobbit amidst the complaints that there were too many men and not enough strong females?

So what? There are plenty of other films out there that cater to exactly what they demand; Brave, Hanna, everything with Angelina Jolie, Alice in Wonderland(2010) ect ect. Yet they feel compelled to disrespect a dead man's work by putting their stink on it just to placate the PC-police.

I loved the first part so I'll see this one too, but it's BS that they created the elf gurl.
Under no circumstances should a non-white play a traditionally white role.
Even worse are those painfully inaccurate propaganda movies that try to rewrite what ACTUALLY happened in history in order to make women and non-Whites feel like they made a bigger contribution than they really did, or try to make non-Whites appear superhuman, as if ultimate victory over an enemy would be impossible if not for magical Blacks.

See the STUPID Red Tails movie, or Flyboys, that asinine WW1 flying film, or any modern gangster prohibition movie (Gangster Squad, I'm looking at you) that tries to make it look like Black mafia bosses or detectives had anything important to say.

STFU already, Hollywood!

Also of incredibly laughable and annoying note are those modern police or detective shows that have super intelligent Black detectives, or young, bada$s female detectives who always bust [White] balls, and—guess what, folks!—these women are always Hollywood pretty!

You know, just like in real life, where women detectives (when they exist) are all sexy.

Uh... huh...
Red Tails pisses me off so much. The movie conveniently fails to mention that the German air force they were fighting was an already defeated force. It was defeated in the year prior to the Tuskagee Airmen even being assembled. Congratulations, you kicked an enemy while he was already down.
STFU already, Hollywood!

Also of incredibly laughable and annoying note are those modern police or detective shows that have super intelligent Black detectives, or young, bada$s female detectives who always bust [White] balls, and—guess what, folks!—these women are always Hollywood pretty!

You know, just like in real life, where women detectives (when they exist) are all sexy.

Uh... huh...

That must be it. All the good looking ones are down in Hollywood. Most of the lady cops around here, egads. I don't want to talk too much smack, but the only interest they could draw from a any male might be from Hans Brinker's little friend.
It's not a non-white but is anyone else annoyed by how they had to invent a super-girlpower role for The Hobbit amidst the complaints that there were too many men and not enough strong females?

So what? There are plenty of other films out there that cater to exactly what they demand; Brave, Hanna, everything with Angelina Jolie, Alice in Wonderland(2010) ect ect. Yet they feel compelled to disrespect a dead man's work by putting their stink on it just to placate the PC-police.

I loved the first part so I'll see this one too, but it's BS that they created the elf gurl.

I wouldn't say annoyed, but maybe viewing it with detached amusement. I work in a profession that's 95% male and I'm pretty tomboyish (wouldn't be on a football site if I wasn't), so people are surprised by how anti-feminist my politics are. When The Mainstream gets all into OMFG GURL POWER YEAHHH I just sit back with an amused smile and say to myself "they're trying way too hard."

I honestly believe that normal women can enjoy the original all-male story of "The Hobbit." It's part of the bigger picture of "normal people can relax and take a break from politics, while cultural Marxists have to be all political, all the time."
......cultural Marxists have to be all political, all the time."
Yes. The Leftist, Cultural Marxist crowd is avowedly anti-"religious", ie: anti-God. So all of this flaking and forming of society IS their religion, it is their purpose for breathing. We look at it as "political", which it is, but to the leftist, it is much more than that.
It's not a non-white but is anyone else annoyed by how they had to invent a super-girlpower role for The Hobbit amidst the complaints that there were too many men and not enough strong females?

So what? There are plenty of other films out there that cater to exactly what they demand; Brave, Hanna, everything with Angelina Jolie, Alice in Wonderland(2010) ect ect. Yet they feel compelled to disrespect a dead man's work by putting their stink on it just to placate the PC-police.

I loved the first part so I'll see this one too, but it's BS that they created the elf gurl.

Very annoyed. From what I've read, the character was the idea of the director's wife. Mrs. Jackson needs a hobby that isn't related to her husband's work. I wasn't thrilled with how they expanded Arwen's part in the trilogy, but this is inventing an entirely new character out of thin air. There is nothing in Tolkien to suggest that female elves are warriors. I can't think of a single example.
It's not a non-white but is anyone else annoyed by how they had to invent a super-girlpower role for The Hobbit amidst the complaints that there were too many men and not enough strong females?

So what? There are plenty of other films out there that cater to exactly what they demand; Brave, Hanna, everything with Angelina Jolie, Alice in Wonderland(2010) ect ect. Yet they feel compelled to disrespect a dead man's work by putting their stink on it just to placate the PC-police.

I loved the first part so I'll see this one too, but it's BS that they created the elf gurl.

Last year I was really into season 1 of the "Vikings" on the history channel. About 5 or 6 episodes into it, the wife/woman of the main character decided to accompany the Vikings on their raiding parties. Not only did she carve up and defeat all her opponents with superior power and swordmanship, she more or less became the leader of the group :icon_rolleyes:. That was the last episode I watched.
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