NON-Whites in White Roles

Jimmy Chitwood said:
we now have a black chick as the first (and so far only) actress cast in the newest re-make of a Charlie's Angels show. she is, of course, the smart, serious, and athletic one. sounds realistic!

From Charlie's Angels to Charlie's "Nappy headed ho's".
Joel and Ethan Coen's remake of 'True Grit' features Hailee Steinfeld as the young girl who hires Rooster Cogburn. Ms. Steinfeld is the neice of 'Body by Jake' Steinfeld and is, as you may have guessed, Jewish. She's also black and Filipino on her mother's side.

The Coen's affection for the character of Mattie Ross, played in the original by Kim Darby, is based on their description of her as 'this perfect little Protestant, this old maid by the age of 12, it's really very cute'. Which reveals a certain obtuseness on their part. The 'True Grit' in the title of the movie and the book it's based on refers to qualities necessary to conquer and civilize a continent in the face of savages and outlaws. Qualities, arguably, unique to whites. While it matters nothing to the Coens for them to cast half-black tribe members as whites it is an affront to history.

Rebecca Hall has been in 'The Town' (as Ben Affleck's love interest) and 'Please Give'. Her mother is black. Her bi-racial background was played for effect in a remake of 'The Wide Saragossa Sea'.

Taco Bell is being sued for advertising their taco filling as being 'beef' when in fact it is less than 35% beef, the minimum content for fast food to be called beef. Truth in advertising is a good thing.Edited by: Charlie
Rebecca halls mother is black? According to wikipedia her mother is Maria Ewing, who looks pretty white too. And like a monster btw.

Rebecca Hall is someone who I would classify as 100% white if I would see her on the street.
Charlie, i don't think ANYONE will realize that this girl is mixed, if that's a fact. Therefore she is okay in that role, everyone will see a smart, precocious and resourceful white girl.
You're both correct in that she (Hall) certainly appears white. And that she is a pretty and talented actress. But here is Ms. Hall's mother, whose parents are described by Wikipedia as, 'Hermina M. (née Veraar), was Dutch, and her father, Norman I. Ewing, was an American of Sioux Native American, Scottish and African-American ancestry.'


I think there is a conjurer's trick at play here.

'Oh, so you find this Jessica Hall girl attractive. Perhaps in the same way you found Jennifer Beals (or was that Jessica Biels?) attractive as she was doing her thing in 'Flashdance'. Yes, you liked that didn't you? Well, sad to inform, but Ms. Beals, and Ms. Hall, are black, at least by Amerikkka's horribly racist standards. Feeling a bit confused aren't we? If you can't tell the difference between a black and a white then how real can race be?'

It's all, I think, part of a plan. The slightest hint of African ancestry entitles one to endless bounty. Yet, when convenient, we are told to ignore race. If there were no advantage, nor disadvantage, to race then simply accepting Ms. Hall as a pretty, seemingly fair-skinned girl is harmless. But is that the world we live in?

Please note that Ms. Hall, for the sake of her career, was able to successfully play, without criticism, a black. I think she qualifies under the title of this thread, a black actor used in a white role.

Would the characters in 'The Town', in both the novel and the movie, have been so blase about race? 'Hey, Ben Affleck's character, I think it's really cool you're dating a black girl. I mean, she's almost white and everything. Almost as pretty as J Lo. I think all the races should get together. That's what prison taught me. I remember my first time in the pen for armed robbery. Blacks are people just like us. You know what I mean? Same hopes and dreams. Just trying to get by in this difficult world.'

Here's a story from the real 'Town' (hometown of Howie Long). Charlestown High School is less than 10% white, and has been for a long time. A Haitian 'student', rumored to be in his 20's, sucker punched a white kid. The whites went home, collected baseball bats, and returned to chase the blacks up and down the halls. Only then did the school administrators see fit to call the police. Ultimately the blacks agreed to be less black in their manner.Edited by: Charlie
In light of the most recent posts about Hailee Steinfeld, Rebecca Hall, Maria Ewing, and Jennifer Beals, I decided to change the thread title.

I'm sure many of you know this already, but I'll post it just in case. Two actors of the SUPERMAN Franchise who are NOT white...

Dean Cain (Lois & Clark), born as Dean George Tanaka in Mount Clemens, Michigan, the son of actress Sharon Sarah Thomas and U.S. Army serviceman Roger Tanaka, who left the family before he was born. Cain is of French Canadian, Irish, Welsh, and Japanese (from his paternal grandfather) descent. In 1969, Cain's mother married film director Christopher Cain, who adopted Dean and his brother (musician Roger Cain)...

Kristin Kreuk (Smallville), Her father, Peter Kreuk, is of Dutch descent; her mother, Deanna Che, is of Chinese descent, but was born in Indonesia; her maternal grandmother was born in Jamaica of Chinese descent.[3][4] Both parents are landscape architects. She has a sister named Justine, who is about five years younger. Kreuk trained in Karate and gymnastics at the national level until high school but quit in 11th grade due to scoliosis.
They are both mixed to degree that it is just about noticeable. Either way both are very good looking people, the main reason for this is ovbiously the european heritage, certainly not the asian.

A lot of people who are mixed european/asian, european/arabic are good looking. But compare them to someone who is mixed african/asian or african/arabic.

Huge difference.
With a release date coming up in August, just thought I'd post another picture of "Conan the Hawaiian" to tick off Rebajlo and Solomon Kane (see page 4 of this thread). I wonder when the remake of "Gone With the Wind" will be made, starring Beyonce and Will Smith?
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FootballDad - Well, that photo has certainly ticked me off all right
. I've just lost plenty of enamel from audibly grinding my teeth. Thankfully, there isn't a cat about for me to kick, as the poor creature would have been booted all the way into Victoria, showering the length of southern New South Wales with mangy fur during the course of it's cloud-piercing trajectory...
it looks like audiences were not quite ready for the Poly Conan as the film crashed and burned on its opening weekend taking a paltry 10m.The film cost 70m to produce and wont do much better internationally.
he didn't do a bad job as a generic barbarian, but certainly far from a VERY EUROPEAN, Teutonic-Celtic Cimmerian that he should be. the best actor in this "picture" was the white kid playing young Conan, Leo Howard.

when the **** are they simply going to adapt al the awesome source material that REH left behind???
it looks like audiences were not quite ready for the Poly Conan as the film crashed and burned on its opening weekend taking a paltry 10m.The film cost 70m to produce and wont do much better internationally.

Great, they certainly won't get any of my shekels. I wouldn't even bother downloading that putrid agitpop.
Last year, they made a movie about a trian runnaway that a White man in real life stopped and save all sorts of lives. They used some black guy to play the role of the White man. I don't know if they'll ever make a movie of that White pilot who ditched his airliner in the Hudson River in NYC and saved everyone's life aboard, but they'd be hard pressed to use a black guy to be the pilot.

Ninety nine percent of people who do heroic things like that are White men. Interesting.

Tom Iron...
Great, they certainly won't get any of my shekels. I wouldn't even bother downloading that putrid agitpop.

Agitpop? Is that some sort of music-based propaganda? :biggrin:

I agree, Jason Momoa makes for one lame “Conan.” As always, Heeby-Wood proves their infinite level of incompetence (coupled with their omnipresent anti-white-male paradigms) with this “remake” of the 1982 film starring Arnold Swartzenegger. Eventually, the Corporate Entertainment Establishment will run out of ideas to steal (and subsequently ruin). Until then, everything they touch will be a copy of copy.

The original Conan the Barbarian is not only a great movie but the score by Basil Paeldouris is the best movie score ever made. Though Jaws and Last of the Mohicans run a close second.
It looks like Hollwyood has n###rized Footloose now with hip hop music and token blacks.******izes-Footloose!!!&referrerid=0

Personally, i thought the original Footloose sucked, but it was still a cult classic with an all white cast, and women love it.

This is just another example of Hollywood trying to defile everything that whites hold dear. A cult classic about small town (white) life is now a multicultural propoganda piece filled with black music to try to promote the further defiling and re-writing of our culture.
courtesy of the folks over at the Council of Conservative Citizens, the most recent example of the fictional, magical negro is in a movie about a dolphin. the most revered of all magical-negro-actors (Morgan Freeman) plays the part of the actual White man, Dan Strzempka.
courtesy of the folks over at the Council of Conservative Citizens, the most recent example of the fictional, magical negro is in a movie about a dolphin. the most revered of all magical-negro-actors (Morgan Freeman) plays the part of the actual White man, Dan Strzempka.

Yeh, arch magical negro Freeman sure looks like Strzempka...

I was at the gym doing some cardio the other day. They have a small movie theather and the movie that was playing was Black Knight with Martin Lawrence. I ended up watching about 20 minutes of it and quickly became sick to my stomach. The movie puts Lawrence in medieval times. What utter crap from Hollywood. The lone negro Lawrence ends up displaying his usual TNB and jive talking while sleeping with the kings daughter and other white women in the movie.
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