NON-Whites in White Roles

F1, the first one is kind of funny, but both are very mild compared to the massive, non-stop trashing the White man takes from Zionist controlled Madison Avenue advertising, Hollyweird films & Hellivision shows, etc. (framed as "humor", drama, or even "fact").

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
jcolec02 said:
Jack Lambert said:
One can't forget the trio of Terminators from the Terminator movies. I've always liked the Terminator movies (1-3 anyways). The Terminators are cool. Hopefully, if anymore Terminator movies are made, the Terminators will still be played be white actors.

Interesting that you brought up the Terminator movies in this thread. Do you know who was originally cast as the Terminator? THATS RIGHT!!none other than O.J. Simpson. The only reason it didnt happen is because James Cameron turned the idea down.

Jack Lambert, wasn't the Arnold terminator called a T-101??? Or am I mistaken? Ironically the third terminator movie made in 2003 had less blacks overall than the 1984 and 1992 movies. The 1992 movie had the genius behind the SkyNet as a black man.

I enjoyed all 4 terminator movies, and am looking forward to a 5th one because there are many questions unanswered. But my main problem is that they ignore previous movies to an extent and some things are illogical. In the third movie they never explain why SkyNet still goes forth even though the chips were destroyed in the molten steel and Cyberdyne Systems blown up in the 2nd movie, unless I missed something. Also, in the 2nd movie the only reason the whole judgement day scenario goes forth is because the black genious makes the advancements based on the first terminator that was destroyed. But if the only way the terminators were created was due to someone making a new system based on the chip of a terminator that travelled back in time, then it's impossible that they would be created in the first place.

Lol I know it's only a movie and I still like them very much, but James Cameron didn't cover all his bases, that's for sure!
the the Terminator played by arnold is the CSM-101 ( cyberdyne systems model 101) Kyle Reese calls it in the T1. He goes on to talk about the "old 600 series with rubber skin", and arnold is new (800 series ie T-800) with living skin, blood, bad breath etc. Arnold is a csm 101 with the 800 series exterior, i think.
Then theres the T-1000, liquid metal terminator. I stopped caring about the franchise after T2...
I just remember the series of terminator Arnold was, so I listed that. I forgot his model number. I just remember hearing T-800. The Terminator movies so far have been very white overall. The only important black characters I remember were Dyson (Skynet creator), and the Police chief from the 1984 movie. I haven't seen the fourth movie yet, just T-1 through T-3. I liked and enjoyed all of the Terminator movies I saw.

Speaking of Arnold, I watched the movie Red Heat this past weekend. I liked James Belushi's quote when Arnold and him are sitting in a parking garage.

Belushi: (After he sees 4 or 5 huge black villians walking toward them.):" Oh, great. We got a pro basketball team coming toward us - with guns!"
The first Terminator movie remains one of my favorites. I didn't like the second one when it came out, but it's aged pretty well. Unfortunately, besides the absurdity of Arnold's terminator coming back as a "good guy," the film has a very strong PC bent, with Linda Hamilton turned into a prototype of today's ridiculous ass-kicking, de-feminized "super woman," and Arnold emasculated by a neutered John Connor, who doesn't allow him to kill anyone. Have zero interest in the third one and any beyond that.
DixieDestroyer said:
DL, good call...I'm sure the little "brutha" will be fighting the evvvvil White villians...and whoopin' them as well.

Will Smith is the quintessential CultMarx pushed "actor"...overhyped, undertalented & always shooting off his mouth trying to be a smooth comedian. The rootless cosmopolitans in Hollyweird loooove pushing the no-talent rappers-turned-actors onto the sheeple (LL Cool J, Ludicris, Will Smith). These 2-bit, hack "actors" wouldn't have been allowed on a movie studio lot to as much as clean a toilet back in Hollywood's Golden Age.
However, as the Z.O.G gained more power, their lust to murky up the waters of American culture grew as well.

I honestly have no idea why Hollywood feels the need to do a remake of such a classic and relatively well made 1980's film.

When I heard that Will Smith's son was going to be casted as the main
star I thought he'd end up getting bullied around by racist White
youngsters and that he'd need the help of lol Jackie Chan (The new Mr.
Miyagi) to overcome his racial persecution.

Well it turns out, he is the victim of racial harassment. Chinese racial harassment!

The trailer featured Jaden Smith pimping on some little Chinese girl,
but the Chinese boys in his school didn't that kindly to a brotha'
putting the moves on one of their women. Just when he's about to get
beaten down Rodney King style Jackie Chan rushes in to save the day! So
they actually have a 50 year old Martial Arts expert fighting and
beating the crap out of a couple of 10-12 year old kids!! hahahaha

The trailer looks pretty lame, I hope the film bombs at the box office.
Kalo said:
DixieDestroyer said:
DL, good call...I'm sure the little "brutha" will be fighting the evvvvil White villians...and whoopin' them as well.

Will Smith is the quintessential CultMarx pushed "actor"...overhyped, undertalented & always shooting off his mouth trying to be a smooth comedian. The rootless cosmopolitans in Hollyweird loooove pushing the no-talent rappers-turned-actors onto the sheeple (LL Cool J, Ludicris, Will Smith). These 2-bit, hack "actors" wouldn't have been allowed on a movie studio lot to as much as clean a toilet back in Hollywood's Golden Age.
However, as the Z.O.G gained more power, their lust to murky up the waters of American culture grew as well.

I honestly have no idea why Hollywood feels the need to do a remake of such a classic and relatively well made 1980's film.

When I heard that Will Smith's son was going to be casted as the main
star I thought he'd end up getting bullied around by racist White
youngsters and that he'd need the help of lol Jackie Chan (The new Mr.
Miyagi) to overcome his racial persecution.

Well it turns out, he is the victim of racial harassment. Chinese racial harassment!

The trailer featured Jaden Smith pimping on some little Chinese girl,
but the Chinese boys in his school didn't that kindly to a brotha'
putting the moves on one of their women. Just when he's about to get
beaten down Rodney King style Jackie Chan rushes in to save the day! So
they actually have a 50 year old Martial Arts expert fighting and
beating the crap out of a couple of 10-12 year old kids!! hahahaha

The trailer looks pretty lame, I hope the film bombs at the box office.

Chinese racial harassment? I have yet to see in my entire life a situation where Chinese were harassing blacks though I have seen the reverse too many times to count. It just doesn't happen but this film is just another to make blacks look as victims.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
whiteathlete33 said:
Chinese racial harassment? I have yet to see in my entire life a situation where Chinese were harassing blacks though I have seen the reverse too many times to count. It just doesn't happen but this film is just another to make blacks look as victims.

I wrote this back in June on IMBD when I first heard that this movie was in production:

Jaden Smith, the new Karate Kid.

Are you ready for the The Karate Kid remake? No, not The Karate Kid
part 5, but the original Karate Kid movie just remade. Why would they
do this? I have no clue, I guess so they can just throw the other
Karate Kid movie away and say that it never existed and don't you
question it.

Jaden Smith won acclaim for playing the part of Will Smith's son in the
"Pursuit of Happiness." He is now a much sought after young actor. His
first big project will be the remake the "Karate Kid." His success is
guaranteed becuase they already know people will go and see the film
because they know the basic story will be the same and the spirit of
the movie will be inspiring and uplifting. At least that's how the
first film was. How will this one be different, I don't know. But I
think I'll give it a shot and after the movie screens we will see if
I'm right or not.

Daniel Larusso, first of all, will not be his name, it sounds too
ethnically Italian. His new name will be Tyrone Biggles. Tyrone moves
from the tough inner city streets of East LA to an upper class
predominantly white school in Beverly Hills. He is a math whiz, a
straight A student, a great chess player, a poet, and he was wasting
his talent away at the crumbling public education cesspool because the
Republican leadership of the city cut funding!

Tyrone is having a hard time fitting in until a few friendly students
invite him to a party at the beach, much like the first one. He notices
a beautiful Blonde haired girl eyeing his physical prowess as he
dominates the sand of a volleyball game. With every spike and point he
makes his new friends glare at each other in amazement. After the game,
the beautiful blonde, Heather, approaches him to talk. They hit it off
and are getting along great until David, Heather's ex, notices the two
getting a little friendly and makes a big racist scene! Calling Tyrone
a ****er and saying that no woman of his is ever going to make it with
a brotha'. Tyrone will then suffer a beating at the hands of an
obviously well trained Karate student.

Tyrone brushes off the incident and heads home heartbroken and
humiliated. He soon befriends an Okinawan man named Miyagi (played by
Jackie Chan) and Mr. Miyagi explains that he too was victimized and
discriminated against by Whites when he first came to America. Tyrone
begins his training with Miyagi by performing the same seemingly
unnecessary tasks, but this is where it gets interesting.

Tyrone and Miyagi go to the Dojo where they are to challenge the Cobra
Kai's in the Karate tournament. And who plays the part of Sensai of the
Cobra Kai? Why it's the same guy who played Johnny Lawerance in the
first film and he's a openly racist retired Iraq War Veteran with an
obsession for violence and cruelty. He was discharged from the Army for
his role in the murder of some Iraqi civilians. Since then, he's been
teaching Karate to only young White kids. He tells them that Whites
need to defend the streets of Southern California against Blacks thugs
and other third world immigrants. He tells them that non-Whites deserve
no mercy! Go figure, I told you it was going to get interesting.

Tyrone and Heather continue their dangerous relationship even though
her father and mother don't approve of her dating a young Black boy.
Tyrone must endure incredible odds to keep the woman he loves and gain
the respect of his adversaries.

Throughout the Karate tournament, as Tyrone and David work their way
through the competition on their eventual rendezvous in the final
match, we hear 50 cent's version of Joe Esposito's "You're the Best"
done as a hardcore rap tune with pounding bass and a muffled wailing
guitar off in the distance.

In the final scene, as Tyrone stands in the crane technique waiting for
David to charge so he can release the crane and all it's glory, but we
get a surprise. David dodges the crane kick, and oh my god how did this
happen? Perhaps David watched the Karate Kid 2 already? Just as David
dodges the kick, Tyrone comes down with a hard left handed bitch slap
to win the point and the Tournament to which Tyrone remarks, "My
Grandmama taught me that."
Funny stuff!!! Welcome to the board.

The only chinese "racial harassment" I can ever remember is many years ago a group of blacks went down to Chinatown and were doing their thing as far as running around causing trouble when they were severely beaten by some Chinese gang members. This happened downtown Manhattan, not in a black neighborhood. So who were the instigators? I never heard of a similar situation of blacks carrying on in Chinatown after that.

Tom Iron...
On this same note, years ago, there used to be a little Italian section of Harlem, from 116St to 119St, from Pleasant Ave. to the FDR. A black guy robbed and beat a little old lady and was found shot dead in the street. One black guy said at the time that there were all sorts of soldiers who lived in that area, but none of them were in the US army.
Unfortunately, that's the only thing blacks really understand.

Tom Iron...
The above picture hastruly set me off!!!!!!!

So the barbarian from Cimmeria, the sombre land of everlasting woods, where the clouds piled forever on the hills, a quintessentially white Northernnation is now some kind of Pacific Islander? Unbelievable.

I grew up constantly reading and re-reading Robert E. Howard's tales of Conan, Kull, Cormac Mac Art, Turlogh Dubh, Cormac Fitzgeoffrey, Bran Mak Morn, Solomon Kane, and all the rest and I firmlybelieve that Howard is probably (once again) turning in his grave at this news. I guess that the author's vision of the character is now completely (as opposed to mostly) irrelevant. Being a purist, I was of the opinion that, apart from the soundtrack and general "look",the Schwarzenegger films were utter rubbish (not to mention the risible yet lachrymose Kull movie), but this is on a completely different plane of insult. Howard would have doubtlessly been disgusted at the pitiful Schwarzenegger-era scripts (complete with the obligatory 80's martial tuition from an Asiatic "master"), but at least the character was portrayed as a white man. But this lunacy? I feel like tossing my damned laptop straight through the wall - it's all too much...
Right, a few hours have passed and I've calmed down a bit
. This is the post which I originally intended to make prior to being unhinged by the sight of that creature cast as Conan.

Here's another example ofa white comic book character transmogrifying into a black character via PC casting. Please compare the following:

Exhibit A (Wilson Fisk - The Kingpin, as traditionally portrayed in Marvel's Daredevil and Spider-Man comics)


Exhibit B (Fat-lipped Negro in blaxploitation pose, the Kingpin character featured in the 2003 film version of Daredevil)


Edited by: Rebajlo
I have quite a few Marvel trading cards. From my 1990 Kingpin card, I see that he's listed as 6'7" and 450 pounds.

No wonder they turned him into a negro!
At least there is a chance of tobacco related illness from the cigar.
Speaking of comic book characters, the American comic book industry has always been largely dominated by Jews and they have used it as a seemingly innocent and whimsical, hencemuch-overlooked, propaganda device.
The great Marvel guru, Stan Lee (Stanley Lieber) is, of course, Jewish and he had a hand in creating most of the firm's "flagship" characters. Jack "King" Kirby (Jacob Kurtzberg) and Joe Simon, the co-creators of the iconicCaptain America - you guessed it, Jews. On the DC side of the ledger,Superman co-creators Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel were Yids, as was Bill Finger, who co-created most of the stock Batman characters. Industry giant Will Eisner, creator of The Spirit, can also be filed under the "Jewish" category. Like that other major 20th century medium - cinema - the comics industry was a largely Jewish domain, andgenerally remains so, especially at the executive / editorial levels.
well, speaking, as one of REH's "characters", and a big fan of REH, yes he must spinning in his grave.---Glad to meet a fellow fan: rebajlo.....
Howard was indeed one of the most race-conscious authors in american history. His heroes are whites: usually celts, but also nordic, germanic types. One of his themes is the western barbarian as the supreme fighting man: whomust combat both sneaky civilized "easterners" and savage "southern" peoples--primitive tribesmen. the same theme is found in the adventure novels of edgar rice burroughs--whites as the great adventurers. They were also seen as protectors of the good primitives (see Solomon Kane's solicitude for the black tribesmen he encounters--he protects them from slavers and preternatural forces). REH was a Texan--he didn't hate blacks but he didn't believe in integration, or in black rule. He would have seen a black-ruled south africa as a bad thing.

Yes, stan lee has not helped. although marvel did a good job with conan the barbarian, it is otherwise very pro-judaic and very liberal. to me the worst comic was Sgt. Fury's howling commandos--a ridiculous comic which constantly mocked germans. also bad were the early captain america comics--which argued for american intervention in WW2 and presented germans and japanese as bloodthirsty vampires. really revolting stuff and--ironically --truly racist.

interesting---i didn't know that about Kirby---why do some Jews feel the need to hide their identity---even in friendly america?
Solomon Kane - great moniker, mate!

Your comments regarding the works of Howard and Edgar Rice Burroughs are spot on. Despite having a cult following among hard-core sword-and-sorcery fans and certain fantasy fans, Robert E. Howard is comparatively very little known as an author, let alone as the creator of Conan. Most people believe that Conan is simply a Schwarzenegger characterthat sprang out of thin cinematic air. Many less-than-knowledgeable generic fantasy readers (and there are more than enough of those
) are actually convinced that Robert Jordan invented the character, based on the ready availability of omnibus editions of that ordure which comprises Jordan's 1980s pastiches (i.e., the Conan Chronicles - groan...).

As a kid, I was drawn to Howard's writings because of his vivid storytelling: the language; the images which simply engulf the reader with their immediacy, as if one is in amongst the action; that "old style" fireside quality. I was equallyimpressed byHoward's "racial awareness", as You put it. This was something which imbued the stories with a visceral essence that only served to amplify my enjoyment - these were attitudes that I could definitely relate to, even at a very early age. For example, as You doubtlessly know, "Shadows in Zamboula" features less-than-politically correct descriptions of the black Darfari cannibals and the corruption of race-mixing among the populace. This is the kind of stuff that wasn't to be found in more "standard" fantasy works - and I liked it!

Personally, I always preferred the black-and-white Savage Sword to the colour Conan the Barbarian. The colour version seemedoverly repetitive and definitely dragged on for way too long - but that's my humble opinion.

As for comics in general, looking at my above post it appears that in my typing haste, I embarrassingly forgot to mention Batman creator Bob Kane (Robert Kahn) as being Jewish. As You mentioned vis-a-vis Kirby, Jews always felt the need to hide their identities. How manypeople who read L'il Abner back in the 50's and 60's would have thought that Al Capp (Alfred Caplin), whose characters were "hillbillies",was a Yid? I always like to surprise people by mentioning that screen icon Lauren Bacall is Shimon Peres' cousin, unlikely as it seems.

Back when whites were still only partially indoctrinated, the Jews always changed their names to avoid drawing attention to their various monopolies in the entertainment industries - after all, the goyim may become suspicious and wish to throw a few spanners into the works. Once the Jewish financial and political power bases were fully secure and political correctness hadcommenced it's reign, the Jews started to officially come out of the woodwork. The largely Jewish themed Seinfeld appeared in 1989, followed by The Nanny(Cue annoying nasal voice: "I'm Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewiiiiiiiiiish!!!!!!!!!!!"). That talentlessfat sl*g Roseanne Barr started to flaunt her Jewishness during the 1990's - all of a sudden, in the Age of Anti-Discrimination, it became trendy to be openly Jewish...Edited by: Rebajlo
Rebajlo--You're right REH--a natural storyteller. He always called his stories "yarns"--spontaneous and natural. "Shadows in Zamboula" a very "racial" story. Another one: I forget the name of the story-- involves one of Conan's friends Almuric. Almuric isthe only white guy in asmall band of mercenary adventurers. they capture a white girl and thenon-whites plan to rapeher. So Almuric at first pretends that he has no objections to what is going to take place, but once the otherslet their guard down, Almuric kills all three.there's a real sense of white chivalric honor against black brutality.

I agree with you: "Savage Sword" was much better, and definitelycloser to the spirit of REH.

(Dark Horse is reprinting all the old savage swords, by the way.)

what do you think of theDark Horse Conan? I think itsgood, though I think they make Conan into more of an SOB than he really was (the color Marvel comic made him too "noble"). But that's Conan I guess--"gigantic melancholy and gigantic mirth...a thief, a reaver, a tread the jeweled thrones of the earth under his feet"

I'm in substantialagreement with your analysis of jewish patterns of behavior in the entertainment world(though just as an aside--and I hope I don't sound PC--the "Y" word might be considered a little too sharp here). Cheers.

Edited by: Solomon Kane
Solomon - I have a full run of Dark Horse Conans, largely as a result of my collector's mentality
(although I'm missing some of the mini-series). To be honest,I haven't read one in over a year, as these daysI like to read several issues spanning entire arcs at a time. I have a standing order with adealer in Sydney, as there are no comic shops in my neck of the woods (they are pretty thin on the ground outside of the state capital cities) and I travel up once every month or two to fetch them. One trip into the "multicultural paradise" of central Sydney per couple of months is more than enough. I stash the issues away until I'm in the mood for a comics spree

Being a hard-core purist, I tend to be (surprise, surprise) hypercritical
. I remember really looking forward to the Dark HorseConan project, as the great selling point was that the writers would be faithful to Howard's original stories and vision. While I knew that the current climate would never allow any writer to be too faithful to these ideals, I still hoped that these new offerings would be "palatable". I wasn't overly keen on the preview samples of the much-hyped Cary Nord's artwork (although the colouring looked nice and bright), but thought "Yes, Conan's finally back!".

The initial issues weren't too bad, but once the action moved to Hyperborea (which, admittedly, was very early on) I thought that things went badly awry, asthe Hyperborea which was presented was nothing like what it should be. Later issues varied in quality, some being very good, while others were just abysmal.

You mentioned that Conan is portrayed as more of an SOB, which is true - yet again, the writersare getting things a bit wrong. Issue #16 particularly stands out in my memory, complete with idiotic cover art(mind You,I only remember the number because I mistakenly purchased two copies
). Conan casually backhands a small boy across the chops simply because the boy spoke to him. Not very impressive at all...

On a lighter note, I used to enjoy reading the letters column in Savage Sword where, very occassionally, some chip-on-the-shoulder black or a white do-gooder would write in complaining about the magazine's portrayal of blacks as primitive tribesmen. Such morons would blather on about the supposedly advancedpeoples of "ancient Africa", citing the Egyptians as evidence of "black African" civilisation. Priceless!!!
Rebajlo said:
Right, a few hours have passed and I've calmed down a bit
. This is the post which I originally intended to make prior to being unhinged by the sight of that creature cast as Conan.

<div> </div>
<div>Here's another example of a white comic book character transmogrifying into a black character via PC casting. Please compare the following:</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Exhibit A (Wilson Fisk - The Kingpin, as traditionally portrayed in Marvel's Daredevil and Spider-Man comics)</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Exhibit B (Fat-lipped Negro in blaxploitation pose, the Kingpin character featured in the 2003 film version of Daredevil)</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
If you wanted a White actor the guy that played Bull Shannon(Richard Moll) in Night court could probably play this character. Or maybe Donald Gibb who played Ogre in Revenge of the Nerds.
It's looks like "The Book of Eli" - wiff Denzelll - has essentially bombed at the theater. I don't really see advertising for it anymore.

The trailers were boring/lame and the average joe (me included, because I didn't read the book) can't figure out what the movie is really about.

I think that's why, in it's 2nd week of release, the film was 3rd place at the box office behind "Avatar" and "Legion" - with 17 million. I'm also willing to bet that a pretty significant amount of people watching it were black women.

I can kind of "understand" people getting sucked-in to the Will Smiff "comedies" - but this Denzel saving the world (crap) was just too serious!!
Don't forget aliases for Jewish sportscasters. Mel Allen, from Birmingham, AL, comes to mind. With a real name like Melvin Allen Israel, no wonder he was so legendary in NY. That said, I enjoyed him on "This Week in Baseball", and I would've loved to hear Mel do a Yankee game back in day (and Red Barber do a Dodger game). I believe they went in together as the first inductees in the announcers wing of the HOF.

Riddlewire said:
Here's your new Conan the Barbarian.


"The ancient empires fall, the dark-skinned peoples fade and even the demons of antiquity gasp their last, but over all stands the Aryan, white-skinned,cold-eyed, dominant, the supreme fighting man of the earth." Robert E Howard
American Freedom News